Anniversary is a very symbolic date. It means that a person has passed a certain stage in life. That is why it is customary to celebrate anniversaries on a special scale. Today it is customary to celebrate such a day in restaurants and cafes, where professional chefs are ready to make any fantasy come true. If funds are limited, the celebration can be held at home in a narrow circle. Our article will tell you how to create a menu for your anniversary and prepare festive treats at home.

The anniversary menu should be compiled so that the dishes on it include:

Then your guests will definitely remember your holiday for a long time, and, probably, later your help will be in demand for creating a menu for the anniversary.

We offer a holiday menu that includes original and simple treats.



Cut the tops of 8-10 tomatoes beautifully with a knife with a thin blade. Remove the pulp. Rub the inner walls of the tomatoes with salt and place on a paper napkin with the holes facing down for half an hour. Mash 200 grams of Adyghe cheese, beloved by many, with a fork. Wash a bunch of fragrant green onions, a bunch of dill and a bunch of parsley and chop them finely. Then combine with cheese. Squeeze 1 clove of garlic into the mixture and add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream/mayonnaise. Spices to taste. Fill the tomatoes with the resulting filling. Place on a wide dish.


Chicken fillet (3 pieces), cut into thin slices each, beat. Add salt and spices. Leave for half an hour. Place on fillet cottage cheese(100 grams), 1 tomato and wrap each of the mini rolls tightly with bacon. Bake in a cast iron pan for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.


Cut 1 French baguette into slices, brown without adding oil in a frying pan. Then grate 3 pieces boiled eggs. Next, mash 1 canned cod liver, combine with your favorite cheese (quantity as desired) and finely chopped herbs (dill/parsley). Add 5 tbsp mayonnaise sauce. Spread mixture onto baguette slices. Serve to the table, first sprinkled with herbs.

1) "Gift"


The salad consists of the following layers, each coated with mayonnaise:

Cubes chicken fillet;
coarsely grated boiled carrots;
fried with onions champignons seasoned with pepper and salt;
grated apple;
chopped walnuts;
mashed yolks;
finely chopped egg whites.

Salad “Gift”

To decorate the “Gift”, make a bow from beautifully cut ribbons of raw carrots. Additionally garnish with chopped dill and tomatoes.

2) “Fish cake”


Base: 5 tbsp boiled rice, pack crab sticks, half a kilo of salted salmon, 4 boiled eggs.

Cream: 100 grams of cheese similar to Philadelphia, 4 tbsp sour cream, the same amount of mayonnaise, 8 grams of gelatin.

Separately grate the sticks, whites, and yolks. Place the strips of salmon on the very bottom of the mold covered with cellophane. Layer layers of rice, yolks, whites and sticks onto the fish, brushing it with cream. Cool for several hours in the refrigerator. Remove and invert onto a plate. Decorate with greens and red caviar.

Fish Cake Salad



Rinse half a glass of rice. Then put it in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Hold a small cabbage fork in hot water 3 min. Remove and separate into leaves. Sauté an onion, carrots, 5 champignons and a clove of garlic in 2 tablespoons of oil. Then grind 300 grams of chicken fillet in a meat grinder. Then mix with salt, fried vegetables, rice and spices.

For tomato sauce: Grate 3 tomatoes, pass through a sieve. Then add 300 grams of sour cream.

Place cabbage leaves in tartlet molds, greased with any butter, and minced meat on top. Pour 2 tablespoons of sauce and wrap with the free edges of the sheet. Then pour the remaining sauce over all the cabbage rolls.


Woodpile Cake


Boil 1 cup of running water with a small pinch of salt. Then add 100 grams of butter. Next 1 tablespoon of sugar, 150 gr. wheat flour and stir vigorously. Let cool and beat in 3 eggs, 1 at a time. Mix the mixture with a mixer. On a baking sheet lined with good baking paper, pipe a pastry bag into a “log” of the size desired.

Boil a little more than half a liter of milk. Next add a couple of eggs, 2 tbsp flour and 1 tbsp white sugar. Whisk everything together. Bring to boiling point. Cool. Grate the zest of 1 lemon. Beat with butter. Then put it in your refrigerator for half an hour.

Place a layer of custard cakes on the bottom of a rectangular pan and coat generously with cream. All other layers are laid in the same way. Leave the resulting “Woodpile” in the refrigerator until guests arrive.

Woodpile Cake

An airy dessert is the perfect end to a festive meal.

Birthday is the most important holiday for most of us. But over time, imagination becomes exhausted, and monotonous dishes appear on the table. I want something new, but no less tasty. What should the birthday menu be like? What original thing can you put on the table and surprise your guests?

Birthday menu composition

If you decide to celebrate your holiday at home, then you need to decide in advance what dishes and in what quantities you will prepare. However, you shouldn’t overdo it and prepare too many different kinds of dishes; most likely, most of them will never come to fruition. In addition, these should be relatively easy-to-prepare dishes, especially if you will be doing the cooking alone. Otherwise, you will be so tired that you will no longer want a holiday or a festive table.

The choice of dishes for your birthday depends on the format of the event. Will you sit at the table all the time, or perhaps you want to have a buffet, and will soon move on to entertainment program and dancing. In addition, you should definitely take into account the age of your guests and the time of year. The colder it is outside, the more food will be eaten.

Write on a piece of paper how many salads you want to prepare, how many appetizers, how many hot dishes. Moreover, try to cook as few similar dishes as possible. For example, if you decide to make the traditional salad “Herring under a fur coat,” you should not make another fish salad, for example, “Mimosa.”

Traditional dishes for birthdays

  • First of all, these are, of course, snacks. There should not be too many of them; their goal is not to kill the appetite before the main course, but rather to excite it. Three to five types of snacks will be enough on the table.
  • Secondly, these are, of course, salads. Three types of different salads will be enough. And it’s just great if the base of these salads is different, for example, fish salad, vegetable and meat.

  • Thirdly, cutting. Slicing is not considered a separate dish, but it should always be present on the table. Do not make too many cuts of one product - such dishes quickly become stale and spoil general form. It will be enough to have 1 plate (depending on the number of people) of meat, fish, vegetables and cheese.
  • Fourthly, there must be a side dish on the birthday table. At least one type. Most often, it is either mashed potatoes, or potatoes baked with mayonnaise.
  • Fifthly, and this is practically the main dish on the table, hot. One type of hot dish is a must. But you can prepare 2-3 types, for example.
  • And the final chord of the holiday is dessert. It must be on the holiday table. This could be a cake, a pie, a variety of pastries or cookies, ice cream, jellies and puddings. Here, focus on the preferences of the majority of guests. If you don’t know their tastes, you can prepare two or three types of dessert to definitely please everyone.

Snacks for a festive birthday menu

Lavash roll with crab sticks


  • Crab sticks - 200 g
  • Sausage cheese – 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Lavash - 2 pcs
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Preparation:

    • Cut crab sticks into small cubes. Cooled sausage cheese grate the butter and mix with crab sticks.
    • Finely chop the greens, crush the garlic, mix with the previously prepared mixture, add mayonnaise and spices. Spread the resulting mass in a thin layer on pita bread, roll it up and wrap it on top. cling film and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Before serving, cut into beautiful pieces, diagonally.

    Salad with chicken and pickled mushrooms


  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Smoked chicken – 400 g
  • Marinated mushrooms – 50 g
  • Onions - 2 heads
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Fresh tomatoes – 5 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - from ½ lemon
  • Salt, mayonnaise
  • Preparation:

    • Finely chop the onion and fry it along with the mushrooms. Cut the chicken into cubes. Three cheese and eggs on a grater.
    • Let's make the sauce. To do this, mix mayonnaise with lemon juice and garlic.
    • We begin to lay out the salad in layers, coating each layer with the prepared sauce and pressing down a little. The first layer is chicken. The second layer is mushrooms and onions. The third layer is eggs. The fourth is cheese. Fifth - tomatoes.
    • You can cut out shapes from the tomatoes to decorate the top of the salad.

    Hot for a festive menu for a birthday

    Meat with cheese and mushrooms


  • Pork – 600 g
  • Mushrooms – 250 g
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Flour - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Pepper, salt
  • Preparation:

    • To the greased vegetable oil On a baking sheet we lay out half the onion, which we previously cut into rings.
    • We cut the meat like chops, along the grain, about 1.5 cm thick, beat it, add salt and pepper. Place the meat on a baking sheet on top of the onions.
    • Fry the mushrooms and place on the meat.
    • Place the second half of the onion, cut into rings, on top and press lightly.
    • Sprinkle grated cheese on top of our dish, pour over mayonnaise and place in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.
    • You can make this dish even simpler and use no raw mushrooms, but marinated. Then they won't need to be fried.

