Horoscope for August 2016 Aquarius indicates that this month you need to pay attention to your relationships. Therefore, you should fulfill the promises you made earlier to your friends, colleagues and partners. Your further fate. No matter how tired you are and no matter how nervous you experience, try to treat the people around you tactfully and with kindness. If you do not leave your team, friends, partners in difficult times, and even help them, this will have a positive impact on your future prospects. Horoscope for August 2016 Aquarius indicates that you will be able to count on their support and plan new business, activities and work. So your positive traits character will play the role of a stabilizer that will not allow happiness, luck and prospects to be destroyed. To implement new plans, you will need to hold a series of meetings to conclude agreements. In order for these meetings to end successfully, you should carefully prepare for them. During meetings and negotiations, show patience, which you sometimes lack in order to hear and understand your interlocutor. This will help you do correct conclusions and offer mutually beneficial cooperation.

Marriage horoscope

To strengthen personal happiness, it is necessary to correct the mistakes made and ask for forgiveness. It is advisable for those who left their family to return to it. It is dangerous to have an affair, as you will easily succumb to the influence of others and fall under the power of a dangerous or frivolous person.

In the last month of summer, the stars generously give Aquarius opportunities to change their personal life for the better. The whole month promises to be very busy. The New Moon on August 2, 2016 activates your partner's house, the theme of love and relationships takes on special significance. This month is good for starting new relationships and for refreshing existing ones. If you cannot forget your lost love, then there may be a chance to return it. And if you think that the relationship has outlived its usefulness and is limiting you, perhaps it’s time to turn over a new leaf.

On August 6, 2016, the planet of love Venus moves into your metaphysical eighth house, offering to bring into intimate life more creativity and passion. Listen to your desires, develop your imagination, be creative - and then your relationship will blossom. At the same time, this position of Venus can make you feel overwhelmed with emotions, jealousy and suspicion are not excluded. Try to control yourself and remain tactful with those you love. Venus in the eighth house is also related to finances, so Aquarius' love interests will intersect with practical matters: money, shopping, property. Possible profit through a spouse or lover.

Until August 23, 2016, the Sun is located in the house of the partner Aquarius, which really portends important events in personal life. Developing situations will bring you valuable experience and allow you to better understand yourself and your loved one.

Career and financial horoscope for Aquarius for August 2016

The month promises Aquarius achievements at work and in business. In August 2016, your ambitions are backed by hard work and perseverance, so show others what you are capable of. However, not everyone will perceive the desire to stand out positively; someone in the team will look at you disapprovingly. The stars advise being diplomatic, confronting such people, but not entering into open conflict with them.

Mars, ruler of the career house of Aquarius, moves into your sector of friendship and social relations on August 3, 2016. This means that you will achieve more when interacting with other people than you would on your own. You can rely on friends and count on their help. Collective projects and those with a social orientation are receiving new impetus.

When it comes to finances, planetary influences are contradictory. On the one hand, Venus and Jupiter in one of your financial houses promise increased income and good luck with money. On the other hand, Neptune is active, the influence of which often entails deception and loss. Be careful to keep what you are entitled to.


In August 2016, Aquarius is in good health and no health problems are expected. To reduce the impact of work-related stress, be physically active: go to Gym, be in nature, dance, walk. This is a good time to start practicing yoga.

Don't let your actions damage your reputation!

August 2016 for Aquarius will be absolutely peaceful and calm. Even if Aquarius gets some kind of shock, it will be caused only by his own activities. But since Aquarius himself will avoid adventures in August 2016, there will most likely be no surprises.

The 2016 horoscope for Aquarius says that August is the best time to indulge in memories. Aquarius may unexpectedly find himself in a long time ago forgotten places or meet someone you haven’t seen for a long time. It is possible that in August 2016 Aquarius will be proud to appear before old acquaintances in his new guise and status. Or he will simply be happy about this unexpected meeting with the past. The most important thing is that Aquarius does not start installing own rules, but simply joined the general atmosphere. Where everything has already been decided for him.

If in August 2016 Aquarius has any questions, then they should be resolved in the same way as Aquarius has already solved similar ones. And even if the situation was different then, this method will work.

Favorable numbers for August are 1, 6, 9, 15, 21, 29.

Unfavorable numbers August – 3, 8, 11, 19, 24, 28.

Love horoscope for August 2016 Aquarius

The conversations that will circulate in August 2016 about Aquarius will bring him nothing but harm. Regardless of whether they will talk about him badly or well. For example, if Aquarius has plans for some girl and they tell her that he lives poorly with his current girlfriend, then she may think that Aquarius has a bad character or is too low self-esteem. How else can you explain the fact that Aquarius lives with a girl he doesn’t like?

