Every person has energy, regardless of whether he believes in his abilities or not. And with the help of energy management, it becomes possible to change your destiny, achieve success, and realize your goals. IN Everyday life The easiest way is to start using mudras - intertwined fingers in a special way, thanks to which you can connect your own energy field with the higher mind and receive support from above.

There are several wise, the use of which will help you gain material well-being and attract stability. Let's get acquainted with the strongest of them.

Mudra: what is it

It would seem that there is nothing special about fingers intertwined in a special way, but nevertheless, mudra is an interweaving that has a certain energy and can influence a person and bring him material well-being. Mudras came to us from Buddhism and Hinduism, were originally used for ritual needs and were widely used in yoga. They have been known to man since ancient times.

What you need to know about working with mudras

Before you start mastering mudras, you need to understand a few key rules:

Important! You can also conduct classes in a group of people who have a common goal, in which case their energies will be combined into a single flow, increasing the likelihood of the plan being fulfilled.

The time to “freeze” in one position is about 15 minutes, in certain cases it can be longer, but it is important to remember that the key is inner harmony when it disappears, the lesson should be completed.

One or another mudra should be performed twice a day - at dawn and sunset, until the desired reality comes true. The main conditions are a positive attitude, faith in success and constant practice.

It is very important to have a strong attitude, because cosmic energy needs interaction with the energy field specific person, the result can not be expected if he does not believe in success or doubts. It is very important to concentrate on the goal, to focus all your thoughts and feelings on it. This technique will help: imagine that the desire has already come true, enjoy the feeling of victory, and rejoice at your success.

Mudras for wealth, attracting money and prosperity

Let's consider what the most powerful mudras should be performed to become rich and forget about financial problems.

Kubera mudra

Dedicated to the Hindu deity Kubera, who was considered a symbol of prosperity and spiritual wealth. It is necessary to use such an interlocking of fingers in cases where a person needs a hint on how best to invest money so as not to lose income. The order of performing Kubera mudra is as follows:

While performing the figure, it is important to constantly focus on your goal, visualize it, and imagine that everything you planned has come true.

You should practice 3 times a day, average duration- 15 minutes.

Access to the Source of Abundance

  • Hands are held with palms up.
  • Little fingers touch.
  • The thumb, index and middle fingers also touch with pads.

When performing the figure, you should focus on the area of ​​the third eye (this is the area between the eyebrows), imagining an energy ray penetrating from the outside and bringing material well-being. You should not maintain this mudra for a long time; five minutes twice a day will be enough. It is done every day for the first week, then there is a week break, then it is done again.

Flow of abundance

This weave should be done by people who have low wages and looking for new sources of income. This mudra also helps freelancers in receiving regular orders. The figure also allows you to improve your financial situation in general and see the most unusual sources of income.

It's quite simple:

The mudra is practiced every day twice for about 5 minutes. In a couple of months you will be able to see the result.

Breakthrough in the material sphere

Mudra is used in the following cases:

  • Serious financial problems
  • Poverty with which a person has already come to terms.
  • Complete lack of prospects.

If a person was once rich, but has lost his well-being, he needs to choose another mudra; a breakthrough in the material sphere will not help him.

Let's look at how the figure is performed:

  • Hands bent at the elbows are placed at the chest. The hands should be in a vertical position at the level of the third chakra. Fingers straightened.
  • Connect the pads of the little fingers and middle fingers.
  • The thumbs are completely connected to the bases of the palms.
  • Do not bend the ring and index fingers.

The eyes are closed, and the flow of attention is concentrated in the coccyx area; visualization of the image of an energy thread penetrating into the thickness of the Earth is required.

It is important to perform the figure in the morning for a week, then there is a week-long break, during which Kubera Mudra is performed.

Money wise: sequence of execution to overcome the crisis


This mudra will help a person who finds himself in a difficult financial situation. It will be the first step towards overcoming the crisis. The figure is made as follows:

It is important to monitor the uniformity of breathing and mentally concentrate on success. This is done in the morning for three days, then we move on to the next figure.


