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  • Rules for a godmother:
  • must not be pregnant;
  • have no mental illness;
  • conduct a confession before the ceremony;
  • not be married to a godfather and not be his close relative;
  • not to be a nun;
  • be of age.

What does the godmother buy for a boy’s christening:

  • the fabric in which the baby is wrapped (kryzhma);
  • baptismal set (shirt, blanket, maybe a cap);
  • silk scarf for the priest.

Boy's christening, rules for godfather

  • confess before the sacrament of baptism;
  • not be married to the godmother, not be her closest relative;
  • have no problems with the law or mental illness;
  • not to be a minister of the church (monk);
  • reach adulthood.

What does a godfather buy for a boy’s christening:

  • purchasing a cross for a child;
  • buying a gift;
  • fulfillment of all financial obligations.

Responsibilities of godparents at the baptism of a boy

  • be sure to be an example for inheritance;
  • regularly prays for his godson;
  • to guide the boy on the true path according to God's commandments;
  • always keep in touch with him (even if they live far from him);
  • be present at the baby's first communion;
  • in the event of illness or death of parents, take full responsibility for raising the child.

But the most important thing is that the godparents understand the importance of their rank, and the boy knows that there are always people next to him who will help, advise, and support. Godparents are spiritual educators, and their role in the life of a godson cannot be overestimated.

Responsibilities of the godfather at the baptism of a boy

Another quite important responsibility of a godfather is buying a gift for his godson. And its implementation must be treated with special understanding. According to tradition, the godfather must present a silver spoon at the christening.

It must be said that products made from this noble metal are the most common gifts for baptismal rites. This is a symbol of prosperity and fullness of life. A Bible can be a wonderful gift. Reading it will help in shaping the boy’s spiritual world.

Also often with engraving. This thing becomes very personal for a child and goes with him through life path, protecting from all kinds of adversity.

In addition, the godfather can give:

  • silver or gold jewelry;
  • personalized photo album;
  • clothes;
  • thematic religious and fiction books;
  • various toys.

Boy baptism names

Choosing a name for christenings is a very important issue when preparing for them and quite a big problem, since sometimes there are different opinions, which are not always possible to reconcile. But most often parents turn to the priest.

If the boy’s name is Orthodox, then you don’t have to change it, but still many try to do this, because in this way they want to protect the baby from everything bad. The name is selected mainly according to the calendar, taking into account the day (or period) in which the child was born, and the name can be either in tune with the worldly or completely different from it.

What is needed for a boy's baptism

Baptism of a child is the great mission of man on Earth. What is needed for the baptism of a child or a boy - the main thing is that you need to be especially careful and prepared. Godparents should read as much spiritual literature as possible in order to be able to help their godson in any life situation.

And what is important, the godfather as a man must develop and shape the best masculine qualities, such as: courage, endurance, self-control, willpower and spirit. After all, the role of godparents does not end immediately after the baptismal ceremony; this is a long journey of development for a little person, and there can be no room for error.

Therefore, when preparing to become godparents, you need to weigh the pros and cons many times, try to understand yourself, study religious literature, be educated in the field of spirituality, and most importantly, be a true example for the child.

Life prepares challenges for everyone, but not everyone can cope with them. And often times come when it is not parents, close relatives or friends who can help, but godparents, because their spiritual level and knowledge of life are quite high.

They are like “faithful companions” who walk with a person through life, and when necessary, lead him to God through communion, confession, and prayer. And it is thanks to them, from the very beginning early childhood the child feels boundless confidence, care and grace of the Almighty.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch also the video about the sacrament of baptism:

Should unbelieving parents baptize a child to please relatives or fashion? Visitors to children's conferences tried to find the answer to this question on the website.

Is it necessary to baptize? One of my friends said: “We baptized because it was necessary, because it was customary,” and there was no hint of meaning.
They say that faith is passed on through mother's milk, but it wasn't passed on to me, simply because my mother is not a believer. The husband is also not baptized and he has his own view on these things. Therefore, it was not passed on to my baby either.
I often see misunderstanding and strong surprise in the eyes of those around me when I say that I won’t baptize, am I really doing something terrible?!

  • I have a Jewish friend who has a child from her Russian husband. Her parents insist on circumcision, his - on baptism. She says that either nothing, or both options, or let him decide: You are acting quite normally, in accordance with your views, simply, IMHO, unless asked directly, there is no need to say that the child is unbaptized. Try to keep silent about this, many react negatively, and more often these are not believers, but those for whom faith is something like fashion. The looks, I think, are about the same as if you went out in very old-fashioned clothes.
  • I also did not baptize the child for the same reasons. It seems to me that performing this ritual that means nothing to me for the sake of fashion is even an outrage against true believers, for whom it has real meaning. I like the idea of ​​Protestantism, when a child himself makes the decision to be baptized or not at a conscious age. That's what I plan to do
    Rusya from work
  • So it seems to me that this is an even greater sin - to go to baptize two unbelievers.
  • Our problem. When Max was born, I was determined to baptize him, but my husband was categorically against it, believing that as he grew up, he would decide for himself. After thinking, I agreed with him, Moreover, I myself am a non-religious person, I don’t go to church, I don’t pray, so what is the meaning of baptism? What can I pass on to my child? So let him decide for himself. But it’s very difficult to resist my mother, who really wants to baptize the child... You can’t prove this to her, however I think it’s unnecessary to do what everyone else does without seeing the point in it...
  • I will speak out harshly, perhaps... but it is not proper for a person to join a flock of sheep that is rushing to God knows where, just to run after someone. For reasons of fashion, such things are not done, even out of respect for the sincere faith of other people. Even if you do not baptize a baby, this does not mean that joining the church will be ordered for him. He will grow up and be able to decide this issue himself.
    We have not baptized the child and do not intend to. We believe that this will be his personal business when he grows up.
  • Well, it’s just in the eyes of the people in whom you see horror, You are depriving your child of the opportunity to go to heaven.. An unbaptized person will not get there, even if it is very good man. Well, notes for health, etc. You cannot apply for unbaptized people. But this is a matter of faith. In general, I cannot prove that all of the above is true or false.
  • If she doesn’t believe in this, she doesn’t care about the problem of health notes... And listen to strangers in such matters... For example, you came up with the name yourself, and didn’t ask your friend...
  • If I personally think that this is complete nonsense, and this paradise, and notes for health (well, this is my personal opinion), for me this is not an argument. It’s just that there are people who are believers, and some who are not. And non-believers really don’t care.
  • Moreover, my disbelief comes from afar - my great-grandfather was a priest and knew all the ins and outs of the church, as a result, a family of atheists.
  • Yes, in those days religion for many was just a craft. But, on the other hand, there were those who, after the revolution, went to the camps out of faith. They serve in the church ordinary people and not all of them are perfect.
  • Questions on the topic of religion are, in principle, considered intimate, and asking them is very indecent. Instead of answering, say so to those who ask you.
  • I understand you. I myself am against baptism, but apparently my relatives will “finish me off.” Let them baptize if they want, but I’m still against it. For me, let him decide for himself when he gets older.
    I am a sarcastic militant atheist:
  • How about calmly talking to your husband and presenting arguments? Mine understood me. If your soul is not in it, then nothing good will come of it..
  • I agree with you completely. We ourselves are not believers, so why should I force faith on my child? When he grows up, he will choose for himself.
  • Since you are non-believers, you will not impose faith on him, but simply following fashion, you will perform a ritual that none of you three needs. Just if you were believers, I think it would be obligation to raise a child in this faith.
  • I think so too: since you baptized a child, it means you have to be responsible for it, go to church, teach how to pray, and observe fasts. Otherwise, what's the point?
  • How will “relatives finish it off”? Where is your strong word? The child is YOURS and you must consider ONLY your husband, that’s all. If you have disagreements with him, look for a compromise, especially in such a delicate matter as religion.
    Religion is not only rituals, it is primarily a worldview. And YOUR child’s worldview will be primarily shaped by YOU and his father.
  • The husband is FOR baptism, alas. For EVERYTHING except me. My husband thinks that I am against baptism, because... I want to annoy his mother (his mother really wants to baptize him quickly). For some reason he doesn’t believe me, that I really don’t want to, and not just because of his mother (we really have a very bad relationship, and partly he’s right, partly I want to “annoy”...) He says - because- for your disagreements you are an unbaptized child. But that’s not the point, but I can’t get it across
    But in the first place I still have what I’m not a believer and I consider baptism an unnecessary rite.. So far I’ve been able to overcome the argument, but I don’t know how long it will last me. And then, the husband says, he is uneasy that the child is unbaptized. And the thought of bringing a child to church infuriates me. It's starting to shake.
  • Why is the attitude negative? In fact, the baptism of a child does not oblige you to anything in the future. There doesn't seem to be much harm from it. You don’t have to carry your child to church, but call the priest home (to yourself or to your relatives), and your husband will be pleased.
  • My father thinks that he lived his life in vain, since his daughter and grandson are unbaptized, and I won’t give up - what will I tell my son later, he’ll be interested - why?
    Despite the fact that he (my father) does not live with us, and we see each other very rarely, i.e. In any case, there will be no one to explain, but, of course, my opinion and the opinion of my husband still come first!
    It’s very nice to find like-minded people or at least people who respect my opinion!
  • But I wouldn’t allow this - it’s just manipulation of you! The child is yours - and it’s up to you and the child himself to decide when he grows up. Let the father raise the child in such a way that he wants to do this - if he is a believer, I think this is his duty, but demand that you raise your child the way he wants...
  • My doubts are described. We didn’t baptize either, although both my husband and I were baptized. But we were both baptized at a conscious age. I'm 15 years old. He's a little earlier. We're not exactly unbelievers. We are simply non-church goers and non-fasters. I also thought that the child would grow up and decide for himself, but still doubts remain and sometimes manifest themselves very strongly. But it seems to me that just hanging a cross around your neck and calming down is not enough. Then it’s better not to baptize at all. If my child is baptized, who will pass on the faith to him? Will he explain what it is and why? I can’t do this because I don’t understand much myself. If there is a person who can explain to me why baptism is needed, not in general, but specifically for my child, then I am ready to baptize my daughter. But I don't want this to be just a formality. This is much more serious. Besides, I have no idea how to baptize a two-year-old child. Infants - yes, adults and children over 4-5 years old - too. And for a two-year-old child, mine at least, the process of baptism itself can become something terrible. So we will wait anyway.
  • The following thought prompted me to be baptized: well, it’s good when everything is fine, but what if the child does not live to be 15 years old? I can’t even submit a note for him, I won’t be able to sing the funeral service. Where will he end up? Those who are not baptized do not go to heaven (well, Orthodox point vision). In general, I baptized. And when she grows up she will figure out what and how.
    Again, you cannot give communion, give a note for your health, etc.
    I have no knowledge at all about heaven. I have not been there. But some sources claimed... What if it’s true?
  • Yeah! Iron argument! To baptize just so that you can have a funeral service later...
    For this reason, I certainly won’t baptize!
  • So it’s important for you to be able to perform the funeral service, and you think that only the baptized go to heaven, but she thinks that they don’t. I have another knowledge about heaven. There are holy books where there is an answer to this question:). I’m not into arguing about religion, I just said so.
  • This is a personal matter for everyone. In my family, this issue was resolved for a long time and in disputes. The husband (and all his relatives) really wanted to baptize him. They didn’t insist, but they sighed expressively, hinted, and pushed. I was categorically against it. My family abstained. And then I agreed to be baptized. For two simple reasons: firstly, Just because I don't believe in something doesn't mean it doesn't exist., and, secondly, if my husband is calm, if he believes that he is able to raise his daughter in faith, if she really has a guardian angel (or what is the correct name for it?), then why not? But, I repeat, this was a very difficult question for me. And you should decide for yourself, and not rely on public opinion, IMHO. If you have a position, you need to stick to it and don’t necessarily explain it to others. Especially in matters of religion.
  • IMHO you have to come to this yourself - understand that you and your child need it.
  • It disgusts me when they do something like this just because of fashion, ugh...
  • I completely agree. We also did not baptize our children and for the same reasons as the author of the topic.
  • I think everyone decides for themselves whether they need it or not. If the child grows up and wants to be baptized, he will go and be baptized, or ask you about it. I baptized my daughter myself. It’s not that I’m a very strong believer, but I believe that with a guardian angel my daughter will be better. And, in general, there is still something like that in the heavens.
  • But I will dissuade my child if he wants to be baptized, if he suddenly wants it (however, this is unlikely to happen). This is my life position. In any case, until he grows up (relatively, up to 16 years old, let’s say). Then let him do whatever he wants.
    Of course, without prohibitions, no. I'll just explain to him why I wouldn't want it. Long and detailed. Precisely because this is part of my worldview, and I will be happy to share this worldview with my child.
    But with such parents, our boy is unlikely to want it anyway. If I am usually silent on this topic, my husband speaks out quite sarcastically.
  • You can dissuade him not “only over my corpse, because this is bullshit,” but in a human way, without insults and without threats, and to a certain extent, how can you not discuss actions and plans - this is your child and it’s not at all a fact that he really wants to do this, maybe someone just persuaded him or it got into his head or he misunderstood something...
    In this case, you must say why you are against it. I will tell my husband and friend and adult child - this is not violence, but just a discussion. You can speak out against it, but quite respectfully.
  • If he wants to, I won’t dissuade him, it’s the same as forcing him..


And who did NOT baptize their child?
Girls, I foresee a hail of reproaches from true believers, but I’ll still take the risk.
I grew up in a completely non-religious environment, and naturally, I myself am not baptized. We baptized our eldest child at the age of 3 at the insistence of his grandmothers - so as not to pester him. I don't even think about the younger one yet. Or rather, I wanted to, since it’s “the way it’s supposed to be,” but my very devout friend raised a cry: they say, first I myself must be baptized, etc. But I just can't. For me, this is a very serious step, which I am not ready for yet. But I can’t go to church since “everyone does it.” I don't want to be a hypocrite. I am the only one?

  • Okay - well, you don’t believe in any additional Divine protection for the baptized. Don't believe in strength Life-giving Cross, prayers, help from the Guardian Angel...
    But completely calm statements like: “Let him choose his own faith” simply surprise me, to put it mildly...
    What if your unprepared brainchild is grabbed by the sleeve by adherents of a dangerous totalitarian sect and easily lured there?
    What if he suddenly starts reading Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley or Anton LaVey - with all that that entails?.. What if he prefers not only Islam, but Wahhabism, and decides to become a martyr?!.
    Why are you sure that all this does not threaten your child, who has not been burdened with knowledge about faith in general since childhood?...
  • Well, why "in general". I will try to give him as much knowledge as possible. It’s just that when I myself am not sure that Orthodoxy is the true faith, I do not dare to instill this in my child.
  • I just think that it is difficult for atheists to adequately explain to a child the essence of all other faiths and religions - and it is almost impossible to warn about their true danger and destruction...
    God grant that you succeed!
  • It’s very easy for an atheist! But how a believer explains to his children that there are many religions, but only “ours” is the correct one, I would be very interested to know.
  • But it seems to me that it is a believer who will not be able to give an ADEQUATE explanation of all religions and concessions. For he will explain everything from the standpoint of his faith. Those. all other religions will be classified as incorrect in advance, which will provide incorrect coverage of issues of other beliefs... IMHO
  • But in this situation, the very fact of baptism will not give anything. How can baptism help atheist parents give their children accurate information about religion?
  • As a person with the “let him choose” attitude, I can say my opinion: if parents are non-religious, this does not prevent them from giving their child knowledge about religions. I cannot introduce him to Orthodoxy. But I can give knowledge. And based on them he will make his choice. And if I don’t give this information, then whether he is baptized or not, they can lure him into the sect in any way.
  • I haven’t baptized my oldest child (3 years old), we are still waiting for the youngest, but we don’t plan to baptize either - let him grow up and decide for himself what religion is close to him and whether he is close at all. Faith is the fulfillment of rituals, I don’t want to force it into any framework, my husband and I don’t observe any fasts, we don’t go to church, although if I have an urge, I can go to church and light a candle, talk to God . And rituals and prayers are a convention invented by people, but if my child makes a choice different from my idea, I will respect his decision
  • Ksenia, my opinion on this matter is known (baptize = feed). You won't get a hail of reproaches from me, but...
    In order not to repeat myself again, I will cite here the opinion of the well-known Kukusi from previous discussions (I was not too lazy to look it up; I really hope that Kukusia herself will not be against such quoting:):
    "I don’t agree. I don’t want him to choose his faith. I believe in God, and my son will believe in him. For some reason, before all the children were baptized at once, and only the children began to speak - they already knew the prayers. And they there was something sacred... in short, I don’t want to describe my point of view. Neither I nor you need it. This is your right. Raise your child as you want. Only basically, when people are not baptized until adulthood, they are not baptized then. They don’t believe in anyone at all. And if they get baptized, then it’s 100% a tribute to fashion. It’s up to you. But we didn’t have any super ritual. It was me, my mother and godparents. Modestly and from the heart.
    27.7.2001 10:57:24, Ku+ku=sya"..."
  • Here, I subscribe to every word...
  • Katyusha, I understand everything...
    But I’m afraid that even if I baptize Staska, I will have nothing to give her spiritually. And it’s not my fault, but my misfortune - I wasn’t raised, I wasn’t baptized, I didn’t absorb the faith with my mother’s milk. What should I do if, after reading the children's Bible, a protest arises in me? And the older child also demands my explanations?
    This chain - from my grandparents, from my parents to me and from me to my children - will not be broken unless someone or something intervenes (for example, a good godmother who will try to raise my children in the faith).
    By the way, Katya, I’ll ask you, as an expert - do I need to be baptized in order to baptize my children?
  • >do I need to be baptized to baptize my children? There is no such mandatory requirement anywhere. It's just a logical desire...
  • In addition, before the child grows up, how much time will pass, how many illnesses and troubles will have to be endured... And at baptism the baby is given a Guardian Angel, who can protect him from many things.
    Although all this is understandable only to a believer, it cannot be explained to those who do not believe or do not go to church. It seems to me that, after all, there is no need to make some kind of fashionable farce out of baptism or, on the contrary, “for grandmothers”...
    Although you will agree that before, our great-grandmothers did not have such a question - to baptize or not to baptize. It was as natural as, for example, sending children to school later (no one thought that when they grew up they would understand whether they wanted to study or not), etc.
    And it was infants who were baptized, therefore there were godparents (recipients of the soul) who at baptism read the prayer “Creed”, because The kids didn’t know how to speak yet. All this was established thousands of years ago, it is worthy of respect.
    I will baptize my Ivan on the 40th day, as expected. Let it be cold outside, let him be dipped in water - all this can only be good. No one has ever gotten sick or died from this. And we should be baptized on St. Nicholas of the Winter :) (December 19)
  • And we were also baptized on the 40th day. We were born on Christmas and baptized on Candlemas!
  • Sorry, Katya, but what is the point of baptizing a child if the parents cannot give him the actual faith? After all, Kukusya writes “...raise the child as you want...” - the question is in the education of faith, and baptism alone will not solve the matter...
  • It was not me who said that it is difficult for non-believers to talk about grace, about the Guardian Angel and Divine protection...
    For me, the main meaning of early baptism is precisely this. I was almost deprived of the right to pray for an unbaptized baby, and I suffered greatly from this for 40 days...
    But it is difficult, difficult to explain it; It’s hard to make a non-believer believe it!
  • Cross yourself for your grandmothers, and then suddenly you’ll believe it yourself? What if it really works? Without hypocrisy, just baptize. I will too - for all these reasons.
  • It’s not worth baptizing just “for grandmothers”... I’m not going to do that either. Because the baby will grow up and, if he wants, he will come to the faith that he considers acceptable for himself - then he will either be baptized or otherwise express his commitment to this or that faith. Why decide for him?
  • We didn't baptize either. But let's think about it. I am a believer, but I don’t go to church either. In fact, a child can only be baptized if the parents take full responsibility for raising the child in faith in God. From your message I understood that you cannot do this, so there is no need to baptize him, it’s better for him to choose in the future. In any case, children themselves are protected by God and there is no need to worry about this.
  • My husband and I non-believers, but they wanted to baptize just in case so to speak. But our godmother became pregnant, they postponed it.
  • I am baptized, but I have not baptized my daughter and will not baptize her! If she needs to, she will go and be baptized.
    For me, christenings are extra hassle and an unnecessary waste of money.
  • We baptized, but it seems to me this is a purely personal matter, what does this have to do with grandmothers and their opinions? If you don’t want to, don’t baptize... the child will then have the opportunity to make a choice himself
  • I am a non-religious person, but I take faith very seriously and with great respect. Baptizing just because everyone else is doing it is unacceptable to me.
  • I also grew up in a completely non-religious environment and our grandmothers are non-religious, so I didn’t baptize the first one and I don’t plan to baptize the second one. In my opinion, given my lack of religion, it will be a little false. If they want to mature age and they themselves will come to this - I will not object. But that's my opinion.
  • And we have not baptized and are not going to. He will grow up and choose whatever he wants, but imposing religion is not right, IMHO.
  • You know, I am a believer... For me, naturally, baptism is necessary, but I believe that if a person is not at all spiritually ready for this, he should not do it. Still, an adult needs to reflect, prepare for baptism, but how can an unbeliever prepare?.. I don’t know... With children it’s a different matter. The pastor explained to me that at baptism the Lord gives a blessing to the child and if in adulthood Lyalya comes to the Lord, he will already be, how can I put it, with God’s seal... After all, Baptism is light and salvation. But if you are not ready to baptize yourself and your children, don’t...
  • I left it up to the child's discretion. If the family was religious and the child grew up in a religious atmosphere, that would be one thing. And since this is not the case, then I would prefer to give him “educational” knowledge about religions, and let him choose. If coming to Orthodoxy (or any other religion, hopefully not a sect) becomes his conscious choice, I will be glad.


Listen to what I’ll tell you about all this, religion is an invention for manipulating people and, accordingly, everything religious ceremonies this is also complete nonsense, humanity existed approximately 5000 years before the so-called coming of Jesus, there were many different religions and there were no gods and there was no such thing as baptism, that is, it turns out that the children were unbaptized and everything was fine, now after the emergence of Christianity, and it came to us only 1000 years after the death of Jesus, again no one was baptized and everyone was alive and well. According to legend, Jesus himself was baptized only at 33, so it turns out that he lived without an angel all this time? + at birth he was a Jew since he was born in a Jewish country and a Jewish family, which means that religion was also implanted on him, and he did not invent or accept Christianity since it was invented only 300 years after he died.
Now what does this give? Nothing...
- this will not protect you from illness or from death or accidents since most of those to whom this did happen were baptized
And think about those children who were already born sick, it turns out they had to be baptized even before birth?

I will not baptize my child. Let him grow up and choose his own religion. I won't impose.

Good afternoon
I am writing because my heart is breaking into pieces. Sickening. We need to speak out.
My daughter is 16 years old. Since October she has been seriously ill. Mental illness - neurosis. It’s already mid-July, and the whole family is still on edge! They haven't shown it to anyone else. From all sides they are blaring in their ears that the girl needs to be baptized, they say, this is the problem.
I must say that neither I nor my husband are unbaptized, and our attitude towards the church is disrespectful. Accordingly, my daughter was raised in the same direction. But when trouble comes, I am ready to step over everything and listen to any advice. Therefore, I started having conversations with my daughter, suggesting that first we just meet with the priest to talk, tell him about my problem. But she did not agree. She said that everything there was foreign to her: the people, the icons, and these rituals. I understood her perfectly, because that’s exactly how I treated it. But the worm kept grinding: what if it helps? After all, there are so many the smartest people were Christians! So there is something in this! In short, they persuaded me. I bought her a Children's Bible and she began reading it.
She was baptized on July 20 with 3 other wildly screaming babies. The noise was terrible, especially for a person who is sick with neurosis! In addition, from the very beginning, the priest indignantly attacked me with the words: why did you come without a cross!? I honestly answered that I was not baptized. And so it began! He takes this as a personal insult. He began to shame me right during the ceremony in front of everyone and demand that I immediately be baptized together with my daughter. I refused, citing the fact that I was not ready yet, and my daughter was already an adult. But he continued to insist throughout the ceremony, constantly turning to me. But I didn't agree. Then, apparently, he decided to “take it out” on my sick daughter. He began to plunge her head into the vat, and then brought her to the iconostasis and demanded that she kiss the feet of Christ, and then the Virgin Mary. But he knew perfectly well what kind of family she came from! It was not difficult to guess that the girl was not accustomed to this, and it would be unpleasant and wild for her! Why did this have to be done?!!! Why so immediately???? After all, if even a drop of faith has arisen in a child, despite such “worthless parents” as we are, then after that even this drop will dry up....
When we returned home, our daughter was in very bad condition. I cried for the rest of the day. She talked about humiliation, that all this was unpleasant for her, that in church she could hardly stand on her feet. She quite rightly reproached me for the fact that all my life I had been telling her one thing, and now I was suddenly saying something completely different, that I had promised her relief after baptism, but she was much worse off from these humiliating rituals. She experienced severe stress. I listened to her and felt shame! What have I done? She believed me, but I deceived her. I lost her trust and respect for me. The only thing that somehow justifies me is maternal despair, because my daughter’s illness has greatly undermined me. This is such a ridiculous story. Now I don’t even know how to convince my daughter that yesterday’s baptism ceremony was correct, that it will protect and help her. I'm at a loss for words. Oksana

07/21/2014 10:20:44, Foxana

But for me it’s crazy when people say that the unbaptized will not go to heaven, even if they good people and they do no evil. But, as far as I understand, in heaven there will be a bunch of baptized sinners (thieves, liars, adulterers, maybe even murderers) who managed to repent in time. Sorry, but this looks very much like a purely human invention. After all, they say that God is good, omnipotent and, I believe, intelligent. Why does he need these conventions? Isn't the main thing for a person to just be a person? Is serving the church and observing rituals more valuable than simply sincerely striving for good? Enlighten who can really say something sensible about this.

10/30/2012 20:02:07, Marianna_M

I was raised in a family of believers. Mom is especially a believer; dad has become more religious now that his age is approaching 50. She came to faith on her own, wanted to be baptized at the age of 9 and was baptized. But now, over the years, getting smarter and wiser, I began to understand that I was becoming an atheist. Because my worldview is at odds with my faith. I watch a lot of scientific programs, read and learn a lot and understand that the world was not created in 6 days. There is a logical justification for everything. Of course there is something. What a person really saw and proved. Souls, reincarnation.... but I consider it stupid to claim something that no one has seen. Now my child is 1.5 years old. The mother-in-law tormented me with the fact that the child “needed” to be baptized. At the same time, probably 70% less than I know about faith. She doesn’t keep any posts and won’t tell you where Jesus came from and where he went if you ask her. I don’t want to baptize my child. Because of this, we have constant friction. The husband takes the mother's side. Although he himself doesn’t know what his mother knows. Who needs such faith and do these people have the right to be called believers? And my opinion about the guardian angel is this - it’s a fairy tale like everything else! I believe in man. Thanks to the smartest among us, we live, progress, heal...

08/31/2012 16:17:06, l-diz

It is necessary to be baptized))

Pray and read prayers at home - this is the best temple that the Universe has given us. Here you can pray however you want and for anyone, ask for what you want (in the correct way, of course). We are now building our own destiny, regardless of where and who we are. Faith, it seems to me, is love... Do what you like, listen to yourself. What we choose in life is our faith and it is the most correct, even just because it is ours.)))

04/26/2012 09:33:34, Marina Ban

I think it is necessary if at least one of the parents is convinced that it is necessary. And not according to fashion, but in essence. That is, a person must be a believer.

Baptism as a remedy for the evil eye or something else generally terrifies me. It's not even atheism anymore. This is “Orthodox paganism,” because a person uses the sacrament as a talisman “just in case” without understanding the essence and meaning. This is scary...

If you are a believer, even if not entirely decent from the point of view of observing all the canons and rules, baptize. Anyone who has ever attended this ceremony with a good priest does not remain indifferent. Something turns over in your soul when you repeat your renunciation of Satan and understand WHAT is happening at this moment.. In this case, the baptism of the child and the parents themselves will bring them closer to God.

After reading the comments, I got the impression that new fashion- atheism

27.05.2010 17:07:16, A.K.

I’m not that much of a believer)) but I am for baptism. For me it’s like an amulet, like a kind of protection

01/14/2008 21:52:00, Elena

In my opinion, the relationship between faith in God and baptism is approximately the same as between love and wedding. In all possible combinations of these concepts.

16.11.2007 19:36:11, Vera

I wouldn’t do anything at all to PLEASE my relatives.
I had one friend. Unbaptized. She got married, decided to get married, and was baptized. After some time, she separated from her husband and began to live with a Muslim. She accepted Islam completely calmly. After some time, I broke up with the Muslim and began to live with the Ukrainian. Whenever any controversy arises about faith, I always remember it. A striking example of the complete lack of religious education in childhood.

It’s funny, but for some reason they think that by “baptizing” a child, you yourself will become closer to God? :)

Here are your postulates:
1. If I don’t go to church, it means I’m an atheist and (or) not a righteous person.
2. If I go to church, it means I believe.
Well, answer the question: what if I go to church, but live doing ungodly things? - Am I a believer? Or have I suddenly become closer to God? :)
Or if I lead a righteous lifestyle, but don’t go to church? - Am I closer or further from God? :)

So, you will not resolve these contradictions until you understand what God is and what religion is.

And baptizing a baby does not make any sense from this point of view.
(I can imagine how many tomatoes the Orthodox will throw at me now).

what topic did I miss...we didn’t get baptized either...because I don’t really insist, I’m baptized, but my husband isn’t, he says, he’ll grow up and decide for himself, it should be a conscious choice, what if he decides to marry a Catholic, and what Then? In general, I also think that if people don’t really believe, they don’t go to church... and baptism is just a tribute to fashion... to be like everyone else...

Marvelous. Either the administration at Semi.ru is very biased and they selected such judgments for the article... It’s hard to believe that a large forum can be entirely atheists. Discussion of the selection only confirms my opinion.
I don’t understand how the baptism of a child at least three times by atheists in any generation can desecrate the faith or offend a true believer? Baptism is a good thing, if only because the knowledge that you are baptized will in itself remind you of God. And with this thought, it is more likely that even if a person sinks very low, he will still be able to climb out.

06/29/2007 07:13:46, Natalya

Comment on the article “Is it necessary to baptize a child?”

Hello, can you tell me how everything is going? We will baptize the child on August 23. How to dress a child? When should I undress him? When do you dip right away or at the end? Should I immediately dress the child in a christening outfit or can I do without it? Or at first just in smart clothes while prayers are being read, and then undress, he will be “dipped” and only then put on a baptismal shirt? Is the child completely immersed? We don’t go to church, even though we are Orthodox.


Yes, really turn to the priest, but no one plunges children headlong anymore. It is best to choose a baptismal set and cross in the online store kreshchenie.ru, where there is a wide selection of products for baptism.

Contact your priest, he will tell you everything and advise you as needed.

07/24/2015 16:25:02, Pilageya

Mommies, tell me, friends are going to church next week to baptize their first-born. Interested in the question of what is the best gift for baptism? Maybe some jewelry, dinnerware, baptismal linens, or a gift bible within a reasonable cost?

Last week, everyone wanted to write down how fun it is in our state for newborn children to receive citizenship, but we couldn’t get around to it. And now I have new impressions, it turns out there is an even more “fun” procedure. So, in our Lobnya (as elsewhere, however) in order to obtain citizenship you must appear at the Federal Migration Service. But probably not everywhere this same citizenship for newborns is issued in the same place as work permits and other documents for guest workers. I have nothing against these...

I want to baptize my daughter, but I don’t have a godmother, precisely because there is no such person... I need to go through an interview in the church, as many as three times, and with all the Repentance and so on.. I only went to the interview once. I can’t Is it possible to baptize a child with such inductions and where?


We baptized 1.5 years ago, in the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God on Silver Island: [link-1]
I liked everything very much, there were no preliminary conversations, the priest was very friendly, he did not scold anyone, when no one could recite the Creed by heart, he let the godparents read it from the page.
It was possible to order individual christenings.

They baptized without conversation. And without an appointment, it was important for us. I liked everything very much.
It’s better to check with a specific church about godparents, IMHO.

All in thought.. We wanted to baptize Timoshka on June 23rd.. but my husband, my godmother and I wanted it, i.e. this was not discussed with relatives, well, relatives, namely mother and sister, are going to the sea tomorrow, and will return only on the 29th.. In short, on the one hand, it won’t work out very nicely if we baptize the child without them, considering that I am my nephew’s godmother .. well, mom again.. and on the other hand, the 23rd day of the Hieromartyr Timothy.. A year ago I probably would have scored and waited for my mother, but in the last year...


You can gather everyone later. In general, I think that this is a sacrament, so it’s better not to gather a crowd of relatives. When the eldest was baptized, there was only my daughter, me (though I was kicked out), my dad and my godmother.

Is there another day for Timofey in the near future?

The question is very delicate and in no case do you want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But what I encountered in the church honestly shocked me. I myself am a baptized person, but my understanding is very far. The decision to baptize a child was very difficult, but I still think he should consciously take this step himself. How can I choose his faith?! But nevertheless, the family insisted on the sacrament of baptism. I approached this issue very thoroughly, spent a long time choosing godparents, the place of baptism, and in the end...

So I decided to write down some organizational issues of photography. Preparations for photographing a baptism begin about a week before the actual date. We discuss with you the main points and subtleties. For example: - You must ask permission to take photographs in the church. So that it doesn’t turn out that everyone has gathered and arrived and nothing happens. Apart from a couple of shots in the waiting room and at the altar. - Another subtlety that sometimes people don’t think about. These are clothes. The more monochromatic, and good...

Conference "Society". Section: Religion (how adult children are baptized). Will the children freeze? And the younger ones will cry? And what do you really need: crosses, baptismal shirts, scarves for girls, a towel....slippers?


My daughter was baptized at 18 months.

No diapers or diapers were brought and were not required.

We had a baptismal dress + a headband (like a headband), a cross (in the church we were warned that it should be on a thin white rope and not on a chain), a special baptismal white terry cloth (with a large cross embroidered with silver threads), a baptismal pie (we specially ordered it from the bakery, with our daughter’s initials and date of birth).

Since the weather was cool, despite the end of June, after the baptism I dressed my daughter in new underwear (snow-white) and white long socks (I didn’t take tights so as not to waste time), an elegant velvet dress on top, and left a headband on my head.

I didn’t leave her in the baptismal dress, since it was all sewn and pinched her skin + she grew out of it (it became like a shirt): we couldn’t baptize her for the first time at 8 months because of my illness, and her godmother I have already bought everything in the size of this age.

We also bought a baptismal certificate (I think that’s what it’s called), although I filled it out myself at home after baptism.

You need to find out in more detail in the temple where you are going to baptize, because there may be a separate room for baptism, then most likely it will be warm there, or part of the temple, then most likely it will be cold, is there a swimming pool that you can go into or just a font for babies. For the older ones, of course, you need shoes; the younger ones can be carried in your arms.
Follow the link "all about baptism")

1. Is it possible to baptize a child without a godmother and godfather? My only friend is Protestant. But I don’t think it’s right to invite someone to the role of godmother, just to have a person called godmother.


Thank you all for the substantive answers.

I think you're still not ready.
1. There are no believers around you and you yourself have not yet been baptized. Who will baptize her then? Be baptized yourself, plunge into faith, and there you will find people close in spirit.
2. You need to talk to the priest, usually they go to a meeting and you can give a name that the parents like;
3. see paragraph 1.
4. You need a scarf and a thin white dress. In any store you can choose from a summer assortment;
5. Very often children at this age cry at baptism and not only because of the water, but because it is difficult to withstand the ritual, they want to go, they are scared, etc.

6. The only problem was - they asked to find a godfather (male). We spent a long time remembering who was a churchgoer among our friends. It was difficult to remember.
7. On a pleasant note...they gave me the opportunity to choose a patron saint from among the saints with the same name. They didn’t insist when I chose a rather unknown saint instead of the one that was recommended.

03/04/2012 12:35:21, masha__usa

Girls, I really need information. A child in the maternity hospital in intensive care. Anyone who has had a similar experience, the baby is not 7 days old yet. Is it possible to baptize and how does it go? The child is on a machine, IVs, etc., i.e. You can't even pick it up.

I was wondering, if the child is baptized, can he be baptized a second time? You need to consult with your confessor, but before that everything is full program find out about the past. If there is no certainty whether baptism took place or not, the priest himself will make the decision, and probably...

We received communion the day after the christening. You need to ask the priest in advance what time to arrive, i.e. What time will the communion be on the next day? day. They tell you the exact time so as not to bother the kids. Babies are given communion first, so don’t be afraid of any infection.

At that age, all you need is a shirt, you can buy a cross right in the church. You need to take a towel and slippers with you. Usually sized for children up to 6 - 12 months. I have never seen large ones. In different churches it is different - my child was baptized incomplete...

Why do you baptize a child - did you answer for yourself? Should I put a cross-shaped amulet around my neck? How do you see the future religious life of this child? Do you know that the girl will need to receive communion regularly?


And in our church, the ritual with a child is called the dedication of the child to God - i.e. It is emphasized that this is the decision of the parents and not the child, and parents have great responsibility in this regard, but ultimately the moment will come when the child makes his choice. So, during this ceremony, parents testify to their faith and intention to raise the child in a certain way and teach him, etc.
And after a conscious age, baptism itself (as catachization) is the decision of the child himself and his conscious testimony of his own faith.
What I mean is that hanging a cross around a child’s neck is in itself meaningless. You can decide to raise her spiritually and baptize her when your daughter chooses, firstly, a faith, and secondly, a certain church - after all, this is much more than a beautiful or not so beautiful room.

She thinks that I should definitely baptize my child. And it’s somehow strange to me. Both “types” of baptism are noble in their motive. Although what is more important is whether you and your child need it.


Girls, read the prophecy of St. John of Kronstadt and then all your questions will be resolved by themselves, because not a single normal mother in the world would want bad things for her child. On my own behalf, I will say - baptize, baptize now - you should not give the demons the opportunity to take possession of the priceless soul of your child until that unknown time when he wants or does not want to be baptized. Remember that the enemy of the human race does not sleep. Be smarter, more sensible and love your children. Remember that the Lord created man in his own image and likeness, which means that by loving your children and baptizing them, you love God and give your children this joy of being servants of God.
Now I will give the Prediction itself:
Prophetic vision of the holy righteous Fr. John of Kronstadt about the fate of Russia and the world

God bless! I am the sinful servant John, priest of Kronstadt, writing this vision. It was written by me and with my hand what I saw, I conveyed in writing.
On the night of January 1, 1908, after evening prayer, I sat down to rest a little at the table. In my cell there was twilight, in front of the icon Mother of God the lamp was burning. Less than half an hour had passed, I heard a light noise, someone lightly touched my right shoulder and a quiet, light, gentle voice said to me: “Get up, servant of God Ivan, come with me.” I quickly stood up.
I see standing in front of me: a marvelous, wonderful old man, pale, with gray hair, in a robe, with a rosary in his left hand. He looked at me sternly, but his eyes were gentle and kind. I immediately almost fell from fear, but the wonderful old man supported me - my hands and legs were trembling, I wanted to say something, but my tongue did not turn. The elder crossed me, and I felt light and joyful - I also crossed myself. Then he pointed with his staff to the western side of the wall - there he drew with the same staff: 1913, 1914, 1917, 1922, 1930, 1933, 1934. Suddenly the wall was gone. I walk with the elder across a green field and see a mass of crosses: thousands, millions, different: small and great, wooden, stone, iron, copper, silver and gold. I walked past the crosses, crossed myself and dared to ask the elder what kind of crosses these were? He kindly answered me: these are those who suffered for Christ and the Word of God.
We go further and see: whole rivers of blood flow into the sea, and the sea is red with blood. I was horrified with fear and again asked the wonderful old man: “Why is so much blood shed?” He looked again and said to me: “This is Christian blood.”
Then the elder pointed his hand at the clouds, and I saw a mass of burning, brightly burning lamps. So they began to fall to the ground: one, two, three, five, ten, twenty. Then they began to fall in hundreds, more and more, and everyone was burning. I was very sad why they did not burn clearly, but only fell and went out, turning into dust and ashes. The elder said: look, and I saw only seven lamps on the clouds and asked the elder, what does this mean? He, bowing his head, said: “The lamps that you see falling, which means the Churches will fall into heresy, but seven burning lamps remain - seven Apostolic Cathedral Churches will remain at the end of the world.”
Then the elder pointed out to me, look, and now I see and hear a wonderful vision: The angels sang: “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of hosts.” And a large mass of people walked with candles in their hands, with joyful shining faces; there were kings, princes, patriarchs, metropolitans, bishops, archimandrites, abbots, schema-monks, priests, deacons. novices, pilgrims for Christ's sake, laity, young men, youths, infants; cherubim and seraphim accompanied them V heavenly heavenly abode. I asked the elder: “What kind of people are these?” The elder, as if knowing my thought, said: “These are all the servants of Christ who suffered for the holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ.” I again dared to ask if I could join them. The elder said: no, it’s too early for you, be patient (wait). I asked again: “Tell me, father, how are the babies?” The elder said: these babies also suffered for Christ from King Herod (14 thousand), and also those babies received crowns from the King of Heaven, who were destroyed in their mother’s womb, and the nameless ones. I crossed myself: “What a great and terrible sin a mother will have—unforgivable.”
Let's go further - we go into a large temple. I wanted to cross myself, but the elder told me: “There is abomination and desolation here.” I see very gloomy and dark temple, gloomy and dark throne. There is no iconostasis in the middle of the church. Instead of icons, there are some strange portraits with animal faces and sharp caps, and on the throne is not a cross, but a large star and a Gospel with a star, and resin candles are burning, they crack like firewood, and the cup stands, and a strong stench comes from the cup, and from there all sorts of reptiles, toads, scorpions, spiders crawl, it’s scary to look at all this. Prosphora also with a star; in front of the throne stands a priest in a bright red robe and green toads and spiders crawl along the robe; his face is terrible and black as coal, his eyes are red, and smoke comes out of his mouth and his fingers are black, as if in ash.
Wow, Lord, how scary - then some vile, disgusting, ugly black woman jumped onto the throne, all in red with a star on her forehead and spun around on the throne, then shouted like a night owl to the whole temple in a terrible voice: “Freedom” - and began, and people, like madmen, began to run around the throne, rejoicing at something, and shouted, and whistled, and clapped their hands. Then they began to sing some kind of song - at first quietly, then louder, like dogs, then it all turned into an animal growl, then into a roar. Suddenly bright lightning flashed and struck strong thunder, the earth trembled and the temple collapsed and fell through the ground. The throne, the priest, the red woman all mixed up and thundered into the abyss. Lord, save me. Wow, how scary. I crossed myself. Cold sweat broke out on my forehead. I looked around. The elder smiled at me: “Did you see? - he said. - I saw it, Father. Tell me what was it? Scary and terrible." The elder answered me: “The temple, the priests and the people are heretics, apostates, atheists, who have fallen behind the faith of Christ and the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and recognized the heretical, life-renewed church, which does not have the Grace of God. You cannot fast, confess, take communion, or receive confirmation in it.” “Lord, save me, a sinner, send me repentance - a Christian death,” I whispered, but the elder reassured me: “Don’t grieve,” he said, “pray to God.”
We moved on. I look - there are a lot of people walking, terribly exhausted, everyone has a star on their forehead. When they saw us, they roared: “Pray for us, holy fathers, to God, it’s very difficult for us, but we ourselves cannot do it. Our fathers and mothers did not teach us the Law of God, and we do not even have a Christian name. We did not receive the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit (but a red banner).”
I cried and followed the elder. “Look,” the elder pointed with his hand, “do you see?!” I see mountains. - No, this mountain of human corpses is all soaked in blood. I crossed myself and asked the elder what does this mean? What kind of corpses are these? - These are monks and nuns, wanderers, wanderers, killed for the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, who did not want to accept the seal of the Antichrist, but wanted to accept the crown of martyrdom and die for Christ. I prayed: “Savior

12/25/2000 21:47:43, Kristina

Ladies! Our ancestors were much more practical than all of us put together, the fact is that the ritual is beautiful and good forces patronize it, but that’s not what attracted us! Parents could choose godparents for their child, and these were people, often not poor, but rich and influential, capable of helping their godson (goddaughter) get settled in life. And settle down pretty well.

Many parents decide to baptize their child in infancy. There is an opinion that the sooner a child comes to know the Church and God, the sooner a guardian angel will begin to protect him.

What is the sacrament of baptism?

The child must be baptized. First of all, this is the rebirth of man. The body is immersed in water three times, while turning to the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On sinful earth a person dies, but appears and is reborn for eternal life. There is an opinion that if a person has not undergone this mysterious rite, he cannot calmly attend church.

As a result, it turns out that at baptism a person is saved from everything evil and unclean. From this moment on, the guardian angel does not leave people, but follows them everywhere. Even if a person gets into trouble, this means some kind of warning. Then you need to stop and think about what you are doing wrong.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to baptize a child without godparents. After all, not every person has such friends who can be trusted with the fate of their baby. For some reason, every church has different answers. Let's talk about everything in order.

At what age should a child be baptized?

Almost all parents think about this immediately after the birth of their baby. We figured out what child baptism is. What else do you need to know? Parents often wonder at what age a child should be baptized. There are absolutely no restrictions for this.

There is an opinion that it is best to baptize a baby as early as possible. The church accepts children from the first days of life. Sometimes there are cases that the baby was born weak and needs help. Then the priest is asked to come straight to the hospital to see the mother and baby. Often after baptism the baby quickly recovers.

As for the mother, after giving birth she should not visit the temple for 40 days. The little toddler needs a loved one at the time of the sacrament of baptism. Therefore, parents baptize the child when the mother can attend church, that is, on the 41st day from the birth of the baby.

If parents trust their baby to their godparents, then it is better to baptize him without his mother on the eighth day. It was at this age that Jesus was given to serve God. As it became known, in any case the child must be baptized. What you need to know about age is described in the article. Now we need to figure out what is needed for this sacrament.

