Hi all!

The article will be short, but interesting. Today I learned how to make a new cover in the VK group!

This evening, I’m sipping some tea and then a message comes from a friend, look, in VK new cover appeared in groups and communities. I looked at the links and gasped at how beautiful it turned out, and began to deal with this matter!

VKontakte updated cover for group design!

In general, I won’t drag my feet, I’ll show you how to create a new banner for a group on VK!

First thing to do:

VKontakte group cover size

Next, find the community cover - download (see screenshot). A window opens and you are asked to upload from your computer a picture prepared for you for the group on VKontakte, and Dimensions indicated: 1590 x 400.

We upload your prepared image, adjust it to the size you need and save it, and voila, you have a new horizontal cover for a VK group or community!

If you don’t like something, feel free to delete it and do all the steps again, achieve a better and more attractive design!

Personally, I really liked this innovation! It turns out very beautiful and interesting! Apply and saddle up a new cover for your groups on VK!


For those who want to learn how to make money by running groups on VKontakte! Click on this banner and see the information!

Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.

Graphic elements in the design of the VKontakte community capture the visitor’s attention, hold it, and also increase the recognition of the group or public among thousands of similar communities. In addition, the graphical menu makes it easier to navigate through group sections, helping participants and other users social network navigate the structure of a large community.

A search on VK or viewing the portfolio of designers will show many successful examples of VKontakte group design, which you can use as a starting point when choosing a cover menu for your community.

The following VKontakte group design sizes are used:

  • The page cover is shown at the top, across the entire width of the public page, size 1590 x 400 pixels;
  • Large avatar - a vertical banner 200x500 px (aspect ratio 2:5), shown in the upper right;
  • A small avatar, a round picture, is shown in each group message, size 200x200 pixels.
  • Menu image for a VKontakte group, width 510 pixels, height 307 (so that the bottom edge of the menu matches nicely with the bottom of the large avatar on the right).

If a cover image is loaded in the community settings, the large avatar on the right is not shown.

How to make a header for a VKontakte group yourself

In order for the community header to look beautiful, all its graphic components must be designed in the same style (set of colors, logos, fonts) or be part of the same picture. When creating a VKontakte group yourself, the first step is to prepare a background image. This could be a thematic picture from free photo banks (for example, pixabay.com).

Open the image in a graphics editor. Crop or scale to size: length 1590 px, height 400 px.

Next, you can apply the necessary inscriptions (group name, slogan, call to join the community). Now you need to upload the cover to the community; to do this, go to the “Community Management” menu item:

Click on “Download” in the “Community Cover” field.

In the next window, select the cover file previously prepared on your computer and click “Save and Continue.”

Now your group will have a new cover. Keep in mind that in this case the vertical picture of the large avatar on the right will no longer be shown.

  • The picture or photo must correspond to the theme of the community.
  • Use high quality images.
  • Do not violate the copyright of others on images (currently free stocks offer a large number of and photographs and illustrations).
  • Don't overload the cover with details.
  • If you put a photo of a person on the header, then it is better that he looks not at the visitor, but at the person himself. important element on the page (menu, website address, message about the promotion, appeal).
  • Use high-quality fonts and ensure that the text is legible at any scale.

Header sizes on VKontakte public in a new design

After the redesign of this social network took place, a new design element appeared - the cover. This is a large landscape image measuring 1590 by 400 pixels. The header for the VKontakte group is a static image. Large enough to place on it a bright, memorable photograph or picture and the name of the public, the company slogan, the name of the site, work schedule and other inscriptions.

How to make a menu for a VK group in a new design

The process of designing a VKontakte group menu consists of the following steps:

  • Preparing a list of menu links (this could be pages, community sections or external sites).
  • Preparing the background image.
  • Applying inscriptions and menu “buttons” to the background image.
  • Cutting an image into parts.
  • Enable wiki page.
  • Loading a graphical menu and formatting it with wiki markup.

The background image should be 510 pixels wide, and the height depends on the number and placement of menu items. To work with images, you will need a raster graphics editor; below are examples using the free and lightweight Paint.Net.

You should immediately plan the placement of menu items so that the picture can be cut into fragments of the same size. This is important for the menu to scale properly on the screen of smartphones or tablets.

Vertical menu of the VK community with items in one column

Open the image in the editor. Using the editor's "Text" tool, write the menu items on top of the background. To make menu labels visible, they can be highlighted in several ways:

  • Circle it with a frame;
  • Change the background color under the letters;
  • Add a shadow to the letters.

In the screenshot below, each item is highlighted in one of the following ways.

The next step is cutting the image into parts:

The process of cutting an image can also be done using a convenient online tool www.imgonline.com.ua/cut-photo-into-pieces.php.

Next, in the “Community Management” menu, go to the “Sections” item and in the “Materials” item, select “Restricted” (this means that only the group administrator can create and edit pages).

Click save and go to main group. Near the section with information about the group, a “Latest News” item appeared.

Go to this section and click edit. Change the title to “Menu” and then click on the camera icon to add an image.

Click on the added image and in the properties window specify the link to the desired section.

VKontakte automatically reduces images to 400 pixels and inserts extra tags. To fix this you need to go to markup editing mode.

Each image tag begins with “[[” and ends with “]]” and consists of three parts separated by “|”: the image ID, properties, and link. You need to adjust the size of the pictures and insert the “nopadding” tag into their properties. The properties of pictures are listed through “;”.

After saving the changes, menu creation is complete.

Menu with horizontal or multi-line items

In this case, the preparation of images is carried out in the same way, but with the source being cut vertically. The cut fragments are loaded through the page editing interface. The relative position of the rectangular fragments is established using the wiki table markup in VK. Each link image tag described in the previous section is placed inside a table cell.

Table design rules:

  • The beginning is indicated by the symbol “(|), the end of the table is indicated by “|)”.
  • Additional properties are indicated after “|~”
  • The new line starts with "|-".
  • Each cell is separated by "|".

To exclude extra spaces, you need to specify the table parameters “fixed nopadding noborder”. The layout of a graphical menu with 2 columns and 2 rows looks like this:

And the menu itself in the group:

Group avatar size in a new design for VK public design

VKontakte communities use two avatar options:

  • A large rectangular banner 200 by 500 pixels is shown at the top right if the cover is not loaded.
  • The thumbnail is 200x200 pixels, shown in posts and discussions as a circle.

The topic of this article is the new design of VKontakte. Changed again, now you can set a horizontal cover in a group. Designing your VK community with such a header is much more interesting. Frankly, no Photoshop knowledge is required here. And you can make a beautiful picture even in PowerPoint, Fotor, Canva, Pixlr Editor without any special skills.

By going to the group, you will notice that in those groups the buttons “Pinned entry”, “Information” and “Click menu” have become visible. And before they were hidden. Naturally, all the registration of the groups began immediately.

Uploading a new cover

Now let's figure out how to enable the ability to install a horizontal header. Let's click on the "Manage" button.

Then click on the last one and download the new cover of the VKontakte group. This is where you can understand that the download file can be of any size! But no less than the size 1590x400 px. We create a cover prototype in any editor. Next, we can select and save the area that meets the VK requirements. Here's a tip on where to find a cover image and which editor to use to

What is interesting about the new design of VKontakte?

The main thing: appeared more space for information. Now here you can write the name of the group, the purpose of its creation, a call to action, and so on. Such a design will be logically complete and more functional. But you can leave it old design, it's a matter of everyone's taste.

When you design a horizontal cover, you will notice that the internal menu now somehow falls out of the general context. I think it would be better to pin the image to go to the menu. And use it to host wiki pages in the group.

At the same time, I would like the developers to add some other option for setting up a beautiful transition to Wiki pages.

I would like to note that since 2016, the developers of the VKontakte social network have been actively trying to set up this network to promote business. Make it more convenient for business or something. From my point of view, this is very good and is in great demand among many Internet entrepreneurs.

But most importantly, in my opinion, they need to carefully consider the “Bans” system so that entrepreneurs can work quietly without interfering with those users who came to have fun on the social network.

How to make a VKontakte group cover online

Use your creativity and choose what you like best horizontal cover or the already familiar VKontakte design. Creating online and installing a new cover is clearly presented step by step in the video below the article.

P.S. I hope this information is useful to you.

P.S.S. Use your creativity and good luck in all your endeavors!

Hello, dear friends and guests of the blog site! In this material I will tell you how to make a dynamic cover in VK with two in simple ways. First is a special designer of dynamic VK covers. Second— script dynamic VK cover. Both methods are accessible even to a beginner and will not cause you any particular difficulties in creating a dynamic cover for a VKontakte group. Well? Go...

First, let's figure out why you need to make dynamic VKontakte covers? Maybe you shouldn't bother with this? I’ll answer the second question right away: It’s worth it! And now we will answer the first question together - Why make a dynamic VK cover?

Dynamic VKontakte cover or it can also be called a live VK cover is needed so that your VK group visitors, both new and already subscribed to you, see the necessary information immediately on this cover. After all, on your live cover, you will be able to display a variety of data that will interest and attract many new subscribers and friends to your VKontakte group.

Thus, a dynamic VK cover will increase the conversion of your group and increase the number of its active subscribers. I think this is a good incentive to create a dynamic cover for a VKontakte group?! Now let's find out...

How to make a dynamic cover in VK in the first way - Dynamic VK Cover Designer!

There is a very wonderful service that will solve our problem of creating dynamic covers for VKontakte groups. This service is free and multifunctional...

This is what the page you get to looks like after clicking on the link I gave you above.

Then you need to register on the service, or rather, log in using your VKontakte account. Afterwards you will be taken to your personal account, where you will be given the opportunity to create your first dynamic VK cover. To do this, select in the upper right corner of your personal account in the service. And press on "Create a new cover":

Then, in the “Blank Template” field, left-click and a page will open in front of you where you enter the name of the cover. And then click on the button:

Now you are in the designer of dynamic covers for VKontakte groups. Almost everything here is like in Photoshop. Similar to working in Photoshop, you can create anything that is acceptable to you. First choose a background on which to then place everything that the designer provides you in free mode. This is what it looks like VKontakte cover designer:

I think that you shouldn’t have any special difficulties creating your first dynamic cover, and if this happens... Then watch the video tutorial at the end of the article, where there is detailed instructions on creating a dynamic cover for a VK group.

And we move on to the next question...

The second way to create a dynamic cover for a VKontakte group is the VK dynamic cover script.

This is also an option for creating dynamic VKontakte covers. It will be useful for those who like to create everything on their own and are not afraid of difficulties!

Now I will give you a file to download, where you will find everything you need to create your own dynamic VKontakte cover (instructions and the script itself). To do this, follow the link below and download everything completely free:

After you download and unpack the archive, you can immediately begin creating your VKontakte cover, and with this I say goodbye to you and wish you good luck and prosperity!

Yes, I completely forgot...

Here is the video I told you about “Video tutorial on creating a dynamic VK cover”:

That's it! See you again!

The better designed your group is, the more attention it can attract. If we're talking about about working with the commercial community, then the design should be worked out thoroughly. The fact is that the beautiful design of the VKontakte group increases trust in the community from subscribers, and also increases the conversion rate of new members joining. In the article you can find out what it is. New members equal new orders and sales. More people- that's more money.

One example of how a change in the design of a group made it possible to increase the growth of subscribers is a public page dedicated to healthy eating– vk.com/goodiet. Various recipes are published here for people who play sports and watch their diet.

On this moment the community has more than 360,000 subscribers. At the initial stages of its development, the group’s administration did not pay much attention to the design of its site.

