The red thread spell is a good and reliable protection against the evil eye, damage and envy. Red woolen thread has been used for protection against any troubles for a very long time. In general, this is a well-known Kabbalistic tradition that has taken root among us.

In the article:

Red thread on the wrist - prayer for a conspiracy

The thread tied on the wrist can be not only red. In general, they are used. Each colored thread is responsible for normalizing certain processes. But if you decide to cast a spell on a red woolen thread (having initially decided on that) and thereby protect yourself from negative attacks from the outside, then before putting it on, cast a spell on the future amulet. This can be done using the following prayer, which must be said when tying a red thread:

Have mercy on me (name), Lord, and save me, Mother Holy Mother of God, Father Savior of the world Jesus Christ, all, all saints. Lord, bless, have mercy and preserve, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If, then a small talisman will be able to cleanse it. To do this, when tying a thread on yourself, you need to whisper:

The servant of God (name) is healed by theology, from the Holy Spirit, the seal of Christ, the hand of the Savior, the Mother of God. The cross is above me, the cross is in front of me, be you, enemy, cursed, driven through the earth into obscene pits, empty gaps. In the name of the Lord, the life-giving cross, the Father who comes. I ask for mercy. Amen.

How to tie a red thread correctly

This method of charming a talisman is rare. However, this does not make its effectiveness any less. In order to prepare a talisman, you need to take a red woolen thread and tie exactly nine knots on it. They should be located at an equal distance from each other. As you tie each new knot, whisper:

Amulet, amulet, protect from inevitable misfortune, creeping ailments, the enemy under the fence, the rebellious demon. become a strong wall around you, high mountain. Lock yourself with nine locks, nine keys. My word is strong, no one can break it. As he said, so it became.

After all the words have been said, the thread should be tied on the left wrist. The ritual can be performed either by you personally or by a person you trust:

  • close relative;
  • Friend.

This ritual is especially effective if the mother wants. She can perform the ritual herself, and then she just needs to hang a thread on the baby’s hand.

In order for the thread to really last a long time and be reliable protection, it can be charmed in this way. It is used by magicians who are often subjected to various magical attacks. Such an amulet can last about 3 months, after which a new thread should be started again. To perform the ritual, stay home alone. It is advisable to perform the ritual at 12-15 lunar day. You should place three wax candles in front of you and light them. Then clench the future amulet in your fist and pass it over the flame of each candle three times clockwise. Say a spell over each candle:

Just as you are sanctified by fire, so am I protected from the evil eye and damage. I must not become a victim of the unclean, I must not fall into evil words. Amen.

After the thread has been charmed the required number of times, you should tie three knots on it: 2 on the sides and one in the middle. Now you can safely wear the amulet and not be afraid that you may become a victim of witchcraft.

Amulet from the evil eye and damage

Holy water is often used in, but no less often it is used for protection and preparation of various amulets. To cast a talisman in a very powerful way, take:

  • container with holy water;
  • wax church candle;
  • red wool thread.

Wax church candle red wool thread container with holy water

First of all, light a candle and read a prayer over the thread "Our Father":

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be it your name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

After this, lower the future amulet into blessed water and say:

Tied with threads, tied with blood, my soul will be my protection, and my thoughts will become actions. I will tie myself with this thread and disappear from evil eyes. I should not be a victim of someone else's evil. Let it be so. Amen.

This conspiracy in itself is strong, but if you want to increase its properties, then use another protective amulet -. Together with these talismans, not a single otherworldly force or black sorcerer will be scary.

The most powerful conspiracy on the red thread

Since the tradition of tying a red thread on a hand is a ritual from Kabbalah, then the most powerful conspiracy can be considered the one used by Kabbalists. This is the prayer of Ben Porat. It looks like this:

Just as fish on earth are covered with water, and the evil eye has no power over them, so the evil eye has no power over the descendants of Joseph. An eye that does not covet what does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye.

This is an adapted translation. If you want to read it in the original, here is the transcription in Russian letters:

Ben porat Yosef ben porat aley ain banot tsaada aley shur ammalach agoel oti mikol ra yevarekh et annarim veyikare baem shemi vesham avotay Avraham veYitzchak veyidgu lyarov bekerev haaretz.

After the prayer is read seven times over each of the knots that are tied on the thread, the amulet can be worn. It is only worn on left hand. Kabbalists believe that the left half of the body is most susceptible to attacks from negative energy. And it is she who needs more protection. So, if there is such a thread, no evil force will be able to influence you.

