The moon will become full at the end of the last month of summer. From this article you will learn when the full moon occurs in August 2018, from what date and on what date you can make a wish. Astronomers predict that this time the night star will eclipse almost all the stars. However, bright constellations such as Vega, Deneb and Altair will be visible and easily distinguishable.

Full moon in August 2018 will take place 26th, at 14:56 by Moscow time. Of course, in other parts of our planet the time of occurrence of the event will be different. For example, in Sydney the full moon on August 26 will be observed at 6:17 pm, while in New York it will occur at 7:56 am. One way or another, at this time the night luminary will be in Pisces.

How to make a wish for the full moon in August 2018

The night luminary has long been helping people to use all available opportunities to create a more fulfilling and abundant life. Strictly speaking, there is no wrong way to make a wish. You are always free to desire whatever your heart desires at any time of the month. But if you are accompanied by the energy of the full moon in August 2018, then your chances of success will be higher! Here are some tips to help you achieve what you want.

Set your intention

If you want your goals and wishes to come true, then they need to be carefully formulated. The more specific they are, the greater the chance that your dream will come true. Choose wishes that are simple and applicable to your Everyday life. For example, “I want to achieve a promotion at work,” or “I want passion to flare up between me and my loved one.” Make your wishes as simple and clear as possible.

Full moon in August 2018 - when, from what date to make a wish

Start keeping a Moon Wish Journal if you want to see how quickly your dreams come true. Or keep a special notepad by your bedside or write down your wishes on cards. By putting your thoughts on paper, you can enter into a kind of “written contract” with the Universe for what you want.

When to make a wish (from what date to what date)

The August 2018 Full Moon will be in effect for a period of time. You get about 48 hours before the celestial event starts and 48 hours after it ends, so try to use this time as wisely as possible. In other words, You can make a wish from August 24 to August 28, 2018!

Days 1 and 2 before the full moon in August: Focus on your desire, visualize it and remember it as often as possible.

Day 3: This is the day of the full moon itself (August 26). Write down your wish on a card or in a special journal, and then follow the rituals of the Moon, which we will discuss next.

Days 4 and 5: Act as if your wishes have already come true. Now it's time to show the Universe that you believe in it! Be grateful and visualize the miracles that have happened in your life. Don’t forget about gratitude, as this is a signal for the Universe that sets its powerful energy in motion.

Find a secluded place

It will be very nice if during the full moon in August 2018 you can take a break from your usual bustle and be alone with yourself. Go to some quiet place where you can focus on the Moon's power to fulfill your wishes. This could be a secluded corner in your garden, a quiet alley in a city park, or even your own bedroom (if you can stay there in privacy for a while, of course).

Full moon in August 2018

If you have any that you believe in, you can take them with you. They will enhance the positive energy of the ceremony.

You can also use the basic elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air) to consolidate the ritual. These symbols can be a glass of water, a bird's feather or a smoking incense stick, a lit candle, or a small stone or crystal.

Ritual to fulfill a wish on the full moon

As you already know, two days before the full moon in August 2018 are perfect time to prepare for the ceremony. The day on which you can make your wish come true is August 26th. In principle, you will be able to continue performing the ritual in the next 2 days, but astrologers recommend focusing more on gratitude during this time than on desire.

The ritual is carried out as follows. When you see the full Moon in the sky, say: “I see the Moon walking across the sky, it will bring me good luck!” From this day on, everything I wish will come true, everything I want will come true! In the name of Astarte I conjure Fate, I call upon luck!”

It is no coincidence that we started talking about the Full Moon: today, August 26, the Moon, usually hiding in the shadow of our planet, will suddenly appear in all its glory on the night sky. From an astrological point of view, the Full Moon is a special time.

The influence of this phase of the Moon makes all emotions unstable, which makes it difficult for a person to rely on his own strengths and calculate risks. Recommendations lunar calendar will help you survive this temporary crisis, and perhaps emerge victorious from it.