Helps improve energy and make it attractive for wealth. Recommended for people who have never had financial well-being. It's quite easy to do:

  • The palms are placed vertically at the chest, connected at the bases.
  • Fingers are spread out, pointing upward.
  • The middle ones are bent and their pads touch each other.
  • The little fingers and thumbs are also connected, but they remain straight.
  • The index and ring fingers do not touch, they look clearly upward.

Perform for a week immediately after sleep.


It will help to attract money on an ongoing basis, helps set up the energy for a constant cash flow. Do it this way:

  • Place your hands at your chest. Place your palms at your sides.
  • Create a ring from the thumbs, middle and index fingers, connecting them in the area of ​​the pads.
  • Place your ring and little fingers side by side, fingers pointing upward.

Perform twice a day for 3 minutes.


This mudra is for urgently attracting money. Used in special cases, will not be able to provide a constant cash flow, but it helps in a difficult financial situation. It's done like this:

Attention should be focused on the solar plexus, try to feel a powerful flow of energy. Provide the required amount of money.

The figure is done in the morning until the financial problem is resolved.


Helps avoid financial losses, bankruptcy, and fraud. They do this:

  • Place your hands level solar plexus, fingers pointing up.
  • Connect them into a lock so that the fingertips of one hand touch the bases of the fingers of the other.
  • Thumbs crossed. In this case, the man should have the finger of his left hand at the top, and the woman – the right.

Your eyes should be closed, visualizing the image of a shield that protects your well-being is also required.

Should be performed once a day, preferably in the evenings.

Using simple mudras to attract money, you can actually significantly improve your material wealth and attract financial flows. You too can take advantage of this non-standard knowledge of Hindu culture.

In the article:

Mudras for attracting money

Magical gestures will give you the opportunity to achieve prosperity. Using such simple combinations, you will learn to attract wealth into your life, make short-term profits, and get rid of financial problems. Don't ignore this practice and use gestures in difficult situations.

“The Beginning” - will help get out of the crisis

If in the past or present you have started having problems with money, you just can’t get out of a series of troubles, use this one. It is she who will help close the door to the old life, where there are endless hardships and poverty, and open the doors to a new rich world filled with joy and pleasures.

The first task is to bend the third, fourth and fifth fingers (done with both hands). The next step is to place your hands one opposite the other. The first and second fingers should be connected. It is important that the thumbs form a 90 degree angle relative to all the others.

Be relaxed, take a slow breath and exhale the same way. Your task is to visualize energy cocoon, which forms around your body. From now on, you have support, you are filled with unimaginable strength that will help you deal with adversity and get rid of any troubles.

The practice is repeated daily for three days. Spend 10-15 minutes 2 times a day for this combination.

“Balancing” - a breakthrough in material terms

In the financial sector, everything seems to be in order, there are no significant losses, but a rapid upward movement is also not expected? In such a case, you can use this mudra. It will help you not only accumulate wealth very quickly, but also become a real lucky person and hit the jackpot. Hands need to be placed opposite each other.

Connect your little fingers, middle fingers and thumbs. The combination should be located directly in front of the chest. You can close your eyes or look directly at your hands. Start breathing slowly. Mentally concentrate on the energy that comes from your hands. Be filled with it. The exercise is repeated for 7 days immediately after waking up.

If you believe the practitioners, then within a week any “blocking” will be lifted. The gesture will help even if it was pointed at you. After it is removed, you can use protective mudras to prevent possible magical attacks.

"Acceptance" - constant cash flows

Every person wants to realize that poverty will never overtake him, there will always be an opportunity to earn money and live with dignity. You can gain just such confidence by using a special gesture that gives abundance.

Be sure that when regular practice you will have an endless source of funds that will attract profitable projects to you for many years. Place your hands in front of your chest. The palms need to be turned towards you, the little fingers should lean against one another. Place the second and third fingers with the first.

