Sand is a truly magical substance. Ancient healers used it to relieve people from mental wounds and bring them into a state of calm and harmony in the event of difficulties in life. Sand was considered a symbol of time and a weapon against adversity. Even then it was noticed that walking on hot sand with bare feet sharpens the mind and cures colds and other diseases.

Due to undeniable historical facts, it would be stupid not to use miraculous properties sand today. Science, including cosmetology, constantly turns to the experience already accumulated over time and provides an explanation for what was previously considered witchcraft.

Sand therapy is gaining popularity. Ancient people said that hot sand, penetrated through and through by the noble sun, relieves many ailments and prevents possible illnesses.

The golden sands of Crimea have always been famous for their properties. They are known not only Black Sea coast, but also far beyond. Why are seaside sands used? Because baths based on them are the most effective for therapeutic heating, and the temperature of the sand itself is optimal for procedures due to the prevailing warm temperature. southern climate. But even ordinary white river sand is suitable for therapeutic baths. If the weather is not too hot, then you can walk on it with your feet. When this is not possible, baths are taken with sand.

Rules for taking a sand bath.

First you need to find a clean place on the beach, it is better if this beach is deserted. The sand should be sifted thoroughly through a sieve. The place is prepared in advance, so make sure that no one disturbs it. It is forbidden to take sand baths under the scorching sun. The optimal time is the morning hours from 10 to 11 - the sand has already warmed up, but is not yet hot. For treatment to be effective, the sand temperature should vary between 40 and 50° C.

The hygroscopic mass of sand, the shape of sand grains, and the air space between them ensure uniform penetration and distribution of heat in the human body. Thanks to this, the metabolism between sand and skin is not disrupted. Hot sand is effective in relieving various types of pain, removes excess moisture, stimulates oxidative processes, and improves kidney function. In one session you can easily lose more than half a kilogram of weight. Sand baths, just like salt or mud baths, have a positive effect on the functioning of the lymph and circulatory system.

The heat releases sweat, causing the body to become covered with a thin layer of wet sand. This “film” reliably protects the body from overheating. Hot baths with sand are easily tolerated: pulmonary breathing is not difficult, a feeling of stiffness does not arise, since the head and some parts of the body are free from sand. Despite the high temperatures, sand baths can be taken by both children and the elderly.

Hot baths, in addition to everything, have a reflex therapeutic effect. Due to its heterogeneous structure, sand affects the nerve receptors of the skin and, thereby, activates biologically active points. Heating combined with reflexology increases body temperature to six tenths of a degree, raises arterial pressure, increase heart rate. The vital capacity of the lungs increases and ensures effective.

Which I wrote about in the last article, I started looking different ways, how to influence this unfortunate tailbone so that it hurts less. The cardinal method of the ax is to remove the tailbone; I decided not to consider it; the tail will still be useful to me. Any touch to this part of the spine still causes incredible pain. Therefore, manual therapy is considered only a little later. In the meantime, we need to relieve the pain syndrome. I use red and blue lamps, patches, and ointments for this. And while searching for information on this topic, I came across this interesting topic, like treatment with warm and hot sand. This type of treatment is called psammotherapy.

Nature is very generous to us - the sun, sea, stones and even sand - everything has healing power. Psammotherapy is the treatment of the body with sand. Hot bulk material was used with therapeutic purpose even in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Greece, etc. This is understandable; in the regions of these countries there was no shortage of sand. In Europe, sand treatment appeared at the end of the nineteenth century, in Germany. Over time, the Germans appreciated the properties and effect of psammotherapy, and began to build hospitals along the entire Baltic coast. In the vastness of the post-Soviet space this method gained popularity relatively recently. It is especially effective for treating the musculoskeletal system.

Indications and contraindications for the use of psammotherapy

Hot sand allows you to cope with various diseases. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and relaxing effects. An excellent therapeutic effect can be noted in the treatment of the spine, rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of the joints, tendons and the genitourinary system. Sand is used in programs to combat extra pounds. It activates sweating, enhances blood circulation and lymph flow. Experts recommend psammotherapy for children with severe allergic manifestations and rickets. In addition, the technique guarantees relief from fatigue and nervous tension. Grains of sand have a massage effect, affecting skin cells and vegetative zones.

Contraindications to the use of sand therapy are:

Increased body temperature;

Diseases prohibiting heat exposure;



Skin damage;


Hypertensive diseases;

Infectious diseases;

Epilepsy and others.

You can practice psammotherapy after consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can make a decision about the benefits or harms of a technique for a particular organism. But, of course, if you are by the sea and feel well, then you don’t need any consultation to lie on the hot sand. The main thing is not to overheat. In medical institutions, different sand is used for different purposes.

Choosing sand for psammotherapy

The sand treatment technique is an extremely thorough and meticulous process. To achieve maximum effect, certain types of sand should be used. The choice of bulk material should be entrusted to professionals. It is best to take medium-grained sand. Breeds that are too small can cause allergies when tiny particles are inhaled. Large varieties can damage the skin. Depending on its composition, sand can have a different shade from green to reddish-brown, it can be white or black, and is of volcanic origin.

It is extremely important to use sand from environmentally friendly and safe areas. The optimal solution would be river or sea sand. It's saturated essential minerals and useful substances. Quarry sand is too coarse and should not be used for psammotherapy. You cannot take sand from bodies of water near which livestock is pastured or walked. It is better to give preference to uncrowded areas. In principle, you don’t have to travel far, far to lie on the hot sand. Sand can also be found near your home; if you have a car, you can collect it and bring it home. Next you need to find a way to heat the sand and a place to take the procedures.

Having collected sand, it should be washed and sifted to get rid of large fractions and impurities. It is imperative to heat treat the sand at 120 degrees for 90 minutes. This will help disinfect the material and eliminate various microorganisms. When using the same sand, it must be washed and warmed again.

Psammotherapy in the salon, at home and in the open air

There is psammotherapy of local and general meaning. During general psammotherapy, the entire human body is under warm sand, only the head remains outside. For local treatment, bags of warm sand are applied to the area in need of treatment. Typically, procedures are carried out in special salons, clinics and hospitals. Psammotherapy is used as a separate method of therapy or in combination with other methods. The session lasts 15-30 minutes.

In medical institutions, sand is heated in special baths to a temperature of 50-60 degrees Celsius. There are seaside resorts where psammotherapy is carried out outdoors just on the coast. It is enough to bury yourself in the sand, put a Panama hat on your head, and put a damp cloth on your forehead, this will prevent overheating or sunstroke. After the session, you need to wash your body with warm water and rest a little.

It is also possible to carry out psammotherapy at home. To do this, prepare the sand, clean it and heat it in the oven. Then put the bulk substance into fabric bags and apply to the sore spot. During the procedure, it is important to create an optimal temperature regime not only for the sand, but also for the air.

Sand baths guarantee thermal and mechanical action. Under influence elevated temperature Toxins are removed from the body through sweat. Sand perfectly absorbs moisture without creating a greenhouse effect.

For now, I decided that sand therapy could be a salvation for me. The most interesting thing is that we have sand; I stocked it up in the summer for children’s games in the winter at home. I tried to use it for a different purpose, heated it in a frying pan, poured it into a bag like salt and began to lightly warm my unfortunate tail with it. The effect is very good, the pain has become much less within a day. So I highly recommend this method. And if there is no sand, where can you get it in winter, you can use salt. Although I found the sand more pleasant. You can warm your throat when you have a sore throat by pouring hot sand into a long bag; you can use it as a heating pad. There are many ways, if you haven’t tried sand treatment yet, try it, it’s so simple!

One of the most wonderful riches of our nature is the sea coasts, the beaches of which in many places for tens of kilometers form shallow sparkling beaches. However, it can also be washed in the sun by sand that has been washed ashore by currents for thousands of years. Summer is the time when everyone, with a few exceptions, can use it for sand, or psammotherapy (in Greek psammo - sand), and completely free of charge, that is, for nothing! In this sense, those who live near the sea are especially lucky, since in many places in the world this ancient therapy is available only in the advanced form of SPA, which not everyone can afford.

