The biography of Pavel Priluchny is full of life's hardships, tragedies, betrayals and... even mysticism. But, like in a good movie, this script, written by someone from above, has a happy ending. Pavel Priluchny not only became famous, but also found family happiness with his wife Agata Muceniece. However, in Lately There are rumors that Pavel Priluchny is getting a divorce. Is there really a dark streak in the actor’s life again?..

Pavel Priluchny and his wife Agata Mutseinetse: are they really getting a divorce?!

They met on the set of the series “Closed School”. Pavel Priluchny, already having behind him the baggage of several small roles in television series, this time played one of the key characters. Agatha, a beautiful Latvian, played Pavel's beloved.

Romantic story line smoothly transitioned from the series to real life. And now Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece are already husband and wife.

Are Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece getting divorced? - Does not look like it!

True, the media learned about the wedding only after the fact. In one of the interviews, Pavel was asked if it was true that he and Agatha were officially married. The actor did not deny it and answered the journalist’s question in the affirmative. True, the press was unable to obtain more information about the wedding of the stars of the series “Closed School”. Only a couple of photographs from the modest wedding ceremony were at the disposal of the ubiquitous paparazzi. The guys neglected traditional wedding dresses. The bride and groom chose black for their wedding.

Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece: everything is just beginning

Soon after the wedding, Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece become happy parents. Timofey – long-awaited firstborn in a young family. Despite the fact that Pavel was only 25 years old at the time of the birth of his first child, he took his parental responsibilities seriously. The actor understood that now he was the main breadwinner in the family and literally spent days and nights on film sets.

Pavel Priluchny with his wife and son

Due to a busy work schedule and dramatic changes in his personal life, which inevitably arose with the birth of a child, Pavel began to increasingly show his hot temper and lash out at loved ones. The actor's wife Agata Muceniece admits that her husband was going to divorce her more than once or even twice. Here is just one of the cases told by the wife of Pavel Priluchny.

“On the set of the TV series “Quest,” where they starred together, Priluchny managed to make me jealous of the cameraman: “You’re looking in his mouth!” - “A complete fool?!” We came home and had a fight. They broke dishes. Pasha shouted that he would file for divorce tomorrow. I am silent for a long time. But when they really bother me, I’ll answer in such a way that it won’t seem too much. Word for word - and away we go. Cups and plates fly. That time we literally destroyed rented apartment in Riga, even the door was knocked down. The next morning they covered their tracks and made repairs. Pasha asked for forgiveness: what can you do, he’s so hot-tempered. The child, fortunately, did not see any of this; he was visiting my mother.”

It turns out that Pavel Priluchny is very jealous. And she is jealous of her wife of anyone whom she had the imprudence to smile at or say hello to. And at a party in one of the capital’s clubs, he became so angry with the journalist for asking what his wife was wearing that he answered the poor fellow in a rude and obscene manner.

But so far, the actor’s difficult character, fortunately, has not led to a final break in relations. In addition, quite recently, in March 2016, in acting family Priluchnykh-Mutseniece became one more person. Pavel and Agatha had a daughter, who was unusually and very affectionately named Mia.

Pavel Priluchny with his wife Agata Muceniece and newborn daughter Mia

Pavel Priluchny: the actor’s personal life on Instagram

Theatre, cinema, and, of course, family - all this can be found on Pavel Priluchny’s Instagram. The actor, unlike many other stars, boldly posts photos of his beloved wife and children on his page, sharing the most personal moments of his life with subscribers.

Pavel Priluchny with his wife and children (photo from the actor’s Instagram)

Favorite dog of the Priluchny family - Muceniece - Staff Valli

But the actor avoids taking photos with mysterious strangers. Maybe with my theater colleagues. All because main woman both in life and on Pavel Priluchny’s Instagram, his beloved wife still remains... and now also his daughter Mia.

Pavel Priluchny: what is his height, weight, age?

The biography of Pavel Priluchny states that the actor was born on November 5, 1987 in the city of Shymkent in Kazakhstan. True, the Priluchny family was soon forced to leave their home and move to the Novosibirsk region, to the town of Berdsk. There, still very little, 4-year-old Pavel, his parents decided to send him to the boxing section and at the same time enrolled him... in classical choreography. But this is easily explained. Pavel's father was a professional boxer, and his mother taught dancing. In the future, as the actor himself admits, both were useful to him. Although the boy did not attend choreography lessons as willingly as boxing classes.

