How to become a sorceress in real life? Many people want to have supernatural abilities, but they never became wizards because they do not know the basic secrets of magic.

In the article:

How to truly become a sorceress

Who are wizards? These are good sorcerers who use their abilities for good. Magicians are ready to make contact with people and help them in every possible way. If a person feels that his calling is to help people who are in trouble, there is every chance of becoming a good wizard.

To be a sorceress, you need to know a lot. We not only have to figure out how to eliminate negative impact, but also how best to choose a ritual that will help a person.

It is important to learn to understand herbs, make infusions and potions that can help the sick and suffering. The gift of persuasion will come in handy. If a person is not convinced that any black witchcraft is dispelled, the client is unlikely to get better.

You need to arm yourself with special attributes. Not with a magic wand, but with real objects that will help in your endeavors:

  • notebook (recipes for decoctions, potions, interpretation of dreams are written down);
  • magic stones-talismans - the magician must be able to defend himself, select the one he needs or simply evaluate what qualities the stones have and choose the one he likes most;
  • small glass jars of several colors (green, red, blue, yellow and frosted/white) in which potions are infused;
  • amulets (selected independently) - any thing that instills confidence in the wizard and fills him with strength;
  • a set of herbs that will be needed for rituals: dried cloves, geranium, calendula, jasmine, lily, St. John's wort, thistle, willow-wort, nettle, sedge, wormwood, knotweed and others - a list of herbs is given for each potion;
  • mirror - a magical weapon can be used in the fight against evil forces.

The wizard has nothing to fear. The magician is on the side of good, which knows how to defeat evil. When in doubt, the magic will disappear.

Is it possible to become a wizard in real life?

A person whose soul is bright and pure can become a good magician. A dishonest, deceitful and envious person will not become a real magician: in order to work miracles, the blessing of higher powers is necessary. You can take the good path without dedication. To do good, it is not necessary to warn about it in advance.

Any person who decides to engage in magic must ask for endurance and protection by turning to the angels or the forces of nature. To ask for strength, they conduct. It is easier to enlist the support of the forces of nature.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • a special place (a forest clearing, the shore of a reservoir - depends on which spirits to contact);
  • white long cape;
  • ritual knife with a white handle;
  • 5 candles;
  • gift to the spirits.

Appeal to the spirits of the forest

When deciding to turn to the forest spirits, asking for support in their endeavors, they go to the sunniest and most beautiful clearing, place five candles around and stand in the center of the structure. Putting the knife on the ground, light the candles with their right hand clockwise and say:

Spirits of the forest, come to me (name). I trust in you, I ask for protection and help. Bless me for good endeavors, fill me with wisdom and strength, grant me confidence and fearlessness. Give me a sword to fight evil sorcerers. Protect the eyes of the evil one from misfortune.

Feeling that the spirits have gathered at the site of the ceremony, they raise their hands and say:

I called you to witness that I promise not to cause harm or pain, not to carry anger and hatred in my heart, to protect the weak and infirm, to help those who ask and those in need.

The magician will feel threads of positive energy emerging from the surrounding forest. energy, which entangles the wizard and feeds him with strength. When the transfer of the energy flow is completed, they thank the spirits for appearing and leave a gift in the clearing.

The bell is most often used to contact patrons. To call them later, you need to ring the same bell, and the spirits will come to the rescue.

Ritual with water spirits

Water spirits are powerful and can bestow great strength on the believer. To conduct a ceremony on the shore of a reservoir, they take attributes and go to the designated place. It is advisable to wait until dusk and choose a site hidden from prying eyes.

Having placed five candles on one line on the shore (near the water, but so that the waves do not extinguish them), they go knee-deep into the water. Take in right hand knife and immerse the blade in water. They whisper:

I call upon you, spirits of water. Come to me (name), respond to my request! Be merciful!

If the spirits come, circles appear around the blade of the knife. If this does not happen, complete the ritual and no longer contact water element: spirits do not want to be patrons. If the forces responded to the call, they say:

O spirits of the waters! You have come to my call! Help me, give me peace and confidence, fill my heart with kindness and love, like water fills every empty vessel. Protect me, as I will protect the suffering. Protect from evil forces, just like I will protect the weak. Show mercy and generosity, become my patrons and guards.

