The collision of individuals in the process of their interaction in conflictology is defined as interpersonal conflict. There are a number of reasons that lead to these contradictions between people: socio-psychological, personal and psychological. A prerequisite for their occurrence is any conflict situation.

In ordinary terms, any conflict carries an exclusively negative meaning, but this is a delusion. Emerging contradictions contribute to the development of man as an individual, as well as society as a whole. They unite like-minded people, help set priorities, and lead to new contacts with other people and groups. These are the positives that can be taken from the current situation.
They arise in all spheres of human life and activity (professional, family, household, etc.).

Let's look at some examples of interpersonal conflicts:

Conflict often occurs in the workplace between manager and subordinate or between two workers. Most often this happens when there are disagreements in the organization of the work process. For example, one employee did not complete part of the work that affects the success of the entire common business. In this case, the conflict situation will most likely affect not only the manager, but also the colleagues of the negligent employee. Sometimes a new employee does not accept the norms and principles of the existing team. In this case, there is also a high probability of conflict developing.

Interpersonal conflicts may arise at work when there is a change of leadership. They often arise due to a change in the style and method of managing a team. The “old” boss was more loyal in his demands, while the “new” boss was an adherent of a more authoritarian style. This disrupts the established relationship between employees and the manager. If you do not accept the new conditions dictated by your superiors, a conflict situation will certainly arise.

An example of interpersonal conflict is all kinds of marital strife. They can arise for any reason: how to spend a vacation, what TV to buy, what to cook for dinner, etc.

Conflicts are common in everyday life between representatives of different age generations. Each opponent staunchly defends his position (what music to listen to, how to dress, who to be friends with, etc.). These interpersonal conflicts are widely covered in world literature and are known as “father-son conflicts.”

An example of interpersonal conflict You can always find them, for example, on public transport. Someone stepped on his foot with a heel, someone leaned a bag on his head. Often in this case people become irritated and conflict.
Interpersonal conflicts arise constantly, but we should not forget that they also have positive functions.

Unfortunately, people are not always able to resolve all disputes and misunderstandings peacefully. Very often, interpersonal conflict arises completely out of nowhere. What is the reason and why does this happen? What are the ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts? Is it possible to avoid them and live your whole life without conflict with anyone?

What is conflict?

Conflict is one of the ways to resolve problems and contradictions that arise as a result of interaction between individuals or groups of people. At the same time, he is accompanied negative emotions and behavior that goes beyond the norms accepted in society.

During a conflict, each side takes and defends an opposing position towards each other. None of the opponents wants to understand and accept the opponent’s opinion. The conflicting parties can be not only individuals, but also public groups and states.

Interpersonal conflict and its features

If the interests and goals of two or more people in a particular case diverge, and each side tries to resolve the dispute in its own favor, interpersonal conflict arises. An example of such a situation is a quarrel between husband and wife, child and parent, subordinate and boss. This one is the most common and most frequently occurring.

Interpersonal conflict can occur both between people who know each other well and constantly communicate, and between those who see each other for the first time. In this case, the relationship is clarified by the opponents face to face, through a personal dispute or discussion.

Stages of interpersonal conflict

A conflict is not just a dispute between two participants that arises spontaneously and unexpectedly. This is a process consisting of several stages, gradually developing and gaining strength. The causes of interpersonal conflicts can sometimes accumulate quite long time before they erupt into open confrontation.

At the first stage, the conflict is hidden. At this time, conflicting interests and views are just maturing and forming. At the same time, both parties to the conflict believe that their problem can be solved through negotiations and discussions.

At the second stage of the conflict, the parties realize that it will not be possible to overcome their differences peacefully. So-called tension arises, which increases and gains power.

The third stage is characterized by the beginning of active actions: disputes, threats, insults, dissemination of negative information about the enemy, search for allies and like-minded people. At the same time, mutual hostility, hatred, and bitterness accumulate between the participants.

The fourth stage is the process of resolving interpersonal conflicts. It may end in reconciliation between the parties or a break in relations.

Types of interpersonal conflicts

There are many classifications of interpersonal conflicts. They are divided according to severity, duration, scale, form of manifestation, and expected consequences. Most often, types of interpersonal conflicts differ according to the reasons for their occurrence.

The most common is a conflict of interest. It occurs when people have opposing plans, goals, and intentions. An example is the following situation: two friends cannot agree on how to spend their time. The first one wants to go to the cinema, the second one just wants to take a walk. If neither of them wants to make concessions to the other, and an agreement cannot be reached, a conflict of interest may arise.

The second type is value conflicts. They can arise in cases where participants have different moral, ideological, and religious ideas. A striking example of this type of confrontation is the conflict of generations.

Role conflicts are the third type of interpersonal confrontation. In this case, the cause is violations of habitual norms of behavior and rules. Such conflicts can occur, for example, in an organization when a new employee refuses to accept the rules established by the team.

Causes of interpersonal conflicts

Among the reasons that provoke conflicts, the first place stands. This could be, for example, one TV or computer for the whole family, a certain amount of money for bonuses that needs to be divided among all employees of the department. In this case, one person can achieve his goal only by infringing on another.

The second reason for the development of conflicts is interdependence. This may be a connection of tasks, authorities, responsibilities and other resources. Thus, in an organization, project participants may begin to blame each other if for some reason it was not possible to implement it.

Conflicts can be provoked by differences between people in goals, views, ideas about certain things, and manners of behavior and communication. In addition, the cause of confrontation can be a person’s personal characteristics.

Interpersonal conflicts in the organization

Almost all people spend most of their time at work. During the performance of duties, disputes and contradictions often arise between employees. Conflicts in interpersonal relationships problems that occur in organizations very often slow down the company’s activities and worsen the overall result.

Conflicts in organizations can occur both between employees occupying the same position and between subordinates and superiors. The reasons for the emergence of contradictions may be different. This includes shifting responsibilities to each other, and a feeling of unfair treatment from management, and the dependence of employees’ results on each other.

Conflict in an organization can be provoked not only by disagreements about work issues, but also by problems in communication between colleagues. Most often, confrontation can be resolved by employees themselves through negotiations. Sometimes the management of interpersonal conflicts is taken over by the head of the organization, he finds out the reasons and tries to resolve the problems that have arisen. It happens that the matter may end with the dismissal of one of the conflicting parties.

Interpersonal conflicts between spouses

Family life involves constant resolution of all sorts of everyday problems. Very often, spouses cannot find agreement on certain issues, resulting in interpersonal conflict. An example of this: the husband returned from work too late, the wife did not have time to cook dinner, the husband scattered dirty socks around the apartment.

Material problems significantly aggravate conflicts. Many domestic quarrels could be avoided if every family had enough resources. The husband doesn’t want to help his wife wash the dishes - let’s buy a dishwasher, there is an argument over what channel we will watch - no problem, let’s get another TV. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this.

Each family chooses its own strategy for resolving interpersonal conflicts. Some people quickly give in and seek reconciliation; others can live in a state of quarrel for a long time and not talk to each other. It is very important that discontent does not accumulate, that spouses find a compromise, and that all problems are resolved as quickly as possible.

Interpersonal conflicts between people of different generations

The conflict between “fathers and sons” can be viewed in a broad and in the narrow sense. In the first case, it occurs within an individual family, while in the second it is projected onto the entire society as a whole. This problem has existed at all times; it is not new to our century.

Generational conflict occurs due to differences in views, worldviews, norms and values ​​of young people and people older mature age. However, this difference does not necessarily provoke conflict. The reason for the struggle between generations is the unwillingness to understand and respect each other's interests.

The main features of interpersonal conflicts between generations are that they are much longer in nature and do not develop in certain stages. They may periodically subside and flare up again with renewed vigor in the event of a sharp infringement of the interests of the parties.

To ensure that your family is not affected by generational conflict, you must constantly show respect and patience to each other. Old people should often remember that they were once young and did not want to listen to advice, and young people should not forget that after many years they will also become elderly.

Is it possible to live your whole life without conflict with anyone?

Few people like constant swearing and quarrels. Many people would dream of living without ever having conflict with anyone. However, in our society this is this moment impossible.

Beginning with early childhood a person conflicts with others. For example, the kids did not share the toys, the child does not obey the parents. IN adolescence very often the conflict of generations comes first.

Throughout our lives, we have to periodically defend our interests and prove that we are right. At the same time, it is impossible to do without conflicts. All we can do is reduce the number of conflicts to a minimum, try not to succumb to provocations and avoid quarrels without good reason.

Rules of behavior in a conflict situation

When a conflict arises, both participants want to resolve it as quickly as possible, while achieving their goals and getting what they want. How should you behave in this situation in order to come out of it with dignity?

First, you need to learn to separate your attitude towards the person with whom you have a disagreement from the problem itself that needs to be solved. Don’t start insulting your opponent or getting personal, try to behave with restraint and calm. Give reasons for all your arguments, try to put yourself in your opponent’s place and invite him to take your place.

If you notice that you are starting to lose your temper, invite your interlocutor to take a break to calm down and cool down a little, and then continue to sort things out. To solve a problem as quickly as possible, you need to see a specific goal and focus on ways to achieve it. It is important to remember that in any conflict situation it is necessary, first of all, to maintain relations with the opponent.

Ways to get out of a conflict situation

The best way out is for the warring parties to find a compromise. In this case, the parties make a decision that suits all parties to the dispute. There are no remaining agreements or misunderstandings between the conflicting parties.

However, not in all cases it is possible to reach a compromise. Very often the outcome of a conflict is coercion. This option for resolving the conflict is most typical if one of the participants occupies a dominant position. For example, a leader forces a subordinate to do as he pleases, or a parent tells his child to do as he sees fit.

To prevent the conflict from gaining momentum, you can try to smooth it out. In this case, the person who is accused of something agrees with the reproaches and claims, and tries to explain the reason for his actions and actions. Using this method of getting out of a dispute does not mean that the essence of the conflict is understood and the mistakes are realized. It’s just that at the moment the accused does not want to enter into conflict.

Admitting your mistakes and repenting for what you have done is another way to resolve interpersonal conflict. An example of such a situation: a child regrets that he did not prepare his homework and received a bad grade, and promises his parents to continue to do his homework.

How to prevent interpersonal conflicts

Every person should always remember that it is better to prevent absolutely any dispute than to later deal with its consequences and repair damaged relationships. What is the prevention of interpersonal conflicts?

First, you need to limit your communication as much as possible with potentially arrogant, aggressive, secretive individuals. If it is not possible to completely stop communicating with such people, try to ignore their provocations and always remain calm.

To prevent conflict situations, you need to learn to negotiate with your interlocutor, try to find an approach to any person, treat your opponent with respect and clearly formulate your positions.

In what situations should you not conflict?

Before entering into conflict, you need to think carefully about whether you really need it. Very often people start to sort things out in cases where it makes no sense at all.

If your interests are not directly affected, and during the dispute you will not achieve your goals, most likely there is no point in entering into an interpersonal conflict. Example similar situation: On a bus, the conductor starts arguing with a passenger. Even if you support the position of one of the disputants, you should not get involved in their conflict without a good reason.

If you see that your opponent’s level is radically different from yours, there is no point in entering into an argument or discussion with such people. You will never prove to a stupid person that you are right.

Before getting involved in a conflict, you need to evaluate the pros and cons, think about what consequences it could lead to, how your relationship with your opponent will change, and whether you want this, how likely it is that during the dispute you will be able to achieve your goals. You also need to pay great attention to your emotions at the moment of threat of a quarrel. It may be worth using tactics to avoid the conflict, cool down a little and think carefully about the current situation.

There are five main interpersonal styles of conflict resolution:

Evasion. This style is characterized by implying that a person is trying to escape conflict. One of the ways to resolve a conflict is not to get into situations that provoke the emergence of contradictions, not to enter into a discussion of issues that are fraught with disagreement. Then you won’t have to get into an excited state, even if you are trying to solve a problem.

Smoothing. This style is characterized by behavior that is dictated by the belief that there is no point in getting angry because “we are all one happy team and we should not rock the boat.” The “smoother” tries not to let out signs of conflict and bitterness, appealing to the need for solidarity. Unfortunately, they completely forget about the problem underlying the conflict. You can extinguish the desire for conflict in another person by repeating: “This has no of great importance. Think about the good that has manifested itself here today.” The result may be peace, harmony and warmth, but the problem will remain. There is no longer any possibility of expressing emotions, but they live inside and accumulate. General anxiety becomes apparent, and the likelihood that an explosion will eventually occur increases.

Compulsion. Within this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost prevail. The one who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others. A person using this style tends to be aggressive and usually uses power through coercion to influence others. The conflict can be taken under control by showing that you have the strongest power, suppressing your opponent, wresting a concession from him by right of superior. This coercive style can be effective in situations where the leader has significant power over subordinates.

The disadvantage of this style is that... that it suppresses the initiative of subordinates, creates a high probability that not all important factors will be taken into account, since only one point of view is presented. It can cause resentment, especially among younger and more educated staff.

Compromise. This style is characterized by accepting the other party's point of view, but only to some extent. The ability to compromise is highly valued in management situations, as it minimizes ill will and often allows conflict to be resolved quickly to the satisfaction of both parties. However, using a compromise at an early stage of a conflict that has arisen over an important decision can prevent the diagnosis of the problem and reduce the time it takes to find an alternative. Such a compromise means agreeing only to avoid a quarrel, even if this involves a failure to act prudently. This trade-off is one of being satisfied with what is available rather than persistently seeking what is logical in light of the available facts and data.

Solution to the problem. This style- recognition of differences of opinion and a willingness to engage with other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action acceptable to all parties. Anyone who uses this style does not try to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather seeks best option resolving a conflict situation. Differences in views are seen as an inevitable result of the fact that smart people have their own ideas about what is right and what is wrong. Emotions can only be eliminated through direct dialogues with a person different from your gaze.

Deep analysis and resolution of conflict is possible, only this requires maturity and the art of working with people... Such constructiveness in resolving conflict (by solving the problem) helps to create an atmosphere of sincerity, so necessary for the success of the individual and the company as a whole.

It is known from research that high-performing companies used a problem-solving style more than low-performing companies in conflict situations. In these high-performing organizations, leaders openly discussed their differences of opinion, without emphasizing the differences, but without pretending that they did not exist.

Some suggestions for using this style of conflict resolution:

2. Once the problem is identified, identify solutions that are acceptable to both parties.

3. Focus on the issue, not the other party's personal qualities.

4. Create an atmosphere of trust by increasing mutual influence and information exchange.

5. During communication, create a positive attitude towards each other by showing sympathy and listening to the other party's opinion, and minimizing the expression of anger and threats.

Example of a conflict situation

The staff includes both men and women, different ages. At the next meeting of the establishment's managers, it was decided to hire a second administrator of the hall into its staff. During the meeting, the current administrator was absent for some reason and was not aware of this decision. The next day, management began selection for new position, and reported this to the administrator. The latter's reaction was to act out a quarrel with the manager. His opinion contradicted the management's opinion about the need for a second vacant position.

The conflict has gone new round; Our staff began to complain about the unpleasant psychological atmosphere at work.

As a result of misunderstanding and conflict, the administrator resigned. Leaving behind the last word in the biased attitude of management towards him.

Let's start with:

The basis or basis for the above proposed conflict was that the management of the establishment was clearly not satisfied with the work of the existing administrator of the hall, and the current situation provoked a conflict that had previously been brewing between them.

The object of the conflict is the opinion of the administrator’s personal superiority and authority among the staff.

The subject of this conflict is the impossibility of reconciliation, since the conflict was already mature.

The parties to the conflict are management and subordinates.

The social position of the subjects is different social position.

The environment - a cafe, an entertainment establishment, a friendly staff, however, of course, there is also responsible work with staff, which requires high professionalism and qualifications.

A conflict incident is when the conflict becomes visible to the entire team.

The outcome of a conflict situation is the departure of the dissenting party and accusations of incompetence on the management.

In my opinion, in this situation it would be perfect better strategy cooperation aimed at constructive resolution of the conflict, that is, working with the problem, not the conflict. Employees should, firstly, recognize the conflict (emphasizing the common basis for interaction, which can be even one desire to find a way out of the current situation together), and secondly, putting aside emotions, openly discuss their interests and positions on this issue, and thirdly, find a joint solution to the problem and alternative paths way out of the conflict, transferring it into a peaceful, constructive channel.

Conclusion: I think the solution to the existing conflict is real, because At the initial stage of the conflict, management should have settled relations with the administrator. But since it missed this situation, a serious conflict occurred that affected everyone around.

Conflict is a contradiction of interests of several people, which is associated with negative emotional experiences. The subjects of interaction have different goals, interests, points of view, and understanding of how to achieve what they need. Conflicts are inevitable, they do not appear out of nowhere and are present where there is vital activity. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of how to prevent adverse consequences, how to behave during conflicts, and how to resolve clashes between conflicting persons.

Intrapersonal Conflict

This is a conflict between “want” and “need”. Members of the conflict - psychological circumstances inner world individual, which often seem contradictory: requirements, values, feelings.

Conflicts that relate to activities in the company may acquire various forms. The most famous is role conflict, when all sorts of roles of a private person express claims against him.

For example, being great family man, the individual is obliged to spend interesting time in the evening with his wife and children, and the position of the director forces him to stay for more work. Or the plant manager told the specialist to make a specific number of elements, and the technical manager at the same moment told him to inspect the industrial equipment.

First of all, this is a discrepancy between personal requirements and orders of the company, as well as non-compliance with the rule of unity of command.

Such disagreements arise in companies due to overload or, conversely, lack of work when there is a need to stay at the place of work.

Specific signs of all intrapersonal conflicts are identified:

  • Certainly associated with negative reactions;
  • “Participants” of disagreement – ​​a clash of different interests, goals, intentions;
  • Appear when any factors act equally on an individual;
  • Their occurrence is directly related to the interaction of all elements of a person’s inner worldview.

Interpersonal Conflict

This type of conflict is popular. In companies it will manifest itself in all sorts of ways. Most bosses think that the only justification is the dissimilarity of characters, and in some ways they are right. Undoubtedly, there are people who find it difficult to get along with others because of differences in character, behavior style, and points of view.

However, thorough research demonstrates that the rationale for such conflicts is unbiased motives. For the most part, this is a competition for narrow prospects: monetary income, industrial space, the duration of use of technical equipment. After all, everyone needs resources.

Disputes between a boss and an employee arise, for example, when the employee thinks that the boss makes excessive demands, and the boss himself believes that the employee does not have the desire to work “to the fullest.”

An indispensable phenomenon of the current conflict in society is disagreements between people - difficulties in relationships, finding a common language. At its core, this is a confrontation of interests of the participants in a particular situation, which they consider the incident as a problem that requires immediate resolution.

Conflict between individual and group

This is a conflict of interests that appears between social group And specific person. The basis of contradictions is attempts to change intragroup norms. This is a difficult process, even when everyone realizes that change is needed. The most intense conflict is when only one person wants to change the rules.

Informal groups determine own rules manners and relationships. Each representative of such a team is forced to adhere to them. Violation established rules the group sees it as an unfavorable incident, as a result of which disagreements occur between a certain person and the team.

Another recurring dispute is the lack of coordination between the group and the immediate supervisor.

Intergroup conflict

The firm contains formal and informal groups. Sometimes they have inconsistencies (between management and developers, members of various special forces, management and the trade union).

Intergroup conflicts are much more difficult to resolve than intragroup conflicts for the following reasons:

  • There is competition for large resources;
  • The dissimilarity of interests is more clearly demonstrated;
  • A huge number of participants were attracted.

It is better to prevent intergroup conflicts than to deal with the consequences later. After all, they carry the risk of the losing group breaking up. When this happens within one enterprise, it harms the entire team.

Examples of Conflicts

Example of intrapersonal conflict:

An individual at work is told that he is performing poorly and is asked to improve his performance in the next month. This same employee believes that he performs his duties as conscientiously as possible and argues with his boss.

Examples of interpersonal conflict:

  • "War". A merciless incident until one of the interlocutors wins.
  • "A game". Dispute with deliberately agreed upon rules (values ​​that are not very important to a person).
  • "Dispute".

An example of an intergroup conflict situation:

A small number of experts engaged in completing a task may be much better qualified than the rest. In this situation, professionals of better competence may be annoyed that inexperienced workers are slowing down the completion of work, and the latter are not happy that they are asking for unrealistic things. As a result, a conflict arises.

How are disagreements resolved?

  • Avoiding a conflict situation. Ignore her and be friendly. If that doesn’t work, quietly change the topic of conversation.
  • Find a compromise option.
  • Smoothing. This method will work against you. You can reassure your interlocutor by agreeing with his claims.
  • Understand that conflict is common. During an argument, a person becomes more decisive, confident, and self-esteem increases. Therefore, sometimes it is preferable to take part in the conflict.

According to W. Lincoln, positive The impact of the disputes is revealed in the following:

  • He hurries self-awareness;
  • Under its influence, a specific selection of values ​​is strengthened;
  • Contributes to the understanding of unity, because it may turn out that the conflicting parties have similar interests and want to achieve the same goals;
  • Accomplices appear;
  • Relegates unimportant conflicts to the background;
  • Facilitates prioritization;
  • Focuses on grievances or suggestions that need to be addressed mandatory discuss, acknowledge, support, etc.;
  • New connections with other people appear.

Negative impact of the conflict:

  • Threat social attitude, which ensures fairness and reliability;
  • Prevents rapid implementation of changes;
  • May result in loss of support;
  • Instead of a thoughtful response, a conflict situation leads to quick action;
  • Mutual trust is deteriorating;
  • Conflicts are aimed at exacerbation and expansion;
  • Conflict can change priorities, so other interests begin to be threatened.