Representative of a dynasty of metallurgists

Sergey Nosov and Vladimir Putin, NTMK 2002 / Photo:

Sergei Nosov was born in Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region), his grandfather Grigory Ivanovich was the director of the legendary Magnitogorsk during the Great Patriotic War.

Father of Sergei Nosov, Konstantin Grigorievich, continued the path of metallurgists - he headed a number of large factories in Ukraine (Dneprovsky, Krivoy Rog, and was deputy director of the Makeyevsky plant).

In the 90s, Konstantin Grigorievich participated in the creation of “ Evrazholding”, inheriting part of the company’s shares to his son.

Sergei Nosov himself worked for some time as deputy director of Magnitogorsk, but as they say, it didn’t work out Viktor Rashnikov, the owner of the enterprise and was forced to leave.

The famous top manager was invited in 1999 by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Eduard Rossel.

Initially, Nosov became deputy director of Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant, then - its general director. This was his “native” field of activity, and besides, NTMK by that time was already part of Evrazholding (which, as mentioned above, was created by Nosov’s father).

Nosov vs. Rossel. Governor's ambitions.

Sergey Nosov and Eduard Rossel / Photo: All News

Over the course of several years, Nosov literally “raised” the metallurgical plant “from its knees,” provided social packages to employees, and helped in the construction of housing. The factory workers simply adored him. And, since NTMK was the city-forming enterprise of Nizhny Tagil (the second Sverdlovsk city), all the townspeople saw the results of the new director’s activities.

At that time, Nosov was just over 40 years old and his ambitions clearly extended further than just the director’s chair at NTMK. At that time, in the extremely politicized Sverdlovsk region, opposition protests had already begun against the current head of the region, the charismatic and experienced Eduard Rossel. The gubernatorial elections were supposed to take place in 2003.

The leadership of the Sverdlovsk branch of the United Russia party noticed a young industrialist who had the support of the population of the city of 400,000. On the sidelines he was made an offer that he could not refuse - to go against the current governor in the elections

For this purpose, Nosov was instructed in 2002 to head the United Russia party list in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region.

Voters liked Nosov - young, representative of the real sector. Became the peak the arrival of President Vladimir Putin at the Nizhny Tagil plant, where he personally shook hands with the young director.

The then-young United Russia party got a good result in the elections to the ZSSO. However, Rossel did not forgive his former protégé for such an act - he publicly called him a traitor and, ultimately, did everything to ensure that Nosov’s career ended there.

In general, this is what happened. United Russia suddenly changed its mind about nominating Nosov for governor and supported Rossel. Nosov himself could not do anything. He didn't have the slightest experience back then. political activity and he made many mistakes.

“So that he does not exist on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region!”


But the story didn't end there. Rossel, as an experienced politician, understood that it was impossible to leave a potential competitor on his territory, and got the owners of Evrazholding to transfer Nosov to Moscow. He was removed from his post as director of NTMK and appointed to a formal position in the capital office.

He did not last long in this position and was forced to leave Evraz, and even, as they say, sell shares of the enterprise.

The next place of work for Sergei Nosov was the newly created holding company " Russian Technologies» ( now - Rostec).

Here he headed the metallurgical division of the holding - “ Russpetsstal", which included four enterprises from different regions, mainly in the Volgograd region. However, the idea with Ruspetsstal turned out to be not very productive and the project was curtailed. Not through Nosov’s fault, however. Rumor has it that he was heavily scammed for money back then.

Sergei Nosov and the widow of the first president of Russia Naina Yeltsin / Photo:

Nosov got help good connections in the family of the first president of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin.

Speaking of France, according to one version, Sergei Nosov was almost the initiator of the deal to purchase Mistrals for the Russian Navy (French universal helicopter carrier ships), and at that time he was still working at Russpetsstal. Insiders say that he already had some useful connections in France.

As we remember, the deal failed in 2014, after the crisis in Ukraine and subsequent anti-Russian sanctions.

People's Mayor


However, in 2012, Nosov’s political career unexpectedly continued. He was invited to the post of mayor of Nizhny Tagil, a city that remembered him very well. Despite the long absence.

