Epiphany bathing. In our city they collect everything every year more people, especially young people. Baptism is expected just like New Year's holidays. They prepare for it in advance, prepare food and drink. There are often cases when ablution in the ice hole continues with a trip to an autoparty. For the majority of modern youth, swimming at Epiphany has become something between a feat, extreme entertainment, and a folk tradition. A tradition based not on faith, but on fashion.

There are, of course, some believers who take part in this ritual. But after our conversations with them, we concluded that the majority blindly repeat the actions of others, being in full confidence that bathing at Epiphany is commanded by the Bible. But this is not so.

Baptism - almost main holiday of the 12 Great Orthodox Christian holidays. It was on this day that Christ was baptized with Jordanian waters. In this event, believers plunge into an ice hole, believing that they will wash away all their sins. But this is absolutely not true.

Father explained that Epiphany is a holiday in which intertwined folk customs with religious beliefs. The priest is confident that true believers should spend the whole day in the Temple. Listen to the liturgy, confess, take communion, and be cleansed of sins. Only this can save a sinner from a bad end, and not bathing at Epiphany.

By the way, doctors, rescuers, and clergy note with regret that the belief that you cannot catch a cold in the Epiphany ice hole is completely groundless. It is worth looking at disease statistics or to make sure of this. Faith does not save you from a cold, because God did not require that swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany was mandatory. This is not a canonical foundation. It's simple folk tradition.

The custom came to us from Greece. Do you remember what the climate is like in this country? There, from January 18 to 19, there are no frosts or frozen reservoirs. Therefore, swimming there at Epiphany does no harm. And in Russia, since ancient times, the Jordan has been carved out of the ice.

Why do priests take part in ablutions at Epiphany? in their opinion, it means joining the grace that the Lord sent to the “nature” of all waters. But on the other hand, comments Archpriest Mikhail Dudko, secretary of the Moscow Patriarchate for relations between the Church and society, since it is very difficult psychologically to plunge headlong into icy water, the act is a sacrifice to God.

I am not going to understand the intricacies of the Holy Scriptures or My goal is to protect all believers and non-believers from the serious consequences that may occur after bathing for Epiphany is over.

I offer several rules that people can follow to protect their health.

  1. Check with your doctor that you do not suffer from illnesses that are incompatible with winter swimming. This will protect you from cramps, rheumatism, severe colds, inflammation, and other misfortunes.
  2. Take care of a properly constructed font. It should be no deeper than 180 cm, with non-slip steps and railings. There must be a warm locker room, hot tea, and dry clothes nearby. And no alcohol.
  3. Think about clothes. Swimsuits that expose the body are disrespectful to religion. Therefore, many sew long, baptismal shirts. But rubber slippers with non-slip soles are a must-have accessory.
  4. Enter the hole slowly and carefully. A sudden immersion in ice water can cause convulsions, heart attack, shock, etc. It is customary to plunge headlong three times. But if you are prone to cramps, it is better not to do this.
  5. Beware of euphoria! Usually, in response to the stress of ice water, a person falls into ecstasy. It seems to him that he can spend another 5 minutes in the ice hole. However, this is a direct route to the hospital.
  6. Be sure to dry and warm up after swimming. Best of all - in a warm room.

I believe that it is possible to get rid of sins, prove your piety, or have extreme fun in safe ways. However, everyone chooses for themselves what to do. Therefore, I can simply wish health to everyone who is going to swim in the ice hole on the night of January 18-19.

Few people have thought about where such an extreme Slavic tradition came from in Rus' - swimming in an ice hole in the bitter cold. Its roots go deep back to the times of the ancient Scythians, who dipped their babies in cold water when there was no trace of Christianity yet. But mass swimming in the ice hole-Jordan, dedicated to the holiday Epiphany- this is a completely new ritual.

A little from the story of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist

According to gospel history about the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, during the rite of washing the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove and at the same time the voice of the Most High from heaven proclaimed: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Thus, John publicly testified to the destiny of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, who came to earth to save the world.

And according to holy scripture, after his baptism, Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, went into the desert in order to prepare himself alone, praying and fasting for the mission for which he was sent to earth. For forty days he did not drink or eat anything. For forty days and nights the devil tempted him with hunger, pride and faith, trying to seduce him and tempt him into sin.