Full moon in August 2018 when: Full moon day

On August 26 at 14:56 Moscow time there will be a Full Moon at 03°12′ Pisces. During this Full Moon, all ideas and new thoughts that arose earlier during the period Solar Eclipse, will pass the reality check.

You will be able to see how real they are, adjust your ideas and goals, find creative ways their implementation. After the Full Moon on August 28, 2018, there will be a period of preparation for the realization of your new goals.

During the Full Moon, emotional tension may arise. The risk of conflicts and misunderstandings will increase; it will be important to avoid quarrels with people. At this time, you will need to look for opportunities, not problems. The full moon will help you find ways to achieve your goals and desires.

Full moon in August 2018 when: Horoscope for the month of August


Aries full month will bring awareness of something important and the opportunity to understand your inner world.


During the period of the influence of the full moon, Taurus will see big changes related to his environment, place in society, plans, ideas and goals. Taurus will need to express themselves.


The Full Month for Gemini is a period of work-related changes. People of this sign must devote maximum time and effort to their goals.

For Cancers, the full moon will bring travel, impressions and personal growth. Representatives of the sign who are already in a relationship will be able to add more variety and refresh their feelings.

The Full Moon will bring Leos many emotional situations where you will have to control everything you say and do. The full moon period will bring changes in your career.


For Virgos, two weeks after the full moon will be a period of working on relationships. It is relationships with loved ones or a loved one that will come to the fore for you.


For Libra, this will be a period of putting things in order in their lives, thoughts, feelings and emotions. You will be prudent and will be able to organize your life.


Scorpio will be brighter during the full moon and will be able to express his individuality.


The Full Month will bring significant changes to all Sagittarians in the area of ​​home and loved ones. Sagittarians will be more emotional and sensitive during this period.


For Capricorns, the full moon period will be a time of change in communication with people and social life. Capricorns will become more sociable and open, so expect to expand your circle of friends.


Aquarius on this full moon will be busy solving material problems and money matters. You need to be careful with your spending.


For Pisces, the full moon in August 2018 will bring many changes related to their personality. Changing your image will only be beneficial, so don’t be afraid to experiment

When is the full moon in August?

The full moon in August 2018 will occur on Sunday 26th. This is the last full moon this summer. The full moon will occur on August 26, 2018 at 14:56:52 Moscow time.
At this time, Mother Moon will be in the zodiac sign Pisces. From 08/25/2018 7:39am to 08/26/2018 8:32am Moscow time, the Moon will be on “autopilot” - without a course. There may be slight confusion in the head and you should not start grandiose things during this period.
At the moment of the full moon, Mother Moon will resist the Sun.
In a fashionable word, the Full Moon will be in opposition to the daylight.

full moon in August 2018

pros and cons of the full moon August 26, 2018
Dreams you have on this day come true within a month.
The full moon in Pisces awakens feelings of love and light bliss in people. There will be notes of sentimentality, a desire to contemplate and reflect. The craving for the beautiful and sublime encourages us to do something good for others.

But don’t delude yourself too much.
At the time of the full moon in August, the Sun will be in the sign of Virgo. The opposition of the Moon to the Sun will make its own adjustments to the thought process.
Thus, the heart will strive for the sublime and actions, perhaps stupid and sentimental.
The mind will try to return a person to the realities of life and cruel reality. Will introduce additional problems Moon opposition to the Lot of Love.
This can make you fixate on some thought, which will return you to the beginning of your thoughts over and over again. Most often, this thought will be the desire for carnal pleasures, love affairs and debauchery. The full moon will end, but you won’t be able to immediately forget the stupid things you did on this day.
Thus, on this full moon, conflicts between consciousness and inner world person.

