Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered one of the most significant holidays. Why? Because it is on this day that we thank our men. We thank them for being so strong, so brave and courageous. We thank them for protecting us, they will never let anything bad happen to us women. They help us. They do everything to make our life better.

On this day, February 23rd, we congratulate not only those people who served in the army. We congratulate every man on this planet. After all, if one defended the Motherland, the other defends his family, the third stands up to defend his best friends. Thanks to the fact that there are beloved men in our lives, we not only can, are not afraid of anything, our life takes on meaning. We take care of them the way they take care of us.

That is why on this important holiday for all of us, it is very important to make every man feel special. It is very important to make this day fun and happy for your beloved man. This could be your beloved husband, who meets you from work every evening, or your son, who, despite his young age, is already helping dad chop wood. This could be your father, thanks to whom you grew up to be a wonderful person, or your beloved grandfather, who spoiled you with sweets as a child. It could also be your colleague who covered for you when you needed to leave work early.

Thanks to all these people, your life is as full and happy as it is. This is why we should be grateful to every man in our lives. And that is why, every year, on February 23rd, we organize a holiday for our beloved men. How to arrange an unforgettable holiday for your beloved colleagues at work? They will help you delicious snacks, alcohol and, of course, fun competitions.

Competition No. 1. “What kind of surprise?”

All interested men can participate in this competition. Each of them is given one thick, winter mitten. The presenter presents a bag to each participant in turn. This bag will contain items for real men. This could be a folding knife, a steel lighter, a purse, a cigar, cufflinks and the like. Each participant must insert a hand wearing a mitten into the bag. A man takes one object and guesses by touch what it is. If he guessed correctly, this item becomes his gift.

Competition No. 2. "The most accurate."

This competition will help determine the most accurate man in the office. Anyone can participate. To do this, the presenter places a bucket. Each man is given 3 projectiles (these can be checkers or paper balls). The participant who throws the most shells into the bucket wins. This man is declared the most accurate man of the evening.

Competition No. 3. "Intelligence service".

To participate in this competition you will need six men and one woman. The men carefully examine the lady standing in front of them. They must remember every detail. What is she wearing? What color are her eyes? What shoes is she wearing? Then the men walk out the door. All the guests begin to change the image of the woman. You can change your blouse, take off your bracelet, put a small fake mole on your face, and even put on lenses that change your eye color. Then the men come in and begin their reconnaissance. They must carefully examine the woman and catch all the changes. The one who noticed the most changes in her wins and is recognized as the most attentive person of the evening.

Competition No. 4. "Obstacle course."

Thanks to this competition, employees who have been sitting still will be able to move a little. It is better to hold this competition where there will be more space. All men present are divided into two teams, with an equal number of people. At the end of the room there are two chairs. And the path to the chairs should be blocked various items: table, handbag, Glass bottle, chair and the like. Participants line up in two columns, one behind the other. Each team is given one thematic item: a plastic grenade, a wooden pistol, a bomb, ammunition, a gun, and so on. When the presenter turns on active music, the first two participants of both teams begin to race to the chairs. They must leave their item on the chair and run back. But this must be done without hitting a single obstacle. If a participant touches the obstacle, he is eliminated. But you can run around them, jump over them, go around them. When a participant runs, he must touch the next team member so that he can run next. The team that will win is the one who loses all the items faster and who has the most participants left.

Competition No. 5. "Dancing".

Three men and three women must participate in this competition. They split into pairs. Their task is to take turns dancing to the music. But couples should do this with their backs to each other and holding their elbows. The host turns on the music and they start dancing. And so on in turn. Music can be very diverse. It could be "Chunga Changa" Swan Lake", "Tango". The couple that dances the best, in the opinion of everyone present, wins.

Competition No. 6. “Whose shoulder straps are these?”

The youngest man in the team participates in this competition. To do this, you need shoulder straps printed on paper. Sergeant's shoulder straps, major's shoulder straps, lieutenant's, general's shoulder straps and so on. The participant's task is to say who each pair belongs to. If he names everything correctly, he can wear general's shoulder straps for the rest of the evening. If he makes a mistake, he will have to wear the epaulets of a sergeant all evening.

Competition No. 7. "Paratroopers".

10 “paratroopers” take part in this competition. They are divided into two teams, 5 people each. At the end of the office, on the desk, the presenter places two bottles of vodka and cut glasses. Both teams line up in two columns, one behind the other. When the leader gives the signal, the first members of both teams run to the table, pour a full glass of vodka and run back. They stand at the end of the column. The second participants run to the table and drink the contents of the glasses. Still others pour again. The team that drinks alcohol the fastest will win.

Competition No. 8. "Bandage the wounded man."

Six men, or three men and three women, must participate in this competition. They are divided into three pairs. Each pair is given a roll of bandage. The presenter turns on rousing music. One person in each pair is the “wounded” person, the other is the “nurse”. The nurses' task is to wrap their wounded person in a bandage from head to toe as quickly as possible. The team whose nurse completes the dressing the fastest wins.

Competition No. 9. "Lucky Lottery"

All interested men can take part in the lottery. The presenter distributes a piece of paper with a number to everyone present. He has other leaves with the same numbers in his hat. A huge wooden box contains gifts for the men you love. Some of them are expensive and some are cheap. For example, the bag might contain a lighter, a ballpoint pen and a diary. Or maybe a bottle of whiskey, beautiful scarf or wallet. The presenter takes out a gift and a piece of paper with a number from the hat. The one who has this number receives a gift. So every employee in the office will receive some kind of gift. It depends on how lucky you are. But the main thing is that everyone will receive good mood.

February 11, 2017

February is very rich in holidays. Emotions have not yet had time to calm down when February 23rd is already knocking on the door. And although most men claim that they expect absolutely nothing from this day (a day is like a day), in fact, many of them want attention, care and vivid impressions. As you understand, neither an expensive perfume, nor several pairs of socks or panties as a gift can cause real joy. But a good party with competitions and entertainment can do this.

In order to make the strong half of humanity happy on this holiday, it is enough to organize a truly exciting and interesting celebration, where every man can express himself and prove his superiority. After all, being winners in life is in their blood. You can, of course, not bother too much and hire a good presenter. Or you can turn on your imagination and creativity and organize everything yourself. A little effort and time spent will bring long-awaited results - a joyful and cheerful mood for the heroes of the occasion.

1. Party in honor of February 23: ideas for holding

First of all, you need to decide what style your party will be held in. There are actually a lot of options: it all depends on what you want. This may well be a rather traditional military-style holiday, where guests are dressed in costumes associated with military service. Or you can not get attached to the troops, but hold, for example, a party:

  • hussar;
  • boxing;
  • gentlemanly;
  • heroic;
  • Sultan's;
  • historical and others.

There are many options. The main thing is to organize everything correctly. First of all, decorate the room where the fun will take place, choosing those attributes that will match the theme. Secondly, guests should be warned about the style of suits they should wear. Thirdly, do not forget about holiday menu: it must also correspond to the chosen style. For example, if the party is a pirate party, then there must be seafood and rum on the table. If the party is heroic, then a lot is needed meat dishes, beer and kvass. And you can come up with quite original names for the appetizers (the “Heroic Strength” salad, the “Mermaid’s Kiss” appetizer, corsair sandwiches).

And fourthly, you need to take care of competitions and entertainment. After all, they will be the highlight of your evening. You can use well-known games, or you can find more original competitions, in which you can win prizes. What these prizes will be is up to you and your budget to decide. But alcohol, various snacks, funny gifts, socks, perfume, playing cards, sweets…

2. “Beer Belly” competition (for the quickest)

It's no secret that among men there are a lot of lovers foamy drink- beer. It is also known that the more beer you drink, the more your stomach grows. And this competition is dedicated to all beer lovers.

4 men are participating. It is desirable that they be approximately the same build (but this is not important). Each of them is given one inflated balloon, which they need to place under their shirt, T-shirt or sweater (depending on what they wore to the party), imitating a beer belly. After that, 20 pairs of socks are randomly scattered on the floor in front of the participants. The socks can all be the same, or they can be completely different, depending on how difficult you want to make this task. Next, at the signal, the participants must collect socks from the floor, but the ball must not burst. In addition to collecting them, they also need to be arranged in pairs. Whoever has the most pairs of socks wins.

If you decide to use socks absolutely different color, then an additional condition appears: socks must be folded in pairs by color, and unpaired socks will not be counted.

3. Competition “Ladies’ Man” (for the greatest connoisseurs of women)

A real man is not only one who is strong, resilient and courageous, but also one who is ready to do anything for a woman. Even something that is, in principle, not inherent in men. In a word, a real man is one who is ready to please his chosen one in everything, even in the most unthinkable.

For this competition you will need nail polishes, cardboard-cut female hands with unpainted nails, and the participants themselves. The number of competitors is limited by the available number of props.

At the signal from the presenter, the competitors must carefully apply varnish without going beyond the boundaries of the painted nails. This competition evaluates not only the speed, but also the quality of the work done. The winner is the one who most skillfully and efficiently copes with the task.

4. Competition “Armed and very dangerous” (for the most convincing)

What would a party be on February 23 without weapons-themed competitions? This entertainment is also good because it does not require any additional props. All you need is to prepare pieces of paper in advance with the names of various weapons according to the number of competitors. And both several people and all those present can participate here.

All participants take turns pulling out pieces of paper with the name of a weapon. For example, it might read:

  • saber;
  • grenade launcher;
  • a gun;
  • halberd;
  • boomerang;
  • nunchucks.

Do not use options such as a pistol and a machine gun. They are too light.

The task is quite simple: to show, using facial expressions and gestures, the weapon that has fallen out. It is clear that the contents of the leaflet are kept secret. The winner is the one whose pantomime is solved the fastest. Therefore, in this competition the winner is determined using a stopwatch.

5. Game “Koloboks are investigating” (for the most perceptive)

It is carried out simultaneously with all guests. They are presented with three mysterious stories that need to be solved. After getting acquainted with each of the stories, the presenter can ask clarifying questions that can only be answered “Yes” or “No”. Questions requiring other answers will not be taken into account. The one who finds the answer first wins. There may be several winners, because there are also several riddles.

Secret story No. 1 "Real case"

Drives up to the Pyramids of Giza every night freight car filled to the brim with stones that workers scatter on the ground. Why are they doing that?

Answer: Tourists really like to take pebbles with them after an excursion as a souvenir. And if everything continued like this, then there would be nothing left of the pyramids. Therefore, the authorities adopted such an original solution to the problem that had arisen.

Secret History No. 2 "Unusual Behavior"

Every day Evgeniy enters a small room, stands there for some time, after which he leaves and goes about his business. He performs this procedure several times a day. What's happening?

Answer: Evgeny gets into the elevator and goes to the floor he needs.

Secret History No. 3 "Paradox"

Business partners made a bad investment and suffered losses. But at the same time they remained millionaires. How is this possible?

Answer: They were billionaires before the failed investment.

6. Competition “Three Olives for Cinderella” (for the most dexterous)

Every man is a prince for his beloved. And princes, as you know, are ready to do various crazy things for the sake of love: find rejuvenating apples, fight a dragon or defeat a giant.

Of course, you won’t have to do any of the above. But it will be necessary to show your dexterity. Three “princes” and three “Cinderellas” (preferably, these are couples in love) participate in the competition. The girls are given an empty saucer in one hand, and a tall glass of water in which three olives are floating in the other. Young people receive sushi chopsticks and a task: use these chopsticks to get three olives onto a plate. In this case, the olives should not be damaged: they should not be pricked on sticks, crushed too much, or pulled out only with the help of sticks. The one who does it the fastest and meets all the requirements becomes the winner.

7. Competition “Family Breadwinner” (for the most resourceful)

Men, as you know, not only protect the family hearth, but also make sure that the family is provided with everything necessary.

At the very beginning, volunteers are selected who will have to demonstrate their resourcefulness, ingenuity, speed and endurance. When the participants are identified, the presenter announces the rules. They consist of finding, upon a signal, as quickly as possible in the hall an object whose name begins with a letter announced by the presenter. You cannot use anything that the players were wearing before the start of the competition. All selected items must remain with the player until the end of the competition. And this is precisely a competition, since the one who finds the object last or violates the conditions is eliminated. The game continues until only one remains. He then becomes the winner.

8. Draw “Bound by one chain” (for the strongest)

You will need two chairs, two scarves made of thick fabric and two ropes. There are also two participants. They sit on chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of one meter. They are blindfolded and informed that now the left leg of the first participant will be connected with one rope to the right leg of the second participant. They will do the same with the right leg, tying it to the opponent’s left leg. The contestants' task is to lift the opponent's left leg off the floor.

The catch is that the opponents' legs are not actually connected to each other. And with the help of a rope threaded through the legs of a chair, the legs of each individual contestant are tied. So, when trying to lift the opponent's left leg with his right foot, the competitor is actually pulling his own leg.

The laughter is usually indescribable. And the reaction of the participants when their eyes are untied at the end is amazing.

9. Competition “Ships Entering the Harbor” (for the fastest)

Many people dreamed of being ship captains as children. This competition can help make unfulfilled dreams come true.

You will need several matchboxes, painted in the shape of boats. You can even make sails from matches and a piece of paper. You also need a table with a smooth surface.

The number of participants may be different, because the game will be eliminated. Two participants place their boats on one edge of the table. They need to bring their ships to the harbor, which is located on the opposite edge of the table. And you can do this by blowing on your ships. Helping yourself with your hands and other objects is prohibited. The ship must not capsize or fall. The one who brings his ship to the harbor first wins. The loser is eliminated from the competition. The winners of the pairs compete with each other. The competition lasts until only one captain remains.

If you work in a busy environment friendly team, you need to remember about the holidays and prepare in advance for their onset. We especially shouldn’t forget about such a wonderful holiday as Defender of the Fatherland Day. On the contrary, it is worth planning for it today. Decide how you will congratulate your colleagues, what you will give them and what you will prepare. And if such an important part as preparing the entertainment part falls on your shoulders, you will need competitions for February 23rd for male colleagues.

Where should colleagues spend February 23?

It is unlikely that your colleagues will be happy if you drag them to your dacha, promising them an “unforgettable” holiday. Plus, there are many great alternatives. For example, paintball. Few people will refuse a fierce battle for some unpretentious prize. Less active and more sociable games include bowling or billiards. The main thing is not to break the cues. A good option would be a karaoke bar, where your colleagues can show off their talent. Organize a competition for them to drum up public interest. But the most interesting option, perhaps, would be a quest. Leisure using logical thinking and the ability to find objects and clues. In general, the genre is quite peaceful, but only until you choose the horror genre. This is where your colleagues will have no time for fun. But so many emotions!

Decoration of the premises for Defender of the Fatherland Day

If finances allow, this important task can be entrusted to a holiday agency that will quickly and tastefully do everything necessary. You will be presented with various design options, and you will choose the one that suits you with the opportunity to make your own adjustments.

In case you want to personally prepare a holiday site, stock up on the following attributes:

  • Fake weapon(grenades, machine guns, rifles, knives, etc.).
  • Balls. To your taste, helium, regular, curly, etc. The colors can be completely in accordance with your tastes. From strictly thematic to multi-colored.
  • Congratulations. Posters, small notes with good wishes, laid out on tables or stretchers.
  • Musical accompaniment. Here it is better to stick to the topic. Select compositions that are most suitable for a particular holiday. And if there are no fans of such music among the guests, refrain from this stage altogether.
  • Table. Tablecloth, dishes, napkins, type of treats - let it all be done in military style. Men will appreciate it!

In what style to celebrate February 23?

It's time to consider the immediate “plot” of the corporate event. In fact, the decoration and style of the room are directly related to it, so it is important not to turn the holiday into a hodgepodge (unless the guests are against it, of course).

  • Military style. A fairly simple, but nevertheless very practical solution. An appropriate dress code, hats (caps, berets), badges and orders that can be issued to those who win a paintball competition, for example.
  • Cowboy corporate party. An option for those who like to dream up. Dress some as cowboys, others as Indians. Give some guns, others bows. And may the best man win! Whatever that means.
  • Superheroes. A real platform for creativity, but better to be careful with it. It is important here that everyone feels comfortable and at ease. And so that there are no people for whom the defender of the Fatherland and “some guy in tights” cannot stand in one place.
  • Pirate style. For those who are not averse to capturing a couple of other people's ships. Let's dress up as sea villains, put on eye patches and take out a bottle of rum!

What to give to colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day?

First of all, of course, you can allow the removal of small props from the “battlefield”. Funny badges and trinkets will be a fond memory of the last party. More serious gifts should be themed. For lovers of such hobbies, prefabricated models of armored vehicles or aircraft are quite suitable.

For the average person - a personalized cap with a surname or nickname. You can also give the male half T-shirts and sweatshirts that match the theme of the event. However, the simplest and at the same time useful gift for February 23rd will be a memory, a specially organized group photo session. It will leave a lot of positive emotions and will recommend you as excellent organizers of festive events. It is only important to find a creative approach to any task.

Entertainment is selected for celebrating a men's holiday in a friendly team. You will need a spacious room, a good mood, small gifts for the winners and pre-prepared props. With such an arsenal, you will arrange an unforgettable holiday for your colleagues!

Competition "Russian Roulette"

For the competition you need: 5 glasses, water and vodka. The first of several players turns away from the table, with 5 shot glasses filled: three are filled with vodka, and the other two are filled with water. After turning around, the participant must drink 2 glasses in a row. Of course, he has no idea which one is better to drink first! Also, the rest of the players can only guess where the vodka was. Everyone needs to make their own guess. If it was correct, 1 point is awarded, if not, the point goes to the person who knocked over the stacks. The winner is the one who collects in 5 calls greatest number points.

Competition "Koschei the Immortal"

A reward for the competition is selected and wrapped in paper so that the text of the riddle can be glued onto it. The resulting package is wrapped again and another riddle is glued on. There can be as many riddles and wrappers as you like, but 10 packages will be enough.

The presenter calls on those who want to compete. Participants are asked to sit in a circle, and the presenter gives one of them a hidden prize. The player removes the first wrapper, reads the riddle to himself and tries to guess it. If successful, the player removes the second wrapper and continues the game. If the answer turns out to be incorrect, the participant reads the riddle out loud and the one who guesses it first gets the right to remove the next wrapper. Guessed the last riddle takes the prize.

Time Mine Game

To start, the presenter finds one volunteer and blindfolds him. Then he takes several glasses (more than two) and pours an equal amount of liquid into them all. One should contain vodka, the rest - water. The public knows where everything is. The man is released from the bandage. A girl comes up to the table and takes a little sip from each glass. Her task is to remain calm and not react with a single muscle to the alcohol. The participant observes carefully, then points to the glass, which he suspects contains vodka. The competition is held until everyone wants to try themselves as a “guesser.” The main thing is to maintain the “woman against man” principle. At the end, you can calculate which team was luckier and more insightful, male or female.

Competition "Intellectual Puzzle"

Prepare two sheets of paper with riddles written in such a way that their content stretches across the entire sheet. Afterwards the leaves need to be cut into pieces. Two players are invited to participate in the competition - each will have to test themselves in the role of Sherlock Holmes. Participants are asked to assemble a puzzle from parts of a sheet, read the text of the riddle and guess it. The winner will be the one who completes the task first.

Competition "Erudite"

You need to prepare a list of questions in advance: household, sports, comic. Be sure to include questions about women’s “things.” The man who gives the most correct answers will receive the title of erudite.

  • From what distance does a penalty kick take place in football? (From eleven meters).
  • Which of these is never added to unleavened dough - yeast, butter, sugar? (Yeast).
  • When the centenary of modern times was celebrated Olympic Games? (In 1996).
  • What did people call the “Zhiguli” VAZ-2101? (“Kopeyka”).
  • Why does a woman apply nail polish to torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not go further towards them).
  • How many times did the old man call goldfish? (5 times).
  • International name for bandy? (Bandy).
  • In which country is the headquarters of the Jaguar car brand located? (In Great Britain).
  • What is stone therapy? (Hot stone massage).

Competition "Scrapbook Finders"

The participants in this competition are exclusively men, but the responsibility of conducting and preparing will fall on the fragile shoulders of women. You will need the following attributes: a bottle, a “treasure map” and notes with the text of tasks for the players. The women helping with the competition sort out the notes, hide them in their homes and sit among the guests.
Before the start of the competition, it is necessary to announce that all participants choose their own tasks! Each player must go to the center of the room, spin the bottle and wait for it to stop. Next, the presenter, taking into account the direction indicated by the bottle, begins to “read” the map and tell the participant where to move. For example, step to the right, two steps backwards, jump to the left. The player's task is to guess where the notes are and find them as quickly as possible.

Competition "Detectives"

Players are divided into teams of “suspects” and “detectives.” The former come up with absurd situations, and the latter invite them to an impromptu interrogation consisting of 5 questions. The task of detectives is to confuse criminals and catch them in lies, and the goal of suspects is not to get confused by “testimonies.”

Fun competitions for corporate parties on February 23 great way bring your team together. Don't forget to bring your video cameras and cameras to capture this holiday for years to come! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

The participants are blindfolded and each one is seated at the table in turn. For each participant, certain instruments are laid out, which the participant must guess. Real men should definitely learn all or at least most of the instruments. Example of a set: screwdriver, tape measure, chisel, pliers, concrete drill, nut, plastic dowel; hand drill, bolt, wood drill, nail puller, level, caliper and so on.

Memory of a Spy

The host selects several participants who are ready to become spies. All participants take turns being tested. The presenter quickly shows each of them up to 10 pictures with different images, for example, a bottle of champagne, a tiger, a pen, a pistol, a helmet, a tank, a butterfly, and so on. Then the participant must list all the objects seen from the pictures in the correct order. Whoever does this without mistakes deserves a prize.

Back to back

Men participate in pairs in a standing, back-to-back position. At the command of the leader, each participant tries to push his opponent out of the circle (drawn in chalk), and they can only act with their backs. The winner receives applause and a prize.

One can do it

Among the men, they choose the very best who can do push-ups on one arm and squat on one leg. Whichever of the men can do the most push-ups receives a prize, and a prize will also go to the one who can do the most squats.

Guess the melody

The presenter should prepare several songs on military topics and songs that mention the military or their ranks. Such songs include: “And I love the military,” “Nobody writes to the Colonel,” “Oh, what a man he was,” “A soldier is walking down the street,” “Junior Lieutenant,” and so on. The presenter turns on the song, whoever guesses what song is playing faster raises his hand and names his version. If it turns out to be correct, the guest receives a point. In the end, whoever has the most points gets his prize.