Epiphany and Epiphany

The Epiphany of the Lord ends the Christmas season and is the twelfth moving holiday. However, Catholics and Orthodox Christians honor this event in different days, which is associated with different calendar chronology. People also call it the Feast of the Jordan, since it was on this river that John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ at the age of 30.

At that time Special attention dedicated to water, which on Epiphany day acquires magical miraculous power.

“On this holiday, everyone, having drawn water, brings it home and keeps it all year long, since today the waters are blessed; and a clear sign occurs: this water in its essence does not deteriorate over time, but, drawn today, it remains intact and fresh for a whole year, and often two and three years.”

For a long time, according to the Orthodox tradition, on January 19, ice holes in the form of a cross, called “Jordan,” were cut out in the ice of frozen rivers. To them in big cities and villages, a procession of the cross took place from early morning.

The priest walking in front of everyone sprinkled the path of the entire procession, behind him were carried the cross, large external icons and small monastery icons, then all the clergy walked according to rank, and behind them the believing people.

Downstream from the “Jordan”, as a rule, there was a laundry hole into which daredevils plunged after the chief priest lowered the altar cross into the water. According to them, the water instantly became holy at this time. The priest simply sprinkled the rest of the believers with water.

sanctified" and sinned on Christmastide in order to be cleansed from sinful filth in blessed water, and some swam simply “for health,” thus showing strength of spirit. And all this despite the severe frost that, as a rule, always accompanies this holiday.

Title="Ice Cross.

Ice Cross.

From historical chronicles there is a known fact about Ivan the Terrible, who loved to boast to the amazed foreign ambassadors of the valor and prowess of his boyars. On frosty days, he forced them to take off their fur coats and plunge into the ice hole, showing pleasure with all their appearance. Moreover, all this was done not within the framework of the traditions of Orthodoxy, but precisely in the traditions of military valor.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/0-kreschenie-0021.jpg" alt="Intercession-Tatianinsky Cathedral on Epiphany night. Author: Anatoly Danilov." title="Intercession-Tatianinsky Cathedral on Epiphany night.

In fact, there are a lot of people who do not go to the Temple of God and do not think about the deepest meaning of the holiday - the Epiphany of the Lord. Thinking that once a year, having plunged three times into an ice hole, one can assume that they lead a Christian lifestyle.

And since swimming in ice water, which, as is commonly believed, becomes holy on Epiphany night - this is a way to cleanse oneself of sins and test the Divine power on oneself. However, this is a deep misconception - a person cannot sin for a whole year, and then, having plunged into an ice hole, be freed from sin. This can only be a symbol of renewal for him.

F. I. Buslaev in his famous speech in pre-revolutionary Russia “On the People’s
poetry in ancient Russian literature", delivered in 1858,
emphasized that “a clear and complete understanding of the fundamental principles of our
nationality is perhaps the most significant issue of both science and Russian
life" (1). Trying today to solve at least a small part of this problem, we
must turn to the still living folk tradition and try to consider
it through the prism of the millennia-old past, in which hide
"the fundamental principles of our nation." Let us note that in
East Slavic folk tradition in general, and in the North Russian
features, such elements of culture have been preserved that are more archaic than
only ancient Greek, but even those recorded in texts
ancient monuments Indo-European mythology - Rig Veda, Mahabharata and

Due to the fact that it was in the Vedic texts that a large number of
number of descriptions and explanations of archaic Indo-European calendars
rituals, it is these texts that seem necessary to use as
deciphering in the analysis of East Slavic and, in particular, northern -
Russian calendar rituals. Possibility of accessing Vedic texts
when considering Russian material is due to “as a greater degree
correspondence between Vedic and Russian due to better preservation in it
(Russian - S. Zh.) archaisms than in Western languages, and more
the closeness of the Russian (Slavic) mythological and poetic tradition to the Indo-Iranian one"

In those that survived until the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. In the beliefs of Northern Russians, especially in stable calendar-ritual cycles, relics of the archaic Indo-European calendar, rooted in the depths of millennia, are clearly visible. So East Slavic pre-Christian
the picture of the world clearly differentiates two time cycles of the year: the period from
winter solstice(December 22) until summer solstice(June 22) and
the period from the summer solstice to the winter. The beginning of each of these cycles
was clearly marked by calendar ritual actions: winter Christmastide
and Kupala. Judging by some relics of rituals, as well as Scandinavian
materials, in ancient times the winter Christmastide lasted a full moon month
or 28 days. So among the Swedes, Christmastide “was known under the name of Iola or
Yule holiday (iuul, ioel), as the most important and longest of
everyone. This holiday was celebrated in honor of THOR IN NORWAY IN WINTER, AND IN DENMARK IN
HONOR ONE for the blessed harvest and the speedy return of the sun. Start
the holiday usually began at midnight on January 4 and lasted for three whole
weeks,” wrote M. Zabylin in 1880 (3).

Scandinavian Christmastide, lasting three weeks, was dedicated to
deities associated with world of the dead(ancestors), “that world” and the world

But East Slavic Christmastide is also associated with the cult of the dead, with the world
gone to the “other world”. It was during these days that “Holyness” returned to the world of the living.
- the dead, whose souls during Christmas time moved into the bodies of their descendants -
mummers. Judging by the Northern Russian material, they dressed up (at least in
antiquities) the most well-born and noble, those whose families were the oldest in
a given community, village, hamlet. This is evidenced by one of the Vologda
dialect names for mummers - “kulesa”. But in the same dialects “kulynya”,
“Kulina” - noble, rich, well-born. It is worth noting that Sanskrit
kula - family, clan, noble family, kula - ja - belonging to the noble
family, kulina - well-born, noble (5).


emphasizes that mummers and beggars are those ritually significant
people through whose mediation one can contact the world of the dead. Here
it is worth noting that Russian word beggar correlates with ancient Indian
nistyas, which means “alien”, “not from here”, and is generally similar to the concept
"mummer". L.N. Vinogradova believes that: “Apparently, it is possible to divide
the opinion of a number of experts that there are grounds (including linguistic
evidence) to suggest that beggars (and mummers - S. Zh.) were perceived
as substitutes for the dead, and their generous gifting is like an echo
funeral sacrifices" (6).

This perception of mummers has survived almost to this day. According to the data,
obtained by folklore and ethnographic expeditions led by A.
M. Mekhnetsova in the 80s - 90s of the XX century, informants remember such
obligatory characters of Christmas mummery, like “ancestors” (elders,
dead man), “nonhumans”, “strangers” (beggars, beggars), “tall old women”. For
so that the soul of a living person who gave his body for the holiday season
“ancestor”, did not remain forever in the “other world”, the mummers categorically
They were forbidden to call themselves by name, to recognize themselves. For violating this
prohibition, the offender was “beaten to death,” since it was believed that the soul
the named may not return to his body, occupied for the duration of Christmastide by someone
- one of his ancestors. Such a situation could bring untold
disasters, since during the holidays everyone lived according to the laws of the “upside down world” -
world of ancestors. This is precisely what the memories of old people and
old women from different areas of the Pskov region (80s - 90s of the XX century),
who noted that the mummers were called “grandfathers”, that they walked silently or “howled
like a dog,” they bowed to the ground, that their faces were smeared with soot, that they
were not funny, but evoked respect and fear that they were expected in every home and
were preparing for this meeting. In the Russian folk tradition, CUMMBERS AT EPIPTIVITY
(WHEN, AS A RULE, THE SEVERE FROSTS APPEARED), AFTER THE sanctification of the water,
MILKY WAY. M. Zabylin noted that in Tikhvin, for example, on Christmastide
"equipped big boat, which was placed on several sleds and
drove several horses around the city.” Riding horses carrying
boat, and in the boat itself sat mummers (8). Even in 1996 in the village
Zhuravlev The end of the Gdovsky district of the Pskov region, folklorists were told,
that those who dressed up for Christmastide must have
douse yourself with three buckets well water(9), that is, water born and
flowing underground.

The inhabitants of the “other world”, having visited their descendants and rewarded or punished them,
definitely returned to their world. And the living did everything to ensure that
in no case did not a single dead soul remain in our world.

Probably the explanation for this whole complex of beliefs and their corresponding
ritual actions must be sought somewhere in the depths of millennia, when they
were just emerging. And in such a search it is impossible to ignore the most
archaic Indo-European mythological and poetic texts, concentrated in
Rigveda, Mahabharata and Avesta. Thus, in chapter 304 of “Moksha - Dharma” (one of
books of the Mahabharata) King Yudhishthira asks his mentor Bhishma:

“What is called imperishable, from which there is no return,
And what is called transitory, from where do they return again?”
He says to the mortally wounded Bhishma:
“You have a few days left to live while the creator of light heads south.
And when the lord turns to the north, you will follow the highest path,
And when you go towards bliss, from whom should we receive teaching?”

In Orthodox countries, for example, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, it is customary to swim at Epiphany. How to dive into an ice hole correctly, how is the water sanctified?

Baptism font: rules for immersion in an ice hole

In every Orthodox country, church holidays reflect traditions, national mentality and historically established culture. In Orthodox countries, for example, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, it is customary to swim at Epiphany. Thanks to tolerance and love Orthodox Church many good ancient traditions have survived to this day.

Customs and services for Epiphany

On January 19, the Church celebrates the great twelfth holiday - Epiphany, or the Baptism of the Lord. This day is distinguished by a number of traditions and the well-known blessing of water. However, Epiphany bathing is not just a health procedure.

In the annual church circle there are twelve holidays, called “twelve” (in Church Slavonic duodecimal). These are the days dedicated the most important events earthly life of Christ and Holy Mother of God, as well as the most important historical events of the Church.

The traditions of their celebration have developed over centuries, and today they are celebrated all over the world, and, due to their prevalence, even cover the lives of non-religious people. This is a church sermon, the glory of the name of Christ, which goes beyond the church fence.

Historically, on the banks of the Jordan River on the eve of one of the Jewish holidays, during which ritual ablutions were performed, John the Baptist began his prophetic ministry with the words that before washing with water one must be washed from sins. John the Baptist himself baptized people symbolically - after all, the Lord Jesus had not yet ascended to the Cross and founded the Church - but in such baptism he called for cleansing from sins by the grace of God. After the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan, the earthly path of preaching Christ began.

On the feast of Epiphany, holy water is consecrated with the Great Rite, they pray to the Lord for the cleansing and sanctification of homes and hearts.

Prayer service for Epiphany

The blessing of water in churches is usually carried out after the morning service - the Divine Liturgy on January 19, however, in large churches it can be carried out the day before, on January 18.

The great consecration of water takes place once a year, on the great holiday of Epiphany. At this time, the clergy of temples located near rivers and reservoirs come out in great procession to the ice hole and sanctifies the water in it. Separately consecrated drinking water.

A small consecration of water can be performed even daily, so there is always free access to holy water in the temple. In addition, you can order a prayer service for water in a church or at home to pray for your well-being and help for your family. At the end of the prayer service, take some holy water with you into an empty, clean bottle (but not an alcohol bottle).

During the water-blessing prayer, the priest, on behalf of the entirety of the Church, will ask for have a prosperous life, about the health of those praying during the service, about the sanctification of the whole world by the Holy Spirit. After blessing the water, the priest sprinkles holy water on those around him and on his home or church - this is how the grace of God visibly comes to us.

The prayer service is performed as follows:

    A table with a clean tablecloth is brought to the middle of the temple, on which a metal bowl of water is placed, and a portable Cross and the Holy Gospel are placed next to it. A candlestick is placed on the table, on which wax candles appear.

    After the start of the service, Psalm 142 is read with an exclamation from the priest.

    After the Psalter, the repeated chant “God is the Lord” is sung with troparia. While the prayer is being sung, the priest censes the bowl of water in a cross shape.

    Then Psalm 50 is read, troparia and litany - a list of short petitions for salvation, health and well-being. At this time, the priest burns incense around the perimeter of the temple or house where the service is being performed.

    At the end of the incense, the prokeimenon and the words of the Apostolic Epistle (Heb. 2, 14-18) are read, and then the Gospel of John (chapter 5, verses 2-4).

    After reading the Gospel, a litany is followed, during which petitions are read for the consecration of water, which is censed by the priest in the shape of a cross. Then a special prayer is read, calling on the grace of the Holy Spirit to flow into the water.

