Cucumbers and tomatoes have different textures. Due to this, the absorption of these vegetables by the body occurs at different rates. Although this is the easiest to prepare, it tastes good. But it's not that simple.

What is the difference?

How to understand why you can’t eat cucumbers and tomatoes together - the answer is simple. Tomatoes have an acidic environment, while cucumbers have an alkaline environment. It is enough to remember the school chemistry course to understand the consequences. The reaction is inevitable. Only all processes will occur in the body. By combining these vegetables, we get salts. Why does the body need extra salts? This leads to additional stress on the kidneys and liver. As a result, the body's filtration slows down.

Also, tomatoes and cucumbers cannot be eaten together, because tomatoes contain ascorbic acid, and cucumbers contain ascorbinase. That is, the second enzyme suppresses the first and vegetables are less digestible. It turns out that certain enzymes are required for the assimilation of each product. They are not digestible together. In this regard, nutritionists recommend cutting tomatoes and cucumbers into separate plates. Thus, dietary fiber, which is so beneficial for health, does not give foods a chance to remain undigested in the body. The combination of tomatoes and cucumbers leads to destruction. So doubts about the benefits of a summer salad of tomatoes and cucumbers are not unfounded when someone asks whether it is possible to eat cucumbers and tomatoes together.

Cucumbers are also characterized by high acidity, so use them when stomach ulcers and acute gastritis are not recommended due to the risk of increased acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

A little about the benefits of products

Do not forget that each vegetable separately is a storehouse of useful nutrients. Therefore, summer vegetable salads can be alternated. Then you won’t have to worry about whether you can eat tomatoes and cucumbers together. From a medical point of view, the call not to eat these vegetables together is quite reasonable. Young people are unlikely to pay attention to him. But older people are already more picky about food due to many contraindications.

It has long been noted that with separate nutrition (in different time meal) metabolic processes happen more easily. The body copes with the task of digesting each product faster.

A traditional dish on every table in our country is salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. It is prepared for every day, served on festive table. But nutritionists sounded the alarm.

It turns out that when proper nutrition Mixing tomatoes and cucumbers in one dish is strictly contraindicated!

When tomatoes enter the body, they have such an effect on the gastrointestinal tract that an acidic environment is formed. As for cucumbers, they contribute to the creation of an alkaline environment. It turns out that when an acidic environment and an alkali are combined, the process of salt formation starts.

This primarily harms the kidneys. With constant consumption of this salad, serious problems with liver function may occur.

Important! Tomatoes contain ascorbic acid. It is beneficial for the body, but with the simultaneous absorption of red and green fruits, the ascorbic acid of tomatoes will be killed by the enzyme ascorbinase contained in cucumbers.

It turns out that even if you eat a kilogram of tomatoes, together with cucumbers, the body will not get vitamin C, which tomatoes are rich in and can supply the body in large quantities.

Vitamins rivals

There is such a thing in dietetics as antivitamins. These are substances that have a similar chemical structure, but the opposite effect. In the body, such substances will conflict and cancel each other out. As for tomatoes and cucumbers, this is a classic example of such simultaneous intake of rival vitamins into the body.

When vitamins enter the body, they become coenzymes and interact with specific proteins. This is how biochemical processes in the body are regulated.

The roles are prescribed in advance, and a certain vitamin can only be incorporated into a protein specifically suitable for it. Antivitamins will also turn into coenzymes, but they will be complex.

Due to the specific structure of the protein, they may not be noticed at all, and as a result, the usual biochemical processes will be disrupted (in whole or in part).

  • Smoking (including passive smoking) and alcohol are the main enemies of vitamins. Especially, vitamins of group B, as well as C and K. One cigarette removes the daily dose of vitamin C from the body!
  • Most ascorbinase, which is the main antagonist of vitamin C, is found in zucchini and cucumbers.

In order for cucumber to be absorbed by the stomach without problems, the release of certain enzymes is required. But not a single enzyme matches those that the body needs to digest tomatoes. That is, one vegetable will be digested, while the other will begin to rot in the stomach. As a result, gases are formed.

Of course, while a person is young and the organs, especially the liver, are healthy and in in perfect order, then there will be no problems when consuming tomatoes and cucumbers together. But by the age of forty, the liver may already begin to wear out. To prevent this from happening, it is better to always eat cucumbers and tomatoes separately.

