The main feature of correct weight loss is psychological aspect. Many girls do not believe in their own strength, so they do not dare to go on a diet. Some find all sorts of excuses, others believe that they have a big bone. One way or another, you need to overcome fear and act immediately. It’s worth clarifying right away that it is categorically not recommended to use the “I’ll start on Monday” principle; you need to act right now. Let's consider important aspects how to set yourself up for weight loss.

Step #1. Believe in your own success

You won't be able to go on a diet if you don't start believing in your own strength. Any diet is work on the subconscious, willpower, and tolerance. Do not start losing weight, if you have doubts, get rid of them first. About 2 weeks before day “X”, start hammering into your head the thought “I can do it, I will lose weight!” When you realize that your doubts have disappeared, act!

Many girls successfully lose weight, why are you worse? Don't let fear lead you astray from your intended path, fight. You should clearly imagine yourself in a new body: the way tight jeans or a short dress fit. Imagine men watching you as you walk past them in heels.

Remember, you can also eat delicious food on a diet. It is not necessary to use unsalted buckwheat porridge or kefir. There are plenty of options for proper nutrition: delicious fish V own juice, diet pancakes, low-fat fruit desserts, etc. Expand your area of ​​knowledge, look for recipes for delicious low-calorie dishes.

Step #2. Set goals

The psychological mindset for losing weight presupposes having a goal; without it, you will not survive the week. Ask yourself: “Why do I need to lose weight?”

Perhaps you decided to surprise your colleagues, make your beloved man proud of your lady love, or simply cannot fit into your favorite jeans. It doesn’t matter what exactly motivates, the main thing is the presence of incentive.

Once you have highlighted the important aspects, proceed to the practical part. Take a notepad or album sheet, measure your own parameters. Write down on paper your current weight, height, waist and buttocks, forearms, chest, hips.

Set a date and time so that in the future you can calculate the period during which you achieved incredible results. Carry out such measurements once every 10 days, while observing the same time (morning, afternoon or evening).

Next, on the same sheet, you need to clarify the desired parameters that you want to achieve. Don't be a dreamer; assess your chances realistically. It is important to understand that when losing weight, the breasts disappear first, so you will lose 1 size.

In addition, model parameters (hourglass) cannot be achieved with a “pear” or “rectangle” figure. Indicate the exact number in centimeters (chest, waist, hips) and the desired weight for the final result.

Next, subtract the weight you are aiming for from your actual weight. Do the same manipulations with body volume indicators. The end result will be the difference, and that will be your direction. For example, your current weight is 55 kg, and you are aiming for 50.

This means you need to get rid of 5 kg. At the same time, keep in mind that in 1 month you can realistically lose a maximum of 3-3.5 kg. (medium strict diet), therefore, it will take 1.5 months daily work above oneself.

Step #3. Play sports

Sport is a great motivation! For the most part, the psychological attitude towards losing weight is achieved through active physical exercise. Sign up for a trial lesson at Gym or start doing abs at home. Go for a run in the nearest park, take daily walks around the house for 1 hour.

Other types of sports include swimming in the pool and dancing. Start practicing hip-hop, salsa, twerking or other styles as desired. The main thing is to find time for such activities.

After a certain period of time, you will notice how your muscles have tightened, the extra pounds will melt before your eyes. Every day you will want to lose weight more, seeing undeniable results.

In cases where, due to lack of time, it is not possible to visit a fitness club or dance school, start training at home. Find lessons on the Internet in the desired direction, follow the step-by-step instructions.

In addition, download a program for counting steps and, as a result, calories onto your phone. Walk to work to expend additional energy resources of the body.

Step #4. Balance your diet

At this stage, you need to get used to feeling like a healthy and slim person. Review your daily menu, exclude salty, spicy, fatty foods. Load up on fresh vegetables, make salads, and dress them with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Eat more seasonal fruits and berries, prepare milkshakes in a shaker with added proteins (no sugar).

Compose your diet in such a way that it contains fish and meat (beef, pork, chicken, turkey, duck fillet). Cook the listed products in a double boiler, oven, slow cooker, or grill. Once a week, eat a seafood cocktail (octopus, shrimp, squid, mussels, etc.).

You should not completely exclude bread from the menu, replace it with bakery products made from durum wheat, eat no more than 2 pieces a day. Regarding other flour-type sweets, you will have to give them up. Cookies, cakes, muffins, puff pastries - all this is strictly prohibited.

As can be understood from the above, the main task at this stage is the replacement junk food useful. Changes should take place gradually, without sudden jumps. As soon as you get used to eating right, feel free to go on a diet. You may not need a strict method; a correct and balanced diet involves weight loss without compromising your health.

Also, do not forget about the necessary daily fluid intake - at least 3 liters per day. In this case, 2.4-2.6 liters should be allocated to clean filtered water, the rest to freshly squeezed juices, green tea, natural fruit drinks, and kefir.

Step #5. Realistically evaluate your chances

At this stage, you need to decide whether you can clearly follow dietary nutrition taking into account lifestyle. In cases where, due to the nature of your work, you are forced to travel on business trips, have conversations with partners in a restaurant, attend banquets, it is unlikely that you will be able to comply with the regime.

In addition, a special nutritional disorder can be caused by family life, if you need to cook various delicacies for your household. No matter how strange it may sound, lack of money is another enemy of diet. Eating the right foods comes at a financial cost, so consider your own budget.

If you decide to go on a diet no matter what, choose a method that will be adapted to the rhythm of life. This could be five meals a day in small portions or, on the contrary, meals 2-3 times a day with snacks.

Before you start losing weight, start a journal. Write down the menu for the week in it, calculate how much money you will need. When the time comes, go to the store, buy groceries, and start preparing.

By the time you go on a diet, your body will be ready for loads of varying complexity, this is an undeniable plus. Get out of the habit of eating in front of the TV or at a PC in advance; you should also not have dinner in dim light. The listed actions lead to overeating, as a result of which the stomach stretches.

Step #6. Stimulate yourself

Without an incentive, losing weight is impossible; this fact has been proven more than once by nutritionists. Find reasons why you can no longer be in your current weight class. Let's consider an effective motivation technique that has found approval among women in most European countries.

First, remove clothes from your closet that are too small for you. Terrorize yourself with exhausting fittings to understand for sure - it's time to lose weight. The same applies to shopping trips, where the lights in the booths show all the imperfections.

After looking at less-than-perfect photos, find one that you're excited about. Print it out and hang it on the refrigerator. Every time you come to the kitchen, look at your own “I” and dream of returning to your previous body.

After partial self-destruction, start looking for a real stimulus. Surf the Internet, find celebrity stories or ordinary people who were able to lose much more extra pounds than you plan. The impossible is possible, isn't it?

It is important to understand that you need to lose weight forever. For this reason, completely abandon mono-diets and miracle pills that promise weight loss in three days. You should not live in cycles of “weight loss” - “weight gain”; such manipulations only worsen your health.

TV screens and Internet pages are full of newfangled weight loss techniques, but everything is not so simple. You can’t spend your entire life on appetite suppressant pills or eat 100g portions. It’s not difficult to set yourself up for weight loss if you have sufficient knowledge regarding psychological techniques. Believe in your own success, set realistic goals, play sports and stimulate yourself. Don't try to lose 5 kilograms in a week, strive to ensure that the weight loss goes away gradually.

Video: how to get ready to lose weight

Many girls have been unable to lose weight for years simply because they cannot create the psychological mindset to lose weight, that is, make the final decision that this cannot continue and it’s time to seriously fight with weight. It’s very difficult to deny yourself little weaknesses like “I eat what I want” or “just one cake won’t do anything.” Let's look at how to mentally prepare yourself for losing weight and go through this difficult path to the end, and not give up in the middle.

Healing mood for weight loss

The first thing you need is to set yourself an exact goal. Without knowing where you are going, it is impossible to get there! That’s why, first, take a piece of paper and write on it:

  1. Date, your current height, weight, chest, waist and hips.
  2. The parameters you are aiming for. Be realistic. You won’t be able to lose weight without your breasts changing, just as you won’t be able to achieve 90-60-90 parameters with a “rectangle” body type, in which the waist is not defined. You can only indicate the exact number in kilograms.
  3. Subtract your desired weight from your current weight - this is how many kilograms you want to lose. For example, you weigh 60 kg, but you want to weigh 50, which means you need to lose 10 kg. Normal weight loss occurs at a rate of 3-5 kg ​​per month, no more. That is, you need at least 2 months to lose weight, maximum – 3-4. Write down the date by which you want to lose weight.

Yes, this is not like a fashionable diet like “lose 10 kg in a week,” but you will maintain the results for a long time. After reaching the desired weight, you need to maintain it for at least another 2-3 months, making efforts so that this weight becomes habitual and the body rebuilds its metabolism to accommodate it. In the future, it will be enough just to eat properly without eating too much fat.

So, now you know by what date and how much you want to lose weight. All that remains is to act!

How to mentally prepare yourself for losing weight?

To start losing weight, your brain needs compelling reasons why you can no longer stay at your current weight. Let's look at a tough motivation technique that usually works well.

  1. First, “terrorize” yourself by trying to fit into clothes that have become too small.
  2. Then look at the folds in the large mirror. Be horrified. This is not at all what is needed!
  3. Then find the worst photo in which you look fat and look at it for a long time. This is not you at all, you cannot be like that!
  4. If you have one, find a photo of yourself at your ideal weight. If you know how, you can make it in Photoshop. Decide that you must be such a slender beauty at all costs.
  5. Read the stories of famous people who lost weight. Especially those who have lost much more than you should lose. So you will understand that everything is real and everything is possible.
  6. Decide right away that you need to lose weight forever - so short-term diets and “miracle pills” will not suit you. Only proper nutrition allows you to lose weight once and for all, and not live in cycles of “lost weight” - “gained” - “lost weight” and not torment the body.
  7. Look at the slim and beautiful girls and imagine how wonderful it will be for you when you are the same, and not envious and overweight.

There is nothing complicated about how to set yourself up to lose weight. It is important to convince yourself that you can no longer waste precious days of youth staying in this unsuitable body - you must make it into what suits you!

How to configure your body to lose weight?

Of course, it’s very difficult to give up everything you like at once. Therefore, be sure to include your favorite foods in your diet so that losing weight is not hard labor. If it is something floury, sweet or fatty, such foods can only be eaten before 12.00. The rest of the diet is simple:

  1. Breakfast– any porridge or dish of 2 eggs, tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch– a little(!) of your favorite treat.
  3. Dinner– a plate of any soup + a piece of black bread.
  4. Afternoon snack- any fruit.
  5. Dinner– vegetable side dish + lean meat/poultry/fish.

Eat a varied diet, choose light recipes and drink plenty of water. Nothing more is required from you!

Negative thoughts not only ruin our lives and make us suffer when we should be enjoying life to the fullest - they can completely unsettle us, and then we simply won’t be able to cope with the situation on our own.

If you have come to the understanding that it's time to be positive and getting these “cockroaches” out of your head means it’s time to act.

Getting rid of bad thoughts is essential for your success in life.

Negative thoughts are like a dormant volcano in your head. We hold tightly to our experiences, cherish them, reinforce them with fears and fantasies, which, as a result, leads to severe stress , And nervous system collapsing like a house of cards. And after her - physical health and life , because most illnesses and failures begin with stress.

Why is it so important to get rid of negativity in your head?

  • Negative thoughts are meaningless thoughts that prevent you from doing the right thing.
  • Negative thoughts capable of materializing. The more afraid we are, the greater the risk of fear materializing.
  • Negative thoughts - How is that toothache in my head. At first - only sometimes, in short “bells”, over time - more and more intensely. And then - a “flux” that can burst at an unexpected moment and in an unexpected direction. Therefore, it is important to “put fillings” or “remove them by the roots” in a timely manner.
  • If negative thoughts completely take out the positive, a person becomes depressed, from which, at times, even good psychologist. The true motives for anxiety are known only to the “patient,” and self-analysis for “cure” is much more effective than outside help.
  • Negative thoughts can lead not only to severe depression, but also to a psychiatric hospital. Not everyone in such hospitals is completely possessed, mentally ill or Napoleon. Most of the patients are people with various mental disorders, which began with negative thoughts, manias and phobias.

How to get rid of bad thoughts and set yourself up for positivity - advice from successful people

There are a lot of ways to curb your fears and anxieties. Everyone finds the simplest and most painless one for themselves. But there are also those who are not able to get out of the “vicious circle”.

What do experts advise to get rid of bad obsessive thoughts?

    • First of all, you need to understand the source of your worries. What exactly is bothering you? Take a piece of paper and rewrite your fears and worries. Note whether they are not groundless? And what can you personally do to get rid of your fears?
    • Don't try to suppress a negative thought or run away from it. Firstly, this is unlikely to work. Secondly, it’s pointless - the lump of problems that has accumulated in the subconscious will then sweep you away in one moment.
    • Learn to distance yourself and abstract yourself from negative thoughts. It is useless to fight your own mind, but you can “outwit” it. As soon as a bad thought hits your head, immediately switch your attention. Anything (TV, music, calling a friend, work, etc.) - just to switch the brain to another wavelength. Over time, this will become a good habit, and any disturbing thought will be removed as a “foreign body.” Automatically.
    • The hardest thing to deal with is internal contradictions. At the moment when we need to make a decision, we begin to rush through the nooks and crannies of our consciousness in the hope of finding the right path. As a result, we get stuck in details, pros and cons, obstacles and hypothetical problems of choice. The fear of making a decision creates anxiety that keeps you up at night. What to do? Option one is to give up the choice altogether and take a different path. Option two is to make the decision that is closest to you, no matter what. Even if this decision turns out to be wrong, it is just a life experience.
    • Remember: everything that happens to us on this earth is temporary. In a month or a year, you won’t even remember your worries. And it is impossible to insure yourself against all mistakes and falls, to lay straws everywhere, to save and warm everyone, to become good for everyone. From the "perspective of eternity" any problem except human life And clear conscience- it's nothing.
    • When making any decision, don’t look for the downsides - look for the upsides!
    • Often the cause of depression is a feeling of guilt. There are situations when this feeling is so great that it is impossible to cope with it - a person suffers from remorse for years, losing interest in life, closing himself in the shell of his thoughts. If you have the opportunity to change the situation, change it. Even if it means “stepping on your own throat.” Action in any case will be better than inaction. Guilt is the tail that will follow you endlessly until you cut it off. If there is no way to change the situation, come to terms with it.
    • Learn to forgive others and yourself. Forgiveness is the key to your freedom of thought. Read also:
    • Do not imagine scary scenarios of possible events in your mind. Many people sin with this - no, no, but a picture of a potential solution to the problem will appear in your head. “I am a realist,” some say, implying the inevitability of failure or failure. Realism has nothing like pessimism. Realism is a sober assessment of reality, pessimism is thinking from the perspective of worst-case scenarios. Be optimistic and “your own directors” - attract positivity, not problems and failures.
    • Quit all activities that don't bring you pleasure. This, of course, is not about the only job of the only breadwinner in the family. Although, if you wish and persist, you can change your job - even if it does not bring the desired income, it will become a new experience and new impressions. And new experiences are the best cure for negative thoughts. Find it for yourself interesting hobbies, do what you have dreamed of all your life - dancing, clay modeling, drawing, traveling, etc.
    • Don't get stuck in your negative thoughts , don’t let them lead you - change your life, change yourself, change your social circle. Surround yourself with positivity in everything - positive things and books, positive people, photographs, etc.
    • Don't read negative news , don’t watch horror films and thrillers, don’t look for negativity in people, actions, newspapers and TV. Tune yourself to the wave of “goodness and light.” It all depends on your desire.
    • If you're comfortable in your shell alone with your negative thoughts, and any positive thing makes you grind your teeth and want to crawl into your shell even deeper - that means the matter is a pipe. From this condition there is one step to a mental disorder. Urgently crawl out into the light, among people, and radically change your life. You will be surprised, but life is wonderful!
    • Stop complaining about life. Friends, relatives, spouse, colleagues, etc. All complaints are taboo.
    • Stop generalizing and exaggerating. If one doctor turned out to be “ bad person" - this does not mean that there are no doctors left normal people. If the husband left for someone else, this does not mean that “all men are theirs...”. Any mistake or failure is special case, experience and lesson for the future. And nothing more.
    • Don't try to see more into other people's actions and words.than you were told or shown. You risk inventing something that never happened.
    • Find your perfect way to relax and make it a good habit. For example, send the children to grandma on Saturday and sink into a chair with a cup of coffee while listening to a good comedy or an interesting book. Or buy a subscription to the pool (everyone knows that water is an excellent antidepressant). Or go to the shooting range, cinema, theaters, go out of town, etc. Read also:
    • Don't take on more than you can actually handle. If you are not able to place an order alone, there is no need to shoulder it (the promised bonus can cost you your health). If your spouse refuses to help around the house, and you have a tongue-lashing after work, get a can of sardines for dinner. Learn to love yourself!
    • Tired of disappointments? Do you feel like the whole world is different and against you? It's not about the world, it's about you. Don't expect everyone to live by your rules and principles. Everyone has their own ideas - how to live, what to say, how late you can be, etc. Be lenient with people.

Learn to control your consciousness, look for white in black and smile . A smile suits you very well!

