Exist different ways determination of numbers that have a certain influence on the personality and fate of a person. Let's start with the first days of our biography - from the moment of birth. It's about about the number of birth.

How to calculate your birth number

Before his physical incarnation, the individual does not yet have a material form, representing, to put it simply, an energy potential in a certain astral proto-form. He will become a Personality when he gains certain experience, receives lessons from harsh life and fully reveals the talents gifted by Nature.

A person is endowed with a certain amount of energy and the necessary strength to solve life problems. But the conditions for implementation are different for everyone. Some were born in the palace, others were born in the Latin Quarter. People who are voluntarists and people who are fatalists look at things differently: the former are looking for a lever ready to turn the world upside down, while the latter are hiding from troubles under the guise of eternal bad luck.

As already mentioned, the easiest way to determine eigenvalue- summarize your date of birth, i.e. everyone born on the 4th, 13th, 31st were born under the number “4” and have the corresponding characteristics. This elementary method, repeatedly successfully implemented in practice by about 75%, is especially true if it is confirmed by obtaining the same number by other methods (by zodiac sign, by full date of birth, by the numerical value of the name, etc.).

What does your birth number mean?

At the same time, one should not think that all people with the same birth number will live a life similar in the smallest details and achieve the same great successes. We are talking only about potential, about what we are endowed with by nature and what we must acquire and develop. One person will be able to fulfill his tasks, that is, live a full life, while the other will not use his data, will “bury” his talent, will not live to his full potential, or will even slide down an inclined plane.

Speaking about the number 4 and extrapolated variations of this number, we did not mention the number 22. The fact is that in Pythagorean numerology the number 22 is reduced to 4. However, the Chaldeans and many modern specialists in the field of numerology do not reduce these numbers to single digits, but believe that 11 and 22 are extremely lucky and auspicious numbers that represent more high level than numbers from 1 to 9.

People associated with these numbers can become great teachers and preachers, and achieve great success in religion, science, politics or art. Usually these are powerful individuals, convinced of the importance and righteousness of their mission. To achieve it, they are ready to sacrifice everything. The names of Winston Churchill, Einstein, Pablo Picasso and Florence Natingale, John Rockefeller are associated with the number 11 and 22.

Calculation of birth number: example

Let's look at another method of determining one's own number - using the full date of birth - using an example. Let the full date of birth be February 13, 1959. You can write this date as 02/13/1959. Let's add the numbers of the date of birth 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 9 = 30 = 3. Many modern numerologists do not agree that when calculating your own number by the full date, you must use the digital symbol of the month of birth.

They believe that it is better to calculate the month of birth using the name of the month, converted into numbers. To do this, you need to give numerical values ​​for the letters of the Russian alphabet and calculate the values ​​of the months using Russian symbols. Since the Russian alphabet was not used to represent numbers, its letters are assigned values ​​from 1 to 9:


How to calculate your birth number according to Pythagoras

Now let’s substitute for each letter in the name of the month its numeric value and calculate the day of the month according to the Pythagorean system:

January -1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 16 = 7;

February - 2 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 2 = 21 = 3;

March -3 + 1 + 7 + 9 = 20 = 2;

April - 1+6 + 7 + 6 + 2 = 22 = 4;

May -3 + 1 + 9 = 13 = 4;

June -9 + 9 + 4 = 22 = 4;

July -9 + 9 + 2 = 20 = 2;

August - 1 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 8 + 9 = 26 = 8;

September - 8 + 6 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 37 = 1;

October - 5 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 25 = 7;

November - 4 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 7= 19 = 1;

December - 5 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 22 = 4.

In our example: 13 + 21 + 1959 = 1993 = 22 = 4, i.e. we got the same number as when summing the date of birth (1 + 3). From this we can more likely conclude that a person born on February 13, 1959 is indeed associated with the number 4.

Using these numbers, the meaning of a person's name is calculated. Another way to determine your number is to construct a number graph. To do this, the numerical values ​​of the day, month and year of birth are summed up in the Pythagorean way to a number not exceeding 22, i.e. numbers greater than 22 will be added further. For example, if a person was born on February 13, 1959, then for each of the numbers we calculate: 1 + 3 = 4; 0 + 2 = 2; 1 + 9 + 5 + 9 = 24.