    How to decorate a holiday table?

    You can beautifully decorate prepared dishes, both salads and main dishes, cold cuts and appetizers, giving them additional beauty. Such dishes will seem even tastier.

    Bon appetit and happy holiday!

    2015-12-02T04:00:11+00:00 admin useful tips

    Birthday is the most important holiday for most of us. But over time, imagination becomes exhausted, and monotonous dishes appear on the table. I want something new, but no less tasty. What should the birthday menu be like? What original thing can you put on the table and surprise your guests? Birthday menu composition If you decide...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-online

    Birthday is a fun and beloved holiday by everyone. Therefore, at least once a year, housewives have to organize either their own birthday or a holiday for one of the family members. And the question of what to cook for a birthday is relevant for every woman. When inviting guests into the house, the hostess dreams of treating them to delicious, unusual and original dishes. It sometimes takes whole days to find recipes and create menus. But the result is worth the effort, energy and time.

    Creating a menu for a birthday is not an easy task and you need to approach the choice of dishes wisely. To do this, you need to clearly determine the location of the holiday, the number of guests and their age category. If children will be present, you can prepare several dishes especially for kids (with funny decor, for example). Also, if you know the tastes of this audience well, then try to create a menu so that everyone will enjoy tasting dishes from their favorite products.

    Don’t think that the more food on the table, the better it will be for the guests. This is an old misconception, because eating a lot at once is harmful to the stomach, and the abundance of dishes does not allow you to enjoy their taste. Most the best option, this is when a festive dinner consists of several salads, two or three appetizers, a main second course with a side dish, and of course, dessert. If you're on a tight budget, don't try to save on everything. Then prepare only one of the dishes using delicious and expensive delicacies. For example, sandwiches with caviar, baked red fish, salad with expensive cheese or other options.

    When starting to prepare salads, give free rein to your imagination. There should not be three of the same type on the table lettuce puffs with mayonnaise. Let one dish be with mayonnaise, prepare the second with vegetables or with the addition of various solid and processed cheeses and grapes.

    The choice of dessert should also be approached responsibly. If you are not limited in time, then it is better to bake a cake or pie yourself. does not always require a lot of time and effort and it can never compare with store-bought sweets. You can bake a regular sponge cake with your favorite cream and make a chic decoration for a birthday cake. You can make several servings of cupcakes with with different fillings and a cap made of cream.

    If you are planning a birthday, then we invite you to visit our section called “Birthday Recipes”, and you will find everything you need here. We have collected the best recipes for this holiday in one place, you just have to choose something suitable just for you. And remember, you need to take care of everything in advance so that you have time to prepare every dish for the holiday and at the same time look not tired or exhausted. It is necessary to create the impression that all these aromatic and delicious dishes were prepared by themselves.

    Setting a festive table is quite an expensive task. Let's talk about various options for budget-friendly, satisfying and tasty dishes.

    To begin with, we choose a planning practice. We study the products in stock and try to use them in holiday dishes. We write a list of dishes with ingredients and a list for purchase in the store.

    We offer examples of tasty and inexpensive dishes with a brief description.

    Salads, snacks

    Envelopes / tubes with cheese and mushrooms. Wrap in thin pita bread or pancakes fried mushrooms with grated cheese, heat in a frying pan with butter on both sides until the cheese melts. Can be served both hot and cold.

    Salad with mushrooms. Ingredients: boiled red beans - 100 g, mushrooms fried in butter - 100 g, 2 boiled eggs, garlic, salt, sour cream or mayonnaise. Mix everything.

    Herring under a Fur Coat. Ingredients: 0.5 onions, 1 herring, boiled grated potatoes, grated carrots, egg, beets, mayonnaise or sour cream)

    Sandwiches with cheese clouds. Grate 2 processed cheeses such as “Nadezhda”, “Gorodskoy”, grate 2 eggs, garlic, sour cream or mayonnaise, mix. Place the resulting cheese cloud on bread; you can add cucumbers and sprats.