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It’s natural to dream of a slim, fit figure. A woman's desire to lose excess weight psychologically associated with food restriction, but no less important factor for gaining beautiful shape- mood to lose weight. When you don’t have enough willpower, but you want to achieve success at any cost, you should start with the right motivation. To get the desired result, you need to clearly set a goal.

How to motivate yourself to lose weight

Desires and thoughts about graceful forms must turn into action, and for this you will have to find the real reason. What causes the desire to lose extra pounds? Excess weight, which affects your health, the desire to be attractive and beautiful in the eyes of members of the opposite sex, unpleasant hints from loved ones? These or other reasons can become motives that will help a person losing weight to correctly set a goal and independently overcome laziness and apathy.

What is a weight loss mindset?

Starting the fight against excess weight is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Slender girls on the pages of glossy magazines may serve as a reason to think about losing weight, but beautiful pictures will not become a motive. Something more will be required for the effort, some psychological stimulus that will give confidence in own strength and achieving a positive result. The right inner attitude is a positive influence of the psyche, strength, which helps to withstand the entire difficult process.

How to set yourself up for weight loss

To begin to act, you will have to admit that you have a problem of overeating, poor diet, and hobbies. harmful products, sedentary lifestyle. Next, you will have to figure out why the lack of motivation arose. Without these two initial steps, the search effective methodology How to get ready to lose weight will be useless, as will trying to follow a diet. Therefore, you need to look for real motivation, personal reasons for losing weight, while at the same time changing your attitude towards a difficult process: losing weight is a pleasure, not torture.

How to adjust yourself psychologically

On the difficult path to achieving your desired goal, there will be many temptations that will have to be countered with persistent desire and healthy perseverance. How to psychologically tune in to losing weight in order to achieve the desired slim shape and not give up ahead of time? Self-hypnosis alone is not enough; besides, criticism about the imperfection of a figure can play a role in reverse side.

A healthy assessment is needed, but when a specific goal is set, recording positive results, sincere joy for the achieved intermediate result, praise, and reward helps to create and maintain the mood. When fighting extra pounds will be reinforced by positive feelings and emotions, then the psyche of a person losing weight will give the brain a signal of great impact, and he will continue the process of losing weight with double effort.

The right motivation, well-set goals, a positive attitude are half the success. If you manage to clearly understand why you want to lose weight, then it will be easier to overcome laziness, obstacles, and temptations. IN severe cases, when there is reason to talk about obesity, you should contact medical Center where to find a doctor A complex approach to combat excess weight. One attitude will not be enough even with any excess weight, so you should consult with a nutritionist or trainer to choose a nutrition and physical exercise program.

Psychologists advise using the following effective techniques:

  • persuasion (say phrases with a positive statement);
  • visualization (an accurate idea of ​​a slender body, what sensations arise as if it already exists, for example, imagining yourself graceful in a swimsuit on the beach);
  • a “magic” remedy for the placebo effect (something that will help you lose weight);
  • sleep (daily full rest of at least 8 hours);
  • keeping a diary (to record achieved results, analysis);
  • familiarization with useful techniques (body cleansing, meditation, breathing exercises).

Define the goal

When losing weight, you cannot avoid encountering obstacles; the psyche and body of a person losing weight, under the pressure of stress, will try to resist new habits and way of life. A clearly formulated task is designed to help reduce the influence of unwanted thoughts, which will inevitably lead to disappointment and not a slim figure. Effective method in order to determine the true goal of losing weight, it is necessary to write down on paper all the cases when you had to experience inconvenience about being overweight.

Keep a diary

Understanding the reasons for the appearance of extra pounds before setting yourself up for a diet will be the right step. To support efforts to psychological level, will have to work out good habit: record intermediate results daily. To do this you need to create Personal diary weight loss, which should be filled out regularly, displaying truthful information about nutrition, calories, and physical activity. For convenience, you can choose the classic version (paper notebook, notebook) or an online diary.

Choose a comfortable diet

Delicious food, when a woman wants to pamper herself with sweets, and men load up on fatty foods, contributes to the fact that they begin to rapidly gain excess weight. There comes a time when an unhealthy hobby turns into a situation where it becomes unpleasant to approach the mirror. In an attempt to lose excess weight in order to admire your reflection again, you have to look for a suitable way to lose weight. If women and men who are losing weight begin to approach solving the problem intelligently, then they should choose a comfortable diet. The following recommendations will help you do this:

  • If you have health problems, consult a doctor;
  • learn more about contraindications;
  • select methods where the diet will not lead to feelings of hunger;
  • It is more difficult to buy fresh vegetables and fruits in winter than in summer or autumn, so it is better to choose your diet according to the season;
  • The duration of the diet for weight loss should be taken into account, because sticking to a diet for one or two weeks is easier than limiting yourself to food for a whole month.


When a clear result is still far away, and victory in the fight against extra pounds is so desired, then all means are good. Effective support that every person losing weight can provide to themselves is meditation or self-hypnosis. A particular psychological state is aimed at concentrating attention in relation to one’s own sensations and feelings. The purpose of the practical exercises is to create harmony between physical body and spirituality, which helps control appetite, maintain motivation, and improve mood.

How to start losing weight and not lose weight

Wanting to lose excess weight without doing anything for it is not enough. You need to move, review your diet, create the right psychological attitude and show willpower. beauty slim body- this is work based on a versatile approach, and in order to like yourself in the mirror, you need to set a real goal and change your lifestyle. Psychologists do not recommend resorting to strict restrictions in order to carry out a weight loss course to achieve the intended result and not fail. There will be temptations, so to stay and maintain your spirit, you can use the following tips:

  1. Create a strong incentive (motivation to lose weight should be personally meaningful).
  2. Create a menu for the week (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks).
  3. Fill free time useful activities (boredom often causes breakdowns).
  4. Find like-minded people or argue with your loved ones about something (this will force you to carefully monitor your weight loss).
  5. Stop weighing yourself every day.
  6. Avoid feelings of guilt if you fail to resist the temptation (it is better to brush your teeth to get rid of the taste of the treat than to reproach yourself for relapse).

Sytin's mood

The method developed by the doctor of science is a psychocorrection, when, with the help of positive attitudes and kind words, it is possible to influence a person’s emotions and will. Sytin's tunes should be listened to regularly, and you can choose a convenient time and place. Peculiar settings act on the subconscious, forcing the body to choose the right direction. The perception of positive messages acts favorably, contributing to the acquisition slim figure, changing life for the better without threatening physical health or state of mind.


Are you trying to get ready to lose weight, but still can't? One of the reasons for the success of those who managed to win the fight against excess weight is that they are strong not only in body, but also in spirit. Only mental attitude and determination will allow you to move forward when you feel like giving up, not to lose heart in difficult times, and will make your life happier and brighter. And this is the key ingredient in the weight loss recipe. Well, are you ready to lose a couple of kilos? Then read how your mind, soul and heart will help you with this.

Write down your goals

Start by writing down your goals. Create a list of all your weight loss goals and benefits, and then write down the steps you need to take to achieve those goals. Remember - nothing is impossible! The main thing is how you look at it and what approaches you use. Set a realistic goal and find a way to achieve it!

What motivates you

What motivates you to work harder? Look at your life and the impulses that push you forward. What helped you achieve success in the past? Use the same motivation to overcome all hardships physical activity, diets and restrictions. Learn to motivate yourself to move forward even when no one is watching.

Imagine success

To encourage yourself, sometimes it’s enough just to imagine what you will look like when you achieve your goal. Life is a journey, but the journey is incredibly interesting. Push your limits and think about all the benefits and happiness that await you out there when you finally see your dream body in the mirror.


Focus on your health and fitness. It doesn't matter what happened! You are tired, lack energy, no mood - it doesn’t matter! You must exercise every day! If you are focused and constantly thinking about the prize, you will involuntarily do right choice, both in terms of food and in terms of exercise. Remember, you must be determined and confident! It's not easy, but it's worth it!

Become a competitor

Become competitive with yourself. Don't go with the flow trying to achieve your goal. Work hard and achieve your new life. You can't just sit and wait for a miracle to happen - create it yourself! Challenge yourself and prove to yourself and the world that you can achieve anything you want.

Make your weaknesses your strengths

Understand yourself: find your best strengths, and the weakest. And then turn the weak into strong! Many non-runners believe that running is their thing. weak side, And the only way to refute this - run!

Stay positive

Don't treat the process of losing weight like hard labor. Go towards your goal with a smile! And in general, try to live with a smile! Yes, negative thoughts, no, no, yes, will appear in your determined little head, but you must kill them before they harm you or others. Turn those frowns into a satisfied smile and you'll realize it's not so bad!

Well, are you ready to tune in to your weight loss regimen? Then go ahead - towards your dream. It's all in your hands, so just get up and do it!