Not all books are able to captivate the reader from the first pages and keep them in suspense and suspense until the very end. But these 10 books will definitely not let you stop reading for even a couple of minutes. They can be “swallowed” literally whole, and until the very last line the reader will be in tension and ignorance.

1. Novel "Amsterdam"

writer Ian McEwan
Clive and Vernon are two bosom friends, successful, quite young and smart. Clive is a very talented composer, and Vernon is the editor of a major newspaper. Their friendship seemed unbreakable, and upon learning of the death of a woman named Molly, who was their common love in the past, they enter into a strange pact, which states that if one of them is struck down by the same terrible disease that killed Molly, the other will order euthanasia for him. But after several incidents, the friendship collapses, people who were once dear to each other become enemies, and wanting revenge, they secretly order euthanasia for each other...

2. Novel “The Collector”

writer John Fowles
Frederick Clegg is one of those people who is called a “gray mouse”; he works as an ordinary clerk in a government agency and his only hobby is collecting butterflies. He is uninteresting to the people around him, no one pays attention to him, especially Miranda, with whom he is secretly in love. But one day fate turns its face to Frederick, having made the right bet at the races, he wins a huge amount of money.

He sends all his relatives on vacation to another country, and he buys good house in the rural wilderness away from people. He would like to live in peace, but he decides to kidnap Miranda, which he successfully does. The second part of the book is written from the perspective of a kidnapped girl who is at first afraid of Clegg, but then realizes how miserable and insignificant he is, and pity for him awakens in her soul. What awaits her next?..

3. The Story “The Many Minds of Billy Milligan”

writer Daniel Keyes
Billy Milligan is an unusual person; 24 different personalities coexist in his body, which are radically different from each other. Among them there are adults, children, creative people, and villains. Because of them, Billy cannot control his actions, most of the time he is not in control of himself, which is why he goes to prison for rape, but Billy did not do this...

4. Detective "Broken Dolls"

writer James Carol
Jefferson Winter is the son of one of the most famous serial killers America, and in order to get rid of such a “legacy,” Winter becomes a detective, and not just a simple one, but a consultant on serial murders, helping the police solve complex cases. After all, he knows the logic of serial killers like no one else... A new case - a psychopath catches young girls and lobotomizes them, and Jefferson is obliged to find him as quickly as possible, because not everything that is broken can be fixed...

5. Science fiction “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

writer Douglas Adams
Arthur Dent had no idea about the existence of other civilizations until they decided to demolish his house. He lies down in the path of a bulldozer, but at that moment his friend named Ford comes, who reports that he is an alien from another world and very soon the Earth will be destroyed to build an intergalactic road. At the very last moment before the destruction of the Earth, the friends manage to get onto the ship of other aliens, where they are tortured for illegal entry, and then thrown into space, but even then they manage to escape. From then on, Arthur and Ford's incredible journey across the galaxy begins.

6. Detective “The One Who Wasn’t”

writers Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac (Boileau-Narcejac)
“The One That Wasn’t There” is a classic detective story that attracts you with its laconicism and ease of writing, and doesn’t let go until the very end. It happens in life that it seems as if you have found “your” person, you fall in love, start a family, but over time you realize that this is a complete stranger. And the further you go, the worse it gets, at first you simply hate this creature next to you, and then you wish for its speedy demise. The same thing happened to the main character of this work, because of which he is plotting to kill his wife, but life is a complicated thing, and everything turned out to be not as simple as he thought...

7. The story “Remembering my sad whores”

writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Main character books all his life he ran from serious feelings, from family and children, it seemed more reasonable to him to pay for quality sex than to give his heart to someone. On his 90th birthday, he calls a young girl with whom he falls in love. At that moment, he remembers and realizes his whole life, analyzes it and regrets that he fell in love on the “threshold of death”...