Was already the head of the region Evgeniy Kuyvashev, a representative of the “Tyumen team”, a rather weak politician, in contrast to Nosov, who has become quite experienced after all the failures.

Sergei Nosov won the mayoral election with a “Chechen result” - more than 92%. Residents of the city greeted the former director with delight.

For four years in this post, Nosov achieved a lot - the city really transformed.

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Take 2.

Vladimir Putin’s visit to Nizhny Tagil, 2016 / Photo:

The support of the population gave Sergei Nosov a head start - he was not afraid to openly object to the governor and defend the interests of the city. Which, naturally, caused discontent in Kuyvashev’s team. Nosov began to regularly come under attack from regional media.

On the other hand, certain forces again saw and saw in Nosov potential candidate to governors. He himself did not openly show ambition, but it was clear that Nosov had long since “outgrown” the position of mayor.

In 2017, elections for the governor of the Sverdlovsk region were supposed to take place. In the Kremlin, Nosov was considered one of the contenders.

The next visit to Nizhny Tagil by President Putin was significant for Nosov. Then Nosov personally communicated with the president and, again, his connections helped him with this...

However, Nosov never managed to run for office - the behind-the-scenes struggle continued for six months, and in the end the Kremlin relied on the current governor... just like back in 2002, luck passed him by again. Under similar circumstances.

After this, Nosov again won the election for mayor of Nizhny Tagil, but in personal communications he said that this would not last long. He was preparing for new assignments - in spite of his ill-wishers.

Sergei Nosov: “I will take any position that the President offers me. I am a member of his team"

Working meeting with Sergei Nosov. The President signed a Decree appointing S. Nosov as acting governor of the Magadan Region / Photo: Kremlin Press Service

Sergei Konstantinovich always stood out among other systemic politicians and not only because of his heroic growth. His approaches have always been purely individual. Nosov, in principle, was never a politician, remaining a good business executive. Political intrigue is not his strong point.

Perhaps that is why he had to wait so long for appointment to a post corresponding to his competence. Therefore, perhaps, he did not receive an assignment to the “comfortable” regions where he was predicted - to the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk or Kemerovo regions.

Nosov does not directly belong to any financial industrial group, which is why he was given one of the most difficult regions - the Magadan region, where serious work is required. And he, of course, knows how to do this. In short, Magadan is lucky: Sergei Nosov will be a good “acquisition” for the region.

It seems that they decided to take away the second successful manager from the region. The head of Nizhny Tagil, Sergei Nosov, is about to resign. But not just for retirement, but for promotion - to governor. Rumors that the head of the “tank city” will leave for Kolyma, in in a good way words appeared early in the morning, on Monday.

Sergei Konstantinovich is now in Moscow on a business trip. Nothing is officially known about his reassignment, and what journalists are talking about are still only rumors that are not worth commenting on, the Nizhny Tagil administration said at noon.

And two hours later the confirmation actually came high level. ABOUT new position The mayor was informed by President Vladimir Putin himself.

The head of Nizhny Tagil, Sergei Nosov, came to a working meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. A few minutes before the start of the conversation, the president signed a decree dismissing the governor of the Magadan region, Vladimir Pecheny, from his post, the Kremlin press service explained. – And after a conversation with Nosov, he was appointed acting head of the Magadan region.

The decree signed by the president has already entered into force, so Sergei Nosov is expected to move to another region in the coming days. In the meantime, concerned residents are already publishing photos on in social networks with the hashtag #NosovDon’tGo as a sign that the mayor is loved and appreciated by the townspeople.

Vladislav Pinaev was appointed to the post of mayor instead of Sergei Nosov.

Help "KP"

Vladislav Pinaev born in Asbest in 1969. From 2012 to 2014, he served as Minister of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region. In 2017, he became the third richest official in Nizhny Tagil, earning 2.6 million rubles. From 1995 to 2005 he was engaged in business, and then began his career as an official in the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region. Later, after his dismissal in 2014, he was appointed to the post of deputy mayor of Nizhny Tagil, Sergei Nosov.