Preparing supplies for baptism

First of all, a cross is needed, which indicates that the child has undergone the necessary ritual. According to tradition, it is given by the godfather. Today there is a large selection of crosses. They can be purchased at the temple. Crosses can be simple, silver or gold. If they are bought in a simple store, then before the ceremony they must first be consecrated.

The godmother purchases a kryzhma (a special towel for baptism) in advance. They don’t sell it in the temple. As a rule, parents choose clothes for baptism. It should be made of soft, pleasant fabric. Remember that godparents will undress and dress the baby before and after the ceremony. Therefore, clothes should be such that they can be easily taken off and put on.

Kryzhma is a child’s heirloom that will last a lifetime. Therefore, it must be made of high-quality material. There is an opinion that there is an invisible force in the kryzhma, which helps to cure diseases. If your baby is not feeling well, then take out a baptismal towel and dry your baby in the evenings after bathing.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to baptize a child without godparents, the answer is yes. That is, this does not mean that the baby will have no one. The father can choose godparents.

Child baptism ceremony

The rules are the same everywhere. Previously, parents were not allowed into the church for the baptism ceremony. Today, only mothers cannot cross the threshold of the temple. The father can film on camera the entire ceremony that occurs with his child. If you don't have suitable pair, ask the priest if it is possible to baptize a child without godparents. The priest will tell you where to find suitable parents for this rite.

Parents with babies must appear for baptism ahead of schedule. The child must get used to the atmosphere. Then he will be calm and will easily endure the sacrament.

At the time when it is time to enter the temple, the godmother should bring the boy, and the father - the girl. The child must be placed in a specially designated place for babies and completely undressed. Sometimes it is allowed to leave the diaper on. Then the godparents wrap up little man in Kryzhma.

When the dressing procedure is completed, God-parents They bring the baby to the font to perform the ceremony. The priest reads prayers, and the godparents must repeat some words after him. Father tells you everything, so don’t worry. At the moment of prayer, the godparents must repeat the renunciation of the devil three times. Before God they swear to fulfill all the commandments and take care of the godson.

After reading the prayers, the water is blessed, into which the priest dips the baby three times. Sometimes it just gets your head wet.

Surprisingly, children do not get sick after such a ritual. After all, water is holy, it can even heal the sick.

Then the priest cuts the child's hair with a cross, and the parents carry the baby around the font 3 times. Only after this, the godmother and father dress the baby and take him to his parents. This is how the rite of baptism of a child ends. The rules are the same in every temple.

Is baptism possible without a godmother?

Every priest can answer this question. If you baptize a boy, then he must have a mentor who will replace his father. That's why he needs a godfather.

As for the girl, she needs a mentor when her mother is not around. That's why she needs a godmother. Choose a second mother for your daughter consciously. The girl must trust her and be able to ask her godmother for help at any time.

Now you know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to baptize a child without a godmother. However, there is an opinion that the church should take care of every person. Even if there are no godparents, they should not deny the child Baptism.

Is it possible to baptize a child in absentia?

As mentioned earlier, children and their parents undergo the sacrament of baptism. They read prayers and take vows. That is why there should be no baptism in absentia. After all, if a person is not next to the child during the ceremony, does not hold him in his arms, he cannot rightfully be considered a godfather or mother.

If you don’t have loved ones to whom you can entrust your child, go to the priest and ask for help. He won't refuse you. The priest can offer strangers for baptism so that the ritual takes place according to tradition. If you do not agree, then the priest himself may well become a father before God to your baby. In this case, baptism will take place; godparents are not needed. The father will baptize the baby, only the ceremony will be a little different.

What godparents need to know

If you have decided to take this step consciously, then you must understand all the responsibility that falls on your shoulders. This does not mean that you should celebrate once a year only at your baby's birthday. Godparents are obligated to raise their son or daughter spiritually.

After the baby’s baptism, you become the closest person to him after his biological parents. Even grandparents fade into the background. You must understand that if trouble happens to the biological parents, the godparents are obliged to take care and continue their upbringing. Under no circumstances should you renounce your godson. This is a great sin.

Parents who have made commitments to God must guide their child on the right path and help him in difficult times, both morally and financially. Try to teach your child to pray. He must know the commandments of God and keep them.


In the article we tried to figure out whether it is possible to baptize a child without godparents. Now you know that the church accepts any person.

However, remember that your child’s godparents must be baptized. Not everyone understands why children are baptized and why it is necessary. Remember, God can help when the sacrament of baptism of a child has passed. From this moment on, the guardian angel is nearby and helps to overcome difficulties.

Baptism is one of the main sacraments of Orthodoxy. This ritual consists of accepting Christian faith. It is designed to protect a person from influence dark forces and direct his life in a bright spiritual direction. There is an opinion regarding the correctness of accepting Christianity already at an adult, meaningful age. However, Orthodox priests claim the opposite. Being baptized in infancy, a person early finds a guardian angel, is cleansed of original sin and is forever accepted into the holy church monastery.

The Orthodox Church recommends that infants be baptized on the 8th or 40th day after their birth. Newborn children staying in dangerous disease, it is worth christening as soon as possible. Before the christening, you need to decide on the choice of an Orthodox name for the baby. A saint bearing the same name becomes his intercessor before higher powers. Orthodox name a limited number of people should know, this will make a person invulnerable to evil and ill-wishers.

Child baptism in church

Many people are interested in what days and how a child is baptized in the church. The rules are almost the same in each Orthodox church. You can choose any day of the week for christening. The exception is major church holidays, when due to heavy workload the priest will not be able to perform the ceremony.

Preparation for the sacrament

Preparation for the sacrament involves the purchase of a baptismal kit, preliminary conversations with a clergyman and the choice of godfather and mother. The baptismal set includes a shirt (diaper), a pectoral cross and an icon depicting the patron saint. For female infants, a hat or scarf is added. The baptismal shirt (kryzhma) is considered a miraculous amulet and must be kept throughout the life of its owner.
With its help, traditional healers remove curses and help in the treatment of serious diseases.

Kryzhma for baptism

You can buy kryzhma or sew it yourself. This can be done by both the mother and the future godmother. Preference is given white color fabric as a symbol of purity and purity.

Traditionally, the godfather buys the pectoral cross. It should be made of inexpensive metal. It is allowed to have a cross made of silver, as this metal is capable of purifying and driving away evil spirits. But gold is not considered pure, so gold crosses are undesirable. You can purchase such a cross in the future, not forgetting to consecrate it. After the sacrament is performed, the pectoral cross is supposed to be worn constantly as a symbol of faith.

Godparents often wonder what is better to buy for the cross: a chain or a cord? In church shops they sell ropes - gaitanchiki, specially designed for wearing it. They are safe and easy to use and are especially suitable for young children.

Relatives and godparents should first visit the priest and ask him all the necessary questions about the upcoming ceremony. He will tell you in detail what is needed to properly participate in it. To take photos or videos, you must obtain his approval and blessing. On the day of christening, you must have the baby's birth certificate with you. Based on this, a baptismal certificate will be issued.

Choosing godparents

The choice of godparents should not be made for mercantile reasons. Priests advise inviting believers for this, who in the future are able to become spiritual parents and mentors for the godson, and, if necessary, replace his father and mother. They must necessarily belong to the Orthodox faith.

Future godparents are invited to the temple for a conversation with the priest. The priest will tell them how the child is baptized, explain their role in the ceremony and in the spiritual life of the future godson. Church rules strictly define the category of persons who cannot be godparents:

  • the child's parents;
  • atheists and representatives of other religions;
  • temple staff;
  • minors;
  • persons who are married to each other.

Women are forbidden to be present in the holy monastery during menstrual periods. Before the sacrament, godparents are required to observe a three-day fast, confess and receive communion.

Baptism of children in church

Church rules previously prohibited parents of children from being with them during the ceremony. Today, the procedure for the ceremony has changed somewhat and an Orthodox priest can baptize a baby in their presence.