Afterwards, a large energy drop rises from the surface of the water, which will form a dense cocoon around the magician, protecting the magician from misfortunes and protecting him in difficult times.

With the help of a cocoon, energy is drawn from patrons. When energy cocoon becomes completely dense, they thank the spirits for their attention and leave them something as a souvenir: usually some kind of decoration is thrown into the water.

Transformation into a sorceress at home

If a person does not have the opportunity to conduct an initiation ritual in nature, one can do without the ritual. In order to or you must undergo a special ritual - the rule does not apply to wizards.

If you can’t enlist the support of nature outside the room, do it at home. You will need a symbol of living nature - a plant.

You can buy a flower that you like, or just a plant you like. Another option is to evaluate the magical properties indoor plants and settle on the one whose abilities you like more.

When the plant is purchased, it is brought into the home for the first time, saying:

Now this is your home, where you will work miracles and help people.

A plant is not just a decorative item, but an assistant and protector, a living amulet of a wizard. If you have a pet, make sure that the pet does not harm the flower (for example, cats love to bite and chew succulent leaves).

Allow the plant to get comfortable in the house - let the pot stand in one place for several days. Every day they approach the flower, talk, and charge it with energy. If within 1 month the plant does not die, but grows, the atmosphere in the room suits the flower, the amulet is ready to help.

To carry out the ritual, take some water (with fertilizer if necessary). It is desirable that the plant be heat-loving, and the pot can be placed in the sun. A flower is watered with the words:

Just as I water you with water and you grow, so my magic strength increases.
Just as the sun shines on you, so I am filled with light and love.
Be my amulet, my protector, let me do good and help people.

Afterwards, the trunk of the plant should be tied with green and white ribbons, symbolizing fertility and purity of thoughts. As the plant grows and strengthens, its magical power increases.

How to become a sorceress using a simple spell

The method was invented for people who do not want to enlist the support of the forces of nature and want to independently follow the path of learning magic. The road to knowledge and accumulation of strength is long and difficult and does not mean that in the end the magician will be stronger, more experienced or powerful than the wizards who took the help of magical mentors. There are several ways to become a sorceress using.

For the first ritual, they remain alone in the house and light three candles at midnight. Having placed them at an equal distance from each other, they say:

As the flame of a candle burns, so does my strength flare up.
Just as wax melts in a flame, so will my enemies disappear,
Just as a flame trembles in the wind, so will my enemies tremble.
May strength be with me, may wisdom be with me,
May I have the endurance to walk this path and become closer to the Light. Amen.

After pronouncing the words, each candle is blown out in turn from left to right. Then they go to bed, and the next morning they begin to master the skills.

Another simple spell that will help you turn into a sorceress. Late at night they go out to a deserted place, preferably a windy wasteland. They let their hair down and stand so that the wind penetrates the body. Pronounce:

Let the wind penetrate my body, and let it be filled with strength.
May goodness and strength come with me to give goodness to people.

The world of magic is beautiful and amazing. And we can join it, because each of us is born with certain magical skills. You just need to be able to “wake them up.” Let's try to figure out how to become a sorceress for real.

There are different ways to transform into a sorceress.

Method 1

Before you start magical ritual, choose what kind of sorceress or fairy you want to become. Each of them is responsible only for a certain force: water, fire, earth, air, animal world, plants, love, etc.

Now write your wish on an ordinary piece of paper. Don't forget to indicate what kind of sorceress you want to become. Have a glass clean water. Ideally, it should be spring water, but ordinary purified water will do just fine. After this, throw the leaf out the window so that it flies as far as possible. It is necessary to carry out the ritual before going to bed. Immediately after this, go to bed and fall asleep. And when you wake up in the morning, you will already be a fairy.

