In men, as in women, hormonal imbalances can occur in the body. As a rule, such failures occur due to age-related changes and are typical for men after 40 years of age. Hormone imbalance affects the health of the entire body. Sexual dysfunction, weight gain, and alopecia appear. In most cases, these processes are associated with a deficiency in the synthesis of testosterone, one of the key male sex hormones.

To adjust hormone levels, you have to resort to hormonal medications. Usually they use their synthetic analogues, which are produced in the form of tablets, ointments, patches, and injections. The use of hormonal drugs is permitted only as prescribed by a doctor, who determines the advisability of taking medications, dosage, and duration of therapy, based on the diagnostic results and clinical manifestations of hormonal imbalance.

Causes of hormonal imbalances in men

The endocrine system in men becomes very vulnerable during the period of decline in reproductive function - after 40-45 years. Hormonal levels change not only with age, but throughout the day. Such physiological fluctuations do not affect a man’s well-being and do not harm his health.

Androgens, which are synthesized in the testicles, play a key role in the male body. They ensure the development of male gender characteristics and regulate reproductive function. Estrogens are also present in small quantities in the male body. They affect sexual desire, participate in calcium metabolism, and in the process of spermatogenesis.

Hormonal imbalance in men can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • heavy physical activity;
  • stress;
  • bad habits;
  • the presence of chronic foci of infection in the body;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in men:

  • excessive hair loss, baldness;
  • decreased libido;
  • impotence;
  • non-bacterial genital infections;
  • female obesity;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • irritability.

Indications for the use of hormonal drugs

Before prescribing hormonal medications, a man must undergo a series of studies, during which the level of hormones is determined and the causes of disorders are identified. Patient complaints are also taken into account.

Indications for taking hormonal drugs:

  • sexual dysfunction;
  • male infertility;
  • female-type weight gain;
  • emotional instability.

Note! Hormonal drugs can be prescribed either as monotherapy to reduce hormone levels in men, or as part of complex treatment for endocrine disorders.

Cautions and contraindications

Hormonal agents influence biochemical processes, including the action of sex hormones. They change their structure and concentration, which cannot but affect the body as a whole. Problems more often arise with uncontrolled and long-term use of medications.

Before taking hormonal drugs, the following contraindications must be taken into account:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • coronary and heart failure;
  • nephrosis;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • epilepsy;
  • arterial hypertension (with caution).

Long-term use of hormones can trigger the development of prostate tumors and reduce sperm production.

Side effects:

  • skin rashes;
  • increased libido;
  • swelling;
  • disturbance of spermatogenesis;
  • erythrocytosis;
  • penis enlargement.

Review and characteristics of medications

There are many remedies that correct hormone levels in men. They can be in the form:

  • tablets;
  • gels (ointments);
  • solutions for injections;
  • plasters.

Each of the dosage forms has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is up to the doctor to determine which form of medication is best in each specific case. Tablets are considered more convenient to take. They can be consumed at home only with water. The disadvantage of such drugs is their rapid destruction in the body, so there is a need to take them frequently.

Ointments and gels penetrate the body faster and help maintain normal androgen levels. Like tablets, they require frequent use. The downside is that it can irritate the skin if used regularly. Local hormonal preparations also include patches. They act quickly and require one application per day.

There are several types of injections: fast and prolonged action. To avoid a sharp jump in the level of male sex hormones, it is better to use long-acting injections.

Review of drugs

Let's look at the hormonal drugs that are most often used to compensate for androgen deficiency.

Methyltestosterone (Androral)

A medicine in tablet form that was one of the first among modified forms of testosterone. As a result of modification of the hormone, it is not destroyed in the stomach, entering an acidic environment. Due to the large number side effects that occur after taking Methyltestosterone, it is rarely used today in the practice of treating testosterone deficiency. The cost of 20 tablets of the drug is 400 rubles.

Andriol (Virigen, Undecaonate)

The capsule product is made on the basis of Methyltestosterone, but unlike the latter, it does not have a toxic effect on the liver. Andriol is absorbed directly into the lymph flow. This prohormone does not cause edema and does not suppress the synthesis of its own androgens. Most often, capsules are taken when there is a decline in physical and mental activity due to hypoandrogenism in men, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and infertility. It is recommended to take the medicine during or after meals, swallow it whole with plenty of water. A package of 30 Andriol capsules will cost 1200-1300 rubles.


The gel, which is well and quickly absorbed into the skin, ensures normal testosterone levels. Androgel is produced in sachets of 2.5 and 5 mg. The package contains 30 sachets. It is recommended to apply the product to clean skin every morning on the stomach or upper arm. Within 5 hours after applying the gel, you should not shower or have sex. A package of Androgel costs an average of 2,500 rubles.

