According to the lunar calendar for October 2019, the month will be varied in events.

The lunar calendar for October 2019 is compiled on the basis of special calculations, taking into account the position of the Moon in a specific period of time. The lunar calendar is a cyclic change of the four phases of the Earth's satellite. So, in this calendar you will find lunar phases taking into account the influence of the Moon on your well-being, as well as warnings about what not to do on specific days of the Lunar calendar.

Influence of the Moon in October 2019

The new moon, full moon, as well as the days of the first and last quarters of the moon are a period of increased interaction between the Sun and the Moon. These days are unfavorable for a person.

Favorable for October:

The cycle in the lunar calendar lasts about 29.5 Earth days - from one new moon to the next, going through four phases, which are also called quarters. A typical lunar day lasts from one moonrise to the next. The lunar day is longer than the solar one, and the moonrise the next day always occurs later than the previous time. The moon rises not only at night, but also in the middle of the day - that is why everyone has at least once observed both the Sun and the Moon in the sky at the same time.

Detailed lunar calendar for October 2019

Unlucky days of October 2019:

This month is quite favorable, since there are only three bad days and they will pass easily. During this period, it is not recommended to make large purchases, change your place of residence, or start arguments with loved ones. Also, don’t go on a trip and ask for a vacation.

On other days of the month there is not much activity and you should act at your own discretion.

10th lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius.

Time to pay tribute to traditions. Try to gather the whole family around the table and take time to chat with everyone. In addition, it is good to establish new habits and traditions.

Birthday boys: Andrey, Anton, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladislav, David, Pavel, Sergey, Spiridon, Stepan.

11th lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius.

Tests and checks are on the agenda. But everything is not so bad: this will allow you to do correct conclusions and will lead to new level, will encourage further development.

The day is characterized by “emotional swings”, be prepared for this.

Birthday boys: Evgeny, Euphrosyne, Maxim, Nikolay, Pavel, Roman, Sergey.

12th lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces.

Essentially Thanksgiving. It’s worth remembering everything good and kind, and don’t forget to say thank you for it. Today you are the center of attention. Take time for your inner world. And also don’t forget to do something beneficial for health and beauty.

Birthday boys: Alexander, Vladimir, Dmitry, Efrem, Ivan, Nikolai, Tikhon.

13th lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces.

A surge of energy, desire and the ability to move mountains. At the same time, it is important to listen to the advice of experienced people in order to avoid mistakes. A favorable time for introducing new things, for “pumping up” existing projects.

Birthday boys: Veniamin, Victor, Dmitry, Mikhail, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Fedor.

14th lunar day. Growing Moon in Pisces.

It is important to follow your principles without deviating from the path and without reacting to the barbs of others. Now everything needs to be subjected to increased scrutiny, because there is still a chance to make corrections on time.

A period to cleanse the body.

Birthday boys: Alexander, Anna, Valentin, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Kirill, Mark, Maria, Tatyana.

15th lunar day. Growing Moon in Aries.

For those who longed for drastic changes, this is a golden time. Now you can change everything and literally start over. An ideal moment for moving, changing jobs and activities. But this is not the day for romantic meetings!

Birthday boys: Ivan, Cyprian, Feofan.

16th lunar day. Growing Moon in Aries.

Search for harmony. On the one hand, we must not slow down business activity, because now you can achieve excellent results. On the other hand, try to find an opportunity to relax so that “the fuses don’t burn out.”

Birthday boys: Alexey, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Leonid, Matvey, Mikhail, Peter, Semyon.

17th lunar day. Full Moon in Taurus.

It is important to “let go” of problems and try to relax your head. You did everything in your power. Now you just need to contemplate, wait for results and think about the future. Make appointments with friends and allow yourself to relax a little.

Birthday boys: Alexander, Alexey, Vera, Georgy, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Fedor.

18th lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus.

Day of symbols, revelations. The Universe will send signs that are important to listen to. If something bothers you, stop taking active steps. The voice of intuition should also not be ignored.

Birthday boys: Andrey, Anna, Boris, David, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Stepan, Fedor, Yakov.

19th lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus.

The day will require triple your attention. You should be especially wary of traumatic activities. At the same time, today you will most likely have to make a choice. And also take some risks and concessions. But the game will be worth the candle.

Birthday boys: Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Peter, Rustik, Feodosia.

20th lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini.

A loss of strength is likely, so you shouldn’t get overtired and overcooled now. You should also be careful with alcohol. In a word, take care of your health!

Birthday boys: Vasily, Veronica, Vladimir, Gury, Dmitry, Erofey, Jonah, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Tikhon, Yakov.

21st lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini.

It’s like a specially created day for friendship, establishing and maintaining relationships. Make appointments and friendly get-togethers. Besides, it would be great to go on a trip now.

Birthday boys: Alexandra, Alexey, Gabriel, Gregory, Demyan, Denis, Evdokim, Jonah, Innocent, Kuzma, Makar, Matvey, Peter, Tikhon, Philip.

22nd lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer.

The day is not suitable for active work, but it is also not suitable for idleness. The best way is to plan lots of fun activities.

Birthday boys: Ivan, Makar, Nikanor, Foma.

23rd lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer.

Unfortunately, it will be difficult to contain your emotions. Literally everything around will be annoying. But if you give a response, things will get worse. Be patient and do things that require complete immersion and switching.

Birthday boys: Demyan, Jonah, Joseph, Leonty, Mark, Nikolai, Pelageya, Sergei, Julian.

24th lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo.

You will have to take responsibility for many, sometimes completely unexpected, things. Circumstances will require instant mobilization and decision-making.

Actually, due to excessive fuss, it is not the best day for romantic dates.

Birthday boys: Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Elizaveta, Ivan, Jonah, Maria, Nadezhda, Nikolai, Pavel, Pakhom, Pelageya, Peter, Seraphim, Taisiya, Tatyana

25th lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo.

On this day creative people under the special protection of Fortune. Today we will be able to find a balance between the spiritual and the material. One must begin all tasks with pleasure, this will main secret success. The blues should be suppressed by an abundance of bright things to do.

Birthday boys: Abraham, Konstantin, Maxim, Peter, Stepan, Yakov.

25th lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo.

Alas, alas! The best activity for today is doing nothing. In fact, all efforts will be in vain, so try to take it philosophically and go about your daily routine.

Birthday boys: Andrey, Anton, Evlampia, Efim, Hilarion, Innokenty, Kirill, Kuzma, Pavel, Savva, Sergey, Simon, Stepan, Thomas, Yakov.

26th lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo.

Nowadays it’s easy to become a pawn in someone else’s game. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated or pressured. Follow your path clearly and do not react to sweet promises.

Birthday boys: Alexander, Ambrose, Anatoly, Anton, Zinaida, Hilarion, Joseph, Isaac, Leo, Makar, Moses, Nikon, Feofan, Philip.

27th lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra.

Dating and romantic meetings are given the green light. In addition, now is the time to tackle those problems that have been causing concern for a long time. Make an effort and take everything into your own hands. The solution is not hidden as far as it seems.

Birthday boys: Alexander, Denis, Ivan, Kuzma, Lavrenty, Makar, Maxim, Nikolay, Taras, Fedot.

28th lunar day. Waning Moon in Libra.

A day of gaining new experience and knowledge. Now is a great opportunity to learn more than any other day. Possible meetings with wise people. Listen to their advice, it will definitely come in handy.

Birthday boys: Anton, Veniamin, Zlata, Innokenty, Karp, Nikita, Nikolay, Trofim.

29th lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio.

You should devote the day to spiritual enrichment and purification. Now it is important to receive forgiveness from those you have offended, make amends and, of course, try to avoid bad actions and thoughts. Minimize communication with unpleasant people; today it is fraught with unnecessary temptations.

Birthday boys: Ignatius, Kuzma, Maxim, Mikhail, Nazar, Nikolai, Praskovya, Peter, Svyatoslav.

1st and 2nd lunar days. New Moon in Scorpio.

Now it is important to lay the foundation for future big events and projects. Don’t ignore your preparation: the more thorough it is, the more you will achieve. It is also good now to act as a mentor and benefactor. What is given will be returned a hundredfold.

Birthday boys: Afanasy, Dmitry, Denis, Efim, Ivan, Semyon.

3rd lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio.

A powerful day in terms of energy. It is worthwhile to clearly imagine your immediate goals and act actively. Otherwise, positive energy will turn into negative. For example, into aggression. Don't sit back and don't give in to your emotions.

Birthday boys: Alexey, Georgy, Evgeny, Ivan, Leonty, Terenty.

4th lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius.

Today there is a choice to be made. And again, you will have to show patience and the ability to control yourself.

Don't try to set records on this day. The results will not depend on you now.