Method 2

For the next ritual you will need a bowl of water, a mirror, a candle and a piece of paper. It will be nice if the bowl is clay and the water is spring water. You will also need not plain paper, but colored paper. Its color should symbolize the power that the sorceress patronizes. If it is fire - red, sun - yellow, water element - blue.

Cut out a sorceress symbol (flame, sun, droplet, etc.) from colored paper. And now we carefully burned its edges with a candle. Work carefully as fire may cause a fire. Now put a piece of paper in the water and reflect it in the mirror. Then look into it yourself and repeat “I am a sorceress” three times. The next day, try to predict the weather. If the prediction comes true, it means you are a fairy.

Method 3

If the first two methods did not bring results, do not despair, but try this method. Ask your mom for an empty perfume bottle or eau de toilette. It is possible that you already have a suitable one in your treasury. Take it and start preparing the magic potion. Pour into it exactly three pinches of sugar and salt, as well as some spice: a cinnamon stick, cloves, orange peel. You should like the aroma of the ingredients. If there essential oil, you can add it, but only 1-2 drops. This will strengthen the drug.

Now put our magic mixture on the windowsill and wait exactly 2 weeks. Now every day before going to bed, spray yourself with magical perfume and mentally imagine how you become a real sorceress. It won't be long before Your wish will come true.

And if your brother or friend wants to become a wizard, then information for him is located in the article.

Witches do not always use brooms to move in space :), because there is a simpler and more convenient way - teleportation. Not only witches and magicians can teleport. But if magicians can move from almost anywhere using magic, then non-magicians have to use Magic Doors or, otherwise, Portals. A portal is a “door” between dimensions and worlds. It can be tuned to a specific place or can go out into many worlds, in different times. Some Portals are located in specific locations (where they are built) and cannot be moved. It's simply where the "door" is. The Portal itself can be hidden in another dimension, and open only to those who have the right to use it. In this case, the Portal can open only for him alone. So, for example, there are several people at the location of the Portal, but only one of them has the right to use it. Then a connection is established between this person’s brain and the Portal. The portal is seen and, accordingly, only this person can enter it. There is simply no Portal for his companions.

Types of Portals:

1. Space puncture- this is a Portal that goes out into the same world, but to a place separated from the entrance by hundreds or thousands of kilometers. Thus, when passing through the Portal, the object moves over long distances in a short period of time.

2. Energy Portal is a stone (crystal) that is capable of transmitting energy from one dimension (world) to another. For some reason, people believe that the Portal is necessarily a hole through which you can be transported to another place. In this case, the Portal passes only energy through itself. Externally, the energy stone is really different from other stones. If you look into it, you will see infinity. The energy emanating from the stone is so strong that it can be felt even by a non-magician. The Energy Portal is usually enclosed in some kind of jewelry and carried with you. To receive energy from the Portal, you do not need to have the stone with you. Just having him nearby is enough. The Energy Portal is used by the magician to obtain energy for spells and for his own energy replenishment.

3. Gate of Worlds– this is a place, not a building. A place from which you can enter many worlds. Typically a Portal has one entrance and one exit. The Gates of the Worlds have one entrance and many exits. They are the point at which the worlds connect. The gates are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Like a thin, imperceptible thread, they permeate the fabric of reality and belong to each world and not one of them separately. To make it easier to understand, let's look at an example:

Imagine a line drawn in some plane. If the plane intersects other planes, then the line drawn in it will intersect other planes and, therefore, have a point belonging to both the parent plane and the intersected one. Now replace the “plane” with a dimension (world), and the “line” with the Gate of the Worlds. We get those properties that the Gates of Worlds can have. In general, realities are so intertwined with each other that the same things belong different worlds. Since dimensions can have an infinite number of points of contact, the location of the manifestation of the Gates of the Worlds in a given reality can be any. That is, the entrance to them can open anywhere in any reality.

The Gates of the Worlds do not have “real flesh”, i.e. they don't exist in reality. A person who finds himself in this place shapes the appearance of the Gates of the Worlds for himself. As he imagined them, that is how they will appear to him. For some they are a huge arch, for others they are a tower going high, for others they are a corridor with many doors, etc. If there are two people at the Gate, then they will see the same thing, depending on who is leading in this pair.

In order for the Gates of the World to be realized in a given place of a given reality, a key is needed that, like a hook, will hook the thread of reality that makes up the Gates of the Worlds, pull it out and make the Gates visible and accessible. Appearance the key is not what we imagine when we hear this word. The key is a material object and consists of several parts. Each of which is a separate crystal or metal product, which has its own magical background and is useless in itself. In its usual form, the parts of the key are separated from each other and are located in different places at different people. When these parts are connected together, the Gates of the Worlds appear in the exact place and moment where and when the key was collected.

It is to prevent unwanted or accidental passages through the Gate that the key to the Gate is divided into several parts and hidden in inaccessible places, and the Gate itself is sealed. The Gate Seal is a virtual lock that allows you to see the Gate, but prevents you from using it. To seal or unseal the Gate you need to spend a large number of energy.

Now directly about the Portals:

The portal consists of two parts: entrance and exit. If, for example, the exit is blocked, the Portal will not operate, or will return you to the entrance. Portals can be one-way or two-way. One-way leads only one way, and you cannot go back through it. Double-sided allows you to move back and forth.

The Portal itself may look different. It can be both visible and invisible. The Invisible Portal represents a specific place, entering which the transfer process is initiated. The transfer is carried out forcefully or at will. Forced transfer is similar to movement through a pipe. It immediately transfers a person to the exit, as soon as some part of the body falls into the sphere of action. The “optional” option looks like a hole between the entry point and the exit point. Through this hole, you can be at the entrance, look through the Portal at the exit point and see what is happening there, without moving your whole body. Walking through walls is just such a Portal that takes you through another dimension.

The place of entry into the Portal can be permanent (in the case of stationary Portals), or selective (in the case of temporary Portals). In this case, the entry point may not stand out in any way from the surrounding environment. It happens in the wall, in the floor, in the middle of the room, in the mirror... This is because reality can be broken anywhere.

Mages of sufficient qualification can create Portals for themselves, but sometimes there is a need to give the same opportunity to ordinary people. Then the magicians create magical artifacts that contain everything necessary to create the Portal. There are many ways to create them. Here are some of them:

Tapestries. Using magic, yarn and other ingredients, tapestries (or carpets) are created. Taking into account the smallest details, they depict that part of the surrounding world at the place of exit from the Portal. Here it is important to maintain absolute adequacy between the drawn and real place. Therefore, tapestries depict those places that are not prone to change. Such a Portal has a permanent entry point (all the time in the tapestry), and is of a one-way and forced type. It works like this: when entering a drawing on a tapestry, a person finds himself in exactly the place that is drawn on it. Its advantage is that with a constant place of entry and exit, the tapestry can be constantly moved, and in the case of two different tapestries, we get a portable, double-sided Portal.

Drawing on the wall. The same principle of operation as the Portal on the tapestry. It is used most often by magicians who cannot create Portals themselves. The drawbacks of the drawing are the same: inaccuracy in displaying the location and violation of the drawing disrupts the operation of the Portal. Regarding image accuracy in general interesting story. Let's say the picture shows a day when the sun is high in the sky. Then, when you pass through the Portal, you will arrive on the exact day and time when the sun is high in the sky, even if you entered the Portal in the middle of the night. All this time between night and day you will be hanging out in interreality, although the process of transition itself will seem instantaneous to you.

Portal of Imagination. Powerful magicians do not need to have an image of their destination before their eyes to get to a familiar place. All they have to do is create it in their imagination and mentally step into it. Thus, they initiate the transfer process.

The most dangerous thing about moving through Portals is that when you exit it, you end up inside some object, substance, above or below the ground... This happens if there is a failure during the transition or if the magician does not know (erroneously) the exact coordinates of the exit. Therefore, the exits from the Portals are located in good famous places or places previously explored using in various ways remote monitoring.

Portal of attraction. This is a special type of Portal, differing from others in that it acts in reverse. Most of the Portals work the same way: there is an entrance in front of the magician, and an exit at the destination. In the case of the Portal of Attraction, the magician is, as it were, the exit from the Portal and moves to its entrance. In other words, if an ordinary Portal is a stone thrown into water, then an Attraction Portal is a stone thrown out of water. A completely different principle of creating and operating Portals is used here. An ordinary Portal is created by a counterforce. The magician collects a fairly large amount of energy and uses it to pierce the space-time continuum, i.e. creates superiority of force over force. In our case, the Portal is based on the use of the Law of Balance, which strives to keep the world in a state of balance, and in case of deviation from balance, it initiates forces that return the world to its original equilibrium state. The work of the Portal of Attraction is based on the action of these very balanced forces.

To independently create an ordinary one-time Portal in some random place requires quite a lot of magical energy. If in given time it is not enough, in these cases the Portal of Attraction will help you. The advantage of this Portal is that its creation requires little energy expenditure from the magician. Ordinary Portals are almost always powerful energy bursts that are easily detected. The attraction portal is not like that. If we compare the formation of an ordinary Portal with an explosion, then the Portal of Attraction on the same scale will be equal to a small bang. The fact is that his energy surge occurs at the destination, and not at the place where the magician disappears.

Creating a Portal of Attraction does not require the use of large energy costs, because it is created not as a result of opposition, but as a submission to forces. To create it, such forces of attraction are used as: longing for your home (or another place or time that is dear to you); the power of love or hate, which, as paradoxical as it sounds, is also a force of attraction; well, and some other forces that can capture you entirely. To initialize the Portal, you only need to say the Portal spell, linking it with a small amount of magical energy that is at your disposal, and really want to be in home or next to a loved (or unloved) person, completely surrendering to this desire. Then the force that creates the Portal will combine with the force of your desire. At the same time, it is not necessary for the magician himself to want to be in some other place. It is enough if this desire arises in a person with whom the magician is in close contact, say, holds his hand and “reads” his brain. Thus, it does not matter exactly whose power will add up to the energy of the magician, because... Power, by and large, is not one’s own and someone else’s.

If all these conditions are met, a certain vacuum is created in the very place where you want to be. Of course, this is not an ordinary vacuum, but a kind of energetic (or some other) emptiness or rarefaction of space-time. In other words, a hole is created in the world, i.e. the balance of the world is disrupted. And only you can fill this hole by restoring balance, because... by being in the place of your desire, your desire cancels itself. This is where the forces that restore balance come into play. They are superimposed on the forces that you have already used and together they create the very force that moves you to the desired place. A force similar to that which causes air from an area of ​​higher pressure to fill an area of ​​lower pressure.

By itself, each of the forces you use may not be enough to achieve the desired result, but together they give you the opportunity to achieve what you want. In magic, in general, you often have to add together seemingly incomparable things, such as, for example, material objects and feelings. This is quite normal, because... magic is based on its own logic and its own laws, and only those who understand magic are able to work with it.

The example with Portals demonstrates that in magic it is just as important to be able to be strong, and it is important to be able to be weak. Being strong and being weak are simply two different approaches to the same problem. One swims across the river, fights the current, wastes all his strength and drowns, while the other swims using the current and gets out to the opposite bank, albeit not in the very place where he planned.

Everyone chooses their own path: one path of strength, another path of weakness, but the magician always follows his own path, using both if necessary.


Scientists suggest that black holes may be transitions to parallel worlds. This theory is called the theory of worm tunnels or worm tunnels. Physicists around the world agree with her. However, this is so far from ordinary person. There are suggestions that doors to other worlds exist on Earth. So, on ours there are many so-called anomalous zones. These are places where people especially often disappear, where eyewitnesses regularly observe the appearance of UFOs or unprecedented, strange things. There are hundreds of such zones around the world. Most likely, the so-called spatial windows are located there.
These are, for example, Mountain of the Dead in Sverdlovsk, Windy Enikov in the Czech Republic, Long Pass and Road to Nowhere in the USA, Valley of the Black Bamboo in China, Devil's Glade in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Valley of Ghosts in Demirdzhi (Crimea), Devil's Trap in Italy, Ghost Island Maine in the UK, Thurguilla Valley in France, etc.
If you have enough courage and an adventurous character, you can try to go to one of these zones and try your luck. But is it worth it? After all, the consequences are unpredictable.