Psammotherapy has become relevant on a global scale and as one of the areas of a new branch of science - medical geology. She studies the relationships between natural geological factors and their impact on human and animal health. Already now, based on research results, it can be judged that sand is an undeservedly undervalued remedy, the application of which can be much wider.


What happens to those buried in the sand?

Of course, not everyone can go to exotic beaches with healing sand, and not everyone can even get to the usual seaside. Therefore, beach therapy is replaced by a sand bath - a procedure available in many SPA. For this purpose, special heated baths have been invented, which are filled with sand instead of water, often this is a specially prepared or improved (enriched) sand mixture.

Be that as it may, the effect is similar, namely, hot sand has the ability to quickly accumulate heat and release it slowly, maintaining its warming effect longer. Since the layer of sand evenly and anatomically covers all parts of the body, it has not only a warming effect, but also a mechanical effect that reduces or completely eliminates pain and spasms. In addition, sand is very hygroscopic - it immediately absorbs sweat released through the skin. That is why sand applications do not cause overheating or burns.

The main organ involved in sand bath therapy is the skin, through which the body receives all the therapeutic benefits. As is known, the surface area of ​​an adult’s skin is approximately one and a half square meters. One square centimeter of skin contains on average one meter of capillary blood vessels, four meters of nerve fibers, three million cells, 100 sweat glands and 15 fat glands, as well as 100-500 sensory receptors. In fact, this entire skin structure is used to transmit the necessary substances and impulses to the body.

Hot sand activates metabolism, increases blood and lymph circulation, improves blood supply to tissues and organs. As a result, swelling and inflammation may subside, as well as weight loss. In addition, psammotherapy helps normalize kidney activity, stimulates metabolism, and reduces pain. Sand contains slightly alkaline potassium, calcium, magnesium, and when a person, being buried in sand, sweats, a film of carbon dioxide forms on the skin, improving the delivery of oxygen throughout the body, normalizing metabolism.

How to take sand baths correctly

There are several safety rules. Since the sand temperature should reach 40-60 degrees Celsius, it is advisable for the air temperature to be no lower than 17 degrees.

First, a hole 1 m wide and 2 m long is dug in the sand, where a person lies down. With the hands of an assistant, the body is covered with a 15 cm thick layer of sand up to the chin, bypassing the area of ​​the heart (to make it easier, you don’t have to cover the stomach), the head should remain in the shade - under a hat or umbrella.

You can put a cold compress wrapped in a towel on your forehead to protect against sunstroke.

The duration of the sand bath should not exceed 30 minutes. After digging, you should rinse with cool water and sit in the shade for half an hour - only then sunbathe and swim again. To restore lost fluid, you should drink water. If you feel unwell during the sand bath, the procedure should be interrupted immediately by placing a cold compress on the heart area.

There are also a number of health conditions and diseases when hot sand baths are definitely not worth trying, for example, women during their period and 2-3 days before it. It is impossible to remove with psammotherapy sharp pains- this cannot even be done, since the heat in this case can cause complications. Sand baths are also prohibited for people with infectious diseases, hypertension (high blood pressure), epilepsy, tuberculosis and cancer diagnoses. This list also includes those who suffer from circulatory failure or bleeding, severe atherosclerosis, and severe heart disease. In case of illness, this procedure can only be used during the recovery period. The best thing this question discuss with your doctor.

And yet... Sand baths are familiar to many from childhood - like a spontaneous game on the beach, with great joy, children bury each other in the sand. Maybe nature itself tells us what to do? In any case, if you feel this childish desire within yourself, perhaps you shouldn’t restrain yourself?

Building sand castles - therapy for children and adults

Another popular beach activity, building sand castles is also a form of therapy. Of course, this is predominantly a children's game that remarkably develops fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, sensory processes, imagination and creative thinking, problem solving, language, attention; it calms, inspires experimentation, etc. Psychologists also recommend that parents build sand castles with their children if any brewing problems in the family require solutions.

Recently, sand castles have also gained recognition among experts involved in team building programs and activities popular with many businesses. It turns out that building a sand castle within a certain period of time is a challenge for adults too. It benefits the team: it demonstrates the value of learning new skills, inspires high-quality teamwork (after all, you need to build a masterpiece!), teaches you to quickly adapt, improves communication and cooperation, and increases the level of motivation and trust.

The benefits of sand baths (psammotherapy)

Stimulates the division of healthy cells, slowing down the proliferation of damaged ones.

Improves blood circulation, promoting a speedy recovery.

Increases oxygen levels in the body, destroying bacteria-friendly environments and generating more energy.

Reduces acidity levels in the body, promoting renewal.

Activates water molecules in the body, warming it from the inside and improving the absorption of nutrients.

Removes fats chemical substances and toxins, reduces cellulite.

Stimulates the activity of fat cells, improving the condition and quality of the skin.

Improves activity nervous system.

Relieves pain from injuries, arthritis and rheumatism.

Burns up to 900 kcal, reducing body fat mass by 10%. Within two weeks of sand therapy you can lose up to 1.5 kg of excess weight.

Where to take sand baths?

Japanese sand baths and Boris Yeltsin's record

The centers of sand baths are the beaches of Ibusuki and Beppu, which in certain areas are covered with black volcanic sand heated by geothermal springs. Here, in Japanese, an exquisite sand bath ritual, or sunamushi, is offered - starting with dressing in special kimonos, burying, strengthening an umbrella in the sand to shade the head, and ending with rinsing showers. The temperature of this sand is 50-55 degrees Celsius. The recommended time to spend buried is 15 minutes. It just seems short-lived - most people are not able to stand there any longer.

The Japanese sand bath was once highly appreciated by our ex-president Boris Yeltsin with his family. There is a popular legend among local bath attendants that he could stand in the sand for an incredibly long time - half an hour. In addition, he indulged in this procedure every day, while the Japanese, on the contrary, do it no more than once every 2 weeks.

Sand bath as very effective remedy have been used for 300 years. However, only recently, thanks to medical research by Dr. Tanaka, a professor at Kagoshima University School of Medicine, sand baths have gained popularity throughout the world. The professor explains that being under hot sand increases body temperature, accelerates cardiac activity and increases blood circulation. These processes promote rapid removal of toxins and provide a significant detoxification effect. In addition, much more oxygen enters the blood, which also speeds up the renewal of the body. Blood samples taken from the same person are noticeably different in terms of color - before the sand bath, the blood is predominantly dark red, and after the procedure it is bright scarlet, enriched with oxygen. According to Professor Tanaka, sand baths have 3-4 times better health effects than regular bathing in hot springs. The Japanese traditionally believe that baths provide beneficial influence on the skin, joints, cardiac activity, blood pressure, body weight and are recommended for lumbago (chronic lower back pain), as well as in case of infertility, diabetes mellitus, anemia, asthma and during menopause.

The healing “golden sand” of the island of Porto Santo

Another place on earth where sand bath therapy has long been used and is now being studied is the island of Porto Santo in the Madeira archipelago between the coasts of Portugal and Morocco. This is a very tiny island, measuring 4 by 10 km, where for about 200 years people have been using its golden sand to treat various ailments. The beach sand on the island actually has a yellowish or golden color, as it is based on particles of calcium carbonate. Dating with radioactive carbon isotopes indicates that the sand of Porto Santo was formed 15 thousand-31 thousand years BC during the destruction of a reef formed mainly by calcareous red algae, corals and other organisms. Thus, the carbonate sand of Porto Santo is special - biogenic (resulting from the decomposition of living organisms).

This biogenic sand is rich in minerals and, as evidenced, latest research, has a very beneficial effect on human health. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the sand needs to be a little hotter normal temperature body - 40-42 ̊C, because this ensures sweating, a natural state for the interaction of sand and humans. The healing effect is based on the absorption through the skin of biologically active substances that are released from the sand upon contact with sweat.

Analyzes show that calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and strontium (Sr) are the main chemical elements in the sand of Porto Santo, but others were also found in its composition minerals. During a sand bath, when the body is hot, sweat is released with an acidic pH value (on average from 4.1 to 6.5). In this acidic environment, a chemical reaction occurs with carbonate sand, which partially dissolves, and Ca, Mg, Sr and other minerals fall on the surface of the skin, which are absorbed into the dermis layer and into the deeper layers of the skin.

These three main elements - Ca, Mg, Sr, contained in both sea water and sand - are very important for human health. Calcium is necessary not only for bones, but also for the functioning of the muscular, nervous and cardiovascular systems. During a sand bath, calcium therapy occurs simultaneously with vitamin D therapy, which enhances calcium absorption. In turn, magnesium reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies and atherosclerosis; it plays an important role in fat metabolism.

In addition, magnesium increases bone density and activates an enzyme that promotes the absorption of calcium into bone tissue.

IN last years interesting discoveries have been made about strontium, which is also part of sea ​​water and sand. Traditionally, it is not considered one of the main elements necessary for human health, but it is found in our bones, albeit in very small quantities (parts per million). For a long time The biological purpose of strontium was unknown, but recent research suggests that it may be a component of the biological apatite, found primarily in teeth, that helps bones be strong and protects against bone loss that causes osteoporosis. Even a cure for osteoporosis has been created, the active component of which is natural strontium.

Thus, Scientific research confirmed what people have long been convinced of empirically, namely the effectiveness of biogenic sand from Porto Santo as a therapy against diseases of the muscles and skeleton, including rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and other diseases.

Phenomenon of Brazil - medical sand Guarapari

The famous, but not fully understood place of sand bath therapy is located in Brazil, in Guarapari - in the so-called City of Health. Since the 1960s, thanks to the recommendations of Dr. Silva Mello, Guarapari medicinal sand has become a popular destination for world resort tourism.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, this black sand was analyzed and large-scale extraction began for its industrial use, since the sand contained useful minerals. One of them is black ilmenite, a valuable source of titanium mining. In addition, aluminum, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, etc. are found in this sand in various proportions. However special attention earned the rare monazite, the content of which in the sand is 60% or more. This mineral is radioactive because it contains uranium and thorium, which are used in nuclear energy.

Thousands of tourists flock to this Brazilian resort town every year. At the same time, it is anomalous high level The natural radiation background only attracts them, and does not scare them away. The resort was especially appreciated by patients with arthritis and cancer, who use radioactive sand baths to treat their diseases.

At the beginning of the 21st century international group Scientists took radiation measurements to find out whether this sand still causes harm to health. They found really exceptionally high levels of radiation, for example, on the black sand beach of Areia Preta, in areas where monasite accumulated, radioactivity was up to 1000 times higher than normal background soil radiation. The authors of the study even equated it to the level of radioactive contamination of soil within a radius of one kilometer from Chernobyl, although the composition of radionuclides there is completely different. The main reason radioactive radiation were radioactive minerals - monazite (yellow to red-brown) and zirconium (colorless). Although the health effects of natural radiation remain controversial issue, scientists recommended removing harmful accumulations of monazite from the beaches in order to clear them of radioactive elements and reduce the risk of radiation-induced diseases, and then pouring the purified black sand back to attract tourists. However, it seems that the city is not yet ready for such a step.

Psammotherapy (from Latin psammos - sand; therapia - treatment) - this is the scientific name for the method of treatment with heated sand - it is useful for many diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, myositis of various origins. It also helps with some neurological diseases: neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis, as well as inflammation of the female genital organs. Sand baths even promote weight loss - in one procedure, people lose from one to one and a half kilograms.

Mention of medicinal properties heated sand is found in many ancient medical treatises. Herodotus, Galen, and Avicenna also wrote about psammotherapy. The Roman physician Anthony treated Emperor Augustus Octavian, who suffered from weakness and muscle pain in his left leg, with hot sand back in the 1st century BC.

In Europe, this method of treatment became widespread in the 19th century, when “sand” hospitals began to be created in Germany, where they provided assistance to people suffering from rheumatoid joint diseases. In our country, military doctor N.V. was the first to speak about the benefits of psammotherapy in the treatment of rheumatism. Pariysky, in 1889 he defended his dissertation “On the benefits of natural sand baths in the treatment of gout, dropsy, scrofula, and rheumatism.” IN Soviet time many sanatoriums in Crimea and the Caucasus used this type of organism.

On a warm summer day, there is nothing more pleasant than lying near the sea or lake on warm velvety sand. Or even bury yourself almost headlong in it, warming up your body, exhausted after the winter...

What is good about psammotherapy is its accessibility. Sand baths can be taken right on the beach on any sunny, fine day when the sand is well warmed up. Build a “slide” out of sand in the shape of a person’s body, lie face up, with your head in the shade. Place a towel folded several times under your head and a wet napkin on your forehead. Ask them to cover you with a layer of hot sand 5–6 cm thick, and your arms and legs can be “buried” deeper – 10–12 cm (but you shouldn’t go too deep, the sand below is damp and cold, you can catch a cold), this layer should not be on your stomach exceed 1–2 cm, and the heart area should be left open. The duration of the procedure for adults is up to half an hour, for children over 5 years old – up to 15 minutes (and no longer!). Then take a shower and relax in the shade.

For arms and legs, you can carry out local psammotherapy by making sand baths for the arms or legs - a kind of sand “pants” or “sleeves”. The duration of such procedures can be increased to an hour, and the temperature of the sand can be increased to 70 degrees.

But before you start self-treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor. Psammotherapy, like any other thermal procedure, has contraindications. It cannot be performed on patients with infectious diseases, people suffering from heart disease and hypertension, epilepsy, pulmonary tuberculosis, and those with malignant and benign neoplasms. In women, the list of contraindications is supplemented by uterine fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy and hormonal dysfunction of the ovaries.

Sand baths can have a good effect for chronic diseases of the joints, peripheral nervous system, respiratory system, chronic nephritis, some gynecological diseases, excess weight, after injuries to the musculoskeletal system and simply for relaxation and rest in case of chronic fatigue syndrome. In children, warming up with hot sand will help eliminate the effects of polio and rickets, and relieve the manifestations of exudative diathesis; Such warming is also useful for children who often suffered from colds in winter.

Fly in the ointment...

However, in our age of environmental troubles, “sand” treatment can be fraught with annoying surprises. You can't even imagine how much unpleasant diseases you can catch it through hot and wet beach sand! British doctors analyzed sand samples taken from hundreds of public Mediterranean beaches. Almost every one contained pathogenic bacteria, which, when released into intimate parts women, can cause various inflammations - colpitis, vaginitis, cervicitis. Infectious disease experts believe that when a person spends a long time in the sea or on wet sand, there is a high probability of contracting some kind of gastrointestinal or fungal disease.

What now, don’t show up on the beach? Of course not. Only treat beach holiday and treatment must be done carefully. To protect themselves from infections, women and children should always change into a dry swimsuit after swimming: sand sticks to wet panties much faster, and the chance of infection increases sharply. Lying on the “bare” wet sand and taking sand baths in a wet swimsuit and swimming trunks is also not worth it; in this case, it is better to use a beach towel or mat.

Sand treatment (psammotherapy)- This is a treatment method known to Avicenna. Healing properties maritime and river sand in ancient times they were not deprived of the attention of doctors. In the 1st century BC, the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus, who suffered from muscle weakness in his left leg, was treated with hot sand baths.

And in Rus' only at the end of the 19th century they began to use heated sand to treat diseases of the joints and kidneys.

The effect of sand baths

Sand baths are used from special sand with a grain size of 2-3 millimeters, which ensures greater thermal conductivity. Warm sand evenly fits all parts of the body, having a beneficial effect on pain and spastic syndromes and providing not only a thermal, but also a mechanical effect.

In addition, it immediately absorbs sweat on the skin, removing various toxins from the body. This makes it much easier to endure the thermal procedure, reducing the effect high temperature, affecting the skin and protects against overheating.

The temperature of the sand, which is directly adjacent to the skin, is 37-38 degrees, while upper layer has a temperature an order of magnitude higher. The hygroscopicity and heat resistance of hot sand causes increased sweating in a sick person, activation of the lymph and blood circulation of his body. A therapeutic effect occurs, similar to the effect of water, mud and hot air baths.

