The popularity of a VKontakte group largely depends on its name. It is the name that can attract or scare away new subscribers. Original and catchy names always arouse interest: a person can enter the community just out of curiosity, and then join it. How to come up with the right name? This question interests absolutely everyone who has decided to create their own VKontakte community, but first of all, those who plan to make a profit from it.

    • What types of communities are there?
    • What name to come up with for a group on VK: some tips
    • How to come up with a community name

What types of communities are there?

VKontakte communities are mainly divided into groups and public pages. Groups are more suitable for discussions, exchange of opinions and comments, and publics are more suitable for providing information about a person or organization.

There are entertainment communities where various funny stories, jokes, funny statuses, motivators, etc. are published. There are also communities of an advertising nature, communities of interests (cooking, children, cars), information communities and groups aimed at teaching something.

According to the degree of privacy, closed and open groups are distinguished.

Before you create your own community, you need to clearly understand what your goal is and what your group or public should be like. Go to communities and carefully study all the information to make the right decision.

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These tips are valuable for those who are planning to create their own group and make money from it. They will also be useful for those who promote VKontakte own business or company.

First, the administrator needs to decide on the topic. Think about what information will be posted in the group and who it is intended for. When visitors see the name, they should immediately understand what your community is about. The administrator, in turn, must clearly understand what audience he wants to attract and what benefits his group can bring.

Think about the keywords in your topic. After all, people can be attracted not only from VKontakte, but also from the Internet: some can find a group or public through search engines. That is why it is necessary to clearly think about what keyword will be contained in the group name. As statistics show, the same similar queries are entered into search engines every day and asked by thousands of people. If your group has a keyword in the name, they will be able to find it too.

To choose the correct VKontakte group name, you must use the correct keys. To ensure that the keys are correct, you can use the Wordstat service from Yandex.

For example, enter the phrase there: make money on the Internet. This phrase has received more than 140 thousand requests on the Internet, which means that a group with such a topic can become very popular. Another thing is that all the “hottest” topics have already been processed by your competitors - you will have to try very hard to somehow stand out from them and attract subscribers. To find out what your competitors are writing about, you need to visit their groups and analyze the information received (We recommend reading the article “ The largest public pages on VKontakte».

Develop your VKontakte community wisely: Explore complete guide on earning money on VKontakte

How to come up with a community name

Let's see what name is suitable for the group on VKontakte. It should be:

  1. Catchy. After seeing it, a person should feel a desire to find out more details and visit your group. The competition on VKontakte is enormous, and every administrator should clearly understand this. So what to do? Think about an original and catchy name.
  2. Catchy. Seeing it, a person should want to visit this particular community.
  3. Short. This is the essence of success: a long and boring band name will not attract anyone. Ideally, the name should consist of 2-3 words. Many webmasters try to fit all the descriptions for it into the group name, but this should not be done. Some administrators include a number of key phrases or words. This is done to attract visitors, but this is also not worth doing.
  4. Capacious. Despite the brevity, the name should contain a keyword or words, and also communicate the focus of the community - entertaining, educational, informational, etc.
  5. The name must not contain profanity, otherwise the group may be blocked. Some might argue that titles with swear words already exist. These communities were created a long time ago, but deadline all the rules have changed.

Sometimes associations work well: for example, there is a fairly popular group “Ward No. 6”. Unlike other humorous groups, the name does not contain the words “humor” or “laughter,” but everyone understands what this community is dedicated to. The same goes for the “90-60-90” community - it is immediately clear that it is dedicated to weight loss issues.

Other examples good names entertainment groups: Smeyaka, Killer humor, Laugh until you cry, Sarcasm,, Witty.

Now you can easily come up with a name yourself. Designate keywords and consistently write down on paper everything that comes to mind. Sooner or later you will find the right word or phrase.

We hope these tips will help you create an interesting community and find the best name for it. It should be remembered that the name of a VKontakte group is only one of many components of success. There should be constant activity and discussion in the community, and information on the wall should be constantly updated. You need to learn to attract new members and publish useful and interesting content. Only in this case will your community be successful and be able to bring you significant income.

Do you want to know more about making money on VKontakte and other types of making money on the Internet? The most up-to-date information is collected here: 50 ways to make money online

If you created a VK group to make sales, then you should think about other options for selling goods on the Internet, for example, through Avito. Read the article about the opportunity making money on message boards and find out which products are best to sell and how to do it correctly.

If a group in contact was created to receive additional income and you want to quickly increase your income, you should take the course on money management to not only learn the tricks that rich people resort to to increase their capital, but also learn how to make good money yourself.

There are communities of interests. Being the owner or administrator of such a virtual club is not only interesting, but also profitable. This makes it possible to make new acquaintances, more people, promote your goods and services, or earn money by advertising other people's products. But not everyone knows that in order for a community to be a great success among site users, you need to come up with an original name for the group.

Simple magic of words

If the community has a narrowly focused topic, it is advisable to somehow indicate this in the name. You can use metaphors, for example, call charitable foundation"Big Heart", and the organization of environmentalists - "Green Leaf". If the group is dedicated to a specific brand, there is no point in coming up with something complicated. For a cafe, just its name and notes like “delicious food” will be enough. If you are going to promote an establishment in a specific city, the name for the group may also include the location of the real object.

How to stand out from the list of competitors?

Many social network users find new interesting communities on the pages of friends. But the problem is that one person can be in hundreds of groups, and see among them interesting name not so simple. Solving this problem and becoming more visible is not at all difficult. It is enough to write the chosen name for the group in Odnoklassniki in capital letters and surround it with any symbols. These can be standard “dogs”, or question marks, or site emoticons.

The names for VKontakte groups also look unusual: they are short, consisting of several letters. The easiest way is to write an abbreviation, but you can distort it a little, leaving two or three first letters of each word. In this way you can write an ordinary word by hiding it in hidden meaning. If you wish, you can keep the letters of different heights (leave the capitals of each word large), but keep in mind that the fashion of writing with a “fence” has passed, and many users find this annoying.

Why do you need a creative and memorable name for a group?

There is a fashion to name communities, describing the common habits of the population of our country. What do you think, for example, of the following name for the group: “The Gum Chewing Club”? Stupid - you say? Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people are members of such communities. And all so that an interesting inscription notifying about the habit appears in the list on the page. Collections of thematic pictures and music are also collected in such virtual clubs a large number of likes. Of course, such a community is not suitable for posting serious information, but you can earn good money from advertising posted in it.

Accordingly, when coming up with a name for a group, you shouldn’t be afraid to use your imagination. Keep in mind that you can always rename a community, as well as change its direction. It is likely that after such a modernization many participants will leave it, but you can always invite those who are interested new topic and title. In addition, the annoying group can be sold or given full control to one of the previously appointed administrators.

For many, the name of the group leaves the first impression of the musical group that remains forever. A sonorous and easy to remember name will allow you to immediately stand out among numerous groups and will facilitate the advancement of the team to the top of Olympus. There are some proven ways to come up with a “selling” name for an ensemble.

Name – symbol

A word that will cause the public to associate with the group and its individuality will increase the memorability of the group by 40%. The symbol of the ensemble is a clear, brief description of it, expressing the ideology and worldview of the participants. For example, groups that promote national Russian culture are often called “Slavs”, “Rusichs”. How to come up with a group name - a symbol? Try to describe the team, its members and the main idea in one word.

Matching style

The name of the group, which is associated with its real activities, adds 20% to its popularity. Agree, the poster of a male band performing songs in the heavy metal style with the children's name “Domisolki” will look quite unexpected. Focusing on style, you need to choose a word that characterizes the musical direction of the group. For example, a name such as “Phonograph Jazz Band” will tell a lot about the playing style of the participants.

Memorable phrase

An easy-to-remember name raises the ensemble's popularity rating by 20% compared to its competitors. Short and catchy - “Aria”, unusual and reflecting the worldview of the musicians - “Crematorium”, the most suitable in meaning, shocking, biting and radical - “Civil Defense”, these are the names that immediately attract attention. To create a memorable phrase, you can use an explanatory dictionary.

Famous names, geographical places

According to producers, 10% of a musical group’s success comes from already “promoted” names historical figures, novel characters, movie characters or names of popular geographical places. This is how they chose the name Rammstein, Gorky Park, Agatha Christie.


A short and easy-to-pronounce abbreviation will increase the team’s memorability by 10%. Many well-known ensembles today used the first letters or syllables of the initials of their members for their names. Thus, ABBA and REM were born. The abbreviation "DDT" is derived from the abbreviation of the word dichlo(pest control agent).

Finding the name of a group, of course, is a responsible and difficult task, but this should not stop musicians in their activities. Many newcomers to the stage begin their performances with a temporary name. If you can’t come up with a name for a musical group, you can conduct a survey among the target audience or even organize a competition for the best name.

Social networks have long crossed the line beyond which they were just a virtual platform for communication. Now you can earn real money on these Internet resources. One of the relevant tools in this case is some kind of community, group on Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte.

However, to attract as many subscribers as possible, it is worth making some effort. First of all, you need to think about how to name the group in VK in order to interest maximum amount social network users.

General terms

The principle of working with a group and a public is almost the same, so this method suitable for public page Same. A catchy name will make you pay attention to the page and look at it. This is where the principle of viral marketing comes into play.

The name for the group will make it possible for visitors to understand what exactly the information will be about and whether it will bring real benefit.

It is generally accepted that those communities that make it to the TOP are based on key search phrases. Correctly chosen words will ensure decent results in the search engine, because often visitors use Yandex or Google even to search for a group or community on social networks. Simultaneously you need to have individuality so as not to get lost in the same type of “glued together” search phrases.