    After reading the prayer, the clergyman takes the Cross (with the image of Christ facing him), passing it over the water in a cross shape. Then the entire cross is immersed in water under the threefold singing of the troparion “Save, Lord, Thy people” and others.

    Having taken the Cross out of the water, the priest kisses it (in Church Slavonic - kisses it), sprinkles all those present and the church or house around the perimeter.

    All the worshipers take turns kissing the Holy Cross, the priest at this time sprinkles everyone with holy water (this is why women are not recommended to actively put on makeup before going to church: the makeup will run; in addition, in order not to attract unnecessary attention from the worshipers and not be distracted by impressions, and concentrate on prayer).

    Now those praying at the prayer service draw water from the bowl. Of course, water can also be collected by people who did not order a prayer service or who accidentally entered the temple. However, this is no longer entirely correct: it turns out that such people will acquire the shrine dishonestly (after all, only those who ordered a prayer service and those who prayed after it can collect water).

How to make an ice hole, Jordan for Epiphany

In many temples near reservoirs, the water in the reservoir (river, sea, lake) is also blessed. In the cold, if there is ice on the water, they cut out a cross-shaped hole, which is also called “Jordan” (from the name of the Jordan River, that is, people seem to plunge into a small Jordan) with a ladder. At the ice hole there are usually two warm tents, tents (for women and men), a gangway and a ladder are laid to the ice hole.

Of course, if you are lucky, a bathhouse may be heated at your arrival and there will be an entrance to the ice hole from it. Then you will combine business with pleasure.
Or take the risk and flood the bathhouse on Epiphany night on the shore.

What to take with you to Epiphany, to swimming in an ice hole

It is worth taking a large towel with you if you want to take a dip and, of course, come in time for the start of the service: otherwise it will only be a “health” event, and not a spiritual feat.

    During the blessing of the water, the priest will immerse the cross in the water. At the end of the prayer service, go into the tent and put on a swimsuit (it is better to maintain decency; you can also wear a long swimming shirt over the swimsuit, which is sold in the church). When entering the water, hold on to the railing. If you have the strength, cross yourself, saying: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” and then immerse yourself headlong. Repeat three times and get out.

    If you don’t have the strength, cross yourself, on the shore say to yourself: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” - plunge once (you don’t even have to dive headlong) and get out.

It is known that, according to pious legend, on Epiphany night the sky opens and during January 18-19, water is blessed in all reservoirs. Therefore, if you want to plunge at home, make the sign of the cross before immersing yourself and say the prayer we named “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” In this case, it is better to be dressed in swimming trunks or a swimsuit, otherwise it will turn out to be a strange ritual; it is indecent to pray naked (you will still stand before God).

It’s even better to visit the temple, pray during the service, prepare and take communion, and then draw holy water.

Contraindications to swimming in an ice hole

Remember that it is better to take care of your health, “God protects those who are careful.” Of course, plunging into an ice hole is a feat in the name of the Lord, and its spiritual significance is difficult to exaggerate. But there are diseases and pathologies that are a contraindication to dipping:

  • Hypertension, angina pectoris - due to a sharp narrowing of blood vessels due to temperature changes, you can get a heart attack or stroke;

  • Hypotension (constantly low blood pressure) - again, the blood vessels react in such a way that a person may faint;

  • Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, ARVI - you can get serious complications;

  • Cardiovascular diseases;

  • Epilepsy and traumatic brain injury, as well as atherosclerosis;

  • Pathologies of the nervous system;

  • Pathologies of the endocrine system - diabetes, thyrotoxicosis;

  • Eye diseases - again, narrowing of blood vessels can lead to deterioration of vision, etc.;

  • Respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis and asthma;

  • Any inflammatory processes in the body - in the genitourinary, digestive, reproductive systems;

  • Find out if you have an allergic reaction to cold.

Please note that in parishes and churches, ice holes are supervised by the administration of the locality; rescuers and doctors are always on duty here, but swimming in an “amateur” ice hole can be really dangerous. And in any case, don’t swim alone! You never know how your body reacts, even if you previously practiced swimming in an ice hole.
In fact, this is not only dangerous, but also not spiritually useful if you have not prayed or received communion.