The number 24 is greater than 22, so we sum 24 = 2 + 4 = 6. Then we add the number of the day and the day of the month to a number not exceeding 22: 4 + 2 = 6. Write out the resulting two numbers 6; 6, add them up: 6 + 6 = 12. Therefore, the number by date of birth is 12.

According to this technique, the numbers 1 and 2 cannot exist. For the rest, we provide a brief meaning that will be associated with the external, practical side of your life.

Birth number meaning

3 - active, tireless nature.

4 - a born leader, you try to decide everything on your own.

5 - sociable, sociable, friendly person.

6 - a person of rare charm and creative abilities.

7 is a purposeful, risk-loving person.

8 - a serious, reasonable, responsible person.

9 is a wise, prudent and often lonely person.

10 - fatalist, player, with the makings of a leader.

11 - energetic, cheerful, active.

12 - hardworking, focused person.

13 - lively, spontaneous, tired of routine.

14 - patient, neat, meticulous person.

15 - a lover of life with irrepressible energy.

16 is a very emotional, deeply feeling person.

17 - romantic, purposeful.

18 - emotional, but hiding his emotions, receptive.

19 is a self-confident person.

21 - lively, spontaneous, prone to adventure.

22 - inquisitive, erudite.

How to calculate other important numbers

By date of birth, you can also determine important life milestones for a person (for example, the duration of cycles of life achievements). To do this, first, by numerologically adding the date and month of birth, the number is determined life path. In our example, 13 + 2 = 15 = 6.

Next, the calculation is based on the number 9 as the maximum single-digit number. The first cycle of achievement lasts from birth to adulthood, which is obtained if the number of the life path is subtracted from the number 36 (9 x 4). In our example, 36 - 6 = 30.

The next cycle of achievement lasts 9 years, i.e. until the age of 30 + 9 = 39 years. The third cycle is another 9 years, i.e. up to 48 (39 + 9) years. The last cycle is until the end of life. Knowledge of these cycles will help a person to better calculate strength, plan and become successful person, since he is warned about periods when he can easily achieve maximum success in a particular field of activity. We are talking about the age limits of the cycle.

How to calculate the number of problems

By date of birth, you can determine what problems a person will face in life due to his character flaws, and calculate the degree of likelihood of these events. To do this, take the two-digit number of the date of birth and calculate the smaller from the larger one.

For example, if you were born on the 13th, then the problem number for you will be 3 - 1 = 2.

If the number of the date of birth is single-digit, then subtract 0. For example, the owner of a specific number has his own problem. The resulting numbers are interpreted as follows:

0 - no problems;

1 - you are too dependent;

2 - you are unsure of yourself;

3 - you don’t know how to express yourself;

4 - you are lazy;

5 - you are afraid of change;

6 - you avoid obligations;

7 - you are indecisive;

8 - you have trouble distinguishing good from evil;

9 - you do not know how to sympathize.

Perhaps you are facing a lot of problems and cannot determine what is causing them, check yourself with this simple system. Maybe you just need to work on your character a little? Develop the habit of keeping promises, develop willpower, expand your range of interests and learn to love.

When making calculations, numerologists are not limited to one number, since it gives general ideas about personality. For a more thorough and detailed study, numerological tables are compiled, including a different number of positions, but usually at least four. Pythagoras filled out a table consisting of nine squares (according to the number of Pythagorean numbers) by date of birth. Most modern numerologists compile tables in which one, but very important position is determined by date of birth - our role in life, why we live, what experience we should gain, what power we have. Other positions - a person’s character, his priorities, inclinations - are determined by calculating the numerical value of his full name.

Birth number meanings

Birth number 1

Role in life: leader, leader. Traits necessary to gain life experience: willpower, self-confidence, activity, selfishness, authority, creativity, initiative, stubbornness, aggressiveness.

Birth number 2

Role in life: ordinary team member, “statistical personality.” Traits necessary to gain life experience: gentleness, modesty, sensitivity, vulnerability, emotional instability, touchiness, indecisiveness, consistency, attentiveness to others, diplomacy, timidity, passivity.