The community developed through the publication of juicy photographs and correct articles, as well as through advertising in other public areas. Here is an example of deliciously designed content from their group.

vk.com/goodiet – These are delicious chicken cutlets made from cabbage. Healthy diet for Sport.

The average cost per subscriber was probably 3-4 rubles. Upon reaching the first 50,000 participants, the administrators decided to change their design and ordered a cover and avatar from the designers.

Thanks to this, the percentage of conversion to subscribers has increased, and the price per participant has also decreased to 1.5 rubles.

Group registration

Before you start designing your community, you need to know what is included in the group design.


One of the main design elements. The cover creates the first impression of the band. Therefore, it is important to pay great attention to its creation.

Avatar design when creating a group

The second most important design element. In the new cover design, the avatar is almost invisible. But this does not mean that you should not bother creating it.

When you click on the ava, it opens in a new window in full size.

If you use the classic design style without a cover, then the avatar is displayed like this:

Menu design

A very useful tool for navigating the public. Very often used in commercial groups or communities that need to divide content into categories. For example, the menu is very useful in book publics.

Product cards

Used in public pages selling goods or services.

Today, 90% of groups use the new format with cover art. If you also prefer this style, then pay great attention to creating a beautiful cover.

How to change the design of a VK group?

First of all, decide which elements you will change.

If you want to install a new cover, then go to the community management menu.

In the “Basic Information” window, click on the “Download” button next to the “Community Cover” section.

After the cover is installed, let's move on to adding a new avatar. To do this, hover your mouse over the avatar area and click on the download button.

Select the desired photo from your PC.

To set an image for a product card, you first need to enable them in the community settings.

To do this, go to the management section and open the “Partitions” menu.

In the menu that opens, enable the products section.

Set the image.

Optimal sizes

Cover – 1590x400 pixels.

Avatar – 200x200 pixels.

Menu banner – 510x510 pixels.

The image for the product card is 834x 834 pixels.

Ready-made cover and avatar templates for designing VKontakte groups

If you don’t want to spend time creating a design and money on a designer, then you can download templates for the new design of VKontakte groups in psd format.

Let's look at the 5 most popular sites where you can find templates:

  1. FreePSD. Public VK, the author of which posts group design templates for free download. Here you can download psd sources for most popular topics and change them to suit your style.

  1. You –PS.ru. A site where free templates for covers, avatars and menus for VKontakte are posted. Also, here you can find detailed lessons on working with sources in Photoshop.

  1. Erohovec.ru. A large selection of templates for the new VKontakte design for most popular topics.

  1. All –For –Vkontakte. The site provides a huge selection of images for menus, avatars and banners.

  1. Freepsd templates. Another public page on VKontakte, where templates for covers, banners, avatars and posts are published on a regular basis.

Editing templates

After the design templates have been downloaded, you need to understand how to edit them. For this we need Photoshop, because it works with the psd format.

Launch Photoshop, open the "File" menu and select "Open".

Open the desired source from your computer.

Since we are using a template, all we need to change are the text elements.

To do this, select the tool with the “T” icon and click on any of the text elements.

Enter your text.

An example of creating a banner.

After you have completely completed editing, save the result in png or jpg format.

To do this, open the “File” menu and click on “Save As...”.

In the window that opens, change the file type from psd to the one you need.

Possible problems

You may have difficulties while creating the design, so you need to consider possible problems when working with group design.

Poor image quality

A very common problem is when, when creating an avatar or cover, users use low-resolution images and stretch them to optimal sizes. Try to use photos with a resolution of 1280x 720 pixels or higher as your main background photo.

Lack of ideas

If you don’t know exactly how best to design a community, then look at a few examples of competitors. Try to get inspired and find interesting design solutions. The main thing is not to copy all their elements, because any design should be unique.

Bottom line

As a result, it is worth noting that the design of a VK group is the most important part of promotion. Beautiful design can increase conversion on entry, as well as increase the trust of subscribers.

To create a high-quality cover, avatar or menu, you don’t have to seek help from a professional designer; you can always use free templates.