Title and description

Each VKontakte page contains data that any search engine is guided to a certain extent. For this purpose, special title and description tools are used. They are seen by all visitors to Yandex or its foreign analogues.

The title of the current page will be marked in dark blue above the Internet address. Below is a description of what should be on the page you are looking for (description). Often, optimizers involved in community promotion use the name of the group as a title, so it is so important to include at least some of the key queries in it.

Read also: How much does YouTube pay for 1,000,000 views?

It’s not worth being original in the style of “Semyon’s group” or “Miscellaneous clothes”, since hardly anyone will enter these queries in the search bar. The style that will be more effective will be: “Fishing gear” or “Selling skirts and blouses inexpensively.” In some cases, the key may be changed or slightly diluted to ensure the naturalness of the name. It is important to include it in the title by any means.

The standard title length for most search engines is limited. Many of them cut off names that are longer than 60 characters, so starting from the 61st letter, users see an ellipsis. It is worth trying to fit the length within the allotted frames.

To describe it, it is customary to highlight a little more space, providing him with approximately 160 characters. Please note that the length of the title and description includes spaces. In the description, which is usually located below the site address on the search page, you can also include relevant search queries.

It is believed that the algorithms of Google and other search services carry out filtering and a certain ranking according to the description in the same way. In this regard, while simultaneously choosing what to call a group on VKontakte, it is worth devoting a sufficient amount of time to coming up with a beautiful, concise and at the same time “working” description of it.

Balance of supply and demand

When choosing a name, it is worth remembering that there are different types of queries, which are usually ranked into three categories:

  • high frequency;
  • low frequency;
  • mid-frequency.

The parameter indicates the number of user requests per month. How more value, the more popular the request is. This means a high degree of demand for the product among users. In market terms, these numbers are consumer demand.

There is also a competitiveness parameter for queries:

  • highly competitive;
  • low competitive;
  • averagely competitive.

This indicator indicates the presence of current market offers, ready to satisfy everyone who is thirsty. If there is not enough of it, then the offered product will sell like hot cakes.

Hello everyone dear readers, today we will continue talking about social network VKontakte and we’ll talk today about a very interesting problem, namely, I’ll tell you how to name a VKontakte group.

Why is getting a band name right so important?

The name for a VKontakte group directly depends on its success and can make its promotion tenfold easier for you.

What to remember when choosing a name for a VK group:

  • The group name cannot contain interchangeable letters

Example: the name “CoolMonster” - all letters are in English, you can do this

Example: the name “Coo lMo nster” - all the letters “O” are Russian, you can’t do that

  • You cannot use stop words (Mate, everything related to the topic of adult)
  • When creating a name for your group or public VK, try to avoid special characters ■, etc., this may negatively affect the results of your group in the VK search (except for the “|” symbol).
  • When creating a name for your VK group, try to adhere to the strategies that I will describe below.
  • If possible, try to ensure that the name of your group does not have direct duplicates with other groups. An example: if you have a public page about travel, then if you look at the results of groups for this request on VK there are a lot of duplicates. Add an accompanying word for example: Travel and tourism.

Personally, I think that there are only 3 ways to correctly name a VK group so that there are no problems with promotion: based on the frequency of requests based on Wordstat, under a brand, under a promoted public page or group. Let's look at each point separately

How to choose a VK group name based on the brand.

We all know very well that you can easily promote a group or public VK on only one brand of game, TV series, etc.

Let me give you a simple example. Now the train has already left and this is irrelevant. However, as soon as it became known about the release of the PokemonGo game, the first who managed to create and fill the fan community with content received more than 50k people in their public pages completely free of charge. It was the same with the series Fizruk. Well, such examples can be given endlessly; the main trick is to have time to create a public page for the brand and fill it with content, for greater confidence, you can generate a couple of thousand offers and you’re done. Following this technique, you can easily get targeted free traffic from VK subscribers for your group or public

How to choose a VK group name for a promoted public page or group.

This idea is as old as time, but is not very popular among SMMers, although it has a place.

The essence of this technique when choosing a name for a group or public VK, is based on the promoted public or group of your topic. Let me give you an example: there is a group, say 4ch, the point is to create a similar group, for example 4ch-best, or 4ch-overheard. Well, everything like that. Thus, you won’t have to post only news on similar topics from the donor’s group to your public page or group, but we will receive free subscribers to your public page at the expense of the main group’s brand. It is important that you cannot completely copy the name of the donor’s group; the name must differ in some way, otherwise you will be banned. It is important not to copy posts from the main group to your own; it is best to select posts on similar topics in other places. I advise you to add a couple of thousand offers to your public page for credibility.

How to choose a group name for VK based on Wordstat data

This method is quite simple, the whole point of the method is to use the results of Yandex Wordstat when choosing a name for a group; even if they are not accurate, they can give an approximate idea. For example, look at 2 screenshots below

That's actually all I wanted to tell you about choosing a name for the VK group