Today we invite you to talk a little about palmistry. What can the lines on your hands tell you? Look at the photos and transcripts attached. It will be interesting.

It has long been no secret that the lines on our hands are a map of life. All these stripes and strokes mean something, and to unravel the meaning of this amazing map of life, you need to understand it subtly. But there are several general principles, which will not be difficult for the common man in the street, inexperienced in palmistry.

To read this card, look at your hands. Both of them, left and right, are not a bit alike. The lines on each are unique and inimitable.

Now look only at the hand that is your dominant. For a right-hander it is the right, for a left-hander it is the left. Focus on her. You have to find 4 main lines in the palm of your left hand: the lines of the heart, mind, fate and life.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the heart line. It should be read from the outer edge of the palm (the beginning of the path and your life) to the inner.

  • If the heart line rises from the outer edge and ends under the index finger, you are happy with your personal life.
  • If this line ends under the middle finger, then in love you are an egoist, and in relationships everything is done for your sake.
  • If the heart line ends even earlier, between the middle and ring fingers, you are in love.
  • If the line is straight and short, you are not a romantic, you do not need this paraphernalia in a relationship.
  • If the heart line is directly under your fingers, you are a jealous and very passionate partner.
  • If the line is long, you tend to hide your true feelings.
  • If the heart line crosses the life line, it is easy for you to break your heart.
  • If the heart line curves (means upward) towards the index finger, you are an affectionate person who cares about tactile contacts in personal relationships.
  • If the line of the heart is parallel to the line of the mind, you know how to keep your heart cold and control your feelings with the help of your mind.
  • If the heart line is wavy, you have had many relationships in your life, but none of them were serious.
  • If this line has breaks, you have experienced serious heartache or grief related to personal relationships.
  • If there are many small strokes on the heart line that intersect it, then you have difficulty remaining faithful to your regular partner, constantly looking around.

Now we look at the line of the mind, it is located directly under the line of the heart (it is read from the inside of the palm to the outside).

  • If the line of the mind is short, then you focus on physical labor and achievements rather than mental work.
  • A long line across the entire palm - you rely on logic in everything, you like to think about and analyze events.
  • If the line is wavy or zigzag, you easily lose concentration, being distracted by extraneous things and external stimuli.
  • If the line ends downward, then you are trusting and creative.
  • If the line of mind does not cross the line of life, you are looking for adventure and new experiences, never sit still.
  • If there are curls or breaks on the line of the mind, you have experienced or will experience an emotional crisis.
  • If there are obvious intersections on the line with small strokes and especially crosses, these are places of fateful decisions that will be on your life path.

Now let's look at the life line. It is correct to read it from above, i.e. from the place between the thumb and index finger, in the wrist.

  • If the life line is long and deep, i.e. is clearly visible throughout, then you try to feel the taste for life without missing out on any opportunities.
  • If the line is short and faintly visible, you are not an ambitious person at all.
  • If the life line has a good bend, you strong man. You have a will that is difficult to break.
  • If the line is almost straight or direct, you are cautious in communicating with new people.
  • If the life line is interrupted, you have had sudden changes in your lifestyle. And if curls or circles are visible on the line, there were serious injuries, injuries, hospitalizations.
  • If you have more than one such line, or your life line constantly bifurcates, you are a very lively person, full of energy and strength.

And finally, we look at the line of fate. It is read from the bottom (from the wrist) up.

  • If the line of fate goes clearly and evenly upward, you are a careerist, and your work is the most important thing for you. You will achieve the greatest success in career matters.
  • If the line is faintly visible, you are not happy with your job and choice of profession.
  • If there are many branches and strokes from your fate line, you often started new things or changed jobs.
  • If your fate line seems to branch off at the base from the life line, you are a person who raised himself, who influences the minds and actions of others and is able to inspire young people.
  • If the line of life and destiny intersect somewhere in the middle, then you will be forced somewhere along the path of life to sacrifice your interests for the sake of others.
  • If the fate line starts at the base of the thumb and then crosses the life line, you have strong family support, most likely even a family business, a common cause.

That's what the lines on your hands say. I’ll be honest, in some places I was even frightened by how truthfully and accurately everything was “written” on my hand. So don't treat this test as entertainment, perhaps it will actually give you the key to some things that are important to you.

In order to understand the abilities, talents and shortcomings given by nature, it is useful to know what the lines on the hand mean from the point of view of palmistry. By comparing the drawings on the right (active) and left (passive) hands, you can find out how we use the opportunities given by fate and overcome various obstacles.

Deciphering and interpreting hand drawings helps to reveal personal potential, predict future events, find the causes of mysterious situations and foresee fatal troubles, and as a result, change your life for the better.

Let's look at which lines on the hand are main and additional, what is their meaning and relationship.

Life Line

As usual, the four main lines on the hand begin to be considered from the Life line. Its beginning is between the thumb and index finger, from which it goes down, as if outlining the Mount of Venus. There is an opinion that the length of this line indicates life expectancy, but this is not entirely true. It is more correct to think that it shows the level of energy, health and vitality of a person. And life expectancy is influenced not only by length, but also by depth, clarity and shape.

A long, deep and clear line without breaks indicates good health, stability and confidence in life. And vice versa - short, poorly defined and torn - indicates health problems and a lack of a sense of security. If the line is too deep and red in color, aggressive “Martian” qualities may prevail in a person. Such people need to learn to control their emotions and engage in spiritual practices.


What do the lines on the hand mean?


If the line originates close to the Mount of Jupiter, the person has great ambition, ambition and a desire for power. And if the beginning is located near the thumb, the owner of such a hand is influenced by Mars - prone to conflicts and belligerent. If the beginning coincides with the line of the head, a person knows how to control himself, likes to plan and calculate his actions. Breaks in the Life line can mean illness. It is believed that with a rupture on one hand the disease passes without complications, but with ruptures on both palms the disease can have serious consequences.

All branches from the Life line heading upward speak of positive events and successful endeavors. Branches going down represent unfortunate events, anxiety and waste of energy. In places where the Life line is crossed out by horizontal lines, a person can be overtaken by stress, nervous shock, and emotional trauma. If there is a gap, but the ends of the line overlap, this indicates a serious change in life.

Stars, specks and islands in this place of the palm most often mean illness, low energy, and periods of depression. The cross shows a difficult time in life, and the grid of intersecting lines represents a directionless period. A square on the Life line can be deciphered as protection from danger, and a triangle as an indicator of a successful life in accordance with the mind and heart.

Head Line

One of the most important lines in the palm is the line of the Head or Mind. It shows a person’s mentality and way of thinking, his intellectual abilities and the ability to imagine. This line starts between the thumb and index finger, and then goes straight or bends down. Straight, without bending, it speaks of a practical mindset - rational and not prone to fantasy.

When the Head line goes straight only to the middle of the palm, after which it bends slightly downward, this should be read as a balance of rationality and imagination. If it goes down, bending along its entire length, this indicates non-trivial thinking, a penchant for analysis and creative abilities. If the Head Line goes around the entire hill of the Moon, we can talk about a person’s isolation from reality and possible suicidal tendencies. High mental abilities are indicated by a double or very long line running across the entire palm.

If its beginning is at the same point with the Life line, this indicates prudence, restraint and caution, but if both lines stretch together for too long, we can say that the person is too susceptible to the influence of others, especially relatives.

Ideally, the lines should diverge over time, which reflects the release from the care of the mother and father, the acquisition of independence and independence. For people with particularly independent thinking and innate self-confidence, the lines begin at some distance from each other. If the combined origin of both lines is low, on the Mount of Mars, the person will be characterized by aggressiveness and a desire for conflict (in especially serious cases, he becomes a potential killer).

The signs here also have important. The islets may show periods of mental overstrain. To understand their reasons, you need to look under which hill a given sign appears - for example, the islands under the Mount of Apollo say that a person has “burned out”, putting all his strength into realizing his talent, and under the Mount of Jupiter - that he has been exhausted by inflated ambitions. If you notice such an island in your child, do not demand excessive efforts from him in his studies in order to avoid possible overexertion. Breaks on this line may indicate head injuries, and the square, circle and triangle are favorable signs that speak of protection and preservation.

Heart Line

By studying the Heart line on the hand, you can learn about a person’s emotionality, his ability to love and care for others, as well as heart disease, if any. It originates on the edge of the palm, under the Mount of Mercury, and stretches to the opposite side of the hand straight or bending. Clear outlines indicate creativity, and good length indicates responsiveness and an open character. A thin and weakly defined line indicates some isolation.

If it is completely straight, without the slightest bend, the person is very restrained in emotions. Such people never give in to passion without coordinating it with reason, but at the same time they are open and straightforward. The meaning of a curved line on the palm is romanticism and impulsiveness. Such people are refined and delicate, but most of their actions are dictated by feelings, not reason. If the line approaches the base of the fingers, the person is considered a jealous owner, and a location next to the Head line indicates some kind of prudence.

When there are many subtle branches on this line, this indicates an emotional personality who easily makes contact and enters into close relationships.

Numerous branches mean that a person has many acquaintances and friends, and connections and attachments arise quickly, as if by themselves (those going up can be called happy, and those going down can be called unsuccessful). Breaks should be understood as inconstancy, and sometimes as a manifestation of excessive demands. In some photos you can see the combination of the Heart and Head lines into one line, which is called the “Monkey fold” or “Simian”. Surprisingly, sixty percent of those with such hands are extremely intelligent, and forty percent have Down syndrome.

The chain of islands here needs to be read as a period of changeable moods with sudden changes. The decoding of the cross can be an injury in the field of love relationships. If small vertical and transverse lines form a lattice in a given area, most likely a long-term relationship is a problem for a person. If there is a second line next to the Heart line, perhaps the owner of such a hand leads a double love life (has a constant relationship on the side or two families). The star and triangle here are favorable signs, but the quadrangle warns of love failure.

Line of Fate

This is an important line along which you can read the course of a person’s destiny, find out the most fruitful periods and vice versa - the times when you should “roll up your sleeves.” It is considered very unusual - from time to time changes occur in its outline, proving that a person can “forge” his own destiny. Well-defined, deep and expressive segments reflect favorable periods when fate itself helps us set goals and achieve them. And where the line is weakly manifested, a person must achieve everything himself, without counting on anyone’s help and support.

Most often it starts just above the wrist and rises up to the base of the Saturn finger. It must be said that if almost everyone has the previous three lines, then this one may not exist. If it is not there, a certain predetermination and difficulties affect the person in trying to live his own individual life. However, everything depends on aspiration and strength of character - in the absence of the line of Fate, some people become drug addicts or fall into another vicious ring, but others achieve enormous success.

If its beginning is combined with the Life line, the person is greatly influenced by the family, and if it is located separately and closer to the center, the owner of such a hand has been and remains quite independent since childhood.

The closer the beginning is to the edge of the palm, the greater the role independence and independence play in the character. If the line starts from the top bracelet on the wrist, a person has to make vital decisions even in childhood. Double line Fates (over the entire length or in a certain place) can be read as two affairs, to each of which a person devotes himself completely. It could be two jobs, or a career and a hobby, or even work and family.

Breaks on this hand line indicate changes. Most often they relate to the profession, but sometimes other circumstances change, for example - financial situation. Sometimes breaks here mean divorce or moving. If, during a break, one line seems to overlap another, this means that the changes will be planned.

The favorable types of signs here are the square and the triangle (both help to correct negative events and successfully exit difficult situations). If there is a star, stress from overexertion at work is possible, and the island speaks of financial difficulties.

Sun Line

It is also called the Line of Happiness or Apollo. The first thing it means is the presence of a certain talent (perhaps it will be in the field of arts). Such a person has bright creative abilities, artistry, unique charm and luck. However, this line on the hand does not ensure one hundred percent success, since luck alone is not enough to realize talent - you need hard work and determination. If a person relies only on luck, believing that “working a lot is not for me,” his natural gift often remains unrealized.

Ideally, the line of the Sun begins at the bottom of the palm, near the wrist, and ends under the ring finger. But this does not happen often - usually this line is short or some segments of it are unclear. On some palms it will not be there at all (but this does not mean that there is no possibility of success - you will just have to work harder to awaken the talents that have fallen asleep). Its beginning on the Head line suggests that success and self-realization depend entirely on a person’s mind and work on oneself, and its source on the Mount of Venus will indicate artistic talents.

Favorable types of signs here are the square (opposes slander and various intrigues), the triangle (benefits from any negative influences) and the star - an indicator of great success and fame. Negative signs: a grid, a cross, an island or a whole chain of islands. They all speak of a person’s temporary dissatisfaction and inability to realize his talent.

Secondary lines

  • The Mercury line (its other names are “hepatic”, “health”, “liver”) talks about the state of human health, diseases and their significance for other areas of life. It starts at the bottom of the palm and extends to the little finger. It’s good if it is straight and without defects or completely absent, otherwise it indicates poor health. Gaps, crosses and islands on it indicate diseases, and triangles and squares indicate healing. The best correction for the Mercury line is healthy image life and careful attitude to your body.
  • The Line of Marriage (or “union”, “relationships”, “attachments”) begins on the edge of the palm and goes out to the Mount of Mercury. The designation “emotional attachment” is more suitable for it, since these relationships do not always end in marriage. If she is not alone, this means that the person will have several significant romances or marriages. A fork at the end of such a line indicates separation or divorce.
  • Child lines appear more often in women, but there may also be men who are very sensitive to paternity. They are located perpendicularly above the marriage lines, and in the case of the birth of twins, they are shaped like a “bird” (V). Reading them should be based on the fact of potential childbirth, but for some reason the child may not be born (for example, in the case of an abortion). Gender is determined by clarity - girls' lines are weaker, and boys' lines are clearer.
  • The Travel Line can be located in several places, depending on the type of trip. Horizontal lines at the top of the mount of the Moon indicate travel by land, and below - by water. Small branches from the Life line can also mean travel, and a more clear branch can mean moving. In this place you should beware of crosses, islands and circles - if they are present, you need to be very thoughtful and attentive to your trips.
  • The curse line is not such a rare thing on our hands. Long or short, almost every third person has it. If it starts on the “family ring”, which is located on the thumb, we can talk about family curse. The curse line on the right hand indicates that the person has acquired bad karma himself, and if it is on the left hand, it has passed on to him from previous generations.
  • The lines of the Samaritans should be looked for on the Mount of Mercury - they are small and located vertically. Sometimes they mean a rare gift of healing, but always the need to help people.


It happens that the design of our palms does not completely suit us - short, thin, ragged lines on the hand or intersect in “unlucky” places... Of course, over time the lines change if we change the direction of life - our goals, train of thoughts, beliefs, actions . However, this can be a difficult and slow process, especially if the genetic predisposition is strong and the ancestral karma is heavy. Exists original way, proposed by science - corrective palmistry, which makes it possible to facilitate this process and correct the palm pattern.

Sometimes plastic surgery is used to create new designs, but the desired result can be achieved much easier. You just need to draw the desired picture on your palm - lengthen the lines, make them clearer, remove gaps, add favorable signs. With the help of a red pen, we change our lines on our hand, and with them we change the future. This way you can fill your life happy events, “draw” for yourself big business, fame, winnings or inheritance, avoiding death, illness, prison... It’s hard to believe that this is true - such a correction is more like magic, but it is not just an idle fiction.

According to the observations of palmists, after correction, many people’s destinies were corrected and their illnesses went away. The explanation of the phenomenon is simple and resembles the “placebo” effect - the human brain, and behind it the biological organism, believes in a new structure of fate and begins to put it into action. Corrective science has not yet been studied in detail, but it is worth the most careful consideration. If you decide to change your future with the help of a brush or felt-tip pen, be sure to learn the basics of palmistry and consult with a specialist. Before applying new marks to the skin, it is worth watching a video on how to do it correctly in order to improve the situation and not make it worse.

Helpful information

  1. It should be remembered that for right-handed people, the right hand shows a picture of life in development - how everything is happening now, and the left hand - how it was destined. For left-handed people the opposite is true, so they need to look at their left hand to determine the current state of affairs.
  2. In children, the patterns on the palms of the hands are very dynamic, but in terms of information content they are not inferior to adults. Babies should not look at their hands without a special need for aesthetic reasons (besides, the event signs are still too small) - you can start, on average, after six months.
  3. The so-called “money diamond” indicates a stable financial future. It can be present in the middle part of the hand, consisting of the intersections of three main lines - Heart, Mind and Fate and one additional one - the line of Mercury.
  4. There are rare signs, the reading of which can be ambiguous. Thus, a cross on the Mount of Saturn can mean widowhood (the so-called Widow's Cross) or death from an accident of the owner of the hand. For correct reading, it is necessary to consider each sign in the context of the entire palm pattern.
  5. Palmistry advises paying attention to the appearance of moles and birthmarks, since they are indicators of karmic debts and tasks. If a mole appears on the left hand, this means that ancestral karma is activated. A mole on the right hand means karma “earned” by the person himself as a result of wrong actions. It also matters what color and size the mole is - the lighter and smaller it is, the easier it is to work off the karmic debt.

Having started to study all the “roads”, everyone knows that our palms are a kind of map of life in our hands. Every stroke and branch means something and can tell the owner of the hand a lot. The extra features are especially difficult for newbies to master. What is palmistry, the lines on the hand, the decoding of each detail, we will try to partially disassemble and help the novice palm reader gain simple knowledge in this matter.

As a rule, fortune telling occurs according to the dominant palm: for a left-hander - the left, for a right-hander, respectively, the right. First you need to focus on 4 main stripes:

  1. Love or hearts.
  2. Mind or head.
  3. Fates.
  4. Life's road.

The road of the heart or love

What paths of the heart are found and how do they characterize a person, deciphering the lines on the palm:

Long Talks about an idealistic personality.
Short Characteristic of a self-centered person.
Pronounced Characterizes a person prone to stress.
Poorly expressed May mean a weak heart or a very delicate fortuneteller.
Simple straight line Represents a person with a strong sensitive character.
It says that the fortuneteller often has difficult relationships with people in life.
Dotted or torn line In life, the fortuneteller will be faced with intertwined relationships.
Curved bar Tendency to intellectual development.
In the form of a chain Divorces and disappointments in relationships.
There is no cardiac stripe at all Before you is a cruel, reasonable person. Guided by strictly logical thinking.
The line goes to the index finger Personal life is going well, the fortuneteller is happy with everything. Here is an affectionate and tactful person.
The road of the heart goes to the middle finger A selfish person family life everything for him.
The end of the line between the middle and ring fingers Characterizes an amorous person.
Straight and short Speaks of a non-romantic person; everything is simple in relationships.
The heart road is not far from your fingers A very passionate and jealous person.
Heart and life stripes intersect Warning sign, you can easily get your heart broken.
Line of head and heart parallel A person knows how to control his emotions.
wavy road Talk about a lot of contacts.

You can learn more and clearly about combinations with a stripe by watching the video in the article and familiarize yourself with all the nuances in detail.

Mental road

The mental stripe is one of the main positions on the palm. You can learn a lot about a person from it. There are different roads along which you can say a lot about the intellectual level and character of the fortuneteller.

Let’s take a closer look at how to decipher the lines on your hand and what they mean:

The line is clear and pronounced The fortuneteller has an excellent memory; the fortuneteller is guided by reason.
A weak line indicates poor memory A person lives in some kind of illusion.
Straight, clear line Characterizes a person who pursues material wealth. A realistic outlook on life.
The road of the mind has a broken structure Sitting in front of you is a person who often experiences disappointments in his life.
The fortuneteller is awaiting a career change.
Double dash Talented personality.
In the form of a chain Cloudy, confused consciousness.
Hands where there is a lack of mental road Characterizes a lazy, slow person. Laziness and complete imbalance in the psychological aspect.
Mental streak is short The personality is practical, does not like foreplay and gets straight to the point. The intellectual level is high and intuition is well developed.
Long road Here we will talk about a successful and concentrated person, but selfishness and ambition are not alien to him.
In the form of a wave There is anxiety, there is no concentration on what is planned.
The line goes down Here is a creative person.
The path of the mind begins from the line of life Strong-willed personality.
The mind and the life trait are separated from each other An adventurous character, the fortuneteller loves adventure.
dashed line There is no consistency in thoughts.
Road with intersections Depending on the additional stripes, it means important decisions that will influence fate.
Islands and chains Characterize emotional conflicts within the individual.

You can learn more about what the mental road will tell us by watching the video:

Looking around the road of life

This trait determines the overall physical condition, including health status, as well as various vital decisions of the client:

  1. Change of residence.
  2. Physical injuries.
  3. Various disasters.

What is the path of life, palmistry, deciphering the line on the hand and what kind of palms are found, let’s take a closer look:

Long Predicts excellent vitality and excellent health.
Short Vulnerable health and vitality.
Clear, well expressed Characterizes a person who has a calm, measured life.
Fuzzy line The person has little energy.
Broken line This suggests that the fortuneteller will have struggles and tangible losses all his life.
Bifurcates The personality is very scattered and a division of energy is envisaged.
Two lines Next to the person is his Guardian Angel.
Complete lack of life path A very anxious life with worries, fortune-telling on nerves all the time.

Palmistry lines on the hand, interpretation and additional information:

Long and deep Everything in life is great, including energy and health.
Deep and short Such a person will easily overcome physical illness throughout life.
A very energetic person sits in front of you.
Straight and close to the edge of the palm Such a palm predicts caution. The personality carefully thinks through all life plans.
Vital line near the thumb This combination indicates rapid fatigue.
Semicircle around the thumb Strength, enthusiasm, energy.
Two or more roads of life A person has patrons nearby, which has a great effect on vitality and energy.
Life line gap At some point in your life, major changes will occur. If the gap is observed on both palms, it predicts injury or illness.

The life line reflects the most significant moments, which the video in this article will tell you about in detail:

What does the stripe of fate tell us, how to decipher the lines on the palm?

Excellent clearly defined road Sustainable life rules and the path. Such a person has no chance to change anything in his life, his fate is predetermined. This line starts from the very base of the palm and reaches the middle of the middle finger.
Weak, not clear In life, a person will face disappointments and failures.
Fate line forked A person has several destinies. Depending on the auxiliary signs, it can predict frequent conflict situations.
Broken line Characterizes an indecisive, always warlike nature.
Injuries and serious difficulties are possible along the path of life.
Fate line ends with a fork In life there are frequent breakups that arise for unknown reasons.

Detailed decoding of the lines on the hand, palmistry of the fateful trait

  1. What does the absence of a combination mean in palmistry?. There is no unique personal path or goal. This situation occurs in people addicted to drugs and alcohol.
  2. Regular stroke, not fragmentary or long. It is present on the hand, but does not extend through the entire palm. This speaks of a personality who has his own life path. And character is determined by the clarity of the road.
  3. The fateful road is assembled from various fragmentary lines. Predicts a distortion of fate due to the influence of some external factors on it: family, love, work, career growth. A person is subject to systematic stress, changing place of residence or work, and under the influence of information influence.
  4. Clear and deep line. Symbolizes a strong, self-confident personality who is able to resist everyone who disagrees with him.

What is fate?

Additional roads that are essential for palm reading

In addition to the main stripes on the palm, there are auxiliary, but no less important, which cannot be ignored when reading the palm. Let's take a closer look at what palmistry is, deciphering the lines on the hand: fame, roads, marriage, money and travel.

Where are the secondary roads located?

  1. Health starts from the little finger and runs through the entire palm right to the base of the thumb.
  2. The Stripe of Glory runs from the base of the palm and goes up straight to the index finger, parallel to the fateful road.
  3. Marriage is characterized by small lines under the little finger.
  4. The money line may appear differently on the palm. Thus, meaning can be defined in different ways.
  5. The journey starts from the edge of the palm on the hill of the thumb and runs horizontally.

All about family and marriage

Clearly defined roads. The number of such dashes indicates marriage ties or close relationships.
If the stripes are blurry and not clear. This characterizes ordinary romantic attachments in relationships that do not have much meaning.
One line, clear and straight. Talks about one long-term relationship.
Broken combination. Divorce or separation.
Double dash. It says that a person will have a connection with two partners at the same time.
The fork is at the very beginning. Initially, relationships are extremely difficult.
Fork at the end of the road. Parting.
Lack of marriage stripe. Characterizes a person who shows no interest in family life.

Note. If at the end of the marriage “path” there are additional signs that interrupt the main one, this confirms the break with the partner. But if after the break they layer on top of each other, then the partners will restore their relationship.

Video, what does the line of marriage and family say?

Health line: deciphering the hand line

A clear, pronounced feature Characterizes rapid fatigue of the body and poor physical health and resistance.
There is a line, but it is barely visible Characterizes a complete lack of vital energy.
Winding health bar Talks about digestive problems.
Very deep and merges together with the heart and mind trait He will talk about inflammatory brain processes.
The health bar has splits at the end He will talk about achievements in medical science.
Warts found on the line Various internal diseases.
The health line touches the life path Talks about a disease that will become a threat to human life.
No stripe Good health and excellent physique.

Palmistry, lines on the hand, additional decoding of the health bar:

  1. A combination of layering of some fragments. This “scheme” means a serious fight against attacks of illness. But at the same time we can say that the struggle will be successful and the fortuneteller will cope with the illness.
  2. If the line is present in the palm, but disappears between the lines of the heart and head, then this sign speaks of liberation from the disease at a certain time. life period. Then it should clearly go under the little finger.
  3. The road of health does not come into contact with the life line, but runs separately. This indicates the body's high resistance to various diseases.

Advice. The health line should be interpreted together with the life line; this is the only way to correct all the signs and real details about health.

When studying a health trait, you need to pay attention to its pattern and color. For example, a road with a red chain characterizes a nervous, easily excitable person. You can learn more about the health line by watching the video:

What does the road of Glory or Success mean?

This trait determines, for the most part, success and achievements in life. If we talk about the correct line, then it starts from the wrist and goes through the entire palm to the ring finger.

Details that a novice palmist should know:

  1. The absence of a stripe does not mean anything terrible. Either it must be looked for in other traits, or a person can be successful simply without attracting wide public attention.
  2. If the line has taken its correct position, but is interrupted in several places, then this indicates some ups and downs.
  3. There are hands where the line of Glory extends from the index finger, this indicates that a person can become famous in the field of art.
  4. The hand where the road leaves the mind and passes through the line of the heart speaks of a lot of work that will bear fruit only in adulthood.

Video about signs of success:

Money line

The wealth bar does not indicate financial status, it only points to certain abilities of a person to earn a fortune or tells how this can be done.

Banknotes are determined by the map of the palm

Always, at any time, people wanted to look into their future, as well as find out the purpose of their stay on Earth, their Mission. Palmistry is a tool with which people seek to satisfy their curiosity in these matters by studying the lines on the hand.

It is not necessary to delve into this subject to discover the secret knowledge written on our palms. It is enough to understand the map of fate and make correct conclusions that you need to adhere to in life.

We all, from birth, have lines on our hands. Their meaning is determined by palmistry. They do not remain unchanged throughout life, just like the person himself, whose habits and character change in accordance with their environment, upbringing, lessons and trials.

Which hand should I use for fortune telling?

The dominant hand is the one with which a person performs important work - holds cutlery, writes, takes something. It indicates what the consciousness of a given person hides: the main character traits, what has happened or will happen in life, and also talks about the state of his health. This is the outer self.

The other hand is called passive. It points to what the subconscious mind stores: internal reserves that can be used in life and a person’s destiny. This hand shows the health status of the clan and family. This is the inner self.

The lines located on the palms, which novice palmists need to know, are conventionally divided into main (primary) and secondary. You can determine fate and character along the main lines and correct information along the secondary ones.

It won’t hurt, after this, to consult with someone else who will help you deal with psychological characteristics personality.

The main lines of palm reading include:

  1. life line;
  2. hearts;
  3. head or mind;
  4. health;
  5. fate;
  6. Sun.

The secondary ones include:

  1. line of intuition;
  2. wealth;
  3. marriage;
  4. children;
  5. Belt of Venus;
  6. The path of voluptuousness;
  7. Ring of Saturn;
  8. Ring of Solomon.

Astrologers associate the palm pattern with the planets. All fingers on the hands have small elevations or hills located at their base. Accordingly, the hill of the thumb is called the hill of Venus, the index finger is the hill of Jupiter, the middle finger is the hill of Saturn, the ring finger is the hill of Apollo, and the little finger is the hill of Mercury.

In addition to them, below the hill of Mercury, there is the hill of Mars (personifying the negative), even lower - the hill of the Moon, closer to the wrist - the hill of Neptune.

Main lines of fate

Life line

This stripe on the hand is considered the main one. Yes, it cannot be otherwise, since the meaning of life lies in life itself. If you place your palm at eye level, then this line begins between the thumb and index finger and at the same distance from them, and then goes from top to bottom.

Its length in no way indicates a person’s life expectancy, and the life bar itself with a bend practically does not change throughout life.

If the stripe is pronounced and deep enough, in the form of an even semicircle, it means that its owner is a self-confident person with a large supply of vital energy, good health and an active lifestyle.

If the life line begins higher than in the middle, that is, closer to the index finger, then this indicates ambition and the desire to rule and subjugate others.

If the stripe is very weak and thin, it means the person has a reduced level of vital energy. This can be expressed in frequent depression, melancholy, reduced immunity and poor health.

A thin and short stripe that is abruptly interrupted indicates a person’s weakness and insufficient amount of vital energy. Perhaps a person stops his development - spiritual, physical, intellectual. This is confirmed when the same picture appears on both palms.

A short, but wide and pronounced stripe indicates that, despite the oncoming ailments, the person is successfully coping with them.

If the line closer to the wrist has a branch, then new prospects await him in the second half of his life. The absence of a life line is extremely rare among those people who spend their entire lives searching for themselves, their purpose.

If at first the line is intermittent and not bright enough, perhaps crossed by other lines, this indicates that in his youth the person experienced health problems, failures, major troubles and losses. He may have had to fight for his health.

The life line may have its own sister - a strip parallel to it. This suggests that its owner is a strong, strong-willed person.

It happens that the life line at the end suddenly turns into reverse side, forming a hook. This is considered very bad sign and predicts death, serious illness and collapse of position in society.

The life line should be divided into 12 parts. Each part will correspond to seven years of life. This way you can see in what period which events occurred or will occur. For example, upward branches from the strip can mean uplift and new positive changes, and downward branches can mean decline and loss of vitality.

Heart line

Located closest to the fingers. It indicates the emotional side of a person’s life, most often associated with love and relationships. This also includes relationships between close relatives and friends. This feature originates in the crook of the palm under the little finger, and extends at the base of the index finger or middle finger, or between them.

Emotions, throughout life, leave traces in our emotional field. Therefore, the line of the heart is not absolutely even and smooth. These traces appear as small islands, indicating that during this period of life the person was subject to emotional turmoil.

The heart line and its position can be of two types:

  • if it curves towards the index or middle finger or passes between the middle and index fingers, then it is called physical;
  • if it does not curve, but continues straight across the entire palm, then it is called spiritual.

People with a physical heart line know how to enjoy life, clearly express their emotions and feelings, and never lose heart, despite the fact that their life can be striped. That is, it consists not only of positive moments. After another disappointment, they can rebuild themselves in an optimistic way.

People with a spiritual life line are more often secretive, focused on their inner experiences and feelings. They are freedom-loving, but at the same time, romantic and sensitive. If they feel injustice towards themselves, they would prefer to suffer in silence than to sort things out.

If the stripe is clear and neat, it means that the person has qualities such as nobility, benevolence and generosity.

If the lines of the heart and life are connected by thin but clear segments, this is a sign that in real life a person is hiding under the mask of a saint, but in fact, behind this mask there is a completely different personality. This duality does not allow you to find like-minded people and friends in your environment.

When the lines of the heart and head are located too far from each other, this is a direct indication that a person is trying to find justice in everything. He is demanding of himself and others, conscientious, hardworking. Loves everything to be right.

A short stripe, ending in the middle of the palm, belongs to a person who is too fussy and hot-tempered. He is often dissatisfied with his results and what others are doing, and is capable of harsh and not always justified criticism.

People whose heart line is located strictly parallel to the head line have big problems communicating with other people - they are too shy and hide their essence deeply, fearing ridicule and misunderstanding of others. In old age they are susceptible to the development of sclerosis.

The stripe ending between the middle and index fingers speaks of a person’s harmonious relationship with others.

Head or Mind Line

This stripe, at first, runs parallel to the line of life, then obliquely and ends approximately opposite the ring finger. In rare cases, it reaches the edge of the palm.

It is generally accepted that the longer this line is, the more intelligent and smart the person is. He behaves consciously and does not do stupid things. But, some people who have a long line of mind, due to laziness or sluggishness, do not use the opportunities inherent in them and are inferior to those who have a shorter line.

If, at first, the lines of the head and life touch, it means that the person is not capable of improvident actions - he will think several times before doing anything.

This line usually looks smooth and clear. If it has islands and chains, this indicates that there were moments in life when a person could experience difficulties in solving any problems and could not concentrate his attention.

If the line is clearly visible and runs straight across the palm, this means the person does not have creative imagination. He's too pragmatic. If the bar, as it rounds, goes down, it means that the person is endowed with a bright and rich, creative imagination. If the bar goes down too sharply, a person may behave unpredictably and inappropriately.

People with a wavy head line have a greater attachment to home and family. But such a person does not know how to forgive betrayal and deception. If at the end the strip forks and one end is directed upward and the other downward, the person has the ability to write, to embody bright, creative, original ideas.

The head line, running horizontally across almost the entire palm, indicates that the character contains prudence, selfishness and stubbornness. In the case when the lines of the heart, head and life connect at one point, it is believed that a person will not be able to succeed in anything, only failures await him.

Health line

It runs from a point at the base of the little finger to the life line or to the wrist. The best option would be when there is no health bar at all. Such people have a healthy body and a healthy mind. They take care of themselves, exercise and nourish their bodies properly.

A clearly defined straight line indicates a person who does everything in his power to be healthy - fitness, sports, spiritual practices and conscious nutrition.

An interrupted thin line indicates periodic health problems. You just have to think about what needs to be done to improve your health and the situation will change.

The presence of islets indicates serious diagnoses. There comes a very important moment when you need to gather all your strength to restore your health. The square indicates victory over the disease and complete recovery.

Line of fate

This line is also called the “Saturn line”. It runs vertically across the palm, from the wrist up, approximately in the middle of the palm. Not everyone has it.

This streak is present among those who set realistic goals and strive to achieve them. But those who have a long line of fate on their palm do not always achieve these goals. Perhaps there is a lack of motivation. And yet, those who have this line are considered lucky, who are helped by Angels: they warn, send hints and protect.

The fate line can begin directly from the life line. This situation suggests that the personality was significantly influenced by family, family traditions, upbringing or a certain relative. He still listens to them.

If the stripe starts at the wrist, a person always, from childhood, decides for himself who he will be and what activity he will devote his life to.

The stripe originating from the center of the palm indicates that the person, even in childhood, showed independence and autonomy. These qualities are present throughout life. The further the fate line is located from the life line, the more independence and freedom is manifested. This category includes politicians and public figures.

The double line of fate indicates that there are two directions in human activity. For example, work and hobbies or work and spiritual practices.

If the line of fate ends under the index finger, then it is a politician, lawyer or philosopher, if under the middle or between the middle and ring finger - a teacher, banker, physician or entrepreneur, if under the ring finger - a designer, artist or musician, if under the little finger (which happens very often) rarely) – artist.

If there is no fate line, a person has no desire to achieve success and victories in any area. In addition, this line is usually absent in criminals, drug addicts and drinkers.

Sun Line

This is the line of luck or Apollo. This transverse stripe runs from the wrist to the ring finger, but, most often, it is short and starts from the line of the mind (since luck rarely comes in early age). Present in those who achieve great success in the field of activity in which they are engaged.

A clear, even and pronounced line indicates the stability of success. This is a person who is always in the spotlight. In this case, we can talk about recognition and popularity.

The islands warn of scandals and intrigues of competitors. Crosses are about losing money. Interruptions and breaks are about temporary withdrawal from business, despite a person’s innate abilities.

If the beginning coincides with the life line, then there is a chance to express yourself in creativity and achieve great success, and the road of glory lies ahead.

Secondary lines

Line of intuition

Intuition involves anticipation and anticipation of future events. Intuition can be developed through special practices.

But there are people who come into our world already endowed with this quality. This vertical curved line can be found on the edge of the palm.

Characteristics of the line of intuition:

  • clear, clearly expressed - a person is aware of the gift of intuition and uses it for good.
  • weakly expressed, subtle - intuition is present, but they do not believe in it, attributing everything to simple coincidences. This gift can be lost.
  • intermittent - the gift of clairvoyance periodically visits a person.
  • double – there are great opportunities, but the owner of them cannot always find a worthy use.

Wealth line

This is the line that forms a triangle when the line of fate and the line of mind intersect. Not everyone has it.

It usually appears in childhood and promises financial well-being for later life.

Line of marriage and love

On the edge of the palm, below the little finger, but above the heart line - this is where the love line on the hand is located. There may be several of them if fate destined for several marriages or love relationships.

The stripes are clear and deep indicating the calm nature of the relationship. If it branches, separation is imminent or the person doubts the correct choice of a life partner.

Children's line

Located between the marriage line and the little finger. There may be several of them, depending on the number of children. It is possible that among them there are miscarriages and abortions.

It is believed that the lines indicate the potential that a woman has and it is not at all necessary that these children will appear. A bright stripe indicates a son, and a paler stripe indicates a daughter. If the line looks like a tick, then it indicates twins.

Belt of Venus

Located above the heart line, closer to the base of the fingers. Not everyone has the Belt of Venus. It indicates that a person has great sensitivity, does not want to live in monotony and is looking for ways to warm up his feelings.

This quality of nature can manifest itself in creativity. If the belt of Venus consists of several stripes, then they characterize the person as overly emotional, who may also suffer from nervous disorders.

The path of voluptuousness

This line runs from the Mount of the Moon to the Mount of Venus and warns about the vices that can lie in wait for a weak-willed person - alcohol, drugs, gluttony, carnal pleasures.

It’s good if the owner of this sign has a straight line of mind. In this case, he will be able to control himself.

Ring of Saturn

This feature, located under the base of the middle finger, speaks of the isolation of its owner. Most often, such people are uncommunicative, they are haunted by failures and are always dissatisfied with life.

Ring of Solomon

It appears in the form of a semicircle under the base of the index finger. The owner of this sign has the qualities of a leader, can lead people, become a talented leader and can take responsibility.

Signs - symbols on the palm

To summarize, we can add signs that are often found on the lines of the palm:

  • star - misfortune, accident, sudden event (not always bad), the most unfavorable interpretation is death.
  • breaking lines - obstacles, unwanted changes, illnesses and other troubles;
  • a dot on the strip is a mess;
  • cross on the strip - obstacle, change, possibly illness;
  • island, island - a warning or weakening of this line;
  • square – protects from unfavorable circumstances;
  • a trident at the end of the line indicates financial success.

In order to get a complete picture of a person’s life, you can use fortune telling. Very often, different traits speak about the same aspects of life, confirming the veracity of the predictions. Don’t forget about caring for your hands - the better you can see the lines on your palm, the more accurate the prediction will be.

Learning the difficult art of palm reading is an activity for the diligent and patient. For beginners, it is important to properly structure knowledge and first of all understand the differences between the basic terms. Chirology is a section that deals with the study of signs on the palms and lines. Palmistry with explanations and “reads” in detail: spots, moles, shapes of fingers and nails. This is an extensive section that allows you to recreate a complete picture of the personality of the person you are reading.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

The most obvious example of the practical application of hand fortune telling is the work sphere. The basics of hand reading help to identify a person’s character, his life goals, human qualities, material and spiritual situation, and most importantly, whether this person can be trusted. Knowing the designations of the lines on the hands, even a beginner will be able to successfully choose worthy business partners, friends and lovers.

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      • The ABCs of Hand Reading: Lines

        For most people, palmistry is limited only to the interpretation of lines. In fact, everything is not so - lines play an important role in this matter. There are no two identical people and hands in the world. It’s easy to verify this; just try to conduct a private practice, at least as an experiment.

        The lines on the hand are a map of lived events, they are all imprinted on the palm. Most of them are a sign of disturbing events and worries. Hands practically devoid of lines indicate that the life of such a person is meager in events. If the hand being read has practically no lines, we can say with confidence that the person lives an uninteresting, boring and monotonous life. While hands dotted with various lines show a turbulent life, full of events and emotional outbursts.

        The interpretation of lines is very similar to medicine. Like the symptoms of diseases, some lines tend to disappear or weaken, while others become deeper and brighter. The main task of a palmist is to warn the client about possible trouble or illness. Give short description situations with explanations of how to avoid negative consequences.

        When starting to study the interpretation of lines and complex tables of meanings, it is important to understand that you cannot get a complete picture of the situation by interpreting only one hand. For a full-fledged study, it is necessary to analyze both hands at once, given that the right hand tells about the events that the client is about to experience.

        The thickness and color of the lines play a big role in hand reading. The norm is clearly defined lines of moderate thickness, they should not be torn or have “islands”. Thin and pale lines indicate poor health of the client, and that he lacks vitality.

        Line defects and their meanings

        A person's palm can be strewn with lines of the most different shapes, their strength and structure indicate significant aspects in life. Clear, clearly visible lines, of moderate depth without any defects - this is what a line should be if the aspect of life for which it is responsible is normal.

        In total, you can count several types of line defects, in most cases it is a small speck or dot. Such a sign speaks of an obstacle that blocks a person’s progress. If there is a series of several points on the hand, it is worth paying attention to the highlighted aspect of life; it contains one recurring problem.

        Hand line defects:

        • A square is a good sign. It testifies to patronage and protection from above. Most often, a similar symbol can be found around a break in the line. In this form, the symbol means that a person will be able to emerge victorious from a difficult situation, higher powers will help him choose the right direction.
        • The cross is a symbol of change. Crosses can be interpreted in different ways, depending on surrounding factors they can have a positive or negative meaning. The symbol can only be interpreted if it is independent of other lines and looks distinct enough. That is, a cross that can be read should not appear as a result of one line overlapping another. This should be an independent symbol on the palm.
        • The triangle is a very rare symbol. The owner of this sign is distinguished by a sharp mind and insight.
        • The lattice is a sign with a negative meaning. The presence of such a symbol indicates that the owner of the palm incorrectly assesses the current situation. If it is not clarified and does not begin to move in the right direction, this state of affairs will lead him to despair.
        • Islands are ovals and bulges on lines. They indicate the loss of a large amount of energy. Islands can indicate periods of self-doubt, emotional problems or despair.

        According to Richard Webster's method, the interpretation of hands should always begin in the same sequence. In order not to miss anything, you must first pay attention to the shape of the palm and fingers and only then move on to the main lines.

        The interpretation of the lines should be carried out in this order:

      1. 1. Heart line.
      2. 2. Uma.
      3. 3. Lives.
      4. 4. Fates.

      Main lines and their meanings

      Most interpretations focus on the lines of life, mind and heart. But you can find a much larger number of them on your hands. Namely 14 main types:

      1. 1. The life strip originates from the extension of the index finger and descends in the form of a circle along the palm. When interpreting, it is necessary to pay attention to its clarity, length, and the presence of kinks or intersections. Sometimes there are hands with a duplicated life line. If the line is clear and long, a person will have a long life without serious problems with health. Weakly drawn means poor health. If the line is dim but long, despite physical and psychological fragility, the client will have a long life. A line with interruptions means serious changes in life, psychological problems, or an accident.
      2. 2. Hearts. Its origin is located near the base of the little finger. She is responsible for the emotional and sensory state of a person. People who are accustomed to living at the behest of reason, and not feelings, are characterized by hands with a short heart line. She does not play a decisive role in their lives. Emotional people's hands always have a long and clear heart line. This is a sign of not only emotionality, but also stupidity and illogical decisions. A life full of stress promises a life line crossed by many small lines. If there is an island on it, a person should be wary of a stroke.
      3. 3. Head/mind. The line shows a person's thinking. If it is drawn well, the owner of the palm has a clear mind and in life always prefers to be guided by reason rather than feelings. It is worth focusing on this if, in addition to the bright line of the mind, a person has a broken line of the heart. A tattered one indicates that the client should be wary of a head injury or stroke. A split on the line foreshadows either madness committed under the influence of circumstances, or madness in old age.
      4. 4. Mars is the second, internal line of life. It is very rare and indicates that its owner has an additional reserve of strength. These reserves of energy allow a person to overcome difficulties and maintain morale in any situation. Such people can rightfully be called the favorites of fate.
      5. 5. The family belt is a bracelet on the wrist. Normally there are three of them: the first is responsible for the birth of children and health; the second for financial well-being; the third is for love relationships. Ideally, all three bracelets should be distinct and clear. For women, the upper curved bracelet indicates gynecological problems.
      6. 6. Fate or career sign. Along this line you can read about important events in the fate of the client. It helps determine whether a person believes in his own abilities. It is very rare and consists of a vertical stripe running along the palm. It originates in the center of the wrist and rises.
      7. 7. The ring of Saturn is an unlucky sign. Owners of this sign have difficulty communicating with others and have a loner character. They lack ease. You should look for this stripe at the base of the middle finger in the form of an arc or an angle of two straight lines.
      8. 8. Apollo's ring is one of the rare lines that promises fame and recognition. The owner of the hand awaits fame, which can be achieved thanks to his talents. The presence of such a line foreshadows creative realization and advancement; such a person should not be ashamed of his ambitions. You should look for this line at the base of the ring finger. A poorly defined and torn groove indicates poor taste and inability to advertise oneself.
      9. 9. The Belt of Venus should be looked for at the base of the ring and middle fingers; it seems to encircle them. If the sign is on a fleshy and strong hand, its bearer is a voluptuous nature with a lot of vices. If the hand is thin and thin, the owner has a romantic nature, prone to frequent crushes and tends to idealize relationships. A clear belt of Venus indicates well-developed sexual activity. A broken ring, or one that does not reach the edges of the palm, is a sign of unhealthy lust. Such hands should be examined more carefully. An uneven belt on a thin arm indicates problems of a sexual nature, dissatisfaction and strong sexual hunger. Such a person is prone to hysterics and mood swings. A torn belt on a fleshy arm speaks of a manic obsession with sex. Forked belt - the owner experiences constant failures in love. Because of this, a person is susceptible to stress and needs to find a way to relax.
      10. 10. Children are vertical shoots from the marriage line. Clear and long lines indicate boys, thin and short lines indicate girls. Weak, torn or too short processes warn of miscarriages and abortions.
      11. 11. Braka - located on the side of the palm under the little finger. A line closer to the little finger indicates a relationship at the age of 33-38, a line almost near the heart line indicates a relationship at the age of 18-22. The stripes between them indicate a relationship between the ages of 25 and 28. A clear and deep line promises strong impact on this area of ​​life from the outside. A groove bent upward means the client needs to refuse to register the marriage. Curved down - the partner will die earlier. Thin branches from the marriage line indicate poor health of the partner. Island - the marriage will be short and unhappy. A break or split is a divorce. Duplicated marriage line – connections on the side. The vertical intersection of the line is a period of relationship breakdowns.
      12. 12. The sun sign is a pronounced hill under the ring of Apollo. Symbolizes a strong, powerful and selfish person. It can be found in the hands of businessmen, oil tycoons, showmen or movie stars. A clearly defined and continuous ring indicates great talents that need to be developed. A clear ring with a small gap indicates a person prone to leadership, but to achieve his goals he needs to work on himself. A poorly expressed sun sign speaks of a complex character that prevents a person from self-realization.
      13. 13. The streak of intuition is less common than all other signs on the palms. It should be looked for in the lower left part of the right palm. It originates under the line of the heart and descends in the form of an arc to the wrist rings. Such people have a rare gift; they often see prophetic dreams and signs of fate. The gift of intuition must be developed, and then the owner of such a sign will be able to achieve success in almost any field. If the line has an island at the base, the person often sees prophetic dreams and has enhanced innate intuition. A number of islands indicate confusion in thoughts - such a person does not see the difference between fantasy and a real premonition. Branches from the line of life or fate to the line of intuition indicate an interest in the occult sciences. The owner of this sign will be able to achieve great heights in this field. Gaps indicate talents that need to be developed. If there is a groove of intuition on both the right and left hand, such a person has psychic abilities.
      14. 14. Travel signs will not show annual resort trips or work-related moves. Such lines will indicate dramatic changes and trips that have been planned for years. These grooves can be found in several places on the palm: the lower left corner of the palm, branches from the life line. If the stripes at the base of the palm are thin and there are many of them, the owner of the lines is a dreamer and adventurer, such people rarely start a family, since everyday life weighs them down. Branches from the life line indicate that a person will spend the rest of his life in a foreign country. All branches from the life line indicate radical changes; in order to calculate the approximate date, the countdown must begin from the wrist and above.

      The importance of certain lines varies from person to person. Some consider marriage to be the main streak, while others will look for signs of wealth. When deciphering meanings, you should always take into account their position and structure. This is especially true for the signs of life, heart, fate, and mind.

      Money triangle

      According to Webster Richard's book, The Complete Guide to Palmistry: The Secrets of Palm Reading, poverty or wealth is always marked on the hand. The appearance of a money triangle is influenced not only by the destiny from above, but also by the talent to earn and save. Having been destined to own money, but not having the talent to save it, you can live your whole life on the street and beg. Therefore, you cannot read signs of wealth separately from other symbols.

      Monetary well-being on the hand is expressed by the so-called money triangle. It consists of:

      • A clearly marked groove of fate, and the deeper the sign, the more efficient the person, the greater his chances of creating a successful career. But one performance for financial well-being not enough.
      • The second important line in the money triangle is the line of the mind. The most favorable line should not have breaks or islands, and its location should be as straight as possible. Such a person is distinguished by rationalism and efficiency. Good sign, if the head line has a “scoop of money”. This is a curl extending from the Mount of Mercury, on the left side of the mental groove on the right palm. Such a scoop characterizes a person who is able to see opportunities where others are unable to see them.
      • And the third important line is the line of Mercury. It should be clear and as direct as possible. This sign reflects the commercial abilities of its owner. And together all three lines represent a triangle of money - a symbol of material well-being (Fate + Head + Mercury).