8. Novel “The Creator of Angels”

writer Stefan Brace
The book "Angel Maker" deals with the very popular topic of cloning, but it is not a common one. The main character of the work is a little boy with Asperger's syndrome, an orphan raised in a monastery. No one expected that he would become a genius, but a very evil and cruel one. He named his three children after the names of archangels, but their behavior is close to the devil - all the villagers are in fear of them. Who is to blame for this? Brains' work conveys to readers the essence of faith, social and humanitarian responsibility of a person to the whole world.

9. Detective "Snowman"

writer J. Nesbe
Hole Harri is a Norwegian detective who investigates seemingly ordinary murders. married women. But his tenacious mind finds a connection between these murders and others that happened long before. All the women were killed at the time when the first snow fell, they were all married, they had children, and there was always a snowman at the scene of the murder. Other detectives couldn't put it together, but Hole understands that all these murders were the work of serial maniac. Since then, his “hunt” for the killer, who was given the nickname “Snowman,” begins.

10. Novel “The Thirteenth Tale”

writer Diana Setterfield
Margaret Lee - an ordinary bookstore clerk, sometimes she wrote literary works, published some of them, but never stood out in any way and no one was interested in her work. That is why she was extremely surprised when the popular writer Vida Winters approached her with a request to write her autobiography.

Before meeting Vida, Margaret sincerely considered her works to be “thoughtless scribbling,” but during her stay at her estate, she changes her opinion. She finds a book by Vida Winters called "Thirteen Tales" from her father, but the thirteenth is not in it. And Margaret will have to find out this confusing, but such interesting story while writing an autobiography, which turns out to be that very unpublished “fairy tale”.

This may sound unexpected to some, but good TV series are also released outside the United States. And even, believe it or not, in Russia. The Village Belarus has collected 10 excellent series made outside of Netflix and HBO that you may not have seen. Vacation at your own expense - great way fill in the gaps.


This is what the series “Sex in” could look like big city"in cynical London of 2017. Fleabag is worth watching mainly because of the charismatic Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who transmits such a charge of cynicism from the screen that we wash our hands of it. The entire series will be completed in 2 hours 40 minutes, which is 10 minutes less than you spent on Nolan's Interstellar. And you won’t believe it, there will be more pleasure. Watching what the life of a 30-year-old single woman in London looks like, how she masturbates to Obama's speech, talks to her guinea pig and sorts things out with her more successful sister will be very exciting. No, of course, nothing to do with you, just look (with condemnation) what these British are doing!


Best Scandinavian TV series recent years. Danish noir about sociopathic detectives with a sophisticated, mostly dark, sense of humor. It’s interesting that right after “The Bridge,” interest in Scandinavian television arose throughout the world. What will Belarusian viewers like about the series? Cloudy landscapes, dashing jokes, a strong script and twisted intrigue. The authors of The Bridge always leave something out so that the viewer remains two steps behind the criminal. This means you will constantly have to strain to solve the charades with maniacs and severed heads that the scriptwriters have carefully prepared for you.

"To the Call of Sorrow"

Les Revenants

And here is the best French TV series of the 2000s. A year after death, those who died in the different time People. They are not like zombies and do not require human flesh, they do not remember what happened - they just returned home. While relatives have already learned to cope without them and cried out all their grief. This is a story about tragedy and how barren the soil remains in the place from which something close and dear was torn out. “At the Call of Sorrow” is scary not because the dead rise from their graves, but because of how much horror lurks behind the white fences of beautiful houses. Or in the passage under the bridge.


The Fall

An unexpected transition, but we need to somehow entertain those who are depressed while watching science fiction. Don't be so quick to wrinkle your nose at the sight of Jamie Dornan in leading role. If you were lucky enough to meet him while watching Fifty Shades of Gray, we're sorry, but we suggest you don't write Dornan off. The Fall is his best role. Here he plays an exemplary family man (wait for it!) and part-time serial maniac. A very sexy and brutal serial maniac, so it will be difficult at first to believe that the victims did not give themselves to him of their own free will. On the other side of the law is the beautiful Gillian Anderson, a metropolitan detective who comes to Belfast to investigate the case of a maniac. Why should you love this series? For its psychologism and depth. Here they delve long and slowly into questions like: why does the father of the family suddenly start killing; what is “provoking the victim”; how good old childhood traumas influence what we do.


Champion from Germany. Netflix bought the rights to the series, which is actually rare. “Dark” is at the same time “Back to the Future”, “Twin Peaks”, “It” and many other European thrillers about child abductions. Here you can get lost in the characters, because they are all the main ones, and we see them in three projections - in the present, past and future. Tension no worse than Hitchcock's is guaranteed, but the fact that you will be able to relax is not. It’s difficult to follow the intricacies of the plot even if you’re sober; you’ll get completely lost over a glass of beer. Last news They're reporting that Dark has been renewed for a second season, so watch the first one and wait.


Behind "Government" is a group of Danish directors who have experimented with "Dogme" and won honors at the Berlin Film Festival, if you understand where all this is going. The story of Birgitte Nyborg's rise to power is the story of Denmark's first female prime minister. Here you will find an interesting look at politics through the eyes of a woman, when the questions “What to wear” are forced to give way to the global “How to be” and “What to do,” and behind the mask of the iron lady are hidden hysterics and emotional breakdowns.


The Missing

One of the best European detective series of recent years. A British family's son goes missing while on holiday in France. All the episodes that follow are not so much a search for him (although the intrigue around the disappearance is built extremely powerfully), but rather a chronicle of the breakdown of a family after the tragedy. The directors of the project have suspense on one leg, so let us allow ourselves the banality and let you know that in one breath you will watch not only the first, but also the second season.


The Town

A good option, if you're short on time and love Andrew Scott. “Town” is not about Oleinikov and Stoyanov, it is a three-part detective story about a London dandy who comes to his native province when his parents commit suicide. Old acquaintances, the father's house and the scenery of the English periphery with strange inhabitants and sluggish life - only in reality a boring sight. As you know, charming carved facades can hide an unsightly backyard where the corpse of the troublesome neighbor boy is buried. Yes, don’t think that we are talking about a corpse figuratively - of course there will be one, this is a British detective story.


New last year for fans of Scandinavian TV series. The plot of “Monster” has already won an award from the European Screenwriters Association for an innovative script. If you are against everything new, it doesn’t matter either: according to tradition, the investigation is led by a couple who dislike each other, but then everything will change. In “Monster,” inhospitable landscapes alternate with mysterious burial mysteries and murder investigations. The visual language of the series will seem familiar to you: cinematographer Ergen Johansson worked on “The Bridge,” which we talked about above.

"This country"

This Country

A great mockumentary sitcom if you're wondering what life is like for a 20-year-old on the fringes in England. You can enjoy the series if you stop expecting sharp humor or stupid gags from it. The charm of This Country is how many recognizable characters, types and situations there are on the screen. If at any point you stop understanding why you're watching the story of British boys and instead see your friends and family, consider it a kind of catharsis.

Text: Alexandra Gavrichenko

A good book is like a friend with whom you want to talk non-stop. In reading, as in life, there are fleeting acquaintances, but there are also those that last forever. From time to time you meet such friends again, feel nostalgic and certainly learn something new.

The ancient Roman philosopher Cicero said that he did not value reading without any pleasure. Superficial, joyless browsing is a problem for many people. Navigating the modern literary space is quite difficult. Much of what has been written and actively circulated is not worth attention. These are one-day books whose voice will be drowned out for decades. But among the paper pulp there are true literary diamonds that will always sparkle. To help passionate readers, we have made a selection of 10 books that you won’t be able to put down.

Somerset Maugham "The Burden of Human Passion" (1915)

“The Burden of Human Passions” (original title Of Human Bondage) is one of the most famous works of the twentieth century classic by the Englishman Somerset Maugham.

