Conflicts are an integral part of people's lives.

The ability to behave competently in adverse circumstances is the key to calm and self-confidence.

For this reason, it is useful for any person to study examples of what conflict situations can be and how to resolve them.

Concept and psychology of conflict management

- what it is? In short, this is clash of interests, opinions and views.

As a result of the conflict, a crisis situation arises in which each participant in the conflict seeks to impose his point of view on the other side.

Conflict not stopped in time may lead to open confrontation, in which the subject of the dispute is relegated to the background and the ambitions of the parties come first.

As a rule, as a result of a conflict, there are no losers or winners, since all participants expend effort and ultimately do not receive positive emotions.

Special danger represent internal conflicts when a person is tormented by conflicting thoughts and desires tearing him apart. Protracted states of internal conflicts often end in depression and neuroses.

A modern person needs to be able to recognize a beginning conflict in time, take competent steps to prevent the conflict from growing and eliminate it at the inception stage.

If, nevertheless, it is not possible to extinguish the conflict immediately, it is necessary to be able to build the correct and get out of conflict wisely with minimal losses.

How does it arise?

As a result of numerous studies, it has been determined that most conflicts arise without the corresponding intentions of their participants.

Often people involuntarily react to the conflictogens of other people, or they themselves are a source of conflictogens, as a result of which a stressful situation arises.

Conflictogens- words, actions, deeds leading to conflict. They occur when there are any psychological problems participants, or are used purposefully to achieve their goals.

Most conflictogens manifest themselves for the following reasons:

  • thirst for superiority. The desire to prove one's worth;
  • aggressiveness. Initially aggressive behavior towards other people caused by a negative emotional state;
  • selfishness. The desire to achieve your goals at any cost.

How do conflicts arise? True reasons and solutions:

Popular methods for resolving situations

The most effective strategies that are most often used in practice to manage conflict:

About ways to resolve conflicts in this video:

Resolution Methods

From a scientific point of view, there are specific methods for resolving conflict:


Most often used in professional field. These include:


How to resist aggression and successfully resolve conflict? Similar methods of conflict resolution are more used in communication.

To successfully resolve the situation using constructive methods, it is necessary to form an adequate perception of the situation among the participants, arrange them for open interaction, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, and jointly determine the root of the problem.

Construction styles include:


Allows each side to feel like a winner. A similar effect is achieved when the parties agree to abandon their original positions, reconsider the situation and find a solution that satisfies everyone.

The method can only be used if the parties to the dispute demonstrate flexibility of thinking and the ability to adapt to new circumstances.


The most peaceful, mature way resolution of the situation.

The parties decide on mutual concessions in order to eliminate negative factors which caused the dispute.

Such behavior of people allows not only to peacefully resolve emerging contradictions without harm to anyone, but also to build long-term communication connections.

Way out of the conflict

How to get out conflict situations? To get out of this unpleasant situation the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Stop using words or taking actions that provoke a negative response from your opponent.
  2. Do not react to such behavior on the part of your interlocutor.
  3. Show affection towards another person. This can be done using gestures, facial expressions, and words. Smiling, patting the shoulder, shaking hands, and using polite phrases all help smooth out arguments.

    The interlocutor immediately acquires a positive attitude and the situation is soon resolved.

Examples of conflict situations

In society

Best resolved using constructive methods.

For example, neighbors apartment building may come into conflict caused by the distribution of parking spaces in the courtyard area.

Some neighbors will insist on clear markings, according to which each car is assigned a specific parking space. Other residents will advocate for the possibility of free placement of cars.

In this situation most effective methods dispute resolution will be building dialogue, joint resolution of the situation through compromise.

Residents just need to organize a meeting and decide that part of the area in the yard is allocated for individual parking, and the other part remains for supporters of free parking.

Between employees

It is better to solve using structural methods.

For example, employees of the same team may come into conflict due to inability to work together in the same direction.

Each person defines for himself a range of responsibilities that is not approved by his colleague. The result is the emergence of a conflict situation and ineffective teamwork.

The manager of the employees involved in the dispute needs to apply methods of clarifying requirements, setting goals and assigning rewards.

Each employee will be explained the principle of his work, a clear spectrum job responsibilities. In front of colleagues joint goals will be set, upon achieving which they will receive the promised reward (bonus, promotion, etc.).

How to resolve conflicts correctly? Find out from the video:

Completion Forms

What is the form of ending a conflict? A conflict of interest can be resolved as follows:

  1. Permission. The prerequisites may be that the parties desire to end the dispute and not return to it in the future. To finally resolve the conflict, it may be necessary to involve third parties. This is especially true in the field of professional relationships.
  2. Attenuation. The dispute may cease to be relevant for one of the parties or for all participants in the process. In the first case, the second party does not find a response to its own words and actions and is forced to end the conflict. In the second case, the parties simultaneously decide that they do not want to continue the dispute due to fatigue, the end of the arguments, loss of interest in the subject of the dispute, etc.

    This type of conflict is not always completed, since when a new stimulus arises, the dispute can resume with renewed vigor.

  3. Settlement. The parties come to a compromise and reach mutual agreements. As a result, the dispute is resolved through constructive dialogue and effective interpersonal interaction.
  4. Elimination. The basis of the conflict is eliminated, transformed, modified, etc. In other words, the subject of the dispute ceases to be relevant at the current moment in time and the fact of a conflict of interests automatically disappears.
  5. Growing into a new dispute. Unexplained contradictions on one issue can become a source of new conflicts generated by the primary dispute. This effect is especially often observed when a remark made by one of the spouses on any issue develops into a mutual exchange of reproaches.

Completion is not always resolution

Does ending a conflict always mean resolving it? It is important not to confuse the concepts of ending a conflict situation with its resolution.

Ending the conflict- this is the moment of completion of the parties’ actions at the current moment in time, the termination of the dispute for various reasons (attenuation, escalation into a new dispute, etc.)

Closing a dispute at this time does not guarantee that it will will not arise again after some time. This is due to the fact that the source of the conflict has not been resolved, and the parties have not achieved any result.

Conflict resolution involves the conscious use of methods and techniques aimed at correcting the negative situation that has arisen.

A resolved conflict allows the parties to reconcile and no longer return to the subject of the dispute.

Thus, conflict can arise in any area of ​​a person’s life. as a result of a clash of his interests with the interests of other people.

There are many ways to resolve conflict. It is important to be able to put them into practice before the situation reaches a serious level.

Learn how to communicate with other people if you have different points of view on certain issues in this video:

Conflicts are always a problem. And no matter in what area they arise, be it business or personal life, we are faced with the same questions: how to resolve the conflict or how to avoid it in the future. Of course, it will not be possible to avoid conflicts; even in the strongest relationships, in the most trusted business, from time to time disagreements arise that can develop into a serious conflict. In this article we will not talk about how to build ideal relationship, which will develop without disputes and conflicts, and we focus our attention on something else - how to properly get out of conflict situations. After all, you don’t want serious scandals and problems? Right?

This is the best best option resolving conflict situations? What immediately comes to mind? I'm sure that possible options you have thought of many, but among all of them, only a compromise will be optimal. Both sides must make concessions, change their vision of the situation, find a common solution to the problem, one that would suit both.

So, how to come to this compromise, because in words everything is easy, but in reality it turns out to be not so simple. Let's look at 10 basic rules with which you can resolve any conflict situation.

Article on the topic:

1. Keep your emotions in check.
The first rule is that you must learn to think with a “sober” head, and not involve ego and emotions in your decision. It very often happens that, out of emotion, a person will say something, do certain things, and then, when he cools down a little, he begins to regret everything he said. And this happens all the time. Emotions cloud your judgment, inflate your ego, and make you think that you are taller and smarter than your interlocutor. This is not right, this is a road to nowhere. Many Eastern cultures and religions place great emphasis on the ability to control your thoughts and emotions. Why do you think Tibetan monks are so calm, conflict-free and reasonable? Yes, because they think first and do not involve emotion. Learn!

2. Don't beat yourself up
There is a wonderful Zen saying: “I think less, I laugh more.” What do you think it's about? How often have you encountered the fact that a person himself came up with a problem, screwed himself up, got offended, and even inflated the conflict from this? It happened, didn’t it? Did you do that? I'm sure so. So, you don’t need to think too much, you don’t need to hype yourself up about something that hasn’t happened yet. You yourself build a chain of non-existent events in your head, develop them yourself, and begin to believe in it so much that then many problems arise.

For example, your business partner is late for a meeting, the phone is turned off, there is no connection on the Internet, you wait and begin to imagine why this happened. And as soon as he enters the office, you begin to attack, accuse, make some kind of claims based only on your invention. Don't rush your horses, don't get nervous ahead of time, because you don't know true reasons being late. Such cases are all too common, and until you learn to live in the moment now, learn to perceive everything as it is, conflicts cannot be avoided.

Article on the topic:

3. Choose the right time

Often conflicts arise when one of the interlocutors is not ready to talk. If you see that your colleague is not in a good mood, that he is not having a good day today, then do not interfere with your questions, recommendations or advice. It’s better to wait until tomorrow, let everything work out for him, and then start the conversation.

It is also better to conduct all negotiations in the afternoon, approximately 1-1.5 hours after lunch. Why? By this time, the person will have already “started up”, will have entered into the work process, will have time to have lunch and relax. A well-fed and positive-minded interlocutor means a minimal risk of a conflict situation.

4. Look for the cause, not the effect.
We are all accustomed to dealing with the consequences of conflict, but we do not want to analyze what caused such a person’s behavior. Always take a broader view, go beyond the conflict, try to analyze the situation and understand how to avoid similar problems in the future.

5. Live in the moment now
Another mistake that leads to serious conflicts is past memories. Why do you reproach a person for what has already passed, why do you remember his past “sins”? This will in no way help resolve the conflict, but on the contrary, will add fuel to the fire. Try to live in the moment now. Just think, nothing exists except now. The past has already happened, and it cannot be changed, therefore, there is no need to be very upset about it, and we don’t know the future, therefore, put aside worries about it too. There is only here and now - remember.

Article on the topic:

6. Don't accumulate problems.
There is a great saying: “Problems must be solved as they arise.” And this is the true truth. There is no need to accumulate grievances, experiences, etc. controversial issues. Try to discuss everything at once, decide, come to a common denominator. The problems can be compared to snowball, which only increases and increases every day, and if it is not reduced, then one fine moment this lump will fall on your head with enormous force, bringing with it the whole set of conflicts and unpleasant situations.

7. Don't hold grudges
This rule is closely related to the previous one. There is no need to harbor grievances, hatch an insidious plan for revenge, or secretly invent and impose something on yourself. If you want to live without conflicts, then you should learn to calmly, without unnecessary emotions, discuss all controversial issues. The faster you resolve your internal conflict, the faster you discuss it, the better, because this will help you free yourself from unnecessary thoughts, and most importantly, from unnecessary speculation.

8. Don't insult
Do not stoop to the lowest level - insult. Scientists have proven that if during a quarrel a person gets personal and begins to insult his interlocutor, then this is an indicator of his weakness, his wrongness, his inability to prove his point of view. As a rule, the person who begins to insult is the one who understands that he is wrong, but his inflated ego does not want to give in, and cannot find any other way than to say nasty things. Remember that an insult will not improve the situation, but will only become the basis for a new quarrel, an even greater conflict.

Article on the topic:

9. Watch your tone.
Sometimes it’s not so much the words, but the tone with which they are spoken that can greatly offend your interlocutor. Therefore, always watch how you pronounce this or that phrase. Don't be sarcastic, don't tease, don't make fun of any qualities, because most people may not like this behavior. Always try to put yourself in the place of another, to project your actions onto yourself. Behave the way you want to be treated.

10. Don't throw tantrums.
It has been said more than once that hysteria is a powerful way to manipulate another person. Yes, it can calm the conflict for a while, but the problem will remain, the situation will never be resolved. So what's the point of being hysterical, behaving provocatively, raising your tone if, as a result, everything remains as it was?
But what if you are not the initiator of the conflict? What to do in such a situation?

Keep your mouth shut Remember, in school years were you advised to lock your mouth and throw it away? Try something similar. To make sure you don’t say anything unnecessary, fill your mouth with water and wait until your husband says everything he was going to say. If you suddenly swallow water, take more. A person cannot talk to himself for a long time. Soon he will get tired of it and he will shut up. And discuss the situation itself later, when he leaves.

Article on the topic:

Act outside the box If you are being yelled at, try hugging or kissing your husband. It is unlikely that after this he will want to continue the quarrel. You can also try to move the conversation to another topic. Ask for a glass of water or to close the window.

You should not cling to words. A phrase taken out of context loses its original meaning. You should not cling to individual words, because then you are guaranteed a huge scandal.

Don't think that you are the root cause of everything. You are not always the cause of a quarrel. Perhaps the cause of irritation is failure at work, a quarrel with friends, or the rudeness of others. After all, not everything revolves around you.

Remember, with the right approach, any aggression can be minimized. The main thing is to know how to do it.

Relevance of the topic

In all spheres of human activity, when solving various problems in everyday life, at work or leisure, one has to observe conflicts that differ in their content and strength of manifestation. They occupy a significant place in the life of every person, since the consequences of some conflicts can be too noticeable over many years of life. They can consume the life energy of one person or a group of people for several days, weeks, months or even years.

When people think of conflict, they most often associate it with aggression, threats, disputes, hostility, war, etc. As a result, there is an opinion that conflict is always an undesirable phenomenon, that it must be avoided if possible and that it should be resolved immediately as soon as it arises.

Lack of agreement is due to the presence of diverse opinions, views, ideas, interests, points of view, etc. However, it is not always expressed in the form of an obvious clash or conflict. This happens only when existing contradictions and disagreements disrupt the normal interaction of people and prevent the achievement of their goals. In this case, people are simply forced to somehow overcome differences and enter into open conflict interaction. In the process of conflict interaction, its participants have the opportunity to express different opinions, identify more alternatives when making a decision, and this is where the important positive meaning of conflict lies. This, of course, does not mean that the conflict is always positive.

Conflict (lat. conflictus) is a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible tendencies in the consciousness of an individual, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships individuals or groups of people associated with acute negative emotional experiences. Any organizational changes, contradictory situations, business and personal relationships between people often give rise to conflict situations, which are subjectively accompanied by serious psychological experiences.

From an ordinary point of view, conflict has a negative meaning and is associated with aggression, deep emotions, disputes, threats, hostility, etc. There is an opinion that conflict is always an undesirable phenomenon and should be avoided if possible and, if it arises, resolved immediately . Modern psychology views conflict not only in a negative, but also in a positive way: as a way of developing an organization, group and individual, highlighting in the inconsistency of conflict situations positive aspects associated with the development and subjective understanding of life situations.

K. Levin characterizes conflict as a situation in which an individual is simultaneously acted upon by opposing forces of approximately equal magnitude. Along with the “force” lines of the situation, the personality itself plays an active role in resolving conflicts, understanding and seeing them. Therefore, Lewin's works examine both intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts.

In L. Coser's theory of social conflict, conflict is a struggle over values ​​and claims due to a lack of status, power and means, in which the goals of opponents are neutralized, infringed or eliminated by their rivals. The author also notes the positive function of conflicts - maintaining the dynamic balance of the social system. If the conflict is related to goals, values ​​or interests that do not affect the basic existence of groups, then it is positive. If the conflict is associated with the most important values ​​of the group, then it is undesirable, since it undermines the foundations of the group and carries a tendency towards its destruction.