All participants in the ceremony need to pay attention to their appearance. It must meet church requirements. In clothes, subdued colors are preferred. All those present must wear pectoral crosses, and in the hands of baptismal candles.

Women are not supposed to wear short, revealing dresses or skirts. The head is covered with a scarf or scarf. Flashy jewelry and bright makeup are excluded. Female children must also have their heads covered. Men are allowed into the temple without a headdress.

Christenings of children of both sexes follow the same rules. The first sacred act is the laying of the hand of the priest on the baby. Such a gesture symbolizes gaining the protection of God. The godparents answer some of the priest’s questions on behalf of the godson, then the priest anoints the child church oil(oil).

After the anointing, the godparents with the baby in their arms must go to the font. The priest sanctifies the water and immerses the baby in it three times. If a boy is being baptized, then the godmother brings him to the font, and if a girl is baptized, then the godfather brings him to the font. After washing, you need to put on a baptismal shirt and cover your head. The priest performs the rite of anointing, which happens only once in a lifetime.

Rules for baptism in the church

Then a small strand of hair is cut from the child's head. The baby is carried around the font 3 times. This means that he accepted Orthodox faith and united with her forever. The entire ceremony is accompanied by constant reading of prayers.

Upon returning from the holy monastery, all those invited gather for festive table. During the celebration, children are given gifts and warm, sincere wishes.

Duration and cost of the ceremony

The duration and cost of the ceremony vary. Many parents are interested in how long it takes to baptize a child in a church. This largely depends on the priest. Most often, the ritual takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

The main material expenses fall on the shoulders of the blood father and mother, although there was once a custom to pay everything in full to the godfather. The cost of baptism in a church is indicated in the price list with prices for church services. It can be found in the icon shop. You can find out how much it costs to baptize a child in a church from its workers. Traditionally, the amount ranges from 600 to 2000 rubles.

Everyone decides for himself whether to believe in omens or not. There are beliefs associated with christenings. Our wise ancestors advised us to do the following:

  • do not inform strangers about the date of the upcoming christening;
  • allow only an even number of guests into the temple;
  • before the christening, count all the money in the house - this will ensure the child a comfortable life;
  • on the day of christening, as on the days church holidays, do not perform any work;
  • do not open the doors of the house to anyone until all participants in the ritual return from the temple;
  • do not take a pregnant woman as a godparent;
  • on a holiday, do not make noise or quarrel in the house;
  • After the feast, the last of the guests should be the godmother and father.

Orthodox priests teach that the mere fact of baptism is not enough to enter into Heavenly Kingdom. What is important is further life in Christ and participation in all church sacraments. The Church calls on parents of baptized children to live in its bosom and set a worthy example to the growing generation.

Rules for baptizing a child in church: video

You have decided to baptize your child, but you don’t know where to start. How to do it? What is needed for this? Priest Sergiy Zvonarev, an employee of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, a cleric of the temple, will help you figure it out. Life-Giving Trinity in Khoroshevo.

Now almost all parents, regardless of whether they live according to church canons or not, try to baptize their children. Father Sergius, what do you think about this?

Priest Sergius Zvonarev

Of course, the desire to baptize a baby is welcome in any case. However, I would like to wish parents a more responsible attitude towards the sacrament. Baptism is not a tribute to fashion or tradition, but the spiritual birth of a person for a mysterious life with God, which occurs only once. In the sacrament of Baptism, a person is given the grace of the Holy Spirit, helping him to grow spiritually and strengthen in love for God and his neighbors. Taking holy baptism, a person becomes a full member of the Church and can participate in other sacraments.

Faith is an important condition to receive the sacrament of Baptism. Of course, demanding faith from a baby is pointless. The baptism of children occurs according to the faith of their parents, as well as their godparents.

At what age is it better to baptize a child?

There are no strict requirements: baptize the child whenever you see fit. However, given the spiritual importance of this sacrament, one should not delay too much - usually children are baptized in the first year of life.

Is it possible to baptize a child if his parents are unbaptized, of a different faith, or baptized not in Orthodoxy (for example, Catholics, Armenians or Baptists)?

It is possible and necessary. The religion of the parents in this case is not a determining factor.

Are there regulations regarding the baptism of more than one person at the same time? Is it possible for children and parents, brothers and sisters to be baptized together?

Nothing prevents the baptism of several people at the same time: in our time, 20-30 people are often baptized at the same time. Relatives can also be baptized together. I think that it is a great spiritual joy when close people receive holy Baptism together.

Most married couples who want to baptize their baby are not married in church. Can they baptize their child?

Calling Orthodox people enter into a church marriage, the Church, at the same time, recognizes the marriage registered in the registry office as legal. If the child's parents are not married, this does not in any way prevent his baptism.

Father Sergius, you know that, unfortunately, there are many single-parent families and children born out of wedlock. What to do in such cases?

The presence of only one parent in the family is not an obstacle to the baptism of a child, nor are other conditions of his birth.

Baptism can take place on any day

What name can a child be baptized with?

The question of choosing a name is perhaps one of the most exciting. Despite the fact that, in principle, a child can be baptized with any name, in Russian Orthodox Church It is customary to baptize children with the name of one of the saints, who is mentioned in the Saints (list of saints' names). If the name given at birth is not in the Saints, then, as a rule, a consonant name of one of the saints of God is given (for example, Karina - Ekaterina, Inga - Inna, Robert - Rodion), or the name of a saint whose memory falls on the date birth of a child (for example, January 14 - Basil the Great, October 8 - Venerable Sergius Radonezh, July 24 – Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga). With this name a person receives Baptism and can participate in the sacraments. This name is written in memorial notes.

How to choose a church where a child will be baptized and is it possible to baptize a child at home?

The choice of the temple where baptism will take place is more important for the parents than for the baby itself. If you are parishioners of a specific church, then it is better to baptize there.

Baptisms at home, as a rule, are performed only under some special circumstances that prevent people from coming to church, for example, in the case of a child’s serious illness.

On what days is baptism performed? Is it possible to baptize a child during Lent?

Baptism can be performed on absolutely any day - Lenten, ordinary or holiday. But each church has its own schedule, so when choosing the day of christening, you must consult with the priest.

It is better to baptize children in the first year of life

Who can be invited to become godparents? What responsibilities does this impose on them?

Orthodox Christians who are not married to each other and who do not plan a further marriage can become godparents, since godparents are spiritually related to each other.

The role of godparents is great. They are the ones who make the promise to raise the child in faith. The participation of godparents in the spiritual education of children should be real, not nominal. Today there are all possibilities for this. The clergy are always ready to discuss issues of spiritual education of children; church shops have religious children's literature telling about God, faith, and the Church. In order to teach godchildren the basics of faith, godparents themselves must understand and be able to explain what and in Whom they believe. A godfather can be either a distant or close relative of the person being baptized - an uncle or aunt, a brother or sister, a grandmother or grandfather, or simply good friend the child's parents. When choosing a godfather, of course, you need to be guided by how good a spiritual educator and adviser he can become for your child.

What is needed for baptism? How should you prepare for it?

In those churches where it is customary to hold catechetical (that is, educational) conversations, godparents need to visit them in advance. To baptize a baby you need to have a christening shirt, pectoral cross, a towel, a few candles. All this can be prepared in advance yourself, or purchased at the church store. According to tradition, the pectoral cross and its icon heavenly patron The godparents give it to the baby. Before baptizing a child, it is advisable for Orthodox Christians to confess and receive communion, since on the day of baptism, their baby will receive communion with them for the first time.

Who can be present in church during a baptism?

Anyone who cares about this spiritual event in the life of the family and who prayerfully wants to share the joy of the Holy Sacrament can be present.

How should a christening be celebrated?

You can set the table, prepare a meal, invite godparents and relatives to celebrate this event. But remember that the christening day should not be marred by abuse. It must be sanctified by love and spiritual joy.

Interviewed with Father Sergius: Alexandra Borisova