This is a philosophical drama about the life and existential quest of Philip Carey. WITH early childhood he was haunted by misfortunes: orphanhood, congenital lameness, ridicule of schoolmates, loneliness. Adult Carey still remains timid and shy, falls in love with the wayward, vicious Mildred and dutifully endures his beloved’s repeated betrayals. Life is damn unfair to Philip, and therefore he is trying to find out what its meaning is, what laws existence is based on. Why does it give everything to some, while it mercilessly takes away even the most basic grains of happiness from others? On the path to truth, Carey addresses many philosophical teachings, becomes disillusioned with God and faith, tries himself in various fields, trying to find his calling, falls in love, breaks hearts. Will the main character be able to throw off the burden of human passions and answer the question of what life is?

Tartt "The Secret History" (1992)

“The Secret Story” (originally The Secret Story) is the debut novel by American writer, Pulitzer Prize winner Donna Tartt. It sold five million copies around the world and was heard in 24 languages. It was with “The Secret History” that the great fame of its “parent” began.

This psychological thriller tells the story of students at a Vermont private college. Young people came to educational institution study ancient Greek. There are very few of them, they are young, smart, talented and fanatically in love with antiquity. Soon the guys have a fix idea - they are superhumans, a special caste, the chosen ones. Many years later, student Richard Papen recalls those days when he lived within the walls of a secluded college, believed in his uniqueness, and when that terrible murder happened...

Donna Tartt knows how to intrigue, dissect characters and break stereotypes. We recommend it to fans of suspense and talented forensic science.

Fannie Flagg "Fried Green Tomatoes" (1987)

Evelyn Couch's life is over. She is 48 and, despite the fact that she is married, she is endlessly lonely. Evelyn stopped taking care of herself long ago, and chocolate bars became the main joy of her life. On top of everything else, she now has to go to a nursing home to visit her mother-in-law. It is here that the woman meets Ninny Threadgoode. This 86-year-old woman lived a long and difficult life, but she was not at all disappointed in it and did not lose optimism. Sitting in a government chair in a nursing home, Ninny revives multiple memories and thereby inspires his listener.

The novel “Fried Green Tomatoes” (original – Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe) from the talented American Fannie Flagg became a real bestseller in its time. Four years later, in 1991, a film of the same name was made based on it. The film was directed by Jon Avnet (“War”, “Close to the Heart”).

For those who have lost faith, who have succumbed to pessimism, who love a little sad nostalgia and touching life prose, we recommend the novel by Fanny Flagg.

Alexandre Dumas (father) "The Count of Monte Cristo" (1844-45)

Even those who have not read The Count of Monte Cristo certainly know this literary character and at least in general outline heard the story of the prisoner of the Château d'If.

Alexandre Dumas (father) is a true titan of literature. Centuries later, he is no longer tied to any particular country and culture, Dumas is a citizen of the world, and his legacy is the pride of humanity.

If you love adventure, intrigue, and exciting plot twists and turns, put aside modern reading for a while and turn to the classics. The story of the sailor Edmond Dantes, his ups, downs, love, “death” and magical resurrection, will give you an unforgettable experience!

After reading, you should reinforce your emotions with a good film adaptation; more than two dozen of them have been filmed. For example, you can watch the film by Jose Diana (“Balzac”, “Dangerous Liaisons”) with Gerard Depardieu in the title role.

Francoise Sagan "Leash" (1989)

The famous Frenchwoman Françoise Sagan became famous throughout the world for her unusual stories. This woman knows how to surprise. The novel "The Leash" (originally La Laisse) was written in last decade creative career as a writer. It tells about a married couple, Vincent and Laurent. One of them is rich, earns money, the other plays the role of a toy, forced to live according to the rules of a whimsical patron. A familiar story, isn't it? However, the wayward Sagan turned everything upside down: for her, Vincent is a doll, and Laurent is a puppeteer.

“Leash” will certainly appeal to fans of everyday drama, atmospheric French prose and the recognizable style of the great Sagan.

Arthur Haley "Airport" (1968)

On a January evening in 1967 international Airport There was a snowstorm named after Lincoln. At this time, a passenger plane crashes and urgently needs to land. The airport administration, led by Mel Bakersfeld, needs to quickly organize landing at extreme conditions.

The novel "Airport" (in the original "Airport"), like other works of the Canadian Arthur Haley, belongs to the genre of the so-called industrial novel, in which a person (a professional in his field) comes face to face with the solution of a complex informal problem. As a rule, it needs to be solved in short time. So, Mr. Bakersfeld has 24 hours to fight the snowy elements. One day in the life of Lincoln Airport turned out to be quite stressful.

Stefan Zweig "24 Hours in the Life of a Woman" (1927)

Stefan Zweig always writes wonderfully, be it a historical novel, a biography, an essay, a long work or a laconic short story. “24 Hours in the Life of a Woman” tells the story of an unprecedented incident - a 33-year-old respectable lady abandoned two children and a wealthy husband because of a charming stranger whom she met the day before.

The narrator, who was vacationing in the same boarding house where the family drama took place, became an involuntary participant in a circle that was actively discussing the act of the frivolous fugitive. He, out of the goodness of his heart, joined the camp of those who tried to justify Madame. Among them was one elderly person - 67-year-old Madame K. Having taken a liking to young man, she told him her own love story, which broke out in just 24 hours, but left a mark on her soul for the rest of her life.

Zweig's short stories are always sincere, deep, aphoristic, sensual and at the same time very chaste. We recommend it to connoisseurs of the romantic genre, rather than “pink” literature.

Winston Groom "Forest Gump" (1986)

The novel “Forrest Gump” (original – Forrest Gamp) is a striking example when the fame of a literary character significantly outstripped the fame of the writer. Not everyone knows that the story about a mentally retarded man named Forrest Gump was created by the American writer and documentarian Winston Groom.

This fascinating, touching, sometimes funny and tear-jerking novel will not leave anyone indifferent. A masterpiece film will reinforce the impression of the book. The novel was filmed by the outstanding director Robert Zemeckis (“Back to the Future,” “Cast Away”). The role of Forest was brilliantly played by Tom Hanks (“Cast Away,” “The Green Mile”). The film was so successful that it received six Oscars, including Best Director, Best male role and the best film of 1994.

Joan Harris "Five Quarters of an Orange" (2001)

Another creation from the author of the masterpiece “Chocolate” will not leave sensual people indifferent. Five Quortes of the Orange is the thrilling story of a woman named Framboise and the secret hidden in her mother's cookbook.

Even a seemingly trivial plot will turn into a magical mystery in Harris’ creative treatment. Those who have read or at least watched the film “Chocolate” will certainly understand what it is about and will want to read this amazing book.

Sebastien Japrisot "A Lady with Glasses and a Gun in a Car" (1966)

Fans of the detective genre will appreciate the bestseller from the Frenchman Sebastien Japrizo. “The Lady with Glasses and a Gun in the Car” is an action-packed story about a 26-year-old worker advertising agency named Dani.

Is there any meaning and benefit in visiting the library in our time and why many people still cannot give up this pleasure.

They are now very popular, having become real encyclopedias for those who are seriously thinking about the premature end of the world.

All her life Dani has lived by the rules, but one day the girl decides to play a little prank - take a ride in her boss’s car to the sea. However, instead of basking on the Cote d'Azur, Dani will have to hide from justice. An unpleasant surprise awaited her in the trunk of the car - the corpse of a man with a gunshot wound. Now Dani is the main suspect in the murder case. To escape, she will have to conduct her own detective investigation.

10 books you can't tear yourself away from

5 (100%) 1 vote

I'm sure you're missing a book that will captivate you so much that you won't want to return to reality. We decided to make things easier for you and have compiled a list of books that you simply won’t be able to tear yourself away from.