Birthday boys: Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Anton, Demyan, Joseph, Isidor, Kuzma, Lazar, Leonty.

5th lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius.

The first half of the day will most likely bring disappointment and resentment. But already in the afternoon “life will get better” and everything that seemed like darkness will appear in a new light. In the evening there is a chance for a successful date and negotiations. The main thing is not to fuss and follow your plan.

Birthday boys: Andrei, Gabriel, David, Euphrosyne, Elizabeth, Joseph, Zlata, Luka, Nikolai, Sergei, Semyon, Fedor, Julian.

Lunar calendar for October 2019: video

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Lunar calendar for planting

October is the time to plant and replant trees and winter planting of garlic and onions. As always, the Lunar Sowing Calendar for October 2019 will come to your aid and tell you the most favorable days for planting.

Moon phases in October 2019

Moon phase calendar October 2019
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

Favorable landing days in October 2019

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds


1, 2, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 30, 31

1, 2, 5, 6, 15, 16, 20, 21, 26


Favorable days for sowing seeds

1, 2, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21

Radish, radish

5, 6, 15, 16, 20, 21, 26

Various greens

1, 2, 10, 11, 20, 21

10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers

Favorable days in October 2019 for planting seedlings

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing seeds

Attention! The table shows the most favorable There are days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that you cannot plant on other days. You should not plant anything just in prohibited days.

Lunar sowing calendar for October 2019 for gardeners (table)

The table shows the phases of the Moon, its position in the signs of the Zodiac and recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month.

Waxing Moon in Scorpio

Scorpion- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) The sowing calendar of gardeners recommends:

  • In the greenhouse— planting cauliflower seedlings, replanting cauliflower and lettuce from the garden for growing. Planting green onions, chives, and onions for forcing. Watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing.
  • In the garden- sowing sorrel, rhubarb. Luke.
  • Flower growers- a favorable day for planting any flowers, clematis.
  • Not recommended- pruning, dividing corms and roots, digging up potatoes.
  • In the garden— application of mineral fertilizers. Planting grapes, honeysuckle, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, currants, as well as fruit tree seedlings.
  • Blanks— liqueurs, drying of medicinal plants.

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius- less fertile zodiac sign (Days of Fruit)

  • In the garden— planting winter garlic, harvesting root crops, preparing for storage and forcing.
  • In the greenhouse- sowing cauliflower, parsley, celery. Planting green onions and endive lettuce for forcing. Treatment against pests and diseases.
  • Flower growers
  • Not recommended- watering and pruning plants.
  • In the garden— planting fruit trees, grapes, rose hips, honeysuckle. Cleaning and repairing trunks, harvesting, weed control.
  • Blanks- juices, jam, jam, pickling and sauerkraut.

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Days of the Root)

  • In the garden— winter sowing of parsley, sorrel, garlic. Harvesting root crops for long-term storage.
  • In the greenhouse- sowing spinach, watercress, for forcing - planting root crops of parsley, beets, chard. Growing cauliflower in a dark room.
  • Flower growers- a good day for planting corms and ornamental shrubs,
  • Not recommended- work with plant roots.
  • In the garden— planting fruit trees (they will bear fruit for a long time, are resistant to frost and disease), and berry bushes. Protection from diseases and pests, pruning and fertilizing of plants.
  • Blanks- juices, wine, jam, jam, freezing, canning. Collecting roots of medicinal plants, salting, sauerkraut.

Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius- infertile zodiac sign (Flower Days)

  • In the garden- collection of root crops and potatoes for storage. Removing weeds. Collecting seeds and root crops for testes.
  • Flower growers— digging up bulbs and tubers for storage.
  • Not recommended- sowing, planting and replanting most plants, as well as watering and fertilizing.
  • In the garden- you can dig up the ground, weed, spray against pests and diseases, treat trunks.
  • Blanks- juices, jams, preserves, canning. Collection of seeds of medicinal plants.

Waxing Moon in Pisces

Fish- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) The Calendar of Gardeners recommends:

  • In the garden- sowing sorrel. In a dark room - growing cauliflower, forcing endive lettuce.
  • In the greenhouse- sowing leaf mustard, spinach, planting root parsley for forcing.
  • Flower growers
  • Not recommended– pruning of plants and treatment against diseases and pests
  • In the garden— it is not recommended to plant trees, because the roots often rot. You can plant berry bushes, blackberries, mineral fertilizing and watering are very moderate.
  • Blanks- juices, jam, jam, pickling, but not canning with hermetically sealed.