Pavel Priluchny in childhood

His father passed away early, and Pavel, who was 14 years old at that time, had to grow up quickly. The guy showed those qualities that later helped him move to Moscow, enter first the Moscow Art Theater School and then the prestigious acting courses at GITIS. During this bright and carefree period in the life of any student, Pavel Priluchny falls in love... with the Hollywood actress Nikki Reed, the vampire Rosalie from the Twilight film saga.

Pavel Priluchny and Nikki Reed: their romance was bright, but short-lived

The Hollywood movie star long and persistently sought a Russian guy. I went to all his performances, sent a car with a personal driver, who took the guy to the fashionable Baltschug Hotel, where Nikki Reed lived during her stay in Moscow. The Hollywood celebrity even got a tattoo with the name of her Russian lover... But soon the stormy international romance came to an end. The actress flew overseas, and Priluchny’s communication with Nikki Reed came to naught.

Pavel Priluchny and Nikki Reed: their romance did not end with a happy ending

But Paul had no time to suffer and mourn his overseas love. He threw himself into his work and soon became one of the most sought-after young Russian actors. TV series “Closed School”, “Major”, “Run!”, “Gamers” films “Children under 16...”, “At the Game”... Not the least role in such wild popularity of Priluchny among Russian directors is played by the actor’s athletic physique. Pavel’s height is 180 cm, weight – 75 kg.

Today Pavel is a real star. He has an army of thousands of fans, the actor is invited to the most rated television shows. One of the most striking recent appearances of the star of the series “Major” is Ivan Urgant’s program “Evening Urgant”.

Pavel Priluchny, his wife and children: photos from the wedding and from his personal archive

Pavel Priluchny and his wife Agata Muceniece have been together for several years. During this time, they managed to formalize their relationship and give birth to two charming children, son Timofey and daughter Mia.

Wedding of Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece

The actor’s beloved family, as he himself admits, often visits him during filming. Only my youngest daughter has to be left at home with her grandmothers and a nanny.

The actor’s wife, a former international model, admits that she had not heard of actor Pavel Priluchny until their paths crossed on the set of the series “Closed School.”

“I remember very well the first time I saw Priluchny. I, a third-year student at VGIK, went to the Serednikovo estate, where they filmed outdoor scenes. I got there by car, which was sent for me and the artist Andrei Neginsky. “We also need to find Priluchny, he’s walking around here somewhere,” said the driver. “Oh, Pasha is our star,” Andrey exclaimed enthusiastically. - Now you will see him! - Is he playing my boyfriend? - Yes... I remember how long we drove around in the car, the driver called Pasha back on the phone - he couldn’t figure out where he was standing. Then I saw him through the window: in a long dark coat, with black ears instead of a hat. Before I could get into the car, he turned to me: “Listen, do you have a boyfriend?” - Wow question! I later learned that Pasha loves to baffle people. And then, confused but honestly, she answered: “Yes.” Eat. - Well, don’t talk to me then! - he barked. And he turned away."

At that time, Agata had a serious relationship with ballet dancer Dima Bilan, dancer Artem Alekseev. The young people made plans for the future and wanted to get married...

Agata Muceniece and Artem Alekseev

But then Pavel Priluchny intervened. He later admitted that at first sight he fell in love with his partner on the set. And after the scene of one kiss, Agatha realized that Pavel was the man of her dreams. True, the authors had to make some adjustments to the script of the series and “kill” the heroine Agatha. The girl was filmed while pregnant, and her belly soon became very noticeable...

Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece waiting for a miracle

The first child, a boy, Timofey, made significant adjustments to the couple’s relationship. Pavel Priluchny honestly admits that with the birth of his son, the former romance faded into the background. Although the actor does everything possible to make his wife feel loved and desired.

“Now there is no time for romantic dinners by candlelight. There are a lot of hassles, albeit pleasant ones, that are associated with children. But I still try to somehow distract Agatha. I often give flowers. Even though it's a small thing, it's nice. If I go somewhere, I definitely bring her gifts.”

The couple decided to stop at one child, although in the future they did not exclude the possibility of adding another son or daughter to their family. But the second pregnancy came as unplanned as the first. And although the couple were not quite ready for such a wonderful surprise, they still greeted this news with joy. This is how little Mia appeared in the family.