This ritual is performed not by the person who will wear the talisman, but by a member of his family. Sometimes someone who may not be your blood relative is allowed to perform the ceremony. The main thing is that this person loves and wishes only the best. The plot consists of eight lines. The first seven are pronounced while a person is tying seven knots on a thread, one line is read for each knot:

Ana Bekoah, Gdulat Yaminha, Tatir Tsrura.
Cable Rinat, Amha Sagven, Taaren Nora.
On Gibor, Dorshei Yehudha, Kabevat Shomram.
Barham Taarem, Rahamey Tsidkedha, Tamid Gomlem.
Hasin Kadosh, Baruv Tuvha, Nael Adateha.
Yachid Gehe, Leamha P'neh, Zohrai Kdushateha.
Shav'atenu Kabel, Ushma Tsaakatenu, Yodea Taalumot.

After this, the amulet is put on the person and they say:

Baruch shem kvod malkuto leolam vaed.

It is believed that after these words a person remains under an invisible cover that protects him from evil forces. The amulet is valid while it is on his left hand.

What to do if the thread breaks

Determine whether it turns out negative impact, you can by paying attention to the condition of the thread. If it was put on very recently, and it already looks pretty shabby, then this indicates that someone is regularly trying to cause harm. In the case when the thread suddenly breaks, this is a sign. They tried to damage you, but the amulet took the brunt of the blow.

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about how to wear a red thread against the evil eye on your wrist, and how to make a protective amulet yourself. Anyone with proper skill can weave a bracelet from a red thread against the evil eye. Some people simply wear a woolen thread, without giving it any functions, without endowing it with. In Israel they sell amulets with threads (like popes selling indulgences), but here magicians fasten a thread with their strong words, and provide protection from the evil eye, from human envy, from everything witchcraft.

Black magicians themselves wear such protection, and do it to clients, but not en masse and not in an area. But, the most important thing is how to create such a talisman with your own efforts. And if you have experience in witchcraft, it’s quite easy to set such a “signal” for yourself.

How to make a talisman with your own hands - a protective red thread from the evil eye

I, a magician, Sergei Artgrom, think you all know which thread protects against the evil eye. This is a red thread. Many people wear them in pure wool, although I think any natural yarn will work, both the animal hair variety and the plant fiber variety. Here is one way to acquire a protective amulet from the evil eye, to protect yourself from human envy and evil glances that bring only destruction and nothing more.

Tie the wrist of your left hand with a red woolen thread in one turn. Then raise your hand to your lips and read on it a spell that will make the thread a magical shield against the evil eye:

“Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Close the evil eye as instructed. It has been said. May it come true. Exactly".

This personal amulet from energy negativity short-lived. You can walk with a charmed thread for only 7 days. This is a reliable, protective amulet that can be combined with magical protection rituals. After the seven-day period, at noon of the new day, the thread must be removed and burned in a candle flame, then speak and tie a new ribbon. An important question: how many knots should a magician tie on a red thread against the evil eye? In most cases, 3 knots are knitted, sometimes 7. This is done with or without reading the plot. But don't be surprised if the red thread disappears from your wrist. Such a talisman falls off after it takes on a black negative.

How to weave a red thread and protect yourself from the evil eye

You can wear a red thread, tying it around your left wrist in one turn. You can weave braids from yarn, making protective amulets yourself. This good protection, however, short-lived.

What will you get by weaving a bracelet against the evil eye? Protection that absorbs the effects of magic and witchcraft and is destroyed, thereby indicating that the person has become the object of someone’s attention, and this attention will not bring good.

So seemingly simple amulet against damage and the evil eye made from threads, shuts the mouth of gossipers, whisperers, slanderers. Those who have a black envious eye have eye pain. And those who want to cast the evil eye, who are planning evil, walk in circles, but cannot do anything. During the period of cleansing, the magician can tie red threads on both wrists. But, keep in mind: weaving a bracelet against the evil eye does not mean covering yourself securely once and for all.

If the enemy harming you is much stronger (not necessarily even in a magical sense, but in terms of natural energy), perhaps such a talisman will turn out to be useless. From blood relatives who hate you and spoil you in every possible way, a spell redwoolen thread against the evil eye on the hand- the most suitable remedy.

How to tie a thread against the evil eye correctly

You can knit a thread with 7 knots without prayers and slander, as Kabbalists do. This is your business, especially if you make such protection for yourself. There are numerous reviews about the power and protective qualities of a red thread on the wrist against the evil eye and harmful witchcraft.

Followers of the teachings of Kabbalah perform their ritual over a thread against damage and the evil eye.

In general, the ritual of establishing such protection is not. But such simple protection still finds its application. One turn is made around the wrist, and the ends are tied with 7 knots. If you wish, you can read a prayer, where each new line corresponds to tying the next knot.

It is also recommended to read a prayer after tying the knots of the red thread - Ben Porat.

“Ben porat Yosef ben porat aley ain banot tsaada aley shur ammalach agoel oti mikol ra yevarekh et annarim veyikare baem shemi vesham avotay Avraham veYitzchak veyidgu larov bekerev haaretz.”

Here is the translation of the prayer - Ben Porat, which is read when it is necessary to tie a thread on your hand against the evil eye:

“Just as fish on earth are covered with water, and the evil eye has no power over them, so the evil eye has no power over the descendants of Joseph. An eye that does not covet what does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye.”

Which hand is the thread used to protect against the evil eye?

Jewish threads from Jerusalem are worn on the left wrist. Practicing magicians also tie it on their left hand. Sometimes, if circumstances require it, on both hands.

Weave a red thread against the evil eye and wear magical protection on your hand

This worker is a talisman. And even I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would say, very effective. But, as I noted earlier, for practicing black magicians it is weak. Therefore, if you use woolen thread against the evil eye, worn on the hand in the form of a bracelet, this type of protection should be used in combination with other amulets, black protections and diversions. With the right approach, thread amulets are good because they function as an alarm system. They are good for children, but not for babies. A powerful witchcraft attack made by a real magician will be missed by the red thread. Such protective amulets ward off the evil eye and bindings well energy vampires. Again, if not done by a magician.

At all times, the red thread has been a powerful amulet against the evil eye, damage and negative influence. So that she becomes a strong amulet, you need to know how to properly tie a red thread on your wrist and how to wear it.


History and meaning of the red thread on the wrist

The red thread on the wrist has a strong charge of positive energy, therefore it protects its owner from many troubles:

  • evil thoughts;
  • evil eye;
  • damage;
  • start;
  • slander;
  • negative energy.

In addition, the talisman helps to gain success and additional strength. The most effective is considered to be wearing a thread from Jerusalem, brought from the Holy Land of Israel.

The scarlet thread is a talisman whose history dates back to ancient teaching Kabbalah. The tradition of wearing it originated in Israel. According to Bible stories, Rachel - the wife of the patriarch Jacob - could not have children. Hearing her prayers, the Lord sent her an angel who showed her the way with the help of a red thread.

Who can wear it?

The red shade is protective in all religions. Anyone can wear a scarlet thread, regardless of nationality, religion, age and gender. If you have concerns that a child or other family member may be jinxed, tie a red thread to them.

What material should the red thread be made of?

The protective red thread is made from wool yarn.

Wool is a material that has good properties, namely:

  • carries positive energy;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • relieves headaches.

In some cases, when it is not possible to knit a wool thread, it is allowed to use silk. The main thing is that it should not contain fasteners or decorations.

How to tie a thread

The tying of the lace should be entrusted to the person closest to you.

To properly tie a red thread on your wrist, you will need to follow a simple ritual. Exactly seven knots should be made on the thread - first the thread is tied with a simple knot, then repeated six more times.

The video from the Karma Line channel shows how to make knots.

What to say when tying a red thread on your wrist

In order for the talisman to begin to protect its owner, a prayer or spell is recited over it. The Jerusalem red thread is always accompanied by the text of the prayer shown in the photo below.

Prayer “Ben Porat Yosef, ben Porat Aley Ayin”

A fruitful sprout, Joseph, a sprout that rises above the evil eye.
Just as fish are covered with water and the evil eye has no power over them,
So the evil eye has no power over the descendants of Joseph.
An eye that does not covet what does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye.

Red thread conspiracy.

Amulet, amulet, protect from inevitable misfortune, creeping ailments, the enemy under the fence, the rebellious demon. become a strong wall around, a high mountain. Lock yourself with nine locks, nine keys. My word is strong, no one can break it. As he said, so it became. True.

How to make a conspiracy correctly

The thread must be spoken seven times after each knot tied on the wrist. It is believed that the amulet will protect more strongly if the text of the plot is read by the mother.

How to wear a red thread

If the thread is much larger than your wrist, you can cut it. The cut pieces should not be thrown away, but should be put in a wallet to attract money or hidden in a secluded place.

If you need to remove the thread, you need to cut it with scissors. After this, the amulet must be burned, and the ashes washed into water or buried in the ground away from the house.

Which hand is the right one to wear?

The red thread should be knitted on the left wrist. According to Kabbalah, good enters the human body from the right, and negativity from the left. That is why the amulet should be worn on the left hand, but sometimes people put a red thread on the right. According to some beliefs, wearing an amulet on the right hand brings good luck and prosperity.

How much do they wear?

The amulet can be worn on your hand constantly. It is worth wearing it as long as you have faith in the protection of the amulet. Also, the period of wearing is affected by compliance the right image life and abstaining from bad thoughts.

What does it mean if the thread breaks and what to do

The reason that the thread suddenly breaks while wearing it may be someone else's influence on your aura. This means that she took away from her master swipe. In this case, it is recommended to replace the amulet with a new one. In Hinduism, it is believed that if the thread breaks, soon cherished wish will come true.

What not to do

The amulet will not work if, while wearing it, you forget about the promise to abstain from negative feelings and sinful acts. It is not allowed to remove the talisman for a while and then put it on again.

Man has always tried to enlist the support of higher powers, to protect himself from the negative influences of the surrounding world and unkind people. For protection purposes, various methods and objects were used, one of which is a red thread tied around the wrist.

Today's surge of interest in secret rituals that have come down to us from ancient times is fueled by regularly published photographs and revelations of public figures wearing the amulet. The use of this item is attributed to the rituals of Kabbalah. This is true, but not only followers of Kabbalistic teachings wear the red thread.

A red thread tied on a hand is found in different variations in many cultures, including among the ancient Slavs, who have never heard of Kabbalah or modern stars. Our ancestors tied a red woolen thread to children as a talisman against demonic forces, and was also used to treat joint diseases.

Even if this method of treatment causes a skeptical grin, rituals that have been practiced for many centuries should not be taken lightly. The magic of nauz (knotting) was widespread among Slavic peoples. And now there are many rituals that require tying knots, pronouncing a specific spell for each.

How to tie a red thread correctly?

You can’t just tie the first red thread you come across on your hand and be sure that now all your problems will go away and someone’s evil eye won’t touch you. According to Kabbalistic beliefs, the thread should be tied by a person who loves you and wishes you happiness.

In general, the ritual of tying a red thread on the wrist looks like this among Kabbalists. Close person With good wishes ties a woolen thread on your hand. Tying the thread yourself will not bring any benefit. Seven knots are tied on the thread, and a prayer is said in Hebrew.

Text of the prayer in Hebrew

“Ben porat Yosef, ben porat aley ain banot tsaada aley shur ammalach agoyel oti mikol ra evarekh et annarim veikare baem shemi veshem avotay Avraham ve Yitzchak veidgulyarov bekerev haaretz.”

To protect against the evil eye and damage, a person must himself get rid of bad thoughts and cleanse himself of filth. To do this, it is advisable to take communion before the ceremony. The one who wears a red thread also undertakes obligations before the Lord not to allow evil into the soul and to observe the canons of spiritual life.

It is believed that the thread for such a ritual should be purchased in Israel in the city of Netivot. Today, threads are also sold in online stores, so there is no need to go to Israel.

Which hand is the thread tied on?

U different nations ideas about which hand to tie the thread on differ. According to Kabbalistic beliefs, the thread is tied exclusively on the left hand. The fact is that according to Jewish tradition left hand the one on the right is considered to be the one taking, and the one on the right is considered to be giving. And you can take not only something material, but also energy, including negative energy. So, to block the access of negativity, you need a red thread.

Among the Slavic peoples, red woolen threads were worn on both hands, and the meaning of this symbol when worn on a certain hand was different. The thread was worn on the left hand as a talisman, as in cabalistic teachings. The Slavs believed that the goddess gave them this ritual hearth and home And family values Lada. Children wore such a talisman to protect against diseases.

A thread was tied on the right hand as a talisman, that is, an object sacred meaning which is about attracting something, and not about protecting it. It was believed that such a talisman would attract wealth, material wealth and good luck to its owner in business. Of course, the thread was not just tied on the hand, but a certain ritual was performed and a conspiracy was pronounced.

Hindus also wear red threads on their arms. For girls, this is a symbol of purity, meaning that the owner of the jewelry is unmarried. Men wear a red thread as a talisman. It is tied to him by his sisters or his mother, who wants to protect him from bad influences. It is also a common practice for the guru to tie red threads to his disciples. Hindus wear this symbol on their right hand, this applies to both men and women.

The benefits of natural wool

Why should the thread be wool? Natural materials generally interact better with thin bodies person. Some sources indicate that it is possible to use any natural thread for the ritual, be it wool, silk or linen. Most people recommend wool.

  • Wool thread can provide beneficial influence on the blood supply process, improve blood circulation in the small vessels of the hand.
  • Due to this, wound healing is accelerated and inflammatory processes are inhibited.
  • These properties are explained by the fact that wool accumulates static electricity well, which affects the speed of blood circulation.

Products made from undyed coarse wool have long been applied to sore spots to relieve pain from radiculitis, toothaches and headaches. Untreated wool contains lanolin, which turns into liquid at human body temperature. Lanolin is able to penetrate the blood through the skin, which has a soothing healing effect on sore joints and muscles.

Energy of red color

According to the beliefs of the Slavs, the color red carries a charge of vigor and personifies creative energy. Red has always been considered the color of love, health and great internal resource. In some cultures, this color also symbolizes aggression and belligerence, closely associated with masculinity and male sexual power.

In the Kabbalistic view, red is a signal of danger. The red thread contains some kind of warning to the forces of evil so that they stay away from the owner of the amulet in the form of a red thread.

Red thread and Orthodoxy

Today you can find many descriptions of a ritual involving tying a red thread, accompanied by prayers, and supposedly tied to Orthodox religion. Nothing to do with Orthodox Church and her ceremony does not have such rituals. Orthodoxy generally has a negative attitude towards pagan rituals, and there is nothing like this in the church canon. Rather, this ritual can be attributed to the rites of the so-called white magic, which actually uses the concepts and attributes of the Christian egregor.

The white magic ritual is performed almost in the same way as the Kabbalistic one. The thread is tied into seven knots, a prayer is said, and tying the thread yourself is also not encouraged. Different prayers are used. As a rule, “” and some protective texts from the prayer book are read.

What to do if the red thread breaks?

This is absolutely normal; any amulet sooner or later exhausts its resource. Broken thread is best disposed of by burning. Some people advise changing the red thread more often, but there is not much point in this. Taking a double dose of pills will not help you recover faster. There won’t be much harm, but in general any amulet must be loved and used to, and the red thread is no exception.

It’s not worth talking about the topic of the amulet, especially not to attract attention in this way. If you want to show off your amulet, it means you don’t fully understand the essence of magical protection. This item is designed to protect your own space from outside evil influences.

Red thread against damage and the evil eye - how it helps was last modified: October 31st, 2017 by Bogolub

The content of the article:

The Red Thread talisman is an object endowed with the protective energy of protection, or, as they say, “from the evil eye.” He received such unique qualities in the Holy Places (on the land of Israel), in the tomb of the ancestor of the Jews - Rachel. The thread is made from natural red wool and does not adversely affect human health and does not cause allergies. It is sold (not given as a gift), worn on the wrist of the left hand, and they believe that wearing it protects against negative energy, has a beneficial effect on well-being and has a positive effect on behavior and thoughts. When you come into contact with this Kabbalistic symbol, you endow yourself with the strongest energy of Rachel and it spreads to everyone with whom you are closely related.

Origin of the Red Thread from the Evil Eye

A sign of Kabbalah or fate - a thread from the evil eye. In its origin there is no magical rituals and conspiracies. Kabbalists (those who believe in a higher destiny, in fate and its signs), following their teachings, say that it was with a red thread of wool that Rachel’s coffin was wrapped, so the talisman is endowed with powerful energy of protection.

Mother Rachel is one of the ancestors of the Jewish family. Her main purpose (fate) during life is to protect and save her children from danger and bad influence (devilish temptation). When the time came to bury Rachel, her coffin was tied with a red thread, so the symbolic Red Thread is attributed powerful force protection and positive energy. Of course, it is not removed from the tomb of the foremother of the Jews, but it is sold in Jerusalem, near the world-famous Western Wall.

