Mineral waters are underground (rarely surface) waters, which are characterized by a high content of biologically active components and which have specific physicochemical properties. Depending on these properties and composition, mineral water can be used both as an external and internal remedy.

The nature of the appearance of mineral water is rainwater, which accumulates for centuries and millennia in different layers of the earth's rock. All this time, numerous minerals, and the deeper into the rock it went, the more it was purified and the more carbon dioxide and useful substances it contained. That is why, depending on the depth of its location, mineral water differs in its composition and properties.

Mineral water: composition and types

The chemical composition of mineral water is primarily a variety of combinations of six main components: sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl), sulfate (SO4) and bicarbonate (HCO3). Thus, they distinguish between hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate and other mineral waters.

Carbon dioxide (carbonic anhydride) is also an important component of mineral water, since the medicinal properties of water are formed through the interaction of carbon dioxide with underground rocks. Carbon dioxide, in addition, softens the taste of the drink and helps to better quench thirst. It also stabilizes the chemical composition of mineral water, so to preserve all its beneficial properties, it is additionally saturated with carbon dioxide before bottling.

In small quantities, mineral water contains almost the entire periodic table in micro- and ultramicrodoses. It contains the greatest quantities of: iron, iodine, fluorine, bromine, arsenic, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, manganese and lithium.

In addition to its composition, mineral water also differs in its temperature. It can be cold (less than 20°C), subthermal (from 20 to 37°C), thermal (from 37 to 42°C) and hyperthermal (over 42°C).

And finally, according to the degree of concentration of mineral salts, it is divided into: table, medicinal-table and medicinal. The salt content in table mineral water does not exceed 1 gram per liter of water. This water is suitable for daily use, it tastes good and does not have a pronounced smell or taste; it is even recommended to use it for cooking. Medicinal table water contains from 1 to 10 grams of salts and is considered a universal drink, since it can be used as a table drink, and, if necessary, as a medicinal one, but it absolutely cannot be subjected to thermal treatment to avoid loss of beneficial properties. Mineral water with a maximum degree of mineralization (more than 10 grams per liter of water) or with a high content of any active components is medicinal water, it is recommended to drink it in strictly dosed quantities and only as prescribed by your doctor.

Mineral water: health benefits

Each type of mineral water has its own healing properties. Hydrocarbonate water is effective for the treatment of urolithiasis and for normalizing the secretion of gastric juice. Chloride water also improves performance gastrointestinal tract and generally stimulates metabolic processes in the human body. It is recommended for problems with the digestive system. Sulfate water favors the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. It is useful for chronic hepatitis, diseases of the biliary tract, diabetes mellitus and obesity.

In most cases, mineral water has a mixed structure, which, together with biologically active substances, significantly enhances its therapeutic effect. These include:

  • iron - prevents anemia;
  • iodine – normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • calcium – maintains ionic balance in the body, affects the process of blood clotting, is useful for bones, teeth, muscles and the cardiovascular system;
  • magnesium – regulates carbohydrate and energy metabolism, helps the functioning of the nervous system;
  • sodium – normalizes blood pressure, good for the muscular system;
  • potassium – necessary for the kidneys and heart;
  • fluorine – important element teeth and bone tissue, recommended for pregnant women. Using beneficial features mineral water, remember that it, like most other products, has a limited shelf life, so be sure to pay attention to the bottling date. For reference: the shelf life of water in a glass container is limited to one year, and in a plastic container - only six months.

How to choose mineral water and which is better

When purchasing mineral water, there is a possibility of purchasing a counterfeit product. To avoid such a misunderstanding, you should buy water from reputable suppliers, in trusted pharmacies (stores) or directly from the manufacturer. In addition, you should always pay attention to the label and appearance of the container, since in many cases, a number of signs can indicate that the product is falsified. Original mineral water usually contains a label with detailed information about the manufacturing company, its location, terms and conditions of storage, well number, and time and date of storage. Conscientious manufacturers even indicate on the labels a list of diseases for which this category of water is indicated. There may also be a company logo on the container or lid.

Counterfeit products often contain grammatical or stylistic errors, and inscriptions are blurry and difficult to read. It does not contain GOST standards or information about certification.

There are mineral springs in almost every region of our country, so it is not necessary to buy expensive water brought from afar, since it is easier to fake. On the other hand, giving preference to famous brands such as “Essentuki”, “Borjomi”, “Arkhyz”, “Narzan” and so on, one can hope for its authenticity, thanks to complex system protection against counterfeiting created by each such manufacturer.

Artificial mineral water

Modern technologies make it possible to create analogues of various mineral waters by saturating ordinary tap water (less often artesian water) with minerals, salts and carbon dioxide. Such water also complies with GOST standards, but its properties have nothing in common with natural water. mineral water, since it represents an inactive living environment, but a certain solution of salts. It is not harmful, but it cannot be called useful either. When choosing mineral water for yourself, give preference to natural water, carefully studying the label and not purchasing it from suspicious retail outlets.

Mineral waters are complex solutions in which the components are in the form of ions, undissociated (unbound) molecules, colloidal particles (finely crushed, mixed in solution) and dissolved gases. Their chemical composition is precisely known, but the artificially selected composition of the same water is not equivalent to the natural one. Mineral waters contain all the same substances that are present in human body, and their healing effect is to replenish disturbed balances.

Mineral waters are characterized by the following main indicators.

Compound. Mineral water is dissolved salts, therefore they consist of ions - cations and anions. Among them are:

a) according to the predominant anion - chloride, hydrocarbonate, sulfate;

b) according to the predominant cation - sodium, calcium, magnesium;

The composition of mineral waters is usually indicated on bottle labels and on display boards in spas.

Mineralization is the sum of substances dissolved in water without gases (measured in g/l, denoted M).

In principle, all waters, including fresh ones, have one degree or another of mineralization (except for distilled water - H 2 O in its pure form). It is believed that mineral waters include waters with a mineralization of more than 2 g/l.

Based on the degree of mineralization, waters for drinking and balneological purposes are distinguished (“balneo” - bath).

Drinking water:

a) medical dining rooms:

Low mineralized, M< 2 г/л,

Low mineralized, M = 2-5 g/l;

b) medicinal drinking water - moderately mineralized, M = 5.1-10 g/l.

These waters can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Moreover, you need to know how to take it: before, after, during meals; their temperature is also very important. Cold water stimulates the motor function of the intestines (used for constipation); when warm, it inhibits peristalsis (used for gastritis and colitis). In addition, water causes changes in water-salt and other metabolic processes in the human body, acid-base balance, and the functions of various organs.

Mineral waters at a resort are usually discharged into a pump room (a spring or a special water supply from a source to a pump room). In addition, they are bottled and sold in pharmacies, stores, and resorts where mineral waters of this type are not available.

The therapeutic effect of drinking mineral waters is manifested by the activity of their ionic composition or by the action of specific biologically active microcomponents. When using them, it is very important to know their acidity (pH). This indicator is taken into account when treating a specific patient.

Balneological waters (M > 10.1 g/l) are divided into:

Ø highly mineralized, M = 10.1-35 g/l;

Ø brine, M = 35.1-150 g/l;

Ø strong brines, M > 150 g/l;

Ø very strong brines, M > 600 g/l (they are usually diluted with fresh water until normal mineralization).

Balneotherapy. When taking baths, the human body is affected by the chemical composition of the water, its temperature, and the mechanical factor - hydrostatic water pressure, which can be enhanced by hydromassage (underwater shower-massage, vibration units and cascades in swimming pools).

Therapeutic baths are prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, musculoskeletal system, endocrine system, skin, gynecological, etc.

The temperature of the water is important for the preservation of gases dissolved in it (the higher the temperature, the faster gases evaporate). Based on temperature, natural mineral waters are divided into:

Ø cold, t< 20 о C;

Ø warm, t = 21-36 o C;

Ø hot (thermal), t = 37-42 o C;

Ø very hot (high thermal), t > 42 o C.

In nature, there are outlets of high-thermal waters, the temperature of which reaches more than 90 o C. In sanatorium practice, when releasing baths, a temperature of no higher than 38 o C is allowed.

It is very dangerous to self-medicate in sources of high-thermal mineral waters. Uncontrolled use can cause serious illness.

The characteristics of the most common mineral waters are given in table. 1.

Table 1.

Main types of mineral waters

Water type Distribution and famous resorts Action Indications
Sodium chloride brines Leningrad region. (Sestroretsk), Novgorod region. (Staraya Russa), Pskov region. (Khilov), Tver region. (Kashin), Moscow region. (Dorokhovo). Normalization of metabolism and activity of the central nervous system. Diseases of the joints, gastrointestinal tract, osteochondrosis, chronic venous insufficiency.
Sulfide* Black Sea coast Caucasus (Sochi), North. Caucasus (Goryachiy Klyuch, Sernovodsk Caucasian), Middle Volga region (Sergievskie Min. Waters), Baltic states (Kemeri), Cis-Urals (Ust-Kachka), Sea of ​​Azov (Yeysk). Normalization of the activity of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system**, the cardiovascular system (due to the expansion of capillaries), metabolism (activation of oxidative processes). Diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis), radiculitis, trauma, skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis).
Carbon dioxide North Caucasus (Kislovodsk), Armenia (Arzni, Hankavan), Baikal region (Arshan, Darasun), Far East(Shmakovka). Normalization of the activity of the cardiovascular system. Diseases: ischemic disease, hypertension and hypotension, rheumatism.
Iodine-bromine Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (Sochi-Kudepsta), North. Caucasus (Nalchik), Azov coast (Yeysk), Cis-Ural region (Ust-Kachka), middle Asia(Chartag), Moldova (Cahul). Normalization of the activity of the nervous system and thyroid gland; increased oxygen metabolism; milder effect on the cardiovascular system (beneficial for older people) compared to sulfide waters. Diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, gynecological, thyroid glands ( Graves' disease), metabolic disorders.
Radon They are distributed locally in places where the crystalline basement is fractured. Radon gas emerges from the bowels of the earth through fault cracks, passing through groundwater and enriching it. Radon has a short half-life, so radon water cannot be transported. Distribution: Kola Peninsula and Karelia (no resorts), Northern. Caucasus (Pyatigorsk), Transcaucasia (Tskhaltubo), Altai (Belokurikha), Donetsk region. (Khmelnik), Kyrgyzstan (Jety-Oguz). The radioactive radiation of radon and its decay products has an analgesic effect, normalizes the functions of the endocrine system (endocrine glands), and does not put heavy strain on the heart. Joint diseases, hypertension, ischemia, neurosis with cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the thyroid gland.
Nitrogen-siliceous thermal In mountainous areas where active mining processes (young mountains) are taking place: the Caucasus (Goryachiy Klyuch, Isti-Su), southern Siberia (Kuldur, Goryachinsk), Kamchatka (Nachiki), Sr. Asia (Jalal-Abad, Obi-Garm, Khaja-Obi-Garm, Arasan-Kapal, Alma-Arasan). Low mineralized. Normalization of central nervous system activity; anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiallergic effects. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, gynecological, respiratory organs.
Arsenic Slightly distributed: Caucasus (Sochi-Chvizhepse), Sakhalin (Sinegorsk Mining Waters), Carpathians (Mountain Tissa). The trace element arsenic activates metabolic processes. Diseases: ischemia, gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Fresh organocontaining (such as “naftusya”) Found in Russia in the Volga region (resort Undory, Chuvashia), in Komi, in Central region and in the Baikal region Normalize the activity of the kidneys and urinary tract. Kidney stones and urolithiasis.

An excellent healthy liquid containing many necessary for a person mineral elements, macro and micro compounds, easily absorbed by the body, all this is mineral water, about the benefits and harm, which will be our article.

Composition of mineral water

For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs to maintain daily water balance, helping to improve metabolic processes in cells. It is worth noting that according to chemical composition Mineral waters are divided into the following types:
  • Hydrocarbonate or alkaline water is necessary for those who are actively involved in sports, as it has a positive effect on the body during intense muscle work, helping to restore the reserve alkalinity of the blood. Reduces the acidity of gastric juice, recommended for heartburn.

This mineral water is useful for diabetics and those who suffer urolithiasis, gout, used for infectious diseases. At the same time, this mineral water is harmful for gastritis, since when broken down, carbon dioxide bicarbonate increases the secretion of gastric juice;

  • Sulfate mineral water is suitable for those who have liver and gallbladder diseases, those who suffer from obesity and diabetes. It helps rid the body of waste and toxins due to its mild laxative effect.
  • Chloride mineral water improves the activity of the intestines, liver, and bile ducts. This liquid is contraindicated for those with high blood pressure.
  • Magnesium, sodium, calcium mineral waters have a positive effect on humans in the case of stressful situations, and are prohibited for those who are prone to frequent stomach upsets.

Mineral waters are divided into:

  • hydrogen sulfide,
  • carbon dioxide,
  • siliceous,
  • nitrogen,
  • iodide,
  • bromide,
  • arsenic,
  • radioactive,
  • glandular and others.

At the same time, the main chemical composition of mineral waters is characterized by the salts dissolved in it. The main salts are calcium, sodium, magnesium, sulfate, chlorine, and bicarbonate. In general, mineral water contains in small quantities almost the entire periodic table.

The healing properties of water are manifested through the interaction of carbon dioxide with carbon dioxide. It is the presence of chemical elements, organic substances and gases that form the healing effects of mineral water.

Classification of mineral waters

Taking into account the degree of mineralization, gas composition, ionic composition, alkalinity, radioactivity and temperature, mineral waters are classified as follows.

Mineral waters for drinking are divided into:

  • Canteens - improves digestion and does not have a healing effect; you are allowed to drink in unlimited quantities. It has no foreign odors and is used as a base for many soft drinks. At the same time, cooking with table water is not recommended, since mineral salts tend to precipitate when boiled or form compounds that are not absorbed by the body;
  • Medicinal table water – has a healing effect when used correctly. If you drink mineral water without restrictions, a salt imbalance will occur in the body;
  • Medicinal mineral waters - used for internal therapeutic effects and for external use (health baths, showers, bathing, inhalations). The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to a well-chosen type of water and also its correct dosage, nutrition and temperature. Therefore, health procedures using medicinal mineral water should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or on his recommendation.

The benefits of mineral water

According to doctors, the most famous chemical elements mineral waters include bromine, iron, iodine, silicon and arsenic. Thus, each type of mineral water is useful for a particular disease, so it is necessary to drink water as prescribed by doctors and only after examination.

When drinking mineral water, you should consider individual characteristics your body and the type of water. If there is reduced gastric secretion, you should drink mineral water half an hour before meals. If secretion is normal - an hour before meals, and if secretion is increased - 1.5 hours before meals.

If you drink, then its mineralization should be one gram per liter of water, while an important condition are intense physical activity and excellent sweating, otherwise if the outflow of fluid is poor in the future it will provoke the formation of stones in gallbladder and kidneys.

We can talk for a long time about the benefits of mineral water. Thus, waters containing bicarbonate ions have a good effect on the stomach and intestines. Mineral water is effective for colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers and diabetes. Ferrous waters heal circulatory system, thanks to the creation of red blood cells and an increase in hemoglobin in the blood. Excellent help with anemia.

Iodized mineral waters activate metabolic processes and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the thyroid gland. Waters containing flint relieve inflammation and relieve tension, especially useful for older people suffering from problems in the gastrointestinal system.

Waters containing potassium improve the functioning of the heart and kidneys. While calcium waters have a strengthening effect on bones, teeth, and muscles, they also have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improve blood clotting, and establish the balance of ions in the body. Magnesium is responsible for controlling carbohydrate and energy metabolism and improves the functioning of the nervous system.

When taking mineral water baths, patients experience both internal and external beneficial effects. Increases immunity, improves general health body.

Hydrogen sulfide or sulfide baths have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, heal wounds well, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and can also resolve and reduce pain. They are usually recommended for skin diseases, in case of problems in nervous system, cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal disorders.

If we talk about radioactive mineral baths, here they have a healing effect on dermatosis, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

Harm of mineral water

When purchasing an ordinary mineral water containing carbon dioxide in a store, it is worth remembering that the gas itself does not cause any harm, but in combination with water, it causes the stomach to actively stimulate gastric secretion, causing bloating, increased gas formation and high level acidity. Therefore, those who suffer from ulcers, gastritis with a high level of acidity, or are predisposed to flatulence should not drink carbonated mineral water.

Doctors recommend not to self-medicate, since without undergoing examination, a person can harm other organs, that is, mineral water can be strictly contraindicated in the presence of certain diseases. When you want to drink constantly, it is better to diversify your liquids.

At the same time, it is not advisable to drink mineral water every day; it is better to use it when there is good physical activity. It is important to carefully study the labels; try to give preference to high-quality mineral water. Mineral water, like any other product, can lead to an overdose, so it is important to follow its correct use and dosage.

Mineral water with radioactive substances radon and hydrogen sulfide should be used carefully, they can provoke side effects. It is better to treat with mineral water in courses and under the supervision of a doctor, since today no one guarantees the quality of bottled mineral water.

Drinking mineral water every day can cause an overdose of salts in the body, which will subsequently lead to the formation of stones in the bile and urinary systems, as well as the appearance of gout, and the deposition of salts in all joints.

Mineral water is harmful as a hangover cure. Wash it down alcoholic drinks also not worth it. Mixing alcohol with carbon dioxide and salts can provoke serious disturbances in metabolic processes in the body.

It is worth remembering that carbon dioxide can irritate the walls of the stomach and, with regular use, form erosions and ulcers. At the same time, the secretion of the stomach increases, which stretches and gas causes belching. Thus, a small amount of gas enters the esophagus and, together with a small amount of stomach acid, forms heartburn.

Drinking mineral water when low temperatures It is not recommended, since high levels of carbon dioxide cause gas formation, once in the acidic and warm environment of the stomach, which can subsequently cause rupture of the esophagus and the formation of ulcers.


The only thing where experts agree is the use of mineral water directly from the source itself. You should not experiment with your health, observe moderation in everything. We hope that after reading this article, the secrets of the benefits or harms of mineral water will no longer be secrets for you.

Mineral water intended for use for medicinal purposes. According to GOST R 54316-2011, water with a mineralization of more than 10 g/l or with less mineralization if it contains biologically active components, the mass concentration of which is not less than those given below in the table of balneological standards that have an effect on the human body, established in the balneological conclusion, is considered medicinal.

Regardless of the degree of mineralization, medicinal mineral waters include mineral waters containing biologically active components (see table below).

Examples of medicinal waters are the following:

  • “Essentuki No. 17”, “Nagutskaya No. 17”, Caucasian Mineral Waters (group XXVa according to GOST R 54316-2011, chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium, boron mineral waters). Mineralization - 10.0–14.0 g/l.

  • “Lysogorskaya”, Stavropol Territory (group XIX according to GOST R 54316-2011, chloride-sulfate magnesium-sodium mineral waters). Mineralization - 13.0–19.0 ​​g/l.

  • "Lower Karmadon", North Ossetia(group XXVIIIb, hydrocarbonate-chloride, sodium, boron mineral waters). Contains a biologically active component - boron, in terms of orthoboric acid - 80–200 g/l.

  • Magnesium-sodium-hydrocarbonate-sulfate mineral water from Slovenia “Donat Mg” sold in Russia, having a total mineralization of 13.0–13.3 g/l.

  • Water of Hungarian origin “Hunyadi Janos” with very high mineralization: 31-38 g/l.
Mineral waters that are not medicinal
Mineral waters with mineralization less than 1 g/l are classified as table waters. Table waters can be recommended for regular drinking over a long period of time. Mineral waters with mineralization from 1 to 10 g/l or in the presence of certain biologically active components are classified as medicinal table mineral waters, the ingestion of which is possible both to quench thirst and for medicinal purposes.
Medical use of mineral waters
Mineral waters are indicated for:
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis
  • chronic gastritis with normal, low and high acidity
  • stomach and/or duodenal ulcers
(beyond the acute stage), as well as for other diseases (see. List of medical indications for the use of mineral waters). For each type of mineral water, GOST R 54316-2011 establishes a list medical indications, which is an excerpt from the mentioned List.

It is known that mineral water drunk before meals is more effective than the same water drunk after meals. This is explained by the fact that in an empty stomach and intestines it washes the mucous membrane, cleanses it of inflammatory elements, acts on receptors and endocrine cells, and is absorbed faster and better. Water taken during meals is mixed with food and has a lesser effect on the mucous membrane. Drinking mineral water an hour after eating, when food has mostly been evacuated from the stomach, that is, during the refractory period, also has a significantly smaller effect compared to drinking water on an empty stomach. Thus, the degree of exposure to mineral water can be reduced by using it after meals, which is used by experienced health resort doctors in patients who do not tolerate drinking water on an empty stomach. Such patients are prescribed mineral water about an hour after meals at the height of pain and dyspeptic symptoms.

For patients in the phase of a fading exacerbation of the disease, drinking treatment can be prescribed according to the following method: 100 ml 20–30 minutes before meals, then 50–100 ml every 30–40 minutes in between meals. Thus, a constant reduction in the acidity of gastric juice is achieved with 5-6 meals a day.

When selecting mineral water, you must remember next rule: the more active the inflammatory process in any organ of the gastrointestinal tract, the lower the dose and mineralization of water should be. In some patients, on the 11th–15th day of treatment, a so-called balneological reaction develops, that is, increased pain and dyspeptic symptoms. Reducing the dose of mineral water or stopping it for 1–2 days helps to normalize the condition of patients.

Often, at the end of the course of drinking treatment, there is a discrepancy between obvious clinical improvement and increased acidity of gastric juice compared to the initial level. This is explained by the increased release of gastrin, which, on the one hand, stimulates the main glands of the stomach, on the other, improves the trophism of the gastric mucosa (Baranovsky A.Yu. et al.).

Before bottling, in order to preserve the chemical composition and medicinal properties, mineral water is usually carbonated with carbon dioxide. However, before using for medicinal purposes, bottled water most often needs to be degassed (without applying excessive heat, which can change the chemical composition of the water).

Professional medical publications addressing the use of medicinal mineral waters

  • Internal use of mineral waters / In the book. Dietetics: Guide / Ed. A.Yu. Baranovsky / A.Yu. Baranovsky, E.A. Kondrashina, L.Yu. Nazarenko and others - St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Peter, 2008.

  • Ponomarenko G.N., Fedyaeva S.I. Modern methods of studying the therapeutic effects of drinking mineral waters in patients with diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract and hepato-biliary-pancreatic system // Medical hydrology and rehabilitation. 2006. Volume 4. No. 3. P. 73.

  • (popular article for patients)
On the website in the literature catalog there is a section “Mineral waters (articles)”, containing publications addressing the use of mineral waters.

« Avadhara» - carbonic ferrous hydrocarbonate-sodium mineral water of the “Borjomi” type. Contains arsenic in an amount of 1.2 mg/l. Recommended for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and urinary tract. Can only be used as directed by a doctor. The source is located 16 km from the high mountain lake Ritsa in Abkhazia.

