Many players underestimate the capabilities of grenades and often undeservedly forget them. But grenades are very cheap and can be a great help in battle. There are three types of grenades in the game, let's look at each one separately. How to throw grenades? Firstly, a grenade always flies in a parabola (arc), only the degree of the arc depends on how it is thrown. If necessary, throw it far, jump up, highest point When jumping, release the trigger - the grenade will fly high and far. You should also know that the greatest range, at a constant initial speed, is achieved at an initial throwing angle of 45 degrees. If you raise your sight very high while jumping, the grenade will explode in the air. Also, you need to take into account that all grenades have a good feature - they ricochet well, which means they can be safely thrown behind doorways and hatches (playing from the jamb), but this is also a minus - an unnoticed protrusion or an unsuccessful throw and a grenade in the center your own fighters. You should be well aware of the moments when you need to throw a grenade; very often, thrown at random, it harms, first of all, your team. By the way, don’t forget that, having prepared a grenade for throwing (by holding the trigger), you don’t have to throw it - maybe the situation has changed. To do this, simply switch to the weapon without releasing the trigger. HE Grenade
The only grenade that deals damage. The thing is very useful, although it does not kill. If you're lucky, it removes 72 points. If you are very lucky and the grenade explodes in the enemy’s forehead, he dies. Only an explosion in a tambourine and a hit are two different things. HE is also an excellent finishing and smoking tool. It penetrates walls very well. When they shoot at you with a grenade, do not move away, but on the contrary - run at it - it will fly past you and explode there, but you cannot do this when the grenade flies slowly and low - you can catch it right on the tambourine. The fuse is triggered only at the moment of throwing, the duration of its action is the same for all grenades and over time the moment of explosion is determined at the level of reflexes.
You can take as many as two jokes with you. A useful thing when breaking through areas infested with campers. If the campers are experienced, then they can’t do it alone. The three of you need to throw all the explosive grenades at once, and then the flashes. But you shouldn’t get carried away and become impudent; let one fighter be ready to cover with a weapon. The grenade blinds everyone who sees the explosion. The blinding time depends on the distance to the epicenter - the closer, the longer. Naturally, finishing off the blind is very fun - they can rarely do anything to oppose you. True, experienced players immediately turn away or look at the floor when they see a grenade, and you can get away with easy prey - but that’s what a crowd is for, because two or three flashes will worsen visibility in any case. But, we repeat once again - do not be too arrogant.

HG (Smoke) Grenade
Many people dislike her because she more often brings inconvenience to her own people than to the enemy, however, she is absolutely irreplaceable when it is necessary to overcome long and well-shot corridors, such as those that occur, for example, on cs_siege. Therefore, the smoke from the smoke screen looks very scary. There’s no need to dig into the graphics and set the settings to very good – only one variable is responsible for the smoke: fastsprites. Often, its value is set to 2, this is what makes the smoke so dark. Set the variable to 0 and get normal smoke

Glock 18.
The Terrors' initial gun. It is almost impossible to kill with this weapon even at medium distance, despite the two shooting modes. This is due to weak damage and low accuracy. However, a significantly larger magazine than the default pistol does provide certain advantages. And if you are the lucky owner of a quick reaction, then with an alternative cut-off of three rounds you can easily kill your opponent in the pistol round (at least at point-blank range).

45 USP Tactical.
The initial cannon is at the rear. A good device has a good rate of fire and destructive power. One clip holds 12 rounds. Not enough. You should not put on a silencer - the destructive power is reduced, but the accuracy does not increase. The only use of a silencer is in very rare situations to play on the effect of surprise.

Desert Eagle
The most popular pistol among the people. Despite its small magazine of 7 rounds, it has the strength of an assault rifle. A shot to the head kills the guy outright. It’s a little difficult to use, because there are few cartridges and after the first one there’s a lot of scattering, and if the cartridges are out, the enemies hiding in the corners will happily shut up the owner of the Big Gun. For me, the Desert Eagle is a kind of standard weapon (in the game, of course) - I consider those guns to be serious, those that can kill faster than the dessert fires three shots - as many as is needed for an armored and unbeaten player.

Sig p228
It is a serious competitor to Desert Eagle. Without possessing its power, it has good accuracy of fire and at close to long distances it definitely shoots it down.

Five Seven and double Beretts have We are not offended by the excellent aiming and rate of fire, and magazine capacity, but... the destructive power of the cartridges is disgusting and makes the owner of these pistols simply an active target, and this is at the highest prices in this class of weapons. It seems that in Counter-Strik they began to take money for the stylishness of the barrel.


M3 Super 90 Combat.
A difficult tool, as it has a low rate of fire. There are 8 rounds in the magazine and 32 in reserve. It is rarely used, because it is very demanding on the shooter’s skill - if the first or second shots missed, you can voluntarily turn in the fins. Despite the low rate of fire, this pipe will stop an elephant at a gallop. The main thing is to get there. A headshot kills anyone. There is such a very arcade practice of using it in close combat (where else are you going to use it?) - shoot from a jump, running up to the enemy as close as possible. It also works well from a sitting position. But in reality, this pipe is used much less often than the second one, preferring to buy the MP5 Navy - you need quite a skill. xm1014
Automatic hard drive. On this device you can safely put the “Our Choice” icon. In narrow passages, small rooms at close range, this pipe realizes all its hurricane power! You can’t move particularly actively when shooting - the chance of hitting tends to zero. But be careful, do not forget to recharge, since this process can be interrupted. Otherwise there may not be enough cartridges - there are only 7 pieces in the magazine.

MP5 Navy.
One of the most popular devices when you are short of money. At the same time, it is the most accurate weapon in the game. Very unpretentious to the player's skill. The main thing is to aim the sight at the target and pull the trigger. It is possible and even necessary to have long queues. Plus, it has a pretty good rate of fire and lethal force. It is recommended to shoot while sitting. In general, a weapon that makes you a real fighter, and not dumb meat.

FN P90
In close combat it will not yield to an automatic pipe, and if you are not overwhelmed right away, there is every chance of doing this to your opponent, or even more than one. The first six bullets go up evenly, “feeling” this you can calmly communicate at medium or longer distances. Since the destructive power of the cartridge is still inferior to rifle ones, the barrel is good in pairs and for fire support, which is well helped by the 50-round capacity magazine. Steyr TMP and Ingram Mac10 , somewhat repeat the situation with the last two pistols. Both are made in balance for different teams, are cheap, have a crazy rate of fire, but the cartridge... If the latter can still do something at close range (I really like to stand behind doors with it), then all that can be done with the first is to hide in a dark corner in hopes of a random passerby. If you are not a bot, then forget about them, but, I repeat, they are cheap. UMP
Some say it's great, others say it sucks. A complete mystery - what makes this trunk jerk to the side from time to time? And even at close range, where this is not important, it kills slowly. But the sound is similar to a machine gun - you can scare the enemy :)
Assault rifles

The most popular weapon. Each side has its own set of assault rifles. But they are similar. There are rifles with and without optics. Each clip has 30 rounds of ammunition and you can still take 90 with you. GALIL is an assault rifle designed to arm the Israeli army and police units. Development began in March 1969. It is just a modification of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Available only to terrorists. Price: $2000. Has a magazine for 35 rounds. The rate of fire is at the level of MP-5, the behavior when shooting and causing damage is at the level of SG552. FAMAS - assault rifle, is the standard weapon of the French army. In production since 1975. Can be used to fire feathered grenades (not implemented in CS). Available only to special forces. Approximate price: $2250. Has a magazine for 25 rounds. It has two firing modes: automatic fire and with a cut-off of 3 shots.
One of the most complex weapons in the game, at the same time very powerful - second only to the elephant bull and a machine gun in terms of destructive power. Hitting a tambourine is fatal. Many beginners make the mistake of starting to fire assault rifles in all directions. It is not right. You need to remember right away - if you want to kill someone with a Kalash, the bursts should be short - 2-3 rounds. Otherwise, you will be easily overwhelmed by the average player with MP5. And only in close combat is it worth firing long bursts. But don’t get carried away - the Kalash “cools down” slowly, so once you start shooting, it’s difficult to stop. Since, as you already know, the first cartridge always flies to the target, if you do not move, the Kalash is very good even at medium and long distances.Colt M4A1 Carbine
The weapon is easier to handle than the previous one. In many ways it is similar to the Kalash, but there are also significant differences: higher accuracy, so bursts of 3-4 rounds are relevant; the destructive power of one cartridge is slightly less (and most importantly, armor-piercing); slightly higher rate of fire; “cools down” faster; greater accuracy, so in long bursts it shoots the AK. But you have to pay for all the advantages - the Colt costs as much as 600 Baku more than the AK. By the way, about the muffler. At long distances it is worth wearing a muffler - it adds accuracy, it is impossible to determine the source of fire by ear. Actually, this is a matter of taste, because with a silencer the weapon shoots a little differently, and the armor-piercing ability is slightly reduced. SSG552 Commando and Steyr AUG
(popularly called screwdrivers) are generally similar. When the optics are on, they shoot at a lower speed than when they are off. To balance the weapons, these two rifles also have less stopping power than the AK and M4. The Stair has more stopping power than the Commando, but it has the longest reload time of any assault rifle. The SSG is more accurate, the bullets fall in a cluster and from a standing position you can shoot in bursts effectively. Both guns are universal - both as an assault gun and as an automatic sniper - they have optics. They are used mainly on medium and large maps, where you can catch enemies from afar. In addition, it works very well against snipers. No problem for a first-class sniper, of course. But there are very few of them.
Sniper rifles
Arctic Warfare Magnum
It is very popular among the people and is known as an elephant-killer (for some - an oar). It got its name because of its very high destructive power - one hit, with very rare exceptions, is enough. It has a strange feature: without an optical sight, it hits anywhere, but not the target. While moving, it is basically impossible to get there. With optics, hitting while moving is also very difficult. As well as the movement itself. Many people think that you have to be a sniper. These are, they say, the most serious guys and getting out of the elephant slaughterhouse is a piece of cake. At first it seems like this is the case, but as soon as there is a meeting with the fathers, and even more so with a well-organized clan, then everyone gives up on the sniper craft. And of course, it’s not for nothing that good snipers are considered mega-dads. What can I say? Practice and remember the main rule of a sniper: one shot – one kill. Moreover, it has been known since the time of TF - shot once, maximum twice, change position.
Steyr Scout
– a paddle for the little ones. People call it air. Cheap, lightweight, and most importantly, it never smears, even on the go. It has a strong cartridge, but not as much as the AWM - it kills with the first shot only if it hits the head. It finds real use only in support groups and in desperate situations, when there is no money for an elephant slaughter, but you need to somehow fight snipers.G3/SG-1 and Sig 550
have an even weaker cartridge than Scout, but have an undeniable advantage - they are automatic. They bring a certain amount of fun to “meat” fights, but using them in clan battles means deleting the player from the already small list of fighters. And one last thing. Often you need to sharply remove the optics. For example, to retreat in time or to inspect the area. What to do, especially if the first increase is enabled? Immediately press 3 or whatever you have tied to the knife. The optics will turn off and even the knife in your hands - fast movement. There is even a cheerful alias on this score: alias unzoom "weapon_knife; lastinv" bind q unzoom Instead of a knife, there can be a pistol.

People affectionately call it bagpipes. At first, many Kemerovo clans considered it unwise to buy a machine gun. Like, what advantages could it have? It's better to take an assault rifle. But gradually this erroneous opinion changed. So, the features of the machine gun in comparison with other devices: Penetrates absolutely everything that can be penetrated. This property can be successfully used for pre-emptive fire and smoking. Other weapons do not penetrate all obstacles. The destructive power of a machine gun cartridge is very high, even higher than that of the AK-47. Elephantboy, of course, doesn't count. We emphasize: this and the first property of a machine gun are the most important. It has 100 rounds in the belt and another 200 in the load. At the same time, the rate of fire is low. That is, you can shoot for a very long time and are not afraid that you will run out of cartridges at the wrong time. It takes a painfully long time to reload, so you need to very carefully choose the right moment for this important process. The biggest spread is, it is impossible to predict where the bullets will fly in the second ten, but this is while standing. From a sitting position, enemies can be mowed down like grass even at long distances.
Roughly, all weapons can be divided into three groups: “immediately or never”, “slowly but surely” and “buy and shoot”. The first is made up of most assault rifles, capable of protecting their owner without outside help. The second - support group - includes almost all submachine guns and all, except AWM, snipers. Accordingly, owners of trunks from the second group are recommended to cluster. However, we will dwell on this issue in more detail in the tactics section. And we need to dwell on the third group in more detail. The fact is that, on the one hand, I wanted to write a review of all weapons, and on the other, a serious guide for serious guys. And when they wrote it, it turns out that it seems like you can really fight with any device. Therefore, you will have to specifically indicate a blacklist of weapons that cannot withstand competition among serious guys - just “buy and shoot.” So: Glock 18, Five Seven, Berett Elite, Steyr TMP, Ingram Mac10, UMP, G3/SG-1, Sig550
And the questions are: M3 Super 90 Combat and Steyr Scout (aircraft). We emphasize in red - these guns do not roll at all against serious guns, especially assault rifles.
We must remember that if you want to learn how to play, you must always play for the attacking team. It's more difficult for them. It’s clear that we are talking about games on meat servers, and not about official clan warriors. The r_drawviewmodel variable will help you quickly recognize the behavior of a particular barrel - set to zero, it will turn off the model of your weapon and you can clearly see how the bullets fall when fired. You can “cancel” Half-Lif’s slot system using the hud_fastswitch variable by setting it to one.

Based on materials from the website with additions

Standard weapon in the game CS 1.6, which you receive at the beginning of each round is unlikely to be enough for a full-fledged fight: this is a knife and a pistol. To replenish this set with something more lethal, such as a machine gun or a rifle, you will need to purchase in the store, which is done very quickly and right at the place of appearance (key B). However, a small hitch awaits you here - the standard amount of money will only be enough for you to buy armor and additional magazines for fire, or for an alternative pistol. To make money on a Kalash or M4, you will have to work - kill opponents. For each frag, a certain amount of game currency is issued, with which you can later buy something more weighty, and perhaps even such a luxury as a sniper rifle.

Not every barrel in the arsenal is equally useful in a particular situation.

But first, let's look at the standard options, namely the sart set: a knife and a pistol. Depending on which side you prefer ( C.T. or T), different baked goods will be issued. If you are playing for C.T., initially you get a very good barrel: USP. This pistol is one of the best options in the game. It has good accuracy both at close and long distances and has good stopping power. One bullet is enough to kill your opponent with a headshot. Essentially, for the first round you don’t need anything else, just remember to buy armor and ammo, and in that order, so that you don’t accidentally spend too much money on ammo and then not be able to purchase Armor.

This pistol model can be downloaded by clicking on the picture above.

If you are playing for Terrorists, You are a little less lucky - they will give you Glock. In general, the weapon is not bad at close ranges. There are 20 bullets per clip and interesting shooting types (including shooting 3 rounds per shot). At long distances, this weapon is useless and can only be used to slow down the enemy with a shot or finish someone off. Therefore, playing for T, It wouldn't hurt to replace it with an alternative pistol.

The third option we will consider is the legendary Desert Eagle, the destructive power of which is several times greater than any pistol in the game. Cons: the rate of fire is quite slow and there are only 7 bullets in the clip. Overall, the weapon is still one of the best, can easily compete with rifles and is an inseparable partner AWP(sniper rifle).

The Desert Eagle is usable at virtually any distance, but the Glock is practically unusable in long-range combat.

Knife, in general, no different from knives in any other games. 1 blow to the back or head brings certain death to the enemy. In other places it only takes away 65% health, that is, it will take 2 hits. We can only use it at close distances, it should be used only as a last resort, but do not doubt that by killing someone with a knife, your style will be appreciated and praised by other players.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the technique of using a knife in our useful article: Techniques for playing with a knife. In it you will learn how to properly use this weapon, as well as what is necessary for a successful battle, both on 35hp format cards and on standard CS 1.6 game cards.

Knife - most often used in the first round and in extreme situations.

Next, let's talk about the most popular types of primary weapons. AK-47 And M4A1- here are two options that will last you the entire game. AK-47 has stronger damage, while M4 has greater accuracy. Like any weapon, you’ll have to get used to them a little to get the hang of it, but then you’ll be throwing headshots left and right. Tip: from Kalasha it's worth shooting 1-3 bullets at a time, from M-ki you can fire 5-6 (but no more) in order to maintain accuracy. To M4 shot even more accurately, there is no need to screw on a silencer, but many still like to wear a silencer, mainly for reasons of style.

The Ak-47 and M4A1 are the two most popular automatic rifles; able to last you the entire game.

AwP- sniper rifle: the strongest killing power, slow shooting speed, slow movement speed with a rifle in hand, quite difficult to master. But once you master it, you will become essentially invulnerable. Enemies will drop dead as soon as they see you on the horizon. Tips: after each shot, switch to a knife (or pistol) and back - this will reduce the time between shots, never move with the zoom on, try to master the technology fast zoom. Meaning fast zoom is as follows. If you try to hit an enemy without zooming in, you will most likely miss, even if the enemy is located exactly in the center of the screen. However, if just before the shot you activate the zoom (right mouse button), and without waiting for it to appear you shoot, the bullet will fly in the exact direction.

Every player knows that there is no weapon more powerful than Awp in the game.

Fast zoom It’s not easy to learn, some stick chewing gum exactly in the center of the screen, or those who don’t mind the monitor at all draw a dot with a marker, but we only recommend practicing. The more the better, because when you master fast zoom with your own hands and eyes, you will be respected not only by other players, but also by yourself. Train on bots: a week is enough to master the rifle to the point of confidence.

Weapon Description C.S..

The following abbreviations are used in the table:
"T" - Terrorists Force (terrorists)
"CT" - Counter-Terrorists Force (cops)
Menu selection and title Description
Pistols in Counter-Strike are used as a backup weapon (Secondary Weapon), if the primary weapon (Primary Weapon) runs out of ammunition, or there is simply not enough money for this most basic weapon.
Initially (at the beginning of each round), each team member of the team (Terrorists & Counter Terrorists) is given only pistols (which ones - see below) with a minimum number of cartridges.

USP Tactical

Standard cop pistol. Good stopping power and accuracy. An additional feature is that you can tighten the silencer, which makes shooting almost silent; in this mode, accuracy improves, but stopping power suffers. The "silenced" mode is useful when shooting from cover and dark places, despite the fact that the fire from the shots is displayed. Here's PBBS for you :))


Standard terrorist pistol. It has an additional function - firing 3 rounds. Almost useless in battle.
Real benefits it can only be extracted from it when shooting at a short distance - the "Burst Fire" mode (three rounds each) can send an unprotected enemy to the Spectacor mod from the first burst.
The only plus is 20 rounds per clip

Desert Eagle

The most powerful pistol in the world is your choice. The only example from the "Pistols" category that pierces walls. With the first shot to the head it kills even an enemy protected by a helmet.
Of course, there are also bad sides: the high cost allows you to buy only 28 cartridges for it at the beginning of the game (if you pay out $800) (along with those in the clip). In principle, a good player has enough of them. But when storming numerous enemy positions, when covering with shots from partners, sometimes these cartridges are not enough. The second minus is 7 rounds in the horn.
Despite all the disadvantages of the Desert Eagle when there is a lack of money, or how a melee weapon for a sniper becomes an indispensable weapon


A pretty good specimen - low cost, and 13 rounds in the horn - these qualities make its presence not at all useless at the beginning of the game

Dual Beretta

Double pistol, available only T. It has a huge advantage - 30 rounds per clip, but if these rounds are not enough to kill the enemy, then it is better to call your personal gravedigger and order a coffin, since the reloading speed is an order of magnitude higher than that of any other pistol.
Another disadvantage is that the accuracy is too low. Even during protracted battles at close range, this specimen can compete with the Desert Eagle


Available only to cops. A very good pistol, and along with good accuracy, there are very good qualities, like 20 rounds in the clip and 100 “in the pocket”
This type of weapon is advisable to use only at close ranges. A team member with a shotgun may well be covering the sniper.

M3 Super90

For beginners, this weapon will only bring harm - after each shot, the weapon reloads for about a third of a second, and during this time, good players will make mincemeat of you.
But for professionals, an excellent choice - one cartridge in close combat, fired directly at the head, kills even an enemy protected by a helmet
To top it all off, I would like to note that this is the “bloodyest” weapon in the game - hit the head of an unprotected enemy with all the shot and a fireworks display of brains on the walls is guaranteed


Unlike the previous model, it does not require reloading after firing, and therefore fires all 7 rounds in 1.5 seconds.
Just like the previous sample, you can successfully shoot from stairs
However, the only correct purpose of this weapon is to throw off the sights of snipers. 2 fighters with this weapon can destroy the sniper's sight (his sight goes up), his entire team, shooting even at a very good player
Pistols - Machine guns
Pistols - Sub machine Guns are not very powerful and are used primarily for assault, usually used in groups of 2-3 people. With competent play, such a group can kill half the enemy team. Competent play means covering your back, simultaneously jumping out at the enemy in different lines of fire, etc.
You can read articles on tactics in the same section as this article.