The Moon in Pisces will bring notes of melancholy and splitting of consciousness to this full moon.

full moon in August 2018

recommendations for the full moon in August
My consciousness helpfully slips in memories from my youth. As one of my mentors, the grandson of Admiral Essen, Alexander Eduardovich Essen, said, “the main thing is not to piss, and food!” Short, succinct, without sentimentality.
The full moon is the time of maximum energy of the moon.
It's time to sum up the interim results of the month, think about what needs to be fixed and where to move next. We definitely need to thank the Higher Powers for their help in our affairs.
It can and should be done.
Sunday is a neutral day in magic (neither feminine nor masculine), this day is patronized by the Sun. Maximum Peak magical powers falls at noon.

Creative rituals for well-being, love, and vitality are favorable.
Dedicate a day to rest, do not overload.
good wine, good food, promote philosophical reasoning. If you are destined to work on this day, try to create the most comfortable conditions for fruitful work.
Watch your words and actions.
Don't throw words at the full moon. You can be naughty within reason. Striving for peace of mind will help avoid aggression and rash actions.
Have a good day!

Understanding the specifics of the full moon in August 2018 will allow you to effectively use space resources to achieve your own goals. Despite the fact that this summer month is mostly unstable, even fussy, the day of the Full Moon brings moderate energy fluctuations that will help you implement complex tasks at work, in business and in business.

Solving love problems should be postponed until a more favorable time. It is necessary to avoid conflicts, show maximum patience and caution in communicating with those who are truly dear. This day should not be chosen to declare your love or break up a relationship. Lunar power will provide support in career advancement, so you need to focus on work, putting aside romantic experiences.

The lunar cycle, which falls in August 2018, is characterized by restlessness and harshness. The energy of the Earth's Satellite is ambiguous: for some it offers renewal, for others it offers a feeling of dissatisfaction. Much depends on personal the right attitude, so it is important to fill yourself with positive thinking.

Day of the week and dates: calendar and synodal

Visibility of the Sun, its phase (I,II,III,IV)

Zodiac sign interacting with the Moon

Specifics of lunar activity

Sunrise (V.)
Sunset (Z.)

19 – 20

III, decreasing

Pisces and Aries

V. – 22:26
W. – 09:20

20 – 21

By 74%
III decreasing

V. – 22:43
Z. – 10:32

21 – 22

By 65%
III, descending

Aries and Taurus

V. – 23:01
Z. – 11:46

22 – 23

By 54%
Third Quarter at 21:20

The favorable energy of the day is aimed at creation family values, restoration of relationships, financial stability

V. – 23:21
W. – 13:00

23 – 24

By 44%
IV, decreasing

V. – 23:46
Z. – 14:18


By 33%
IV, descending

Taurus and Gemini

24 – 25

By 22%
IV, decreasing


V. – 00:59
W. – 18:05

25 — 26

By 13%
IV, decreasing

Gemini and Cancer

V. – 00:59
W. – 18:05

26 – 27

By 6%
IV, decreases

V. – 01:54
Z. – 19:05

August 10, 2018
27 – 28

On 2%
IV, decreases

Cancer and Leo

Moderately favorable day. Time to implement long-planned plans

V. – 3:04
Z. – 19:52

28 – 29 – 1

New Moon at 12:57

V. – 4:25
Z. – 20:28

1 – 2

By 1%
I, in height

Leo and Virgo

A positive charge from space guarantees success in business and at work

V. – 5:52
Z. – 20:57

2 – 3

By 6%
I, growing

V. – 7:20
W. – 21:20

3 – 4

By 12%
I, increases

Virgo and Libra

V. – 8:45
W. – 21:40

4 – 5

By 21%
I, growing

V. – 10:08
W. – 22:00

5 – 6

By 30%
I, in height

Libra and Scorpio

V. – 11:27
Z. – 22:19

6 – 7

By 41%
I, growing


V. – 12:44
W. – 22:40

7 – 8

By 51%
First Quarter at 10:50

Scorpio and Sagittarius

V. – 13:57
Z. – 23:05

8 – 9

By 61%
II, growing

The day is favorable. The energy is calm and creative

V. – 15:06
Z. – 23:33

August 20, 2018
9 – 10

II, increases

Sagittarius and Capricorn


II, in height

V. – 17:06
Z. – 0:09

11 – 12

II, growing

V. – 17:55
Z. – 0:51

12 – 13

II, in height

Capricorn and Aquarius

V. – 18:35
Z. – 1:42

13 – 14

II, increases

V. – 19:07
Z. – 2:40

14 – 15

II, growing

V. – 19:34
Z. – 3:43

August 26, 2018
15 – 16

Full moon at 14:56

Aquarius and Pisces

V. – 19:56
Z. – 4:51

16 – 17

III, decreases

Moderately positive day

V. – 20:15
W. – 6:00

August 28, 2018
17 – 18

III, decreasing

Pisces and Aries

V. – 20:32
Z. – 7:11

18 – 19

III, descending

V. – 20:49
Z. – 8:21

August 30, 2018
19 – 20

III, in reduction

V. – 21:07
Z. – 9:35

20 – 21

III, descending

Aries and Taurus

A favorable period for strengthening family values

V. – 21:26
W. – 10:50

Review of the movement of the Night Luminary on the last day of summer 2018:

  • New Moon: 11th at 12:57.
  • In growth: from 12 to 17 (Phase I), from 19 to 25 (Phase II).
  • First Quarter: 18th at 10:50.
  • Full Moon: 26th at 14:56.
  • Descending: from 1 to 3, from 27 to 31 (Phase III); from 5 to 10 (IV Phase).
  • Third Quarter: 4th at 21:20.

Power of the Full Moon

The time when the Small Sun is visible in its entirety is considered special, having the ability to greatly influence the human psyche and body. Many people experience increased, sometimes uncontrollable, arousal during this period.

According to numerous studies, the Full Moon accounts for the majority of quarrels, scandals, and unpleasant incidents. However, it is not the Moon that is to blame for this, but man’s careless attitude towards impulses of cosmic energy, which are so influential that they need to be used competently. It makes no sense to ignore the cyclical nature of the natural Satellite, since nature itself adapts to it, setting an example of harmony and perfection.

Those who have noticed a tendency to be quick-tempered need to take care of their own mental stability during the Full Moon. Even the day before, it is important to categorically forbid yourself to get involved in squabbles with others. Any extreme ideas and methods of active fun that suddenly come to mind should be abandoned. The best pastime is playing light sports, mental activity, and creativity.

The full moon will take place on August 26, 2018 at 14:56:12 in the sign of Pisces. The August 2018 Full Moon astrology is beautifully symmetrical. The fully lunar aspect of the Sun opposite the Moon forms a sail-shaped configuration. Five harmonious aspects surround this intense opposition to simplify skills and develop talents.

The Moon also aligns with two lucky and powerful fixed stars, ideal for developing occult skills, making money and personal goals. With this full moon comes exciting opportunities for personal and professional success, adding a sense of security and stability.

Full Moon in August 2018: Astrology

The Full Moon in August creates a beautifully symmetrical aspect called a kite or sail - a solid triangle with the Sun, Saturn and Uranus at the corners. This triangle is a very fortunate aspect of a major Trine. There are also two fixed stars joining the full moon that are worth considering before we take a closer look at this aspect.

The star Sadalmelik is the closest but smaller of the two stars. The conjunction of the Moon and Sadalmelik gives Special attention occult matters, success in large companies and favors conquest. Although this star can generally portend danger and cause persecution, the favorable aspects of Saturn and Uranus ensure its most positive manifestation.

The name "Sadalmelik" is Arabic, meaning "Luck of the King". This means that good good deeds will happen to people - leaders during two weeks of this phase of the moon.

The star Fomalhaut is one of the most important stars, it is one of the four royal stars ancient Persia or the Archangel stars of ancient religions. Fomalhaut represents Archangel Gabriel. Robson once wrote that a conjunction with the Moon of Fomalhaut brings secret business, causing much trouble and hostility, but ultimately winning after many difficulties.

In general, Fomalhaut is very fortunate and powerful, but can evoke malice of a sublime scale and character and move from a material to a spiritual form of expression. Ebertin said about this: “This star has a very variable effect, either very good or very bad, depending on the overall cosmic structure. Associated with the Sun or Moon, the influence of Fomalgat is said to be quite noticeable."

Aspects of the Full Moon in August 2018

Sun trine Saturn brings success and recognition for earlier efforts. You can focus on achieving your long-term goals and remain balanced. This means that other areas of your life do not have to suffer from your intense workload and determination. Relationships with men and superiors will be serious, practical and rewarding. Valuable advice can come from elders and leaders.

The Sun-Uranus trine enhances intuition and provides flashes of insight that lead to self-knowledge and completely unexpected revelations. Increased self-confidence will allow you to express a more unique or quirky side of your personality. You may want to try something new and exciting, outside of your usual and comfort zone.

The trine of Saturn and Uranus, as I wrote in a previous article, is a transitional stage in life, a period positive changes, but for them to happen smoothly and painlessly, everything needs to be carefully planned. Agility of thought when solving ordinary issues, initiative, mobility and rationality - this is what will be useful to you. According to your level of intelligence, you will be given a measure of responsibility, do not let us down.

The full moon in August 2018 is ideal for teaching especially technical subjects. Occult subjects such as astrology, magic, bioenergetics, etc. are now easier to understand.

The grand trine has great natural talent, creativity and luck. However, the ease and convenience of the tripartite aspects can cause a lack of motivation. Without external motivation from difficult aspects, it can be difficult to manifest the full potential that is given to you from above.

Now let's return to the sail-shaped aspect - this is a very positive aspect. The oppositional aspect creates inner pain and tension, but the harmonious aspects soften it. However, the internal tension created by the sail provides motivation and inspiration to develop hidden skills and abilities. The opposition makes you more inclined to action, that’s what was needed, a push!

According to Bruno and Louise Huber, the opposition or spine of the sail gives the need for security. It can cause you to go from one extreme to the other, looking for better and worse alternatives to find something in between, or it can make you become completely preoccupied with a problem when you could avoid it entirely. Deep inner pain is either balanced or suppressed, no one else can see it or help because it is hidden by surrounding aspects.

The Sun opposite the Moon creates personal conflict and crises that force you to maximize your potential. You must use your emotional strength and instincts to overcome these problems for your ego. People may try to bring you down by attacking your love life, or you may have to juggle polarities in life. The August full moon can increase tension between you and family members, placing an emotional burden on you. Balance your emotions and conscious intention.

The aspect pattern formed by the Moon, Saturn and Uranus highlights creative expression and intelligence, gives intuition, objectivity and exploration, gives a deep curiosity about the mysteries of life and a deep understanding of belief systems that differ from your own. This makes you a practical hidden treasure finder.

Two sextile aspects for the Moon work to resolve any personal conflicts or crises, it doesn't take much effort to do right choice and channel misdirected energies into positive development. These sextile aspects bring inherent skills, dedication and artistic gifts. They make many things easy so that your needs are easily met. They provide inner stability and flexibility so that you can successfully realize your abilities.

Sextile Moon and Saturn makes you feel secure in your family and with your partner. Show how much you care about them through action, not through public displays of emotion. The main goal is to provide nourishment and comfort through food, shelter and simply a shoulder to cry on. Commitment, loyalty and your family home become more important. You can perform your duties with care and patience.

Moon sextile Uranus stimulates personal meetings and exciting events. You will be more open to changes in your life and may actively seek change. Your stronger-than-usual intuition can help you make quick decisions about where to go, so follow your instincts and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. This is the right time period to find original ways act using curiosity and ingenuity.

Previous moon phase:
Next Moon Phase: