This section contains beautiful pictures with meaningful inscriptions about love and sophisticated confessions. If you were looking exclusively for declarations of love, then this section is for you >>.

For some, sensuality and passionate speeches are more important in recognition; for others, it is important to hear sincere words of gratitude; for others, an elaborate, incredibly beautiful text is needed. In any case, it is important to show your love for your significant other and talk about your feelings. With the help of our portal you can present a declaration of love more beautifully.

In this section you will find the ideal option if you are preparing a congratulation to your beloved wife or husband. Such pictures will bring incredible tenderness, lightness, and novelty to relationships. Remind your couple that you love them, don't think that hearts are a stupid symbol. Perhaps this is exactly the romance that is missing in yours. Everyday life.

Think about what you want to present to your other half, it could be funny or, conversely, sad images. You should present your beloved wife with a beautiful picture with poems that she will definitely appreciate, as well as your refined taste.

Who are the pictures for?

All ages love love, and there is no point in arguing with this; here you can choose cards for very young couples and for older people. Our pictures speak of love, tell us about love too. If you want to please a guy or girl, then why not send a kiss? Such cute pictures will definitely attract attention and intrigue.

It is no less important to nourish love in those couples who for a long time live together. Remind your man how much you love him, how protected you feel next to him, how important his support is to you. He will definitely appreciate the sincere recognition and precisely selected picture.

New items in this section:

Advantages of our postcards:

A wide range of images, which will allow you to choose exactly the images that are suitable for your situation;

You can find not just a cute card with hearts, but also one filled with deep meaning;

Anyone can use the images presented, free of charge;

With the help of pictures, you can talk about your feelings, remind your other half about yourself, and make your relationship warmer and more trusting.

Every day, millions of men and women in love repeat the phrase “I love you,” which over time becomes simple and commonplace. Try to make sure that these words do not become empty words over time; present them each time with emotion, passion or tenderness, and give them special meaning.

It’s not just girls who dream of hearing the cherished “I love you.” Give your beloved man a sincere confession of your feelings.

Nothing bad will happen if the girl calls first. Choose a suitable card, read how to write the perfect declaration of love in your own words.

Beautiful cards with a declaration of love to a man

There are many publicly available on the Internet beautiful cards. GIF images are especially popular. This image can be easily sent via social media, a postcard will replace a thousand words.

An unusual replacement for an electronic picture would be:

  1. Paper valentines. Relevant not only for February 14th. Delight your other half with a small paper heart.
  2. Electronic multimedia. Match the picture with your favorite song or video. This postcard is electronic hand made.
  3. DIY postcard. Use any handicraft idea to surprise your partner with your creativity.

Advice! The GIF picture can be downloaded from the Internet. Attach the file on social networks as a document so that moving parts do not “froze” into a regular drawing.

Any of the options will bring the guy only positive emotions. Fill a store-bought card with handwritten content and the piece of paper will come to life.

The main thing when showing love is to be sincere. Use text blanks to decorate your postcard with beautiful words.

Touching confession in your own words

There is nothing more beautiful than sincere words of love. A set of rules will help you create magic words in your own words in the required order.

Advice! List the reasons why the guy is dear to your heart. The best declaration of love is what is read from the heart, and not from a piece of paper.

When you don’t have enough ideas for an unusual “I love you”, use ready-made templates:
My beloved and dear. Yesterday, today and tomorrow - I am nearby. Even if you are far away, I am near. I want to live in your heart, because you are the eternal master of mine. Thank you for your kindness, affection and tenderness that you give me every day. I love you.
Reading your messages, I pronounce your voice in my head: soft timbre, low and velvety sound. You give a dream of a bright future, of endless romance and happiness. Look into my eyes - is there anything else needed to be said? Take my hand - can the feeling be stronger? Hug me - I will melt in your arms, kiss me - I am yours forever. I love you.
My love has a beginning. This happened exactly a year ago, when I accidentally touched you with my shoulder on the street. One moment decided everything. Our meeting became fateful. Do you believe in destiny? It was not in vain that she brought us together, we - perfect couple. I love you more every day. Today there is a lot of love in the heart, tomorrow there will be even more.
I'm constantly counting. My mathematical mind keeps me up at night. I count the days when we don't see each other, the hours when we're not together, the minutes before a date and the seconds of waiting that last forever if you're not around. My heart beats only half without you, we are one. One breath, one heart, one love.