Sustanon 250

Oil solution 1 ml for intramuscular injection. The drug contains a mixture of testosterone propionate, decanoate, isocapronate and phenylpropionate. 1 ampoule contains 250 mg of active substance. Injections are usually given once every 3 weeks. The cost of 1 ampoule is 250-350 rubles.


Solution in 4 ml ampoules containing 1000 mg of undecanoate. Injections are given once every 10-14 weeks. The cost of the drug is 4800-5500 rubles.

On the page, read about how to lower blood sugar at home using medicinal herbs.

Hormonal imbalance in men is not considered as a separate disease. Hormone dysfunction occurs as a result of natural physiological processes or against the background of existing pathological processes in the body.

To minimize the risks of hormonal imbalance, men are advised to:

  • promptly identify and treat inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;
  • use a condom to protect against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • control weight;
  • stop drinking alcohol; beer is especially not recommended for men, since it contains phytoestrogens and suppresses testosterone synthesis;
  • stick to physical activity age-appropriate;
  • avoid a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Healthy food.

Problems in men associated with impaired synthesis of sex hormones can arise in at different ages and for various reasons. You can correct hormonal levels with the help of androgenic drugs. They help restore sexual function and prolong youth, but only if used correctly. Only a doctor should prescribe hormonal drugs, determine the dosage and duration of treatment.

Male hormones are the basis of reproductive function in men. It is these substances that are responsible for the formation of sexual characteristics in men and women. The natural function of reproduction can only be realized due to human hormonal levels.

Hormonal influence on sexual characteristics

Without these substances, it would be impossible to determine the gender of a person. This is what happens to the body in men due to the action of various hormones:

  1. Testicles, prostate gland, penis, seminal vesicles appear and develop
  2. Secondary sexual characteristics are formed. Hair growth occurs according to the male type: beard, hair on the body, limbs, and diamond-shaped growth of pubic hair. It is generally accepted that men, unlike women, have an Adam's apple on their necks. In fact, all people have it, but men have a more pronounced feature of the body. In addition, the larynx itself becomes larger and the vocal cords become thicker. For this reason, the timbre of a man's voice is much lower.
  3. The presence of the “libido” effect or sexual desire is a natural consequence of hormonal influence.
  4. Muscles grow and body weight increases.

Types of androgens

Male hormones - androgens - are produced in women's ovaries and adrenal glands. As for the male sex, male hormones in the male body are formed only in the adrenal glands. All of them are divided into several varieties:

  1. The most important male hormone is testosterone. It is of a steroid nature. Testosterone is also found in the female body, but in much smaller quantities.
  2. The most active hormone of the entire group of androgens is dihydrotestosterone. He is responsible for increasing internal organs reproductive system, penis during puberty and the appearance hairline on the body and face.
  3. Androstenedione. This substance is considered to be the precursor of the more well-known hormones: testosterone and estrone. In comparison with others, its effect on the body is not as active as, for example, testosterone. Androstenedione is very popular among bodybuilding athletes because increasing it in the body causes growth muscle mass. The uncontrolled growth of such a hormone in the body causes disturbances in the endocrine system and entails baldness, obesity, and the appearance of signs of a female body in men and vice versa.
  4. Dehydroepiandrosterone, another name is the “youth hormone”. It is formed from cholesterol and is considered the basis for all other hormones. It is actively used by nutritionists to reduce body weight because it has the ability to burn fat deposits.

Testosterone free and bound

This hormone is the basis of everything masculine in a person, and therefore deserves special attention in the study of the male endocrine system. It is present in the body in two types: in the form of free and bound substances. Testing for the male hormone testosterone is also carried out differently, depending on the type of substance. Free testosterone is not bound to blood proteins, and its amount is very important for the body. Very few hormonal substances are capable of simultaneous functioning, so free testosterone is very active in its action. The male endocrine system contains no more than 2% of the free substance, and in the female its amount does not reach 1%. Testosterone controls the competent and timely development of the organs of the reproductive system in men, features of body behavior and emotions typical for the male type of organism, regulates spermatogenesis and sexual desire.

As for bound testosterone, unlike free testosterone, it does not have the same biological activity. The bound form is characterized by the presence of binding proteins called globulin and albumin. Almost all testosterone in the body is bound. If the binding protein is albumin (53% in the body), then such testosterone has a biological effect; in the case of globulin (45%), there is no biological activity of the substance at all.

In other words, the active action in cells is different between free testosterone and testosterone bound to albumin.