      A clear, even triangle is extremely rare; most people have triangles with breaks at the edges. If there is a gap in the corner of the line of the mind, wealth will be very difficult to obtain. And it’s all because of the gap directed at the Mount of Jupiter. People with such a gap find it difficult to change their financial situation. The only useful recommendation for them would be to value their work more and not accept low pay.

      If the broken angle is directed to the Mount of Venus, responsible for health, family and life, all the money earned will be quickly spent on family needs and relatives.

      A gap in the corner directed towards Mercury indicates a complete lack of commercial ability in the owner of the palm. This is a sign of squandering, and such a person’s money always runs out very quickly. Regardless of how much he earns, everything will be spent. This is one of the most unpleasant breakups.

      You can often encounter a situation where there is no triangle due to the absence of the Mercury line. This does not mean financial collapse. If there is a clear line of mind and destiny, financial independence awaits a person. The owner of such a palm cannot be called selfish; he knows how to manage cash flow and knows how to earn the necessary amount. If there is a weakly defined line of the mind on the hand or a thin and winding one, the person will face financial difficulties.

      You cannot predict an unhappy life in poverty for a person based only on the absence of a triangle. In order for the picture of life to finally take shape, it is necessary to pay attention to the so-called wheat line. It is located on the bend of the first and second phalanges of the thumb. This line should resemble a well-defined large grain. This sign speaks of a happy life without material difficulties.

      Lines on the palms may indicate unexpected monetary gains. Such triangles of easy money must be looked for on the right hand, with right side from the life line. To calculate the approximate time of monetary gains, the time is calculated at the rate of 1 cm = 10 years of life.

      Lumps on the palms

      Lumps on the palms help to create a complete picture of the personality. They are located in different parts of the palm and can be flat or convex. From them you can determine whether the controversial line has a positive or negative meaning. A convex hillock indicates that the dominant aspect for this point of the palm plays a large role in a person’s life. A flat hillock indicates the opposite, that the aspect has practically no meaning for the owner of the palm. There are 8 hillocks in total.

      Name Meaning
      Mount of JupiterResponsible for leadership qualities and ambitions. This is where the human ego lies. Located at the base of the index finger
      Mount of SaturnExpresses a passion for science and research. Responsible for intellectual activity, the ability to independently solve problems and the tendency to self-development. Located at the base of the middle finger
      Hill of ApolloResponsible for talent, a sense of beauty, attractiveness, creativity, subtle mental organization and external beauty. Located at the base of the ring finger
      Mount of MercuryIt contains human communication skills. This is the ability to express oneself; often a developed mount of Mercury speaks of a person’s religiosity and spirituality. Located at the base of the little finger
      Hill of VenusResponsible for hidden desires and inner essence hidden from prying eyes. It is lust, desire and passion. Located at the base of the thumb
      Hill of MarsSymbol of aggression and resistance. Can denote a temperamental person, strong in spirit and body. Located between the hills of Mercury and the Moon
      Mount of the MoonRepresents imagination, the degree of absence of phobias, sexual desire and fantasies. Located in the lower left corner of the right palm and in the lower right corner of the left palm

      Hand reading for dummies

      You don't have to be an experienced palmist to read the hands of others. It is enough to know a few fundamental points, the so-called method for dummies. With its help, you can get a general idea of ​​a person at first glance at his hands.

      It is worth noting that a quick method of reading information is not comparable to a more detailed study of a person’s palm, but it will help protect yourself from communicating with unpleasant people.

      At the first meeting, a quick glance at the back of the hand will help determine the person’s temperament by the amount of hair growing on the hand. Not a large number of speaks of a favorable acquaintance with a courageous person (regarding men). A large amount of hair reveals a personality obsessed with physical needs.

      A handshake tells a lot about a person. The position of the fingers deserves attention: are they closed or vice versa. Those who press their fingers together suffer from self-doubt, are prone to introspection, and are very careful and circumspect. A confident person is characterized by a handshake with fingers spread apart. Such people are confident in their abilities and rarely doubt their actions.

      If a person offers a palmist his hand with his fingers apart for reading, but during the examination the fingers slowly close, the client is tormented by fears. Such involuntary compression indicates that a person is afraid to reveal his secrets.

      Hand shape and its meaning

      The shape of the hands can also tell a lot about its owner. There are hand shapes: oblong and square. To determine this, you need to mentally remove all fingers from your palm, including the thumb. This will help you accurately determine the shape. For right-handed people, the right hand is connected with everyday life, and on the left hand all talents and abilities are described. If the client is left-handed, the opposite is true.

      Hand shapes and their meaning:

      • A square hand is found in people who are easy to communicate with. They are energetic, practical and skillful in everyday affairs, they need to constantly keep themselves busy with something. Such people are realistic, stand firmly on their feet and draw conclusions only based on obvious facts. The owners of such palms are good workers who, if necessary, can work for a long time and efficiently.
      • Dreamers have elongated arms. Such people approach everything creatively, periodically plunging into the world of their own fantasies. They cannot stand monotonous work and are constantly looking for variety. Individuals with such hands are generators of brilliant ideas, but often do not know how to put them into practice.

      If you classify hands according to the classical system, then there will be much more divisions. In such a system the hands are:

      • Primitive.
      • Practical.
      • Philosophical.
      • Conical.
      • Mental.

      Although this system has a greater number of variations, it is not reliable. It was invented in the eighteenth century, when people could easily be classified by their hands. Peasants always had wide, hard-working hands of a primitive shape. Aristocrats, on the contrary, often had exquisite conical shapes of hands. In the modern world, everything is different and the shape of the hands does not always depend on the type activities. Therefore, currently the method is used only if the hand meets all classification criteria. Otherwise, it is preferable to divide the shapes of the palms into oblong and oval.

      Classifications and their meaning.

      View Description and meaning
      PrimitiveHas square, short palms and shapeless, thick fingers. The skin is rough and rough to the touch. There are very few lines on such a palm, usually no more than three. Such people are distinguished by their stubborn disposition and narrow worldview. They have little interest in anything and find it difficult to express their thoughts. They often become aggressive and despair. Dependent on physical needs and do not think about the future
      PracticalIt has a square palm, the fingers are longer and more graceful than on a primitive hand. You can see a large number of lines on the palms; the skin of the hands is softer and more delicate. Such people tend to get interested in something new and have a wide range of interests.
      ConicalIt features smooth lines, a soft shape and delicate skin. It is characterized by long fingers with rounded tips and an oblong, fleshy palm. This creative people who are prone to daydreaming. They are aesthetically pleasing and have many talents. They often tend to go into a fantasy world where everything is perfect. Avoid any manifestations of rudeness and vulgarity
      MentalIt has long, thin, gracefully shaped fingers and a long palm. Such people are usually idealists, have well-developed intuition, but are impractical. Often go into their imaginary world
      PhilosophicalIt has a square palm, long fingers with pronounced joints. Such people tend to analyze everything and build complex logical chains
      MixedIt has elements of different types of hands and needs to be considered in more depth. That is, it is possible to characterize a person only after a detailed analysis of fingers, lines and bumps

      A detailed study of palmistry opens up limitless possibilities for a beginner to understand himself and the world around him. The ability to read hands like the text of a book allows you to move to a higher quality standard of living, avoiding communication with unworthy people and unscrupulous employees.