« Alma-Ata» - chloride-sulfate, sodium mineral medicinal water. Recommended for stomach and liver diseases. Can also be used as a dining room. The source is located on the bank of the river. Or, I am 165 km from Almaty (Ayak-Kalkan resort).

« Amurskaya» - carbonic ferrous bicarbonate-calcium magnesium-sodium water. It is similar to the Darasun water, widely known in Transbaikalia, but has a higher mineralization. Good for the treatment of chronic catarrh of the stomach and intestines, chronic inflammation of the bladder and renal pelvis. Source (Kisly Klyuch) - in the Amur region.

« Arzni» - medicinal and table carbonic chloride bicarbonate-sodium mineral water. It has a pleasant sour taste. Indicated in the treatment of the digestive organs, liver and urinary tract. Source in the resort of Arzni, in the gorge of the river. Hrazdan, 24 km from Yerevan (Armenia).

« Arshan» - carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-magnesium water of medium mineralization. A close analogue of the Kislovodsk “Narzan”. Can also be used as table water. The source is on the territory of the Arshan resort, 220 km from Irkutsk.

« Achaluki» - hydrocarbonate-sodium mineral water of slight mineralization with a high content of sulfates. The source is located in Srednie Achaluki, 45 km from Grozny (Checheno-Ingushetia). A pleasant, good thirst-quenching table drink.

« Badamyainskaya» - carbon dioxide bicarbonate sodium-calcium mineral water of low mineralization. The source is 2 km from the village. Badaml (Azerbaijan). It is famous as an excellent table drink, refreshing and thirst-quenching. This water is also used for catarrhal diseases of the stomach, intestines and urinary tract.

« Batalinskaya"- bitter, highly mineralized water with a high content of magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate, is known as a very effective laxative. Distinguished by its soft action and causes pain. Source - near the station. Inozemtsevo, 9 km from Pyatigorsk.

« Berezovskaya» - hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium-magnesium low-mineralized water with a high content of organic substances. Regulates gastrointestinal secretion and increases diuresis. Springs 25 km from Kharkov (Ukraine).

« Borjomi» - carbonic bicarbonate sodium alkaline mineral water. Doctors recommend it to people suffering from diseases of the stomach and duodenum, which are usually accompanied by high acidity and disorders of water-salt metabolism. "Borjomi" is prescribed pr; inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and gastric mucosa, congestion in the gallbladder and bile ducts.
“Borjomi” is a world-famous mineral water, it tastes very good and perfectly quenches thirst. Its source is located in Georgia, on the territory of the Borjomi resort.

« Bukovina» - ferrous sulfate calcium water of low mineralization. It is known in the western regions of Ukraine as a good remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and anemia. Can be used as table water.

« Burkut» - carbonic hydrocarbonate-chloride calcium-sodium mineral water. A pleasant table drink. It is also used for chronic catarrh of the stomach and intestines. The source is located in the Shtifulets gorge, in the Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine).

« Vytautas» - chloride-sulfate sodium-magnesium mineral water, the source of which is located on the banks of the Neman (Lithuania). Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract.

« Valmiera» - sodium-calcium chloride water comes from a deep well on the territory of the Valmiera meat processing plant (Latvia). Total mineralization 6.2. Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

« Hot key" - chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium mineral water of medium mineralization from source No. 58 of the Goryachiy Klyuch resort, located 65 km from Krasnodar. Its composition is close to Essentuki No. 4 water. It is very well known in Kuban as a good remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and as a table drink.

« Darasun» - carbonic ferrous hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium water with a high content of free carbon dioxide. Its source is located on the territory of one of the oldest resorts in Siberia, Darasun, in the Crimean district of the Chita region. Water “Darasun” (translated as “Red Water”) is close in composition to Kislovodsk “Narzan”, but differs almost from it complete absence sulfates and less mineralization. Widely known in Transbaikalia as an excellent refreshing table drink. It is also used for medicinal purposes for stomach catarrh, chronic colitis and cystitis, and phosphaturia.

« Jermuk» - carbon dioxide bicarbonate sulfate-sodium mineral water. Hot spring is located in the high mountain resort of Jermuk, 175 km from Yerevan (Armenia). It is a fairly close analogue of the famous waters of the Czechoslovak resort of Karlovy Vary, but differs from them in lower mineralization and higher calcium content. It is also close in composition to the waters “Slavyanovskaya” and “Smirnovskaya”.
Jermuk water is very effective remedy for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, bile and urinary tract. Can also be used as table mineral water.

« Dilijan"- carbon dioxide bicarbonate sodium mineral water, similar in chemical composition to Borjomi, but with lower mineralization. Used for diseases of the digestive and urinary tract. Indicated for catarrh of the stomach, mainly with high acidity.

« Dragovskaya" - carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium water of medium mineralization. The chemical composition is close to the mineral water "Essentuki No. 4". The source is located on the right bank of the Tereblya River in the Transcarpathian region (Ukraine). It is successfully used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, biliary tract, obesity, and mild forms of diabetes.

« Druskininkai» - sodium chloride mineral water. It is used for chronic catarrhs ​​of the stomach, mainly with low acidity, and catarrhs ​​of the intestines. The Spalis spring is located on the territory of the ancient resort of Druskininkai, 140 km from Vilnius (Lithuania).

« Essentuki" - the general name of a group of medicinal and table mineral waters, the numbering of which is carried out according to the sources of origin located in Stavropol region, at the Essentuki resort.

« Essentuki No. 4» - carbonic hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium medicinal water of medium mineralization. Recommended for diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder, and urinary tract. It has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, causing a shift in the acid-base balance to the alkaline side.

« Essentuki No. 17» - carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium water of high mineralization. It is used with great success for the same diseases as “Essentuki No. 4” (except for diseases of the urinary tract), and sometimes in combination with it.

« Essentuki No. 20» - table mineral water, belonging to the type of low-mineralized sulfate hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium waters. Bitter-salty taste, with a sourish aftertaste of carbon dioxide.

« Izhevskaya» - sulfate-chloride-sodium-calcium-magnesium mineral water. Recommended for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, as well as metabolic disorders. Can also be used as a table drink. The source is located 2 km from the Izhevsk Mineral Waters resort in the village of Izhevka (Tatarstan).

« Isti-Su» - carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium water medium-; ney mineralization with a high content of sulfates of the hot spring of the Isti-Su resort, located 25 km from the regional center of Kelbajari (Azerbaijan) at an altitude of 2225 m above sea level.

« Isti-Su"refers to terminal waters and is similar in its composition to the waters of the Karlovy Vary resort in Czechoslovakia. The healing properties of this water have been known since ancient times. Indications for the treatment of Isti-Su water are chronic catarrhs ​​and functional disorders of the stomach and intestines, chronic diseases of the liver, gall bladder, gout, obesity | mild forms of diabetes.

« Karmadon» - sodium chloride thermal mineral water with a high content of hydrocarbonates. It is classified as medicinal, but can also be used as a table drink. Indicated in the treatment of chronic catarrhs ​​of the stomach, mainly with low acidity, chronic: catarrhs ​​of the intestines. The source is located 35 km from Ordzhonikidze.

« Ķemeri» - chloride sodium-calcium-magnesium mineral water from a source located in the resort of Kemeri in Latvia. You are a very effective remedy in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

« Kyiv» - table mineral water of bicarbonate-calcium-magnesium type. Produced by the Kyiv Experimental Plant of Soft Drinks, where water treatment using a lonator with silver ions (0.2 mg/l) was introduced.

« Kishinevskaya"- low-mineralized sulfate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-sodium-calcium mineral water is a table drink that is refreshing and well quenches thirst.

« Korneshtskaya» - hydrocarbonate sodium mineral water of the Cornesht spring in Moldova. It belongs to the Borjomi type of water, but is less mineralized and does not contain free carbon dioxide. “Korneshtskaya” has proven itself in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders, as well as a good refreshing table drink.

« Krainka» - calcium sulfate mineral water with a high content of magnesium. It has been known for its healing properties since the last century. It is very effective in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, urinary tract and metabolic disorders. Can also be used as a table drink.

« Kuyalnik» - sodium chloride-bicarbonate water comes from a source located in the Kuyalnik resort in Odessa (Ukraine). It is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is a pleasant table drink that quenches thirst well.

« Lugela"- calcium chloride highly mineralized water is unique in its chemical composition. The source is located in the village of Mukhuri in Georgia. Due to the very high content of calcium chloride, it is used only as directed by a doctor. Indications for treatment: tuberculosis of the lungs and lymphatic glands, allergic diseases, inflammation of the kidneys with hematuria, as well as diseases for which calcium chloride is usually prescribed.

« Luzhanskaya» - carbonic hydrocarbonate sodium water of the “Borjomi” type. Contains such biological active substances as boron, fluorine, silicic acid, as well as free carbon dioxide. Has high medicinal properties, used for diseases of the digestive system and liver.
This mineral water has been known since the 15th century. It began to be bottled in 1872 - then it was called “Margit”. It is divided into No. 1 and No. 2 - slightly different in chemical composition. The source is located in the Svalyavsky district of the Transcarpathian region (Ukraine).

« Lysogorskaya"- sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium water of high mineralization, like Batalinskaya mineral water, is an effective laxative. The source is located 22 km from the resort of Pyatigorsk. The chemical composition is close to “Batalinskaya”, but differs from it in lower mineralization and a significantly higher content of chlorine ions.

« Mashuk No. 19» - chloride-hydrocarbonate-sulfate sodium-calcium thermal mineral water of medium mineralization. In composition, it is quite close to the water from the source of the Karlovy Vary resort in Czechoslovakia. The drilling site is located on Mount Mashuk in the Pyatigorsk resort. It is a good remedy for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as well as diseases of the digestive system.

« Mirgorodskaya"- sodium chloride water of low mineralization. It has valuable healing properties: it helps increase the secretion and acidity of gastric juice, stimulates intestinal activity, improves metabolism. Can also be used as a table drink; it quenches thirst well.

« Nabeglavi» - carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate sodium mineral type famous water"Borjomi". The source is located on the territory of the Nabeglavi resort. Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

« Narzan» - carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-magnesium mineral water, which has won world fame An excellent refreshing table drink. It quenches thirst well and promotes good appetite.
Can be used to treat a number of diseases. Being well saturated with carbon dioxide, Narzan enhances secretory activity digestive glands. The significant content of calcium bicarbonate makes this water a drink with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. "Narzan" has a beneficial effect on the activity of the urinary tract. The springs are located in Kislovodsk.

« Nafshusya» - hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium medicinal water. Nez menima for urological diseases. Produced under the name “Truskavetskaya” (“Naftusya No. 2”). It contains significantly less organic substances than the water of the main source “Naftusya”, located in the resort of Truskavets, Lviv region (Ukraine).

« Obolonskaya» - chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium-magnesium table water. A good refreshing drink bottled in Kyiv at the Obolon brewery.

« Polyustrovskaya"- ferrous, low-mineralized water, lime since 1718. Due to its high iron content, it is used for anemia, blood loss, loss of strength. Taking this water helps to increase the content of hemoglobin in the blood. It is also used as a table drink, a good thirst quencher. The source is located near St. -Petersburg.

« Polyana Kvasova» - carbonated sodium bicarbonate mineral water with a significant content of carbon dioxide. Borjomi is superior in mineralization and hydrocarbonate content. It is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, and urinary tract. The source is located in the Transcarpathian region (Ukraine).

« Sairme» - carbonic ferrous hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium mineral water. It is recommended for the treatment of chronic catarrhs, mainly with high acidity, for obesity, mild forms of diabetes, chronic catarrhs ​​and functional disorders intestines, for diseases of the urinary tract. It is also a pleasant table drink. The source is located in Georgia, on the territory of the Sairme resort.

« Svalyava» - carbonated sodium bicarbonate water, known since ancient times. Since 1800, “Svalyava” has been exported to Vienna and Paris as an exquisite table drink. Among the biologically active components it contains boron. The source is located on the right bank of the Latoritsa River in the village. Svalyava, Transcarpathian region (Ukraine).

« Sergeevna No. 2" - chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium water, the chemical composition resembles the well-known mineral waters "Arzni", "Dzau-Suar", "Kuyalnik No. 4", "Hot Key". Recommended for peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis.

« Sirabskaya» - sodium carbonate hydrocarbonate water of medium mineralization.
Close in composition to Borjomi. It is popular as an effective remedy in the treatment of a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. Its sources are located 3 km from Nakhichevan, on the Araks (Azerbaijan).

« Slavyanovskaya» - carbon dioxide bicarbonate-sulfate sodium-calcium water of low mineralization. Its temperature when reaching the surface is 38-39°C. It is very effective in the treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

« Smirnovskaya“In terms of chemical composition and mineralization, it is close to the water of the Slavyanovsky spring. More different from her high temperature(55°C) and a higher content of natural carbon dioxide. Indications for treatment with Smirnovskaya mineral water are the same as for Slavyanovskaya. Both can be used as a table drink.

« Feodosia» - sodium sulfate-chloride water. The source is located 2 km from Feodosia - on Bald Mountain. It is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. When drinking this water, intestinal function is regulated; in obese people suffering from metabolic disorders, weight may decrease under the influence of this water.

« Kharkovskaya" is the name under which two types of mineral waters are produced from sources near Kharkov (Ukraine).

« Kharkovskaya No. 1"- hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium low-mineralized water is similar to Berezovskaya water, used as a table drink, as well as in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and metabolism.

« Kharkovskaya No. 2» - sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium-magnesium low-mineralized water. This water is a pleasant table drink, refreshing and thirst-quenching. It is used for the same diseases as Kharkovskaya No. 1 water.

« Kherson» - ferrous low-mineralized chloride-sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium-magnesium water. Basically, this is table water, which tastes good and quenches thirst well. How glandular can be useful for different forms anemia and general loss of strength.