The opinion that hormonal imbalances are exclusively a female prerogative is a big misconception. Male hormonal imbalances can cause serious illnesses or temporary disruptions in the body. Lack exact amount hormones in men can have a negative impact on male well-being. Common manifestations of hormonal imbalance will be: insomnia, depression, decreased muscle mass, obesity in the abdominal area, dry skin and even impotence.

The amount of testosterone in the body can decrease for a number of reasons:

  • psychological trauma;
  • excess cholesterol (consumption of fatty foods, drinks, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages);
  • side effects of any medical procedures or medications;
  • injury to the reproductive system;
  • insufficiently active lifestyle, in other words, sedentary.

The age factor should not be overlooked, when hormonal changes in the body occur and the levels of many hormones may change.

In boys adolescence hormonal imbalances include the absence of secondary sexual characteristics (hair growth, voice changes). During this period, gynecomastia may occur - breast enlargement and giving a feminine shape to the body. Adult men may experience decreased hair on the scalp, pubic area, or entire body. Muscle mass gives way to fat, the testicles become smaller, the body acquires feminine features (fat deposits accumulate mainly in the waist area). There is a high risk of osteoporosis or impotence.

The level of the hormone can be increased, which is much more dangerous than its lack in the body. This situation can cause atrophy of the genital organs and DNA fragmentation. The main signs of disorders associated with elevated levels of the hormone testosterone in the blood may be: high level aggression ( frequent outbreaks), increased male hairiness, skin rashes in the form of purulent acne, psychological instability (suicidal tendencies).

The main problem that concerns men with hormonal instability is changes in erectile function. Potency is the main reason to pay attention to your hormonal levels. If there are disturbances in this function of the male body, you should not run to the pharmacy and buy drugs like Viagra - they have no effect on hormonal levels, but only promote a rush of blood to the genitals, which entails an erection. It is necessary to treat hormonal imbalances together with an endocrinologist.

It is known that the male body contains female hormones, and the female body contains male hormones. With the correct balance of these substances, a woman and a man do not experience any inconvenience in everyday life. Hormonal imbalance may involve an increase in female hormones in the male body and vice versa.

"Male" substances in the female body

The amount of “male” substances in the female body must be present, but in small quantities. For example, testosterone, which is within the normal range: 0.45-3.75 nmol/liter, gives sexual attractiveness, is involved in the growth of the mammary glands, helps strengthen the skeletal bones and the growth of muscles necessary for every person. During pregnancy, the level of testosterone in the female body increases significantly, but there should be no concern about this. During this period, the placenta is formed, which can produce additional amounts of hormones, especially testosterone. Another thing is when the level of male hormones exceeds the norm without visible reasons. Hormonal imbalance in women not only affects the beauty of the body and its feminine curves, but also reproductive function.

The main signs of increased testosterone in women will be:

  1. Excessive growth of body hair, appearance of facial hair. Male type A woman’s hair loss is immediately noticeable: not only does the hair grow larger, but its structure also changes: the hair itself becomes hard and dark.
  2. Changes in voice. The voice becomes rough and bassy.
  3. The girl becomes angry and irritable.
  4. The sebaceous glands become inflamed. Acne, known to all women, is nothing more than the result of the work of the male hormone. Inflammations can occur on the face, neck, and forehead.
  5. Irregular or absent menstrual cycle. With an excess of androgens, characteristic of a man, polycystic ovary syndrome may appear. If your period comes, its amount may be close to bleeding
  6. The most dangerous consequence- infertility. Polycystic ovary syndrome can significantly complicate the process of conception. Unstable menstruation causes irregular ovulation cycles, without which becoming a mother is impossible.

Even if a girl has never had problems with hormones, in the process of planning a pregnancy, doctors advise undergoing an examination that will reveal dangerous disorders or establish their absence.

Therapeutic measures

Endocrinologists treat hormonal problems. The specifics of treatment for men depend on the age of the patient, the causes of instability, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

It is not possible to choose one treatment for everyone, because the endocrine system is a purely individual thing.

You won’t be able to get cured using your friend’s prescription, even if the problems are similar.

For young man As a rule, stimulating therapy is carried out, which activates the work of the gonads. Organs that secrete hormones should work better. The liver and prostate gland exchange hormones. The treatment must include vitamins, herbal medicines or synthetic ones. Sometimes treatment is carried out according to a different scheme: they support other endocrine glands for their normal functioning (thyroid gland, pituitary gland). It happens that diseases associated with hormones are hereditary, then treatment must be applied from a young age throughout life.

Deficiency of male hormones in old age is usually compensated by taking testosterone medications for life. There is no need to worry about the measures taken in this case: it is much better to take supportive hormonal medications for the rest of your life than to shorten it by being unhealthy. The advantages are obvious:

  1. Problems of the cardiovascular system are significantly reduced: the risk of stroke and heart attack decreases. Hypertension, as we know, is extremely difficult to cure, but hormonal therapy provides a significant response to the disease.
  2. Obesity is a cause of disruption in the endocrine system; it goes away when taking hormonal medications. If there diabetes- proceeds much easier.
  3. You can stop the leaching of calcium from bone tissue. Hormonal therapy can certainly strengthen the skeleton and increase muscle tone.
  4. Improves memory, attention, general health. Performance and mood improve.
  5. For any unstable state of sexual function or external changes, you should contact an endocrinologist. An analysis to determine the amount of hormones is based on blood sampling. Before a blood test for hormones, it is better not to eat for about 8 hours. If it is possible not to eat for 12 hours before the test, this is the best option. The use of alcohol and drugs is strictly prohibited! Drinks should not contain sugar, so it is better to refrain from drinking juices, sweet tea, and coffee. You can drink water.

    After a blood test, the doctor can examine bone tissue, mental state, and heart.

- This is the most important male hormone that is involved in all processes. It affects both physical condition and well-being, as well as sexual activity. Accordingly, when it decreases, the general condition worsens and to normalize it you need to know how to increase the male hormone testosterone.

Testosterone - functions and normal levels of the hormone in men

It is a mistake to call it a purely male hormone, since it is present in the body of both men and women. By chemical composition This hormone is an anabolic steroid.

His powers include performing several very important functions:

  1. strengthens bone tissue, participates in the burning of intracellular fat, forms muscle mass and promotes its constant regeneration
  2. in the male body promotes the full functionality of the genital organs

In the male body, testosterone is produced in two forms - free and bound form. It is free form that is responsible for male libido. Its deficiency can lead to sexual dysfunction or even impotence.

It is impossible to accurately indicate the required level of testosterone in a man’s blood, because its amount directly depends on individual characteristics. For mature men under 65 years of age, the norm is considered to be 250-1000 ng/dL. For those who are older – 90-970 ng/dL. For free testosterone, the norm is considered to be 45-225 ng/dL for people under 65 years of age and 6-70 ng/dL for people over 65 years of age.

Low hormone levels: causes and symptoms

In science, a condition in which the level of the hormone is below normal is called hypogonadism. It is divided into two forms:

  • primary, in which the testicles produce insufficient amounts of this hormone
  • secondary, in which the hormonal pituitary gland, which provokes the production of testosterone, is significantly reduced

To determine the exact amount of the hormone in the body, it is necessary to undergo examination and tests.

But you can first determine a decrease in testosterone by the following signs:

  1. increased sweating
  2. drying out of the skin, possible appearance of microcracks
  3. regular muscle weakness
  4. fatigue, general weakness
  5. hair growth on the head and body slows down
  6. flaw ,
  7. decreased strength of erections
  8. partial impotence possible
  9. breast hardening

In addition to individual symptoms, general malaise, constant drowsiness, lack of strength and vitality appear.

More information on how to increase testosterone levels can be found in the video:

A decrease in testosterone can be associated with various factors:

  • as a side effect after taking certain medications
  • consequences of infectious diseases
  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity
  • genital injuries
  • age-related changes in the body. After 30 years, the amount of testosterone decreases by 1% annually
  • stress and nervous disorders. In such situations, production is suppressed
  • use of steroids and synthetic substances to enhance muscle growth

Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of loss of strength and decrease in hormones by performing a series of tests and diagnostics.

How to increase: medications

There are several ways to increase testosterone levels in the body:

  1. tablets that stimulate testosterone synthesis
  2. injections taken intramuscularly
  3. gels
  4. plasters
  5. dietary supplements

Before using any of the methods, you must undergo an examination and consultation with a doctor. It is prohibited to independently diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment, as this can be fraught with negative consequences.

Each method has a number of advantages and disadvantages, so a doctor must prescribe treatment. The intensity of the drug's action directly depends on the dosage form. Undeconate is considered a fairly common remedy, which can be used in tablet form in the absence of pathologies gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, this drug is also available in the form of a solution for injections. Testosterone Enanthan is a drug that is based on a natural hormone. When used, the level of testosterone in the male body is normalized.

Correct and healthy eating- this is the most important aspect in the life of a healthy person.In order to increase testosterone or, for preventive purposes, maintain it at normal levels, it is necessary to exclude or minimize the following foods from the diet:

  • Coffee. Caffeine, which is found in large quantities in natural coffee, destroys the hormone testosterone at the molecular level. If you drink coffee, then only natural, brewed and not too strong. It is better to avoid soluble substances, because they can destroy and change hormonal levels.
  • Some meat, especially chicken, which on farms is “stuffed” with female hormones for enhanced growth. They can have a detrimental effect on male hormones.
  • Sugar triggers the production of insulin, which destroys testosterone. Natural sucrose from honey or fruits benefits male sexual function.
  • Salt – provokes excess sodium, which absorbs testosterone.

The diet must include fish and meat, only lean ones, vegetables, fruits, eggs, seafood, and herbs. The amount of alcohol must be kept to a minimum, and if you drink, then drink red wine, not beer, which negatively affects all organs and systems.

As for physical activity, it should be present in the life of every person. It is not at all necessary to visit gyms and “lift” iron, but daily exercise or exercise improves blood circulation, enhances breathing, and saturates the blood with oxygen. As a result of this, many intracellular processes, hormone production and tissue regeneration are activated.

Folk recipes

Ancient herbalists proved the healing effect of plants on the strength of the male body. Many recipes traditional medicine have proven their effectiveness for hundreds of years.

Many herbs have the properties to build muscle mass, improve sexual function, sperm production and testosterone production. Some recipes can improve male hormone levels within the first few days of use.

Herbs that effectively increase testosterone:

  1. Ginseng – has a general tonic effect on the body, helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, increases male strength, and restores hormone levels.
  2. Eleutherococcus enhances the functioning of the glands of the male reproductive system. You can purchase it in the form of dried herbs or tinctures at any pharmacy.
  3. Tribulus terrestris is rightfully considered one of the most powerful remedies in the fight against impotence. It enhances sexual function, promotes testosterone production, and has a positive effect on erection. The first result is noticeable within 2-3 days after starting to take the decoction.

In addition to decoctions of medicinal plants, it is necessary to adjust the diet and include in the menu foods that increase the amount of the hormone:

  • apricots, melons, persimmons, peaches - contain many substances necessary for the synthesis of testosterone
  • honey and other bee products contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that normalize male sexual function and activate many processes that provoke the production of hormones
  • nuts - hazelnuts, walnuts and pistachios contain all the components necessary for men's health
  • seafood, crabs, shrimp seaweed - rich in iodine and minerals that support male sexual function, provoke intracellular processes that promote sperm production
  • fish contains a large number of zinc, which is the main building material for testosterone

In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the vascular system. If there is a metabolic disorder, fats can settle on the inner walls of blood vessels and form cholesterol plaques, which as a result impair blood circulation.

In the end, I would like to note that it is very important for a man to maintain normal testosterone. Deviations lead to problems with potency, unstable erections, poor health, and a host of other problems. To monitor the state of men's health, it is recommended to visit a specialist at least once a year (after 40 years - 2 times a year) and get tested. If the hormone deviates from the norm, the specialist will prescribe a drug to normalize it. In addition, it is important to monitor the quality of nutrition, which plays an important role in testosterone production. Stress and an extremely active lifestyle contribute to the release of adrenaline, which can destroy testosterone.

The role of hormones is difficult to overestimate. They participate in all vital processes of the body and begin to be produced immediately after conception. The sex of the unborn child depends on the amount of hormones. In the future, the male hormone influences the development of the genital organs and reproductive function.

What it is

The male sex hormone is present in the blood of all people, regardless of gender and age. These hormones are mainly produced by the testes, and also, in small quantities, by the adrenal glands. Male hormones or, as they are also called, androgens begin to be actively produced during puberty. That is why young men, with early or late development of sexual characteristics, are prescribed a referral to take tests to determine the amount of male hormones.

First of all, the level of androgens affects the ability of men to reproduce.

Their level gradually decreases with age, which leads to partial baldness. Often, surges in hormone levels can lead to prostate adenoma or the development of prostate cancer.

A lack of sex hormones can lead to decreased levels of performance, concentration, muscle mass and weight gain, as well as decreased sexual desire for people of the opposite sex.

Important! Since this type of hormones is produced in the testicles, in case of any disruption of their normal functioning, the amount of hormones needed by the body is sharply reduced.

Hormone analysis in men is prescribed in order to identify any abnormalities in a timely manner, especially in adolescence. For men this analysis is no less important, as it will help determine the presence of hidden foci of infections in the body.

General preparation for testing

If various problems related to hormones arise, the doctor immediately explains what tests need to be taken and writes out directions. Before you start donating blood for hormones, you need to thoroughly prepare so that the results obtained are as reliable as possible.

Important! If treatment is being carried out, the course of which cannot be interrupted, then you must inform your doctor about this. If tests are taken in order to determine the effectiveness of the treatment itself, then they should be taken a few weeks after the end of the course.

The production of hormones in a man’s body is influenced by external factors, which is why a number of rules must be followed:

  • Do not take medications several days before the test.
  • Do not drink drinks that contain even small doses of alcohol three days before the test.
  • 1-2 hours before the blood test, refrain from consuming nicotine-containing products, including cigarettes.
  • Do not eat fatty or fried foods for 1 day.
  • For 3 days, give up increased physical activity, including sports training.
  • Avoid stressful situations and emotional stress, as it affects the level of hormones produced. If necessary, before donating blood, you can sit for 15-20 minutes and bring yourself back to normal.

Important! Blood is drawn only on an empty stomach. That is why in evening time eating should not be later than 8 pm. It is allowed to drink a small amount of ordinary water.

For analysis, blood is taken from a vein. The procedure itself takes no more than 5 minutes, after which the blood is sent to the laboratory for testing.


All men need to monitor their testosterone levels, as it is responsible for libido and is one of the most important hormones in the entire body. Its deficiency can lead to a number of serious illnesses.

The hormone is primarily responsible for:

  1. Development of secondary male characteristics.
  2. Childbearing function.
  3. Sexual desire.
  4. Normal functioning of the genital organs.
  5. Sperm production.
  6. Normal metabolism.
  7. Maintaining a good mood.
  8. Skeletal development and normal muscle mass gain.
  9. Normalization of bone marrow activity.
  10. Elimination of problems with memory, thinking, and learning ability.
  11. Normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

There are a number of symptoms that indicate an increase or decrease in testosterone levels.

The main characteristics of low testosterone levels are:

  • decreased vitality;
  • libido;
  • problems with potency;
  • decreased concentration;
  • problems with memory and mental abilities;
  • decrease in muscle mass and weight gain;
  • depression and increased irritability;
  • increased sweat production;
  • fatigue, as well as weakness;
  • slow hair growth, both on the head and throughout the body;
  • decreased level of hemoglobin in the blood.

A number of factors may influence its reduction. The most common are:

  • use medications, including their long reception;
  • appearance in the body various types infections;
  • long stay in sitting position and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • injury to the genital organs;
  • changes associated with age. It is worth considering that when men reach 30 years of age, there is a natural decrease in testosterone levels, which subsequently leads to its deficiency;
  • frequent exposure to stressful situations and nervous tension;
  • the use of various drugs, the action of which is aimed at increasing the growth of muscle mass.

Excess of this hormone can lead to:

  • the occurrence of various tumors in the body;
  • premature puberty;
  • hyperplastic change in the adrenal glands.

The main indications for various studies are:

  • the occurrence of male menopause;
  • transition of prostatitis to a chronic form;
  • partial baldness and increased hair loss;
  • the occurrence of infertility;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • sexual dysfunction and low libido;
  • hypogonadism;
  • increased bone fragility.

Before taking blood for analysis, the doctor has a short conversation with the patient. During it, the doctor finds out all the symptoms that bother the man, and also explains which hormones are responsible for what, what a deficiency of the male sex hormone leads to and how to properly donate blood for analysis.

Important! Depending on age, the normal level of the hormone varies; Thus, for men from 14 to 50, a value from 5.76 to 30.43 nmol/l is considered normal, and for those over 50 - from 5.41 to 19.54 nmol/l.

When taking medications, minor deviations from normal indicator. The doctor must be notified in advance about taking a course of medication.


Follicle stimulating hormone, abbreviated as FSH, is a hormone responsible for:

  • sperm development;
  • development of seminiferous tubules;
  • an increase in the amount of testosterone in plasma.

It is necessary to donate blood for analysis if the following symptoms appear:

  • slow growth and development of the whole organism;
  • the first signs of infertility appear;
  • sexual development occurs prematurely;
  • Erectile function fails.

Important! Normal level FSH in men aged 21 years and older is considered to be from 1.37 to 13.5 mU/l.

Donating blood for FSH is a mandatory process for young men over the age of 25. After receiving the test results, if necessary, the doctor prescribes treatment, and also explains in detail how to increase its level and what rules must be followed during the course of treatment.


Dihydrotestosterone is produced with the help of testosterone.

It performs a number of important functions for the body, including:

  • helps the prostate gland function normally;
  • promotes the development of secondary symptoms;
  • helps muscle development;
  • affects normal sexual desire.

Deviation of this indicator from the norm can lead to the development of various diseases, including libido.


Luteinizing hormone promotes the production of testosterone and globulin, and also increases the permeability of the seminal canals and thereby promotes the development of sperm. Indicators ranging from 0.09 to 1000 mIU/ml are considered normal.


This hormone is more characteristic of the female body, but it also performs very important functions in the male body, namely:

  • promotes normal sperm development;
  • increases the amount of testosterone produced.

It is very important to monitor its level, since exceeding the permissible norm can lead to increased development of the mammary glands.


Estradiol belongs to the group of female hormones, but thanks to the adrenal glands it is also produced in men in small doses. This hormone is responsible for the formation of adipose tissue. Its increase contributes to the development of obesity.


Thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH helps the thyroid gland function normally.

Basically, it is produced in the morning. A level from 0.23 to 4.90 mU/l is considered normal. If the level is reduced or, conversely, greatly exceeded, this can lead to a number of serious diseases, including the appearance of tumors.

When you consult a doctor, a series of tests are performed to help identify the cause of TSH deviation from the norm. If necessary, various medications are prescribed, and the doctor also tells how to increase these indicators without much harm to health.

The stress hormone is responsible for the release of insulin into the blood.

That is why every person should watch him. In addition, cortisol promotes the production of hormones. As we age, the amount of cortisol decreases. For men over the age of 20 years, a level from 140 to 635 nmol/l is considered normal.

If the indicators are significantly increased, this can lead to the appearance of premature signs of age-related changes, as well as to a number of diseases, including osteochondrosis. In addition, it provokes rapid wear and tear of the liver, heart and brain due to the fact that it puts them in an increased operating mode.


Triiodothyronine, also called “Thyroid Hormone,” is responsible for the normal development of children, as well as for the stable state of the nervous system in adults. In addition, it is very important for the stable functioning of the cardiovascular system.

A level from 3.15 to 6.25 pmol/l is considered normal.

If the level increases, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Increased irritability.
  2. Increase in body temperature.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Strong and sudden loss weight.
  5. Frequent urge to urinate.
  6. Involuntary trembling of fingers.
  7. Cardiopalmus.

If you experience at least a few of the symptoms listed above, you should immediately contact a qualified physician who will help you solve this problem. If the level is significantly reduced, then he will tell you how to properly raise it.


SHBG is quite important in the male body.

Tests to determine its concentration in the blood are carried out if:

  • there is a decrease in libido;
  • problems arise with potency, as well as with achieving a stable erection;
  • male menopause occurs, especially in its early stages.

SHBG is considered normal from 13 to 671 nmol/l. Its concentration in the blood is directly related to age-related changes, as well as external factors.


If you have problems with the level of the male hormone and the question arises of how to increase it, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

There, a qualified doctor can prescribe a number of hormone-boosting medications, including:

  • pills that can trigger the production of testosterone;
  • intramuscular injections;
  • gels;
  • plasters;
  • natural supplements and dietary supplements.

It is worth considering that only a doctor should prescribe medications after passing all the tests and identifying the causes.

Abuse of hormonal drugs can lead to a number of diseases, as well as changes in the free androgen index. That is why they must be taken in accordance with the doctor's instructions.

The price varies depending on the drug, dosage and region.


In order to increase testosterone production, you need to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

To do this, you should exclude or limit consumption from your diet:

  1. Drinks containing caffeine. It increases the impact on testosterone, which leads to its destruction.
  2. Chicken meat.
  3. Sugar, as it promotes the production of insulin, which, in turn, has a detrimental effect on the hormone.
  4. Salt - leads to an increased concentration of sodium, which absorbs the male hormone.

The following products are required for consumption:

  • Fish and seafood;
  • lean meat;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • eggs.

If you completely exclude alcoholic drinks If it doesn’t work out, then you should give your preference to red wine, which causes minimal damage to the body.

Also, don’t neglect strength training, but don’t overwork yourself. Thus, you will not only not improve, but also worsen the general condition of the body.


Every person should monitor their hormonal levels, because the general condition of the body depends on it. In addition, all men should know which hormone is responsible for the development of distinctive sexual characteristics. Its increase or decrease can lead to a number of diseases, including infertility.

If any deviations are detected, you must immediately contact a qualified specialist and take the prescribed treatment responsibly.

The human body is a complex system, which works like a clock. One of the important components of the system human body are hormones. These are special chemical substances, which are produced by special cells necessary for metabolism.

The body produces large quantities of them, they affect human health and functioning. If this flow is not controlled, an imbalance and serious disruption of the body's functioning can occur.

Male hormones androgens

There are male hormones - androgens, which are responsible for the growth of hair, bones and metabolism. The main male hormone is testosterone, which is synthesized in the testicles and adrenal glands. This is an important and necessary element of the male body. It is he who is responsible for the structure of the male body and all signs of masculinity. This is also the hormone that affects the activity of sexual desire.

Causes of excess androgens in the female body

Today, an excess of male hormone in the female body indicates health problems. There are the following reasons for the appearance of male hormones:

  • the likelihood of inheritance - problems with the functioning of the mother’s glands can be passed on to her child;
  • nervous stress and other psychoneurological diseases;
  • the absence of testosterone binding to protein contributes to an increase in the level of this hormone;
  • disorders metabolic processes body, which affect the release of hormones from the body.

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

Manifestations and consequences of this disease:

  • rashes on the skin of the body - due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, the level of fat in the body increases, and the skin becomes problematic (pimples, blackheads and other irritations);
  • deterioration of the nervous system – hormonal imbalance affects the activity of a woman’s brain, which leads to a disorder of the nervous system (neurasthenia, depression, stress);
  • problems with the genitals (failure menstrual cycle, internal bleeding, lack of ovulation);
  • increased hair growth on the arms, legs and the appearance of bald spots like in men;
  • the appearance of men's external signs(growth of muscle mass, developed shoulders, breast reduction, sexual activity, change in voice);
  • weight gain;
  • increased sweating due to the activity of the gonads.

The influence of androgens also negatively affects pregnant women. Disturbances appear not only in the body of the expectant mother, but in the body of the unborn child. During pregnancy itself, future mom may encounter problems with pregnancy and childbirth. This excess can lead to complications in the development of pregnancy and the fetus itself.

These are the very signs of the development of hormonal imbalance in women, which add a lot of problems and inconveniences to the fairer sex. An increase in hormones in the body can also lead to the development dangerous diseases. The most common ailments observed in these women are diabetes and infertility.

Hormonal imbalance in the female body can also have a detrimental effect on married couples who want to have a child. Male hormones also reduce to zero any woman's desire to have sex. In this case, all the same hormones can help, but only female ones, which restore balance and return her femininity.

Women who want to succeed in their sports career often encounter hormonal imbalances in their bodies. They have elevated testosterone levels. The skeleton immediately changes, muscles appear, they become strong and tough. The weaker sex with such willpower and sporting anger immediately achieve results in their sports career.

Some women, having noticed such changes in themselves, want to return everything to its place, but those women who benefit from this condition in life do not want to change anything. But there is no need to do this, because Excess hormones can lead to serious illnesses.

Forms of hormonal imbalance

If a woman gives free rein to male hormones, they can provoke endocrine, mammological and gynecological diseases. The most common disease is hyperandrogenism. This is a specific pathology in which a woman has an excess of male sex hormones.

All diseases associated with excess hormones have different forms:

  • adrenal – cause of occurrence: tumor or hyperplasia of the adrenal glands;
  • ovarian – cause of occurrence: polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • pituitary – the result of a disease of the pituitary gland;
  • metabolic – cause of occurrence: metabolic disorder in the skin.


Women who have discovered symptoms of this disease should contact specialized medical institutions for qualified help. Only experienced doctor will help normalize hormone levels in the body.

To determine the form of development of this disease, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis. Modern methods and the possibilities of diagnostic procedures, make it possible to determine the level of male hormones in women. There are two types of examinations.

Primary diagnosis

This is the initial examination, which is a visual inspection of the patient's body and collection of all necessary tests. During this examination, the doctor may identify the following disorders:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • reproductive system disorders;
  • disorders of the endocrine metabolic system;
  • other concomitant diseases.

If the form is initial and the patient immediately seeks help, then soon the woman’s elevated hormones will be fine.

Secondary diagnosis

This examination is mainly carried out to clarify the diagnosis.

  • the patient undergoes additional tests for hormones;
  • An ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs is performed;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • examination of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands.

To clarify the final diagnosis and prescribe treatment, consultation with other specialists may be necessary.

After the patient has been diagnosed and the level of hormones has been determined, treatment for elevated hormone levels is prescribed, which directly depends on the reasons that provoked it.


Treatment for hormonal imbalance generally proceeds as follows:

  • appointment drug treatment or physiotherapeutic exercises aimed at eliminating the symptoms of pathology;
  • hormone therapy – good way regulate hormonal levels (not always effective and efficient);
  • surgical treatment - laparoscopy, hysterectomy, surgery;
  • diet is a good way to normalize hormonal levels ( proper nutrition is the best prevention of such diseases).

Problems with hormones are an unpleasant, sometimes terrible disease that affects millions of women. Hormone imbalance does not tolerate self-medication, so it is necessary to normalize the correct process immediately after identifying symptoms. It is important to note that before you start looking for a doctor and treatment, you need to give up exercise and be sure to quit smoking. Ideally, undergo examinations on the 6th day of the menstrual cycle.