Waxing Moon in Aries

Aries- infertile zodiac sign (Days of Fruit)

  • In the garden, greenhouse- sowing Chinese cabbage, lettuce, spinach, dill, planting onions and root vegetables for forcing greens. Mineral fertilization of crops with above-ground fruits. Harvesting for long-term storage of all crops
  • Not recommended- water, pinch, pruning, shaping and trimming plants, pruning, feeding.
  • In the garden- repair and cleaning of trunks, sanitary pruning of dry branches, removal of overgrowth. Treatment against pests and diseases
  • Blanks- jam, jam, juices and wine. Collection of fruits of medicinal plants.

Full moon Moon in Aries

The lunar calendar of gardeners, vegetable gardeners, and flower growers does not recommend working with plants during the full moon.

Waning Moon in Taurus

Taurus- fertile zodiac sign (Days of the Root) The sowing calendar for October 2019 recommends:

  • In the greenhouse- forcing parsley, beets,... Planting onions. Sowing mustard greens and early ripening spinach. Mineral fertilizing, watering, harvesting for storage
  • In the garden— winter crops, planting garlic, onions.
  • Flower growers- favorable days for planting perennial, bulbous flowers,
  • Not recommended— loosening in the root zone.
  • In the garden- treatment of wounds on trunks and skeletal branches, whitewashing of trunks. (they grow slowly, but the fruits store well), rose hips, and other berry bushes. Applying fertilizers, weeding.
  • Blanks- freezing, juices, wine, jam, canning, pickling, sauerkraut.

Waning Moon in Gemini

Twins- less fertile zodiac sign (Flower Days)

  • In the greenhouse— shallow loosening of dry soil in containers and beds with forcing crops. Postpone watering (roots rot, pests infest). Weeding,
  • Flower growersgood days for digging up tubers and bulbs for storage.
  • Not recommended- picking.
  • In the garden— sanitary pruning of berry plants. Protecting trees from rodents. and pests. Treatment of hollows, cleaning of bark.
  • Blanks- collecting the aerial parts of medicinal plants, drying vegetables and fruits, canning, salting, sauerkraut.

Waning Moon in Cancer

Cancer- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) The lunar calendar of gardeners recommends:

  • In the garden- sowing winter-hardy beets, carrots, and radishes before winter. Organic fertilizing, watering, composting.
  • Flower growers- a favorable day for planting ornamental shrubs and roses.
  • Not recommended— use of pesticides, harvesting root crops for storage.
  • In the garden- planting grapes, serviceberry, viburnum, sea buckthorn, blackberries, raspberries, . Planting trees is not recommended. You can prepare holes for spring tree planting.
  • Blanks- wine, juices, soaking, canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying.

Waning Moon in Leo

a lion- infertile zodiac sign (Days of Fruit)

  • In the greenhouse- sowing lettuce, dill, rhubarb, cilantro, caraway. Planting perennial onions for greenery. Loosening, digging, weeding.
  • Flower growers— digging up tubers and bulbs for storage.
  • Not recommended- watering and fertilizing, pruning of plants is not advisable.
  • In the garden- removal of overgrowth, cutting out dry and unnecessary branches. Mulching the soil around young trees and new plantings.
  • Blanks- drying, canning, salting, sauerkraut, freezing.

Waning Moon in Virgo

Virgo- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Days of the Root)

  • In the greenhouse— digging and loosening the soil, hilling, mulching. Plant transplantation, picking. Adding compost.
  • Flower growers- good days for planting and replanting perennials, clematis and other climbing ornamental plants.
  • Not recommended— soak the seeds, do pruning.
  • In the garden— Pest and disease control, weed control.
  • Blanks- freezing, cooking jam, jam. Canning with an airtight seal is not recommended.

Waning Moon in Libra

Scales- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Flower Days)

  • In the greenhouse- planting root crops for forcing greens. Sowing lettuce, watercress, mustard greens to obtain vitamin-rich sprouts. Watering is moderate. Organic feeding. Harvesting root crops for storage.
  • Flower growers- favorable days for planting corms, ornamental shrubs and
  • Not recommended- spraying with pesticides.
  • In the garden— planting seedlings of fruit trees, berry bushes, raspberries, blackberries. Cleaning trunks and branches of lichens. Pruning, crown formation, watering, fertilizing.

Sunday October 27, 2019
October 28, 2019 Monday
October 29, 2019 Tuesday

New moon Moon in Libra

During the new moon, all plants become extremely vulnerable, so The lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for October 2019 does not recommend disturbing them during these 3 days.

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius- unproductive zodiac sign (Days of Fruit) The lunar planting calendar for gardeners recommends:

  • In the greenhouse— planting green onions, chives, shallots, and onions for forcing. In a dark room - forcing endive lettuce. On the windowsill - forcing parsley and celery. Treatment against pests and diseases.
  • In the garden- planting winter garlic. Loosening the soil. Harvesting root crops for storage. The above-ground part of the plants is vulnerable: do not pinch, do not replant.
  • Flower growers- planting clematis, digging up bulbs and tubers for storage.
  • Not recommended- plant pruning and watering.
  • In the garden- You can plant fruit trees and grapes. Cutting dry branches. Protecting trees from rodents and sunburn.
  • Blanks- drying, freezing, canning, salting, pickling cabbage.

October in the garden, what you need to pay attention to

If in the summer you notice cracks on the trunk of the apple tree or skeletal branches from which juice flowed, now is the time to help the tree. Add organic matter (humus or compost - 6-7 kg per linear meter), 50 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate into a trench dug along the projection of the crown.

The reason for the release of sap could be sunburn of the bark during the February-March temperature changes. Clean longitudinal cracks down to healthy wood and seal them garden varnish. Otherwise, the sooty fungus that forms on the leaked juice will cause.

At the end of October, or better yet in November, whitewash the trunks, forks, and bases of skeletal branches, previously cleared of loose bark, to protect against sunburn and cracks: 2-3 kg of freshly slaked lime, 1 kg of clay, 75 g of heated wood glue and 300 g of copper sulfate . You can use ready-made whitewash for trees or sun-protective paint.

Lime is harmful to young trees (up to 4-5 years old). Instead, you can whitewash it with a chalk solution or tie the trunks with a light cloth. Dark protective material no good. Under it, the crust will heat up more strongly during thaw days.

Some gardeners tried in the summer to protect a tree on the trunk of which a tinder fungus appeared (photo 2). Spores could get on the bark during pruning, when sunburn or frostbites - spores could penetrate into any wound on the bark dangerous mushroom. As a result, a hoof-shaped or cap-shaped body of the fungus grows on the affected trunk.

In September - October, a mass of spores ripen on it, which scatter throughout the garden and infect other trees., if you do not cut off the tinder fungus in a timely manner and burn it. Some gardeners, having removed the body of the tinder fungus, still hope that the tree is healed. It's a delusion.

The mycelium of the fungus penetrates the wood, destroys it, and weakens the tree. Its individual branches and tops dry out. After 2-3 years the tree dies. But during this time it will transmit the infection to neighboring trees. And instead of one diseased tree in the garden there will be several.

To prevent this from happening, remove the tree affected by the tinder fungus in the fall, if you have not done so earlier, as soon as you notice the body of the fungus.

Caring for autumn fruit trees, do not ignore berry bushes. Blackcurrant bushes that are severely damaged by bud mites (branches with dried buds) must be uprooted entirely. You can leave only 2-3 annual branches with 2-3 healthy buds for renewal.

In early spring, before currants bloom, during the period of inflorescences appearing and the first leaves forming. Effective against it are lime-sulfur decoction (0.5-1 percent), 1-1.5 percent colloidal sulfur, and actellik.

Fertilized females of the common spider mite overwinter under fallen currant leaves, which can give 10-12 generations next year. In dry summers, bushes severely damaged by ticks die. Damaged leaves gradually turn brown and dry out.

Autumn agrotechnical measures help: late (late October - November) digging of the soil around currant bushes, destruction of weeds. You can spread roofing felt, roofing felt or other dense material under the bush. In the spring, when the air temperature reaches 12 degrees, pests hibernating under the bushes will not be able to get out from under the shelter and lay eggs on the underside of young leaves.


  • October

Read also:

October 1, 2019, 3-4 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio. Don’t waste your time on trifles; only by concentrating on your goal will you achieve maximum results. This day will inspire you to new ideas and bring you a lot of pleasant and necessary acquaintances. Enjoy every second.

October 2, 2019, 4-5 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio. Debt Repayment Day: If you have debts and pay them off today, you will not need to resort to loans later. Take on only well-thought-out and carefully planned tasks. It is useful to start performing a set of health-improving exercises.

October 3, 2019, 5-6 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Dedicate this day to relaxation and fun; today nothing prevents you from relaxing and going all out. Keep your phone away so you are less distracted by other things and be careful with meat, there is a risk of eating something wrong.

October 4, 2019, 6-7 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius. The best day for important, long-term projects and long trips. All business started during this period works out as well as possible. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance. Listen to every word spoken. This will help you understand your purpose in this life.

October 5, 2019, 7-8 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn. This is a day of wisdom, solitude and focus that will require prudence and rationality. Perfect time self-knowledge, deepening, asceticism and humility. Physical and spiritual cleansing is recommended; light a candle and walk around the room or apartment with it. Avoid fuss, don't waste energy.

October 6, 2019, 8-9 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn. The day is not very suitable for making new acquaintances, business or personal meetings. It is better to spend it among old friends or alone. Do household chores, those for which you usually do not have enough time or desire. Do not enter into conflicts or disputes with anyone. This will lead to dire consequences.

October 7, 2019, 9-10 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aquarius. This is a day of false seduction by your own achievements: you can sin with vanity and pride. Under no circumstances take unjustified risks - adventures are contraindicated. Refrain from vigorous activity. Rest, relaxation, meditation - this is what will help you overcome the troubles of this day.

October 8, 2019, 10-11 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aquarius. Today, more than ever, watch your diet, exclude fried and spicy foods, which may worsen old diseases or acquire new ones. It’s better to go on a diet temporarily, you’ll be able to kill two birds with one stone: improve your health and become the owner of a toned figure.

October 9, 2019, 11-12 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aquarius. On this day, it is not advisable to undertake or start something. It is good to pay off debts and fulfill what was promised, especially to children. Refrain from visiting large stores and generally places with a lot of people. Watch your thoughts, forgive the offenders.

October 10, 2019, 12-13 lunar day, waxing Moon in Pisces. The waxing Moon in Pisces has a romantic and mystical influence on a person; you want to believe in a mystery or just a fairy tale. With the waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces, our feelings are deep and sentimental. Today is a great time to devote time to art and do handicrafts. But at the same time, our beliefs do not become easily changeable under the influence of external arguments; we can clearly see events and understand their background, but draw the conclusion that is not correct, but the one we like best.

October 11, 2019, 13-14 lunar day, waxing Moon in Pisces. A day of self-improvement, knowledge and humility. Don't lie or gossip, don't give in to vanity, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. It is beneficial to communicate with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

October 12, 2019, 14-15 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries. Don't overexert yourself and don't give in to the hustle and bustle. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today’s plans, thoughts and desires have every chance of coming true.

October 13, 2019, 15-16 lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries. Make it a habit to restrain your anger and irritation, even if you are right - know how to give in. The rest of the day is neutral, you can do any business, today there will be no victories or losses, everything will be ordinary and even boring.

October 14, 2019, 16-17 lunar day, full moon in Aries. Today you will be marking time. Don't be upset, everyone has bad days. Look at it from the good side, why waste energy on something that is not developing, do something more pleasant and useful. Very good time to meet friends.

October 15, 2019, 17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus. Your versatility and interest in many aspects of life will provide you with many chances and offers that will subsequently make you successful person. Work should be fun, go for it.

October 16, 2019, 18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus. Be confident and make decisions quickly, otherwise someone might take advantage of your timidity. Learn from the mistakes of others, use the wisdom of your elders and listen to what your heart tells you, then everything will work out as successfully as possible and you will have no reason to be upset.

October 17, 2019, 19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini. If this day does not go well, if everything falls out of hand, this means that something urgently needs to be changed - and rather not in external circumstances, but in oneself. Listen carefully to those who come to you with criticism today: they will help you look at yourself soberly, evaluate your achievements, capabilities and resources.

October 18, 2019, 20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Gemini. Best time for relax. Communication with nature is beneficial. It’s good on this day to think about the traditions of your family, ancestors, and how to support and strengthen these traditions. Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to give in to vanity, talk less and listen more.

October 19, 2019, 21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini. The day is favorable for communication, making contacts and useful connections, and making new acquaintances. Day of generosity and mercy. Help those who need it today, and get help yourself if necessary.