This exercise is performed immediately when you wake up, and in the evening before going to bed. According to practitioners, only 3 minutes is enough to as soon as possible achieve your goal.

Mudra for urgently attracting money

Have you become a victim of circumstances or encountered financial troubles? You suddenly find yourself in need of funds (it doesn’t make sense for what needs), you can use this combination.

Remember, you don’t have to assume that everything will happen in a flash. magic wand, you will not accidentally find a wallet with the required amount under the door. But this gesture will help you find a source of money, a person who can borrow, a part-time job (where you will be able to save the required amount in the shortest possible time). Remember, the practice is only done for one day.

The practice is repeated 5-7 times. Mudras are used according to a certain pattern: while still in bed (as soon as you wake up), several times during the day (break between classes is 3 hours) and before bed. The duration of the practice is from 5 to 15 minutes.

If the amount you need is simply colossal, when you start practicing for the third time, do it for half an hour. Remember, this combination is used only in extreme, special situations. And it is not recommended to use it daily.

Raise your palms to your chest. The tops of the fingers face each other. Important difference: girls right palm is directed downwards, the left is directed upwards, but for guys it’s the other way around. The first and second fingers need to be connected (done on both hands). Place the remaining fingers as far apart as possible. Next, you need to smoothly connect the little finger of your left (right) hand and the ring finger of your right (left).

Place the two “unused” fingers so that they do not touch the others. Breathe smoothly, concentrate on the strength that fills you, and start thinking about how much money you need, what you will spend it on, whether this is really such a necessary purchase.

You must clearly formulate your goal - to obtain a certain amount to achieve a specific goal. After completing the exercise, give yourself some rest and do it again after the specified period of time. Remember, if in fact you do not need emergency financial assistance, but still use this combination, then the desired effect will not happen.

Mudras for attracting money luck

Of course, fortune and finance almost always go hand in hand. Anyone can need luck: a novice businessman, a person who is going to win the lottery, someone who wants to borrow money. For any purpose, you can choose the most optimal, ideally suitable combination.

Mudra helping to borrow

Remember, this gesture is used only if you want to take out a loan, borrow money from a friend. If your goal is to force one of the debtors to return the funds or, on the contrary, to make them forget about your debt, it will not help. You can use the combination exactly two days before the day when you go to a credit office or to an individual who can borrow the required amount.

The combination is repeated throughout the day, from 5 to 7 times a day, the interval between manipulations should be two to three hours. The more money you need to get, the longer you should practice. Place your palms opposite your chest (right pointing up, left pointing down).

On the right hand: connect the first, fourth and fifth fingers, keep the second and third straight. On the left: bend the second and third fingers completely, hold them first. Keep the fifth finger absolutely straight, the fourth slightly tilted. United fingers right hand touch your left thumb. Then relax, straighten your shoulders, and start breathing correctly.

Inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Stop thinking about problems and discomfort, nothing should bother you. Visualize the situation in which everything worked out for you, and feel these joyful emotions as clearly as possible, peace of mind and satisfaction. You need to repeat the combination until you achieve what you want.

How to protect yourself from unexpected losses?

If Fortune accompanies you, then you obviously will not become a victim of robbers, scammers and suddenly lose your entire fortune. To always be protected from various troubles, people use the gesture of fortune and protection. Sit comfortably, take a position so that your elbows are raised to your chest.

The fingers of both hands point up. Weave them together so that they form a kind of castle. After this, the first fingers must be crossed. Remember, the tops of the fingers of one hand should touch the bones of the base of the fingers of the other.

For girls, the finger of the right hand is on top, for guys it is the other way around. Your task is to imagine that from now on a strong shield protects you from all troubles. It prevents scammers from getting to your wealth, bankruptcy and poverty bypass you.

Mudras for rapid improvement financial situation

Mudra for gaining inner strength, for overcoming stagnation and crisis

Who needs mudra

This mudra is necessary for you if you find yourself in a deep financial crisis from which you see no way out.

It is for those who cannot cope with poverty, whose incomes are steadily falling despite all their efforts.

This mudra is for those who feel that they do not have enough strength to cope with circumstances.

It will help when there is a desire to do something and achieve success - but there is a feeling that there are only closed doors around and all your attempts to change something end in nothing.

It is also for those who are overcome by laziness and find it difficult to force themselves to act, although they need to act.

This mudra is for those who want to act, but for some reason cannot. But not for those who are inactive because they don’t want to act!

The mudra will help you get out of a streak of failures or a vicious circle where troubles, problems and troubles haunt you.

In order for your actions to finally begin to bring the desired result, so that the financial crisis, poverty and failures are left behind, you first need to acquire for this special power. So far, your desires, aspirations and actions simply lack energy, so you suffer failure after failure. This energy will not be given to you by anyone or anything from the outside - it can and should be created within yourself.

This is the mudra of the Beginning - because it creates the main thing: the potential for success.

This mudra provides the main conditions for success - fortitude, charisma, it will sharpen your intellect and intuition and, of course, attract the energy of abundance.

Think about how ready you are for this. Because, having discovered the source of power within yourself, you will have to immediately find a use for this power - act, otherwise an excess of energy can lead to undesirable consequences, even nervous breakdown and illness. That is why this mudra is one of the most difficult.

How does mudra work?

This mudra clears the inner source of your strength.

Everything unnecessary that bothers you simply falls off like the petals of a withered flower. Doubts, self-doubt go away, retreat negative emotions experiences that interfere with your success. You blossom and the best in you comes out. You become resistant to external influences, including other people’s opinions about you. It ceases to be a limiting factor for you. Now you can completely rely on yourself, trust yourself, your strengths, knowledge, intuition. No one will lead you astray from your path.

By opening your inner source of strength, mudra simultaneously starts the process of restructuring the circumstances around you. Be attentive even to the little things! The combinations of circumstances you need will begin to appear, happy coincidences that may seem random to you.

But remember that after you have performed this mudra, there will be no more accidents. Life will start giving you chances. Don't miss them.

Also, be attentive to your dreams - they can give clues and guide you on the right path, warning against wrong steps.

Notice other signs, portents, and clues that will begin to appear on your path. Usually they themselves draw attention to themselves - this could be a conversation overheard by chance, or a line in a newspaper headline that says something important, supposedly to you personally, or other similar things. Think, analyze, trust your intuition to correctly read such signs.

Pay special attention to those special moments in your life that require you to take action. You will definitely feel when such a moment comes. Your awakened power simply will not allow you to remain idle. And you yourself will feel that passivity is inappropriate, something needs to be done. Moreover, the circumstances themselves will clearly tell you what exactly you need to do. You can't go wrong.

Take action even if you are not entirely sure of the correct action! In fact, now you will only get lucky chances, and in the end everything will work out in the best possible way.

How to use

This mudra is very strong, so it is enough to use it for only 3 days, 1 time per day, preferably in the morning (but not immediately after waking up, but when you are already awake, up and ready for action), for 3-5 minutes .

Description of mudra

1. Place your hands in front of your chest, palms facing each other, side edge down, fingers pointing forward.

2. Bring the bases of your palms closer to each other and bring them together tightly.

3. Fold your little, ring and middle fingers inside your palms. Now each of these fingers touches the same finger of the other hand with the middle phalanges.

4. Connect your thumbs so that their lateral surfaces fit snugly against each other, and lift them vertically up, at an angle of 90 degrees to the palm.

5. Connect your straight index fingers with your pads and extend them forward, away from you.

6. Close your eyes, breathe slowly, measuredly.

7. Focus on the solar plexus area and imagine that a powerful source of your internal energy is forming there.

8. Form in your mind the intention to create a powerful internal support, an energy core, and imbue yourself with a feeling of growing inner strength in order to get out of stagnation or crisis.

Mudra for “breakthrough” in the material sphere

Who will need this mudra?