It’s difficult to suddenly give up eating such a beloved and traditional dish. A salad with cucumbers and tomatoes is always a hit, and these vegetables combine perfectly in taste. But you need to look at the root and think about your future, about the health of your organs and systems.

For a healthy liver, you should now stop regularly combining tomatoes and cucumbers in one dish. This can be done occasionally to please yourself with such a favorite taste.

When eating cucumbers and tomatoes together, not only does a lot of salts form. It is also important to remember the fact that the vitamins from these vegetables, no matter how natural and ripe they are, will not be absorbed by the body.

Feb 27, 2017 Olga

Tomatoes, which are familiar to all of us, are not equally useful in any combination. Let's figure out what you can eat tomatoes with, and what combination of this vegetable with other products has a detrimental effect on the human body.

What do tomatoes go with?

People who are guided by the principles of separate nutrition take into account when compiling the daily menu chemical composition ingredients used. It is important for them to take care of their health and the body of their family members.

As a rule, the average person does not know what foods tomatoes go with. So, for example, when making a salad with tomatoes, you should season it vegetable oil or sour cream, and among the ingredients it is best to use bell peppers, nuts, broccoli, cheese or meat.

So, the following combinations of tomatoes are most acceptable in food:

  • vegetables - bell pepper, eggplant, broccoli, pumpkin;
  • fruits - pineapples, apples, plums, avocados;
  • poultry meat;
  • seafood - salmon, cod, shrimp, squid;
  • dairy products - cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese.

The ideal combination is tomatoes and vegetable oil. This combination helps to prolong the youth of the skin and prevents cancer.

In addition, cheese, nuts, herbs and vegetables go well with tomatoes. This means that you can safely make salads and season them with sour cream and vegetable oil.

What don't go well with tomatoes?

So, tomatoes do not go well with:

  • grain legumes - beans, peas, lentils, beans;
  • bread;
  • cereals;
  • potatoes;
  • milk;
  • confectionery and sugar.

From a biological point of view, tomatoes are a fruit, so they can cause fermentation in the body. The “meeting” with pasta and meat is especially destructive for tomatoes.

Why can't you eat cucumbers and tomatoes together?

Cucumber and tomato salad is a traditional dish on the summer table of our compatriots. However, nutritionists have sounded the alarm and claim that these vegetables do not mix. But is it?

There is an opinion that cucumbers and tomatoes cannot be mixed for the reason that the former contribute to the formation of an alkaline environment in the body, while tomatoes create an acidic environment. With this combination, the process of formation of salts starts, which when high level content in the body cause irreparable harm to the kidneys and liver.

Moreover, experts say that the incompatibility of tomatoes and cucumbers is also confirmed by the fact that tomatoes are a source of ascorbic acid, and the well-known green vegetable helps neutralize its effect. Thus, the body will not receive vitamin C. Taken together with the first point, the benefits and harms of such a combination become obvious.

These are not all the arguments why you can’t eat these popular vegetables together. To digest cucumbers and tomatoes, special enzymes are required, different for each vegetable. This invariably leads to the fact that while one of them is absorbed by the body, the second rots. This leads to excessive gas formation.

However, not everyone agrees with the opinion that cucumbers and tomatoes do not go together. Here is a quote from the inverse theory with the author's argumentation.

Now I will explain how things really are.

1) Cucumber is alkali, and tomato is acidic. Together they give salt and it’s bad…..

All this heresy comes from the acid-base balance of nutrition, which is the product of the hopeless darkness of ignorance. Even their lemon is alkali. But proteins and carbohydrates cannot be combined together.

It’s not clear who writes this and who falls for it (didn’t they go to chemistry classes at all?) So. Let's turn to normal textbooks (textbooks on biochemistry, scientific articles, Wikipedia, conducting an experiment, etc.):

Tomatoes are rich in various organic acids and all sorts of macro- and microelements. Enough useful product.

Cucumbers: 95-97% water, low protein, low carbohydrates. They contain a small amount of vitamins (C, B, PP), which are acids (!) and a fairly decent amount of potassium and magnesium (A fairly healthy product that contains a lot of digestible potassium, but with a low calorie content.)

