Sasha Radaev

What can I do for this world in the future.

I will do many things for this world in the future. I am already starting to do some things now. For example, I never throw trash on the street.

In the future, firstly, I will make a machine that can transport into the past and into the future. Secondly, for nature protection, I will make special stations. These stations will cleanse the entire planet of substances that are not beneficial to it. But at the same time they will not pollute it, because they will run on solar batteries.

Alena L.

What can I do to make this world a better place?

I want to make nature better. I will remove garbage from the forests, make feeders for animals, birds and fish, tie up trees and install supports.

When I grow up, I will build a huge reserve with all the animals, fish, animals, birds. I will also invent an environmentally friendly machine that collects garbage, gets rid of bark beetles and absorbs all gases except carbon dioxide. This machine will recycle garbage and heavy metals.

David A.

When I grow up, I will create a factory of robotic cleaners that can pick up garbage in any place, and which have a special filter that purifies the water. The robots will purify water and burn garbage inside; there will be a special compartment for this. And after that, robots will use the ash as fertilizer.

Taya S.

What can I do to make this world a better place?

Probably to help someone. Well, that's very complex issue, but I will still try to answer it. I would like to help my mother or my sisters and brothers. But most of all I want to help my brother Vasya, because he is going through a difficult time now, he is going to college and now he sees us less often.

Sveta J.

What can I do to make this world a better place?

I would pick up trash or collect branches. I will not pick flowers or break branches. I won't throw trash into the sea. I would water the flowers.

When I grow up, I will treat animals and sea animals too. I would make a house for animals. I love nature!

Yaroslav Z.

What can I do for this world now.

Now I can only prohibit people who are younger than me from breaking trees and tearing off the bark.

And when I grow up, I will create cars that charge from the sun, and if it hasn’t risen in two hours, then a special sensor will turn on and the car will drive. I will also create a special pipe. It will take place underwater. This pipe will cleanse the seas and oceans. It will suck up debris, and a special sensor will distinguish between a turtle and garbage. For trees. I will find an island where there are all the trees, fence it off and put a guard there.

What will I do for “riot police” when I grow up?

For the riot police I will make a super vest and a rifle. I will make a vest from light metal and these sheets of metal, there will be 6000. And I will call the rifle “Il 6666”, it will be very accurate and practically without recoil.

Anya S.

What can I do to make this world a better place?

I want to make sure that animals don't disappear. So that they would not be killed, and there were many of them. I wish they weren't afraid of us. I want the trees not to be cut down. And houses were built from garbage. After all, nature is so beautiful! Why ruin her? And I really want all the children to be with their parents. After all, some children are abandoned right in the maternity hospital. And then they send me to an orphanage. In Africa, people are starving and they also need help.

In the future, I would like people to live in peace. I would like to help the poor.

But most of all I want to help my mother so that she is less tired!

Pinsky Nikita

What can I do to make this world a better place?

Now I can study well so that in the future I can become President and increase pensions for the elderly, ban deforestation and install treatment plants at all factories.

Sasha Ur.

What can I do to make this world a better place?

I would plant a lot of trees in places where there are very few. And I would tell kids my age and younger not to break small trees, branches or plants smaller than them.

I want to help this world in the future. For example, purify water from contamination. Try to transport gasoline not on ships, but on airplanes. And make an invention that will begin to help the whole world, purify water from pollution. And it runs not on gasoline, but on garbage.

Nastya K.

What can I do to make this world a better place?

Now in our time I cannot do anything for this world. But in the future I would like to become famous person, so that I would have a lot of means of payment, then I would invent a machine that would cleanse the world's oceans. To distinguish between water, fish and chemical waste, sensors of the latest nanotechnology will be installed on it. I will also invent a machine that will simultaneously plow, plant and water areas with deforested tropical forests.

Making the world a better place is no easy task. This is a laudable desire that requires active action from a person. Everyone in this regard can do what depends on him. There are many ways to transform the environment.

Making the world a better place means working on a set of problems

Many people are now seriously thinking about how to make the world a better place. There is nothing surprising. Indeed, according to statistics from VTsIOM, every year a family of four produces about 400 kg of garbage waste. Others are thinking not only about how to make our planet cleaner, but also about the possibility of making the world a little kinder.

Still others believe that the question of how to make the world a better place has a completely different meaning. On English language it sounds like this: “How to make the world better place? This phrase better conveys another meaning of this question: making the world a better place often means that a person must improve the environment in which he himself lives. Better place translated means “better place”. That is why the question in English most fully reflects the whole meaning of this problem. Make peace best place for yourself - this means taking care of the environment, giving goodness to your neighbors, and also solving existing problems. All these tasks are set by the person who truly strives to make the world more perfect.

We often complain about environmental problems, but nothing in this world can change until the people themselves change. The following rules will be of interest to everyone who cares about nature, as well as schoolchildren working on the essay “How to make the world a better place?”

  • Replace lamps from conventional ones to energy-saving ones. This will help significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
  • Go to household appliances class A. It costs more, but consumes much less resources.
  • enjoy toilet paper made from recycled materials. According to experts, every year about 10 hectares of forest are wasted for “toilet” expenses. Those who are horrified by this figure can use toilet paper that is labeled “made from recycled materials.”
  • Use the shower. This will help conserve water supplies. It is also useful to repair household appliances. After all, one faulty tap can carry away up to 300 liters of water per day.
  • Avoid disposable household items. For example, replace plastic bags rag bags; stop using disposable tableware; Instead of using paper handkerchiefs, switch to fabric handkerchiefs.
  • Don't pay for something that is actually garbage. About 70% household waste represent unnecessary packaging. Anyone who thinks about how to make the world a better place can buy goods in bulk instead of packaged in plastic. Also, before going to the store, you should put the bag in the storage room, and not wrap it in film.
  • Choose products made by local companies. Firstly, they are more useful, and secondly, much less resources are spent on their transportation.
  • To plant a tree. You can cut it down in a minute, although it takes many years to grow. The one who planted a tree under the window thereby benefited both himself and the world around him.
  • Donate old clothes. If it can still serve, then it should be used. There are many orphanages and charities where they will gladly accept donations of old, unnecessary things.

Bring benefit to the world, starting with yourself

Responsible attitude towards nature and man himself, and the entire planet. Bringing benefit environment and following go hand in hand. Since it is impossible to make the world a better place without following the principles of an eco-friendly lifestyle, there are many people who adhere to this concept. Among them are many rich and popular people - for example, Brad Pitt, Mark Zuckerberg. Even if it is customary to throw garbage anywhere in the yard, a person has the right to choose whether to behave the same as others. In any case, for those who are looking for an answer to the question “What can be done to make the world a better place?” you should start with yourself.

Do good

Another way that allows you to do the world A little better is good deeds. Most people believe that you need to do good only in relation to those who can appreciate it and respond equally. To some extent, this approach is selfish - a person does good deeds only on the condition that he can receive a reward. Of course, such an approach has a right to exist. However, the most sincere actions are those of people who do not expect rewards for their work. Everyone can make the world a little kinder - after all, doing good deeds is not difficult. The main thing is to be sincere. Real goodness does not pursue selfish interests and comes from the heart.

Examples of good deeds

What actions help make the world a kinder and better place?

  • Give to the poor large family movie tickets.
  • Please your mother, wife or sister with a bouquet of roses.
  • Let a person pass in line.
  • Print out an ad on a piece of paper with the words “Take it with you”, and on the tear-off parts write the words “Joy”, “Courage”, “Love”, “Success”. Maybe someone just needs such a small “dose” of inspiration. In heavy life situation even this small drop of goodness can be decisive for a person.
  • Buy new combs, washcloths, toothpaste and soap, and donate it to the volunteers of the homeless fund.
  • Praise the new perfume of a colleague or neighbor.
  • Buy a couple of packages of diapers and donate them to the orphanage.

Improve yourself

Engaging in self-development and solving existing problems is also great way improve the world. After all, every person is an integral part of the universe. Therefore, while working on himself, he also works to improve the world. Of course, no one will give a straight answer to the question of how to make the best self-development choices in the world. Here a person must determine his own preferences. Some people need to get rid of excessive aggressiveness, others need to stop being afraid and anxious. One person lacks responsibility, another, on the contrary, needs to learn to be more relaxed and trust other people. Working on yourself is always a long process. Often the determining condition for its effectiveness is joint work with a competent psychologist.

General recommendations for making the world a better place through self-development are as follows: you need to learn to take responsibility for your life, make healthy decisions, develop awareness, respect other people's time, and also be compassionate. Many of the great people have had these qualities. For example, this was Mahatma Gandhi, who devoted his entire life to the struggle for social transformation in his native India. It is known that Gandhi practiced meditation, taught forgiveness, and sought to serve other people. For more than three decades he was the main inspirer of the national liberation movement. His efforts, as well as the work of those who were nearby, were crowned with a historic victory. Therefore, Gandhi’s example shows: working on yourself is also a means to make the world a better place.

Have you thought about the fact that virtue is not so common these days? Yes, this is true, but this does not mean that something cannot be done to bring a piece of something bright and kind. How? Everything is very simple.


Have you ever noticed that on the bus, subway, or on the street you constantly see gloomy faces, “pockmarked” with sadness or anger, but there are much fewer smiling ones? I think the answer is obvious. IN similar situation why not change the statistics - why not start smiling? When you wake up, turn on your favorite tunes, refuel with a hot breakfast, wear what you like, and you will notice that your mood will begin to change. You will want to view the world more positively.

It is also very important not to succumb to the “public mood”. Try not to change your great mood to the opposite due to the fact that most of the people around you look sad.

And remember: a smiling person transfers positivity to other people like a “virus”, you just need to do it sincerely.


Does your stomach shrink when you see an old grandmother selling bouquets of flowers on the street? If yes, then don’t pass by - buy this unfortunate bouquet or just talk. Believe me, kindness and attention are pleasant for every person.

It’s so simple: to “hand over” a seat to a woman or an elderly person, to open a door for someone, or to come to the rescue of someone with heavy bags... The list goes on and on. In this case, it does not play a special role whether a person responds to your kind gesture in some way or not, it is important to do this simply for yourself, in order to experience life to the fullest, to feel alive.

Say a magical "thank you"

Do you notice that people remember this less and less? magic word, which is taught to children with early age? But there is nothing difficult or tiring about helping, good deed, respond to the favor by mentioning “thank you.” Many people think that there is no point in saying “thank you” to the minibus driver who stopped the car at your stop or to the saleswoman who hands you the necessary goods.

Such situations can be described for a long time. Yes, you don’t always want to thank a person you don’t like very much, but it’s not so important whether he is pleasant or not, but the important thing is that with every “thank you” said, the world becomes a little better.

Is it possible to change the world?

Of course, on a global scale it is simply impossible to change the world, no matter how much you would like it. However, if every person tries to be more open, sincere, and not indifferent to the troubles of others, then society will move towards the better.

But waiting for people to become more humane is simply pointless. Yes, this is true, you will have to wait for more than one thousand years, but this does not mean that you do not need to start with yourself. First of all, you must always think not about the shortcomings of other people, but about your own, trying to improve so that you can look into the eyes of your loved ones without looking away.

Many people are concerned about making the world a better and cleaner place. The consequence of this is the desire to save someone, help someone, heal someone, give advice. Vanity, panic and obsession do not add harmony to the world. The world is harmonious without our efforts, tension, fuss, and anxiety. There is more harmony in the world when we are peaceful, relaxed, confident, in our place, doing what we do best, filled with interest in the world, in ourselves, and in what we are doing now.

Let's think together about how we can make the world brighter and cleaner.

  1. Learn to relax your body. Tension is destructive; it distorts harmony. Relaxation harmonizes the space around you.
  2. Wear clothes in bright, rich colors. Faded clothing brings closedness. Vibrant rainbow colors bring the world to life.
  3. If you do jogging, warm-up, yoga, warm time year, do it on the street, in the park, at the stadium. Enjoy the process. The vibes of joy emanating from you are transmitted to those around you.
  4. Stop littering. Throw trash in trash bins. Once a month at least, go out with a garbage bag, collect garbage anywhere. In the park, in the forest, near the house... Don’t be shy, because you are setting an example of purification. Is it normal to litter, but is it embarrassing to clean up? Absurd. Be proud that you are doing this.
  5. Once a day, do something like “for the first time in your life.” Without destroying yourself and the world.
  6. Fast once a week.
  7. At least 5 times a day, consciously thank someone out loud directly.
  8. At least once a day, find something you can thank your wife, husband, parents, children for. Tell them this.
  9. Admire your spouse at least once a day.

10. Admire someone out loud at least once a day.

11. Give someone a compliment at least once a day.

12. Every day remember at least one person who has not been forgiven. Set yourself up for forgiveness.

13. Stop complaining.

14. Stop judging.

15. Admire the weather daily.

16. Get out into nature weekly.

17. Once a month, retire for a day.

18. Spend 1 day a month without a mobile phone.

19. Watch creative films at least once a month.

21. Eliminate news, crime chronicles, and empty films from watching.

22. Eliminate medications from your life.

23. Avoid smoking and alcohol.

24. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice every day.

25. Spend at least 1 hour a week in peace and quiet without a computer or reading.

26. Cultivate honesty and truthfulness.

Honesty isn't just about telling everyone what you think of them. It is also when your thoughts and actions do not contradict each other. A man with a cigarette looks comical, talking about how to make the world a better place. It's funny to hear toasts to health with an abundance of alcohol. Funny and sad. Self-deception is taking any medication if the issue does not concern life and death.

Strive to do what you are truly interested in.

Cultivate honesty with yourself.

Admit to yourself your fears, habits, weaknesses, irritation.

If all people are honest and do what they like, happy people there will be more.

The more happy people there are, the more harmony there is in the world.

Don't try to make everyone happy. Find happiness within yourself and radiate it everywhere.

27. If the above brought results that you felt, if your actions influenced you and the world around you, write an article about it. Don't keep it to yourself, share it.

28. Post the article on the Internet, in a magazine.

And the world will become more beautiful.

Andrey Kucherenko, consultant on rejuvenation and life extension, founder of the Rainbow of Life School of Integral Self-Development.

Information about the school and upcoming seminars

Everyone wants to be happy and have a better life, but we are so focused on our own goals that we often forget about what we need to do to make the world a better place. No matter your age, gender or nationality, you can make our planet a better place to live. You can't do it alone yet, but you can apply good example and inspire others to help you. Don't think that your little attempts and efforts won't do anything. The truth is that many people think so and this is the main reason why we live in a cruel modern world, full of selfish people and those who lack the confidence to make a difference. Don't be afraid to express yourself and don't be afraid to follow your own rules. Help your children grow up in a happy society. Here are some of the best things you can do today to make this world a happier place.

1. Be good.

It's tempting to be rude to people you hate, but don't let anger and hatred divide people into good and bad. You don't know the whole story, so you can't judge anyone. You don't know their thoughts and feelings. After all, there are people who may think that you too bad person. Be kind to people and they will be kinder to you. Even if you don't like them, then so be it. You don't have to be perfect and force everyone to love you. Get rid of the feeling of hatred and you will feel much better.

2. Help.

Let's be honest, it's not that easy to help someone for free. You must be a very kind person to volunteer. Helping people in need, animals in need and nature is one of the best things you can do every day to make the world a better place and live a better life. Feed stray animals and birds every day, help your neighbors, volunteer at shelters at least once a month, plant flowers and trees, donate if you can afford it and do anything that can help you do this world is better. You don't have to be rich to help others. I know many poor people who do more good deeds than my rich friends. I don't rich woman, and don't have a lot of money, but I do my best to help others (especially animals) to live a happy life.

3. Praise someone.

As I mentioned above, you don't need to be rich to make this world a better place. Just smile at a stranger and compliment your mom or friend today and you will get closer to your goal. When you praise someone, make sure you do it honestly and sincerely. If you don't like your friend's hairstyle, it's better not to say anything. You can say something like "You look amazing today." or “I love your fantastic smile.”

4. Keep nature clean.

The world will never be a better place to live if we don't take care of nature. If you plant flowers and trees, that's great. But if you throw garbage on the street, you will cause great harm to nature. Do not leave garbage in parks or forests or throw it into water. In addition, you should not bury or burn it. Inspire others to preserve nature and teach your children to care about nature.

5. Stop competing.

Many people spend their lives trying to be better than their friends, colleagues or neighbors. They work hard and go into debt to buy a better car, a bigger house, a more expensive phone, or more expensive clothes, all because they want to be better than others. If you are one of them, try to get rid of the habit of competing with friends and colleagues. It's hard to feel happy and live your life to the fullest when you're always thinking about how to be better than others. We are all human and we all make mistakes. If someone is more successful than you, it's not the end of the world. You will definitely become successful, but you have to do it for yourself. There is no need to show others that you are better, even if they are trying to compete with you. Set a good example and it is likely that many people will follow.

I know that I can't change the whole world, but I know that even the smallest contribution can make a difference. great importance. I try to inspire people to be kinder and better people and to believe in themselves. Believe in yourself and remember that you can make this world a better place.