Sergey Nosov born on February 17, 1961 in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, into a family of metallurgists. I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps, so in 1983 I graduated from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. G.I. Nosova. In 1995 he graduated from the Academy National economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. And since 1997 - Candidate of Technical Sciences, since 2003 - Doctor of Technical Sciences. After graduating from the institute, he worked at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK): steelmaker, furnace production foreman, deputy shop manager, and from 1989 - head of the oxygen converter shop at MMK. Since 1994 - head of department, then - deputy general director MMK for production and investment. He was a member of the board of directors of MMK. From 1999 to 2005 he was the General Director of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant. Since 2006 - General Director of JSC Russpetsstal. Since 2012 - Vice-Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. He became mayor in 2012 with a record 92% of support votes.


Sergey Nosov came to Nizhny Tagil in the fall of 2012. While protests were raging in Russia, the head of the city ensured that “Tank City” received subsidies from the federal budget. And then, as they say, “it started.”

"Svetly Tagil"

Previously, there could have been devils in Tagil, it was so dark in the city, local residents now joke. Many of them don’t even remember how dark it was in the city without streetlights. Thanks to Nosov, 2 billion rubles were sent to the city from Moscow, and the region gave another 1.3 billion. With these funds, lanterns began to appear, now illuminating every corner of the industrial city. This program was called “Svetly Tagil”.

The administration concluded a contract so that the contractor not only installs the lights, but repairs them at his own expense for the next 25 years.

"Tagil is safe"

Along with the streetlights, the builders began installing surveillance cameras on every corner. This is also part of the renovation of Nosov - “Safe Tagil”. Video cameras, if a crime occurred, helped to stop them or search for lawbreakers. Crime has decreased in the city.

Embankment of Tagil Pond

Local old-timers still remember the old appearance of the Tagil Pond embankment. There were old boulders and some pieces of iron lying on the ground. From the money given to the city, we managed to improve it. Now, as Tagil residents themselves say, it’s not a shame to bring guests here, and it’s convenient for mothers to walk with their children. The embankment is now called nothing more than “Tagil Lagoon”.

Under Nosov, dozens of kindergartens and several schools opened in the city. In addition, the Mamin-Sibiryak Drama Theater has been renovated.

Nosov Sergey Konstantinovich(born February 17, 1961, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian engineer and manager, acting governor of the Magadan region since May 28, 2018, previously the head of the city of Nizhny Tagil, vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region (July-October 2012 year), General Director of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant (1999-2005).

In 1983 he graduated from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. G.I. Nosova.

Worked at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (): assistant steelmaker, production foreman of furnaces, deputy. shop manager, since 1989 - head of the oxygen converter shop at MMK. Since 1994 - head of department, then - deputy general director of MMK for production and investment. He was a member of the board of directors of MMK.

In 1995 he graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Technical Sciences (1997), Doctor of Technical Sciences (2003).

In December 1998, he left MMK due to a conflict with the general director’s team and moved to Nizhny Tagil, becoming first deputy general director of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant (NTMK). A few months later he was appointed general director of the plant, and since October 2002 - managing director. He was also vice-president of LLC "" - the main shareholder of the plant. He took part in the management of other enterprises: he was a member of the boards of directors of Vysokogorsky Mining and Processing Plant, Tagilbank, Seversky Pipe Plant, and in 2002-2003 he was also the managing director of the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant (ZSMK, Novokuznetsk).

In 2005, he left the post of managing director of NTMK and became vice president for technical policy" " - the main shareholder of NTMK. In August 2006, he was appointed general director of Russpetsstal CJSC, a new holding company owned by Rosoboronexport (), under whose management the Stupino Metallurgical Plant and the Red October Plant (Volgograd), which produced alloys for the defense industry, were transferred. Since 2007 - Advisor to the state corporation "Rostechnologies".