Arthur Haley. "Airport"

One of the best works Arthur Haley. Explosion on board an airplane. Urgent landing. The airport is cut off from the outside world by a snowstorm, making landing almost impossible. You'll probably think this is a script for some blockbuster. But this is just one day in the life of a giant airport. A kind of microcosm in which people work, feud, quarrel and strive for success.

Alice Munro. "Runaway"

The book is a collection amazing stories about love and betrayal, about unexpected turns of fate and the complex spectrum of personal relationships. There are no banal plots or familiar patterns here.

Khaled Hosseini. "The Kite Runner"

I shed a lot of tears and laughed just as much over this book. The author made me walk along the same streets Kabul, along which the main characters of the book, boys, walked Amir And Hasan. The book is very insightful about their friendship, despite the fact that one of them belongs to the local aristocracy, and the other to a despised minority. Each has their own destiny, but they are bound by strong bonds of friendship.

Tom McCarthy. "When I Was Real"

This avant-garde novel is unlike all others before and after it. The main character, waking up in the hospital, receives multi-million dollar compensation for damage and paranoid uncertainty about reality. today. He spends a fortune recreating the “real” paintings that lie dormant in his mind. It all starts with the construction of an entire house, in which a team of special people recreates the smell of fried liver, the sounds of music from a pianist above and cats walking on the roof.

Jojo Moyes. "See you soon"

A sad story about impossible love. main character Lou Clark loses his job in a cafe and gets a job as a nurse for a bedridden patient. Will Traynor was hit by a bus, and, even despite rehabilitation, he had no desire to live. Neither of them knows how life will change after this meeting.

Clive Lewis. "The Chronicles of Narnia"

The book consists of seven fantasy stories telling about the adventures of children in a magical land called Narnia, where animals can talk, magic surprises no one, and good fights evil. I am sure that the book will make you forget about sleep and will not let you out of its magical embrace for a long time.

Laura Hillenbrand. "Unbroken"

One of the main bestsellers of the decade, according to the magazine Times, about a man who survived. The plot is based on an incredible biography Louis Zamperini, a street boy who was raised to be an Olympic runner. Afterwards he became a pilot during Second World War. Having survived a plane crash, this man drifted on a raft in the ocean for a month and was eventually captured by the Japanese. But no one and nothing could break him.

Gillian Flynn. "Gone Girl"

The book is perhaps the main bestseller of our time. This psychological thriller contains so many unexpected plot twists that even the most experienced reader will be satisfied. According to the plot, on the fifth wedding anniversary he disappears Amy- wife Nick Danna. The circumstances of her disappearance are extremely suspicious. And the victim Nick soon turns into a suspect.

David Mitchell. "Cloud Atlas"

A bright and exciting novel, the plot of which unfolds in mid-19th century century. Your attention will be presented to six stories in which there is a place for betrayal and murder, love and devotion. Everyone will understand this book in their own way - it is like a mosaic from which different people they create completely different pictures.

George Martin. "Song of Ice and Fire"

This novel does not require a separate introduction. There is hardly anyone who has not watched the series of the same name or at least heard about it. The events of the book take place on the continent Verteros where there is a struggle for the throne. Royal intrigues, conspiracies and war haunt the reader throughout the novel.

In a fast rhythm modern life Even big book lovers don’t always have time to read. But among the huge number of literary creations, there are those that can be read very quickly - and all because it is almost impossible to stop reading. This review includes ten of these fascinating and interesting books.

1. "Children's Law"

book author Ian McEwan
Judge Fiona May is an uncompromising, tough and stern person. She has extraordinary professionalism, and there have been no difficult cases for her until this day. Her client Adam is very sick, and only a blood transfusion can save his life, but there is one huge obstacle to this - his faith and parents. His religion does not allow such medical procedures, and his parents are true fanatics, and they have long accepted the fact that their son will soon die. But Fiona has a choice, since Adam is a minor, and in this case the law allows the lawyer not to take into account the opinions of the parents. Fiona can save him, but at the same time deprive him of faith and support from his family. She doesn't even know how her decision will change not only Adam's life, but also her own...