The horoscope for 2016 Aquarius advises not to touch upon your personal life in conversations at all, especially with one of your exes. Otherwise, towards the end of August 2016, Aquarius may face an inadequate reaction.

If in August 2016 Aquarius decides to renew a relationship with someone, then he will succeed very well. It makes sense to take risks. However, it will take Aquarius quite some time to repair any damage that has been caused.

Finance and career horoscope for August 2016 Aquarius

In August 2016, Aquarius will feel pretty good. He will work energetically and will soon become the center of the whole movement. However, this also has its downsides, because if Aquarius suddenly decides to go on vacation or moves to another department, this very movement may stop here or his productivity will sharply decrease.

The horoscope for 2016 for Aquarius says that climbing the career ladder cannot yet be expected. Most likely, Aquarius will receive exactly the same position that he already held before. For example, he will be appointed project manager. We should agree, since in August 2016 Aquarius will be able to easily negotiate with people.

As for the material sphere, it is better for Aquarius not to try to save on the price of a product at the expense of its quality. In fact, if in August 2016 Aquarius buys something cheaper, he will be able to understand what the difference is very soon. Everyone's solution financial issues It is better to postpone until the last ten days of August.

Health horoscope for August 2016 Aquarius

In August 2016, it is better for Aquarius not to experiment with treatment and use exclusively proven methods. The situation will not be too complicated and there will be no second bottom.

Horoscope for 2016 Aquarius says that in August genetic diseases will respond well to prevention. So you can get tested.

If Aquarius is predisposed to various stomach diseases, then now they can worsen. In August 2016, Aquarius should stick to a light diet.

From 1 to 10 August. Household chores and solving professional problems will overshadow your desire to build harmonious relationships based on friendship and sympathy. Success awaits those who, no matter what, take into account the interests of all parties. This is a period of unforeseen changes in working and living conditions. The ability to keep your word, be responsible, and take care of your neighbors will help you avoid many problems now and in the future. Try not to act recklessly and make decisions only after careful consideration.

From 11 to 20 August. It will be easier for you to find a common language with unfamiliar people. Close surroundings may cause you irritation and misunderstanding. You need to be more reserved with older people. From August 18, intellectual communication will bring you closer to your partner. Your sparkling humor and fruitful thoughts can captivate people.

From 21 to 31 August. During this period, your words can greatly hurt or, conversely, have a beneficial effect on people. Therefore, weigh the pros and cons before expressing your opinion. Special attention you need to devote time to building peaceful relationships with neighbors and your spouse’s relatives. Remember more often the positive moments of your life together and do not focus on the negative ones.

Family horoscope

Allow your spouse to express their Creative skills Houses. It is important for him to be bright, noticeable, the main ringleader. Tell him more often about his talents and what you like about him. If he is ready to listen to criticism, then criticize gently and lovingly. Try to get children interested in making something with their own hands. Older generation I will be glad to have any communication. Arrange a meeting for parents with relatives or organize a family cultural program with visits to your favorite museums and theaters. When communicating, avoid topics that provoke conflicts and melancholy.

Health horoscope

Listen to your body's cues more often. During this period, chronic diseases may worsen. In mid-August it is favorable to carry out planned health activities. Don't give up sanatorium treatment or from hospitalization. Pay special attention to the lower back, veins, urinary and endocrine systems. Eliminate spicy foods and strong drinks from your diet.

Horoscope of work and money

At the beginning of August, management may not pay attention to your miscalculations. Conflict situations with colleagues can also pass by management. During this period, large income is possible from a transaction or service provided by you or thanks to your position. Your favorite profession can begin to bear long-awaited fruits.

Horoscope for August 2016 for Aquarius men

Love. At times he may seem somewhat nervous, impulsive and impatient. At such moments, freedom-loving Aquarians are ready to provoke breaks in long-term, but not very harmonious relationships. As soon as you show him that he is loved, respected and listened to, irritation will immediately be replaced by friendliness.

Tone. You will feel constant internal tension and an inability to remain at rest. You need to learn to stop unnecessary thoughts and spend your energy more rationally.

Finance. Good interest in the work of intermediaries, income from co-authorship, and cooperation are possible. If you manage to fulfill your obligations and loan payments, you may receive expensive gifts from business partners as incentives.

Job. At the end of August, a difficult situation in the workplace may not show him in the best light. But if he is a professional and knows what he wants, then during the Leo period he can really find a job according to his vocation or get a leadership position.

Friends. In August the house is open for meetings with friends. This is the time for the successful implementation of collective projects. In August, clubbing can turn into an unhealthy addiction.

Leisure. During this period, there is a great desire to get thrills - from fast driving, from extreme sports. Entertainment events will have unexpected developments and unpredictable consequences. It is better for him to limit his communication with children or be prepared for the fact that there will be no obedience and understanding.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for August 2016: