For many decades, faith was banned by the authorities. Today no one oppresses believers, but the level of religious literacy remains very low. People are carried away by rituals, replacing genuine Christianity with them. And only thanks to a few talented preachers can Christians understand whether their spiritual life is developing in the right direction. One of these zealous ministers is Archpriest Andrei Tkachev.

In contact with



Andrey was born in Lvov (Ukraine) on December 30, 1960. His parents wanted to see their son in the military. Upon reaching the age of 15, he entered the Moscow Suvorov Military School. Having completed the difficult training, he continued his training at the institute under the Ministry of Defense. Even then, inclinations towards Eastern culture appeared - the student chose the Persian language as his specialization.

At this time, a deep interest in classical literature. The works of the greats helped him understand what worried him more inner world person, not foreign policy states. Therefore, contrary to the wishes of his parents, he did not complete his studies. Who knows how the Lord knocked on your heart and called you to serve? It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the voice was heard.

At the age of 23 Andrey Tkachev began his studies at the Kyiv Theological Seminary. A year later he was appointed to the deacon's ministry, and six months later he was ordained a priest. This speaks of an undoubted calling, which the church authorities were able to discern in him. Upon completion of the course, he entered service in one of the temples in hometown. Further life was connected only with serving God and people.

Events that unfolded in Ukraine , could not force o. Andrey to drown out the voice of conscience within himself. He always had a very active life position, was not afraid of earthly authorities, recognizing only the highest court over himself. Direct statements against the events on the Maidan led to him being persecuted. To protect the family, I had to move to Russia. At first, Priest Andrei Tkachev served at the home church of Moscow State University. Today he is one of the priests at the Church of the Resurrection of the Word of the Central Moscow Deanery.


Missionary activities is closely related to the ability to beautifully express one’s thoughts and reach many hearts, including non-believers. And such a talent was given to the priest. While still in Ukraine, he began hosting the program “Bedtime.” In just 10 minutes. airtime, he managed to clearly cover topics that concern viewers and answer their questions. All this was presented in an unobtrusive form, but competently and thoughtfully.

Then a program about the Psalter appeared - “The Garden of Divine Songs”. As you know, biblical texts have several interpretations. The theological significance of the psalms was discussed here. To an ordinary person It can be difficult to read between the lines. Who else will help believers understand the full depth of Holy Scripture if not a representative of the clergy? The missionary took on this role.

Today the priest has become so popular that there is even an article about him on Wikipedia. His sermons are recorded, passed on to friends, and listened to via the Internet. Thanks to them, many began to better understand what God expects from them. This is how much benefit one person can bring if he believes in his calling and does not deviate from straight path. Who can remain indifferent to the sincere appeal of a priest? There are very few such people.

Where to listen to new sermons by Fr. Andrey? He often takes part in programs on the Soyuz TV channel and appears on Radio Radonezh. All updates can be seen on his official page VKontakte, the archpriest also has a website. Materials are collected and published by a special editorial group.


You can also reach the hearts of parishioners through the printed word. Archpriest A. Tkachev began publishing books in 2008., already having experience in serving and working with people. After all, simple education is not enough in such a matter as Christianity. Here it’s important to work in Christ’s field, get big shots, and face difficulties. Otherwise, who will believe a person who is unable to understand the hearts of ordinary parishioners?

Since the priest belongs to the white clergy, he has a family, he lives among ordinary citizens, as they say, in the world. Every day he faces the same problems as his wards. The popular spiritual father began receiving letters with questions. The first books were written as a response to them. Here are a few titles: “The First Miracle. Conversations about family and marriage”, “Letter to God”, “God wrote a letter to you and me.” Since many works are presented in the form of answers to questions, reading them is quite interesting, and the material is easily absorbed.


No missionary work can be imagined without preaching. It can be different both in form and in the purpose of its pronunciation. The audience for whom the speech is given is also important. It can be said that preaching is an art. Not all clergy speak it perfectly. And you need to put in a lot of work - study the Bible, the instructions of the Church and the Holy Fathers. At the same time, the words should come from the heart, and not be a repetition of dry dogmas.