Pavel Priluchny with children (photo from Instagram)

True, even such an exemplary family man as Pavel can find it difficult to resist temptations directly related to his profession. And what normal man can resist such a beauty as Vera Brezhneva? The actress and singer became Pavel's partner on the set of the series "Major 2". Her first photo from the shoot, with Pavel, caused a lot of speculation and gossip. And this signature...

Pavel Priluchny and Vera Brezhneva on the set of the continuation of the series “Major”

“He's nearby. Now you can work in peace. Pleasant acquaintance, pleasant cooperation..."

Paul, in turn, also did not remain in debt and responded to Vera with courtesy for courtesy:

“Not only a wonderful Artist, but also good man, and this is important - not to deteriorate in popularity!

But Paul bravely withstood this test. And we also need to pay tribute to the wife of Pavel Priluchny, who, like all ideal wives, tries to be wise and judicious. She is not jealous of her husband not only of his beautiful colleagues on the set (although their romance began on the set!), but also of Pavel’s exes.

“I don’t see the point in jealousy. Well, we met actress Renata Piotrovsky at the premiere of the film, I know that she and Pasha had a relationship. Good girl. We stopped and chatted with her. Renata, like me, is from the Baltic states, and we are both actresses - new projects, films, there is something to discuss. Why should I treat her badly, what does her and Pasha’s common past have to do with it? What now, if she calls, I will growl into the phone: “Forget our number forever!”? It's stupid!

The news that the stars of the popular mystical series “Closed School” Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece got married appeared in April 2012. As it turned out, the wedding took place in complete secrecy; the parents of the lovers were not even present at the celebration.

A few months later, in August, information appeared that the young couple were expecting an addition to the family. Priluchny and Muceniece themselves refrained from any comments. And only recently Pavel and Agatha decided to break the stubborn silence and gave frank interview, in which they told the details of their novel.

Dating history

Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny met on the set of “Closed School.” Moreover, Agatha categorically did not like Pavel. “Such a handsome guy who caught a “star.” For the first two months, we didn’t communicate with him at all,” HELLO! quotes Muceniece. Everything changed soon after an issue of a men's magazine with Agatha's photo shoot was released. Pavel suddenly spoke to her and even offered her a ride to the metro. There they stood on for a long time in a traffic jam and talked about everything under the sun.

At that time, Agatha was not free, and Priluchny made a lot of efforts to achieve her. “I was very offended by her inaccessibility. She was friendly to me, but I felt like I wasn’t really connecting with her in any way. It feels like you’re banging your head against a wall!” – said Priluchny.

The culmination of the intensity of passions was the filming of a kiss, because in the series Agatha and Pavel played lovers. Priluchny refused to kiss Muceniece. “Later it turned out that at that moment he was holding on with all his might so as not to fall head over heels in love. But I dreamed of a kiss,” admitted Agatha.

However, the scene was successfully filmed, and the romance between Muceniece and Priluchny developed. The lovers got married secretly. Agatha explained: “We didn’t want to advertise this event because we decided to start a family and not arrange a PR event.” The lovers invited only those closest to them and dressed in black so as not to attract attention. Parents were unable to come to registration. By the way, Agatha took her husband’s surname - now she is Priluchnaya.

Pavel admitted: “Before I met Agatha, I was a complete goofball, I went to great lengths! Agatha saved me. I realized: if I met a girl who really interested me, then I need to grab her, take her to the registry office and start a completely different life - an adult, conscious, with different values.”

In early May, the couple learned that they were having a child. Despite the fact that Agatha and Pavel wanted a child, they did not expect that he would be born so soon.

“The knowledge that you will become a dad is invigorating. If I worked a lot before, now I don’t refuse any projects - filming, voice acting, whatever it is,” Priluchny said.

Agata admitted: “I’m not afraid of anything with Pasha, I wish such a husband for every woman. For some reason I am confident that we will cope with all the difficulties and everything will be fine.”

One of the most beautiful acting couples of our time never tires of delighting their fans with photos together. Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece have been happily married for several years. Find out their biography and details of their personal lives right now!

Pavel Priluchny

Born on November 5, 1987 in the family of a boxer and choreographer. His father died when Pavel was 11 years old. My childhood occurred during a very difficult period in the life of the country - the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of many criminal groups. After his father’s funeral, he decided to leave his native Shymkent for Russia. From that moment it began independent life, since the mother remained in Kazakhstan. The new place of residence was the city of Berdsk, which is located in the Novosibirsk region. Here he started boxing, but after receiving more than ten concussions, he decided to give up this hobby.