2. “Love and Whiskey”

book author Greg Smallvidge
A high-profile event occurs in a small town - the mayor of the city commits suicide, and the police have no reason to believe that it was a set-up, but that’s exactly what the mayor’s wife thinks. And to find out all the circumstances, she hires a journalist named Mick Deir. As soon as the journalist arrives in the town, “strange things” begin and a lot of people stand in front of him. But these people don’t know who they contacted...

3. “I loved her. I loved him"

author of the book Anna Gavalda
How many books have been written about love, but the book of the modern French writer Anna Gavalda penetrates to the depths of the soul. It is written lightly, in simple language, and you can read this book in literally a couple of hours. “I loved her. I loved him” is capable of revealing new facets of love for every person.

4. "Of Mice and Men"

book author John Steinbeck
During World War II, two friends wander across America in search of work: the brilliant George and the mentally retarded Lennie. Lenny loves everything small, which is why mice live in his pockets.
One day, a couple of friends get a job with farmers, but their story unfolds completely differently than they expected... Lennie's immense strength knows no bounds, which causes the friends to have a huge pile of problems, and George faces an impossible task.

5. “Mashenka”

author of the book Vladimir Nabokov
The main character of the book, named Ganin, has been living in Berlin for a long time. He communicates closely with his neighbor, who often and zealously talks about the fact that every day his dear wife named Maria will arrive in Berlin. In the photographs of his neighbor, Ganin recognizes his first love, and decides to steal her from the station, no matter the cost, and take her into the sunset. His plan was flawless - he got his neighbor drunk in advance, set his alarm clock incorrectly and went to meet Mashenka, but at the very last moment he realized that it was impossible to return his former life...

6. "The Ocean at the End of the Road"

book author Neil Gaiman
The little boy doesn't know how to make friends with ordinary kids, but he has developed a strong friendship with books. He loves to walk around his farm and one day he comes to the courtyard of a house that belongs to the gods. And as it turned out, God has a favorite game - human destinies. From the moment the baby learned about the entertainment of the celestials, incredible creatures begin to seep into the human world, changing the world of people beyond recognition.

7. "Birds"

author of the book Daphne du Maurier
The family of an ordinary English farmer leads a quiet life on the vast plains of the community, but in an instant they are mercilessly attacked by suicidal seabirds. At first, the villagers blame everything on natural anomalies, but this does not stop. The birds wait day and night, and no one can hide from their wrath. Everyone thinks the farmer is crazy until they are convinced that the birds really intend to kill them...

8. "Good Year"

author of the book Peter Mayle
Max feels like an absolutely unhappy person - no money, no job, but his debts are through the roof. But then suddenly he receives an inheritance in the form of a house and a vineyard in the Provence region. Max, without any desire, moves to the estate with a great desire to sell it as soon as possible, but fate decides otherwise - a sweet girl named Fanny meets on his way, and he begins to like life in the village... Until she appears illegitimate daughter deceased uncle.

9. "Lemons and Tits"

book author Martha Ketro
The goal of every person's life is happiness. AND main character The book "Lemons and Tits" is chasing illusory happiness and illusory love. It would seem that they are not there? No, they were always here, you just had to open your eyes wider.

10. “No one writes to the Colonel”

Author of the book: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Many people know the name of this book thanks to the famous song “Nobody Writes to the Colonel” by the group “Bi-2”, but in fact the basis of this song was the book by Garcia Marquez, which tells the story of a seemingly completely unnoticed man who has long been retired, but still equally defends his rights and is ready to fight for the truth. He barely connects ends meet, but at the same time manages to defend his honor and dignity...