Perhaps it is better not to travel anywhere, but to learn to penetrate parallel worlds, developing your perception. Have you ever wondered why all children love it so much? The fact is that they still remember the worlds they saw before birth. Having been born in our world, they at first cannot get used to life in such a limited range. This is why children see mermaids, brownies and other entities that are in parallel worlds next to ours.
Not only children, but also storytellers, as well as sensitive people who think differently, experience parallel worlds. If you take fairy tales no less seriously than science, you can gradually find a way to achieve the necessary vibration and open the door to a parallel world. After all, the author, who, filled it with the energy of the world that he described. He emitted vibrations in the rhythm of this world. These vibrations are used to keep the communication channel or wormhole open.

So, in order to penetrate parallel worlds, you must believe in success. In addition, you need to overcome your thirst for profit and the desire to do Evil. All parallel worlds have a mirror axis, so they are similar. To return to our world, we need to restore the previous vibrations.
To make vibrations more subtle and into a parallel world, you need to strengthen the desire to get there. When concentrating on a dream, time will gradually begin to flow more slowly, this can be understood by the increasing sound of the clock ticking. Then insight will come that will illuminate the brain like a bright flash. After this, two parallel worlds will pass through the person and exchange information.


Only information obtained from the near future can be used for the development of society.


  • how to find the entrance to a parallel world

World of Warcraft is amazing world adventures. What is it worth, for example, to travel around the Black Mountain and visit its peak or the Caves! It's not difficult to get here, you just have to stick to it certain rules. But subsequent tests can become the most exciting action of the entire game.

You will need

  • Computer, game installed.


Video on the topic


You should not go ahead in the game, bypassing the rules or using codes. Of course, you will achieve success, but that’s all the charm and intrigue gameplay you won't feel it.

Helpful advice

You can get to the Black Mountain Cave in another way - at level eighty through the quest in Hyjal. There, in a circle of lights, is the gnome Ice Venturon. It is from him that we take the corresponding quest, after which we sit down in the drilling rig located on the left.

Another opportunity to get to this insta occurs if you use the usual entrance to Black Mountain. In this case, we run in a circle until the broken grate. Behind it there is a corridor that will lead to the inst.


  • Advice from tech experts for newbies on playing World of Warcraft in 2019

It's no secret that it has become quite problematic for Russians to move through the territory of Ukraine, especially for those who are used to driving their own.

How to go to Crimea so as not to regret your choice?

During the May Day holidays, the first vacationers who wished to spend time in Crimea were already faced with many kilometers of traffic jams in the port of Kavkaz. Many stood in line for the ferry for more than a day. Of course this cannot provide Have a good mood, especially considering that when returning from the peninsula you will have to face the same difficulties in the port of Kerch.

The authorities are actively trying to solve this problem, trying to use several ferries for different categories of vehicles to cars stuck in traffic jams as little as possible. Everyone is talking about the vital need for ground transportation and railroad bridge through the Kerch Strait.

The best choice is public transport

During this holiday season, the easiest way to get to Crimea is by public transport. For this purpose, single tickets are being developed that include air travel, rail transport and bus service. Of course, not everyone will like numerous transfers, but today this is the most optimal solution when deciding how to go to Crimea.

Moreover, the authorities promise to make prices for single tickets quite affordable. At the same time, there is no problem in Crimea - according to tour operators, large and small hotels are eagerly awaiting vacationers, promising high-quality service at very affordable prices.

If anyone has experience traveling to Crimea this season, share your impressions with those who just want to get to Crimea, write in the comments.

Video on the topic

Tip 4: Is there evidence of existence parallel worlds

Humanity has long been pondering the possibility of the existence of parallel worlds. Although many people still consider it nothing more than weird science fiction. There are also supporters of this concept who are not only ready to take the hypothesis seriously, but also to find evidence in its defense.

What does it mean

Based on his research, physicist Werner Heisenberg suggested that simply finding a particle in three-dimensional space affects its behavior. This is called Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Niels Bohr proved that Heisenberg was right in his assumptions. It was also demonstrated that the uncertainty principle for particles is valid in all possible states. This is called the Copenhagen Interpretation.

Alan Guth was the first serious scientist who proposed the idea of ​​the existence of parallels and could not forget this crazy, at first glance, idea. He made it up while looking at the starry night sky. Interested in discovering a parallel universe, Guth collaborated with other scientists on several occasions. As a result of this work, a theory emerged that this “layering” was the result of the Big Bang. But Guth's research contradicted the generally accepted concept among physicists. According to his theory, instead of attracting, gravity began to push objects away from each other.

Since the Universe is known to be expanding, Guth's idea certainly seems plausible. But he postulates that this reverse gravity, or “false vacuum,” does not only form as a “bubble” of molecules that became our Universe. As this vacuum began to disintegrate, it released an unlimited number of particles, which in turn formed an unlimited number of "bubbles" and therefore an unlimited number of universes.

Multidimensional concept

All of the above leads the reader to Hugh Everett's idea of ​​a plurality of worlds. Dr. Everett's work suggests that when one tries to observe a particle or attempts to measure its parameters, it (the particle) creates several new realities. A separate reality appears to accommodate all possible measurement parameters.

Until now we have only talked about atomic particles, which are tiny in size. However, we should not forget that all matter, including people, consists of these small particles. This means only one thing: the idea of ​​a plurality of worlds applies to us equally as to molecular particles.

This means that there is a separate world to accommodate every possible outcome for each decision taken or life experiences that a person may have.

For example, if you were in a car accident and almost died, then in an alternative or parallel universe everything could happen completely differently. If you had to drop out of school to raise a child, in another universe you would have done it just fine. Absolutely all decisions you make entail consequences, which, in turn, change your life.

Are you interested in how to become a wizard? You need to learn the 7 Laws of Nature of the Universe - scientists say!

Many of them featured fairies, wizards, sorceresses and magicians who possessed inaccessible to the common man knowledge and abilities and could perform miracles that took their breath away.

Who among us did not dream as a child of finding ourselves in their place to decide the fate of the main characters of a fairy tale?

I dreamed.

Years have passed, we have matured, but it turns out that many of us still think how to become a wizard.

No, if you understand correctly that the magic is in modern world- these are not spells, potions and various magical attributes, but the ability to achieve your goals, as if by magic magic wand, and help people who are less fortunate than you.

People are really interested in how to become a wizard

I was surprised to see how many people were asking Google for advice on how to become a wizard.

At first, I thought that children who had read fairy tales about Harry Potter were interested in this, and then I came across an amazing site where step-by-step instructions were prepared for adults who want to become wizards.

Some talented writer seriously convinces that anyone who sincerely desires it and whoever acquires magical attributes, from amulets to a notebook in which you will write down spells, can become a wizard.

You cannot acquire the gift of magic, the creative copywriter convinces readers who wrote this article, without going through the initiation ritual.

You can become a wizard if:

  • find a place in the forest or on the shore of a reservoir with the right energy;
  • dress in a specially tailored white long raincoat with a hood;
  • light 5 candles around you;
  • put in front of you a special ritual knife with a long blade and a white handle (thank God, they do not recommend cutting yourself or anyone else with this knife);
  • give something to the spirits (what should be given for some reason is not specified) and, when you feel that they are listening to you attentively (!), turn to them with a request to bestow you with the ability to create magic.

Okay, the humorous pause is over, I propose to move on to more serious things.

You want to become a real wizard, and not a costumed jester, right?

If you stop being a sad skeptic, you will understand that magic surrounds us.

Change of seasons, beautiful predawn sky, bright stars, summer, life-giving rain, a child’s smile, selfless love pet– I can endlessly list the things that prove to me: there is plenty of magic in real life.

If you want not only to admire marvelous divas, but also to create them, then here are some general tips on how to become a wizard:

    Change your attitude towards life.

    Are money, fame, clothes, iPhones and other rubbish really such important things?

    A real wizard would disagree with you.

    Constantly train your mind and body.

    This way you can prepare for any life challenges and not give up even in the face of the most powerful enemy.

    Become the best at what you do.

    Then all your friends will talk about you: “Oh, he is a real wizard, he sewed me an amazing dress / fixed a laptop that could not be repaired / cured my mother, whom other doctors refused.”

    Have you ever met a whining wizard in fairy tales, always dissatisfied with everything? No way!

    They are true optimists who believe in the power of goodness and a happy ending to even the most confusing fairy tale.

    Give more than you receive.

    A wizard is a selfless person who is ready to do good in unlimited quantities and be content with little.

Knowledge of the 7 Laws of Nature of the Universe will help you become a wizard

In my articles, I often advise you to cooperate with the Universe: ask it for what you really need, thank it for what you have already given, send positive signals, etc.

I do this myself and am convinced that sometimes you need to replace skepticism with faith, and then it’s easier to achieve what you want.

If you want to become a wizard, remember that the Universe lives by its own laws.

If you want to become a wizard, you must know the 7 Laws of Nature of the Universe:

    Law of vibration.

    Nothing in the Universe is static, everything vibrates and moves.

    Your thoughts and desires can attract the vibrational correspondence of what you want, therefore, otherwise it is useless to think about how to become a wizard.

    Law of relativity.

    You can't judge a situation until you compare it to something.

    For example, it's stupid to be upset that you can't buy the 17th pair of shoes when there are people without legs.

    Law of polarity.

    Everything has its opposite: light - darkness, sun - moon, heat - cold, youth - old age, etc.

    That's why there is good people and there are some bad ones.

    Choose for yourself what to become, but remember that wizards are fighting on the side of good.

    Law of maturation.

    Everything in this world needs time to mature and form.

    If you haven’t gotten what you want yet, don’t stop trying and don’t despair, you just need to wait a little for your dream to mature in the Universe.

    Causal law.

    There is a reason for any action you commit (both bad and good), but you should understand that any evil committed will return to you a hundredfold, just like good, that’s why wizards.

    Law of rhythm.

    The cyclical nature of our existence is inevitable.

    Just as day gives way to night, a black streak in your life will be replaced by a white one.

    Law of transformation.

    Your thoughts release energy, the more you think about what you want, the faster this energy is converted in the Universe into what you want.

Becoming a wizard means achieving what you want

Have you met people for whom everything works out in life, as if by the wave of a magic wand?

The more I got to know these people, the more I realized that they achieve success not through magic, but through hard work.

They did not wait for the wizard; they themselves turned into a wizard, who helps only themselves, but also others.

If you want to become a wizard, follow their example:

  1. Walk confidently towards your goal.
  2. Build a career in a profession whose task is to help people.
  3. Earn enough to take care of yourself, your loved ones, and the poor.
  4. Generously share your advice on how you managed to achieve such heights, teach aspiring wizards.
  5. Leave behind a good legacy that will be useful to your descendants.

Interesting thoughts on the topic

who are wizards and what is true magic in the video:

By doing good deeds, you can easily become a wizard

It is stupid to try to become a wizard and not want to do good deeds.

Well, where have you seen such defective wizards?

Our world is sometimes too cruel, too indifferent to other people’s troubles, too artificial.

Every wizard has the power to change this.

To become a wizard, you need to do good deeds, albeit small ones:

  1. Donate money to charity.
  2. Work in some fund that helps children, the elderly, the poor, homeless animals, decides ecological problems etc.
  3. Go on a charity mission to poor countries.
  4. Volunteer in orphanage, hospice, nursing home.
  5. Make at least one homeless animal happy by taking it into your home.
  6. Become a blood donor.
  7. Found charitable foundation or become an organizer of projects to raise funds for a noble cause, etc.

People find different answers to the question: “ How to become a wizard?».

Someone sits and waits for his magical abilities to awaken in him, and someone daily performs a small miracle that changes our lives for the better.

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