Ending basic school– the first step on the path to a profession. Many young people decide after 9th grade not to go to 10th grade, but to enter a special educational institution. That is, get a profession. Guys usually prefer technical specialties. What profession should a girl choose after 9th grade, who should she go to study, where? What exams do I need to take?

Hobbies and abilities

First of all, you need to pay attention not to the list of professions with the highest salaries, but to own strength and aspirations. A profession should bring not only money (although this is important), but also, first of all, satisfaction, so that in the future work will not be hard labor, but a favorite thing.

If a girl likes creativity, then it is better to study the list and choose a profession in this direction. For example, you can enroll and study after 9th grade in:

  • hairdresser;
  • interior designer;
  • actress;
  • musician;
  • singer;
  • advertising specialist.

The first specialty on this list is very popular. A good hairdresser will always find a job. In addition, you can cut hair for friends, acquaintances and relatives. At first it is very useful for improving skills, and in the future it can bring good income.

It is important to understand that the profession is associated with constant movement. If a girl has difficulty standing on her feet for a long time or working with her hands, this specialty is not for her.

If you have a mathematical mindset, you can go to study where you need to take the corresponding subject and work with numbers in the future. For example, go study at:

  • accountant;
  • economist;
  • cashier.

These specialties are for those who have no problems with numbers. You need to know that these professions require organization, composure, and attentiveness. At work you will have to sit at a cash register or computer for a long time. An accountant performs the same operations every month. Therefore, this profession is unlikely to be suitable for restless people who are constantly looking for something new.

Cashier is a financially responsible person. Responsible for goods sold and money received for them. After each shift, the specialist submits a report showing the correspondence of the funds received to the amount of “punched” checks. For a seller working with money, attentiveness is very important. You can pay for her absence with your earnings. Another important quality of a cashier is politeness to customers. Regulations, developed by the government, carefully protect their interests. Any dissatisfied customer can leave an unpleasant entry in the complaint book. Smiling, friendly salespeople and cashiers, on the contrary, improve the image of a store or other retail facility.

Analyzing the list of professions, the girl must decide whether she is ready to constantly communicate with people without losing patience and politeness, or whether she is better off working in an office with numbers.

An economist must have an analytical mind, be able to compare, draw conclusions, look for reasons for changes in indicators, and make predictions. These specialists in organizations can identify, for example, why the financial condition is deteriorating, where the company needs to move, and suggest ways out of the crisis. A good economist is a very valuable person. But to become one, you need to learn not only the subjects taught, but also attentiveness and accuracy.

Some girls love to cook since childhood. The specialty of a cook is best suited for them. This profession has excellent prospects. A good cook can easily get a job in a decent place (cafe, restaurant). And cooking skills will come in handy for your future family.

Another similar profession that you can study for is catering technologist. This is the person whose job it is to supervise and direct the cooks. That is, the profession is associated with both cooking and leadership (management). This specialty can be chosen by those girls who have organizational skills.

Not everyone is able to effectively lead a team. It is important to consider here psychological characteristics everyone, be able to convince and gain authority. Quiet, calm people are unlikely to cope with such a task. And those who became good organizers while still in school may well choose a profession related to management and organization.

Many girls like to draw clothing models. As children, girls often create outfits for dolls with their own hands. Those who are good at this should consider studying to become a seamstress. With this specialty you can not only earn decent money, but also create clothes for yourself. A good seamstress can become a famous fashion designer in the future.

Difficulty of choice

Parents often have their own ideas about future profession child. They could choose in advance where he should go to study after 9th or 11th grade. They believe that adults know better what advantages a particular profession has.

This situation is bad from all sides:

  1. Firstly, a conflict arises that can last a lifetime.
  2. Secondly, a child, having obeyed his parents and received an unwanted profession, will hate it. And no one needs such workers.

A girl after 9th grade is a fairly mature person, she has her own opinions, judgments, inclinations and abilities. Parents need to listen to girls' needs and thoughts and build relationships on trust and cooperation.

“Adult children” really like this equality; they are ready for dialogue if their opinion is respected.

You need to explain your position to the girl, tell her why you consider this profession to be the most suitable. It’s better to offer a list of specialties and educational institutions where your daughter can go and study. Search together for information about professions and specialties educational process. Help a teenager decide which specialty to choose, where to go to study after 9th grade, or maybe finish 11th.

It is imperative to take into account the girl’s abilities. There is no point in planning to become an accountant if mathematics at school is very difficult. The list of where you can go to study needs to be analyzed carefully. Specialists from personnel selection organizations and psychologists unanimously claim that the best performers are people who were able to choose a profession based on own desires and abilities.

The most popular professions among girls after 9th grade where you can go to study:

  • educator, primary school teacher;
  • cashier;
  • seamstress;
  • cook;
  • journalist;
  • Social worker;
  • finishing specialist.

There is a list that includes the most popular specialties for women. These are professions that, according to research, will not lose their relevance in the coming years. For example, this includes construction specialties of all qualifications - housing will always be built.

Programmers, website developers and web designers are in demand, as the role of the “global web” is increasing every day. Scientists who are capable of making new discoveries, inventing methods and technologies will also never be left without work.

Some specialties, on the contrary, are in little demand in the labor market. The reason is an oversaturation of specialists.

For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, the profession of lawyer was very popular, but it was quite difficult to apply for one because large number willing. As a result, over the past few years, so many specialists have appeared in this field that it has become very difficult to find a job in this field.


It is important to know that just the desire to go to school after 9th grade is not enough. Each educational institution has its own list of requirements for different specialties. What matters is academic performance, that is, the average grade after finishing 9th grade. Wherever the girl decides to apply, her success in completing basic school is taken into account. It is better to think about this in advance and make every effort to complete 9th grade as best as possible.

Some educational establishments They accept applicants based on the results of a certificate competition and an interview. To enroll in others you need to pass exams. You need to find out exactly what conditions are in the chosen place where you decide to enroll in advance in order to have time to prepare well and be guaranteed to become a student at a college, technical school or college.

After graduating from the chosen educational institution, the girl receives secondary education and a specialty. If you wish, you can enroll in a university of the same profile or choose another.

For many, finishing 9th grade is new stage life, which they plan to spend not within the walls of a school, but, for example, in a college or college.

Not every wants to stay in school until the 11th grade, for this reason it is worth thinking about a profession while studying.

A rash choice can cost well-being and prosperity in the future.

It is difficult to choose a profession after 9th grade; during this period, under the influence of maximalism, they can make a mistake.

A student's choice can be strongly influenced by the opinions of peers. But in order to choose the right profession, you need to think about everything many times.

List of professions after 9th grade

Each person has character, personality, opinions, desires, distinctive features in behavior. All these qualities can influence the choice of a future profession with a good salary.

Note! After 9th grade you can go to college or school.

If you wish, you can transfer from a secondary educational institution to a university to the faculty of the same specialty, but after two years.

Every person has a talent for a certain activity, it is important to direct it in the right direction. Due to inexperience and ignorance, many teenagers often choose the wrong professions.

And as a result, they are overtaken by failures and difficulties in their studies at college, school or institute.

For example, people with a humanitarian mindset will not be able to easily solve complex problems in mathematics and physics; they will be closer to literature, studying languages, and writing poetry.

"Techies" I like solving difficult problems, equations, examples using various formulas, but history and study foreign languages they won't be interested.

But first, it’s worth understanding what groups of professions exist.

The table contains popular types of groups that are in high demand:

Group type Description
Technical This group includes specialties with increased attention that require accuracy when carrying out calculations.

Before enrolling in college for a technical specialty, it is worth getting good at the exact sciences - mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science.

This includes prestigious professions with good salaries

Economic Specialties of this type also require accuracy in performing calculations and calculations.

In addition, you need to be able to understand the peculiarities of the market. It includes specialties with a technical and humanitarian direction

Medical Professions that belong to this group require increased care.

The student will also need to have knowledge in the field of exact sciences; he must be able to combine his own theoretical knowledge and skills with practical skills

Creative This group includes an extensive list of highly paid professions.

They are chosen by people who feel a powerful surge of energy, inspiration, and who know how to express their thoughts and desires through creativity. They do it in such a way that others understand them

How to choose the right one

Many parents believe that studying after 9th grade deprives their child of opportunities.

They think that he will not be able to get a prestigious specialty with a good salary, he will not be able to build a career and will simply get stuck at the bottom rung of the career ladder.

This is not true, schoolchildren have great opportunities and do not have to complete all 11 grades.

Main choose the right profession, and in this matter you should not rely on the opinions of classmates and relatives.

When choosing a specialty after 9th grade, it is worth considering a number of conditions:

  • Profession must be in demand. You should not choose a specialty that is not in demand in the city.

    It’s better to first study the statistics, the top main professions, and specialists’ forecasts for the next 10 years.

  • Capabilities. You should not give preference to a profession that disgusts you.

    There is nothing worse than doing something you don't like every day for 8 hours.

  • You shouldn't listen to others. An opinion imposed by parents and classmates will not bring anything good.

    A profession is chosen for life, and it must be chosen correctly.

  • Preferably do not adhere to stupid principles - where my classmates go, so do I.

    I didn’t get the passing grade, so I won’t be able to enter the desired specialty; the chosen profession is considered not prestigious, so I’ll go for one for which I don’t have the ability.

    It’s worth throwing away all these stupid prejudices. Any profession always brings good income, the main thing is to have the desire.

Popular professions for girls

There are many specialties for girls, among which you can immediately get confused. Women's professions are considered prestigious and many of them bring good income.

So what faculties should girls choose when entering technical schools and colleges:

  • Medical.
  • Faculty of Journalism.
  • Foreign languages.
  • Psychology.
  • Art.
  • Veterinary.
  • Hotel service.
  • Faculty of Design and Makeup Artists.
  • Pedagogical.
  • Legal.
  • Theatrical.

Can enroll in full-time and part-time studies. Universities operate additional recruitment for departments of various specialties on a budgetary basis.

Institutes such as MGIMO and Moscow State University offer training after 9th grade with subsequent admission to higher education.

So what female professions should girls choose, what specialties should they study for:

  1. Accountant.
  2. Tourism manager.
  3. You can enroll in the choreography department to become a choreographer.
  4. For the photographer.
  5. Girls can enroll in schools that train hairdressers.
  6. For a pharmacist.
  7. For a paramedic, a nurse.
  8. Designer.
  9. Makeup artist.
  10. For a pastry chef.
  11. Lawyer.
  12. For a decorator and decorator.
  13. Florist.
  14. Master of manicure and pedicure.
  15. Secretary, office manager.
  16. For a cutter, seamstress.
  17. To the waiter.
  18. Teachers.
  19. You can choose linguistic specialties - literary critic, translator.

Popular crafts for boys

What professions should boys choose? Teens need to think ahead future specialty, it should bring good income and pleasure in the future.

Important! When entering a full-time or part-time faculty, many colleges, technical schools, and schools require a passing grade.

They also accept students only with a certificate and a medical examination.

Boys can enroll in schools and technical schools:

  • Military schools (flight, aviation, cadet, Suvorov, naval).
  • Faculties of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Cynological.
  • Customs business.
  • Railway Faculty.
  • Faculty of Programming.
  • Oil and gas.
  • Physical education.
  • Police.
  • Journalism.
  • Legal.
  • Medical.
  • Economic.

In Russia, if you wish, you can enroll on a budget, but to do this you need to score a passing grade.

Below is a list of professions for boys that can be studied on a budget or paid basis:

  1. Instrumentation engineer and mechanic.
  2. Car mechanic, car mechanic.
  3. Electric train driver.
  4. Physical education teacher.
  5. Coach.
  6. Security guard.
  7. Driver.
  8. Firefighter.
  9. Programmer.
  10. Dental Technician.
  11. Paramedic.
  12. Crane operator.
  13. Investigator, criminologist.
  14. Photographer.
  15. Builder.
  16. A carpenter.
  17. Serviceman.
  18. Oilman.

Of course, these are not all professions that are suitable for boys and girls; there are many others.

Regardless Depending on what form of study you choose—full-time, part-time, or distance learning—you should first choose the right profession.

A specialty is chosen for life; it must be prestigious and interesting.

Useful video

The main task of parents at the initial stage of a child’s life is to create for him optimal conditions for full physical and mental development. Over time, the question of the future comes to the fore. It's about about choosing a profession.

Some children finish eleventh grade and enter higher education. Others are coming alternative way: leave school at the end of 9th grade. Let's take a closer look at the second option.

