38 photos. Let's hit smoking with propaganda posters! Anti-smoking posters and anti-tobacco advertising. Smoking itself not only calms the mind and keeps the smoker's hands occupied. Smoking is not only a remedy for mental stress and an aid in communication between people. Smoking is an image formed, oddly enough, by the centuries-old culture of peoples. The smoker himself sees himself as romantic, creative, or simply cool. What is hidden behind these images? And what if not social anti-advertising will destroy these inspired images? And another question: how many cigarettes smoked per day will lead to disastrous consequences for a smoker and over how long? I wonder how many people quit smoking because of this brainwashing?

The inscription on the poster: “53,000 non-smokers die every year from second-hand smoke.”

The poster reads: "Smoking kills. Around 106,000 people in England die every year because of smoking."

The inscription on the poster: "Smokers never win."

The inscription on the poster: "Do you think this will make you attractive?"

The poster reads: “Every puff you take will ultimately ruin your future.”

The poster reads: “Every puff you take ultimately shortens your life.”

The meaning of the inscription on the poster: “A bullet kills quickly, a cigarette kills slowly.”

The inscription on the poster: “Smokers produce worthless swimmers.”

The inscription on the poster: "Smoking destroys your masculinity."

The inscription on the poster: "Stop... you are burning the flower of your life."

Scientists have found a man whose smoking saved him from anemia

News from February 17, 2017. One case in a billion? Smoking paradoxically turned out to be beneficial for the health of a German resident with anemia. The carbon monoxide contained in tobacco smoke helped his body suppress the disease, according to an article published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

“This man could never become an athlete, since his blood is not capable of carrying large amounts of oxygen, but smoking saves him from developing anemia. There is another additional plus - carriers of this mutation are unusually resistant to carbon monoxide poisoning,” said John Olson from Rice University in Houston (USA).

As Olson tells it, the story of this discovery begins with the appeal of a young girl to a clinic in the German city of Mannheim. The patient complained of general weakness and constant problems due to low hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Having studied its DNA, scientists discovered a rare mutation in the HBA1 gene, which contains instructions for assembling hemoglobin molecules, as a result of which only one amino acid changed in the protein structure - the histidine molecule was replaced by leucine.

The replacement of the 58th amino acid in hemoglobin, according to biologists, led to the fact that the protein became extremely vulnerable to the action of oxygen. The center of the protein breaks into pieces upon contact with oxygen molecules, as a result of which hemoglobin loses its ability to carry oxygen normally.

This discovery surprised scientists, since such mutations are usually transmitted hereditarily, from parents to children. However, the girl’s parents, who came to Germany from Turkey several decades ago, never complained of anemia and anemia. However, when scientists analyzed their DNA samples, the mutation was still found in the genome of the patient's father.

Why didn't he suffer from anemia? The reason for this turned out to be extremely simple - the man smoked a lot and very often, which protected his hemoglobin from destruction.

The fact is that this mutation makes hemoglobin almost 85 thousand times more sensitive to another molecule contained in large quantities in tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide for ordinary people is a poison, since it binds to hemoglobin much more strongly than oxygen, and actually suffocates a person from the inside.

For people with a similar mutation, carbon monoxide is a kind of medicine, not a poison. It stabilizes hemoglobin and allows it to at least partially perform its functions, and not fall apart upon contact with oxygen. For this reason, smoking was beneficial for the health of the girl's father, and he did not even suspect the presence rare mutation in his DNA. At the same time, his non-smoking daughter experienced a lot of negative effects.

Should other people who suffer from similar problems smoke? According to scientists, this is not at all necessary - you can instead take large doses of antioxidants, which will protect hemoglobin in a similar way. On the other hand, as researchers admit, second-hand smoking will harm such people much less than the rest of the planet’s inhabitants.

This selection contains the best of anti-nicotine print and outdoor advertising recent years.