The therapeutic effect is provided by the mechanical pressure of sand on the skin, which affects the lymphatic and blood vessels, irritates the nerve endings of the skin, gently massaging it.

During the procedure, body temperature rises to 0.6 degrees, blood pressure increases by approximately 30 mmHg, pulse accelerates by almost 12 beats per minute, and a slight increase in breathing. When the temperature of the sand bath is about 50 degrees, weight loss of about half a kilogram occurs in just one session.

It has been established that the psammotherapy procedure normalizes kidney function, diverting the flow of blood to the skin, increases sweating, stimulating oxidative processes and nitrogen metabolism in the body, and has a general analgesic effect.

How is sand treatment performed?

Sand baths should be taken every other day. The course should include about 15 procedures. To do this, you need to come to the beach in the afternoon - when the sand is warmed by the sun to 40-60 degrees. The air temperature should be from 17 to 20 degrees. Wet sand is not suitable for treatment. The body skin should also be dry.

First you need to prepare yourself a “bed” - a hole the size of your height, approximately 1 by 2 meters. You need to lie on your back, providing shade over your head with the help of an umbrella or awning. The assistant needs to sprinkle you with about a five-centimeter layer of sand on your legs and arms, and no more than 1-2 cm on your stomach. The heart area and head do not fall asleep.

To avoid heat stroke, place a folded towel under your head and a towel soaked in water on your forehead. cold water handkerchief. The duration of a psammotherapy session - sand treatment - should not exceed half an hour. After it, you need to rinse your body with warm water and sit for about half an hour in the shade, drinking something liquid. And only after that you can swim and sunbathe. If during the procedure you notice a deterioration in your health and the appearance of palpitations, you need to stop taking the sand bath and put a cold compress on the heart area.

Medical institutions offer psammotherapy sessions in sand-filled, electrically heated baths.

During the cold season, you can also arrange some semblance of a session at home: heat the sand in the oven, fill cotton bags with it, apply it to dry skin for half an hour, covering it with a blanket.

Indications for psammotherapy sessions

Sand baths have a fairly gentle effect on the body, which makes it possible to use them both for children over three years of age and for the elderly. And also in cases where mud baths are contraindicated, such as in case of cardiovascular diseases. Psammotherapy is also useful for the following diseases:

  • chronic nephritis;
  • exudative diathesis;
  • joint diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • consequences of rickets and polio;
  • some gynecological diseases;
  • overweight.

For rickets, the use of sand baths is especially useful and effective: as a result, the skin tans, the anemic appearance and stomach upsets accompanying this disease disappear, and most importantly, muscle strength increases.

Contraindications for psammotherapy sessions

1. Malignant or benign neoplasms and even suspicions of their presence.
2. Active forms of tuberculosis.
3. Bleeding and circulatory failure.
4. Severe atherosclerosis.
5. Epilepsy.
6. Hypertension.
7. Infectious diseases.
8. Decompensated heart disease.
9. Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, mastopathy, ovarian hormonal dysfunction.
10. Women also during menstruation and three days before it.
11. Exacerbation or course of any disease - procedures can be performed only during the period of remission of the disease.

Geography of hot healing sands

Any sand has a unique property of absorbing heat well and preserving it. It is quite possible to arrange a psammotherapy session on the hot seashore.

In the general complex of sanatorium-resort treatment, psammotherapy treatment is used, alternating with other types of balneotherapy.

On the coasts of the southern seas, hot sand treatment is traditionally carried out. Since the end of the 19th century, psammotherapy began to be used in the Baltic resorts, and even far from the seas. For example, in Germany, sand clinics with artificially heated sand are located throughout the country.

And the Brazilian resort of Guarapari and the Indian state of Kerala annually attract thousands of tourists from all over the world to their famous radioactive sands.

On the Black Sea coast, the resorts of Anapa and Evpatoria have simply ideal conditions for conducting psammotherapy sessions - there are many sunny, hot days and clean, fine sand.

Lilia Yurkanis
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