He was elected several times as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region and then refused the mandate. On July 11, 2012, he was appointed vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region. On October 14, 2012, he won the elections for the head of the city of Nizhny Tagil, gaining 92% of the votes. On October 15, 2012, he wrote a letter of resignation at will from the post of vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region. On May 28, 2018, he was appointed acting governor of the Magadan region due to resignation

Sergei Nosov has an interesting political biography. He had the opportunity to work in two entities that differed in economic and social status, while occupying far from the last administrative post.

Having taken the post of governor of the Magadan region, Nosov soon confirmed the words spoken in an interview that he was a stern man. In June 2018, the Magadan television company MTK-Video published a recording of a meeting of the regional government. Then the ministers were, as they say, under attack, and the new head won his first sympathy.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Nosov’s homeland is the land of metallurgists, Chelyabinsk region. The politician was born in Magnitogorsk in February 1961 into the family of a steelworker. His father went a long way from an assistant to the head of the open-hearth shop and the deputy chief smelter of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Later, he led the leading factories in Soviet metallurgy and served as vice-president of the International Academy of Engineering, which promoted high-tech technologies and solved engineering problems.

Sergey Nosov at the plant

Konstantin Grigorievich was at the origins of the formation of Evrazholding, an international company that united a number of large steel and coal producers. The share of Nosov Sr.’s shares, according to, was inherited by his son.

After graduating from school, Sergei continued his work dynasty and graduated from the Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after his grandfather, who at the age of 35 took the helm of the famous Magnitogorsk. He also started from the bottom, rose to head of department, then became deputy director for production, and a member of the board of directors of the plant.

Career and politics

In 1998, Sergei Nosov, at the invitation of Eduard Rossel, at that time the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, moved to Nizhny Tagil and took on the task of saving the local metallurgical plant (NTMK) from bankruptcy, since Evrazholding was its main shareholder.

In the early 2000s, Nosov led the enterprise and at the same time sat in the regional parliament - the Legislative Assembly. With his assistance, a representative office of the United Russia party was opened, where Sergei became secretary of the political council, and later joined the Supreme Council. The top manager's candidacy has already been considered as a successor in the upcoming gubernatorial elections.

The conflict with Rossel arose even earlier, when Nosov, without the consent of his superiors, participated in the elections to the Regional Duma in the ranks of the opposition bloc. According to rumors, the governor, who was more sophisticated in the behind-the-scenes fight, contributed to the transfer of his opponent to Moscow. Sergei left his position as director of the Nizhny Tagil plant, and later left Evrazholding.

A couple of years later, some kind of reconciliation took place with Rossel; both politicians ran on the same list for elections to the lower house of the Legislative Assembly. Sergei refused his deputy mandate because he was elected to the highest chamber of the regional parliament.

In 2006, the general director of Rosoboronexport appointed Nosov as head of a division of the holding - the Russpetsstal company, half of which belonged, according to Vedomosti, to the Cypriot offshore companies Briefway Trading and Lacoveta Management. After 5 years, the joint-stock company went bankrupt, Nosov went to private business. In 2012, the newly elected head of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, appointed him vice-governor.

However, the residents of Nizhny Tagil did not forget about who pulled the city-forming enterprise out of the debt hole, and after 3 months Nosov’s name appeared on the list of candidates for the post of mayor. He won the elections with a result of over 90%. History repeated itself 5 years later.

Among the merits of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil are the reconstruction of the circus, theaters and embankment, the construction of a dozen kindergartens and a treatment and rehabilitation center, a sports complex and a city park, road bridge and a 4-star Radisson hotel. Video cameras appeared on literally every pole, and, accordingly, crime decreased. The “City Control” portal has been created, which considers public complaints from citizens, anonymous ones at that.

The media very soon began to say that the city scale was too small for Nosov’s talents. Rumors began to spread again that it was time for Sergei to once again try to take the place of governor of the Sverdlovsk region. In 2016, the mayor of a Ural city was seen as a candidate for replacement in the leadership chair Kemerovo region. After Nosov was “registered” as the regional vice-governor in Chelyabinsk.

When in May 2018 it became known about the transfer of Sergei Nosov to the Magadan region, a flash mob began in Nizhny Tagil with the hashtag #nosovneugodi. Residents did not want to let go of the crisis manager, who “did more in a year than others did in three.” The Kremlin's choice fell on Nosov precisely because of his popularity among the people.