On effectiveness or ineffectiveness social advertising You can argue against smoking ad infinitum. However, new works from anti-smoking campaigns appear regularly, sometimes delighting with new approaches and subtle ideas, sometimes causing a sigh of disappointment with their directness and simplicity of message.

Creatives and public organizations trying to solve an impossible task - to scare healthy person diseases and suffering that smoking threatens him with in the future. And also to appeal to conscience and understand, calling to protect people without bad habit from passive smoking.

1. Smoking causes premature aging.

2. It's called suicide because it's your choice.

4. The average smoker needs more than 5 thousand cigarettes per year. Let yourself off the hook.

5. Rest in peace.

6. Stop destroying your body.

7. Kiss my ashtray.

8. Do you think this makes you more beautiful?

9. Passive smoking kills.

10. Tobacco smells different to non-smokers.

11. Smoking is not only suicide, but also murder.

12. Stop secondhand smoke.

14. Smoking mothers feed their children not only milk.

17. Drinking this water causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and complications during pregnancy. Will you drink this?

Data from various medical studies and sociological surveys are shocking in their results. Every year in the world the percentage of schoolchildren for whom smoking becomes habitual increases. Teenage addiction to cigarettes is a disaster on a planetary scale, which must be combated using all available methods.

One of the most accessible and effective ways propaganda healthy image life in a school environment, bright pictures about the dangers of smoking for schoolchildren are considered. Of course, if they are well thought out with psychological point vision.

Anti-tobacco propaganda is very relevant in modern schools

Almost every third modern teenager are already familiar with cigarettes and most of them smoke constantly. Due to their young age and inherent frivolity, schoolchildren rarely think about the consequences, despite the threatening pictures: smoking kills, “decorating” every cigarette pack.

Why are these warnings not having the intended effect? It's all about psychology. Adolescence famous for its merciless maximalism. Having picked up a pack of cigarettes, a young person can no longer step back - at this age, “escape” threatens ridicule from peers.

Main reasons for schoolchildren smoking (according to opinion polls)

Also, according to child psychologists, the reasons for early exposure to cigarettes include the following factors:

Cigarette as a “forbidden fruit”. What does every teenager dream of? To quickly become an independent and respected person. A cigarette, in the mind of a schoolchild, is an attribute of an adult, self-sufficient life.

If a teenager is constantly exposed to propaganda about the dangers of smoking, a cigarette pack becomes a particularly welcome addition to “maturity, independence and coolness.”

Authority. A person who smokes as an adult schoolboy inevitably gains authority among his friends. The teenager, as it were, steps over a certain line, which for many peers is still inaccessible (children are afraid of discontent and scolding of their parents).

Cultural influence. Schoolchildren (due to their unbalanced, still young mental system) can easily be influenced. Teenagers, trying to imitate the heroes of their favorite films (and almost all action heroes simply love to puff beautifully in the frame), take up a cigarette pack. Fortunately, when making new films, modern directors avoid shots with overt demonstrations of the smoking process.

Schoolchildren smoking statistics

Family influence. According to the observations of child psychologists, the origins of early school smoking often go back to the family. If one of the parents is a smoker at home, there is a high probability that the child himself will try to smoke ahead of time. This is a proven pattern.

Initially, adolescents' passion for cigarettes is short-term and episodic. The harmful effects of nicotine are still invisible to the child’s body, but addiction at this age forms very quickly. It is still impossible to independently assess the irreversibility of the situation in the young period of development.

What does addiction lead to?

It is necessary to explain to children with disabilities what consequences a frivolous addiction to cigarettes leads to. early age. Show the younger generation anti-smoking drawings and talk about diseases in a playful way that children can understand.

According to statistics, the majority of people who start smoking in at a young age, carry this addiction for the rest of their lives. Nicotine slowly kills the body, provoking the development of dangerous diseases.

All pathologies clearly make themselves felt at an older age. And teenagers who smoke while still at school face the following problems:

  1. Memory impairment. Children familiar with smoking cannot remember even basic school curriculum– the suffering body is not able to assimilate a large amount of information.
  2. Vision decreases. Smoking negatively affects the functionality of the visual apparatus. According to statistics, people who start smoking at a young age are more likely to suffer from the development of glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure.
  3. Weakening physical development. Smokers are notorious for having a frail physique and weak muscles. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make muscular handsome men out of smoking people.
  4. Suffering nervous system. Adolescent smokers are especially prone to rapid onset of fatigue and irritability. Their ability to think logically decreases.
  5. Problems with the thyroid gland. Nicotine triggers destructive processes in the thyroid gland, which provokes heart problems. Such people experience attacks of aggressiveness, bad dream. A global metabolic disorder occurs.
  6. The appearance of acne. Nicotine also affects the condition of the skin. Carcinogenic resins and toxic substances provoke the development of acne. In teenage smokers, acne appears on the entire surface of the facial skin and is very difficult to deal with.

Such results, the consequences of early smoking, should not only be talked about, but also shown clearly, presenting pictures about the dangers of smoking for adolescents. And do it as early as possible.

According to statistics, the mortality rate observed in a group of people who became addicted to cigarettes at a young age is 5 times higher than in those who became acquainted with smoking at the age of 25-30 years.

How do pictures about the dangers of nicotine work?

According to the observation of child psychologists, anti-smoking pictures with inscriptions are one of the most effective methods beliefs of the younger generation. From a psychological point of view, such agitation has a cumulative effect, sometimes not immediate, but delayed, but quite effective.

Pictures showing how harmful nicotine is

A well-developed visual concept creates a clear understanding among schoolchildren of the harmful effects of smoking. According to child psychologists, such pictures should demonstrate the comparative features of the internal organs of a smoker and a healthy person. Why?

  1. The naturalism of the photographs shocks impressionable teenagers and forms a persistent hostility towards the original source of future problems.
  2. Bright Comparative characteristics over time, adolescents form an association with smoking as a cause of destruction of internal organs.

Images that speak of negative impact nicotine on small child. Such drawings of smoking parents are especially catchy, forming in them the idea that the parent-smoker is destroying his little blood with his own hands.

Such propaganda is sometimes so realistic and provocative that it causes a storm of public indignation. But nevertheless, it works effectively.

The images that anti-tobacco visual propaganda “puts” into the subconscious are formed on the basis of disgust and hostility. And such propaganda even affects a chronic smoker. It can “shoot” in one moment and make a person forget about cigarettes.

What is better to use at school?

Propaganda images do not have to be naturalistic and provoke feelings of anxiety and fear. They can also have a softer effect: be instructive, ironic and even humorous. Cool anti-smoking drawings for school, according to psychologists, are among the most appropriate.

Humorous visual propaganda in accordance with the school atmosphere, unobtrusively forms in adolescents the main idea - quitting smoking. Moreover, he does it in a positive way.

What images are considered suitable?

Properly selected propaganda pictures are perceived unambiguously by schoolchildren; this effect can have both an immediate result and a delayed one. Deferred, according to psychologists, is considered to be of higher quality, because spontaneity of actions and desires does not always become long-term.

Naturalistic imagery used in propaganda posters has a greater impact

But if a thought matures without immediate accentuation, the effect of the developed desire is much higher. What pictures do child psychologists recommend using?

  1. Destruction of internal organs. One of the most popular themes of images that form an aversion to smoking among schoolchildren is lungs and internal organs smoker Naturalistically shocking, such images remain in the memory for a long time, forming an aversion to nicotine against the background of associative memories.
  2. Comparison of the lungs of a smoker and a healthy person. True, any person who has an education in the field of medicine and was present at autopsies will treat such propaganda with skepticism. After all, no one has perfectly clean lungs, especially residents of large cities.
  3. Images of children suffering from their parents' smoking. Such propaganda advertising is very effective and efficient, but children’s images should be used in this way with caution. Especially for agitating schoolchildren, there is a very high probability of “going too far” and causing children’s hostility towards own parents. These posters are more suitable for adults to study.

It is very important to start promoting a healthy lifestyle and the dangers of smoking from an early age. At first in a playful and entertaining form, gradually developing in the little person a persistent aversion to cigarettes. Parents and educators/teachers need to make every effort to explain this to them until the moment when the teenager is handed the first cigarette and is called to “smoke around the corner.”

In contact with

Drugs are very bad! But looking at these prints of young creatives, it becomes unclear what is going on in their bright heads... Or perhaps they are really familiar with the drug problem firsthand...

" I am watching you "
Glukhikh Irina

Head: Charandaeva L.V.

"Drug is a slow death!"
Glukhikh Irina
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

"Drugs share everything!"
Nizambieva Regina

"Think about the future!"
Evsenina Olesya
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 5th grade, 10 years old,
Head: Starovoitova E.L.

"Drug is crap"
Konovalov Maxim
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 5th grade, 10 years old,
Head: Starovoitova E.L.

"Result of Addiction"
Dudyreva Olya
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 5th grade, 10 years old,
Head: Starovoitova E.L.

"Say no to drugs!"
Muzafarova Zukhra
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 5th grade, 10 years old,
Head: Starovoitova E.L.

"Let's say no to drugs. The danger threatens humanity."
Potapov Sasha
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

"Results of Addiction"
Lebedev Egor
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

"Let's say no to drugs!"
Yulia Korepanova
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

"The Lifeless Mask of Addiction"
Sukhanova Alla
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

"Drug is Death in a Trap"
Sukhanova Alla
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

Lebedev Egor
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

"Don't Ruin Yourself"
Vlasova Olya
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

"Drug is degradation, dementia"
Makarova Tanya
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

"Substance Abuse Is Madness"
Merzlyakov Stas
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

"Another victim. Don't fall into the web of drug addiction."
Serebryakova Olya
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

Chirkov Ivan
Izhevsk, school No. 54, 9th grade, 15 years old,
Head: Charandaeva L.V.

Tell yourself no! "
Kharina Natasha
Izhevsk, school No. 68, 7th grade, 12 years old,

"Black Snow of Drugs"
Baskakov Zhenya
Izhevsk, d/s 105, 7 years old,

"He'll Never Be Big"
Novoselova Katya
Izhevsk, d/s 105, 7 years old,

"Mom, dad, help!"
Bushmeleva Kristina
Izhevsk, d/s 105, 7 years old,

" Make your choice! "
Shchekoturov Igor
Izhevsk, d/s 105, 7 years old,

"Look at the sun, and with the power of the sun, kill the monster within you"
Ziganshina Alsou
Izhevsk, d/s 105, 7 years old,

"Lullaby of Addict's Dreams"
Schwindt Katya
Izhevsk, d/s 105, 7 years old,

"Kids Against Drugs"
Russian Julia

"Evil Lurks Next to Good"
Derendyaeva Masha
Izhevsk, IPEC, 9th grade, 15 years old,

"I don't use it, it's the drug that uses me"
Derendyaeva Masha
Izhevsk, IPEC, 9th grade, 15 years old,

"I Executed Myself"
Derendyaeva Masha
Izhevsk, IPEC, 9th grade, 15 years old,

Kharin Dmitry
Izhevsk, TsEV, 5th grade, 10 years old,
Head: Ulyanova E.L.

Kuznetsov Egor

Lukin Kostya

Head: Ulyanova

Sharafutdinova Ksenia
Izhevsk, TsEV, 5th grade, 11 years old,
Head: Ulyanova E.L.

Ardashev Lenya
Izhevsk, TsEV, 5th grade, 11 years old,
Head: Ulyanova E.L.

Zamyatina Nastya
Izhevsk, school No. 19, 6th grade, 12 years old,

Ivanova Nastya
Izhevsk, TsEV, 8th grade, 14 years old,
Head: Ulyanova E.L.

" Drug free "
Yuferov Andrey
Izhevsk, school No. 52, 2nd grade, 9 years old,

" Once and forever "
Efremova Irina
Izhevsk, school No. 67, 9th grade, 15 years old,

" No Drugs! "
Beznosova Anya
Khokhryaki village, school No. 19, 7th grade, 12 years old,

Zakirova Nailya
Izhevsk, school No. 52, 5th grade, 10 years old,

Kuzmina Olga
Izhevsk, school No. 19, 5th grade, 10 years old,

"A last farewell for drugs..."
Lekomtsev Lesha
Izhevsk, school No. 19, 5th grade, 11 years old,

"Think about your health."
Valimina Zhanna
Izhevsk, school No. 69, 5th grade, 11 years old,

Kataev Lesha
Izhevsk, Center for Aesthetic Education, 6th grade, 11 years old,

Alekseeva Katya
Izhevsk, 3rd grade, 9 years old,
Head: Ulyanova E.L.

Katelnikov Sasha

"Kids Against Drugs"
Katelnikov Sasha
Uralsky village, Sarapulsky district.

"Kids Against Drugs"
Ivanov Philip

"Say no to drugs. Drugs are death."
Zorin Sasha
Izhevsk, 6th grade, 11 years old,

"Kids Against Drugs"
Grigorieva Valya
With. Karakulino,

" No Drugs! "
Bogochev A.
village Izh Bobya, 3rd grade, 9 years old,

"Kids Against Drugs"
Zelenin Sasha

Gabdrakhmanov Marat

Chekareva Ekaterina
With. Selty, Seltinskaya high school, 3rd grade, 9 years old,

"Drugs are the enemy of man. Children are against drugs!"
Zhukova Nastya
With. Yukamenskoe, Yukamenskaya secondary school, 6th grade, 12 years old,

15 years,

"This is what drugs lead to!"
Datsko Andrey
Glazov, 6th grade, 12 years old,

"Kids Against Drugs"
Shirobokova Albina
Alman village, Yak-Bodinsky district.

" No Drugs! "
Datsko Andrey
6th grade, 11 years old,

"Children, don't take drugs. You'll be infected for life."
Mikryukov V.
Glazov, 6th grade, 11 years old,

Datsko A.
6th grade, 12 years old, Seltinsky district.

"Drug is Death"
Chetkarev S.
village, 6th grade, 11 years old, Seltinsky district.

" No Drugs "
Kosykh Misha
Izhevsk, school No. 63, 3rd grade, 9 years old,

"Kids Against Drugs"
Perevoshchikov Sasha

Kondratyeva Olga
Uralsky village, school-college, Sarapul district.

"Drug - prohibited"
Mymrin Sasha
Uralsky village, school-college, 5th grade, 10 years old, Sarapul district.

Kondratyeva Olga
Sarapul. district of Uralsky settlement,

" Drug free "
Tuev Sergey

Rusanov Andrey
Votkinsk, school No. 12, 5th grade, 10 years old,

"Drugs are dangerous!"
Melnikov Yura
Votkinsk, school No. 12, 5th grade, 10 years old,

"Kids Against Drugs"
Orekhov Ilya
Votkinsk, school No. 12, 5th grade, 10 years old,

"Kids Against Drugs"
Kustov Kirill
Votkinsk, school No. 12, 5th grade, 10 years old,

"Kids Against Drugs"
Abdalov Dima
Votkinsk, school No. 12, 5th grade, 10 years old,

"This Is the Heart of a Junkie"
Shirobokov Zhenya
Votkinsk, school No. 12, 5th grade, 10 years old,

Grigorieva Masha
Votkinsk, school No. 12, 5th grade, 10 years old,

Maltseva Zhenya
Votkinsk, school No. 12, 5th grade, 10 years old,

Kolbina Alla
Votkinsk, school No. 12, 5th grade, 10 years old,