Birth number 3

Role in life: proactive leader. Traits necessary to gain life experience: optimism, friendliness, benevolence, public speaking skills, laziness, sociability, popularity, creativity, egocentrism, the need for high appreciation from others.

Birth number 4

Role in life: honest, hard worker, workaholic. Traits necessary for gaining life experience: focus, organization, seriousness, practicality, down-to-earth, diligence, endurance, patience, inability to forgive, inflexibility, stubbornness, domineering, dislike of change.

Birth number 5

Role in life: the soul of society. Traits required for life experience: freedom-loving, adventurous, flexible, witty, quick-witted, love of learning, resourcefulness, impatience, flightiness, need for entertainment, inconsistency, indulgence of sensual desires, perhaps fear of change and love of sensation.

Birth number 6

Role in life: pillar of society. Traits necessary for life experience: craving for spirituality, caring for others, sacrifice, balance, sense of responsibility, beauty, artistry, craving for learning and healing others, excessive emotionality, idealism, suppression of one’s own individuality and one’s own desires, craving to control other people’s lives .

Birth number 7

Role in life: thinker, bookworm. Traits necessary for gaining life experience: deep thinking, Loneliness, search for deep reasons, craving for introspection, spiritual quest, insight, analytical mind, professionalism, diligence, spiritual purity, isolation, arrogance, distrust, shyness, fear of change, criticality, stinginess of feelings .

Birth number 8

Role in life: careerist, “gray cardinal.” Traits necessary to gain life experience: purposefulness, energy, confidence, determination, common sense, justice, coldness, demandingness, ruthlessness, stubbornness, tendency to dictate.

Birth number 9

Role in life: philosopher, righteous man. Traits necessary for life experience: humanity, romanticism, modesty, artistry, love of neighbor, selflessness, idealism, compassion, fanaticism, sense of loss and pain.

As we see, in order to fulfill his mission on planet Earth, his life “order,” a person is endowed with a set of qualities that he must use as his strength, but if used ineptly or incorrectly, this strength becomes a weakness, turns into its opposite, changes sign from “plus” " to "Minus".

Thus, self-confidence and leadership turn into selfishness and power, and sometimes into cruelty; increased sensitivity - indecision; the ability to attract public attention - into self-centeredness; rationalism and cold analytical thinking - into stubbornness; love of freedom and freshness of perception - into intolerance; caring for others develops into neglect of one’s own needs; thoughtfulness; the ability to penetrate into the essence of things - into isolation; seriousness and a certain amount of detachment - into callousness; religiosity - into fanaticism. Our strong character traits are what we must skillfully use in the given life circumstances.

You want to be happy. You know that the first step towards this goal is self-knowledge. Numerology of name and birth will help you realize your true Self, find your purpose, and create a happy destiny.

This article will reveal another secret about you - the number (code) of your name and destiny.

Take one step closer to your happy self - make a numerological calculation by date of birth and name.

Number of name and date of birth

Ancient philosophers discovered, and modern scientists confirm: everything in the world can be reduced to prime number from 1 to 9. There is a number of name and birth, of any word, symbol, thing, event, phenomenon, feeling, country - everything.

General symbolic meaning of numbers in numerology:

1 - goal, pressure, aggression;

2 - duality, balance;

3 - unstable unity, connection between past, present and future;

4 - strength, balance;

5 - risk, impermanence, happiness, joy;

6 - stability;

7 - mystery, mysticism;

8 - world balance, success, material well-being;

9 - wealth, fame.

Name and birth number- not just numbers, these are secret keys - codes, by deciphering which you can understand a lot, penetrate deep into the essence of what is hidden in your personality, destiny, soul.

Fortunately, there are specialists - numerologists. If you want your planetary name code to be accurately and quickly calculated by a professional numerologist, a specialist from the “Planet of Joy” center, go.

This knowledge will benefit not only you personally. You will understand how to better interact with your environment and the world.

Very deep and relevant numerological knowledge is available for free in the project Esoterics of the 21st century. For example, a book with detailed description everyone at 2018 year.