Advice! It is not necessary to use the classic phrase “I love you” in the text. The original confession requires no further explanation. Love is read between the lines.

Short SMS messages with a declaration of love in prose

There is no need for a reason to explain your innermost feelings. You can send a short message to your phone to charge your guy with positive energy for the whole day.

Use small preparations:
My sweet cat! I'm so sorry I'm not around. But I know how to cheer you up. You are the best thing that happened in my life, you are main man, my support and protection. May your day pass with thoughts of me. I love.
There are no happier people in the world. My love is our secret. Let every sunrise and every dawn show that love is the best thing on earth.
I love you with my skin. Touching me makes you crazy. I love you with my eyes - your silhouette makes my heart tremble with happiness. I love your smell. Native and familiar. I love you because you are the best.
Even millions of millions of dollars will not make me break up with you. I will go out into the street and tell the whole world to hell, if only you were with me. I send you my love through this message. Take care of this feeling. Your love is more valuable than anything in the world.
I'm counting the seconds again... Merciless time stops if you're not around and drags on for an insanely long time. You are nearby - and our hours run at the speed of light, turning into minutes. The life allotted to us is not enough for me. I love you, my feelings are able to fight with space and time.

Important! Combine a short SMS confession with a beautiful picture or personal photo.

Cool confessions in verse

A poetic form of declaration of love is always a winning option. Add a touch of humor to the message, write a cool confession.

If you have the gift of a poet - great, don’t be friends with rhyme - use the following templates:
Is it possible to break up?
How to confess your love?
As if it's impossible
It's hard to be the first to say.
I want to send you
SMS that I love.
I always want to be with you,
I am yours, and you are mine?...

Let's get it in order!
I'll arrange some exercises.
Right in this SMS
I'll list the advantages here.
You are beautiful, mischievous,
Burning, furious at times.
But I like this one
Gloomy, but dear.

Love is difficult to convey in words. Explain when you meet. A sweet kiss and a languid look say more than a thousand words. Love and be loved.

Useful video

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Your man will definitely appreciate the attention you give him by sending him a beautiful picture. Even if she herself doesn’t mean much to him, the most important thing here is the attention and care of her beloved woman, and men really value this.

first, or even just telling your boyfriend that “I miss you and love you” seems a little ridiculous. But sending a tender picture with a declaration of love is The best way express your feelings, even from a distance. One illustration sent via instant messengers or social networks will be quite enough for a man to realize the true state of affairs and do correct conclusions. After all, it sometimes happens that a man is embarrassed to admit his feelings to a woman for some reason - but now you have the opportunity to fix all this.

Romance remotely

The most important thing is to choose pictures that will directly express your feelings and desires. Men don't understand hints, so tell your loved ones everything you think, want, and so on. Take your destiny into your own hands and build your happiness yourself, don’t wait for gifts and happy occasions. On our website you can download a variety of pictures for free that will pleasantly surprise your chosen one. By sending a tender picture, you can not only confess your love, but also... Have a good day or simply good mood for the whole day!

Any guy wants to confess his love to his girlfriend. You can do this with amazing love card, in which you will fully reveal your feelings and emotions. This will help you convey the whole range of pleasant feelings that you experience for your beloved girl. By this act you will show that you need her and are very dear to your heart. In our time modern technologies and planned actions, sometimes there is a great lack of some slight spontaneity and surprise. Be sure that your postcard with a declaration of love will surely warm the heart of your beloved girl and give her a lot of pleasant emotions. Know that this is a very romantic and pleasant act that will forever remain a vivid memory in your memory, and the best moment in the life of your other half.

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