But in the words of A. Tkachev there is always a spark; one can feel both knowledge of the subject and a living faith in God. Therefore, people look forward to every sermon. There are text versions, you can read them both on social networks and on the official website. There are also audio recordings. However, this may seem unpleasant to some, since the priest never embellishes reality and speaks frankly. He makes it clear to people that they should hurry to do good, work on themselves, and serve their neighbors.

Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

Andrei Yuryevich Tkachev became widely known thanks to his love for the church and people. In those times when the Bible is rarely updated with new sermons and parables, and the church lives according to long-recognized canons, the archpriest continues to innovate the scriptures.

He actively preaches Orthodoxy, writes and publishes books, and is interested in the history of Christians. In 2014, the biography of Andrei Tkachev was expanded unpleasant events, in connection with which he was forced to leave his native Ukraine, taking his family, whose photo is not in Internet resources, to the territory of the Russian Federation.

Biography of a priest

Tkachev was born on December 30, 1969 in the Ukrainian SSR, the city of Lvov. According to custom, he was baptized from birth, and he really became interested in church scriptures as a teenager. At that time there were many schools in Lviv where they taught in Russian. Therefore, Andrei studied in a Russian school. Hometown inspired young man walking in search of beauty.

The most memorable architectural monuments for him were churches. These majestic temples of Faith attracted Andrei, enchanted him and forced him to admire them. As an adult, he returned to his hometown more than once to revisit his favorite architectural monuments.

The parents of the future priest dreamed that their son would make a military career, wearing a beautiful green uniform. Therefore, the boy was sent to study at the Suvorov School in Moscow, where he was supposed to turn into a real man with bearing and iron self-control.

Having received his first education, Andrei went to the Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense to study the Persian language at the Faculty of Special Propaganda. It was at this moment that the biography of Tkachev began, who decided to follow not the will of his family, but the call of his heart. The reason for the sharp change in mood for him was his friendship with an informal guy who instilled in Andrei a love for the church. A friend regularly read church literature, quoted the Bible, and loved to go to churches to listen to hymns. Under the influence of this man, the future archpriest decided to radically change his life.

Taking documents from higher education educational institution, young Andrei wrote in an explanatory note about the reason for leaving: “due to unwillingness to study.” Thus, he rejected the possibility of getting back on course. In this regard, the young man was drafted into the army. While serving, Andrei free time was fond of reading. One day, when he was standing guard and reading the book Bhagavad Gita, a soldier approached him and an interesting conversation began between them about faith. Subsequently, the future priest began to read books that a new acquaintance brought him. It was these publications and the thoughts revealed in them that served as a beacon for Andrei Tkachev, leading him along a new path to the Orthodox Church.

Andrey Tkachev, whose biography will never be supplemented with photos of achievements in military service, returned to his hometown of Lviv, where his family was waiting for him. At first, the failed military man worked as a loader at a grocery store, as well as a sexton and a security guard at a temple. A year later, inspired by life in the church, he entered the Kyiv Theological Seminary. There he met new people who influenced his way of being and thinking. While undergoing training, Andrei worked as a minister in the church, learning new interesting things about the life of the church. He failed to graduate from the Kyiv Theological Academy; he was expelled for regularly missing classes. Tkachev explains the lack of time for study by the fact that all his free time was spent working with parishioners and family.

Archpriest Andrei admits that for him and his wife the most terrible events of the 90s passed fleetingly and unnoticed. The reason for this is the refusal to watch TV and any news channels.

During this period of time, Tkachev paid more attention to work at the church, which did not focus on earthly problems. According to the preacher, this way of life is the most acceptable for a person. Having renounced constant stress against the backdrop of events taking place in the country, the citizen ceases to pay attention to problems that in most cases do not concern him. It is at this moment that time is freed up for self-development and other more important matters, and a person lives in health and develops.

At the beginning of May 1993, Andrei Tkachev was ordained a deacon, and in November - a priest. For the next twelve years he was a member of the clergy at the Church of St. George the Victorious in his hometown of Lviv. He was engaged in social activities, reading “The Law of God” at Lviv schools as part of a general education project.

Changes with the times

2005 was marked by a new event for the priest, accustomed to his parishioners. He felt the need to appear in television programs, the purpose of which was to gather a larger number of believers. To implement this idea, the young priest went to the capital of Ukraine. At first, he was not assigned to any church, preaching in various temples and churches at the invitation of his friends. But, after some time, he was summoned to the temple of Agapit of Pechersk due to numerous requests from parishioners.

Soon Andrei Tkachev turned from a priest into the rector of the temple, replacing a sick colleague. At new position he served from 2006 to 2014. During this period of service to the church, Tkachev began publishing his books, the first of which was published in 2008. Since 2013, he was appointed head of one of the departments of the Kyiv hierarchy and began to regularly appear on the Orthodox TV channel “Kievan Rus” as a TV presenter.

Personal life

Andrei Tkachev married in 1992, when his biography was not yet connected with the church, but the famous preacher tries not to show photos of his family. In an interview with the press, the church minister does not hide the presence of a wife and four children. But at the same time he does not indicate their names or ages and tries to shift the conversation to other topics. As a public figure, he strives to protect loved ones from public interference.

As a church minister who writes books and regularly appears on television, Tkachev always tried to be honest and open in his communications with parishioners, viewers and readers. It was his truthful speeches against what was happening on the Maidan in 2014 that became the reason for persecution by radicals. Wanting to protect his family, the young priest left hostile territory, taking refuge in a country that offered him protection and support, as well as the freedom to maintain his opinion, no matter the circumstances.

Having moved to the capital of Russia, Andrei Tkachev still avoided registering on social networks and publishing photos of his family, and his biography began to develop completely differently.

He was appointed supernumerary cleric at the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek, and his main place of service was the St. Basil the Great gymnasium near Moscow.

Archpriest Andrei continues to publish his books, but in the territory Russian Federation. Some of them are printed in printing houses at churches, but there are also publications published by such well-known publishing houses as ESMO. The last book Andrei Tkachev was published in 2016 under the title “The Air of the Heavenly City.”

Constantly read, memorize, memorize, reflect, reason with your heart about divine words. We need to do this constantly. Do you want to be happy, do you want the grace of God, do you want to be protected? Do you want to have your prayers heard? Do you want your requests to be fulfilled? Do you really want it? So, what do you think, what candles will you bargain with God for the grace of God? I give you a candle, do you give me grace? Never in your life, even if you light all the candles in the world, it costs nothing, the candles mean nothing, absolutely nothing, except that it’s beautiful and warm in the church. If you want to have God’s grace, study the Holy Scriptures, repent of your sins before God and pray to God every hour in the spirit. Pray to God for every hour, for every time and for every hour. And love the Holy Scriptures. Throw away the newspapers, throw away your gadgets, all these, all these infectious screens, all these social media yours, all these internets, all this foulness. Turn off all the TVs! Read Holy Bible! If you want to have the Holy Spirit, read the Holy Scriptures and come to the Temple of God as often as possible. That on Sunday you should all be in the Temple of God. I’m not even talking about it, it’s such a commonplace that it’s embarrassing to talk about it. Be here like crazy on Sunday. Today today is Saturday, and some lazy people will say, I was on Saturday yesterday, I’ll sleep on Sunday. After all, there are many such villains standing here. 100 percent! Today 90 people took communion there, and tomorrow 50 will come on Sunday. And Sunday, I tell you, is greater than all angelic holidays. 500 people come to St. Nicholas, and 25 people on Sunday. Villains, atheists, scoundrels, criminals, spectators of God's grace. They love Nicholas, but do not love the risen Christ; they love Michael, but do not love the risen Christ. There should be 5 times more of you tomorrow than there are today. And don’t think to yourself that yesterday I was there, tomorrow I won’t go, then I’ll go again, when I want, I’ll go, I won’t go. Give up this crime, drop it, bury it and forget it. On Sunday, everyone be in church. And don’t spend a single day without prayer! Not a single day! In the morning I woke up, opened my eyes, before lighting a cigarette or brushing my teeth or frying eggs or turning on the TV - I certainly prayed to God! Before you lie down on the bed with your ear on the pillow, pray to God! Leave the house - pray to God, return home - thank the Lord. When you get behind the wheel, you pray to God. I got up from behind the wheel and prayed to God. And go to church as often as possible! And on Sunday it’s just like a bayonet, just like a bayonet. Don’t you dare not go to church on Sunday! Otherwise, the same Mikhail who counted you all here and wrote it down in a little book, he will unscrew your heads! Why do you honor Michael, but not the risen Christ? Nicholas, Pokrov Mother of God let's say something else there, Spiridon will be crowded here. you understand the loafers... People here will choke on Spiridon, on Spiridon, but on Sunday why don’t you choke, why are there fewer of you on Sunday? What is Spyridon of Christ greater? This is an atrocity, Christians, understand! Christ must be honored on Sunday, this is the most important thing! Therefore, everyone standing here, accept this mark. This is a black mark for you. Mikhail heard, he will punish you. He can protect you, he can screw your heads. He screws things up, by the way. Even today he is already screwing some people’s heads because they deserve it. For him to protect us, we need to praise God and bring glory to the one who is above all. This is Christ! Neither Nicholas the Wonderworker, nor Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, nor the Mother of God, not even Michael the Archangel, but the risen Christ, this is the king of people and the king of all angels, this is the king of heaven and earth. Everything is in his hands, he commands everyone. Love him, honor him, read his Gospel, fulfill his commandments, serve him, kneel before him, worship him! Christ the Savior was born of a virgin, crucified on the cross and laid down in the tomb, rose from the grave, ascended into heaven and will again judge the living and the dead; his kingdom will have no end. This is the Orthodox faith, everything else will be added. This is Orthodoxy, and everything else will be added. And lamps, and candles there, and all these holidays there, and this and that, and all sorts of rituals. How to be baptized, how to pray, how to bow, what to read, all this will be added later. Christ is at the head of the corner, He is the alpha and He is the omega, He is the beginning and He is the end, everything is from Him, through Him, and to Him, He is the most important. Glory to you Jesus, keep us and have mercy on us! We love you, we repent before you, we praise your name, do not leave us, multiply those who believe in you, so that the people of God will be formed, deified and multiplied. Amen. Congratulations on your communion and I hope that you not only heard, but also listened. And they not only heard, but also understood. And not only did you understand, but you will also do it. If you do this, it will be good for you and it will be good for me. If you don’t, it will be good for me and bad for you. Glory to you God, Glory to you God, Glory to you God.

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All people on our planet believe in something higher, wise. But at the same time, we are divided into believers and atheists. Each person also has their own faith: some often go to church, adhere to fasts and holidays, and pilgrimage to holy places. And others sometimes go to church without particularly paying attention to church laws.

All this depends on the religious education that children received from their parents. But in mature age, being a parishioner of a particular parish, it is important that you establish a connection with the clergy. After all, this is the person through whom you will have a connection with the Lord. Many praise their holy fathers, but they especially single out priest Andrei Tkachev.

Andrey Tkachev: biography

According to the biography of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev, he was born in the city of Lvov on December 30, 1969. At the age of fifteen he became a cadet at the Suvorov School in Moscow, after graduating from which he studied for another 2 years at the Faculty of Special Propaganda with a specialization in the Persian language at the Red Banner Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense.

However, he was not destined to finish it. They were asked to expel “due to unwillingness to study.” After which he was called up for military service. Then, from 1992 to 1994, he studied science at the Kyiv Theological Seminary. There he became friends with the future archimandrites Longin (Chernukha) and Kirill (Govorun), as well as with the brothers Tikhon and Vladislav Sofiychuk.

In 1993, on May 6, he was ordained as a deacon, and received the priesthood on November 5 of the same year. After that, for 12 years he was a cleric in the city of Lvov in the St. George Church. This was precisely the period of his missionary work. During these years, he often received invitations to appear on television.

He spent half of his 12 years constantly moving from Kyiv to Lviv and back. And only in 2005, after receiving an absentee ballot, he moved to Kyiv. A year later he became rector of the Kyiv Church of St. Agapit of Pechersk. And a year later - the rector of the stone church of St. Luke of Crimea, which was located not far from the wooden church of Agapit of Pechersk.

In 2013, he became the head of the missionary department of the Kyiv diocese. And on February 6, 2014, he was summoned to the Kyiv Metropolis to explain his sermon about the “Maidan.” This sermon caused a strong reaction in the media.

In his interview, he expressed his regret that the church had to justify himself to journalists for his words. He admitted exceeding his competence and is ready to bear any punishment. And already in the same year he was removed from the staff of the Kyiv Metropolis.

In mid-June 2014, he moved his family to the Russian Federation and was introduced to the clergy of the Tatiana home church at Moscow State University in Moscow. Where does Andrei Tkachev serve? On August 18, 2014, he was enrolled in the clergy of the city diocese and appointed superordinate cleric of the Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Moscow on the Assumption Vrazhek. He still serves there today.

Andrey Tkachev is married and has 4 children.

Sermons by Andrei Tkachev

Father Andrei Tkachev became known for his many sermons. But his sermon about the “Maidan” brought him great fame. After which he and his family moved from Ukraine to Russia. The priest is the author large quantity articles and books. He is also a member of the editorial board and a regular contributor to the magazine, as well as the host of the television programs “Garden of Divine Songs” and “For the Future to Sleep.”

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In his sermons, the archpriest tries to convey the basics of Christianity, as well as an understanding of the main dogmas Christian faith. Many sermons can be heard during meetings with the archpriest, or you can find video recordings on the Internet.

The most famous sermons of the Holy Father:

  • About Maidan
  • About service, about serving people, about working for the mouth and for God.
  • To be or seem
  • About the temptation of Christ
  • About the rich

Questions for Andrey Tkachev

Many of us often have certain questions related to church topics. Where can we find the answer to them? Of course, the most competent answer can be given by a person who is recognized in a particular field. So, during conversations with the priest, people can ask questions and he happily answers them.

His appearances on the radio are also frequent, where live You can ask any question you are interested in.

Here is a list of frequently asked questions:

  • Is it possible to lend at interest?
  • How to forgive if it is impossible to forgive?
  • How to get rid of memories of past feuds and grievances?
  • How to prepare a child for confession?

This is not the entire list of questions and sermons of Father Tkachev. The list of them is much longer. You can find answers and listen to sermons on the Internet. And you will receive answers to your questions.

Always remember that faith in the Lord should not be ostentatious, it should be in your heart.

The Lord is always with you!

Also watch the video in which Archpriest Andrei Tkachev tells us about patience:

Andrei Tkachev is famous; a biography and photos of his family can be found on the Internet. He gained his popularity because of his warm attitude towards temples and churches, as well as the people around him. Now he is a preacher of Orthodoxy, publishing and writing books.


Andrey was born in 1969 at the end of December in Soviet Ukraine in Lvov. He was baptized at birth. His passion for religion manifested itself in adolescence. The young man was always looking for beauty, something that he could admire and enjoy; his main inspiration was his hometown.

Most of all he was attracted to churches and temples; he liked the way they looked, the atmosphere around these buildings. The young man was fascinated by their beauty. Often as an adult, Tkachev returned to his native places to again feel what he felt many years ago.

His parents saw their son as a military man, which is why the student went to study in the capital of Russia, Moscow, at the Suvorov School. The student graduated from this school, having this education, entered the Institute of the Ministry of Defense Soviet Union, where he studied Persian.

Studying at a military institute allowed Andrei to understand that a military career was alien to him. Therefore, it was firmly decided that his career would develop the way he, and not his parents, wanted. The reason for this decision was his communication with one of the students, who told him about the church.

An acquaintance constantly read books about religion, could quote lines from the Bible, one of his favorite pastimes was visiting various sacred places to look at the architecture and listen to singing.

It was this person who influenced the further biography of Andrei Tkachev. As a result, the student decided to withdraw his documents from the educational institution, and indicated his reluctance to continue his studies as the reason for leaving. Based on the stated reason for leaving, he had no chance of reinstatement at the institute. Due to the fact that Andrei did not study anywhere else, he was drafted into the army. During his service, the soldier read a lot.

At one point, while standing on guard, Tkachev began talking with one of the soldiers about religion. They became good friends with this person, since they had common topic a faith that is interesting to both. A new acquaintance brought books to the future priest, which he actively studied.

There is no photo of service in Andrei Tkachev’s biography; the soldier returned to his family immediately after the army. For a long time he had to work in the lowest positions - he was a loader in a grocery store, he worked in a temple as a security guard. He liked church life, and after some time he decided to enter a theological seminary.

During his studies, Tkachev made acquaintances with people who had exactly the same interests as Tkachev. During his studies, he worked part-time as a minister in a church, and was able to learn new unknown things about religion. Tkachev was never able to graduate from the academy, as he regularly missed classes. Andrei devoted all his free time to parishioners and his own family.

Andrei admitted that the 90s were not very noticeable for him and his wife; they refused to watch TV and other media.

At that time, all of Andrei’s attention was directed to the church, while Tkachev could distract himself from everyday life and hard life. The priest believes that such an image is most suitable for any of the people, especially those who find themselves in difficult situation. In his opinion, in such a rhythm a person is less susceptible negative emotions and can pay more attention to his own development, while maintaining the harmony of the soul.

At the end of 1993, A. Tkachev became a priest. For the next two decades, the priest was in the clergy at the church in his hometown in Ukraine. Andrei was actively involved in public affairs, reading the law of God in schools.

In the 2000s, significant changes awaited the priest. Andrei began appearing in TV programs, the task of which was to attract believers. To make the idea a reality, Andrey went to Kyiv. Tkachev was a preacher invited by friends, but was not assigned to churches.

As time came, Andrei became the rector of the church, replacing another person. Andrey worked like this for 8 years until 2014. While working, he published his own works; his first book was published 10 years ago.

Since 2013, he began to manage one department of the Kyiv hierarchy and could be seen on the channel about Kievan Rus, where he served as a TV presenter.


The priest got married in the early 90s. During this period, Andrei Tkachev’s biography is connected with his family, whose photos he does not try to put on public display. Tkachev does not hide the presence of a family; he also has four children. However, Andrei Tkachev does not distribute photos of the family, does not talk about their names and tries to avoid such conversations.

Most likely, this is done in order to protect family of origin from possible rumors and discussions.

Andrey tries in his works and during television programs to be honest and open with his fans.

In 2014, his words about what was happening on the Maidan became the reason why they began to persecute him. Tkachev moved to another country with his relatives. He is still not on various social networks.

Last news

By latest news In 2018, Andrei Tkachev continues to promote morality, using modern television and other media resources. Andrey gives advice and informs about spiritual life.

In January, he was invited to a program about religion on the Spas channel. He is one of the participants in a project dedicated to atheism and the righteous.

Some of his statements were not approved by society, which seemed rude or incorrect.

Criticism and views

Andrei Tkachev expressed not the most flattering views about Russian writers - in 2015, on the radio, he criticized the works of S. Yesenin, calling him primitive, and calling Mayakovsky just as strange. He spoke disapprovingly of the structure of the church in England.

He received disapproval for his words when he said that men need to show their strength in front of women, use physical force, while insulting women who lost their virginity before marriage. His statements were often criticized. Tkachev believes that various childhood diseases are directly related to the behavior of their parents, who elevate their children. According to him, children are often considered idols, but this should not be the case.

Have you heard of Andrey before?