Army cuisine

This is a joke competition. The presenter places raw, unpeeled potatoes and knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that they will have to peel the potatoes. But when those who wish are selected, they are asked to take turns naming potato dishes. The winner is the one whose dish is the last.

Squeeze all the juice out of the enemy

Each participant receives half a lemon and imagines that it is his worst enemy. At the command “start”, each participant begins to squeeze “all the juices” from his opponent into a separate glass. The participant who can squeeze the most juice out of the enemy in a minute will be the winner.


Fishing enthusiasts are invited to participate. A belt is attached to their waist, to which a pencil is attached to a thread - this is a fishing rod. The fishing will be winter, so you will have to catch the “fish” in the hole. And the hole is the neck empty bottle. Whoever gets the fishing rod into the hole first wins the competition.

The most anticipated gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day

The most anticipated gift for February 23rd is, of course, men's socks. We will dedicate the competition to this item of clothing. Each participant receives 5 pairs of socks. At the command “start”, each participant begins to put socks on their feet, first the first pair, and on it the second, and on it the third, and so on. The first participant to wear all 5 pairs of socks will be the winner and will take all the socks as a prize.

Are you fit to be a sniper?

For this competition you will need a small printed text. All participants are located at the same distance (far enough from the text). Whoever can read the entire text correctly will win.

A real holiday should be fun and interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to think through everything in advance so that the participants of the holiday will forever remember it as the best in their lives. If you do for men on February 23rd in the office, then cheerful and cool competitions will help you make the evening brighter and more interesting. We have prepared several new competitions so that you can please and surprise your colleagues. Play and spend your time so that you don’t regret a single minute.

The most accurate.
The defender of the fatherland must shoot straight. We won’t shoot in the office, but we can shoot down cans. For this competition you need jars. You can have empty beer bottles, you can also have full ones. But full cans are hard to knock down, so if you use them, then you need to hit them.
And so, we place all the jars on the table. So that they are at different heights, we put books on the table and put jars on them. We give champagne corks to the competition participants. Each participant must use 7 corks to knock down 5 cans. Whoever manages it gets a prize.

Don't give away the secret.
Defenders of the Fatherland must not only protect, but also keep the secrets of the Motherland. In this competition we will see who can keep a secret.
For this we need glasses. We pour into them: water, salt water, sweet water, vodka and water with lemon juice. We take two or three girls into another room and mix the glasses. The girls return and one man takes turns drinking from each glass. Afterwards the girls must answer where and what happened. To confuse them, a man can deliberately change his face. But this will not be easy to do, so we will see which of the men is a real intelligence officer.

Automatic assembly.
Everyone knows that soldiers have standards. According to which you need to have time to disassemble and assemble the machine within a certain time. And in our competition we will do the same.
First you need to find a picture of the machine on the Internet. Then print it out on a sheet of paper. Cut the leaf into 9-12 pieces. Mix all parts on the table. At the command of the leader, the participants assemble a machine gun, each one their own. That is, you just need to add up all the pictures so that you get one overall picture.

The competition is to find a way.
In this competition, your colleagues will find a way out of the maze. The team has two members: a guy and a girl. You hang a printed labyrinth on the wall and blindfold the man. Give your mind a pen and place it at the beginning of the maze. On command, he must begin to move the pen through the maze in order to exit it. His assistant should help him. Say: left, right and so on. Whoever can get out of the maze first wins.
Here is an example of a maze you can use:

Who am I?
This competition is fun. But it requires a lot of preparation. Namely, you need to make military templates, but without the face. In other words, you need to print on paper a person in military uniform, and cut out his face. This can be any military man, with any rank and any branch of the military.
The participant does not see the drawing, and sticks his head into the place. Where it's cut out for the face. He asks 3 questions to the others, and then must say who he is, what his rank is, and so on.
The competition is interesting because these outfits will make for a great photo shoot.
Here is an example of such a template.