Ways to resolve conflict

Rivalry consists in imposing on the other side a solution that is beneficial for oneself. Rivalry is justified in the following cases: the proposed solution is clearly constructive; the benefit of the result for the entire group or organization, and not for an individual or microgroup; the importance of the outcome of the struggle for those who support this strategy; lack of time to reach an agreement with the opponent. Rivalry is advisable in extreme and fundamental situations, in case of lack of time and a high probability of dangerous consequences.

Escape or evasion from solving a problem or avoidance is an attempt to get out of the conflict with minimal losses. It differs from a similar strategy of behavior during a conflict in that the opponent switches to it after unsuccessful attempts to realize his interests using active strategies. Actually, we're talking about not about a solution, but about the extinction of the conflict. Walking away can be a completely constructive response to a long-term conflict. Avoidance is used in the absence of energy and time to eliminate contradictions, the desire to gain time, the presence of difficulties in determining the line of one’s behavior, and the reluctance to solve the problem at all.

Smoothing. With this style, a person is convinced that there is no need to get angry, because “we are all one happy team, and we should not rock the boat.” Such a “smoother” tries not to let out the signs of conflict, appealing to the need for solidarity. But at the same time, you can forget about the problem underlying the conflict. The result may be peace and quiet, but the problem will remain, and eventually there will be an “explosion.”

Compulsion. Within this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost prevail. The one who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others, usually behaves aggressively, and uses power through coercion to influence others. This style can be effective where the manager has great power over subordinates, but cannot suppress the initiative of subordinates, creates a high probability that the wrong decision will be made, since only one point of view is presented. It can cause resentment, especially among younger and more educated staff.

Compromise. This style is characterized by accepting the other party's point of view, but only to some extent. The ability to compromise is highly valued in management situations as it minimizes ill will, often allowing conflict to be resolved quickly to the satisfaction of both parties. However, the use of compromise at an early stage of a conflict that has arisen over important issue, can reduce the time spent searching for alternatives.

Solution to the problem. This style- recognition of differences of opinion and a willingness to engage with other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action acceptable to all parties. One who uses this style does not try to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather seeks best option solutions. This style is the most effective in solving organizational problems.

Back in 1942, the American social psychologist M. Folet pointed out the need for resolution (settlement), and not suppression. Among the methods, she highlighted the victory of one of the parties, compromise and integration. Integration was understood as a new solution in which the conditions of both parties are met, and neither of them will suffer serious losses.

Negotiation represent a broad aspect of communication, covering many areas of an individual’s activity. As a method of conflict resolution, negotiations are a set of tactics aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions for conflicting parties.

Cooperation is considered the most effective strategy for dealing with conflict. It presupposes the desire of opponents to constructively discuss the problem, viewing the other side not as an adversary, but as an ally in the search for a solution. It is most effective in situations of strong interdependence between opponents; the tendency of both to ignore differences in power; the importance of the decision for both parties; impartiality of participants

Conflict resolution methods

Conflict management is a targeted impact on eliminating (minimizing) the causes that gave rise to a conflict, or on correcting the behavior of participants in the conflict.

There are quite a lot of conflict management methods. Enlarged, they can be represented in the form of several groups, each of which has its own area of ​​application:

1) intrapersonal, i.e. methods of influencing an individual;

2) structural, i.e. methods for eliminating organizational conflicts;

3) interpersonal methods or styles of behavior in conflict;

4) negotiations;

5) retaliatory aggressive actions. This group of methods is used in extreme cases, when the capabilities of all previous groups have been exhausted.

  1. Intrapersonal methods consist in the ability to correctly organize one’s own behavior, express one’s point of view without causing a defensive reaction on the part of the other person. Some authors suggest using the “I-statement” method, i.e. a way of conveying to another person your attitude towards a certain subject, without accusations or demands, but in such a way that the other person changes his attitude.

This method helps a person maintain his position without turning another into his enemy. The “I statement” can be useful in any situation, but it is especially effective when a person is angry, irritated, or dissatisfied. It should be noted right away that the use of this approach requires skills and practice, but this can be justified in the future. The “I-statement” is constructed in such a way as to allow the individual to express his opinion about the current situation, to express his positions. It is especially useful when a person wants to convey something to another, but does not want him to perceive it negatively and go on the attack.

  1. Structural methods, i.e. methods of influencing primarily organizational conflicts arising due to improper distribution of powers, labor organization, adopted incentive system, etc. Such methods include: clarifying job requirements, coordination and integration mechanisms, organization-wide goals, and the use of reward systems.

Equally useful are integration tools such as cross-functional teams, task forces, and meetings. For example, when in one of the companies there was a conflict between interdependent departments - the sales department and the production department - an intermediate service was organized to coordinate the volume of orders and sales.

Organization-wide comprehensive goals. Effective implementation of these goals requires the joint efforts of two or more employees, departments, or groups. The idea behind this technique is to direct the efforts of all participants to achieve a common goal.

Thus, conflict can be functional and lead to increased organizational effectiveness. Or it may be dysfunctional and lead to decreased personal satisfaction, group cooperation, and organizational effectiveness. The role of conflict mainly depends on how effectively it is managed.

Because of misunderstanding. Another common cause of family quarrels is the inconsistency of the “biological clocks” of individual family members. Owls and larks do not always get along together. However, no matter how serious the quarrels are, the growing conflict can always be resolved with the help of concessions, compromises and constructive solutions family problems. Follow a number of rules and in most cases you can avoid it in your family.

Never give in to proving anything or showing your selfishness. Stupid stubbornness is also extremely undesirable, even rather unacceptable. In addition, do not raise the tone of your voice during a quarrel, because shouting can only ignite a scandal, but not extinguish it. And don’t let your emotions out, stay calm.

Do not involve others in your quarrel, be it friends or even relatives. The conflict between spouses is only their business, so you risk ruining your relationship with your significant other by asking for help “from the outside.”

It is strictly contraindicated to sort out your relationship in front of your eyes. After all, they may develop the wrong model of behavior with adults, including you. This can cause emotional trauma.

Never remember old ones, and don’t invent problems out of thin air. This will only complicate your relationship and add fuel to the fire of your conflict.

Just sit down and talk with your partner. Discuss, both express your vision of the problem and possible ways her decisions. This way you can unite and resolve the conflict together.

And two more short but important pieces of advice: sometimes it’s worth first listening to the spouse who considers himself disadvantaged. And never lose your sense of humor. Remember that sarcasm has never seriously hurt anyone.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

What to do if you cannot resolve the conflict on your own? Talk to family psychologist. If you think that going to a psychoanalyst is a waste of money and time, call hotline helplines.

Disagreements between family members can result in conflict if they are not identified and resolved in time. If a domestic dispute has already arisen, choose the right strategy of behavior so as not to aggravate it, but to resolve it.


Accept your family members for who they are. Then you will have practically no complaints against them. Some conflicts between husband and wife flare up because one of them wants to make their spouse an ideal. But you linked your fate with an ordinary person. So try to accept all the shortcomings of your loved ones.

Try to find a compromise in a family dispute. If you are constantly annoyed by some household factor, find a way to make the existence of your family members next to each other as comfortable as possible. Accept that everyone is different and has different habits.

Resolve a conflict with your husband or wife that has arisen in your intimate sphere family life, through frank conversation. Tell your loved one about everything that confuses or worries you. Honesty in this matter will help you resolve the conflict and improve sexual relations.

Plan family budget to resolve a conflict arising on financial grounds. Sometimes it happens that one family member has his own opinion on how money should be managed, while another sees the list of necessary expenses differently. Until you determine which expenses are a priority for your family, conflict may arise again and again.

Rely on strong arguments, arranged in a logical sequence, when expressing your point of view in a conflict situation. Speak calmly, control your emotions. Do not use under any circumstances offensive words and direct insults. Remember, you are talking to dear, close people.

Know how to listen to the opinion of another family member. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to understand his point of view and find a compromise solution. People who are fixated only on their own interests find it difficult to avoid conflict situations.

Do not have a negative attitude towards family conflicts. Such situations help your family members get to know each other better and make life together more comfortable. If you begin to work correctly with disagreements in the family, the result will always be constructive.

Video on the topic

Children often have conflicts among themselves, especially in large families. But only parents can help establish contact between them. Most The best way The solution to this situation is to switch the children during an argument play activity.

Parents are often faced with a situation where children's conflicts arise, be it problems between children of the same family or friends. In any case, you have to look for options to quickly resolve the quarrel.

Rules of conduct for adults

Sometimes it is better to refrain from interfering in a quarrel between children, as they need to learn to cope on their own. similar situations. But if the development of a conflict threatens the occurrence of mental or physical injuries in a child, then an adult cannot remain on the sidelines.

This usually happens when the forces of the disputants are not equal. Parents need to reassure their children and advise them to solve the problem peacefully. Never immediately take the side of one of those quarreling, even if you are sure that he is right. First of all, you should listen to both sides, because you can miss something, otherwise one will be confident in permissiveness, the second - in the injustice of adults.

We must try not to imitate investigative actions and judicial proceedings by blaming and punishing. Let both children be responsible, just try to tell them the right way out of the situation. If everything is turned into a joke, the conflict can be resolved.

When asking children about the causes of the conflict, focus on them describing each other's words and actions without insults. If a quarrel has arisen between brothers or sisters, it is necessary to resolve the situation so that no one is offended by you or thinks that you do not love them. Emphasize that you care about them and that their conflicts upset you very much. Even if punishment is inevitable, tell your child that this does not bring you pleasure, but he must understand that he cannot do this.

Game tasks to resolve conflict situations

Often, conflict resolution is best framed as a game. For example, you can call children to the “carpet of peace” and allow them to throw out their negativity towards each other. You can also invite children to express their emotional condition using gestures or “name calling” from flora, or you can even ask to talk about the quarrel from the opponent’s point of view, narrating on his behalf.

Another option is to give the opportunity to describe your indignation on paper as emotionally and angrily as possible, using all your imagination. When children try to complain, interrupting each other, set them the condition that you will listen to them if they stage a play, ballet or concert on this topic.

Abstract on academic discipline"Psychology"

on the topic: "Conflict. Types and methods of conflict resolution."


1. Introduction.

2. The concept of conflict. Types of conflicts.

3. Causes of conflict situations.

4. Methods for preventing and resolving conflicts.

5. Conflict as a way to manage people.

6. Conclusion.

7. List of references.

1. Introduction.

In each sphere of human activity, various types of problems are solved. If they are resolved at work, leisure or at home, conflicts of varying strength, manifestation and complexity often arise.

Conflicts are of great importance in human life, because their consequences are often very noticeable for many years to come. They eat the life energy of a person, or a group of people, for many days, weeks, months, even years.

Human thoughts about conflict tend to associate it with hostility, aggression, disputes, war, threats. As a result, there is an opinion that conflict is an invariably undesirable phenomenon, therefore, if possible, it is necessary to bypass it and resolve it immediately, at the slightest manifestation.

As long as people exist, there are conflicts. However, there is no generally accepted paradigm of conflicts that explains their nature, impact on the development of society, teams, although there are many studies on issues of their formation, functioning and management.

Without a doubt, there has been a moment in every person's life when he wished to bypass a confrontation and wondered how to resolve a conflict situation. However, there are circumstances when there is a desire to nobly get out of a difficult conflict, while at the same time preserving the relationship. Some people find it necessary to escalate a conflict situation in order to finally resolve it. One way or another, any person was faced with the question of how to avoid a conflict situation or how to resolve it.

2 . The concept of conflict. Types of conflicts.

Existing various explanations of conflict emphasize the fact of contradiction, which takes the form of disagreement; when it comes to human interaction, the conflict can be overt or hidden, but its basis is a lack of mutual understanding. Thus, conflict can be defined as a lack of mutual understanding between two or more parties - groups or individuals. Each side does everything to accept its goal or point of view, and creates all sorts of obstacles for the opposite side to achieve the same.

A conflict is a confrontation of parties, forces, opinions, the transition of a conflict situation into open confrontation.

Conflict is a confrontation over values, claims to specific resources, power, status, purposeful damage to an opponent, neutralization or destruction.

Types of conflicts by reason:

  1. A conflict of goals is a different vision by the parties of the desired state of an object in the future.
  2. A conflict of views - a divergence of the parties in thoughts and ideas on the issue being resolved - to resolve this conflict requires more time than achieving mutual understanding in a conflict of goals.
  3. A conflict of feelings is a difference in emotions and feelings that underlie the relationship between participants - people are irritants to each other with their own style of behavior.

Types of conflicts by participants:

  1. Intrapsychic conflict is an internal contradiction in the mental world of the individual, often by nature it is a conflict of views or goals.
  2. An interpsychic conflict involves two or more parties, if they perceive themselves as being in opposition to each other regarding the values, dispositions, behavior, and goals of each party. This type of conflict is more common.
  3. Intragroup conflict - for the most part, it is a confrontation between members or parts of a group, affecting the group process of change and the results of the work of this group.
  4. Intergroup conflict is opposition or confrontation between two or more groups in an organization. Possible emotional or professional-production basis. Characteristic intensity.
  5. Intra-organizational conflict is formed mostly as a result of planning specific work, in establishing an organization and, as a result, in the formal appointment of power - there is linear-functional, vertical, role and horizontal.

Types of conflicts by degree of openness:

  1. Open conflicts mostly arise on a business basis. The disagreement of the parties relates to the production sphere, and expresses a variety of ways to resolve the problem. These conflicts are to some extent harmless.
  2. The source of “smoldering” hidden conflicts is human relationships. A significant number of conflicts that appear to be business conflicts are actually based on feelings and human relationships. These conflicts are difficult to resolve - if the business part of the conflict is resolved, the tension is transferred to other problems with the same parties.

Types of conflicts by consequences:

1. Functional conflicts have some positive consequences:

  • solving the issues under consideration using methods that are more suitable for all parties, and the participants feel involved in their solution;
  • difficulties in implementing decisions are reduced to the smallest number - the need to act against the will, injustice, hostility;
  • in the future, the disposition of the parties will most likely be aimed at cooperation rather than opposition;
  • reducing the possibility of expressing resignation syndrome and groupthink;
  • improving the quality of decision-making, identifying different points of view; through conflict, group members have the opportunity to work through possible difficulties before they arise.

2. In the absence of conflict management, it becomes dysfunctional - the existence of negative consequences:

  • increased staff turnover, decreased productivity, poor morale, dissatisfaction;
  • the formation of strong loyalty of participants to their group, the idea of ​​the other side as an “enemy”, in the long term, a decrease in cooperation, a curtailment of communication and interaction between the conflicting parties;
  • giving highest value victory over an opponent rather than solving an existing problem.

3 . Causes of conflict situations.

Initially, it is necessary to understand that conflict is an absolutely natural state of personality. Tirelessly, throughout a person’s implementation of conscious life activity, he is in conflict with himself, groups of individuals, and other people. At the same time, if a person masters skills that help him understand how to resolve a conflict situation, he can significantly develop and strengthen professional and personal relationships. Resolving social conflicts is a fairly significant and very useful skill.

The basis of each conflict is a situation that involves either a discrepancy between the desires, interests, and inclinations of the parties, or opposing means, goals of achieving them in existing circumstances, or conflicting positions of the parties on some issue. At the same time, for a conflict to develop, an incident is needed, as a result of which one side takes action, limiting the interests of the opposite side.

There are quite a few reasons for the formation of conflicts. Without a doubt, I would like to resolve them through organizational forms. Having one idea about them, you can identify them and manage them.

Information - unreliability of witnesses, experts, distortions, insufficient trust in information, involuntary facts, misinformation.

Structural - a clash of traditional values, views, habits; clash as a result of status claims or differences; clashes over technology and the effectiveness of its use; clashes over price or quality of purchase; clashes over agreements, contracts, purchase agreements.

Value-based - infringement of someone’s rights, needs, violation ethical standards, violation of accepted organizational or professional norms.

Relationship factors - a violation of compatibility in a relationship, a violation of the balance of power in a relationship.

Social and economic inequality - unfair distribution of power, recognition, rewards, prestige between individual groups, divisions, members of the organization.

A conflict arises from the time when one of the interacting parties realizes the difference between its own principles and interests from the principles and interests of the other party and begins unilateral actions to align these differences in its favor.

Tension can be considered the first sign of conflict. It manifests itself as a result of a lack of knowledge to overcome a difficulty, inconsistency or lack of information. A real conflict often manifests itself when there is an attempt to convince the opposite side or an indifferent mediator that one is right.

Phases of conflict.

The confrontational or military phase is the desire of the parties to achieve their own interests by eliminating the interests of others.

The compromise or political phase is the desire of the parties to ensure their interests through negotiations, during which the differing interests of each party are replaced by mutual agreement.

Communication or management phase - by creating a line of communication, the parties come to an agreement, which is based on the fact that both the parties to the conflict and their interests are endowed with sovereignty, and also strive for mutual complementation of interests, eliminating only illegal differences.

In conflict driving force- this is a person’s desire or curiosity to win, preserve, improve one’s own security, stability, position in a team, or hope to achieve a goal. It is often not clear how to act in these situations.

The causes of conflicts lie in the abnormality of society and the shortcomings of the person himself. First of all, among the reasons that cause conflicts, there are moral, political and socio-economic ones. These reasons provide a breeding ground for education different types conflicts. The formation of conflicts is influenced by the biological and psychophysical characteristics of a person.

Every conflict has many causes. Significant causes of conflict are differences in values ​​and ideas, interdependence of tasks, a limited amount of resources that need to be shared, differences in goals, in the level of education, in behavioral manner, and poor communication.

4 . Methods for preventing and resolving conflicts.

You can stay significant amount time in the current conflict situation, get used to it as something inevitable. However, we should not forget that an incident will certainly arise, some set of circumstances that will inevitably lead to open confrontation between the parties and the manifestation of incompatible positions.

A conflict situation is an essential condition for the formation of a conflict. For this situation to develop into dynamics, into conflict, an external incident, impact or impetus is required.

In one case, the resolution of the conflict is quite professionally competent and correct, but in the other it happens in an illiterate, unprofessional manner, often with a bad outcome for all parties to the conflict, where there are only losers and no winners.

To eliminate the causes that led to the conflict, work must be carried out in several stages.

At the first stage, a general description of the problem is carried out. If a conflict arises as a result of mistrust between a group and an individual, the problem is expressed as communication. It is important to determine, at this stage, the nature of the conflict, and given time it does not matter that this does not fully reflect the essence of the problem.

At the second stage, the leading parties to the conflict are identified. You can add individual individuals or entire groups, teams, organizations, departments to the list. There is an opportunity to bring together parties involved in a conflict who have common needs in accordance with a given conflict. Liquidation of personal and group contingents is also allowed.

At the third stage, the main concerns and needs of the leading parties to the conflict are listed. It is necessary to determine the motives of behavior that lie behind the positions of the parties in a given situation. Human attitudes and actions are determined by motives, needs, desires that need to be established.

Five conflict resolution styles:

  • smoothing out - behavior as if there is no need to be irritated;
  • avoidance - the desire to avoid a conflict situation;
  • coercion - pressure or use of legitimate authority in order to impose one’s own view of the situation;
  • compromise - relaxation to some extent to a different view of the situation;
  • problem resolution - used in a situation requiring different data and opinions, characterized by open recognition of differences in views, confrontation of these views to identify a solution acceptable to both parties to the conflict.

In turn, the choice of a way to overcome difficulties is determined by the emotional stability of the individual, the available means of protecting one’s own interests, the amount of available power and many other circumstances.

Psychological protection of the individual is carried out unconsciously, as a procedure for regulating the personality to protect the sphere of human consciousness from negative psychological influences. As a result of the conflict, this order works involuntarily, bypassing human desires and will. The significance of such protection is formed by the manifestation of feelings and thoughts that embody a threat to the system value orientations, self-esteem, formed self - the image of a person, self-esteem, reducing the individual’s self-esteem.

A person’s perception of a situation is sometimes far from the existing state of affairs, but his reaction to the situation is formed based on what it seems to him, from his perception, and this circumstance significantly complicates the resolution of a conflict situation. Arising from conflict negative emotions pretty soon they are transferred from the problem to the personality of the opponent - this complements the conflict with personal opposition. As the conflict intensifies, the image of the opponent becomes more unsightly - this, in addition, makes it more difficult to resolve. A closed ring is formed that is very difficult to break. It makes the most sense to do this at the initial stage of the situation, before control over it is lost.

5. Conflict as a way to manage people.

In the practice of conflict management, there are three areas: conflict management, conflict suppression and conflict avoidance. These directions are implemented thanks to special methods.

Conflict management is a targeted, directed influence on eliminating the causes that contribute to the emergence of a conflict, maintaining a controlled level of conflict, and correcting the behavior of the parties to the conflict.

The existing variety of conflict management methods are divided into several groups, which have their own separate scope of application:

  1. Intrapsychic methods. They influence a specific personality, are embodied in the correct coordination of one’s own behavior, in the ability to express own position, without contributing to the formation of a defensive reaction on the opposite side.
  2. Structural methods. Mainly affect the parties to organizational conflicts arising due to incorrect distribution of responsibilities, rights and functions, unfairness of the employee incentive and motivation system, poor coordination labor activity. These methods include:
  • explanation of job requirements;
  • application of management mechanisms;
  • clarifying or developing overall organizational goals;
  • building reasoned reward systems.
  1. Interpsychic methods for modifying behavioral style in conflict. They assume the need to select the appropriate form of influence at the stages of the formation of a conflict situation or the development of a conflict in order to adjust the style of isolated behavior of its parties in order to prevent damage to individual interests.
  2. Personal methods. Coercion is the attempt to force a person to accept his position by any means necessary. The party trying to do this is not interested in the opinion of the other party. The party using this approach in most cases behaves hostilely and uses power to influence. In difficult situations in which variety of approaches is a significant sign for adoption rational decision, the formation of conflicting opinions must be stimulated and managed by the created situation, using a problem-solving style. Conflict management through problem solving is carried out in the following order:
  • identifying problems in terms of goals rather than solutions;
  • determining a solution suitable for both parties to the conflict;
  • focusing attention not on the individual characteristics of the parties to the conflict, but on the problem;
  • increasing mutual influence, spreading the exchange of information and ensuring an environment of trust.
  1. Negotiation. Carry out the developed functions, including most aspects of the parties’ activities. As a method of conflict resolution, negotiations are a set of tactics aimed at finding acceptable solutions for the parties to the conflict. To organize the negotiation process, it is necessary to guarantee the fulfillment of these conditions:
  • the presence of mutual dependence of the parties to the conflict;
  • absence of significant differences in the capabilities of the conflicting parties;
  • similarity of the level of development of the conflict to the potential of negotiations;
  • participation of the parties in negotiations making decisions in a specific situation of the conflict that has arisen.
  1. Methods of influencing personal behavior and normalizing the agreed roles of the parties, taking into account their functional responsibilities.
  2. Methods for activating appropriate hostile actions, used in extreme cases - the potentiality of all previous methods is used. Proper hostile actions are extremely undesirable. The use of these methods contributes to the resolution of conflict by force using violence. Be that as it may, there are situations when the conflict can be resolved only by these methods.

The advantage of withdrawing from a conflict is, as a rule, prompt decision-making.

The waste is used in the following cases:

  • large losses from building a conflict;
  • the mediocrity of the problem that is the basis of the conflict;
  • the significance of other problems that need to be solved;
  • the importance of cooling passions;
  • the need to gain time to avoid making immediate decisions and collecting the necessary information;
  • joining other forces to resolve the conflict;
  • the presence of fear of an impending conflict or a dissimilar party.

Avoiding a conflict should not be used if the problem that is its basis is important, or if the prospect of this conflict lasting for quite a long time is realistic.

Diversity this method- method of inactivity. In the case of using the method of inactivity, the development of events proceeds spontaneously, with the flow.

6 . Conclusion.

The causes of conflicts lie in the abnormality of society and the shortcomings of the person himself.

First of all, among the reasons that cause conflicts, there are moral, political and socio-economic ones. These reasons provide a breeding ground for the formation of various types of conflicts. The formation of conflicts is influenced by the biological and psychophysical characteristics of a person.

Every conflict has many causes. Significant causes of conflict are differences in values ​​and perceptions, interdependence of tasks, limited resources that need to be shared, differences in goals, level of education, behavior and poor communication.

Thus, it is better to prevent conflicts by changing your own attitude to a problem situation, behavior in it, and accordingly influencing the behavior and psyche of your opponent.

When preventing interpsychic conflicts, first of all, you need to evaluate what you managed to do, then what you failed to do - the evaluator needs to know enough about the activity; give an assessment based on the essence of the matter, and not on the form; the evaluator must be responsible for the impartiality of the assessment; identify and inform evaluated employees about the causes of deficiencies; inspire employees to new job; specifically formulate new tasks and goals.

7 . Bibliography.

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2. AND I. Antsupov, A.I. Shipilov, Conflictology. Textbook. 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 496 p.

3. E.N. Bogdanov, V.G. Zazykin, Psychology of personality in conflict: Tutorial. 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 224 p.

4. N.V. Grishina, Psychology of conflict. 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 544 p.

5. A.P. Egides, Labyrinths of Communication, or How to Get Along with People. - M.: AST-Press Book, 2002. - 368 p.

6. A.K. Zaitsev, Social conflict. 2nd ed. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 464 p.