Family bathing for Epiphany

Women's health is especially fragile, but many women boldly decide to swim at Epiphany in order to perform a feat for God's sake, asking Him for special mercy.

It is especially recommended to bathe at Epiphany in case of infertility. Alas, many families today are infertile. Women have been trying to get pregnant for years, and both spouses are undergoing treatment. Over time, relationships can be destroyed due to disappointment, and resentment toward life and God, the Creator and Almighty, may appear. This is a completely wrong direction of worldview. The Lord is our hope. He works miracles. Without abandoning medical treatment, you must definitely resort to the Heavenly Doctor.

There have been many documented cases of healing from infertility and the joy of motherhood for desperate women after praying in front of the “Helper in Childbirth” icon. The Church blesses us to strengthen our faith and support drug treatment in case of infertility, regular prayers. You should never despair: remember the will of God and the fate of the parents of the Mother of God Herself, who only in old age were able to find their long-awaited Daughter, who became the Queen of Heaven.

Under no circumstances follow any rituals or contact psychics. One of the pious Orthodox traditions- a prayer service for the gift of children and for a successful release from the burden (easy childbirth). It can be ordered at any temple. There are a number of saints who have special grace in helping pregnant women and those wishing to give birth to a child, and on Epiphany, and on any day, you can order a prayer service to the Lord Jesus Christ or the Mother of God. The Lord is the main Helper and Patron of everyone, and Mother of God- Intercessor before God of the human race. You can order a prayer service for the gift of children in front of any icon of the Mother of God; they especially pray for this in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”, “Helper in Childbirth”.

If you want to bathe a child, the father should hold him in his arms, dip him once and immediately wrap him in a towel.

Customs for Epiphany

The following are the correct traditions:

    Fasting before the holiday. On Epiphany Eve, according to the Charter of the Church, you cannot eat until the first star (if you don’t have the strength, eat), and then you ate kutya, just like on Christmas - this sweet porridge with honey and dried fruits.

    On the eve of the holiday, January 18, they also went to the All-Night Vigil. Today in some churches it is celebrated at night, along with the Liturgy - again, like on Christmas Day. In most churches, in the evening, on the eve of Epiphany, water is blessed in temples and reservoirs. Sometimes, in order to avoid danger on a body of water at night, it is consecrated only on January 19th.

    It is worth visiting the temple and on the morning of January 19 - come to the Liturgy, preparing for Confession and Communion.

    After the Liturgy, if a reservoir is being consecrated and it is located nearby, priests and parishioners solemnly go to it in a procession of the cross. The rite of consecration of the water, which will be called the Great Agiasma (great shrine), is performed only by the priest. They will lower the cross into the hole three times and then bless the people with it.

    Water is also consecrated, but not so solemnly, in the temple. On this day, and often for three days or a week, large tanks are installed in temples, and whole lines of people line up for them. Don't take a large volume of water - you can always add it to regular water with reverence. Place a donation for holy water: this is drinking water purchased by the temple, because even though the Lord blesses the water, you need to be careful: in no temple do they take water for Epiphany simply from dirty reservoirs. It is purchased with funds from philanthropists.

An important Epiphany miracle is that, according to the testimony of many people, holy water does not spoil for a whole year: scientists have even found that holy water has a changed molecular composition. This is a miracle of God, and not the effect of silver, from which temple crosses are made (after all, wooden crosses are often immersed in water).

May the Lord protect and enlighten you!

The first swim in an ice hole at Epiphany arose as a tradition after the adoption of Christianity in Kievan Rus in 988. January 19 religious holiday- Baptism of the Lord, during Divine Liturgy A great consecration of water, which has healing powers, is performed. It is generally accepted that everything water elements on this day they acquire miraculous properties that strengthen their physical and mental strength.

What does swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany mean?

The ice hole in which people swim is called the Jordan; people come to it after a solemn service; it is not customary to plunge into the water without the prayer of the priest. The priest blesses those who wish to perform the ritual of bathing at Epiphany - he reads a prayer before the wormwood and immerses the cross in it three times, only after completing the prayers can the ritual be performed. Prescribing to tradition the property of cleansing and washing away sins is wrong; in order to get rid of sins one must repent and...

Where did swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany come from?

The holiday to which the tradition is attached is the most ancient - the Epiphany of the Lord was introduced as a separate event in church service around 377. On this day, ancient Christians came to the Jordan, the place where Jesus Christ was baptized. The rite of baptismal bathing is a folk tradition that a person performs according to personal desire, there are no church regulations regarding this issue No. Water consecrated on this day has special properties, which has been proven by scientific research.

What benefits does swimming in an ice hole give at Epiphany?

If we consider the question of what bathing at Epiphany gives, we should understand what a person expects to receive from such actions. Taking a dip in the water in the Epiphany frosts is not so easy, even with a strong desire. The main thing is to have faith that water has the ability to heal ailments, and the procedure will not cause harm; the desire to pray is to entrust one’s needs into the hands of God.

Swimming in cold weather helps improve immunity - sudden changes in temperature activate the release of hormones into the blood that have a protective effect on negative changes in the functioning of the body, decreases arterial pressure, a surge of energy comes. Marking yourself with a cross three times before diving into the ice hole is a mandatory condition.

Epiphany bathing - pros and cons

The tradition of bathing at Epiphany is a test of a person's willpower. Doctors state the fact that the percentage of people who get sick after such “procedures” is insignificant. According to the stories of those who have swum, in the first few minutes a person is seized by euphoria, the body becomes unusually light, grace is felt in the soul, and a rush of special indescribable sensations comes.

Risking poor health for unforgettable dives is prohibited. The Church does not oblige or order believers to perform such a ritual; it is not part of the holiday. By skipping a swim, a person does not lose grace. On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, you need to come to church for prayer, you can confess and take communion, sprinkle yourself and your home with sacred water brought from the temple.

When do they swim in the ice hole at Epiphany?

January 18 – Epiphany Christmas Eve, it is generally accepted that after the consecration of water in churches on this day, it becomes healing in all water sources, and retains such properties for several subsequent days. The bathing itself at Epiphany does not begin without the blessings of the priest; the consecration of places for immersion occurs after the festive services on the morning of January 19.

How to prepare for swimming at Epiphany?

Some tips on how to prepare for Epiphany swimming in the ice hole. For an unhardened person, such a dive is stressful; the effects of exposure to cold water can be minimized by pre-hardening the body. A few days before, it is advisable to take it, go out onto the street or balcony for a few minutes in summer clothes - shorts and a T-shirt, rub down with a damp towel dipped in cold water, practice dousing with low-temperature water.

Epiphany bathing - rules

The rules for bathing at Epiphany can be divided into parts. The first and most important point- when performing such an act, a person must pray: for the salvation of the soul, for loved ones, ask for God’s help for healing from illnesses. Dipping into water for fun or under the influence of alcohol, to experience thrills is wrong; expecting healing of the body and soul as a result is unacceptable.

There are a lot of advantages in terms of medical indicators, why bathing at baptism is useful - the ability to work increases, the body loses allergic reactions, depression, insomnia, joint and back pain. Attacks of bronchial asthma are significantly reduced, blood circulation is normalized. When diving, the body temperature approaches forty degrees; in a few minutes, numerous armies of viruses and bacteria die in the body - the functioning of the immune system increases.

Is it possible to get sick while swimming at Epiphany? Yes, because stressful immersion in water can cause a number of unpleasant consequences in a weakened body. Diabetics experience a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, heart patients experience attacks of arrhythmia and hypertension, and cancer patients experience unwanted suppression of the immune system. Swimming is prohibited for those suffering from flu and acute respiratory infections.

Is it dangerous to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany?

Discussions about the dangers of swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany are a serious issue. The organization of the venue is the main selection criterion for those wishing to take the plunge. Coming alone to unprepared, sparsely populated ice holes is undesirable; it is a direct threat to human health and life in the event of an unexpected reaction of the body to cold water, there must be people ready to provide qualified assistance. Tips on how to properly swim in an ice hole at Epiphany:

  • undressing is carried out in several stages - remove outer clothing, allow the body to adapt, then undress to a swimsuit;
  • walk in the snow - give a signal to the body, through the receptors of the feet, to turn on a protective reaction to the cold;
  • after being in the water, change clothes; you cannot put dry clothes on top of wet ones;
  • Drinking alcohol to warm up after the procedure is not recommended.