The color of the Kabbalistic evil eye thread and its composition are not accidental. It is believed that only red color represents negativity, rage, and strength; in nature it is the most alarming and negative. This thread coloring can be compared to an antidote to the same negative virus. The composition of the talisman, 100% wool, is also not accidental. The choice fell on this material because wool represents warmth and mercy.

Useful properties of the amulet

From ancient information sources (manuscripts, frescoes, papyri, etc.) people obtained information about shamans, witches, talismans, and other symbols, attributes, etc. On par with belief in the otherworldly magical powers, in the prophets, Gods, Jesus, the development of humanity also took place in the material plane (in medicine, industry, industry, science and technology). To be happy and successful, a person modern world puts everything into action. For example, to achieve what you want, it turns out that it is not enough to be educated and physically developed, you also need a happy coincidence of circumstances, the help of the Cosmos, ancestors and a lot of other intangible things, to be brief. Physical and mental development depends on ourselves, but as for the intangible, then they turn to religion, grandmothers, sorcerers and prophets. Who undergoes rituals, who believes in the power of prayer, who wears amulets and amulet

The red thread is a talisman, harmless, because it is not charmed by the grandmother, but has a piece of powerful karmic energy from one of ancient power- maternal. An ordinary red woolen thread is applied to the tomb, and it is filled with protective energy and becomes a talisman against the evil eye.

Charms or talismans, the same Kabbalistic Red Thread, have nothing to do with Orthodox cross or other symbols of faith, as they have nothing to do with the Supreme Court over our soul. Wearing Orthodox cross- This is not only salvation, but also punishment. Amulets, amulets, talismans are worn in order to avoid “turning points of fate”, troubles, negative influences envious people etc.. In particular, the Red Thread gives only a positive “charge” and confidence to those who wear it in the future, in success, in the right direction on the path of life.

How to use anti-evil eye thread

Jews sell red thread against the evil eye. It was not removed from the tomb, but was in contact with it and has a piece of the same protective energy as the tomb of Rachel itself. Red wool thread They are credited with not only protective, preserving properties, but also healing ones. Those who distribute it and also those who buy it believe that the Kabbalistic thread protects people wearing it and their relatives from negative energy and the evil eye, corrects fate, directs thoughts in the right direction and influences behavior. All believers know what it is life path and have a desire to choose the right direction along this road of life, so the Red Thread serves them as a symbol of faith. Perhaps her influence and belief in her magical influence helps to become better, to improve oneself, to achieve success in everything, including in one’s career.

Sellers of the Kabbalistic symbol at the Western Wall insist that the thread cannot simply be passed on. It must be purchased and cannot be re-gifted later.

A red thread against the evil eye is tied on the wrist of the left hand and worn constantly.

Real reviews about the red thread against the evil eye

A lot of reviews about amulets are published, and there are both positive and negative reviews about the Red Thread against the Evil Eye. Some believe that wearing some kind of magical talisman is of decisive importance, while others do not see any significant changes in life. Most agree that the Kabbalistic Red Thread does not cure chronic diseases, but has a positive effect on the mental state.

Olga, 32 years old

I didn't expect any help from otherworldly forces and I consider myself an atheist. But after I bought a Red Thread from a friend who came from Israel and began wearing it, I immediately believed in its power. Everything that I had previously put off until later because of long red tape and so on began to work out at 123. I got my child into a good kindergarten without any problems, my husband changed his job to a better paying one, and most importantly, the unpleasant neighbor moved out, and we bought an apartment from her cheaply for Mom. Now there is someone to babysit my children.

Igor and Elena, 35 years old

It seemed to us that everyone was jealous of our happiness. We have been married for 10 years and lived together until we bought new apartment. Here everything didn’t work out and there were problems and scandals with the car out of nowhere, and other people’s women began to interfere in our lives. When we went on a tour of Israel in the summer, we visited Jerusalem and the Western Wall. We bought Red Thread there, tied it and never took it off again. After this moment, the quarrels in the family subsided, life became calmer, and it became easier for us to react to problems. So naturally everything worked out.

Katerina, 25 years old

I was left without my mother early and my aunt helps me instead. Last year we went with her to Jerusalem and tied the Red Thread from Rachel’s Tomb for me there. It’s like a talisman, instead of my mother, to protect me from the evil eye and other negative energy. I still wear it and now I have warm dreams instead of nightmares. Doctors diagnosed my illness as infertility, I hope that the Kabbalistic symbol will correct my fate.

For more information about the meaning of the red thread on the wrist, watch this video.