The presidential decree did not come as a surprise to Nosov; he learned within a week that career changes were coming. Even in his youth, Nosov was taught that the more difficulties, the more interesting the work, and in such a “rich region there are a lot of prospects and opportunities for investment.”

Personal life

The personal life of the Magadan governor is shrouded in mystery, and capturing family members in photographs is a rare success for journalists. It is known that with his wife Alla, Sergei Nosov raised 3 children - daughters Natalya, Tatyana and Ekaterina.

The French network of radio stations Radio France internationale claims that one of them married French citizen Germain Djouhri. Father young man Alexandre (formerly Ahmed) Djouhri is an Algerian immigrant, director of a certain news agency. In 2016, he became a defendant in a criminal case investigating the participation of the Libyan leader in the financing of election campaign French President.

Sergey Nosov now

In the short period that Sergei Nosov only performed his duties, he managed to win recognition comparable to what he had in the Urals. The governor's working moments are covered in

The acting governor of the Magadan region evoked different emotions, from contradictory to enthusiastic. However, there are those who perfectly remember Sergei Konstantinovich and his mayorship in Nizhny Tagil - the city of tanks and the so-called “Putingrad”. We would like to draw attention to Nosov’s achievements in Nizhny Tagil and warn residents of the Magadan region about what they will have to face during this man’s governorship.

"I am harsh but fair"- Nosov gave this assessment to his person, speaking about the future rule in the Magadan region. Local media, receiving funding from the budget, immediately began to quickly create a positive image of Nosov - elections are ahead, and without passing this barrier, Nosov will not remain governor for long. Therefore, laudatory articles quickly filled the Internet - people should not know about Nosov’s actions in Nizhny Tagil. For his voters he must be clean and fresh, progressive and fair. Is this really so, we understand Charter no.

Sergei Nosov – “a traitor to the interests of the Sverdlovsk region”?

About this famous saying of the ex-governor Eduard Rossel, in the context of Sergei Nosov, our publication has already reported. The topic “Sergei Nosov - Governor” has been discussed in circles of political strategists for a very long time. Long before he won the direct elections for the head of Tagil in 2012. It arose back in the early 2000s, and became the cause of a quarrel between Sergei Nosov and the then governor Eduard Rossel, who called Nosov “a traitor to the interests of the Sverdlovsk region.” It happened during the election campaign for the election of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the region (then bicameral) in 2002. Nosov headed the electoral bloc “Unity and Fatherland,” which was considered in opposition to the governor’s “For the Native Urals.” After those elections, NTMK General Director Sergei Nosov left his position as director and left the Sverdlovsk region altogether, having worked for several years in Moscow in structures close to the Russian government. There he acquired connections, including entering into close career and business relationships with a close person of Putin Sergei Chemezov.

Since then, the topic of Sergei Nosov’s governorship has constantly come up in the circle of political strategists and journalists, and has become a constant irritating factor for those governors against whom these “mines” were carried out. Thus, for several years Sergei Nosov was considered a potential successor Evgenia Kuyvasheva as governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Since the end of 2016, there have been rumors that he could replace the Kemerovo governor Amana Tuleyeva, who due to his age had health problems. And now - the possible appointment of an acting governor of the Chelyabinsk region, which is expected immediately after the elections of the President of the Russian Federation. And yet, the question of whether the “charismatic and ambitious” Sergei Nosov can be considered a successful politician, a successful industrialist, a successful official, still remains unanswered. One gets the impression that he is missing something in order to achieve the desired heights in his career.

And speaking of events recent years, then at least two factors can be considered here. First, he failed to earn trust in the upper echelons of power, despite the fact that he is the mayor Putingrad(But the arms exhibition was taken away after all). The second version is that the intelligence services know something about him that does not allow them to place unlimited trust in him. Therefore, the issue of appointing an acting governor of the Chelyabinsk region should also not be considered finally resolved. Other options are also possible. This can be judged by a number of publications in open sources, which periodically appear in the public space, and do not at all paint the image of “ambitious and charismatic”. So, a year ago, the agency “Between the Lines” wrote about a comprehensive audit of the Ministry of Finance of the Sverdlovsk region, and the regional Prosecutor’s Office, which investigated the causes of the municipal debts, due to which Nizhny Tagil is still successfully balancing on the brink of bankruptcy.

“The whole point is that during all the years of Sergei Nosov’s rule in Nizhny Tagil (by the way, he was re-elected with a “Chechen” result of more than 90% of the votes), the city not only did not significantly move forward as an independent municipal entity where industrial enterprises operate federal significance, but on the contrary, is on the verge of financial collapse. Now all hope is only for financial assistance regional authorities, investments from “picture” projects with the support of the President of the Russian Federation (construction of a sports and recreation center, reconstruction of a drama theater). Or other “exhibition” projects that were previously invented and implemented by completely different people (Eduard Rossel. Arms exhibition). Nosov came, as they say, “to get ready.” But he managed to lose even this “ready” thing,” other publications of the Sverdlovsk region wrote.

For example, as of January 1, 2016, in 2015, the debts of the municipality under the wise and far-sighted management of Sergei Nosov exceeded 3 billion rubles. And they continue to grow. Most of the municipal debt amounting to 1 billion 895 million rubles constitute loans. Of these, budget loans – 49 million rubles, commercial loans – 1 billion 495 million rubles, bank guarantees for the construction of the Presidential sports complex in the amount of 350 million rubles, and servicing bank loans, which in 2015 cost the budget 166 million rubles. At the beginning of the year 2016, overdue accounts payable amounted to 1 billion 115 million rubles. In addition, the city owes payments to the budget. In the first quarter of this year, the debt exceeded 54% due to non-payment of insurance premiums and corporate property taxes.

For several years in a row, the budget of Nizhny Tagil barely reached 10 billion rubles. That is, the city under the leadership of Sergei Nosov is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Deputies of the City Duma spoke openly about this when discussing problems. Moreover, according to the norms of the new Budget Code, if the debt of a municipality exceeds 30% of its own income, then the regional government has the right to introduce external management in the municipality. In this case, administrative measures against the head of the municipality are quite possible. But the most important thing is the loss of the political image of the mayor, who came to power in 2012 under the slogan “Seriously and for a long time,” not only in the eyes of his own voters. That is, collapse political career, and if we consider that the manager and business executive Sergei Nosov turned out to be an ineffective manager, then an independent career in industry. Even “Uncle Seryozha” (Chemezov) is unlikely to help here.

“Vicious connections” and “dirty money” by Sergei Nosov

The consistently deficit budget of Nizhny Tagil, where Sergei Nosov so successfully jumped out, cannot cope today not only with obligations to service bank loans, but also with obligations for debts to entrepreneurs who carried out municipal orders. The former chairman of the Nizhny Tagil Duma commission on the budget, Oleg Bakhteev, gave a harsh assessment of the work of Sergei Nosov to the agency “Between the Lines”:

“To be honest, I don’t know what the head of the city is doing today. Adults praise Tagil, telling how wonderful it is, what an embankment it is, how everything is being built. But, using the example of family concepts, these are children who see all the benefits, but do not understand the cost they cost. An individual family can take out five loans and pay off within several years. But if one family or enterprise takes out eight to ten loans and is unable to pay them, it will become bankrupt. There have been no precedents in Russia for a city becoming bankrupt. Maybe the head of the city, knowing all these things, is pursuing such a policy. Well, let Tagil have three billion debts, but benefits have appeared. Then another chapter will come, there will be new facilities and five to ten billion debts. I don't know how right or wrong this is. They hope at random,” he shared with reporters.