Hard time

Live in big city brought many material problems. Pavel enters a choreographic school, but lack of money forces him to leave his studies. Later he was accepted into the budget Novosibirsk Theater School. The guy has to earn extra money as a loader and courier in order to provide himself with a tolerable existence.

He decides to continue his studies in Moscow. The capital greeted the new resident unfriendly: on the very first day he was cruelly deceived. Pavel decides to rent an inexpensive apartment and contacts a real estate agency. He had to leave 15,000 rubles as collateral. In the evening he waited for the realtor at the metro, but no one showed up. The guy realized that he had simply been “dumped” and turned to the police. But they only sympathized and advised me not to cooperate with fake companies anymore. The angry actor returned to the agency and started a fight after they laughed at him.

Having entered GITIS for an acting and directing course, he gets a room in a dormitory and graduates from the institute in 2010. During my studies I successfully played

First love

During his studies, Pavel met the overseas actress Nikki Reed. The girl was invited to the theater and she flew to her Russian colleagues for a short visit. The young people immediately liked each other and spent the whole week together. When leaving, she promised that they would see each other soon and discuss their life together. Pavel had to leave his studies for a while in order to earn money for his and Nikki’s existence. At first, the lovers constantly called each other and corresponded, but then the girl simply stopped communicating. This is how Pavel's first love ended.

First steps in cinema

Several episodic roles in films attracted the attention of directors to the young talented actor. Pavel accepts Sanaev’s invitation to star in his new film “At the Game.” Having performed his role brilliantly, the artist receives many offers. Two years later, he starred in the popular TV series “Closed School” and became the idol of millions of Russian girls. On the set, Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece meet. According to the plot, they were supposed to play a couple in love, and soon their feelings moved into real life. After the series ended, the actor did not remain in the shadows for long - he was offered main role in the sitcom "Major". Again praise from critics and enthusiastic congratulations from colleagues. On this moment he is one of the most sought-after actors in Russia. Only a person far from the world of cinema does not know the name of Pavel Priluchny.

Agata Mutsenietse

Born on March 1, 1989 in Riga. Mother worked as a cook, father was a bartender. Just like Pavel Priluchny, Agata Muceniece lost her father in early age. While studying at school, she attended a theater studio, but interrupted her studies due to lucrative contracts with world-famous brands. She worked as a model for a long time and successfully acted in commercials. Having finished her career as a fashion model, she returned home and entered the University of Latvia, where she received a diploma in Chinese Philosophy. In 2008, he decides to start an acting career and comes to Moscow. I entered VGIK the first time and graduated with honors. Having received an offer to star in the series “Closed School”, she immediately agreed.

Meeting Pavel on the set completely changed her life. Having played a couple in love on screen, they could no longer part. By the way, the girl received a marriage proposal on the day they met. But at that moment I did not consider it necessary to agree. After two weeks of living together, Pavel heard the cherished “Yes”. That's how quickly this couple came to the decision to become husband and wife. Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny did not delay their wedding. They did not advertise this event and simply registered the relationship in Friends and colleagues learned about this event after the fact. The beautiful couple belatedly accepted congratulations on their wedding. Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny no longer worked together. The girl practically does not appear on screens, preferring to devote all her time to her husband and children.

Family life

On January 11, 2013, Pavel became a father for the first time. Agatha bore him a son, who was named Timothy. The proud father accepted congratulations and thanked his wife for such a wonderful gift. At this time, many photos of Agata Muceniece and Pavel Priluchny appeared in the press. The guy gives out interviews in which he speaks with the warmest words about his wife and son. On March 3, 2016, the couple gave birth to their long-awaited daughter, Mia. Now the house of Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Muceniece is a full cup. They willingly let journalists into their abode and do not hide their children.

Interesting facts from the life of a married couple

Paul and Agatha often strangers mistaken for brother and sister. The fact is that the couple has an original sense of humor and it is sometimes difficult to understand their jokes. But they laugh boisterously and catch the disapproving glances of the people around them.

Pavel realized that he was in love with future wife during their first movie kiss. But at that moment the girl was in a relationship with another young man. He patiently waited for their breakup, after which he immediately hinted at his feelings. A few days later they were already living together.