This mudra will help those people in whose lives there has never been financial success, who are used to barely making ends meet.

Poverty is not the norm. And you are just as worthy of success in the material sphere as any other person. You are poor not because you are worse than others, but simply because you have some kind of distortion of energy, perhaps inherited.

Start your practice with this mudra. It is she who will help correct the unfavorable energy structure that programs you for poverty.

If you do not correct this situation with the help of this mudra, then neither the mudra of wealth, nor the mudra of abundance, nor the mudra that attracts money, nor all the others will help you.

If you have any specific goals - for example, you want to take out a loan or pay off debts - first still practice this mudra, and only after mastering it, move on to mudras that correspond to your goals. Otherwise, they will either not work at all or will work badly.

Please note: mudra helps precisely in case of total monetary bad luck. If in your life there is a place for both successes and failures, if periods of lack of money are replaced by periods of prosperity, you do not need this mudra, in this case other mudras will help, for example, for attracting money, for success in business, etc. - depending according to your circumstances.

And only if there is no wealth in your life now, it didn’t exist before and is not expected in the future - this is wise for you. It can change your life, and then completely different prospects will open up in the future.

How does mudra work?

The mudra creates such a powerful energy flow that completely transforms the unfavorable energy configuration that previously set you up for poverty. Energy distortions are straightened out, energy flows are organized, leading monetary energies directly into your life, and not bypassing you, as was before.

Since our internal psychological state is determined by the state of energy, as a result of performing the mudra you will feel stronger and more confident, you will gain the feeling that you are worthy of success, prosperity, and wealth. Gradually, there will be an increasingly complete deliverance from the psychology of poverty.

The mudra that attracts monetary energies into your life simultaneously organizes a kind of energy “bowl” where the energies of money can accumulate and multiply. Thanks to this, your life will gradually become a full cup, and you will no longer have to suffer from a lack of money.

The mudra will also set you up in a special way for favorable changes in your life, creating a new track for these changes. Now you can safely take on even those things in which you previously failed. The black streak is over, it's time for a white streak in your life.

How to use

The mudra should be practiced for a week, in the morning immediately after waking up, for 3-5 minutes.

This mudra is an excellent precursor to other money mudras that you can practice after mastering it. It creates the basis for your well-being, and then, based on this basis, you can achieve more specific goals.

Therefore, after a week of practice, take a break for a week, and then start practicing mudra aimed at a more specific goal that is relevant to you (attracting money, getting a loan, travel, education, etc.).

Description of mudra

1. Place your palms vertically in front of your chest parallel to each other at a distance of 5–7 centimeters. The fingers are slightly apart and pointing upward.

2. Close the bases of your palms. The areas where the wrist ends and the palm begins are firmly pressed together. Above this area, the palms are facing upward, like a barely blooming flower bud.

3. Without closing your palms, close the pads of your little fingers and thumbs. These fingers themselves remain straight.

4. Now round your middle fingers and rest their pads against each other.

5. The index and ring fingers are open, they are straight and point vertically upward. Thus, your palms are likened to a bowl or basket, framed on both sides by closed straight little fingers and thumbs, and closed in the center by rounded and closed middle fingers.

6. Close your eyes. Breathe energetically, but freely and measuredly.

7. Focus on the tailbone area. Imagine that you are firmly connected to the earth.

8. Imagine that your palms are a bowl that you can fill at will with everything you need and control its contents according to your will.

9. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Mudra that opens constant access to the source of abundance

Who needs mudra

Mudra is necessary primarily for people with an unstable source of income. Those who often find themselves without work rely on odd jobs. Or works at a permanent job, but with an unstable income. Also, for those whose business brings either income or continuous losses, this situation cannot be leveled out. That is, to all people whose ordinary situation in life is described by the saying “sometimes thick, sometimes empty.”