When spouses are planning, expecting, or have just recently given birth baby, but don’t know what to call it, numerologists recommend:

  • calculate his birth number (based on estimated or actual date),
  • calculate the number of names from which a name is chosen.

If the number of the name turns out to be less date of birth, the baby will tend to develop only innate talents, abilities, and qualities. May ignore the need to acquire new knowledge and necessary skills.

When the name number more birth date, a person moves towards acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities. May forget what has been given to him.

Ideal when name and birth numerology matches. Such a person develops harmoniously. Choose a name for your baby that best matches the birth date code.

Also, information about the name code will be useful for those who are going change your last name or first name. Brides are usually more likely to worry about this issue. Not intentionally! It is useful to find out how fate will change after taking this decisive step.

Numerology of date of birth. Online calculation

Numerology of date of birth simple:

  1. Sum up all the numbers of your date of birth in order.
  2. If you end up with a two-digit number, add the numbers together. You will get a number from 1 to 9.

Example. A child who will be born this year, for example, on June 26, 2018, will have a birth date number of 7.


Brief description of name numerology:

  • 1-Leader. An outstanding, famous, bright personality.
  • 2-Excellent partner, family man. Attractive, young-looking man.
  • 3-A successful person in all areas. Talent. Speaker.
  • 4-Excellent organizer. A person who is trusted, a friend.
  • 5-Freedom-loving philosopher. Teacher. Traveler.
  • 6-A creative person who loves everything beautiful. Popular personality.
  • 7-Thinker. Inspirer. Highly spiritual personality. A person who brings good luck to the people around him.
  • 8-Nice, revered, strong-willed person. Supervisor.
  • 9-Athlete. Politician. Strong personality.

In more detail the meaning of each of the name and birth numbers from 1 to 9 later in the article.

Numerology of the name. How to calculate?

  • only name,
  • only full name,
  • first and patronymic,
  • first and last name,
  • only last names
  • the name by which you are usually called at home, at work, by friends,
  • the name you call yourself (with which you most identify),
  • the name given at baptism (or other rite).

Each of the resulting numbers characterizes the personality in relation to the situations in which it sounds - always when you are called one way or another.

Pay attention to how (what number) people call you. This is an indicator of their relationship.

Name numerology calculation:

  1. Write down your name or the name of the person you want to get to know better on a piece of paper.
  2. Under each letter, write down the number corresponding to it (third line from the top in the table).
  3. Add the number until you get a single digit (1 to 9).

Example. Name Aurora=1+3+9+7+9+1=30; 3+0=3.

The most important name number (also called the Destiny Number) is full name person. This is the name that is written on the passport.

Purely “nominal” number talks mainly about the character, talents, abilities, temperament, and energy of the individual.

Surname- these are educated, instilled qualities.

Only one number surnames will tell you about what is inherited from your ancestors, will tell you about your ancestral karma.

The maiden name determines one's destiny before marriage. By adopting her husband's surname, a woman changes her destiny. It is transformed similarly for everyone who has changed their first and/or last name.

Also count the codes of the vowels and consonants of the name. Sum the corresponding numbers to a prime number.

Number of vowels- Heart code. It expresses your inner world; the impact you have on others. Number of consonants- a code for the influence that society has on you.

When calculating the name code, pay attention to which number more often meets everything. This is the number that corresponds to many or most of the letters in the name. She is also very revealing.

The meaning of numbers in numerology

The general rule of numerology - adding all numbers until reduced to one simple number - has exceptions. If you notice the numbers 11 and 22 in your calculations, look at their meanings as well, despite the fact that 11 reduces to the number 2, and 22 to 4.

Number Character traits inherent in a person Possible negative aspects(something to work on)





hard work
















duality (difficulty making choices)












love of luxury

overestimation of oneself







good faith


hard work

desire for justice




carelessness in choosing friends




communication skills





philosophical view of the world









ability to admit mistakes



inability to keep one's word




wonderful imagination


ability to persuade

ability to plan

ability to listen, hear

escape into the world of illusions

addiction tendency

inability to run a business and handle money






ability to think big

reliability stability

habit of despair

tendency towards loneliness

danger of getting stuck in routine



hard work


strength of will

ability to withstand difficulties





11 (reinforced 2)



capable of achieving anything they want



22 (reinforced 4)


strong will

extraordinary character

innate ability to control one's destiny


addiction to external “tinsel”

Remember that your life is in your hands. Numerology of name and date of birth, like any other knowledge, tips, signs sent from outside world - stimulus develop internally. Any so-called negative quality is only relatively negative. It - development zone, which means a source of new strength and energy.

Develop yourself, grow above yourself. Create your own destiny, starting from your innate positive qualities.

A person’s personality and destiny are influenced by different numbers. Therefore, many are interested in how to find out their number in numerology. By calculating them, you can find answers to your questions and make your life better. A science such as numerology studies the influence of numbers on people and on this moment There is a lot of information that helps to better understand what is happening in the life of each individual.

Birth number

Numerology of fate makes it possible to understand a person’s potential, the prevailing features of his character, but does not allow him to accurately calculate his entire life. People born under the same numbers may be similar to each other, but it is not at all necessary that they will have everything in common. Numbers can tell us what is best to develop and maintain in ourselves, what potential lies within us. It is important for every person to understand this, because if he goes in the wrong direction, his life can be ruined.

It is customary to divide numbers from one to nine, and modern numerology also recognizes 11 and 22 as the strongest and happiest birth numbers. It is believed that great people are born under them, capable of leading masses of people, uniting them with a common idea or teaching. It is believed that many famous personalities were born under these numbers.

Calculation by date of birth

There are several ways to find out your date number. The most common option is to use all the numbers from the date. In other words, if a person was born on December 12, 2002, then we take into account the dates of December 12, 2002. After this, you need to sum them up, that is, 1+2+1+2+2+0+0+2 and we get 10. Next, you need to add the resulting numbers again. As a result, it turns out that the person was born under the number 1.

And in the second method, which is recognized by modern numerology, a person’s number is calculated taking into account the translation of the letter value of the month into numbers. Numerical values ​​are assigned to Russian letters. The alphabet is written in several rows, each of which has nine letters.

Then these numbers are summed up using a table: a letter is selected and its numerical value is looked up. This method applies to According to the previous example, it turns out that we need to add 1+2+5+6+1+1+2+7+2+0+0+2 and the result will be 29, which is 11. That is this method allows you to find a more correct value.

Calculation according to Pythagoras

It was the calculation taking into account the numbers belonging to the letters that Pythagoras carried out in his time. Thus, months according to this system have numerical values:

  • January - 7.
  • February - 3.
  • March - 2.
  • April - 4.
  • May - 4.
  • June - 4.
  • July - 2.
  • August - 8.
  • September - 1.
  • October - 7.
  • November - 1.
  • December - 4.

This method is also taken into account when calculating the numerology of the first and last name. All numbers need to be summed up, and this will give the personal number of the person by name. But in the Pythagorean method, it is not the values ​​from one to nine that are taken into account, but all numbers below 22. But one and two are not counted.

The meaning of numbers according to Pythagoras

Let us give a brief meaning of numbers in human numerology, developed by Pythagoras:

3 - active person, loves to work;

4 - a leader who is used to deciding everything personally;

5 - sociable, friendly personality;

6 - a very creative, talented person;

7 - a purposeful person who loves risk;

8 - responsible and reasonable person;

9 - lonely sage, very prudent;

10 - fatalistic nature, there are the makings of a leader, often passionate;

11 - an active person with a large supply of energy and love of life;

12 - purposeful, hardworking person;

13 - a bright, energetic personality who does not like everyday life and tranquility;

14 - a meticulous person, with a large supply of patience;

15 - a cheerful personality with a huge supply of energy;

16 - sensual, emotional nature;

17 - purposeful, romantic personality;

18 - a receptive person, very emotional, but keeping his inner world to himself;

19 - self-confident person;

20 - a very serious and categorical person;

21 - adventurer;

22 - very clever man, prone to constant self-improvement.


With the help of numerology, you can also find out what problems a person may face in his life. In addition, the numbers will allow you to calculate how likely the occurrence of a particular event is. To do this, you need to take the two-digit number of your date of birth and subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Let's say a person born on the 15th will calculate 5-1, and the result will be 4. For single-digit numbers, zero is subtracted.

The meaning of numbers in numerology regarding problems

let's consider short meaning problem numbers obtained by subtraction:

0 - no problems are expected in life;

1 - various dependencies may arise;

2 - increased uncertainty about own strength;

3 - inability to express one’s emotions;

5 - conservatism, fear of change;

6 - avoidance of obligations;

7 - indecisive character;

8 - a person does not understand well where is good and where is evil;

9 - lack of ability to sympathize.

The meaning of birth numbers

The most important thing that can be determined with the help of numerology is why a person came into this world, what he must achieve, what is his mission on earth. We have already looked at methods of how to find out your number in numerology, now let's understand the meaning of these numbers.

People born under the unit are born leaders, the so-called leaders. They must develop willpower, self-confidence, they are characterized by activity and selfishness, and they are often domineering. They may also exhibit stubbornness, initiative, aggression and the ability for creative self-realization.

Those born under two are ordinary team members. This is an average person. They must develop modesty, vulnerability, sensitivity, and gentleness. Typically, such people are emotionally unstable, take offense, rarely dare to make decisions, are consistent, caring, and passive. This is the meaning of numbers in numerology.

Those born under the number three come into this world to be initiators and leaders. To gain life experience, they must be proactive, friendly, optimistic, sociable, and visible in society. They need to improve their creative and public speaking skills. They are often self-centered individuals, lazy and in need of social approval.

Those born under the number four come into this world to work. These are true workaholics who, in order to gain life experience, need to be organized, purposeful, resilient, diligent, patient, stubborn conservatives. It is also important to develop in yourself This is how the meanings of numbers in numerology are deciphered.

Those born under the number five are called the souls of society. These are freedom-loving individuals, they are witty, enterprising, quick-witted, and flexible. To gain life experience, they need to develop a love for self-improvement. They are usually eccentric, impatient, love entertainment of all kinds, are very fond of sensations and do not always react positively to change.

Those born under the number six are designated by destiny numerology as a support for society. They should be interested in spiritual development, care about people, sacrifice themselves, have a heightened sense of responsibility and a balanced psyche. They are often overly emotional, idealistic, beautiful, and artistic. Can suppress own desires and try to control other people's lives.

Those born under are thinkers. To gain experience in life, they need to be deep, lonely. Introspection and spiritual quest should be a priority. They must have an analytical mind, not trust others, be afraid of change, and be stingy with feelings. Such people are often reserved, shy and critical in their judgments. This is the meaning of numbers in numerology for those born under the seven.

Those born under the number eight fulfill the role of " eminence grise", these are careerists. They must be energetic, purposeful, decisive and self-confident. These are cold, fair, sensible people, with a merciless and demanding attitude towards people, often prone to dictatorship.

Those born under the number nine come into the world as philosophers and righteous people. To gain life experience, they need to develop humanism and selflessness. They must have love for their neighbors, compassion, and sometimes even fanaticism.


Now you know how to find out your number in numerology, and you can determine your mission. Numbers help us follow our path and achieve goals that allow us to realize our spiritual intentions.


To calculate the individual life path number and numbers secondary life path, write down your date in mm/dd/yy format. You will get 8 digits, including 0. So, if your date of birth is 29, 1985, then you should write: 04/29/1985.

Sum up all the numbers included in your date of birth: 0 + 4 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 38. If the resulting number is greater than 10, then continue adding its constituent numbers until you get the number consisting of one digit: 3 + 8 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2. This number is the lucky number of your life path.

Happy numbers secondary life path are obtained by adding numbers life path and number 9 until the sum is less than 100. For our example, these are: 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92. These numbers will always bring you.

The calendar day of your birth, 29, will also be considered a lucky number for you.

The lucky number can be obtained by first and last name. For this, assign each alphabet its own serial number. The numbers in the Russian alphabet are as follows: A - 1, B - 2, C - 6, G - 3, D - 4, E - 5, F - 2, Z - 7, I, J - 1, K - 2, L - 2, M - 4, N - 5, O - 7, P - 8, R - 2, S - 3, T - 4, U - 6, F - 8, X - 5, C - 3, H - 7 , Ш - 2, Ш - 9, И - 1, Б - 1, Э - 6, У - 7, И - 2. If you are Ivan Ivanov, then by writing down the numbers corresponding to them instead of the letters of the name and surname, you will receive: 1 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 1 +6 +1 + 5 + 7 + 6 = 39; 3 + 9 = 12; 1 + 2 = 3. This is the lucky number for your name.

There is another personal lucky number called the Gua number. To calculate it, add the last two digits of the year in which you, if 1985, then the sum of the last two digits: 8 + 5 = 13, 1 + 3 = 4. If you, then subtract the resulting number from 10, the remainder is 6, is your gua number. The woman must add the resulting number to 5 and, if the result is a two-digit number, then add the numbers that make it up again until an unambiguous result is obtained. This will be your lucky number. In our example it is 9.


  • lucky numbers of birth date

Encrypted numeric codes, which are the object of study of numerology, in a certain way influence what happens in people's lives. They can help you stay healthy, get rich, or stay out of trouble. Calculate your lucky number and try your luck.


Make a table of the relationships between numbers and letters of the alphabet. Each of the 9 columns with numbers from 1 to 9 will correspond to several letters. The first line of the table will consist of letters from A to Z, the second will begin with the letter I and end with the letter R. Number 1 in the third line will correspond to the letter C, number 9 - the letter Sh. The letter I will be located in the fourth line in the 6th column.

Write your first, middle and last names on paper in block letters on separate lines. Using the table, write the corresponding number under each letter. Add the resulting numbers on each line to get 3 two-digit numbers. Now add together the digits that make up these numbers. For example, in front of you are the numbers 23, 11 and 35. This means that you need to add the numbers as follows: 2+3+1+1+3+5. The number 15 obtained in our example must be brought into its final unambiguous form by adding the numbers 1 and 5. This will give the number 6.

Calculate your lucky gua number using another technique. Add the last 2 digits of your year of birth. When you get a two-digit number, repeat the addition again. To find lucky number The single-digit number obtained by addition must be subtracted by men from 10. Women must add the number 5 to the calculated number. If a two-digit number is obtained, it will also need to be reduced to a single-digit form.

Numerology does not dictate human behavior, but only gives him potential, which he reveals over the years or leaves the character trait passive. Helps you find out your purpose, find the right number and characteristic.

It is possible that a person will change throughout his life, or it may happen that, having discovered a certain talent in himself, he will follow him until the end of his days. How does numerology help and how can you figure out your own number?

The influence of the outside world on new life obviously. This includes the time and place of birth, zodiac signs, horoscopes and social class. The date of birth undoubtedly becomes one of the “fairies” that endow the new person with the traits that he will display throughout his life.

The most primitive way to find out your personal number is to add the numbers of your birthday. Let's consider people born on 13, 31, 4, 22... In total, their numerological personal number will be 4. These are undoubtedly creative and kind people who know how to endure for a long time and participate for the benefit of society. But as soon as their level of patience falls below the level of (personal) patience, they will instantly find a way out of any situation where they will remain a winner, regardless of how it will come back to haunt others. In 75% of cases this is a reliable fact. However, to say that everyone whose number converges to 4 will live exactly the same life as the “neighbor on the left.” The influence of planets and other set of numbers in life will preclude exact repetition. Although, there are people who live one day after another, similar to important events and details. This happens with twins. They often get sick together, they have the same mood and the same idea between them. It happened that in different parts of the city, or even the globe, the same situation happened to relatives united by the same birth number, although they might not have recognized it right away.

Another way

This way to find out your number tells more about a person. The figure is calculated from full date his birth. Some numerologists believe that the number of the month is not the correct way to count and are sure that you need to count by letter: look for the corresponding numbers and add them.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E YU I

Example calculation

First, let's find the date from September. According to the table, this number is 35. Since numerology deciphers human essence in numbers from 1 to 9, we add the resulting number and get 3+5=8.
January -1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 16 = 7;
February - 2 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 2 = 21 = 3;
March -3 + 1 + 7 + 9 = 20 = 2;
April - 1+6 + 7 + 6 + 2 = 22 = 4;
May -3 + 1 + 9 = 13 = 4;
June -9 + 9 + 4 = 22 = 4;
July -9 + 9 + 2 = 20 = 2;
August - 1 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 8 + 9 = 26 = 8;
September - 8 + 6 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 37 = 1;
October - 5 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 25 = 7;
November - 4 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 7= 19 = 1;
December - 5 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 22 = 4.

And so, we get the equation: 13+8+1984 and, of course, add up all the numbers that are in stock: 1+3+8+1+9+8+4 = 3+4=7. Since one and two cannot exist in these calculations, the decoding of numbers begins with three

3 - active, tireless nature.

4 - a born leader, you try to decide everything on your own.

5 - sociable, sociable, friendly person.

6 - a person of rare charm and creative abilities.

7 is a purposeful, risk-loving person.

8 - a serious, reasonable, responsible person.

9 is a wise, prudent and often lonely person.

10 - fatalist, player, with the makings of a leader.

11 - energetic, cheerful, active.

12 - hardworking, focused person.

13 - lively, spontaneous, tired of routine.

14 - patient, neat, meticulous person.

15 - a lover of life with irrepressible energy.

16 is a very emotional, deeply feeling person.

17 - romantic, purposeful.

18 - emotional, but hiding his emotions, receptive.

19 is a self-confident person.

21 - lively, spontaneous, prone to adventure.

22 - inquisitive, erudite.

And the difference between the digits of the birthday number will show your main problem. The 13th number needs to be turned into an example 3-1=2 - this is the number of your problem:

The resulting numbers are interpreted as follows:

0 - no problems;

1 - you are too dependent;

2 - you are unsure of yourself;

3 - you don’t know how to express yourself;

4 - you are lazy;

5 - you are afraid of change;

6 - you avoid obligations;

7 - you are indecisive;

8 - you have trouble distinguishing good from evil;

9 - you do not know how to sympathize.

Numerology is one of the most interesting and useful fields

Meanings of numbers obtained by date of birth


Leading person. Powerful, positive, smart, kind, defending his position. With an innate sense of justice...


Soft, understanding. Able to collaborate within a company. Often comes to the rescue, participates and sympathizes. Despite his modesty and flexibility of character, he can easily make it clear that the rest of the opinion is not correct - there is only his word.


This man is the initiator of good deeds everywhere. An instigator of events who knows how to distribute, decide, find ways out difficult situations. Must always be in good mood. He loves friendly company and will always come to the aid of a loved one.


Practical, stubborn, hardy, careerist, workaholic. Sociable, attentive to people, but values ​​his own interests above all else. No one will help him in life except himself. He is used to thinking so and is not disappointed in people, because he initially did not dream of hopes that perfect love exists on earth, best friends and boundless happiness.


A freedom-loving, amorous and easy-going person. A definite lighter. Creative person, bringing positivity and new ideas. Some good architects, talented artists, and fashion designers are emerging.


Family man. Trusted friend. A wonderful leader. An excellent accountant and generally a memorable, kind person.
With such people you can go on reconnaissance and trust your deepest secrets.


A deep-thinking person. Philosophers. Lover of books and history. Subtle psychologists. People with increased sensitivity to higher powers.


A very calculating, talented, cold-blooded person. He knows how to stand up for himself, his family and friends if it is beneficial to him and, in his opinion, right.


It's more like a priest. A man of high principles. Beautiful outside and inside. His whole life is devoted to self-improvement and the desire to make the world a better place.
Thus, self-confidence and leadership turn into selfishness and power, and sometimes into cruelty; increased sensitivity - indecision; the ability to attract public attention - into self-centeredness; rationalism and cold analytical thinking - into stubbornness; love of freedom and freshness of perception - into intolerance; caring for others develops into neglect of one’s own needs; thoughtfulness; the ability to penetrate into the essence of things - into isolation; seriousness and a certain amount of detachment - into callousness; religiosity - into fanaticism. Our strong character traits are what we must skillfully use in the given life circumstances.