Therefore, there can be no alkaline environment here (more details in the next paragraph). To be extra sure, I cut a small piece of cucumber and dropped phenolphthalein on it (an indicator that determines only an alkaline environment (turns crimson)) - no reaction was observed - the color did not change at all.

Conclusion - this statement is fundamentally nonsense.

2) They write that tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C (in fact, not so much), and cucumbers contain ascorbinase/ascorbate oxidase (an enzyme that oxidizes ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)) and therefore it will not be absorbed when mixing these products .

In fact, this enzyme is found in almost all plants, but its activity (and quantity) depends on time and storage conditions (the longer it is stored, the more enzyme is released and the favorable temperature for the enzyme is up to 50°C (at 60°C it is destroyed)). In some vegetables (rutabagas, cabbage, sweet peppers, onions) and fruits (tangerines, oranges, rose hips, black currants) there is no ascorbinase.

And some contain little (lemon), so vitamin C remains in it for a very long time. However, ascorbic acid can be oxidized without enzymes (in fact, there are many enzymes that do not oxidize) - simply in air when interacting with O². So it’s best to eat a salad made from fresh vegetables (freshly picked), and the likelihood that there is practically no vitamin C left in its pure form (but only in oxidized form) in purchased products is very high. Therefore, you don’t have to worry too much here.
P.s. ascorbinase is active only in an acidic environment (or acidified), so cucumber cannot be alkaline.

Final conclusion: All data from the Internet should always be checked (Very Carefully). And yes, cucumbers and tomatoes can be safely mixed.

UPD: dehydroascorbic acid (oxidized vitamin C) is also quite important and beneficial for our body, in much the same way as ascorbic acid.

What vegetables goes well with tomatoes?

What else does tomato go with? Let's talk about the most commonly consumed vegetables.

Onions, like tomatoes, are rich in selenium. This substance has a positive effect on the human reproductive system. Vitamin E helps selenium to be absorbed correctly, so a salad with onions and tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil, is a healthy dish.

Tomatoes go well with bell pepper and white cabbage. However, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should refrain from consuming the latter.

As for other products, we can say that tomatoes go well with olives. This combination prevents the occurrence of cancer.

Never mix these products!

We have selected 11 combinations of products that are considered harmful from the point of view of both Ayurveda and physiologists.

Let's name just some of the consequences of incorrect food combinations: gas, bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue and bowel problems. In the long term, poor nutrition can lead to more serious problems, such as bad smell from the mouth, dry skin, rash, chronic inflammation, bad dream, low energy levels, and chronic digestive problems.

Most people feel a surge of energy and naturally release excess weight as soon as they begin to follow simple rules food combinations.

Here are some popular food combinations that may be harmful to your health:

1. Cucumbers and tomatoes.

These are incompatible products. Cucumbers are alkaline foods in their composition, while tomatoes are acidic. When they are combined, salts are formed.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are absorbed differently by our bodies. And when acid is released in the stomach to digest the cucumbers, the tomatoes, meanwhile, begin to ferment. That is why a large portion of your favorite cucumber and tomato salad often leads to bloating and increased gas formation.

2. Fruits after meals.

It has long been known that fruits do not combine well with other foods because they contain simple sugars that do not require digestion. This means that fruit should not remain in the stomach for long. Other foods, such as foods high in fat, protein, and starch, will take longer to digest.

If you eat fruit after meals, the fruit sugar will stagnate and ferment in your stomach.

3. Lasagna or grilled cheese sandwich.

Proteins and starches require different enzymes for digestion and different levels acidity. When you eat them together, your body is forced to digest the protein rather than the starches. Undigested starchy foods undergo fermentation and decomposition. Poisonous end products are formed in the body.

Add greens to cheese dishes to make them easier on your stomach. Some arugula please!

4. Cheese and meat omelet.

5. Tomato and cheese sauce with pasta.

Sour tomatoes are not recommended to be mixed with starchy carbohydrates such as pasta. The food compatibility theory recommends avoiding mixing carbohydrates with acids. Adding dairy products to this already complex combination is a recipe for digestive problems and post-meal fatigue. Your body will need a ton of energy to digest this complex food. Eat pasta with pesto and roasted vegetables!

6. Porridge or oatmeal with milk and orange juice.

The acids in orange juice and any other acidic fruit destroy the enzyme that is responsible for digesting starches. And starches are present in grains. Additionally, sour fruits or juices can curdle the milk and turn it into a heavy, slimy substance.

To make your breakfast healthy, eat fruit or drink orange juice 30 minutes before your oatmeal.

7. Beans and cheese.

Dairy protein and beans are a common combination in any Mexican restaurant. And yet, this is almost guaranteed to lead to gas and bloating. It is not the beans themselves that cause these consequences, but their combination with cheese. Try skipping cheese and tomatoes if you have weak digestion, or work on detoxifying your body.

8. Melon and prosciutto.

Melon should be eaten separately from everything else or not eaten at all. The same rule applies to all very sweet fruits. In general, it is advisable to eat fruits separately from proteins or starches.

9. Bananas and milk.

Ayurveda considers this combination one of the most difficult. It creates a feeling of heaviness in the body and slows down the mind. If you're a fan of milk and banana smoothies, make sure the banana is very ripe and add cardamom and nutmeg to stimulate digestion.

10. Yogurt and fruit.

Ayurveda and food combining theory do not advise mixing any sour fruits with dairy products. It reduces the rate of digestion, changes intestinal flora, releases toxins and causes runny nose, colds, coughs and allergies.

Ayurveda suggests avoiding foods that cause stagnation digestive system, such as cold yogurt mixed with fruit.

If you like yogurt with additives, there are ways to make it healthy. First of all, yogurt must be room temperature. Secondly, add a little honey, cinnamon and raisins to it instead of sour berries.

11. Lemon sauce as a dressing for cucumber and tomato salad.

Foods such as potatoes, peppers, eggplants and tomatoes should not be eaten with cucumbers. Lemon also doesn't go well with these foods.

By consuming foods that are incompatible with each other, you force the liver to work harder. And as long as the body is healthy and young, no discomfort is felt. However, over time, such a load can result in serious failures.

Of course, each person's body will react differently to bad food combinations. Many people attribute digestive problems and allergies to specific foods. In fact, it's the wrong food combinations that are to blame.

In addition, many of us are so accustomed to digestive discomfort that we no longer know what it’s like not to experience it.

If you follow simple food combination rules for 2 weeks, your digestion will become much more efficient. You will have more energy and a flatter stomach.

Are you a fan of such unhealthy combinations? How do you feel after this?

These products are so familiar to us, but few people know that they should never be mixed. From the point of view of Ayurveda, the process of assimilation of food should occur without negative consequences.
Bloating, pain, gas, nausea, problems with stool... We all at least occasionally experience these consequences of improper food combinations. Today our editors will tell you how to eat properly so that food brings only benefit and pleasure!

Cucumbers and tomatoes

These are incompatible products, and all due to the fact that they are absorbed differently by our body. When acid is released in the stomach to digest the cucumbers, the tomatoes wait their turn and begin to ferment.

Fruits after meals

Fruits are digested by our body very quickly. Therefore, under no circumstances should they remain in the stomach for a long time. If you eat delicious fruit After a hearty dinner, the fermentation process is inevitable!

Lasagne or hot cheese sandwich

To digest proteins and starches you need different levels acidity. Our stomach starts with proteins, and starches wait their turn. Undigested starches undergo fermentation and then decomposition.

Cheese and meat omelet

You can’t combine that many proteins in one dish. One concentrated protein per meal is enough.

Oatmeal with milk and orange juice

The acid in orange juice destroys the enzyme that is responsible for digesting starches. Also, sour fruits can curdle milk, turning it into a slimy substance. Legumes and cheese
This combination is guaranteed to lead to bloating. Try to avoid combining these products.

Melon and meat

Melon is best consumed separately from any other foods. You should eat a variety of fruits separately from proteins and starches.

Bananas and milk

Fans of delicious banana smoothies should know that this combination is not favorable for our body. To speed up the digestion process, add cardamom or nutmeg to your smoothie.

Yogurt and fruit

The combination of any dairy products with fruit slows down digestion, leads to changes in intestinal flora and the release of toxins.