Yesterday's ninth-graders have a poor understanding of the philosophy of life, and the formation of a worldview at this age is only gaining momentum. Making vital decisions on your own is reminiscent of the play of hormones, and the opinions imposed by classmates often play a paramount role. Therefore, parents are obliged to provide support and assistance to their children.

Should you leave school?

Leaving school after 9th grade is the first important decision of a teenager that affects his future life. Before taking such a step, weigh everything carefully and think it over.

Not all teenagers want to receive higher education - the desire does not always coincide with the intentions of their parents, which leads to conflict situation. It is optimal if you discuss the issue together, taking into account all the pros and cons, and find the best solution to the problem.

Benefits of leaving school:

  1. Getting into a mid-level educational institution is easier than entering a university. Sometimes a certificate and an interview are enough for this.
  2. Each applicant has the opportunity to attend budget place With free training and payment of scholarships.
  3. In addition to mastering school curriculum in a technical school, college or college, a teenager is taught a chosen specialty, which allows him to find a job after completing the third year.
  4. Some universities accept students who have graduated from college into the third year, which speeds up the procedure for obtaining higher education.

Leaving school early has several disadvantages that directly affect the future life of a teenager:

  • Early departure from parental care. Teenagers move to another city, live in a hostel, and gain freedom of action. If everything goes well, the child quickly becomes independent. But sometimes such lack of control is fraught with absenteeism and unsatisfactory grades, which leads to expulsion.
  • If the profession is chosen incorrectly, it suppresses interest in studying. The child devotes little time to classes, which is why academic performance decreases. To avoid this, it is recommended to choose a profession responsibly.

Not all prestigious specialties are acquired at academies and universities. If you choose the right institution and direction of study, master the intricacies of the profession and make efforts in the future, career will not keep you waiting. And this is the path to success.

Promising professions for guys

The modern education market offers guys who decide to leave school after 9th grade a wide choice of professions. Let's look at the most popular ones:

  • Locksmith. The profession is widespread in the labor market, because without a qualified specialist, no production can function normally. Maintenance of units and mechanisms, renovation work and preventive measures is an incomplete list of the responsibilities of a locksmith.
  • Turner. Each mechanism contains parts made by human hands in a turning shop on a special machine. All enterprises and industries need turners. Only strong, healthy, attentive and resilient guys can master the profession.
  • Welder. Such a specialist connects elements of metal structures. The work is in demand, but responsible, since the reliability and strength of metal products often determines the level of people’s safety.
  • Collector. The product at the initial stage is a set of elements that, thanks to the efforts of the assembler, are transformed into a finished product. The job is suitable for a guy who understands circuits and is comfortable with tools.
  • Auto Mechanic. The number of cars on the roads increases every year, which increases the demand for quality vehicle maintenance. This makes the profession of an auto mechanic in demand, and for a guy it is ideal.
  • Driver. Many people prefer public transport due to its cheapness. Therefore, a discreet, friendly and attentive driver will always find a place in the city fleet. In addition to driving the vehicle, the driver troubleshoots problems and plans a route.
  • Builder. Every day new buildings appear in different parts of the planet. This is the merit of professional builders. Mastering the art of construction can be a good source of income, and it will definitely come in handy in life. That's why the builder tops this list.

The choice of specialty is important for every guy, because in the future he will become the head and breadwinner of the family. Choose a profession that is in demand on the market and will bring you pleasure.

Video tips

How to enter a military school after 9th grade

When finishing school, girls and boys are faced with the problem of choosing a gender labor activity. Every applicant wants the profession to be prestigious and contribute to career advancement. Taking into account the above points, many choose military educational institutions.

Starting a career is difficult; only applicants who meet a number of requirements can enter. We are talking about excellent characteristics, high exam marks, good physical fitness and excellent mental health.

  • First of all, to the selected military school submit documents. You can find the exact list on the school’s website or in the dean’s office of the educational institution.
  • Next they take exams in Russian language and mathematics. These are only the main disciplines; there are others, which are determined by the profile of the educational institution.
  • At the last stage of admission, physical fitness is tested: 1000 m cross-country, 100 and 3000 m running, 100 m swim and pull-up. Students are allowed to take exams after passing a medical commission.