This mudra will help those who feel that money either loves them or doesn’t love them. When the rise necessarily precedes the fall. When you are afraid of your successes because you know that troubles will definitely follow. It’s as if, after success, some kind of damper suddenly closes, through which the energy of well-being flowed, and this flow stops, and you find yourself in emptiness.

All this means that you have a distortion of energy. The flow through which monetary energy flows is unstable and periodically chokes, as if it were being blocked by a dam. It is necessary to remove these congestions, create conditions for a smooth and abundant flow of money energy, and life situation will get better.

How does mudra work?

Mudra creates a pole of attraction in your life for a constant and stable flow of energy of money and material wealth to you. This does not mean that all the blessings of the world will rain down on you as if from a cornucopia, threatening to shower both you and the entire space around you with riches. The benefits will come in doses - exactly to the extent that it does not create excesses and discomfort for you and at the same time allows you to live with dignity and abundance.

The smooth flow of energy of material goods will be stable and constant, it will not be interrupted or choked, it will always and everywhere be absolutely reliable.

In outside world this will be expressed in the fact that new sources of income will begin to open up for you, and previous sources will either level out and stabilize, or will disappear as unnecessary. You will be able to get a profitable job, or open your own business, or move to a well-paid position.

In addition, unexpected sources of money will open up at the right time, so you will always be sure that if you need money, it will come, sometimes from where you don’t expect it.

This mudra will help you gain peace of mind and financial independence. You will be absolutely confident in the future, you will not have to save and save for a rainy day. Money will come from a source of abundance as needed.

You will become more confident, stronger and calmer, and every day your ability to attract the flow of abundance will increase.

How to use

The mudra should be performed 2 times a day, in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening just before bed, for 2-3 minutes, for a week. Then take a break for a week and perform again during the week according to the same scheme.

Description of mudra

1. Place your hands in front of you, palms up, fingers pointing forward.

2. Place your palms together, cupping them as if you were trying to draw water. The lateral surfaces of the little fingers and the edges of the palms on the little finger side fit tightly to each other.

3. Connect the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers on each hand, as if in a pinch.

4. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and freely.

5. Focus on the bridge of your nose. Imagine that there is a source of bright golden glow at the point between the eyebrows.

6. Set the intention to connect to a constant and inexhaustible source of abundance.

7. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Mudra that allows you to urgently receive money

Who needs mudra

This mudra is necessary when you urgently need money for some emergency purposes - treatment, repairing an apartment or car, buying a broken one. household appliances, unexpected but necessary trip, etc.

This is a kind of money ambulance. When there is no money at all, or there is money, but not in the required amount, while unforeseen circumstances require urgent expenses.

Mudra allows you to find the source the required amount cash very quickly.

It can be used not only in emergency, critical situations, but also when, for example, when you happen to like something in a store that you have been looking for for a long time, but right now there is no money to buy it. By completing the mudra, you will find money, and you will not have to postpone purchases until better times.

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Mudras- these are special combinations of fingers, hand gestures, with the help of which various combinations of energy threads are created that connect us with the world around us.

Our entire world is permeated with energy threads. These threads permeate the entire human body and connect a person with the outside world. There are millions of entry and exit points for these threads on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Thanks to these connections, a person is a part of not only the nature around him, but also the entire Universe.

The Universe is a living organism, a person is its cell, connected with a whole variety of living threads through which energy and information are transmitted.

This connection is direct and reverse. We can receive energy and information from the Universe and thus replenish our supply vitality and correctly navigate the surrounding life. But we ourselves can influence the world through the threads that connect us to him. We can create such combinations of these threads that will change the energy of the space around us in the best way for us.

Everything that happens to us in life first appears in the form of an energetic configuration of space. And only then this energy “scheme” or “project” is embodied in the form of real events.

With the help of mudras, we can create abundance in our lives, attract money, ending poverty forever.

We can establish the relationships we need with people. We can protect ourselves from all unwanted influences. We can gain strength and power, fulfill our wildest desires and achieve our highest goals.

Using various finger placements, you can restore normal circulation of qi energy in the human body, treat health, restore damaged organs, and slow down the aging process.

When the energies in the human body are too weak, the entry and exit points of the energy threads on the fingers and palms cease to be active. They become something like clogged springs that can no longer provide the purest life-giving moisture.

But it is enough to master a few precise gestures that have a great impact on reality, and your life will change. It will become orderly, even the most insoluble problems will begin to be solved, and prosperity will come into your life.

Mudras for gaining prosperity, prosperity, wealth

Mudras for quickly improving your financial situation

Mudras for success in business, work, buying and selling

Mudras for successful money transactions

Mudras for fulfilling monetary desires and protecting against loss of money

Mudras of influence and power

Mudra that will protect you from pressure from different people (except for obvious enemies and rivals)

Mudras are a special position of the fingers, which is believed to allow you to change the configuration of the energy space and quickly achieve any goal. “Any desire initially arises in the form of an energetic projection,” says Vladlen Skorneev, hatha yoga instructor, Ayurveda consultant. - With the help of mudras, each person can change this projection, direct the flow of energy in the direction he needs and speed up its embodiment in real life events. By the way, due to incorrect gestures, we can, on the contrary, cause discord in the harmony of soul and body and attract troubles to ourselves. I always advise my students to avoid chaotic, sudden movements that disrupt the harmonious flow of energy.”

The use of mudras for enrichment has its own explanation in classical psychology. “Any person who has received some kind of tool that allows him to achieve a goal feels more competent and successful,” says Irina Turovtseva, existential psychologist. “He begins to trust himself more, his intuition. This allows him to clearly monitor any opportunities additional income, make the right decisions from the point of view of increasing wealth and reject risky financial adventures.”

Before you start performing mudras to attract wealth, be sure to tune in to the practice. You should be calm and relaxed, sit in a position that is comfortable for you (preferably in the lotus position), breathing should be deep and even. If you want to enhance the effect of mudras, start your practice with auto-training, and while performing them, visualize: clearly and clearly imagine what you need to achieve. Start the lesson only when you have calmed down internally. It is possible that one of the mudras we offer will help you speed up the solution of financial problems.

Kubera mudra

One of the simplest and at the same time most powerful. In Hinduism, the god Kubera is the patron of all treasures, both spiritual and material. Therefore, this mudra helps to achieve what you want in any area of ​​life. For those who already have certain material means, Kubera mudra will help to put them into action correctly.

How to perform . Connect the pads of your thumb, index and middle fingers. Bend your little finger and ring finger so that their pads touch the middle of your palm. While performing the mudra, clearly formulate your desire and do not let it out of your head. Practice mudra 3 times a day By 10-15 minutes . If the desire is complex, say, you want to find a high-paying job or invest a substantial amount of money somewhere, supplement the mudra with other practices. For example, visualize 1-2 times a day .

Mudra "Access to the source of abundance"

Suitable for those who are either tight or empty with money: by practicing it, you can achieve a stable financial situation. Financial instability is associated with a violation of a person’s energetic integrity. By restoring it, you will achieve a constant flow of money in the required quantity.

How to perform . Hold your hands in front of you, palms up. Bend your fingers slightly. The little fingers should touch each other. Connect the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers on both hands. During practice, breathe freely and focus on the bridge of your nose. Imagine that a beam of golden light is directed at this area. Feel the need to connect to this light source, which symbolizes material wealth. Stay in this state for a few minutes. Do mudra 2 times a day : after waking up and before going to bed for 1 week. Take a week's break and resume your practice.

Mudra “Breakthrough in the material sphere”

Will help with significant financial difficulties. For those who have already come to terms with their modest financial situation and believe that they will never earn a more decent living. If a person already knows a rich woman successful life, this mudra does not suit him.

How to perform . Place your hands vertically at chest level, fingers straight. Connect the base of your palms, the pads of your middle fingers and little fingers, bend them slightly. Index and ring fingers - straighten. The thumbs should touch each other. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and freely. Concentrate your sensations on the tailbone. Imagine that this area of ​​your body is connected to the earth by an invisible thread. Keep this state A couple of minutes . Perform the mudra in the morning for 1 week . Then take a break for a week and start doing Kubera Mudra.

Mudra "Flow of Abundance"

Best for freelancers whose earnings are unstable. And also for those who are dissatisfied with their salary at their main place of work. This mudra will help you find new sources of income. It creates an energy configuration that allows you to see opportunities for replenishing your budget that you previously did not pay attention to.

How to do it. Place your hands in front of you so that left hand she looked with her palm up, and her right hand lay across it, also with her palm up. Connect the pads of the thumb and ring fingers of your right hand into a ring. Place the pad of your left thumb on the nail of your right ring finger. The remaining fingers should be straight. Do mudra morning and evening 3-5 minutes until new sources of income are found. As a rule, the result appears within the period from 2 weeks to 2 months .

Mudra "Protection against loss of money"

How to perform . Place your hands in the solar plexus area. Interlace your fingers so that the fingertips of one hand are located on the protruding bones of the other hand. Cross your thumbs: women should have the finger of their right hand on top, and men their left. During practice, concentrate on the solar plexus area, instill in yourself the idea that the money is under reliable protection. Mudra should be performed of necessity , for example, it can be done in 2 weeks before any financial transaction or before a long trip, during which you will have to leave your home unattended.

Mudra "Overcoming the crisis"

It works great if a person was quite wealthy, but for some reason his financial situation worsened. Usually like this life periods associated with stagnation of energy. Mudra will allow you to activate energy flows and resume the flow of money.

How to perform . Place your palms at chest level. Bend your middle, ring and little fingers, with the pads of your fingers resting on your palms. Move your thumbs away from your palm at a right angle and connect them with their side surfaces. Bring the pads of your index fingers together, keeping your fingers straight. During practice, imagine how energy accumulates inside you, forming a strong core, and then spreads throughout your body as a warm wave. Perform mudra 3-5 minutes each during 3 days .

Mudra "Wise spending of money"

Are you a notorious shopaholic and often spend your entire salary in a couple of days? This mudra will help you manage your finances more economically and pragmatically, and will save you from unnecessary purchases. Thanks to it, you will learn to save for more expensive and valuable things without resorting to loans. Mudra will help everyone who often does not fit into the budget.

How to perform . Place your hands at chest level. Connect the nail phalanges of the index and ring fingers together. Connect the pads of your middle fingers, thumbs and little fingers. Position your hands so that your thumbs point toward your chest, your little fingers point away from your chest, and your middle fingers point up. When performing the mudra, concentrate your attention on the heart area; you should feel warmth in this part of the body. Do mudra 1 per day immediately after waking up 2-3 minutes each until you get rid of the habit of wasting money. As a rule, this takes a month. Practicing mudra is also beneficial 5-8 minutes each a few hours before shopping.

Mudra “Emergency money raising”

Useful in case of unexpected expenses, for example, when a car breaks down, an urgent trip or illness of loved ones. Mudra provides a powerful surge of energy, so it cannot be practiced often, only in emergency situations when money is needed urgently and for something important.

How to perform . Place your palms at the level of the solar plexus, parallel to the floor, with your fingers facing each other. Turn one palm towards the floor: men - left, women - right. Connect the index and thumbs of both hands into a ring. Connect the pad of the little finger of your left hand with the ring finger of your right, and the little finger of your right with the ring finger of your left. Bend your middle finger slightly. Concentrate on the solar plexus area and feel a large ball of energy forming here. In your thoughts, keep the amount of money that you need now. You need to perform the mudra for 1 day several times a day: after waking up, then at intervals of 4 hours and before going to bed. Do not perform mudra more than one day in a row. If necessary, take a break and then repeat the practice.

Rely on the wise, but don’t make a mistake yourself! Let them help you improve your well-being. But make every effort to do this yourself.