Everyone in the family has a funny nickname. No matter how strange it may sound, Pavel calls his wife Dzhigurdenysh. He believes that the girl, with her laughter and easy character, reminds him of this extravagant actor. Agatha, in turn, calls her husband Penguish or Sonya. The guy loves to sleep and devotes a lot of time to this activity. Timofey is affectionately called Kozyavochka, for his love of sorting through objects and cleaning.

Pavel likes to surprise his wife. During her filming in Minsk, he really missed his beloved and rushed to visit her in her hotel room. At this time he talked to her on the phone and said that he was in Moscow. When the girl heard a knock and opened the door, she saw her precious husband in person. Even if news periodically appears on the Internet that Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece are getting divorced, but, in fact, this is far from the truth.

Pavel Valerievich Priluchny-Del is a young but quite promising actor. This is a real discovery, a star of theater and cinema.

This charismatic and bright guy has long won the hearts of fans and fans of Russia and the whole world. He is rightly called a “new wave” actor, who is widely in demand in TV series and theater. Although Pavel often clarifies in his interviews that he prefers full-length films.

Gained enormous popularity thanks to new job"Major", which made it into the top ten best TV series. Pavel was named the discovery of 2014 and admitted that playing villains is much more interesting.

Height, weight, age. How old is Pavel Priluchny (actor)?

Looking at this young guy, I want to know everything at once, for example, the height, weight, age of Pavel Priluchny. Naturally, weight is far from a static indicator, just like age.

Pavel was born not so long ago in 1987, so the guy was only twenty-nine full years old.

Height young man above average and is one meter and eighty centimeters. This parameter is indicated on most sites, however, it is worth understanding that Pavel has a hedgehog on his head, which adds another couple of centimeters to his height.

If you look at several photographs of celebrities whose height is known exactly, you can understand that Priluchny has grown to only one meter seventy-five centimeters.

As for the actor’s weight, Pavel claims that it ranges from 65-75 kilograms.

Priluchny has green eyes, according to his zodiac sign he is a passionate Scorpio, and according to eastern calendar– lucky Rabbit.

Biography of Pavel Priluchny (actor)

Pavel Priluchny was born on November 5, 1987 in a non-musical family. The Kazakh Shymkent is recorded as his place of birth. His father was a famous boxer and had the last name Del, and his mother, Lyubov Priluchnaya, worked as a choreographer.

In addition to Pavlik, the family also had an older brother and sister. In the nineties there was nothing to live on, so the family moved to the town of Berdsk in the distant Novosibirsk region. It was not as hungry there as in Shymkent, especially since the house came with a good personal plot who fed the whole family. There was also an excellent homestead.

Pavel's childhood was filled with depression among the people around him, lack of money, as well as constant news of gang warfare in the style of the "Brigade". Pavlik was also friends with bad companies, most of his then friends ended up behind bars or were killed in clashes between crime bosses.

The future actor could easily be among them, but his parents influenced the fate of the independent boy. His father suggested that Pavel take up a sport for real men, namely boxing. The guy really liked this sport, so by the age of 14 he became a master of sports in it. Just as quickly, the young man gave up boxing, tired of constant concussions.

Even as a child, the boy went to vocal and choreography classes, although he hated these clubs. Pavlik’s mother insisted that they would definitely come in handy in life and she was completely right. The guy stopped dancing at 16 when the large family found herself below the poverty line. The fact is that two years earlier, the father who provided for the family died suddenly.

A capable guy, after graduating from school, he moved to Novosibirsk on his own. He entered the choreographic school, but financial difficulties did not allow him to study further. Pasha tried to earn extra money as best he could as a loader and courier.

The guy didn’t say goodbye to his dream of choreography, he just entered the free course Theater School of Novosibirsk. Even before graduation, he joined the troupe of the Globus Theater, where he was invited immediately after the student performance. Pavel was in demand and was as busy as possible in productions, but he had no future in hometown I haven’t seen it for myself.

Filmography: films starring Pavel Priluchny

Here the biography of Pavel Priluchny took a sharp turn: he did not say goodbye to anyone and quickly moved to Moscow, where he became a victim of scammers and spent the night at the station. Pasha was lucky to get a job for a week with absolutely unknown girl, so he didn't go home. Exactly a week later, Priluchny learned that he had been accepted into Raikin’s course at the studio school at the Moscow Art Theater.

Soon he began appearing in the production of “The White Guard” on the Moscow stage. However, succumbing to a momentary impulse, he left educational institution. In 2007 he ended up at GITIS and participated in its productions.

In parallel with the theater, his acting career developed. He played episodic roles in the films “Children in a Cage”, “The Web”, “School No. 1”, “Club”, “Gamers”. They did not bring fame, but they provided the experience necessary for the main roles. In 2008 he played the role of Mitya in the feature film “”.

After this picture, the guy was noticed and invited to play the main role in the film “At the Game”. TV viewers took a liking to the self-confident and thrill-seeking gamer nicknamed Doc. By the way, a tattoo was made on the actor’s neck for this film. After filming was over, they offered to take her out, but Pavel categorically refused. The tattoo became part of the actor's image, which was easily made up.

In 2010-2011, Pavel Priluchny gained dizzying popularity in the films and TV series “The Lavrova Method”, “Children under 16”, “At the Game: New level", "Closed School", "Bad Blood", "Secret City", "Run".

Musical education helped the guy play the role of Utesov in “The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik.”

In 2016, the guy starred in the continuation of the series “Major-2”, as well as in the comedy “Kilimander Heat” and the drama “The Life Ahead”.

Takes part in various television shows and appears in music videos.

Personal life of Pavel Priluchny (actor)

The young green-eyed handsome man filled the thoughts and hearts of numerous fans for a long time, but the guy treated this quite evenly. He never confused his personal life with his film career.

The personal life of Pavel Priluchny is quite stormy, because when he fell in love, the guy was ready to do everything in the world for his chosen one.

In 2009, journalists began to talk about Pavel’s stormy romance with the aspiring American actress Nikki Reed. The girl attended courses acting at the Moscow Art Theater School for foreign guests. There Pavel saw her and lost his head, he did everything so that Nikki would treat him in the same way.

A week later, Reed returned to the States, leaving Pavel alone with his thoughts. In memory of this meeting, Nikki got a tattoo on her wrist with the young man’s last name, which she got only in 2011.

To move to America with his girlfriend, Priluchny quit studying at the studio school and went to work. He washed dishes in a restaurant, worked as a loader and delivered courier mail. Love did not survive the distance, Nikki stopped answering calls and simply disappeared. For Pavel, this story undermined his faith in women, and he began to communicate with Nikki only after her wedding.

Last year, many tabloid newspapers talked about the topic that Pavel Priluchny and Agata Muceniece were getting divorced in 2016. However, these rumors were not confirmed. The couple is happily married and does not intend to separate for the sake of the paparazzi.

Apparently, all the rumors about the dissolution of the marriage were inspired by the neighbors of the couple, who quite rarely, but arrange stormy showdowns with breaking dishes.

Family of Pavel Priluchny (actor)

Pavel Priluchny's family consists of his mother, older brother and sister. And in the last few years, her beloved wife Agatha and children have joined her.

In order to fully provide for his family, Pavel disappears from morning to evening on film sets and on the theater stage.

Another full-fledged member of the family is a Staffordshire terrier named Valli, whom Priluchny calls his child and spoils terribly, allowing him to live in the house and sleep on his bed.

Children of Pavel Priluchny (actor)

The children of Pavel Priluchny were born from his beloved wife. The guy loves his kids dearly and does everything to ensure that they live in abundance.

With the kids, the star couple is constantly helped by their grandmother, who takes Timoshka to various clubs and walks with him.

Son of Pavel Priluchny (actor) – Timofey

When the young actor was twenty-five years old, the son of Pavel Priluchny, Timofey, was born. The boy was born on January 11, 2013, and this year he has already turned four years old.

This is a perky little boy who loves to be filmed on camera, pose for photographs, and play with his kitten and little sister. He plays puppy dog ​​with the baby and makes her laugh with funny rhymes.

Timoshka is very artistic and funny, he constantly makes others laugh with his spontaneous antics. The guy is very similar to his star father.

Daughter of Pavel Priluchny (actor) - Mia

The second pregnancy turned out to be a surprise for the couple, because her mother was filming the series “ Civil marriage" Agatha constantly tried to persuade the baby in her tummy not to grow so quickly and went on a diet.

On March 3, 2016, the long-awaited daughter of Pavel Priluchny, Mia, was born. The baby has a very rare Italian name, at home the girl is called Mika. By the way, the girl became a birthday present for her mother, because she was born on the second day after him.

The girl is growing up very nimble and inquisitive, she stood on her legs at nine months, and pleases her parents with a cheerful laugh.

Wife of Pavel Priluchny (actor) - Agata Muceniece

The actor met his future wife on the set of the series “Closed School” at the end of 2010. Pavel Priluchny’s wife, Agata Muceniece, played in this youth series a girl in love relationships with his hero.

Romantic relationships it couldn’t have happened to the actors, because Agata was dating dancer Artem Alekseev. However, Pavel was so persistent that the girl broke up with her boyfriend.

The romance developed rapidly, and the couple got married in 2011. Agatha acts in films, is engaged in blogging and is interested in directing.

Photos of Pavel Priluchny before and after plastic surgery are floating around the Internet. The guy does not deny their authenticity, but denies the scale to which he allegedly did plastic surgery.

The guy went under a plastic surgeon’s knife to remove his childhood protruding ears, which was the reason for ridicule at his age. The same drawback prevented Pavel from getting some roles, because there are definitely no lop-eared hero-lovers.

Given surgical intervention It's called otoplasty and is more cosmetic in nature.

Bugevuge Instagram and Wikipedia Pavel Priluchny (actor)

Pavel posts photographs of his beloved children and wife. Many of them are dedicated to your favorite dog, which looks very funny on them.

By the way, Timofey’s little son has an Instagram account, and with the help of his mom and dad, he posts his photos and videos on it. Most likely, when little Mia grows up, she will also receive a page to open her inner world in front of friends.

Biography of Pavel Priluchny

Popular Russian actor Pavel Priluchny was born on November 5, 1987 in the family of a boxing trainer and choreographer.

Childhood photos of Pavel Priluchny:

During difficult times for Russia, his family decided to move to Siberia in order to be away from the perestroika regime and be able to raise their children in peace. Due to the professions of his parents, as a child Pavel attended sections of both choreography and boxing, and little Pavel was also interested in music.

When Pavel Priluchny was thirteen years old, a misfortune happened in his family; his beloved father died. Due to the difficult financial situation in the family, Pavel was never able to enter the desired choreographic school, but this was for the best. After some time, Pavel discovered his acting talent, after which the guy was inspired to enroll in the acting department at the Novosibirsk Theater School. Having successfully passed the exams, Pavel Priluchny entered the V.A. course. Archeev, associate professor at GITIS. This is where his acting career began.

The actor's first debut took place at the Novosibirsk Academic Youth Theater "Globus". It was in this theater that Pavel began to receive his first leading roles, and worked successfully for two whole years. The actor’s very first and largest role was the character Myshin in the play “White Sheep”.

After Pavel graduated from college, he managed to successfully enter such famous universities as GITIS, as well as the Moscow Art Theater School.

IN last school Pavel Priluchny successfully completed two courses, but then abandoned his studies because he fell in love with an American Nicky Reed, who played the role of Rosalie in the famous movie "Twilight".

Pavel Priluchny and Nikki Reed:

The romance between the two actors did not last long, although there were rumors that Pavel was going to follow his beloved to her homeland. In some photographs in the press, on the wrist of actress Nikki Reed, photographers even managed to photograph a tattoo with Pavel’s last name. However, after the breakup, the tattoo disappeared.

Having settled down and gathered his thoughts, Pavel Priluchny finally completed his acting education, but already at GITIS.

After many years of study, the actor’s main place of work for a long time was the stage of such famous theaters as the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, the Pushkin Theater, and the Bulgakov Theater. However, soon the already famous theater actor simply began to be bombarded with all sorts of offers for film roles, such as "Club", "School No. 1", "Web", in which Pavel made his debut as a cameo actor.

After the young actor successfully appeared in episodes of popular television series, he was offered the main role of a computer genius in the film "On the game", which brought him wide popularity and his first fans.

Another breakthrough in Pavel Priluchny’s acting career was the famous TV series, in which the young actor played one of the main roles.

Today, Pavel Priluchny can rightfully consider himself an accomplished actor, with more than twenty roles under his belt, both in films and TV series. In addition, Pavel Priluchny actively takes part in various entertainment shows and television projects, such as “Dancing with the Stars” and others.

Still from the series "Major":

Pavel Priluchny and his partner in the TV series "Major" Lyubov Aksenova, stills from the series

Personal life of Pavel Priluchny. Priluchny's wife and children

Because for a long time main goal Pavel Priluchny was precisely his career, in addition to the famous American film actress Nikki Reed, the actor had no more affairs, until 2010, when on the set of “Closed School” Pavel met his future wife