If you want to master this profession, and your certificate shows excellent grades and no health problems, try enrolling in a military school. With perseverance, you will become an officer.

List of the most profitable professions for girls

Let's look at the professions that are most popular among girls. Each of the options listed below has a lot of advantages, and some will help you organize even own business.

  • Nurse-- Noble profession. As a representative of the junior medical staff, she carries out the doctor's orders prescribed to the patient. This is not just about IVs and injections. The tasks of a nurse are determined by the field of activity and place of work.
  • Manicurist. The profession is at the height of fashion, but it is not suitable for everyone. Girls who have back problems or impaired vision are better off avoiding it. Among the advantages - quick learning and immediate transition to work. And if you have finance, it’s easy to open your own business.
  • Hairdresser. The profession is similar to the previous option. With the proper level of preparation, find a good place in a beauty salon will not be difficult. This specialty is not suitable for girls with allergies or poor eyesight.
  • Pharmacist. The scope of activity involves the sale medicines. The key to successful implementation is knowledge of pharmacy technologies and pharmacology, excellent health, endurance and resistance to stress.
  • Cook. Works in catering establishments. The chef’s ability to transform ordinary products into culinary masterpieces with excellent taste and aroma makes the profession in demand. Characteristics of a good cook include accuracy, integrity and responsibility.
  • Cashier. Manages the cash register at an enterprise, be it a cafeteria, bank or chain store. Works with banknotes and bank cards. Sometimes this list also includes electronic money. In some companies, cashiers combine the position of controller or accountant.
  • Accountant. You can get a profession even after 9th grade - the responsibilities do not change: asset accounting, reporting, income and expenses. But you can’t count on a high position. You can’t do without higher education.

Dear parents, regardless of your child’s decision, try to understand the choice and provide proper support. This is your task, and you can go to university after technical school or college.

Universal professions

We list universal professions that are suitable for all applicants, regardless of gender. There are not many of them, but they deserve attention if you did not find a suitable option in the previous sections.

  • Guide;
  • Waiter;
  • Masseur;
  • Tour operator;
  • Economist;
  • Programmer;
  • Advertising agent;
  • Manager.

If you carefully study the directory of professions, this list can be continued.

How to choose the right specialty

After deciding to leave school early, it is important to choose the right specialty. IN adolescence It’s difficult to assess the pros and cons of a profession, so I advise you to ask your parents for help, knowledgeable people or teachers.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Determine the area of ​​activity that you like. A thorough analysis of personal qualities, preferences and abilities will help with this. Do not forget to take into account your health status, because mastering some specialties requires training or significant physical strength.
  2. When choosing a profession, take into account its specifics: demand in the labor market, career growth, working conditions and age restrictions.
  3. Visit the site educational institution. On the pages of the resource you will find information regarding the chosen profession and the conditions for obtaining it.
  4. Don't forget about the day open doors" Educational institutions hold events in which teachers share information about the specialties provided by the institution.

Thanks to this approach, you will decide who you want to become in the future. All that remains is to graduate from the institution, get a diploma and find a good workplace. But that is another story.

Video story

How to choose an educational institution

The choice of an educational institution is not inferior in importance to the determination of a specialty. Today you can enroll in a technical school, school or college. These institutions differ in terms of admission, educational process, profile focus and future prospects.

  • School. Provides access to a practical specialty. It is not very difficult to enroll, even with a certificate with three grades, and the duration of training does not exceed 3 years.
  • Technical College. It is ahead of the school in rank. Here students receive an education using a method that is as close as possible to the school format, and at the end of the path a technical specialty awaits. After three years of study, the path to entering a university opens.
  • College. The most prestigious representative of those listed. Suitable for a teenager dreaming of higher education. Here you can get a multidisciplinary specialty.

Institutions representing the secondary educational level differ from each other, so make your choice taking into account the goals pursued, the desired result and demand in society. Do not believe films and advertising, do not listen to the instructions of friends and peers. The decision should be yours alone. Good luck!

The choice of profession after studying in the 9th grade takes into account personal interests, abilities, financial considerations and the proximity of the educational institution. A specialty can be obtained at a school, college or technical school, after which you can continue your studies at a university. Higher education especially valued in economic and legal fields.

What professions are there after 9th grade for boys and girls?

There are specialties that are popular among boys and girls. They can be obtained in secondary specialized educational institutions.

  1. Administrator (warehouse, hotel complex or restaurant)
  2. Accountant
  3. Confectioner
  4. Masseur
  5. Manager
  6. Waiter
  7. Shop assistant
  8. Hairdresser
  9. Programmer
  10. Advertising Specialist
  11. Tour operator
  12. Pharmacist
  13. Paramedic
  14. Lawyer
  15. Economist
  16. Guide

List for girls

Girls are more suitable for professions that do not require as much physical strength as in male professions.

  1. Visagiste
  2. Educator
  3. Housemaid
  4. Designer (landscape, clothing, interior)
  5. Cashier
  6. Cosmetologist
  7. Nurse
  8. Salesman
  9. Commodity expert
  10. Florist
  11. Seamstress

These professions are widely in demand and make it easy to find a job after completing your studies. However, when choosing creative directions, you need to pay attention Special attention on the talent of a teenager.

List for boys

Young people more often prefer the following working professions:

  1. Driver
  2. Crane operator
  3. Painter
  4. Locksmith
  5. Welder
  6. PC Technician
  7. Turner
  8. Milling operator
  9. Plasterer
  10. Electrician

These specialties are also in high demand in the labor market and allow you to earn a decent salary. Their lack of prestige easily outweighs their demand in the labor market and fairly high wages.

Professions at the institute

After studying in the 9th grade, you can get to the institute only after graduating from a technical school or college. Many educational institutions cooperate with each other and allow you to immediately enter the second or third year. After graduating from a university, you can gain in-depth knowledge in your chosen specialty. It is also possible to choose completely new profession, only studies will begin from the first year.

The colleges attached to universities offer the following areas:

  1. Economic specialties - merchandiser, cashier, economist, manager, etc.
  2. Medical field - for example - homeopath, massage therapist, etc.
  3. Media areas - announcer, journalist, copywriter, translator, etc.
  4. Technical professions - engineer, car mechanic, crane operator, etc.
  5. Transport sector - taxi driver, driver, forwarder, driver, conductor, etc.
  6. Creative specialties - conductor, actor, musician, architect, model, etc.
  7. Pedagogy – educator, teacher, speech therapist, psychologist, etc.
  8. Food professions - cook, miller, baker, baker, confectioner, etc.
  9. Sphere Agriculture– agronomist, horse breeder, farmer, machine operator, etc.
  10. Jurisprudence – notary, lawyer, investigator, inquiry officer, etc.

Professions in college after 9th grade

College is considered more prestigious than technical school or college. If you plan to enroll in a university, then it is better to choose an educational institution of this type. Educational programs they often offer multidisciplinary specialties. The choice of destinations is very wide, here are just some of the options.

  1. Aviation technology
  2. Art
  3. Biological sciences, medicine
  4. Biotechnology
  5. Chemical technology
  6. Information Security
  7. Informatics and computer technology,
  8. Mechanical engineering
  9. Nanotechnology and nanomaterials
  10. Applied geology, geodesy, mining
  11. Nuclear energy and technology
  12. Construction technology
  13. Environmental management
  14. Industrial ecology
  15. Physical and technical technologies
  16. Electrical and thermal power engineering
  17. Electronics and radio engineering

Professions in technical school after ninth grade

The technical school provides specialized secondary education in a format as close as possible to school. A deferment from the army has recently begun to be provided for male students. Training usually takes 2 to 3 years. After technical school, there is also the opportunity to enter a university. The areas of study are different, each of them has many specialties.

  1. Design, culture and art
  2. Information and telecommunication technologies
  3. Medicine and healthcare
  4. Education and pedagogy
  5. Development and operation of technical systems
  6. Construction
  7. Services sector
  8. Economics and Management
  9. Law and social services

At school (at the end of 9th grade) - the following professions

At the school, training lasts from six months to three years, during which they receive initial vocational education. The choice of specialties is quite extensive in a variety of areas.

  1. Auto Mechanic
  2. Clerk
  3. Projectionist
  4. Serviceman
  5. Construction master
  6. Master of furniture and carpentry production
  7. Driver
  8. Installer
  9. Waiter, bartender
  10. Hairdresser
  11. Baker
  12. Operator
  13. Firefighter
  14. Salesperson, cashier controller
  15. Electric and gas welder
  16. Secretary
  17. Locksmith
  18. All-round milling operator
  19. Artist
  20. Electrician for elevators
  21. Electrician
  22. Jeweler

When choosing a profession, it is better to have the opportunity to work close to home, in demand and future income. To enroll in a university, it is better to stay at the college assigned to it in order to reduce the training time. However, in technical schools and colleges you can also get a decent education.

Continuation. . .


Many graduates who have received incomplete secondary education prefer to continue their further studies not at school, but at a secondary specialized educational institution, where, in addition to complete secondary education, they will also acquire professional skills. This decision is completely justified, especially since the list of professions after 9th grade is very extensive, and you can get a university diploma even after graduating from a technical school, school or college.

If a school graduate decides to leave school after nine years of study, a logical question arises as to what specialty and what educational institution to go to study.

Parents should help you choose a specialty to enroll in after 9th grade. They have life experience and know the character and inclinations of their own child.

But still, sometimes their opinion may not be completely objective. Therefore, it will be useful to take career guidance tests specially developed by specialists, which can easily be found on the Internet.

Visiting an educational institution will also help you make the right choice.

This is interesting! Many of them hold open days in the spring so that potential applicants can familiarize themselves with the conditions and rules of study.

Parents should understand that when considering various options for who to enroll in after 9th grade, they should not impose their own opinion on the child. It can only be guided, taking into account the real abilities of the son or daughter and one’s own material capabilities.

Types of educational institutions

If for some reason you decide to receive secondary specialized education after 9 years of schooling, you need to choose a suitable educational institution.

There are differences between college, school and technical school:

  1. A school is an educational institution that provides primary professional education. In accordance with the new legislation, schools are being transformed into technical schools or colleges or their branches. As independent educational institutions, schools cease to exist.
  2. A college is a secondary specialized educational institution (SSUZ), which provides the opportunity to receive a complete secondary education in an in-depth program in combination with obtaining a specialty. The college curriculum is designed in such a way that more time is devoted to obtaining theoretical knowledge than to mastering practical skills. The duration of study after 9th grade is approximately 4 years. The educational process is organized according to the university scheme.
  3. differs from college in the absence of an in-depth training program. The main focus is on obtaining practical skills for future work. The duration of study at the technical school is about 3 years. The educational process is organized according to the school type.

The choice of an educational institution when enrolling on the basis of incomplete secondary education depends mainly on whether it will be an intermediate link between school and university, or whether work will begin after receiving a diploma.

In the first case, you need to go to college, especially if it is a structural unit of the university where you plan to continue your studies. In this case, college graduates will be able to continue their studies in an accelerated program.

Important! After graduating from college, you can study at a university using an accelerated program, provided you enroll in the same or a related specialty.

In the second case, after receiving incomplete secondary education, it is more profitable to go to study at a technical school. This will save time and money.

If, when choosing a specialty to study with an incomplete secondary education, a teenager chooses a prestigious job, for example, or an economist, then in the future he should focus on obtaining a higher education.

Employers give preference to specialists with university diplomas when applying for jobs. Accordingly, it is advisable for these children to go to college.

And, for example, to work as a hairdresser or welder, obtaining a university diploma is not so necessary. Therefore, in these cases, after receiving incomplete secondary education, it is possible to study at a technical school.

List of specialties

Since the list of professions for entry after 9th grade includes hundreds of names, choosing one of them can be very difficult. Therefore, you need to start by choosing the direction of future activity. Groups of professions and the most popular specializations of each of them are presented in the table.