Excellent choice of attack aircraft! If you don’t have enough money for a heavy rifle like m4 or ak47, then this is your choice.
The minimum spread allows you to shoot at a medium distance while sitting without releasing the fire button. At long distances it is used in short bursts.
The large supply of ammunition (120) is more than enough for a round, even when fighting a large enemy.
This weapon can also be used to cover snipers, although at close ranges its accuracy no longer seems to be a big advantage over heavy rifles.


Only ST available. The fastest firing weapon in the game. It will fire its 30 rounds at the target faster than you can say “Geronimo.” It has good accuracy, but weak destructive power, so its rate of fire will not stand out much compared to other models of this group.

FN P90

Good stopping power and 50 rounds in a clip - all this only helps when shooting at short distances, since the heavy weight reduces its accuracy to a minimum, and besides, a long reload usually leads to death, so it’s better to grab the pistol.
During protracted battles indoors it looks pretty decent


Only T "+" of this weapon is supplied; this is undoubtedly quite good destructive power. But the accuracy has suffered greatly - at medium distances you have to shoot in short bursts of 2-4 rounds.


The accuracy of this model reaches almost Mp5, but the rather long reload time and only 25 rounds in the horn make this weapon almost unacceptable.
Mp5 does less damage than UMP, but in terms of price, spread and weight it is undoubtedly better than this model.
Assault rifles are used primarily at short and medium ranges. Some of them are equipped with an additional small sight, which reduces the rate of fire, but significantly helps guidance. The stormtrooper is a universal warrior; a lot in the game falls on him - he covers snipers, takes out/guards hostages, etc.
When playing with large forces, it is advisable to split into groups of “2 attack aircraft + a sniper” - one attack aircraft covers the sniper from behind, the other from the front, and the sniper calmly, knowing that no one will easily get his life, makes frags


Available only T. This is a domestically produced weapon the best choice Stormtrooper! Ak47 easily sews 2 walls, kills even an enemy protected by a helmet with a shot to the head. An unprotected person can easily be killed with a shot in the throat.
We have a high reload speed. The disadvantages include the availability of only T, as well as the large weight of this weapon - when shooting at medium distances, use it while sitting and shoot in short bursts of 2 rounds.

SIG 552

Available only in T. This weapon has increased power and zoom, which allows it to be used perfectly in small open spaces.
The relatively small spread, with a little familiarization with this sample, allows you to shoot at medium distances with the zoom on without releasing the fire button


Only CT available. The rifle has good power, and is additionally equipped with the ability to screw on a silencer.
When shooting with a silencer, accuracy improves, but the destructive power is significantly reduced, so it is logical to use the shooting mode with a silencer only at long and some medium distances

Steyr Aug

Only CT available. A wonderful example. Just like the Sig552, it has a zoom function. Good accuracy and excellent destructive power make this weapon universal.
Steyr AUG is also convenient to use to cover a sniper, because in the event of an unforeseen situation, this weapon and, of course, brains can save the lives of both players
Sniper rifles, as the name suggests, are intended for more or less open maps, that is, for shooting at long distances. For these purposes, this type of firearm has 2 degrees of aiming.
A sniper must have a Desert Eagle (1 piece) and cover (1-2 pieces:)
Desert Eagle will probably save his skin more than once if his cover dies.

Steyr Scout

The lightest sniper rifle. It has a relatively low destructive power (if it hits any part of the body except the head, it does not kill with the first round), but has a good reload speed after each cartridge, and is light in weight


The "heaviest" sniper - popularly nicknamed "Elephant" - kills with the first shot in any part of the body except the leg. But, in contrast to the Steyr Scout, it takes a long time to reload after each cartridge, and has enormous weight, so it is simply impossible to walk with this rifle. Hence the conclusion - either buy a Desert Eagle (in case of a surprise enemy attack), or use this wonderful weapon for defense


Available only in T. Frankly, not the best example small arms- does not require reloading after each cartridge, and has 20 cartridges in the horn, but the weak destructive power, poor accuracy, and enormous weight make this weapon unacceptable.


Only CT available. Similar to the previous model, but has a number of advantages over it: 30 rounds in the horn and improved accuracy. In emergency situations, it can also be used for firing at medium distances
Machine gun


This type of weapon has 100 rounds in the horn, and 200 spare ones. This machine can only be used in 2 cases:
1. When shooting at a 3*2 meter room in which a dozen enemies are hiding
2. Pouring several enemies within 2m of you with lead.
There are many reasons for this: huge cost, huge weight, poor rate of fire, very small accuracy, and weak destructive power. I think this list is enough to buy this weapon only if you have $16,000

Kevlar Vest

Body armor. Helps when playing with good players (see why below), protects the torso from enemy bullets. Only one can be purchased
2. K/V & Helmet Body armor with helmet. It will come in handy when playing with good players, as it protects against bullets hitting the head. Remember: this is the thing that will save your life more than once in battles.


Flash grenade. You can purchase as many as 2 pieces. Mandatory attribute is war. Skillfully used 2 grenades can greatly help to shoot the enemy.
The essence of this specimen is the damaging factor to the eyes.
That is, if you see such a grenade, you definitely need to turn away, otherwise you will become blind Hedgehog for 2-3 seconds.

HE Grenade

Everything is simpler here - a combat fragmentation grenade. You can purchase no more than 1 piece. Causes damage (strangely) even to an enemy behind a wall.
This grenade is the most valuable of all, so it should be used not at the beginning, but at the end of the round, when the enemy is pretty beaten up.
At the beginning of the round, it is advisable to spend it only on throwing into a crowd of crowded opponents.

Smoke Grenade

Smoke grenade. You can purchase no more than 1 piece. A practically useless thing - used only in groups of 2-3 pieces when running across a long open space, shot through by snipers
7. NightVision Night vision glasses. They are very helpful when playing on dark maps. They are turned on/off by a special button configured in the control menu (default "N"). True, they are quite expensive. And one more thing: I don’t recommend catching a flashbang in them, otherwise you’ll go blind for a very long time
8.Defuse Kit Wire cutters. Used CT on de_ cards. Once the bomb is planted, it can be defused. To do this, you need to run up to her, sit down, and press the "Use" button. After 10 seconds of clearing you will become a fat fat duck. This set will help you speed up the speed of mine clearance by 2 times. That is, you will need only 5 seconds to clear the mines. It would be good if you have a partner covering you during this operation.


Issued initially to each team member. Accuracy - 100% :)) Has two impact modes:
1. Hit more often, but cause less damage
2. Accordingly, the blow is delivered less frequently, but the damage is much greater.
With the second mode (alternative), you can kill an enemy without a helmet with the first blow to the skull.

c4 Bomb

Used on de_ maps by terrorists. At the beginning of each round, one of the team members (in turn in each round) is given such a crap. In principle, he can transfer it to another player.
The bomb must be placed on, as a rule, one of two bombplants, which are diligently guarded by counters. After planting the bomb, 45 seconds pass and the bomb explodes.
The time after which the bomb explodes is determined by the command "mp_c4timer"
Flashlight Flashlight. Issued to each T and CT member. It simply illuminates the path ahead of you. A small glitch - it shines through the walls, so be careful - you might be noticed.
When using a flashlight (like N/V), energy is wasted (icon in the upper right corner). The energy lasts for a long time, and it is restored very quickly, so there will be no problems with this.

The following abbreviations are used in the table:
The name of the column "S/p" is "Reload speed"
The name of the column "S/s" is "Rate of fire"
The name of the column "U/s" is "Deadly force"

Columns "Rate of fire" "Accuracy" "Reload speed" "Destructive force"
"o/n" - very low
"n" - low
"s" - average
"v" - high
"o/v" - very high

Column "Rate of fire"
"-" - (dash) rate of fire depends on the frequency of pressing the shot button (typical for pistols)
"(rel.)" - the parameter shows the accuracy relative to this type of weapon. That is, you can’t compare the rate of fire of a shotgun, Kalash, and a sniper rifle

Column "Availability"
"-" - (dash) weapons are supplied to everyone
"t" - weapons are supplied only to Terrorist Force
"k" - weapons are supplied only to Counter-Terrorist Force

Menu selection and title Price Availability S/s Accuracy S/n U/s
1.USP Tactical 500 - - With With s (rel.)
2.Glock18 400 - - n With n
3. Desert Eagle 650 - - V With o/v
4.P228 600 - - With With With
5. Dual Beretta 100 T - With He With
6. Five-Seven 750 To - V With V
1. M3 Super90 1700 - n (rel.) He o/v(rel.)
2.XM1014 300 - s (rel.) He s(rel.)
Pistols - Machine guns
1.MP5-Navy 1500 - With o/v With s(rel.)
2. TMP 1250 To o/v With o/v n(rel.)
3. FN P90 2350 - V n He n(rel.)
4. MAC-10 1400 T V With n s(rel.)
5.UMP45 1700 - With V With s(rel.)
1. AK-47 2500 T V With V o/v(rel.)
2. Sig 552 3500 T With V With in(rel.)
3. M4A1 3100 To With With With in(rel.)
4. Steyr Aug 3500 To With V n in(rel.)
5. Steyr Scout 2750 - c (rel.) With s(rel.)
6.AWP 4750 - n (rel.) n o/v(rel.)
7.G3/SG-1 500 T n (rel.) n He s(rel.)
8. SG-550 4200 To s (rel.) n n in(rel.)
1. M249 5750 - n He He n

Copyright СS.GameGuru.Ru

Many players have probably encountered an unpleasant situation when they were killed ten seconds after the start of the match, without giving them time to even buy a weapon. Of course, at the start there is a knife and a pistol, but what good are they if the enemy is armed with an assault rifle? At the same time, many beginners simply do not know how to buy weapons, especially if they play CS 1.6 without Russification. Knowing English, you can easily enter the menu and see which button opens the purchase window.

Default zakuak settings

By default, the English “B” is responsible for this action. After pressing the button, a store will open where you can select everything you need for the match that has begun. The problem lies elsewhere - since CS 1.6 is already a fairly old game, it still does not implement some convenient functions. Thus, you cannot buy weapons before the start of the match - this has to be done after the start. Some players use this time to quickly find and eliminate opponents who are busy choosing a new barrel at that moment. So what should you do when you want to play, but going against experienced opponents with only one pistol quite rightly seems like a stupid idea? There are several ways to solve this problem.

  • You can simply press the F1 button. As a result, you will automatically purchase a standard set - an assault rifle (AK-57 or M4), cartridges for it, cartridges for a pistol and body armor. This set is quite enough for normal play.
  • If you want to experiment with different sets of equipment, but not waste precious seconds purchasing it after the start of the match, you can edit the config file and assign certain actions to the buttons, for example, F1, F2 and F3. Thus, with just one press of a key, you will immediately purchase a pre-selected weapon, which will save time. In Counter Strike, seconds count, especially early in the match, so this will give you a significant advantage.

Beginners and simply inexperienced players often waste precious seconds at the very beginning of the match, poking around in the purchase menu. But in literally ten seconds you could run to a convenient position from where a strategically important section of the map is under fire! But instead, on the way to this position, a player delayed due to purchases can easily be mowed down by a well-aimed line from the enemy. Perhaps it’s still worth spending a little time and understanding the binds that allow you to instantly purchase weapons. Well, or you can simply press F1 (this is the default bind) to receive an assault rifle and rush into the thick of the fighting with it. Most players at least do this.

Both teams Thrust 250
  • when hit in the head without armor, alt. attack comes death
  • when struck “between the shoulder blades”, death also occurs

It is only a close combat weapon and is used in the game quite rarely, as it requires special handling skills. However, it is sometimes used in a duel between 2 players. Often used by teams over large areas to determine sides. Used to speed up the run, it is also considered an insult (humiliation) if a player is killed with a knife in full combat gear. Sometimes used to silently and quickly eliminate a player (especially a sniper) from behind. The only weapon on ka_ maps. Originally intended as a weapon after both weapons ran out of ammo. It has 2 modes: Basic, almost never used, since many do not know how to use it. It delivers quick weak blows, weaker than an alternative blow, but it hits further, which means that, in theory, you can, while moving away from the enemy with a knife, turn to face him and hit him with the main blow. attack to the head. By the time he reaches you, you can hit him once alt. attack. An alternative attack is a stabbing blow, deals 55 damage to the body, 165 “between the shoulder blades”, 240 to the head without armor. Among the players it has the nickname: “Punisher”, “Butcher”, “Humiliation”. If you notice an enemy with his back turned, you can take a chance and poke him with a knife, although 1 blow to the back will be enough.


This weapon can be taken as a secondary weapon. Usually, it is bought only in the first round and is used mainly when the ammo runs out. With a pistol, the running speed is the same as with a knife.

Glock 18

  • Headshot - 80 hp (24 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 42 hp (12 hp)
  • Body hit - 20 hp (6 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 10 hp (3 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 14 hp (4 hp)

This pistol, as well as three magazines of ammunition, is provided to each player of the Terrorist team in the new round after death. Sometimes players joke “The Glock is only used to scare away flies.” But the Glock 18 allows for effective suppressive and defensive fire. 1 Glock bullet is weaker than a knife stab.

The second advantage of Glock is the Burst Fire mode. To put it simply, this is an analogue of automatic shooting, an innovative technology that allows an Austrian pistol to fire three bullets while your opponent manages to fire one. The disadvantage of this technique is that there is a rather long pause between each triple shot. Therefore, you should try to cause as much damage to the enemy as possible with each Burst. If even one of your bullets hits an enemy in the head, he will not be able to aim normally for some time. Which, of course, is just manna from heaven for you. With the right skill and combination of the Burst technique and jumping around the CT, you will take more than one important round and drive more than one player to white heat. In relation to Glock, I would like to cite one phrase that is quite well-known in certain circles: “If a good shooter with a bad pistol meets a bad shooter with a good pistol, then the good shooter will have a good pistol.” Don't forget about this and practice. Of course, it is not very lethal, but it is very accurate when running, and also, the bullets seem to find the enemy’s heads themselves. The magazine is very spacious - 20 rounds. Stopping power is very high. Among the players he has a nickname: Ant, Cockroach.

HK USP .45 Tactical

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot - 112 hp (40 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 56 hp (20 hp)
  • Body Hit - 28 hp (10 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 14 hp (5 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 20 hp (7 hp)

Starting pistol for ST. The main advantage of the USP is its high rate of fire and excellent hit accuracy. Remember that after the first shot, the sight goes up with slight deviations, either to the right or to the left, therefore it is best to aim with the USP at the shoulder or neck of the enemy. When using a pistol with a silencer, its power and accuracy decrease, but no shots are heard and no fire is seen. Among the players he has a nickname: Kontar.

SIG-Sauer P228

Made in 9mm caliber, uses the .357SIG cartridge. More powerful than the 9x19 NATO cartridge. A very good compact pistol, coupled with good power and accuracy, is a good medium-range weapon.

IMI Desert Eagle .50AE

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot - 194 hp (76 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 138 hp (57 hp)
  • Body Hit - 46 hp (19 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 39 hp (10 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 35 hp (14 hp)

The most lethal of pistols and the only one that can penetrate walls. Disadvantages: only 7 rounds in the magazine +35 in stock. However, it is much more effective against enemies in body armor than against “naked” opponents, since an enemy in a body armor requires 3 bullets, and as many at an enemy without body armor.

But there is also back side- just as Deagle is undemanding for beginners (due to high damage regardless of where the bullet hits), Deagle is also treacherous for professionals. More SK|Snajdan in his Desert Eagle shooting guide he mentioned that “... this gun is just terribly random. Sometimes you kill five enemies with four bullets, and in the next round, at point-blank range, you cannot even plant one of the seven bullets in the terrorist’s back.”

Conclusion: an ideal weapon for a sniper who has let his opponent get close. Deagle's power also allows you to make single forays into the enemy camp. It also shoots very accurately on the move and kills with 1 bullet to the head, even if you have a helmet. So, it is recommended to keep your sight exactly where the enemy appears (or rather, his head) and kill him with the first accurate shot. Among the players he has a nickname: Satanist.

FN Five-Seven

A pistol with a short reload time. It also penetrates thin walls. It has average power, so it takes a lot of ammo on the enemy. But these cartridges are quite enough - 20 in the clip and 100 with you. Effective against enemies in body armor. Among the players he has the nickname: Fifty-seventh

Beretta 92G Elite II, 2 pcs. in Macedonian

A very peculiar weapon and not used by many players at all for the following reasons:

  • higher cost compared to other pistols
  • Very big time recharge
  • low accuracy
  • not enough screen space
  • low destructive power

The only pistol (although there are two pistols) that fires faster than the USP. It is also the only pistol that cannot be carried at the same time as a shield. The most a large number of cartridges in the clip (among pistols), but has (like All a weapon that has a large clip (P90, M249 Para) has a very long reload time, which during battle is often the cause of death for those who do not take care of their ammo. Among players it has a nickname: Elite


Perhaps the most rarely used class of weapons. It greatly loses its destructive power with distance, but at short distances (note: on “meat” maps) it’s a pretty compelling argument. A unique feature of this type of weapon is that the cartridges are loaded into the clip one at a time, that is, you can interrupt reloading at any time and continue shooting with a not yet fully charged clip and allows you to shoot accurately at the target while jumping or on the stairs, but does not shoot in water. It penetrates armor poorly - the shot literally breaks on it, however, if it hits the head at a distance of 0.5-1 meters, brain splashes are guaranteed on the walls.

Benelli M3 Super 90

Low rate of fire and long reload time, but high shot accuracy and great destructive power. A common weapon among bots. At medium and close distances, however, it is used very effectively by experienced players.

Benelli XM1014

High rate of fire, weaker damage compared to the Benelli M3 Super 90, but almost instant reload. Professional players use it to make it difficult for enemy snipers to shoot. High cost, small clip and low stopping power - these are its disadvantages compared to the Benelli M3 Super. However, it also makes you run faster (slightly). The most common use is cs_office. Among players it has the nickname: Meat Grinder

Submachine guns

Cheap analogue of assault rifles. Used to save money, or when there is almost no money.

Ingram MAC-10

The first thing most people who use the Mac-10 will notice is that its sights are fairly wide, which doesn't really help with accuracy. When you put the Mac-10 on full auto, it's best to shoot at point-blank range or at very close range because the Mac-10 shoots very quickly. Has low recoil and low accuracy. However, when firing continuously at the neck/head level, there is a high probability of making a hit to the head. Pretty good stopping power. Most people prefer to stay with a pistol rather than spend money on this weapon, due to its extremely low accuracy and effectiveness (especially against armored players). However, players without armor are torn in half. Among the players it has a nickname: Gang

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot (with helmet) - 49 hp (33 hp)
  • Body Hit - 29 hp (18 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 12 hp (7 hp)

Steyr TMP

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot - 82 hp (29 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 40 hp (19 hp)
  • Body Hit - 20 hp (9 hp)
  • Body hit (with body armor) - 10 hp (5 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 13 hp (6 hp)

A silent submachine gun with very fast reloading. Almost useless at long distances. Has the highest rate of fire in the game, but also has low stopping power. The cheapest among the primary weapon class, the fastest firing, with the fastest reload and the quietest sound, this weapon has high power in close combat. Among the players he has the nickname: “Fucker”, “Finger”

HK MP5 Navy

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot - 88 hp (44 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 47 hp (23 hp)
  • Body Hit - 22 hp (11 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 12 hp (6 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 16 hp (8 hp)

Please note - this is the main means of survival for most KSers. The MP5 Navy has a 30-round clip and uses 9mm pistol cartridges. This toy is very easy to master, but it will take a lot of time to become a pro. The MP5 Navy is priced at a tasty $1,500, allowing players to ensure a return to the battlefield when money is running low. Most often purchased in the middle and early stages of the game. Professional players rarely buy this weapon, preferring the Desert Eagl, due to its low cost and high destructive power, but it has gained great popularity among amateurs due to its high accuracy and ease of use. Effective at close and medium distances. It’s better to shoot at the legs than at the body armor; the MP5 penetrates body armor very poorly. Among the players he has a nickname: “Pea” or “Carrot”


It has a low rate of fire, but very high accuracy when firing in long bursts. Combines a high rate of fire and low recoil, making it virtually best weapon in this class. Great lethal force and low rate of fire allow you to shoot in long bursts (crouching, you can actually shoot the entire clip accurately). What’s strange is that in real life the UMP was planned as a cheaper analogue of the MP5, but in the game it costs $200 more (the same amount of money is spent on Defuse Kit, or flashbang)

  • The UMP45 also has disadvantages: the rate of fire is very low - 10 shots per

give me a sec. The clip size is only 25, which would be nice if the reload time wasn't 4 seconds (twice that of the Steyr TMP). To overcome these difficulties, when pursuing an enemy with a submachine gun, keep your distance and retreat if necessary. Do not let him take a single step forward, and reload only when you are sure of complete safety. Among the players he has the nickname: “Bull”

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot (with helmet) - 58 hp (34 hp)
  • Body Hit - 30 hp (21 hp)
  • Body hit (with body armor) - 15 hp (10 hp)

FN P90

The submachine gun with the largest number of rounds in the clip and the longest reload time. Low accuracy, especially at long distances, but very high rate of fire. Much more effective against enemies wearing body armor, as it has the same 5.7 caliber bullet as the Five-Seven (which, by the way, was designed to penetrate heavy body armor), and deals 20 hp to an unprotected body, and 18 hp to a protected one. However, the helmet does not penetrate well. Analogue of a machine gun.

  • Interesting fact:

A burst of SS190 from a "real" P90 penetrates 48 layers of Kevlar, a regular "Flak jacket" (including CRISAT protection, combining titanium and Kevlar) used by infantry and protecting them from shrapnel, or a standard PASGT (American Kevlar) helmet at a distance 150 meters, which is the effective combat distance for the P90 Personal Defense Weapon. ( Among the players he has a nickname: “Cockerel”

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot - 76 hp (68 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 60 hp (51 hp)
  • Body hit - 20 hp (17 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 18 hp (14 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 15 hp (10 hp)

Assault rifles

The most commonly used weapon class. All rifles are very popular.


It can fire in bursts of three rounds, which allows you to aim more accurately on the move and neutralize the enemy with precise shots. Causes equal damage to the legs and the body wearing a bulletproof vest. Among the players he has the nickname: “Fomka” Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot - 112 hp (96 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 78 hp (67 hp)
  • Body Hit - 28 hp (24 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 20 hp (17 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 20 hp (17 hp)


One of the weapons added in version 1.6. Can only be purchased by terrorists, has a large clip, destructive power and good accuracy. Too much for the price of $2000 good weapon. The strangest thing is that this weapon is superior in destructive power to the Colt M4A1, which is the most popular weapon in CS. It practically does not lose destructive power with distance. Nickname: Pencil.

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot - 116 hp (108 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 89 hp (83 hp)
  • Body Hit - 29 hp (27 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 22 hp (21 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 21 hp (19 hp)

Colt M4A1

Maverick M4A1 Carbine is one of the most common and favorite types of weapons among players; it combines a good rate of fire and power, coupled with high accuracy. Despite the popular opinion of players, the silencer does not affect the accuracy of shots. The weapon is versatile and very effective at any distance. On medium ones you can make a good clamp, thereby killing half the enemy team. The most popular and favorite weapon in the game. Available only for Counter-Terrorists, this model is ideal for holding position and long spray. Equally important, the M4A1 allows sustained fire with minimal adjustments to spread. Therefore, from the earliest versions of CS, the M4A1 is quite a big problem for terrorists. Almost always operating in groups of 2-3, and often 4-5 people, terrorists are an ideal target for a long squeeze from an American rifle. Emptying a magazine in less than three seconds and firing 30 rounds of ammunition, the power of which you can judge from the summary table, a player with a Colt is a serious obstacle in the path of terrorist adherents. Also worth mentioning is the high initial velocity of the projectile and minimal loss of bullet energy when flying over long distances. Wherever you encounter your opponent, you will be able to give him a worthy rebuff. The secondary function of the weapon is the silencer, which not only allows you to fire from secluded positions and remain undetected, but also manifests itself in all its glory when shooting through walls, doors and drawers, when you hear EVERY hit on the enemy's body. Among the players he has a nickname: “Emka” “4-3”

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters) when shooting without a silencer:

  • Headshot - 124 hp (108 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 87 hp (76 hp)
  • Body Hit - 31 hp (27 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 22 hp (19 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 22 hp (19 hp)

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters) when firing with a silencer:

  • Headshot - 124 hp (100 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 87 hp (70 hp)
  • Body Hit - 31 hp (25 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 22 hp (15 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 22 hp (18 hp)


Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot - 140 hp (128 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 108 hp (99 hp)
  • Body Hit - 35 hp (32 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 27 hp (25 hp)
  • Hit in the leg - 25 hp (23 hp)

It is very popular due to the fact that the first bullet flies exactly to the target, the second and third a little higher. Thus, by firing in short bursts of 2-3 shots, you can fight very economically and at the same time effectively. A very popular weapon, as it is the most lethal after sniper rifles, a knife and a Desert Eagle pistol. However, due to its high recoil, many players prefer the M4A1. The weapon is very good both at close ranges (even stronger than the Benelli M3 Super) and at long ranges (we remind you that the helmet does not protect the head from a bullet from an AK-47), but only accurate shooters can kill someone with an AK-47 in a short time on distance of 50-70 meters. The most lethal weapon among non-sniper rifles. Among the players it has the nickname: KaLash

Steyr AUG

Thanks to the presence of a sight, good rate of fire and high accuracy, it is a counter-terrorist weapon, effective at any distance. The disadvantage is a long reload and low accuracy of fire in bursts of more than 2, 3 or more rounds. Has a “semi-sight” that reduces the rate of fire but increases accuracy. In this mode, accurate players can use it as an analogue of a sniper rifle, firing single fire directly at the target (the head). Among the players he has nicknames: "Staer".


An analogue of the Steyr AUG for terrorists, a larger spread of shots, a lower rate of fire, but the lethal force is superior to the analogue of counter-terrorists. Can be used by accurate players, as an analogue of a sniper rifle. Among the players it has the nickname: “SGshka”

Sniper rifles

All sniper rifles cause huge damage, and the most popular of them is the AWP, the most lethal weapon in the game.

Arctic Warfare Police (AWP)

Damage when hit from a distance of 10 meters (60 meters):

  • Headshot - 456 hp (436 hp)
  • Headshot (with helmet) - 442 hp (423 hp)
  • Body Hit - 114 hp (109 hp)
  • Body Hit (with body armor) - 111 hp (106 hp)
  • Leg Hit - 82 hp (78 hp)

Low rate of fire, manual reloading and the highest destructive power. AWP is the most powerful weapon in the game, however, it is also the most difficult to master. In the majority professional teams there is at least one sniper player who uses AWP frequently. Such players must have lightning-fast reactions and nerves of iron, as well as stone calm, because... a good sniper in an advantageous position can decide the outcome of the match. Typically, snipers earn the most points, which tends to anger the rest of the team. However, AWP is the most terrible weapon in CS. The most common use is on de_dust2 and de_aztec.

In this regard, the AWP is an excellent rifle. Very difficult to use (in rare teams there will be two players who shoot well with AWP), it is nevertheless capable of single-handedly dealing with crowds of enemies. The main thing is not to forget that distance and the right choice of position are the best friends of a treacherous sniper. Acting according to the “Shot and go” system, you will be able to for a long time strike terror into enemy players. Among the players it has a nickname: “Elephant”, and the name is quite plausible. When hit in the head, the damage goes beyond all limits of physics - 4 times more than when hit in the body.

Conclusion: when used correctly, it is without a doubt the most terrible weapon in the game.

  • Price: $4750 (including one magazine of ammunition)
  • Availability: CT/T
  • Ease of use: 3/10
  • Caliber: .338 Lapua Magnum
  • Magazine capacity: 10 rounds
  • Weight: 6 kg
  • Bullet weight: 16.2 g
  • Initial bullet speed: 1000 meters per second
  • Bullet energy: 7000 joules

SG-550 Sniper Rifle

Despite the possibility of conducting rapid fire, has a large spread after 2-3 continuous shots, but the screen view does not change while loading the next cartridge, which adds aesthetic convenience. Like its counterpart, the G3/SG1 is often used for long-range defense against large number opponents. It is especially dangerous for beginners and players with not the best shooting skills who cannot quickly kill a sniper. It is often used in cases where there are a lot of enemies attacking, but there is no time to reload, and the helmet does not protect against a bullet to the head from the Krieg 550 Commando. Its most frequent use is on de_dust2 and de_aztec. It has a nickname among players: “Rapid Fire”

G3/SG-1 Sniper Rifle

A very powerful weapon, it can be used at close ranges without an optical sight, as it has lethality comparable to a shotgun. It has much better accuracy and more damage than the SG-550 Sniper Rifle, average rate of fire, small clip. Due to its accuracy of fire, it is a very effective weapon ALMOST on par with the AWP. Another feature is that accuracy does not decrease when running. Experienced players can easily kill an enemy at close range without using a sight, because it only requires 1-2 rounds... Among the players he has a nickname: “Rapid Shooter”

Steyr Scout

With this weapon in hand, the player achieves the highest running speed. This weapon has the ability to fire silently. Causes little damage (kills the enemy with 2 hits to the torso/legs), so you need to aim for the head. Not very accurate, it is almost impossible to hit an enemy in the head from a distance of about 100 meters (even crouching). Can shoot accurately without a zoom. Only for professionals. Among the players it has the nickname: “Fly”, “Fly swatter” because you can only kill a fly with it - at least that’s what the majority thinks and the “syringe” because of its appearance.

Machine gun


This weapon has the highest amount of ammo in the game.

Despite its purpose, a single shot in a stationary position lands exactly in the crosshairs, i.e. can be used not only for barrage fire. However, it is very unpopular among players due to the huge spread starting from the 2nd cartridge and very high cost. However, professional gamers are quite good at changing the course of the game at the end of the match if they buy this weapon. Among the weapons presented in the game, it has both the largest clip and the longest reload (about 7 seconds). Among the players it has the nickname: Motherfucker.

Ammunition .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6x70mm) Arctic Warfare Police (AWP)


It is not a weapon.

Body armor

Name in game Price Availability Running speed (/s)
Kevlar 650$ Both teams 250
  • When purchasing, a shield icon and the amount of armor (Armor Points, ap) appear at the bottom left.
  • Only protects the player's torso
  • Different weapons cause different damage to body armor and the body. That is, body armor protects differently from different types of weapons. Glock and TMP penetrate the least armor, and AWP and P90 penetrate the most.

Body armor and helmet

Name in game Price Availability Running speed (/s)
Kevlar+Helmet 1000$ Both teams 250
  • When purchasing, an icon of a shield with a helmet and the amount of armor (Armor Points, ap) appears at the bottom left.
  • If the body armor is not damaged, then you can simply buy an additional helmet for $350


  • All grenades are available in both T and CT.
  • Each player has the ability to simultaneously carry no more than two blinding grenades, one fragmentation grenade and one smoke grenade.
  • After killing a player, grenades remain on the ground, but they cannot be “dropped” (thrown away, for example, to give to another player).
  • Running speed with grenades is 250 /s.
  • Smoke transparency depends on the quality of game textures (32 bit and 16 bit).
  • Often, grenades interact strangely with map objects (with glass, Smoke Grenade with inclined surfaces, FlashBang with narrow openings - FlashBang Bug).
  • When bouncing off a wall, grenades make a characteristic sound; the sound of HE Grenade is individual, while the others (FlashBang, Smoke Grenade) have a common sound.
  • The actual size of grenades, within the framework of CS physics, is much smaller sizes of the displayed model and is equal to one pixel. Therefore, grenades can easily fly into very narrow openings, visually smaller than the size of a grenade. Does not apply to Counter-Strike Source, there is completely different physics.

Defuse Kit

  • When purchasing a Defuse Kit, the time to clear a bomb (C4) is only 5 seconds.
  • If you have a Defuse Kit, there is an icon in the form of wire cutters on the left.
  • The Defuse Kit cannot be dropped ("dropped"), but it remains on the ground after the player dies and can be picked up by an ally absolutely silently.
  • Defuse Kit interacts with CLIP brushes on maps, so it can be on them after the death of the player. A striking example: the bridge on the de_aztec map.

Night-vision device

Name in game Price Availability Running speed (/s)
Nightvision 1250$ Both teams 250
  • When using Nightvision, the frame rate (FPS) may drop significantly.
  • The brightness level can be slightly changed with the commands +nvgadjust -nvgadjust (by holding down the buttons assigned to them).
  • The sound of Nightvision turning on is clearly audible to other players.
  • The flashbang's blinding effect is slightly enhanced by an overall increase in brightness.

Tactical shield

As a rule, it is not used by players, as it serves as protection. Preempts the Primary slot (meaning the primary weapon will be discarded). When purchased, the shield protects only from one side (in this mode you can shoot from a pistol), but in the alternative mode you can close it tightly, having only a small gap for viewing and losing the ability to fire and reload. There is also a weak side: the shield is easily shot through from the bottom, closer to the enemy’s feet, and does not protect against grenades. It was introduced in version 1.6 and has long been a stumbling block, only available to CTs and granting them some advantage in the early stages. The wearer became a human shield and took enemy fire. This new tactical element was received rather coldly by most players. Also, two or three such “shield bearers” can close a passage, a door, etc. A terrorist with a shield is very rare, and special forces sometimes even mistake a terrorist with an activated shield for one of their own. It often happens that a shield-bearer (with an activated shield) protects a friend from shots (especially when reloading) from enemy fire, approaching the enemy almost, or completely point-blank, and does not allow him to shoot at his own. By the way, there is one way against those hiding behind a shield - using the “Crouch Jump” trick, you can climb onto it and stab them in the head.

The use of a shield is prohibited at championships.

Bomb (C4)

  • Running speed with bomb 250 /s
  • It takes 3 seconds to plant a bomb.
  • The time to clear a bomb without the Defuse Kit is 10 seconds, with the Defuse Kit it’s only 5 seconds.
  • On the radar, the bomb is displayed in orange - a dot or two perpendicular lines if someone is carrying it, a flashing dot if the bomb is on the ground, a cross if the bomb is planted. (For T)
  • The player model carrying the bomb has a backpack on its back.
  • If, for example, a bomb needs to be planted on a very small bridge under which there is an abyss, and during planting the terrorist with the bomb is killed, then it may fall and it will be impossible to get it. There are no such cards in the official set.

Notes Wikipedia

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