Despite the fact that in Tagil they did not like to settle accounts with suppliers and contractors, one company still received decent money for endlessly missing deadlines and failing to fulfill contracts. They said that the company is the personal feeding trough of Sergei Nosov himself. This LLC "UralStroyMontazh". The company was registered in Nizhny Tagil in 2004 with authorized capital two million rubles. The organization is registered on the street. Eastern Highway 23. Over the last reporting year, its revenue amounted to 1.3 billion rubles, profit - 109 million. The main activity of UralStroyMontazh LLC is construction and installation work. The company takes an active part in the implementation of government contracts, the portfolio of which today amounts to 4 billion 143 million 209 thousand 01. He manages the organization Alexey Sergeevich Golyashchenko (TIN: 666900281688), and, apparently, is a partner of Sergei Nosov in the implementation of his projects in Nizhny Tagil. Because almost all government contracts carried out by the enterprise are orders of the municipality and its structural divisions. At the same time, the quality of the work of these builders leaves much to be desired, as Nosov himself has repeatedly and publicly said. But, at the same time, the government contracts of the mayor’s office still go to this company. About incredible story success of the Tagil company under the patronage of Sergei Nosov.

More recently, News wrote about this “vicious relationship”:

“Concealing the vicious connection of the Tagil mayor with an enterprise that is poorly coping with countless state contracts is somewhat more difficult than Sergei Nosov himself thinks. No matter how much he curses and stamps his feet, time after time the company takes on new projects, and the decision that UralStroyMontazh will carry them out is made, including with the participation of Nosov. There is no need to think that the mysterious brownie is running around and playing pranks, giving contracts to a powerless and careless company. To understand - among other things, USM, we will call it that for brevity, is engaged in road repairs. Those in the know know that these are the tastiest contracts, where the most serious money leaks come from. After which you can throw up your hands and say “oops,” and no one will complain.”

The priorities of Nosov and the road builder are also, oddly enough, common: together with the mayor, the company has designated a priority project for the reconstruction of the embankment, “Tagil Lagoon”. Of course, you can make so much money on the embankments that you’ll be healthy. Is it for nothing that Nosov personally acts as the curator of this project? The biggest hater of UralStroyMontazh gave this company an embankment and a contract worth 491 million rubles. Remember our introduction about half-truths? So it is with Nosov, “war is peace,” and the incapable and failing USM is a contractor for the most important and “fat” project. Don’t rush to bite your elbows and shout that almost 500 million have gone down the drain. First, let us explain that in addition to everything else, the same company received the repair of the Serovsky tract (another 214 million rubles), so the amount approaches 700 million. Some rumors are not at all shy about saying that the company is controlled by Sergei Nosov, and not just supervised by him. The company's main customer is the mayor's office, contracts go through the mayor's office, and who runs the mayor's office? Agree, this is very similar to how President Vladimir Putin has been fighting the uncontrollable rise in gasoline prices for many years now, and cannot defeat it. There were USM orders from Sverdlovskavtodor, and some from the management of the Tagil farm, very small ones, “up to 5 million rubles.” Nosov feeds, Nosov scolds. Nosov and feeding?

“In information reports, the name “UralStroyMontazh” is inevitably paired with the wording “deadlines missed.” Back in the summer, the company was supposed to restore the pumping station in the village of Pokrovskoye-1, but something went wrong. Sergei Nosov personally came to the inspection in November. This is convenient - he is also a “shadow manager”, he is also an inspector, it turns out. In test mode, everything worked for the winter, but in a very “raw” form, it took some finishing touches. And this is until the first of July! Sergei Nosov then personally stated that due to missed deadlines, citizens would have to pay for water supply from their own pockets. The facility was not equipped with meters, which led to a recount.”

“Of course, penalties will be imposed, but the main thing is to finish the collector by the end of the year,” said the head of the city. It even sounds like, “I’ll scold them, but the main thing is getting done.”