GroupsSpecialtiesa brief description of
TechnicalLocksmithThey are not considered prestigious, but they guarantee employment and decent wages
Milling operator
EconomicCashierThese are the professions most in demand in the modern labor market.
Creative Has various areas of activity: fashion, interior, floristry, landscape
AnimatorThey belong to the entertainment industry, and their popularity is growing. You can become a musician after graduating from music school
Fashion designerThese skills can be mastered in light industry educational institutions
HairdresserTraining is available in special courses, after which you can start working and at the same time continue training, improving your qualifications
Master of manicure and pedicure
PhotographerSuitable for art school graduates
ConfectionerFor good specialist employment guaranteed
GuideAchieving success in this line of work requires the ability to captivate audiences.
CarpenterIn addition to technical skills, you need to have artistic taste in order to create works of art from ordinary iron or wood
MedicalNurseThis is one of the most difficult groups to reach and not the highest paid. If you have a desire to help people, then you need to go to medical college
Dental Technician
Laboratory diagnostics
Military Admission based on 9 years of schooling is carried out by Suvorov, Nakhimov schools and cadet corps. Those graduates who plan to continue their studies at military universities should enroll in these educational institutions.
SocialSocial workerSpecialists in this field are called upon to help people with disabilities, single elderly citizens and other vulnerable categories of citizens
PedagogicalPreschool educationYou need to go to teacher training college. In order to work as a teacher of any specialization in the future, after graduating from college you will need to continue your studies at a university on preferential terms. This is an honorable activity, although the level of payment remains low
Musical art
Elementary education
LegalLegal expertPrestigious job in the legal industry. Further study at a university is recommended
AgrarianVetObviously, to choose an activity in this group you need to love animals and working on the land
Vegetable grower
Dog handler
TransportDriverThey are always in demand on the labor market. The salary is decent
Vehicle Maintenance Specialist
Locomotive driverRailway specialties are physically difficult and very responsible, but financially profitable

This table does not show all available professions after 9th grade, but only those most in demand in modern conditions.

Male and female professions

Today, there is practically no clear division into male and female specialties.
For example, no one is surprised anymore by a woman in military uniform or driving a vehicle, and a man may well work as a cosmetologist. But still, these cases are exceptions rather than a pattern.

List for girls

Among the huge variety, we can highlight the most popular professions on the labor market for entry after 9th grade for girls.

The list includes the following names:

  1. Seamstress. It requires perseverance, accuracy, dexterity, good eyesight, and an accurate eye.
  2. Designer. A lesson for creative, creatively thinking individuals. You need to have aesthetic and artistic taste, be observant, and have a well-developed imagination.
  3. Salesman. Success in this work directly depends on personal qualities. Suitable for purposeful, positive, self-confident, emotionally stable individuals. You will have to work with different people, each of which you need to be able to win over. Therefore, goodwill, sociability, politeness and patience will be important qualities.
  4. Cashier. Class for girls with good mathematical abilities who have such qualities as perseverance, responsibility, honesty, pedantry.
  5. Cosmetologist. Popular job that requires medical education. There are also specialized courses for girls to master this profession after 9th grade. The list of subjects studied includes the basics of anatomy, physiology, dermatology and other sciences. After completing the courses, you can start working as a cosmetologist-esthetician. But most areas in cosmetology are without medical education will be unavailable.
  6. Makeup artist is a creative activity. Important qualities for achieving success in this area are: neatness, tact, sociability, and refined taste.
  7. Being an educator means working with children. Prerequisites for this work - love for children and the ability to find a common language with them, high moral qualities. This is interesting! Choosing professions related to science The list of the most popular professions for boys after 9th grade includes the following names:
    1. A turner processes wood on a lathe.
    2. A milling machine operator is engaged in processing metal products on a milling machine.
    3. Painter.
    4. Plasterer.
    5. The crane operator operates a load-lifting crane.
    6. A mechanic is engaged in manual processing of metal products.
    7. Welder.
    8. An electrician repairs electrical equipment.
    9. Personal computer technician.
    10. Driver.

    These professions are not considered prestigious for boys after 9th grade, but they provide the opportunity for guaranteed employment with fairly high wages.

    This is interesting! All other specialties available to graduates who have received incomplete secondary education are equally suitable for both boys and girls. It all depends on the desires, abilities and personal qualities of the child.

    Parents often look for good deals when participating in choosing a profession after 9th grade for their son or daughter, forgetting to take into account the opinion of the child himself. This is unacceptable, since future work should not only generate income, but also provide moral satisfaction.

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    The list of professions after 9th grade covers all areas in which you can continue your studies at a university after receiving a college or technical school diploma. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice. It often happens that children who did poorly at school graduate from secondary secondary schools and then universities with honors and become specialists. high level. This speaks of their making the right choice type of work activity that coincides with their life interests.

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