At the Iskra stadium, on a wet path strewn with fallen leaves - it’s good that the rain has just stopped! - Alexey Voevoda, throwing off his warm jacket so that just by looking at him everyone around him shivered... “It’s so warm!” – the Voivode grinned, reading everything from our faces, and began to pass the GTO standards.

At the Iskra stadium, on a wet path strewn with fallen leaves - it’s good that the rain has just stopped! - Alexey Voevoda, throwing off his warm jacket so that just by looking at him everyone around him shivered... “It’s so warm!” – the Voivode grinned, reading everything from our faces, and began to pass the GTO standards.

I call the cozy stadium, a seven-minute walk from the Botanical Garden metro station, cinematic. Today we filmed Alexei Voevoda here, and tomorrow at Iskra we were already expecting a visit from the film crew of the film magazine Yeralash, who filmed here documentary about Semyon Farad, who lived nearby for many years, certain scenes of “Capercaillie”; director Pavel Lungin often visits a local cafe serving Uzbek cuisine.

But enough of the lyrics. In my bag I have a certificate in the name of Alexei Voevoda and a gold badge issued by the Military Sports Foundation. In this foundation, the only one that currently issues badges (the official badge has already been approved by the President, but has not yet been issued), the Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko and synchronized swimmer Olga Brusnikina managed to pass the standards.

They promised me that Vitaly Leontyevich could join the Voivode and pass the standards again - it would not be difficult for the minister, but it didn’t work out in time.


Alexey Voevoda did everything so quickly that it was difficult to follow him. Here he goes up to the elevated platform that we used instead of a gymnastics bench for bending... He passes for a gold badge, we prepared just such one for him in advance, we couldn’t believe that the two-time Olympic champion would suddenly not cope and pass for a silver one. But, as it turns out, such a danger existed...

“It’s a pity that Vitaly Leontyevich couldn’t keep me company,” said the Voevoda, bowing his head a little from the height of his outstanding height (192 cm). – I would love to compete with Vitaly Leontyevich. It would be difficult for me to compare with him. I would definitely lose to him. The Minister of Sports is a different level.

– The Minister of Sports must be athletic. I think no one doubts that I am still capable of passing the GTO standards. They often come up to me different people- officials, bankers - and they want to fight me in arm wrestling... And I... lose to them! For what? I make a person feel like a champion. It's priceless! But I need to win at professional competitions, I have to prove myself there.

Standards: *
+ 6 cm – 3 points
+ 4 cm = 2 points
Reach the floor with your fingers – 1 point


Alexey waves away the gymnastics mat: “Yes, I can do it on the asphalt!” With some difficulty, Voivode, who is deeply indifferent to weather conditions, manages to persuade him to lie down on the rug.

The Iskra instructor sits on his feet, and the thought still haunts me: what would it all look like: a great Voivode - and suddenly with a silver GTO badge...

– And you, a two-time Olympic champion, would agree to a silver badge?

– Actually, back at school, in the second grade, I passed with gold. And then - you can’t look down on silver. Silver – much more rare metal than gold. The rarest metal! If all the gold is taken to the surface of the earth and distributed evenly, it will be half a meter, and the silver will cover the earth by only 5–7 centimeters. So silver is much more valuable than gold.

40 times in 1 minute. – 3 points
35 – 2 points
30 – 1 point


“Oh, how easy it is to run,” and the best accelerator in the world, having lost sleep due to night filming, left the start for a distance of 3 kilometers. Here too it easily fits into the standard, and after the finish we have the opportunity to draw some conclusions.

- Alexey, all this is ridiculously easy for you, but let’s imagine: in your place there is office plankton...

– This concept is irrevocably a thing of the past. Office plankton is no longer relevant after the Olympics in Sochi. I noticed that people began to run and train a lot more in the morning. And the standards... Downward slopes are the only controversial element. I don't understand what kind of load they give. Strengthen your back? This is not the best exercise for strengthening your back. To stretch, yes, but then you need to bend down from the bench as low as possible.

Standard for 3 km run:
12 min. 50 sec. – 3 points
14 min. 20 sec. – 2 points
15 minutes. 10 sec. – 1 point


For Voevoda, nine pull-ups on the horizontal bar are enough. Easily lifting his chin over the bar, he can speak freely.

– You passed these standards as a second grader. How does it feel to return to childhood?

- Many years later. But I haven’t changed... Not long ago I participated in a discussion about food additives, about pharmacology, and I said: “Gentlemen, we do not have one, the most basic concept - methodology. It ceased to exist after pharmacology appeared. But the methodology needs to be revived.” GTO is the very golden thing that we have left from the times Soviet Union, the same methodology for selecting personnel for sports and life.

9 times – 3 points
6 times – 2 points
4 – 1 point


According to the rules, three attempts are given for the standing long jump. A half-sleepless night makes itself felt. On the second attempt, Alexey Voevoda flies away at 2.90.

And here it is, the promised story about Bison:

– We had such a bobsledder – Dima Chernov from the village of Navli in the Oryol region, he, unfortunately, no longer competes. He argued with the Americans, who claimed that it was impossible to jump 3.60 from a standing position. Dima didn’t want to jump at first. But when they told him it was $200, he took off his shoes and jumped 3.75 barefoot. And when he did this, the Americans in their unique way: “What the... beep, beep, beep,” you know, the kind of expressions on television that are usually masked by beeps. Naturally, they gave this money and then spent a long time measuring where he could start from, looking at his feet, but he was barefoot, without spikes. They were all trying to figure out what the catch was. And the catch was that Dimka Bison is a country guy, real man from a Russian village, from the Oryol region, from Navli, they are all like that... We have a lot of them in our country.

2 m 35 cm – 3 points
2 m 25 cm – 2 points
2 m 20 cm – 1 point

P.S. The editors of Sovsport/Weekly would like to thank general director stadium "Iskra" Vladimir Nikolaevich Kuzmin and the Military Sports Foundation for assistance in organizing this report.

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This article will be relevant for those who are just planning to enter military educational institutions or are already serving in the law enforcement agencies of our country. Standards are submitted either every quarter or once a year. But the hardest thing is for applicants, because many of them do not have sufficient preparation to pass the GTO standards.

Each exercise is scored on a certain number of points and then converted to a 100-point scale. Those who could not “pass the threshold” (dial minimum scores) in at least one of the tests, they are immediately sent home. And already established military personnel can receive a punishment in the form of a reprimand, or any other administrative punishment. Yes, it is quite difficult to keep yourself in good sports shape all the time. This is why you should try not to skip workouts. We’ll look at what you need to do besides this below.

In general, standards are set government agencies RF, but be aware that they may differ slightly from each other. Although the essence is the same for everyone. It is aimed at checking three components:



To achieve success and pass the standards, you need to find a certain balance between these factors. After all, you remember that the total number of points is the sum of all exercises, and failure to complete at least one is already a failure. First, let’s outline what is included in the list of exercises and what exactly you have to take.

1. Endurance running. Usually each ministry chooses between 1 km or 3 km. Sometimes you need to run this cross-country race not around the stadium, but over rough terrain, which makes the test much more difficult.

2. Speed ​​is tested by running 60 or 100 m. And quite often the sprint is not run in stadiums with rubber tracks, but simply on asphalt. This factor does not allow achieving maximum points due to the fact that candidates cannot run in spikes, do not use starting blocks and often fall due to uneven asphalt.

3. Pull-ups or throwing a grenade are exercises that will test your strength. Women usually struggle with bending their torso from a lying position.

Remember the main rule: We need to start preparing in advance! The best option is 7 months before the exams. First, you need to study at least a little theory, and only then apply it in practice. Of course, your effectiveness will increase significantly if you exercise under the supervision of a trainer. You should start with 4 workouts per week, each of which should not last longer than 90 minutes. Be sure to remember that the workout consists of five parts: warm-up, stretching, running exercises, the main exercises (base) and cool-down.

To develop endurance, you need to run cross-country. Their duration should not be less than 40 minutes. The most important thing in such a run is to monitor your heart rate. It should not be high (no higher than 140 beats per minute). Additionally, you can do interval training. They will also help develop speed endurance.

Rapidity develops by improving speed qualities. Don't forget to do special running exercises, they will help you improve your running technique. In addition, it is worth paying attention to such exercises as running up stairs, jumping on a pedestal, high-speed step-ups, jumping with weights from a half-squat, and others. To improve speed, interval training is also useful, but it should be short, but very effective.

Pull yourself up, do a “ladder” - this will help you develop strength. It is best to perform these exercises in certain series with an interval of half a minute or a minute (it all depends on your preparation).

There is one more very important rule- give your muscles a rest, they need to recover. If you notice that you are training every day, seven days a week, and your results are not improving, the whole problem may be that after hard training your muscles are especially difficult to recover. Know your limits!

According to the results of the first stage, only 60% of Kursk schoolchildren coped with the GTO standards.

Last week in Kursk, at the city GTO testing center, the first official stage of passing the GTO standards for eleventh-graders from Kursk schools was completed. About 600 people from 46 schools took part in this event. The guys had to cope with 4 tests that tested their speed, strength, flexibility and endurance. This is a 100-meter run or a choice of 2 or 3 kilometers, pull-ups and inclines. At the same time, for particularly obese graduates, it was allowed to replace pull-ups with lifting weights.

True, only 60% of schoolchildren passed the second stage, the successful completion of which gives the coveted badge.

Mostly only those who study in sports sections, without serious preparation it is impossible to pass the GTO standards - states Alexander Temnov, Deputy Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Department of Youth Policy, Physical Education and Sports of Kursk - At the same time, the hardest thing for schoolchildren is running long distances.

For many guys, passing the GTO was like a game; when they came to the Testing Center, they didn’t even know their standards, they didn’t really appreciate their capabilities,” he complains. - If they want to improve their results, then in the spring they will be able to take the tests again.

Practice shows that in order to cope with the GTO standards, you need to engage in sports constantly, so in two weeks you cannot increase the number of pull-ups from zero to 13 times. A lot here depends on the family in which the child grows up, what kind of example the parents set for him, but also a lot depends on the physiological characteristics of the person.

The TRP badge is not only a reason for pride, but additional points on the Unified State Examination, from 2 to 10, depending on the decision of the university administration, and for students - a certain increase in scholarships. So many guys who initially did not show the best results asked to come again and retake the GTO standards.

Meanwhile, of the 60% of graduates who made it to the second stage, 15% claim the gold badge. Optional standards will be adopted throughout the winter. This includes the following disciplines: jumping, grenade throwing, shooting, swimming, skiing, lifting the body from a prone position, hiking. To qualify for gold you need to select and pass 4 disciplines, for silver - 3 disciplines, and for bronze - 2.

The most interesting challenge is the hiking trip. Schoolchildren will have to make a fire, pack a backpack, and put up a tent,” explains Temnov.

Currently, there is only one official GTO test center in Kursk, located at the Boevaya Dacha. Next year similar centers equipped with all necessary equipment, should open in all districts of the region based on the best sports schools. Also, starting next year, students will also join in passing the GTO standards, and starting from 2017, all citizens of the country will be able to participate in this event. True, for adults it will be more like nostalgia for the USSR, because our employers are not yet mature enough to reward employees who keep themselves in excellent physical shape.

It is worth adding that last week, Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko presented the first golden TRP badges to schoolchildren from seven Russian cities.

“Starting from 2017, the complex will operate throughout the country. It is important that it be popular among young people; a lot of work remains to be done with the creation of testing centers so that they are close to home. We would like the complex to be popular, so that the tests are carried out in the form sporting events. It will play a big role that the ambassadors will be outstanding athletes, public figures"Mutko said.

Meanwhile, Kursk schoolchildren will only be able to receive the coveted badges no earlier than next summer.

To pass the GTO standards you need:

  1. to be in good physical shape;
  2. register on the website to receive an ID number;
  3. have a doctor's clearance.
  4. contact your local testing center, come there and comply with the standards.

How to prepare for the GTO?

In order to answer this question, let's first remember what GTO is

“Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” (GTO) is a physical education program in general education, professional and sports organizations in the USSR, fundamental in a unified and state-supported system of patriotic education of youth. Existed from 1931 to 1991. Covered the population aged 10 to 60 years.
Passing the standards was confirmed by special badges. To receive such a badge, you had to fulfill a given set of requirements, for example: run a hundred meters at speed, do push-ups a certain number of times, jump from a tower into the water or throw a grenade
In 2014, President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the return of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” system. According to the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, starting from 2015, the results of passing the GTO complex will be taken into account when entering higher educational institutions.
All requirements for passing the GTO standards are defined in this document “State requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population when fulfilling the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) dated July 08, 2014. Number 575.

Who should take the GTO?

There are no mandatory requirements yet, but the number of people who have passed the GTO is included as an indicator of the governor’s effective work. So schoolchildren and all possible state employees will soon take the test on a voluntary-compulsory basis. At least, it very much seems so to me.

How to successfully pass the GTO standards?

If you train according to the Shanti method (the “Land of Heroes” marathon) or practice CrossFit, then you definitely won’t have any problems with passing the GTO standards. You can easily get your bronze badge; silver or gold, of course, will require a little effort. But in general everything is quite easy to achieve. But if up to this point you haven’t lifted anything heavier than a mug and your favorite sport is “couch football,” then you should take your preparation more seriously.

Where to begin?

You should start with an honest assessment of your performance. Download the file from the link above. Choose your age and try to do all the exercises that are intended for your age at an average pace. If you can do all the exercises without taking into account time, then that’s good. Just repeat all the exercises at least three times a week and in a month you will be ready to take the GTO standards. If you can’t handle this approach, then let’s start preparing together for passing the GTO standards.
In the next article I will tell you how to learn how to do pull-ups in the shortest possible time. To avoid missing this article, subscribe to site updates.