Name: Lyudmila Gurchenko

Age: 75 years old

Place of Birth: Kharkiv

A place of death: Moscow, Russia

Activity: theater and film actress, pop singer

Family status: was married to Sergei Senin

Lyudmila Gurchenko - biography

This actress has always evoked conflicting feelings. Someone idolized her talent. She annoyed some people. But, undoubtedly, the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko has become an integral part of the era. The biography of this person is the fate of a woman who sacrificed her life and personal happiness to her profession.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - Childhood

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born in Kharkov. Her father was an accordion player who held matinees in schools and holiday evenings in factories. This man's attitude towards his daughter predetermined her fate. Mark Gavrilovich with early childhood convinced his wife, acquaintances and neighbors that Lucy would become a real artist.

The daughter believed in her uniqueness and talent thanks to her father’s boundless love. This confidence gave her strength even when, many years later in Moscow, she realized that being different from everyone else was difficult and, at times, unbearable. And the love and affection that the actress felt for Mark Gavrilovich may have deprived her of personal happiness. She always dreamed of meeting a man like her father.

The future actress and singer spent the first years of her life behind the scenes. Parents often took their little daughter to their performances. She learned to sing before she spoke. According to the memoirs of Lyudmila Gurchenko, her life before the war was music, during the war it was waiting for her beloved father.

Mark Gavrilovich reached Berlin and returned home in 1945 safe and sound. His daughter always stood out favorably from her peers. She was dressed differently, confident in herself, and already in her adolescence began to be popular in some areas hometown thanks to numerous performances.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in Moscow

Relatives and friends saw young Lyudmila as a future pop star. But she unexpectedly chose a slightly different path to fame. After graduating from school, Gurchenko went to the capital to enter the Institute of Cinematography. VGIK accepted her on the first visit. The teachers of the future film and pop star were the famous teachers Gerasimov and Makarova.

The course brought together the most gifted young people who dreamed of acting fame. But even against this background, a petite girl with a soft Kharkov accent stood out. She had the thinnest waist, boundless charm and unique energy. And most importantly, Gurchenko was extremely self-confident. It is such people who, as a rule, achieve their goals.

It was not so easy to get rid of the Ukrainian accent. But the future actress understood that with this flaw, all roads to cinema were closed. And therefore, she made a lot of effort, and in the third year her speech became almost perfect.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - Star Trek to the cinema

Lyudmila Gurchenko began acting in films immediately after graduating from VGIK. The biography of this person includes periods when she was not at all in demand as an actress. She made a living doing voice acting, performed at all sorts of concerts, and took on almost any job. But that was later. The journey of the young VGIK graduate began brightly and promisingly. She played two minor film roles in films whose titles will mean nothing to the modern viewer. But then, fate brought her together with the young director Eldar Ryazanov.

home female role in the film “Carnival Night” made her a screen star in a matter of days. And this film has firmly entered the history of Soviet cinema.

Only a few years passed after the release of the famous film when the public suddenly turned away from Gurchenko. The reason was the scandal that erupted around actors who allegedly earned their living by dishonest means. "Capitalist approach to art" -
the accusation brought against the artist by the Soviet press.

The best roles of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Difficult times have come in the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko. After a bright and meteoric rise suddenly they forgot about the young aspiring actress. Gurchenko's biography is a life story that cannot be presented, perhaps, even in a full-fledged book. Nevertheless, ill-wishers have repeatedly stated that during her long life this actress played very few real and interesting roles.

Perhaps there is truth in these words. But among the images created by Gurchenko on the screen, one cannot help but mention such roles as the role of Clara Bocardon in the film “The Straw Hat”, the abandoned bride in the film “The Mechanic Gavrilov’s Woman”, Tamara Vasilievna in the film “Five Evenings” and many others. According to film critics, best job Gurchenko's involvement in cinema began in the filming of the film “Station for Two”.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - biography of personal life, husbands of the actress

Lyudmila Gurchenko's relationship with her daughter has become a favorite topic of the yellow press. The actress, who became a symbol of an entire era, could not play her main role- the role of the mother. She made no secret of this. In her autobiographical works, she spoke quite sincerely about her relationship with her daughter.

It’s difficult to say how many husbands Lyudmila Gurchenko had. But according to official data, the actress was married five times. The first husband, who was also the father of Gurchenko’s only daughter, was Boris Andronnikov, a young handsome actor, in whose veins Georgian princely blood flowed. She was in her early twenties when they met. She has not yet acquired the reputation of a cold and narcissistic fury. According to the recollections of close friends, Gurchenko at that time was a young, naive person for whom her husband’s betrayal became a real tragedy.

The second husband of the actress was Alexander Fadeev. Gurchenko remembered little about him. And she didn’t talk about the third marriage, which was of particular interest to the public. The third husband of the famous artist was.

The fourth husband was fourteen years younger than Lyudmila Gurchenko. It was pianist Konstantin Kuperweis. After the breakup, Gurchenko did not maintain any relationship with him and spoke very negatively. The fifth and last husband of the most extravagant figure Russian stage became Sergei Senin.

On April 2, 2011, the Garden Ring in Moscow was closed. Thousands of fans saw off the actress with honors worthy of the top officials of the state. And the farewell ceremony itself was thought out by her during her lifetime. One of this actress’s books is called “Applause.” It was for them that she lived her long, colorful life.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - filmography, films

Carnival Night
Girl with a guitar
Old walls
Straw hat
Twenty days without war
Sky swallows
Mechanic Gavrilov's beloved woman
Station for two
Love and pigeons
My sailor
Old nags

News and society

Husbands of Gurchenko Lyudmila: names, biographies and life stories. Sergei Senin - Gurchenko's husband (biography)

July 14, 2016

The viewer is often interested not only in the creative, but also in the personal life of their favorite actors. Fans of Lyudmila Markovna know that she put a stamp in her passport more than once (it is better to keep silent about unofficial connections). Who were Gurchenko's legal husbands?

The famous temptress walked down the aisle 5 times. So, about all marriage partners in order.

Vasily Ordynsky

Young Lyudmila met the young film director in her second year at VGIK. Looking ahead, it must be said that all of Gurchenko’s husbands were associated with the stage. With Vasily, they studied in the same workshop, with the same teachers, but with a difference of 4 years: Lyudmila went to college straight from school, and Ordynsky had a front behind him. She was only 18 and her boyfriend was 30 when they got married in 1953.

It would seem a wonderful tandem: a promising actress and a talented director, but neither a creative nor a life union came of it. Their marriage lasted only about a year. Lyudmila Markovna did not particularly like to remember this relationship. They say she couldn’t forgive her husband for cheating. Although this page in the biography benefited Gurchenko’s career takeoff. In 1956, she made her debut in the film “The Road of Truth”, and then the famous “Carnival Night”, after which Lyudmila woke up as a star of Soviet cinema.

Boris Andronikashvili

An impressive young screenwriter from the same VGIK immediately made young Lucy’s heart beat faster. She herself spoke about her tendency to fall in love at every turn. And in Boris she met not only a handsome man, but also a talented man. By the way, he was from the famous film dynasty of Shengelaya (directors Eldar and Georgiy were his cousins). His Georgian appearance was more than charming. Subtle irony, an intellectual mindset, musicality - her new chosen one possessed these and other qualities.

Lyudmila was at the peak of her popularity. But for some reason family life did not work out. It’s no secret: some of Gurchenko’s husbands recall that she still had the same character. They also had some professional differences: Andronikashvili did not take her role as a comedian seriously. The marriage of Boris and Lyudmila lasted only 4 years, from 1958 to 1960. Even the birth of their daughter Maria could not keep these two talented people together.

Alexander Fadeev

It existed for only two years - from 1962 to 1964. new union actresses. Her husband this time was Foster-son writer Alexander Fadeev. He was also an actor, but not a promising one. Here the family did not work out because of the husband’s constant spree. The fourth attempt to start a family was also unsuccessful.

Joseph Kobzon

Yes, it was he who lived with everyone’s favorite actress for 3 years. Both consider this marriage a huge mistake and behave this way towards each other as if they were complete strangers. Most likely, two passionate and extraordinary natures could not get along under one roof. Be that as it may, they official union existed from 1967 to 1970. Gurchenko was so shocked by this experience family life, that for several years she decided to abstract herself from any relationship and did not let anyone near her, which was very unusual for her.

Konstantin Kuperweis

Some of Gurchenko's husbands were younger than her. But the significant age difference (14 years) did not prevent him and Konstantin from living together from 1973 to 1991. This is a record for the notorious heartbreaker. But they did not officially register their relationship. Konstantin was a pianist, but he pushed his career into the background, which he later regretted. He lived these years in the shadow of her fame, but then ambition took over, and Cooperweis left.

He was born in Odessa in 1961. He graduated from the Institute of Civil Engineering and got a job as a laboratory assistant within the walls of his alma mater. But unexpectedly for everyone, he changed his occupation and went to work at the Odessa film studio.

Lyudmila Markovna met him in 1993 during the filming of a film, where last husband Gurchenko was the producer. She was 58, he was 32. Of course, the ruler of men’s hearts always kept her mark and at this age did not lose her charm and charm at all. The entire film crew watched how rapidly their relationship developed. There was a scandal: Sergei Senin, Gurchenko’s husband, was married at that time and had a daughter. His wife, having learned about the betrayal, immediately filed for divorce. There were no legal obstacles, and the lovers were married in the same 1993. They lived together for 18 years, until the actress’s death.

Senin himself (Gurchenko’s husband), whose biography is not replete with bright creative events, devoted himself entirely to Lyudmila Markovna and did not regret it at all. For example, he did for her creatively what others could not - he gave her participation in a musical film. This genre was Gurchenko’s dream, which came true only in 1993. The short film was called "Love". It consisted of monologues and songs. Also, Sergei Senin, Gurchenko’s husband, was the producer of the projects “Motley Twilight” and “Reboot”, where Lyudmila Markovna played herself.

It seems that it was the last marriage that brought Lyudmila Markovna what she had been looking for all her life in relationships with men: love, care, respect and understanding.

On the eve of Lyudmila Markovna’s 80th birthday, Sergei Senin told Gordon Boulevard about why he turned an apartment in the center of Moscow into a museum, and he decided to wander around rented apartments. And also - how he blessed Yulia Peresild for the role of Gurchenko in the biopic, how he divided property with the actress’s daughter Masha, about cars, expensive jewelry, Lyudmila Markovna’s love for gay men and why Irina Bilyk refused to participate in the anniversary concert.

Photo: Felix Rosenstein / Gordon Boulevard

- Sergei Mikhailovich, in November Lyudmila Markovna would have turned 80 years old. How will you celebrate your birthday?

- I don't know yet. I wouldn't want it to turn into food and drink. There are many options: from very modest to serious and large-scale... We’ll probably gather our closest friends and sit down. I would like music to sound this evening, Lucy’s songs. There was an idea to organize an exhibition in Moscow, but it hasn’t worked out yet. Today everything comes down to finances, and these are unrealistic amounts.

- I know that a month before your birthday you are organizing a big anniversary concert dedicated to Lyudmila Markovna in the Kremlin Palace in Moscow. In this regard, due to the tense political situation in Kyiv, a big scandal recently broke out involving Irina Bilyk, who is on your list of invited artists. Will Irina take part in this concert?

- Ira and I know each other very well, I actually invited her. I really wanted her to sing the romance “The Rosi Have Fallen to Mow” from the film “Roman and Francesca.” She liked the idea, but, as I understand it, some problems arose. I don’t really know what kind, I only heard rumors that she wouldn’t be able to participate. It is a pity that the times have come when politics interferes in everything. I really wanted there to be some kind of Ukrainian piece in this concert, because Lyudmila Markovna had a lot connected with Ukraine.

-Are you interested in what is happening with us now?

- Well, of course! Some desperate and tragic situation. I myself am an Odessa resident, but I can’t come to Odessa - not because I’m afraid. The mood has gone. I don't look for those who are right or wrong. In such situations, everyone is always to blame. And here it is impossible to say who is more and who is less. We must believe that this will pass and everything will work out. But what is happening is unreal. I remember when Lyusya and I went to Kharkov together for the first time in 1993, she burst into tears at the border when she was asked to fill out a customs declaration. How is it - she is going to her homeland, and then this... There were tears in her eyes. I can imagine what would happen to her now if she saw that her two beloved countries were in such a terrible situation...

Creative things that I plan to do distract me from sad thoughts. We have been doing this concert for six months now, and I feel Lucy’s presence: her songs, her voice... In fact, she is the director and author of this evening

Lyudmila Gurchenko on the set of the film "Carnival Night". Photo:

- I wanted to ask you about the upcoming concert. What is being prepared? It’s not easy to finance such a large project without sponsors...

- All these creative things that I am now planning to do distract me from sad thoughts. We have been doing this concert for six months now, and I feel Lucy’s presence: her songs, her voice... In fact, she is the director and author of this evening. I didn’t invent anything - I just sat down, thought, remembered how it was with her... I knew her concerts well, she didn’t have random songs, everything was built from the first word to the final note. I was guided by this principle even now, realizing that she would have done this number like this. Perhaps I’m wrong somewhere, but on the whole I’m sure that I followed her prompts exactly.

No one helped us financially; we have a partner who supported and proposed the idea of ​​this project. These are our mutual friends and comrades-in-arms with Lyusya. I wrote a script, invited a good director and choreographer. The main thing that guided me was that I wanted to perform songs that Lyudmila Markovna herself composed, and those that are associated with her, but she is not their author, such as “Carnival Night.”

The vast majority of the artists I invited worked with her on stage and in films. These are those whom she treated with great respect and warmth or, like Zemfira, with undisguised delight. But the evening will not turn into “Song of the Year,” when the artists took the stage, sang and ran away. There is a dramatic basis. Despite the fact that this is a concert in memory of Luce, she will be present on stage and in the hall. The host will be Maxim Averin, and Lyusya will become his co-host. Everything is built in such a way that they will complement each other. A very good actress (I won’t reveal all the cards yet), she will not be made up as Lucy, but will play her in those places that seemed very important to us, where we did not find the necessary material and through this actress we restored how it could have been, Be here Lucy herself. In general, it should be interesting, as long as there is enough time to implement everything the way we want.

Lyudmila Markovna charged everyone with her irrepressible energy.

- Was the choice of songs by the artists unexpected for you?

- Yes, everything was not easy. When inviting artists, I understood that many of them would agree to perform, but it was important for me to offer them a performance that, in my opinion, would fit with them, but, unfortunately, it did not always work out that way. As a result, we were faced with the following problem: Lucy had a large repertoire built for her, a huge acting component, and where it seemed to us that this song would be performed by this or that performer, it suddenly turned out that the artists themselves said that they could not do it to do... But we discussed everything in a friendly manner and came up with ideas. These will be new interpretations with new arrangements. Before this, no one had performed Lucina’s songs like this. For example, Zemfira will not re-sing anything - she will sing her hit “Do you want?”, because it has long been associated with Lyudmila Markovna, who wrote this song different options performed - both on stage, and for television programs, and in films, so everything came together naturally.

- Was it ever that one of the artists asked for a fee for participation? As they say, friendship is friendship, but you always want to eat...

- No, otherwise this concert would not have been possible at all. Everyone was very respectful and understanding; there was no talk of fees even close.

The things we have in our house were studied by specialists from the Stroganov Academy. About forty people took part in this. The collective doctoral or candidate's dissertation has definitely already been written there. I think Lucy would be amazed to learn about this

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Sergei Sein in their Moscow apartment. Photo:

- They say you want to open memorial museum in the apartment where they lived with Lyudmila Markovna for many years. How do you imagine this idea in reality?

- I don’t want to call it a museum; a museum is something frozen. This will be a museum-workshop. The entire apartment is dedicated to this, because of this I was forced to rent a place for myself, because if I do this, it’s impossible to live there. So now I live outside the city - there is fresh air here, and the dogs are happy.

This matter is interesting to me, otherwise everything would lie like a dead weight and be quietly eaten by moths. Lucy left behind a colossal man-made legacy: costumes, accessories, jewelry, handbags, belts. There are more than 800 costumes alone. Exhibitions have already been held in Moscow, which lasted about a year, at the Sheremetev Palace in St. Petersburg, and recently an exhibition was held in Rostov. This happens all the time, and not because I try to organize it: the museums themselves turn to me.