October 20, 2019, 22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer. You cannot borrow, apply for bank loans, or leave it as collateral - there will be difficulties with repayment! With corresponding indicators in individual horoscope, The Moon in Cancer will turn into a debt trap. You can lend only to very reliable people - otherwise there is a big threat of non-repayment. You should weigh your words and actions: there is a risk of inadvertently offending a very good person, loved one, a careless word or a selfish act.

October 21, 2019, 23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer. A good day for communication and new acquaintances, but not at all suitable for starting trips and trips, as well as for real estate transactions. It is useful to visit a bathhouse or sauna, a beauty salon, or a cosmetologist.

October 22, 2019, 24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. Emotionally unstable day. Avoid impulsiveness and thoughtless actions. Conflicts are possible today, so give yourself a good physical activity in gym. Refrain from excess. Control your emotions and desires. You may feel vulnerable; it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with people.

October 23, 2019, 25th lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. It’s a great time to start a course of physical training for spring; today you can easily get used to a new diet and learn a set of exercises. Your body will quickly acquire the desired silhouette.

October 24, 2019, 25-26 lunar day, waning Moon in Virgo. The day will delight you with increased attention from the opposite sex, there will be no escape from compliments and praise, but do not rush to succumb to flattering words. Today it is easy to lose your head and surrender to passion, but be careful that you don’t have to shed bitter tears tomorrow.

October 25, 2019, 26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Virgo. Light flirting or a non-binding romance is the result of today’s acquaintance with the opposite sex, but control yourself, do not give in to fleeting feelings, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences, and you will soon regret this connection.

October 26, 2019, 27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. The ideal time to get married. Those getting married on this day will live in harmony and mutual understanding, the family will be strong and happy, the envy of everyone. The day is also great for all kinds of research, but large gatherings should be avoided.

October 27, 2019, 28-29 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. Today all opportunities will open up, it’s time to make your long-standing desires come true. If you creative person, on this day you will be overwhelmed by a wave of inspiration, do not miss the moment and take full advantage of it. A very successful period for love relationships.

October 28, 2019, 29, 1-2 lunar day, new Moon in Scorpio. A good day for making material plans, for planning your life at least a month in advance. You can do any business aimed at strengthening your material well-being.

October 29, 2019, 2-3 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio. A successful day, both at work and in personal affairs. Despite this, go back a little and dig deeper into old files, documents and letters, you are clearly missing something. What the hell, maybe you will find a better and shorter path to the end point.

October 30, 2019, 3-4 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Do something unusual, the result will surprise you, and perhaps you will acquire a new hobby. All kinds of handicrafts have a great effect on nervous system and concentration, develop patience and diligence, which in the future will help you achieve your goals.

October 31, 2019, 4-5 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Today you should be more reasonable and careful, be compliant to negative aspects from outsiders and forgive your ill-wishers, this will only bring you good luck.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in October 2019

  • From October 2 12:46 to October 2 14:44
  • From October 4 10:34 to October 4 20:43
  • From October 7 2:25 to October 7 6:42
  • From October 8 21:26 to October 9 19:05
  • From October 11 12:55 to October 12 7:46
  • From October 14 0:59 to October 14 19:24
  • From October 16 11:37 to October 17 5:30
  • From October 19 5:14 to October 19 13:43
  • From October 21 15:39 to October 21 19:28
  • From October 23 12:14 to October 23 22:29
  • From October 25 15:59 to October 25 23:20
  • From October 27 11:22 to October 27 23:29
  • From October 29 20:34 to October 30 0:58

Here is the lunar calendar for October 2020. To view event descriptions on a certain day, navigate to the selected date. The lunar calendar will help you navigate the energy of the day and plan the most favorable things in a timely manner. Knowing the phase of the Moon, the lunar day and its location in the zodiac constellation, it is much easier to succeed in your activities.

Popular lunar calendars calculations 20 → horoscopes 16 all lunar calendars 42

Comments (39):