The contractor lazily explained that the complexity of the terrain, the swampy area, and a couple of other factors led to the fact that nothing happened on time. The mayor still scolded him and said that they were excuses and that “the contract was given to the company in vain.” However, the structure itself was somehow assembled. And they would have screwed up, given the price of the issue at 80 million rubles. This is not the first, it is far from the only such case: the company just built a road on Cosmonauts Street in Nizhny Tagil. The mayor's office scolded and demanded that the comments be eliminated in 2018. This is not the only “road” case of USM - at its facilities the company ignores safety precautions, does not fence off repair areas and does not take care of pedestrians and bridges for them. The town meeting acknowledged that residents were being put in danger and that the contractor had gotten it all wrong again by not even informing residents of the timing and location of the work. By the way, the contractor was “kicked” for these flaws during the work, but the director of the company, Alexey Golyashchenko, apparently did not attach any importance to this. They complained to Sergei Nosov, he began to talk about the “inadmissibility” of such an approach to work and irresponsibility. He made some noise and stopped. And then he completely “dumped” to Magadan, leaving the Nizhny Tagil farm to tinker with a bankrupt company.

Therefore, everyone will definitely be punished, but only when the mayor’s office no longer finds it profitable to give financial contracts to a obviously failed company. It is difficult to even admit that the Tagil mayor does not have friendly feelings with Alexey Golyashchenko, the head of UralStroyMontazh, who every time masters budgets and fulfills contracts in such a way that Nosov tears his hair out, swears, but endures. This is talked about in the telegram channels of the Sverdlovsk region, and in Tagil channels in particular. For example, when they started whispering about USM being added to the list of unscrupulous contractors, and at the hands of Sergei Nosov, telegrammers immediately labeled this version as an anecdote. In their opinion, UralStroyMontazh serves as a “plug in every barrel,” and that the mayor not only generously gifts the company, but also gives it tasks that are not the most convenient and costly, just to get it done. Moreover, according to rumors, even for the “Tagil Lagoon” not everything has been paid, but USM still gets to work.

“So to go light a candle for Golyashchenko in the church - we believe in it, Nosov can do it. “We don’t believe in blacklisting, it can’t,” the telegrammers laugh.

Paradoxically, even regarding the Tagil Lagoon, the former mayor found reasons to find fault, and frankly far-fetched ones. He voiced his criticism of USM out loud at INNOPROM-2016, accusing the contractor of equipping the Laguna sewerage system with imported sewerage systems, which interferes with import substitution and is generally unfair to the domestic manufacturer.

“We could use domestic products and save money at the same time. After all, just transporting parts from another country significantly increases their price. Unfortunately, we cannot always influence contractors to use domestic equipment,” said Sergei Nosov.

“The mayor trashed his friends at the United Russia briefing, scolded the system of auctions for contracts and said that every office “from any toilet” (quote) can participate in the competition. “UralStroyMontazh” even reacted weakly to such criticism, saying that no norms, requirements or wishes were expressed to equipment manufacturers, therefore, there was no need to ask. At the same time, the responsibility was shifted to the designers - Tagilgrazhdanproekt, which received the contract from the MKU "Customer Service for Municipal Services". Tagilgrazhdanproekt also stated that the mayor came up with the cavil after the fact. It is paradoxical that Nosov literally the day before PRAISE the “lagoon”, which suggests that he is either “a little of that” or is acutely worried about every problem that arises on the project. And excessive nervousness may mean direct involvement... The “Lagoon” is still being built, the 500 million announced have already been spent, it will soon come to the point that they will additional funds. And Nosov will again start swearing and allocating money, swearing and allocating money.”

The most interesting thing is that the company "UralStroyMontazh" At the end of 2017, a twin brother appeared, and this is a very bad sign. UralStroyMontazh LLC, like the first USM, is registered at the same address, and the general director’s name is the same as the head of the first USM - Alexey Sergeevich. It's true his last name is Samsonov (TIN: 662306045286). The problem is that the appearance of a double may indicate the imminent deliberate bankruptcy of the first company and the withdrawal of assets from it. The second company with an authorized capital of 3,000,000 rubles and with the same OKVED, formally not connected in any way with the first, will continue to successfully receive government contracts.

Now that Sergei Nosov has been appointed to the post of governor in Magadan, the meaning of these strange rearrangements and multi-moves in the Uralstroymontazh companies is clear - the first company that received government orders was decided to go bankrupt, and the second company with a large authorized capital will follow Nosov either to Kolyma or to Magadan, to “earn money” with the help of an official.