    Quick salad. Mix 1 can of canned green peas, 0.5 finely chopped onions with sour cream or mayonnaise, plus salt and pepper to taste. It turns out simple and quite tasty.

    Spicy carrots. These are variations on the theme of “Korean style carrots”. Grate carrots with garlic and ground black pepper, coriander, and other spicy hot seasonings, season with sour cream or vegetable oil.

    Radish with carrots. Grate radishes with carrots, add salt and season with sour cream.

    Avocado with cheese and garlic. Grate 1-2 medium avocados, 150 gr. cheese, 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt, season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

    Available cutting options: cheese, sausage, cucumbers, tomatoes, Bell pepper.

    Pancakes with various “economical” fillings. IN thin pancakes we wrap various fillings: finely chopped or grated boiled eggs, rice with fried onions; liver with onions and eggs; mashed potatoes with mushrooms and fried onions; cheese with mushrooms; sliced ​​boiled sausage with mushrooms and cheese.

    Salad with “Fish” cookies. Lay out in layers: fish cookies, coat with mayonnaise, grated smoked cheese (“Kolbasny”), finely chopped chicken breast with green onions, 3 finely grated eggs, a layer of mayonnaise. It’s better to let it sit in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that the cookies “soak.”

    Salad with fresh vegetables and herbs:
    Option 1: young cabbage, cucumber, dill, green onions, sour cream, salt.
    Option 2: cucumber, radish, 2 finely chopped eggs, lots of herbs, salt, sour cream.
    Option 3: cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper, cheese, onion, herbs, salt, sour cream.
    Option 4: chicken breast or ham, cheese, bell pepper, tomatoes, 2 boiled eggs, salt, ground pepper, sour cream or mayonnaise.

    Tomatoes with cheese and garlic. Cut the tomatoes into rings, put grated cheese with garlic and mayonnaise on top.

    Liver plates. We make liver pate: 0.5 kg of boiled or fried liver, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 0.5 pack of plums. oils, salt and spices to taste. Grind the liver with vegetables in a meat grinder and mix everything. Then place on “wheat plates”, tartlets or bread.

    Salo. Lard can be used both as cutting and to make a kind of snack by chopping it along with garlic and pepper in a meat grinder. Then spread this mixture on bread. It turns out especially tasty if such sandwiches are slightly warmed over a fire on a grill.

    It turns out to be more economical when using an abundance of seasonal ingredients: if you have freshly picked or canned, frozen mushrooms, we prepare dishes with them; in the season of an abundance of fresh vegetables, we use them to the maximum, etc.


    Chicken breast pancakes. Finely chop raw chicken breast, 1 onion, salt, pepper, mix with mayonnaise and fry in a frying pan.

    Chicken cutlets. Scroll through the chicken breast, add a small piece of lard or pork, 2 eggs, salt, pepper, a little milk, bread or potatoes. Mix thoroughly and fry.

    Liver pancakes. 0.5 kg chicken liver grind in a meat grinder or blender, 1-2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, onion, 100-200 gr. flour. Mix thoroughly until it becomes thick sour cream and place the pancakes in a heated frying pan.

    Fish in sauce. Ingredients: 3 large pollock, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 100 gr. milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt, pepper. Place the fish in a hot frying pan, fry on both sides, add chopped carrots and onions, simmer for 5 minutes, add milk, sour cream, seasoning, simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

    Fried potatoes with onions.

    Fried mushrooms with onions and sour cream.

    Fish cutlets.

    Boiled rice with fried mushrooms. Separately, cook the rice and fry the mushrooms and onions, then mix or place the mushrooms on top of the rice.

    Chicken wings baked in the oven. Soak a few hours before baking chicken wings in sauce: sour cream or mayonnaise, salt, pepper, hot seasoning. Then place on a baking sheet and bake until crispy.

    Potato casserole. Wrap in thin pita bread, laying out in layers: mashed potatoes, minced meat or stew, fried onion, cheese, sour cream.

    Warm meat salad. Fry separately: finely chopped chicken breast, some beef and vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, onions. Place in a heap on a plate and serve sizzling.

    Potato pancakes with sour cream and mushrooms.

    Zucchini fritters with sauce(mayonnaise, sour cream and garlic)

    For tea

    Homemade baked goods are much cheaper and more natural than store-bought ones.

    Sponge cake with apples. Beat 5-6 eggs and 150-200 gr. sugar, add 100 gr. flour, the dough should be like liquid sour cream. Cut 2 medium apples into a baking dish, add the dough and bake for 30 minutes.

    Pie based cake. You can make a cake based on this pie. Cut the pie into several layers, coat with cream, add soaked dried fruits, marmalade, berries, and fill with chocolate glaze.

    Pancakes or thin pancakes with jam, condensed milk, chocolate

    Homemade cookies and waffles

    Ice cream with jam or chopped bananas

    Marshmallows and cookies

    Cheesecakes for tea with jam and sour cream

    Cottage cheese cake. Lay out in layers: cookies like “Jubilee”, “Sugar”, a layer of cottage cheese with sour cream, a layer of thinly sliced ​​marmalade, a layer of cookies, a layer of cottage cheese with sour cream, a layer of marmalade, cookies, cottage cheese and fill with chocolate glaze.
    For chocolate glaze melt 2 tsp in 100g milk. cocoa powder, 4-5 cloves of dark chocolate, 1-2 tablespoons of sugar.


    The use of exotic fruits significantly increases the cost of the holiday table; you can use more affordable fruits: apples, pears, bananas, oranges. In season - watermelon, melon.

    After the holiday

    It happens that many products remain after the holiday. So, you can cook a hodgepodge soup from sliced ​​vegetables and sausages, make a kind of gravy for a side dish, and make a casserole from the remaining side dish and hot dishes. If there is a lot of food left after the celebration, then some can be frozen in the refrigerator, for example, chicken, cutlets, sausage, pancakes and cheesecakes, fish and many others. This way they will be kept fresh and will significantly reduce the time it takes to prepare food in the future; all you need to do is take them out and heat them up.

    Complete the list. What options for delicious and inexpensive dishes do you prepare for the holiday?

    Quick Napoleon cake made from three ingredients. I highly recommend making it! In terms of time, you will need 30-40 minutes plus soaking time. But the taste and tenderness of this cake simply cannot be expressed in words! All Napoleon cake lovers are guaranteed to be delighted. Delicate soaked cakes from puff pastry With delicious cream! A minimum of ingredients and time costs, but the result is a simple, quick and delicious cake.

    puff pastry, cream, condensed milk

    Recipe for the popular American Red Velvet Cake. I can say for sure - this is the most best recipe The best red velvet cake I've ever tried. This cake turns out incredible! Velvety and juicy cakes without any impregnation, rich red color, with a delicate butter cream. At the same time, all the ingredients are simple, familiar - it’s not for nothing that this legendary cake has so many fans! If you are not yet familiar with Red Velvet, be sure to pick up the cake recipe. Besides, there is a reason - such a cake would be very appropriate on a festive table in honor of March 8th!

    kefir, eggs, sunflower oil, butter, sugar, cocoa powder, flour, salt, baking powder, soda, coloring, cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar...

    Baklava (baklava) is a very tasty oriental nutty sweet.

    yolk, sugar, sour cream, soda, butter, flour, protein, walnut, sugar, yolk, honey

    I would like to offer you a recipe for honey cake with vertical cake layers. It looks very unusual! The cooking process is a little more complicated than making a regular Honey cake, but it's worth it. And you will certainly be able to surprise your guests with such a seemingly ordinary cake.

    flour, honey, sugar, butter, eggs, soda, lemon juice, sour cream, cream, powdered sugar, raspberries

    I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite pies. The pie turns out incredibly tasty, very aromatic, with an unusual filling. The butter pie is made from individual rose buns with a ready-made filling of apples and nuts. After baking, you get a whole bouquet of roses. :) Very tasty, definitely worth taking the time to prepare!

    Crispy biscuit cookies in the shape of flowers will be a real decoration on the holiday table. And making Calla Lilies cookies is not at all difficult!

    eggs, flour, sugar, soda, vinegar, apple, powdered sugar

    Shortbread with oatmeal it is very tasty, crumbly and aromatic. But ordinary round cookies are not very interesting. Let's make some flower-shaped cookies! None special devices will not need! And to make the edible flowers bright, you can use pink sugar and multi-colored dragee candies. Children will be delighted, and adults too!

    oat flour, wheat flour, yolk, sugar, baking powder, butter, orange zest, sugar, dragee