Valentina We really need favorable dates in March 2020 for surgery on the esophagus (hernia). The operation will be carried out in Kiev 02/16/2020 at 11:21 Natasha Good afternoon! Did you experience a technical glitch? Not a single Lunar calendar works... 01/18/2020 at 15:02 Rafael Hello, Natasha! Thank you for writing. There was a database failure, but everything is fine now. 01/18/2020 at 22:55 Mila Good evening. When will calendars for the city of Fergana start working? Ed is looking forward to it, I really need it. Thanks in advance 01/12/2020 at 15:29 Rafael Good afternoon, everything will work soon, a few more days. Thank you for your patience. 01/13/2020 at 17:18 Julia Good afternoon. Will calendars work for the USA Philadelphia? And the Moon Chart without a course? Thank you. And happy new year 01/09/2020 at 10:04 Rafael Good afternoon, Julia! Calendars are still being updated, including “Moon without a course”, everything will work soon) 01/09/2020 at 14:27 Timur Good afternoon. For the Tashkent region, the calendar does not work. 01/08/2020 at 06:46 Rafael Good afternoon, Timur! The calendars didn’t have time to update, everything will work soon) 01/09/2020 at 02:26 pm Zarina Oooooooooooooooooowell all the calendars are working Wow 01/04/2020 at 04:04 pm Rafael Zarina, everything is for you) and we are very happy! 01/07/2020 at 10:43 Zarina Hello, dear Rafael, I am carrying out my plans according to the lunar calendar. I am waiting for the availability of calendars 01/03/2020 at 12:10 Rafael Hello, Zarina! Thank you for being with us! I updated the data for the city of Bukhara, you can see that for other cities everything will be updated within a week. 01/03/2020 at 19:56 Zarina When does the lunar calendar work for Bukhara 01/02/2020 at 08:33 Rafael Hello, Zarina! Now the city databases are being updated and literally one of these days everything will work. 01/02/2020 at 17:20 Margarita Good afternoon! When will there be calendars for 2020? Thank you 12/21/2019 at 03:09 pm Rafael Hello, Margarita! Calendars will be available from January 1st. 12/22/2019 at 11:08 pm Marina Please tell me the best day in October for Capricorn for removal/surgical treatment of an aneurysm in the kidney area. Thank you in advance 10/09/2019 at 10:59 am Alexey Hello, Marina! It’s probably too late to answer, we have a special calendar for this, please take a look. 10/22/2019 at 11:36 pm Marina Hello! Tell me, please, is it possible to somehow print a monthly calendar from your website? I would like to put it in the organizer, it’s easier to look at. 04/27/2019 at 17:29 Alexey Hello, Marina! Through the browser you can select: menu->print or press crtl+p on the keyboard, select a virtual printer (pdf) and save. 04/27/2019 at 18:59 Elena Hello. Please tell me how to choose the correct interpretation of the lunar calendar. It is different everywhere. In one they write that in these lunar day, and in this sign it is good to carry out manipulations, but you open another one there, quite the opposite. Who to believe? 02/18/2019 at 14:21 Alexey Hello, Elena! Only practice will show how correct the calendar is. But we collected from different sources, processed different literature, what converges and what doesn’t, synthesized information on how it actually affects, asked people who actually work with this and got what is on the site) 02/18/2019 at 18:48 Alexey Everything will be restored from the New Year)) 12/30/2018 at 10:52 Salima Hello! My child needs to be circumcised - femosis, I'm already confused... please help, it seems that the 20th day of December 27th is suitable, but then the moon also interferes with the scales and the kidneys are vulnerable, surgery on the genitals and genitourinary system is obtained. Please advise!!! 12/22/2018 at 21:33 Alexey Hello, Salima! We recommend relying not only on lunar days. We have made a special calendar for operations, please take a look. 12/23/2018 at 14:06 Nadezhda Good afternoon, I have been using information from this site for almost 2 years now, I thank the author for the useful and necessary work, everything is quickly found and understandable. Thank you 11/17/2018 at 09:40 Alexey Hello, Nadezhda! Thanks for the kind words! 11/18/2018 at 09:36 Aleksandra ho4u sdelatj plastiku grudi ,kogda posovetujete?na retro mars i retro veneru kak to ne ho4etsja! 07/16/2018 at 19:37 Alexey Hello, Alexandra! There are dates in September, please check. 07/16/2018 at 20:30 Tim Wald interesting girls dancing - 04/23/2018 in Moscow 9th lunar day. and in Berezniki only the 8th at about the same time with a difference in longitude of 2 hours... 04/23/2018 at 22:00 Alexey Hello, Tim! That's right, the lunar day begins with moonrise, except for the new moon. The difference can be hours, minutes, and the time zone of the area is also taken into account, because On the website, the start time of astrological events is indicated in local time (depending on which region is selected), and not in Moscow time. 04/26/2018 at 22:59 Elena Show favorable days for selling and buying real estate in October 2017 09/23/2017 at 20:15 Natasha We suggest using the calendar to select the time for selling real estate in the calendars section. 09.25.2017 at 20:48