So much - and how to store it? Restoring is a whole undertaking. Therefore, this idea was born - to open a museum. Five years have passed since Lucy passed away, but we are still finding some incredible things that even I might not have noticed, and now people who understand this are discovering some deep meaning of these things. Therefore, my new friends and I, and among them scientists, professors, academicians, felt that there was interest in this. It would be a pity if these things perish. No one makes the kind of dresses that Lucy herself made and designed herself today.

- How quickly did you decide to go through all her things?

“In the first months after she left, I was in a state of complete stupidity. And suddenly I got a call from a Moscow gallery and museum, and that’s where it all started. The head of the costume shop came to my home and dry-cleaned every item, each now has its own trunk, everything is numbered, hanging on hangers. Everything in the house was photographed and studied. Specialists from the Stroganov Academy worked from different areas: some were engaged in finishing costumes, others - paraphernalia and accessories, others - Gzhel and ceramics. About forty people took part in this. The collective doctoral or candidate's dissertation has definitely already been written there. I think Lucy would be amazed to learn about this.

I began to understand this myself. And so you look - the fox and the fox are hanging, but it turns out there is no price for it - not in the sense that it costs a lot of money: it already has historical value. History - it also goes away. We also want to do an exhibition of black and white photographs, there are hundreds of thousands of them. In twenty years I haven’t been able to go through so much and now I continue, but not alone, thank God.

Lyudmila Markovna has repeatedly received the title of the most stylish actress. Photo from the personal archive of Lyudmila Gurchenko

- Does this mean that your living space will become a museum on a permanent basis?

- No, for now there is a museum in the apartment out of necessity, because renting a room costs fabulous money, but I am a stubborn and tenacious person, so my friends and I are promoting this, but for now everything will be in the apartment. Why a museum-workshop? Professionals and non-professionals, people who want to learn something, will come here. For example, good craftsmen They will show you some kind of accessory that Lyudmila Markovna had, and tell you how to make something with your own hands that is valuable today. And then life will show whether it will happen or not. But I really hope that everything will work out. Over time, perhaps, the city authorities will show interest in creating a room where they could create a full-fledged gallery.

Entry will be free, because it is intended primarily for those who are truly interested. There are already those who are ready to help; everything needs to be maintained and restored. We can say that these will be donations “from our own”.

From October 1 to October 15, Moscow will host an exhibition of dolls and angels that Lyudmila Markovna collected all her life.

And on November 9, I will unveil a memorial plaque on the house where we have lived for the last twenty years.

More than twenty production centers approached me who wanted to make a film about Luce. I’ve seen TV series about Tolkunova, Pugacheva, but I’m generally silent about Zykina. And I understood that if I behaved categorically, it would end in the same way. So I met with everyone

Ring on right hand made of white gold with sapphire, a gift from Lyudmila Markovna, Sergei Senin still does not take it off. Photo: Felix Rosenstein/Gordon Boulevard

- Your whole life still revolves around Lyudmila Markovna. What do you do for a living now?

- I devoted three years to the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, now I work as an assistant to the artistic director of the theater. E. Vakhtangov Rimas Tuminas. This work is different, but it is also very difficult and takes a lot of time. Rimas is my old friend, with whom we have gone through a lot in work and in life. And I'm happy to work with him. This theater is number one today. There's a lot of interesting stuff there. True, this work is tearing me to pieces in connection with the upcoming concert and exhibition, but all people are understanding of my situation, so I think everything will be okay.

- Behind Lately Many biopics have been made about our contemporaries. I know that director Sergei Aldonin recently began filming the 16-episode film “Lyusya Gurchenko”. Did they ask you for permission?

- About a year and a half or two ago, I received an endless stream of calls from various film companies and production centers who wanted to make a film about Lucy. In total, more than twenty applied. I understood that this was a very sensitive topic and that you couldn’t just say no over the phone. We are witnesses to what unscrupulous people do: they take history, change one letter in their last name, two in their first name, and do whatever they want. I saw this in the series about Valya Tolkunova, about Pugacheva, and I’m generally silent about Zykina. And I understood that if I behaved categorically, it would end in the same way. Therefore, I chose a different tactic: I decided that I needed to know everything from the inside, so I met with everyone and asked two questions: who plays Lyudmila Markovna and who plays her father. Because without Lucy’s dad Mark Gavrilovich it is impossible to create any story about Lucy. There was an incredible connection between them, and without him her whole life would be incomprehensible. As a result, what I heard from the visiting directors horrified me, but I didn’t show it. Sometimes I managed to disappear, someone still had to sharply refuse, some even began to scare me, they said that if you refuse, we will do like everyone else: we will change the names - and we will get a story about Luce, but you legally will not be able to show us no complaints.

Yulia Peresild will play Lyudmila Markovna in the film by Sergei Aldonin. Photo:

Seryozha Aldonin (Lusya knew him; a good theater director, by the way) came to the meeting with a young producer. Both their eyes were shining, and I realized that they wanted to do a big, important thing. They named good artists: Yulia Peresild will play Lyudmila Markovna, who I like as an actress, Nikolai Dobrynin will play the father, the type is well chosen, and Nadya Mikhalkova will play Lucy’s mother in her youth. Great company.

But I had a condition that the film should be based on the book “My Adult Childhood.” This is the war, Kharkov, the corpses that Lyusya saw. It was at that time that such a phenomenon as Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born.

In general, the guys took it seriously and after a while they sent us the script. I did not like him. We met again, discussed everything, and they took a timeout for six months. Aldonin himself rewrote the script. The second version was already a good, serious work. In any case, I hope that the film will not be based on the yellow press. Moreover, we agreed that the period they would talk about would begin with her birth and end with 1983 - 1985. Then perestroika began. This time is closer to us - why film it when everything is on the Internet, newsreels and gossip.

Otherwise, I’m glad that the film fell into the hands of decent comrades, and I believe that it will be a clean job, but no one can say how talented it will be, we’ll see. I was only on set once.

- By the way, is it true that in Kharkov they will still name a street after Lyudmila Markovna?

- I think that would be right. Kharkov should be proud that Lucy was born there. But there are laws according to which a street can only be named after ten years. In any case, no one contacted me. I remember the story of the monument that they wanted to erect to Lyusya in Kharkov, but then it was never erected. This situation exhausted her greatly. She knew nothing about it, but at that time some kind of strife began, everything fell on her poor head, and she had no idea what the monument was and what it was for.

about the abundance of jewelry, everything was modest. I gave her antique rings with precious stones, she has always been interested in very expensive jewelry, but these are not simple trinkets. It happens that good jewelry costs more than jewelry.

Two stars - two bright stories. Barbara Brylska and Lyudmila Gurchenko. Photo: Alexander Lazarenko/Gordon Boulevard

- Not so long ago lawyer Yuliy Kaygorodov, who helped you resolve conflicts over the division of property with Gurchenko’s daughter Masha, admitted that Lyudmila Markovna had almost no expensive jewelry - everything she wore was mostlygood jewelry. How could this be?

- Lucy never had an abundance of jewelry, everything was very modest. She loved antique jewelry. I gave her earrings and rings with precious and semiprecious stones. Dima Gordon once gave me very beautiful earrings with emeralds...

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Dmitry Gordon really had a long-term friendship. Photo: Felix Rosenstein / "Gordon Boulevard"

Lucy was also interested in very expensive jewelry, but these were not simple trinkets. It happens that good jewelry costs more than jewelry. There was such jewelry that you couldn’t find during the day. But she also added a lot to it herself, then it was generally an unreal, fantastic thing, but for those who understand, the rest don’t care.

Lyudmila Gurchenko’s daughter Maria made peace with Sergei Senin almost five years after her mother’s death. Photo:

And with Masha, we resolved all matters; there were no trials. It was not my fault that we resolved them five years later, and resolved them the way I suggested at the very beginning. Quiet, calm, everyone is happy. Masha will be at the anniversary concert. Last year she and I were together in St. Petersburg for Lyudmila Markovna’s birthday, so everything is fine. We didn’t have any struggle for the apartment either. Masha had a dacha, I had an apartment. I paid her a decent amount as compensation for keeping Lucy's things to take care of the museum. Because if we started dividing the things that were left, we would go crazy. Our grandchildren would still be finishing these things. Masha understands that I am doing this purposefully. Besides, she has her own problems, children, grandchildren. But the fact that I am alive is a guarantee that these things will last at least for some decades to come, and then I don’t know what will happen. I don't think about any history in the future - I would just be incredibly sorry if it all disappeared. I know that the Hermitage is also showing interest in Lucy’s costumes self made, there are extraordinary things there!

Lucy always enjoyed performing in gay clubs, and she had many friends from this circle. We had normal relations with everyone. She considered these people the most appreciative audience

Lyudmila Markovna performing at a Kiev gay club. Alexey Panin threw himself at the actress’s feet. Photo:

- I still remember one of Lyudmila Markovna’s last unofficial visits to Kyiv: she came to the opening of a gay club on Khreshchatyk. A small basement room, there were so many people that she had difficulty making her way to the stage, there was not enough air. And then I thought that at her age it was really possible to undertake such stress only for the sake of money. Has she needed them in recent years?

- Lucy always enjoyed performing in such institutions, and she had many friends from this circle. We had normal relations with everyone. She considered these people the most appreciative audience. Starting from "Motley Twilight" she had some kind of premonition of something... Man best years I lived with downtime in my work, but here it was as if I wanted to make up for everything. I tried to stop this process, to streamline it, but I realized that it was pointless.

The last two years - 2010 and 2011 - have been real madness for her. But such is the life of an actor. If our actors of Soviet cinema were paid according to their talent and contribution, then one “Carnival Night” in America would cost it! Take it off and live happily all your life. But we didn’t have that, so when it became possible to earn money, the strength was not the same and the demand was not the same, but she always had to overcome something in order to be at the top.

- Were you able to save some money or did you live there and invest it in your needs?

- I can’t say that we earned crazy money - rather, it was normal. This allowed us not to deny ourselves anything, but also not to live in luxury. There was no extravagance because there was nothing to waste. We lived modestly, without frills, but we could easily travel abroad and change cars every two years. good brands. The apartment was in the center of Moscow, in the best area, but more than modest - 120 meters. And also a very modest dacha. All this was quite enough for happy life and work.

I remember when tough times came, in 1998, we made the first original musical “The Bureau of Happiness”, the cast was more than a hundred people... Suddenly a default struck. I had to get my hard-earned money and invest in this business, otherwise it wouldn’t have worked. The same situation happened with “Motley Twilight” in 2008. We start filming, the state allocates 1 million rubles for the film, and this is at best the fourth part for a modest film. A crisis comes, the ruble falls - and we again sell something of our own, take it out of our bosoms and invest it in the project.

There is a vigil at Lucy's grave every weekend. I am calm because I myself have begun to visit less often, I don’t have enough time due to how busy I am now, but I know that there are reliable and devoted people there. Many people call them fans - this is probably true, because they have been on watch for five years now

The grave of Lyudmila Gurchenko on Novodevichy Cemetery Every weekend fans take turns cleaning. Photo:

- When Lyudmila Markovna passed away, one Russian tabloid published a photograph of her in a coffin. What was your reaction?

- I saw this magazine! Someone slipped it under my door in my apartment. I felt a chill, but not because they published this photo. I just saw the lifeless Lucy again. And so - I don’t care about them. Journalists have brought so much trouble to us in life, I despise so many of them, they are simply non-humans! How much dirt was poured on Lucy even after death! But I myself don’t read anything on purpose, unless it catches my eye without my desire. Many books have been written about her, most of them mediocre. The best one was written by journalist Valery Kichin, the book is simply amazing!

There are guys from Lyusina’s VKontakte group who help me take care of her grave and the grave of her parents, buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, her grandson Mark also lies there, they also take care of his grave. And at Novodevichy there is duty every weekend. I am calm because I myself have begun to visit less often, I don’t have enough time due to how busy I am now, but I know that there are reliable and devoted people there. Many people call them fans, and in a sense they really are fans, because for the past five years they have been keeping a kind of vigil, cleaning and wiping down the monument, throwing away withered flowers. They could mind their own business, but when they come there, it’s important to them. I thought - well, probably some kind of time will pass, as usually happens: at first everyone is nearby, and in the end there are two people left. But no, they still come every weekend and bring their children, I scold them for this, but I can’t do anything, I’m still grateful that they exist, without them it would be completely sad.

- Do you dream about Lyudmila Markovna, do you feel her presence?

- Yes, I see her very often. IN last time I dreamed about it yesterday, but it’s related to the concert, when the balls are already moving behind the rollers. I always check everything through Lyusya and consult with her. For the first six months, not only did I not have dreams with her, I could not recall her face in my memory. This strange thing happened in my head. And then I dreamed, but I didn’t see her in the dream, I only knew that it was Lucy standing on the bridge, and there was no one there. Some kind of dream.

- How do you consult with her?

“I sit down and imagine what she would say in this situation. Lucy always made wise decisions. Sometimes I categorically disagreed, and then after a while I realized how insightful, fair and wise she was, how accurately she assessed people, actions, actions. Some kind of wisdom was embedded in it. And it helps today. It happens that I can’t find the answer, it’s a hopeless situation, then I consult with her again.

- They say that married people will be together in the next world. You had an official marriage, but you didn’t get married. Do you regret it now?

- These are such complex things... I was recently tormented because I erected a monument on my grave, but there was no cross there.

In general, of course, I regret a lot... I behaved incorrectly, made me nervous, suffered, and was rude. When you live and work together, you don't notice many things. If I could return that time, I would be more attentive, I would forbid her to do any work in order to save strength and health, but that’s all in the past.

- A wedding ring do you wear? In general, are there things given by Lyudmila Markovna that you never part with?

- I took off mine, now our two rings are at home together. And I wear a white gold ring with a sapphire. It is always with me. Lucy gave it to me in 1995, when we were in New York. It is not expensive, bought in a very good store on Fifth Avenue. AND pectoral cross XIX century, which she bought for me at the Izmailovsky vernissage in Moscow in 1993.

If I’m alone, that means I’ll be alone, not alone, but not alone. All the same, my attitude, memory and the twenty years that we lived with Lyusya will not disappear anywhere. This is definitely forever!

“I took off my wedding band, our two rings are now at home together.” Photo:

- But you admit that sooner or later you will arrange your life again?

- Why make a wish? Probably... I can’t say no, that’s it, never. Life goes in such a way that you make plans, and then bam - and everything turns upside down. As it will be, so it will be. If I’m alone, that means I’ll be alone, not alone, but not alone. I think this is normal. All the same, my attitude, memory and the twenty years that we lived with Lyusya will not disappear anywhere. This is definitely forever! And everything else is life, which requires something. It is very difficult to do things alone, for example, with everyday life, running a household and solving some primitive issues. Although I have a housekeeper who worked with us back under Luce. Now she comes less often because there is less work outside the city. But she is with me, helps, cleans. And my friends don’t leave me either.

Chapter 23. Sergei Senin. 20 years with a star in terra incognita mode

After her divorce from Kuperweiss, Gurchenko met a young businessman Sergei Senin and married him.

It was Sergei who determined the nature of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s relationships with men. He said that the actress was never looking for a specific man - all her life she was looking only for her father. That’s why all her husbands were called by her exclusively “dads.” Including the young husband Kuperweis, and the next young Senin (their age difference was 25 years!). Despite this, Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gurchenko lived together for twenty years. And all these years, as if according to a pattern, he always called her “daughter.”

Well, actress Inna Vykhodtseva confirmed:

– Sometimes I, who lived my whole life with my Leva, wondered: why does Lucy get married so many times? But it was not easy for her to find her man. At the same time, each new man tried to drag her into the registry office. Lucy explained: “It’s not always possible to refuse. Although if it were my will, I would limit myself to civil marriages.” Civil marriages By the way, she also had a lot - it makes no sense to even list everything. What can we say - men loved Gurchenko! It’s interesting that she called all her lovers “dads.” Maybe because she missed her father, to whom she was very attached. Well, or it was just her Kharkov manner... But Lyusya also called the directors with whom she acted “dads.” And Mikhalkov, and Konchalovsky... And they said it to each other - Koza. They said: “Well, did the Goat come for makeup? Is the goat dressed? Now there’s a double with the Goat...” This is since she starred as the Goat in the film “Mama.”

When she felt very bad on the evening of March 30, 2011, she quietly asked her husband Sergei: “Dad, call an ambulance...” But she wouldn’t wait for the ambulance...

Shortly before this - February 14, 2011 - Gurchenko slipped near her house and broke her hip. The actress was hospitalized, the next day she underwent surgery, and in early March she was discharged home. But on March 30, the actress’s condition worsened.

Businessman Sergei Senin, like pianist Kuperweis, sincerely and devotedly served his beloved for many years. “It was his choice, the choice of a strong, self-sufficient man - to serve the woman he had idolized since he was eighteen...” said the famous journalist Kira Proshutinskaya.

Little is known about Senin, and he does not like to be shown off; in general, their life with the star was terra incognita for most. It is known, for example, that he is a native of Odessa, graduated from the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute with honors, and entered graduate school. He married Galina, who worked as an economist at a film studio. During their years of living in the dormitory of the Odessa film studio, where Galina had her own room, their daughter Arina was born (now mother and daughter live in Israel).

The businessman’s acquaintance with the actress occurred after his relatives had left for Israel, in 1990 on the set of the film “Sex Tale” based on Nabokov, which he produced. The film was shot in Lithuania, in Vilnius. He flew there, and on the way to the studio bought flowers for actress Gurchenko, whom he did not recognize at the first moment of meeting, mistaking her for simply unspeakable beautiful woman... They lived together for six years before they registered their marriage.

Senin spoke about his acquaintance with the star after she had passed into eternity and after the years he had lived “by inertia,” without her. Kira Proshutinskaya persuaded him to the meeting. Here's what you can glean from her material:

“Sergei put out another cigarette, and I suddenly saw a beautiful ring on his hand.

– Where is it from, Seryozha? – she asked unexpectedly for herself, without any transition, tactlessly.

“Lucy gave it to me,” he said, looking at the ring. – Sapphire in white gold. She bought it in New York, in a good store. She always wanted me to have something like that. In general, everything that is decent in me is Lyusina’s merit. Because when we met, I was a complete idiot. Meeting her is crazy luck, Kira! The fact that Lyusya and I not only crossed paths in life, but lived for a huge period of time - it couldn’t have been accidental, could it? Yes, I consciously lived her life, otherwise why live with her? Before her, I had a production company, I made films for which I am not ashamed and which gave quite tangible financial success. I - a real man. But with Lyusya I was ready to do everything without thinking whether it would bring any profit or not.”

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Sergei Senin. “Please believe in yourself, love, don’t be afraid of anything, be free, take risks. You see, life is such a thing that you seem to be young, young, young, and then bam - and it’s over. You look around and think about how much you didn’t do because you were afraid, embarrassed, and cowardly. There is no need to be afraid of anything. Take risks. Even if you are wrong. That's life. And most importantly, of course, love each other. Always, every minute." (Lyudmila Gurchenko)

It was this man, who became her last stronghold in the life of the film star, who later sought to ensure that Gurchenko’s elite apartment did not go under the hammer, but became a museum worthy of the memory of the GREAT ACTRESS.

Of course, as E. Mishanenkova correctly noted, the story of survival began for L. Gurchenko in 1985; “Yes, there were still “Vivat, Midshipmen”, “My Sailor Girl”, “Old Nags” and much more ahead. But the “ceiling” had already been reached in the films “Station for Two” and “Love and Doves.” Lyudmila Gurchenko suddenly found herself in the position of the recently played Emilia from “The Recipe for Her Youth” - it seems that she has talent, but it is no longer possible to develop it, the world in which she has to live does not allow it.”

Over the years of her life together with her last husband, Gurchenko received many more prizes and awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. And in 1995, she was awarded the Golden Ticket prize - according to audience polls, she was recognized as the best actress in the entire history of Soviet and Russian cinema. In February 2011, she also took part in the filming of the film “Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko"…

...The last years of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s life, almost all publications in the media about the star’s personal life boiled down mainly to her difficult relationship with her daughter Maria (the actress sued her for her mother’s apartment; there were also lawsuits for other property and a car) and manipulations with her appearance (the actress made record number plastic surgery and various cosmetic procedures).

But the fight with Time is always useless, even if You are Living Legend

Despite a solid list of suitors, lawful husbands, friends and lovers, Gurchenko never considered herself flighty.

– I have always had one love – big, sincere, sensual, devoted. Only the objects changed.

But even in this ironic confession we find a catch: the interchangeable objects of her “great and devoted love” were not people, not men, but the names of paintings and performances... where she, if she does not play the main role, then at least briefly appears - bright and recognizable by everyone...

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The apartment in the center of Moscow, in which Lyudmila Gurchenko and Sergei Senin have lived for the last 10 years, was broken into at the request of the actress’s daughter. Lyudmila Markovna’s husband was at home at that moment. All this was filmed by television crews.

On Wednesday around nine in the evening I was returning home from a close friend’s birthday party. Masha called (the daughter from the actress’s marriage to screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili. - Ed.) with the question: “I’m standing at your door, where do you go?!”

I was surprised, because in the three years that had passed since Lucy left, I had repeatedly contacted Masha - called, sent official letters with an offer to meet. Masha paused strangely... “I’ll be there in an hour,” I answered Masha. I walk into the entrance and on the landing I see not only Masha, but also a group of people I don’t know with a television camera. I said hello and went into the apartment. The doorbell started ringing. I tried to explain to Masha that I was ready to open, but I asked the film crew to leave the entrance. I did not give permission to film in the apartment where I have lived for the last ten years. The response was the following phrase: “Then we’ll now take a grinder and cut out the lock.” I managed to call a lawyer. She contacted Masha by phone and explained that we were committed to a constructive conversation. But Masha hung up. A few minutes later they began to break down the door. All I had time to do was call the police. People with microphones from one of the TV channels, known for their passion for crime chronicles, burst into the apartment at about a quarter to eleven, began walking from room to room and filming Lyudmila Markovna’s personal belongings. In their company there was a man in a police uniform who behaved unceremoniously - touching things with his hands with a triumphant look, saying phrases that provoked an even greater scandal. Fortunately, I didn't fall for it. But when the journalist at some point put it to my face mobile phone with the video camera running, I couldn’t stand it and tried to put the phone away. A policeman immediately intervened. I retreated. They behaved as if they were the owners of the apartment. In this company there was a separate person with a suitcase of tools, ready, if anything happened, to repair the door or insert a new lock. The man was very worried that he would not be filmed. It all looked like theater of the absurd.

-Have you tried to talk to Masha?

- “Masha, come to your senses, what are you doing? I understand that you have not communicated with your mother for 15 years and have never been in this apartment. Let's go, I'll show you everything you want to see. But I ask again - let the journalists leave the premises,” I asked Masha. At this time, the TV channel employee continued to walk freely around the apartment, periodically poking the camera in her face. “I would like to take this cup, these saucers...” said Masha, examining the dishes on the table. - Do you have a newspaper? I need to wrap it up...” In extreme amazement, I asked: “Is this why the shooting was started? Take the cup and whatever you want, but only then there won’t be a mother’s museum.”

A year ago, Sergei Mikhailovich approached me with a request to get in touch with Masha, but Maria Borisovna did not want to agree on anything specific at that moment,” clarifies lawyer Yulia Kaygorodova.

Our last conversation ended with my proposal: “Masha, let’s not count forks and spoons. Now about thirty people work in the apartment - scientists from the Stroganov School, specialists in costume, jewelry, porcelain, and furniture. They catalog everything from concert and everyday dresses to glasses and vases. Nominally the price of these things is far from exorbitant. But from the point of view of the future of the museum and memory, they are priceless. When the specialists finish their work closer to summer and we find an opportunity to organize a museum, I propose to arrange all the exhibits in half. And let this memory remain for our descendants,” says Sergei Senin. - Masha didn’t mind.


- Sergei Mikhailovich, what about real estate?

Everything with real estate is transparent and notarized. Masha owns 1/4 of a three-room Moscow apartment and half of a dacha in the Moscow region. But it has not yet been determined how to use these shares. Because Masha’s financial demands are still objectively inflated. Masha and I sold two cars - a seven-year-old Audi 4 and a new Volvo, my gift to Lyusya for her last anniversary - and divided the money as required by law. Six months ago, after the end of the exhibition at the Museum of Moscow, I gave Masha the service of her famous grandfather Boris Pilnyak, a trophy mirror that Lyusin’s dad (Mashin’s second grandfather Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko) brought from Germany in 1945, albums with her childhood photographs - because that he thought he had no right to even discuss my claim to these things. Before the New Year, I gave Masha several of Lucy’s fur coats...

The only way to solve the problem is either to come to an agreement, says lawyer Yulia Kaygorodova, or to go to civil court, which will determine the procedure for using the real estate. But this situation is not a reason for breaking the door. When I arrived on a call from Sergei Mikhailovich, people from the television group tried not to let me into the apartment. The police who arrived at the scene could not do anything. Media representatives have the right to rent in an apartment only with the consent of both owners. But resolving this issue is not the responsibility of the police. I tried several times to explain this to the head of the film crew, but he did not react to my words, but only repeated in front of the cameras: “Maria Borisovna, take your things!”

Then I turned to Masha:

Maria Borisovna, do you have evidence of exactly what things belong to you personally? This apartment contains the personal belongings of Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gurchenko, which is not surprising - they lived together for nineteen years and bought this apartment ten years ago. This is Sergei Mikhailovich’s only home. He has no other place of residence. You and your husband live in another apartment. You must divide Lyudmila Markovna's things in half through a peace treaty, and not through seizure. Not every person is ready to let journalists into their home without warning. For what purpose was the door broken under the cameras? Exclusively for the purpose of scandal. This is a provocation.


During the shooting process, Maria came up to me with the words: “I’m ready to meet for a conversation,” continues Yulia Kaygorodova. - She tried to explain herself, to justify herself. But the head of the film crew immediately reprimanded: “Maria, don’t make contact. I won’t let this woman mislead you!” As a result, Masha took a cup, saucers, jars of perfume, and demonstratively wrapped everything in newspaper. After that, Sergei Mikhailovich took Masha through the rooms and showed her everything. The police representative smiled: “Please give me your business card. I’m in my third year of law school, maybe someday I’ll need your advice...” Masha looked lost. I think she herself did not fully understand what the sensation hunters had provoked her into.

“I don’t feel the need to defend myself, but strange things are happening,” says Sergei Senin. - In the 21st century, people can come to the center of Moscow, break down the door and, triumphantly, go into the bedroom with a camera. What to do? The only person who could give me a hint today is Lucy. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to consult... When they were about to leave, my lawyer and I suggested that Masha stay. But they didn’t give it to her. I hope that in the near future Masha will negotiate with us in a more civilized way. The door is open for her.