December 2014. NY

- Where are you going? — The security guard at the entrance to The Leonora club glanced at the newcomer with an indifferent gaze. - There's a private party here.

“That’s where I’m going,” Keanu answered absently.

“According to the lists, all the guests are already inside,” the guard said sternly. “I’ll send my partner to ask if they’re expecting anyone else.”

Keanu nodded and stepped aside, almost stepping on a bank card that someone had dropped. He picked it up from the wet sidewalk, mechanically wiped it with the edge of an expensive scarf, and put it in his pocket. The actor was not surprised that the security guard of the fashionable club did not recognize him. Local peaks of people's love for him usually occur at the most inopportune moments. Like that time, after another accident in which he got into on a motorcycle. Keanu was sitting on the asphalt with his leg torn to the bone and a mouthful of blood, and some “kind” woman kept pushing and pushing a notebook for him to autograph...

Or as recently as September, when the actor discovered an uninvited guest in the library of his Hollywood Hills mansion. I woke up to the sound of someone else's steps in the house, came out of the bedroom in a dressing gown and saw an unfamiliar lady in a chair. Reeves' house was built like a fortress, with a massive fence and complex locks on all the doors, so where this "unexpected joy" leaked to him was anyone's guess. But since her extravagance was enough for such a feint, it follows that we can continue to expect any nonsense from her, including fatal ones.

There is nothing to steal from the owner of a total fortune of $350 million, with the possible exception of motorcycles and books. In his habits and needs, he is modest to the point of disgrace, wears things for years, eats sandwiches, and when he wants to look at objects of art and luxury, he goes to the museum. “Money hasn’t bothered me for a long time,” says the actor, who runs a cancer foundation, regularly pays film industry technicians out of his own pocket, and once gave a carpenter $20,000 to help solve his problem. family problems. “What I have earned will last me for several more centuries.”

Keanu sat down opposite the visitor and in a friendly manner, without raising his voice, asked what he was obliged to do. “I have long dreamed of meeting you,” she said. The actor replied that in general he approves of the desire to realize a dream. They talked a little in this vein, after which Keanu asked permission to leave, locked himself in the toilet and called the police.

The actor didn’t even want to remember about another dreamer, a provincial housewife who claimed that Keanu had been sneaking into her bed for many years under the guise of her husband and fathered her with four children. But even here he showed superhuman calm and complaisance, thanks to which some in Hollywood consider him practically a saint, and some consider him blessed. Despite the obvious absurdity of the situation, Keanu quietly proved his innocence through a DNA test, and left the rest to psychiatrists to deal with.

In general, it should be stated that people with obvious mental deviations are most drawn to him. Keanu wasn't too worried about this: after all, even crazy people need someone to love. IN this moment he hoped that among the club staff there would be at least one unbalanced person who would glance through the glass and recognize the man in the rain as Keanu Reeves - the performer leading role in the film "Daughter of God", the end of filming of which his colleagues have been celebrating inside for twenty minutes. It probably never occurred to anyone from the film crew to include him on the guest list: everyone automatically assumed that Keanu’s face was a pass to go anywhere.

The stinging winter rain continued to drizzle, and passers-by ran past with their heads pulled into their collars. “Why am I actually standing here?” — the actor thought, but the prospect of having to explain himself to the guard in the spirit of “Do you know who I am?!” seemed to him more disgusting than a wet head and frozen ears.

Loneliness in the crowd

The driver got out of a hired limousine parked opposite the club, stood next to him and lit a cigarette from the lighter silently extended by the Hollywood star.

- You are, right?

Keanu nodded.

“I saw how they turned you away from the door,” said the driver. - I couldn’t believe my eyes!

- Me in Lately“They often turn it down,” Keanu admitted, thinking about his own: he hasn’t received offers from major film companies for a very long time. It's not that Reeves suffered much from this, but it's unfair that he wasn't even given the chance to try out for the role of Batman or Wolverine from the X-Men. “But I don’t like to make scandals.”

The new acquaintance looked sideways at the actor, as if calculating how many blows to the head the rich and famous man middle-aged to act like... a powerless loser. Then, with a sigh, he took out his cell phone and told the club administrator that Keanu Reeves had been waiting on the street for twenty minutes to be allowed into his own party.

“Thank you,” said the actor. -What is your name, good man?

“Ronnie,” the driver said. - But more often - the Mad King of Limousines.

Shaking his hand, the actor smiled. This is his karma: the only person who paid attention to him turned out to be in trouble with his head.

When Keanu entered the dimly lit room, the club owner himself jumped out to meet him, alternating apologies with promises to immediately fire those responsible. Quickly assuring him that everything was in order, Keanu grabbed his coat from a dozen people who wanted to court him, pulled someone else’s credit card out of his pocket and rushed into the hall at a trot. He climbed onto the stage, motioned to stop the music, and raised the microphone to his lips. The club owner froze, thinking that now the puncture of his employees would become public knowledge, but Keanu had something else on his mind.

- Hi all. I found a bank card on the street in the name... - He squinted at the letters embossed in the silver plastic. -...Don Jonas. Is there one here? Come, I'll return it.

Reuniting Mr. Jonas with his gold reserves, Keanu made his way to the farthest corner and began to contemplate the crowd. He couldn't say he felt like a fish out of water at these events, but it was still better than the echoing silence of his Manhattan apartment or Los Angeles mansion. As usually happened to him in such cases, his imagination immediately carried Keanu away to parallel reality, where his girls - girlfriend Jennifer and unborn daughter Ava - were waiting for him at home, and not lying side by side in a Los Angeles cemetery under cold stones.

Payback for love

January 2000. Los Angeles

Jen, who woke up from anesthesia, looked at Keanu almost with hatred.

- Satisfied? - She said with effort with dry gray lips. - You are guilty. You didn't want this child.

“Stop it,” Keanu said. “You yourself know what I didn’t want.”

But he really felt guilty because at one time he tried to persuade Jen to have an abortion. The fact is that she stopped using drugs only after she found out that she was expecting a child. He did not want to take risks, he was afraid to give life to a defective baby. This is not the first time that life has confronted Keanu with drugs: his father dealt in them, best friend, actor River Phoenix, died of an overdose at age 23. Keanu repeatedly offered Jennifer money for treatment, she started - and broke down. And sometimes she simply immediately took everything he gave to her dealer.

Of course, in the event of the birth of a sick baby, the actor’s money would be enough for the most modern medicines and the most best care. Although Reeves also had enough hospitals in his life: his sister Kim had been battling leukemia for many years. Keanu lived in constant fear lose her. As soon as Kim Once again went to bed for treatment, the actor took root in the chair by her bed and held her hand all the time, as if he hoped that this would somehow prevent her from leaving him forever.

Reeves' sister has been battling leukemia for many years. As soon as Kim goes to the hospital with a deterioration, he immediately goes on duty with her. With mother and sister Kim (2005). Photo: Daily Picture

Therefore, having learned about his friend’s pregnancy, Keanu suggested that she first get treatment and only then give birth.

He listened to so much in response - from Jennifer, her mother Maria, his mother Patricia and his sisters. Deafened by an avalanche of screams and tears, the actor decided to henceforth keep his completely rational fears to himself and rely on fate. Eight months later, he already believed that everything would be fine and dreamed of holding his daughter in his arms. She and Jennifer even came up with a name for her - Ava. And then everything collapsed: the next routine ultrasound showed that the tiny heart had stopped.

April 2001.

San Francisco to Los Angeles

After a long day of filming, filled with people and conversations, a featureless hotel room appeared to Keanu paradise island peace. Outside the window, the view of San Francisco gradually faded into the twilight. The actor opened the minibar, selected a small bottle of whiskey and went to the refrigerator for ice. He had something to celebrate. Yesterday he accompanied Jennifer to Los Angeles, who came with an offer of peace and a second chance to have real family. Together. It took him and Keanu a year and a half to get close again and stop blaming each other for little Ava's death.

Of course, there was still much to be done. Jen, who was driven back to drugs by depression, finally sought treatment on her own. medical care. Yesterday in the cafe I showed Keanu a large stack of prescriptions and a full first aid kit of pills, which made him think that the medicine might be worse than the disease. When she was expecting a child, Keanu bought “his girls” a mansion in Beverly Hills, which remained empty. Looks like it's time to settle it in...

The phone ringing interrupted the forward planning. Keanu did not immediately understand why his police friend was telling him that a young woman had died early in the morning on one of the Los Angeles boulevards.

- I'm so sorry, Keanu.

His breathing stopped, as if someone had punched him in the gut. Just yesterday—a few hours ago—Jen was sitting opposite him. She was moving. She spoke. Made plans. I kissed him goodbye. What does “she is no more” mean?

- That's for sure? - the actor wheezed. - Where is she? Don't be an idiot, I understand it's in the morgue. How to call there?

At the funeral, Keanu helped carry the coffin, trying not to listen to stories about the last hours of Jennifer's life. She spent them at a party with rocker Marilyn Manson: that night he sent her home to sober up in a taxi, but Jen decided to return, got behind the wheel of a jeep and, having lost control, drove it into cars parked on the boulevard. She was not wearing a seat belt and was thrown through the windshield onto the sidewalk...

Almost fourteen years later, Reeves' friends say he has never recovered from the double loss: “We sometimes think he's afraid to love again. Somehow it turns out that he brings misfortune to the women he cares about. Beloved sister, daughter, Jen... We, of course, convince him that he has nothing to do with it, but Keanu repeats: “Once is a case, and three times is already a system.” He thinks about it all the time and breaks up with women as soon as he feels something more than sympathy for them.”

“Grief changes shape, but it doesn’t go away,” says Keanu himself. — Most people believe that time heals. There supposedly comes a moment when you say to yourself: “Well, it’s all over, it’s not so hard for me anymore.” This is a misconception at best, a lie at worst. The loneliness that comes with the death of loved ones cannot be filled with anything. I can't help but think about what my present would have looked like if they had stayed with me. I miss what never happened. One can only hope that one day their memory will begin to bring comfort and joy, and not just pain and confusion.”

After the tragedy, the already not very sociable Keanu withdrew into himself, but even in the most difficult days, his loved ones were not afraid that he would get into a noose. Not that kind of character. “I don’t run from life,” explains the actor. “It’s stupid to die when there’s so much beauty around, and even stupider to turn away from it.” Some people need happiness to live, I don't. Now I’m trying to be around people more often, getting used to them again, although I can’t say that the process gives me pleasure. I want to one day meet a woman, get married, have children. This is the top of my mountain, but I still need to get there. Just give me time."

“Now I’m getting used to people again.” I want to one day meet a woman, get married, have children. This is the top of my mountain, but I still need to get there. Photo: East News

Keanu Charles Reeves

Family: sister - Kim Reeves (48 years old), horse breeder; half-sisters - Karina Miller (38 years old), Emma Reeves (34 years old)

Education: didn't graduate from high school

Career: starred in more than 60 films, including: “On the River's Edge”, “Dangerous Liaisons”, “Point Break”, “My Own Private Idaho”, “Little Buddha”, “Speed”, “The Devil’s Advocate”, “The Matrix” ", "Constantine: Lord of Darkness", "House by the Lake", "The Day the Earth Stood Still", "Henry's Crime Thing", "". Director of the film "Master of Tai Chi". Co-founder of the production company Company Films. Until 2002 he played bass guitar in the group Dogstar, from 2004 to 2005 - in the group Becky

His women

from 1998 to 2001

“I thought Keanu didn’t love my daughter enough,” says Jennifer’s mother. “But when I saw him at the funeral, I realized that I was mistaken.”

from 2003 to 2005

Keanu even proposed to a friend who supported him after Jen's death. However, later he decided that gratitude was not a reason to get married.

As a child, Larry (that was Lana's name before her gender change) liked to spend time in silence with a book on his lap, and not in the company of peers in the yard. But the worst thing was that when he did go outside, he wanted to play hopscotch with the girls, and not chase the ball. These desires were also reflected in appearance young Larry: he liked long hair, which he wore before entering Catholic school, and skirts, which he wore while no one was home. In college, Larry bounced between your own desires and the condemnation of society. Future Lana was saved by art and the support of her family: together with her brother Eddie, he drew comics. That's when the idea of ​​"The Matrix" appeared - a film about the world that shows the fragility of the individual under the pressure of society.

After the premiere of The Matrix, Larry began seeing a psychotherapist and one day talked to his family about the possibility of gender transition. In 2003, with his family accepting his decision, Larry began a series of gender reassignment surgeries, changed his name, and divorced his wife Thea Bloom.

Lilly Wachowski (49 years old)

Last year, the youngest of the Wachowski brothers came out as a woman. Wachowski added that his family, wife and friends fully support his decision.

Keanu Reeves (52 years old)

The year the Matrix was released, the actor suffered a personal tragedy: in 1999, his girlfriend, actress Jennifer Syme, became pregnant, but a week before giving birth, problems with the baby’s health began, and he appeared on light to the dead. Two years later, Jennifer died in a car accident. After this, Reeves never decided to marry or have children.

At the same time, the actor's younger sister Kim Reeves began her battle with blood cancer. Leukemia worsened in 2003, when the girl was literally on the verge of death. For the next 10 years, Kim struggled with the disease, and Keanu rushed to his sister from anywhere in the world at the slightest sign of exacerbation. Today the disease has subsided, but Keanu Reeves's prolonged depression makes him the saddest guy in Hollywood.

Carrie-Anne Moss (49 years old)

Neo's fighting friend, played by Keanu Reeves, is a Canadian actress and fashion model Carrie-Anne Moss, who continues to actively act in big films to this day, but few people know about this...

Hugo Weaving (57 years old)

The actor spent his childhood and youth in three countries at once: his parents professional activity(my mother worked as a guide, and my father as a seismologist) constantly moved between Nigeria, England and Australia. In the mid-70s, the family finally settled in Australia, where Hugo graduated from the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney. Since the late 80s, the artist began to receive roles in films and on television. One of the films, the drama about a blind young man “Proof,” attracted the then Wachowski brothers, and they invited Hugo to play the role of the main villain in “The Matrix.” The role of Agent Smith was physically difficult for the actor: due to episodes of fighting, he knocked out a disc in his spine and suffered from bouts of nausea.

Hugo met Wachowski 9 years after the end of The Matrix - in the film Cloud Atlas, where the artist played six characters at once.

The next long-term project on Weaving’s path was “The Lord of the Rings”: he starred in three parts of the film as the elf Elrond, and then in the “Hobbit” trilogy.

Gloria Foster (1933−2001)

Foster built her acting career in the theater and on Broadway, and fame came to the artist only at the age of 66, when she played the Pythia program in the first two parts of “The Matrix.” In the final part of the trilogy, the actress, who died of diabetes, was replaced by Mary Alice.

Laurence Fishburne (55 years old)

There is a fact in Fishburne’s biography that the actor is especially proud of: in 1995, he became the first black actor to play the lead role in the film adaptation of Shakespeare’s Othello. But a world breakthrough awaited the actor on the set of The Matrix. During the break between the releases of parts of the film, Fishburne married actress Gina Torres, who gave birth to a daughter, Delilah, in June 2007. The actor also has an adult son and daughter from his first marriage.

Keanu Reeves is a famous Hollywood actor. For viewers, films starring Keanu have become synonymous with non-trivial plots and subtle acting. Reeves's characters are rarely particularly emotional, so the actor was always required to have the talent to literally “play with his eyes” in order to make the audience feel the character.

Childhood and youth

Keanu Charles Reeves was born in Beirut on September 2, 1964. The family of the future celebrity had nothing to do with cinema. The artist’s veins contain the blood of ancestors from Portugal, Ireland, England and China. According to a number of websites, his religion is Buddhism. In addition to Keanu, their parents had 3 more daughters - Karina, Kim and Emma. When Reeves was 2 years old, the boy's parents separated. The actor no longer communicated with his father. Keanu's mother married director Paul Aron, but the couple divorced in 1971.

Another wave of popularity overtook Keanu in 1999 with the release of the cult film "". In the past century he became the most famous character. For his participation in The Matrix, Keanu Reeves received an incredible fee of over $110 million for that time. But the actor, admiring the work of the film crew, distributed $80 million to costume designers and special effects specialists.

Subsequent works also received positive reviews from critics and high box office receipts. Reeves starred in the dark fantasy film A Scanner Darkly and collaborated on the film The Lake House, and in 2013 he decided to try himself in a new field, as a director. In July, the premiere of his debut directorial project “Master of Tai Chi” took place.

In 2014, Reeves starred in the action film John Wick. The film combines dynamic action scenes, deeply emotional dialogues, and the story of a man who has nothing to lose. After resounding success, there was a resounding failure. The film, which was released in Russian distribution under the title “Daughter of God,” did not gross even $50 thousand.

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Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves

Another Reeves project is a film about anorexia, the directorial debut of Marti Noxon, and also filmed in the genre of black comedy. The film was co-produced by Reeves' sister Karina. This is the first joint cinematic work of brother and sister. The drama "To the Bone" is presented in competitive program Sundance Festival. Keanu appeared in the image of a doctor saving a catastrophically losing weight artist.

Personal life

Keanu Reeves's personal life is full of dramatic events and losses. Most strong love actor, in fact common-law wife was the American actress Jennifer Syme. Keanu met the girl through his sister in 1988, then the young people fell in love with each other at first sight. In 1999, Jennifer delighted her lover with the news that they were having a child.

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Keanu Reeves and pregnant Jennifer Syme

The daughter of Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Syme was supposed to appear on January 8, 2000, but a week before the birth the girl’s heart stopped beating. The child died because a blood clot came off from the umbilical cord. However, the tragedies in Reeves’ life did not end there: on April 1, 2001, Jennifer died in a car accident. After the shocks he suffered, Keanu for a long time I couldn’t come to my senses and was left alone. It was rumored that the man drowned his grief in alcohol and drugs, but came to his senses in time.

And in 2019, the media reported about the actor’s new novel. The artist became the chosen one of the enviable bachelor. Reeves and Alexandra have known each other for a long time - since 2009: then the woman helped him work on books. But all this time the relationship was only friendly and only recently reached a new level. It is known that they are still preparing for the wedding.

On September 2, 1964, the famous American film actor Keanu Reeves was born. Keanu has numerous years of filming behind him, many awards and films beloved by film fans, but who would have known that Keanu’s life is not as rosy as others could imagine. Keanu Reeves has experienced many tragedies in his life. Today we decided to make a selection of the five saddest facts from the biography of Keanu Reeves.

Keanu Reeves is a talented actor who has starred in films that are loved by audiences to this day. He has many fans and admirers, a truly successful acting career, but a completely sad situation with his personal life. The actor is almost fifty, but he has no family, which upsets not only him, but also Reeves’ loyal fans.


Since childhood, the famous film actor Keanu Reeves has suffered from dyslexia, a selective impairment of the ability to master reading skills while maintaining the general ability to learn. The disease did not allow Kian to read freely, although it left him almost complete opportunity to study normally. In academic schools and in general while receiving education, Keanu suffered greatly due to dyslexia, since the learning process was very difficult for him due to this disease.

Death of a child

In 1999, Jennifer Syme, Keanu Reeves's girlfriend with whom he was having an affair, became pregnant. The couple was expecting the birth of their daughter in January. They even chose a name for their daughter, whom they decided to call Ava Archer Syme-Reeves. However, in December 1999, tragedy struck - a week before the birth, the doctor stopped hearing the baby’s heartbeat. An ultrasound showed that the girl died in the womb due to a blood clot in the umbilical cord.

Jennifer's death

A few years later, another terrible tragedy occurred in Keanu’s life - his girlfriend Jennifer Syme died in a car accident. It happened on April 2, 2001, Jennifer was 28 years old at that time. Syme's car crashed into three parked cars. Because Jennifer was not wearing a seat belt, she was ejected from the car at the moment of impact and died instantly. Keanu Reeves buried his girlfriend next to the grave of their stillborn daughter.


Keanu Reeves is rightfully considered by many of his fans and colleagues to be one of the most unfortunate actors, because his fate was such that he lost not only his child, but also his girlfriend. Another sad fact of his biography was that after the death of his girlfriend, he fell into a long depression that has lasted for many years. This is due not only to the loss of loved ones, but also to the fact that the actor still dreams of starting a family. Unfortunately, he has not yet found the opportunity to do this. In an interview, he was asked if he had recovered from his depression, to which Reeves replied: “All I know is that sadness changes shape, but it does not go away.”

"Cool wind over the mountains." This is the translation from Hawaiian for the name of Keanu Reeves, a sad, always young actor with an exotic appearance. His mother is from England, and his father, in addition to Anglo-Irish, has Chinese, Portuguese and Hawaiian roots. Keanu Reeves has not seen him since he was three years old: when his parents divorced. There are 3 younger sisters: Kim and Karen on mother's side, Emma on father's side.

Beirut (the capital of Lebanon) is Keanu's birthplace. In childhood and youth he moved often: Australia, USA, Canada. Lived in Toronto for many years.

Due to dyslexia (problems with reading and writing) and frequent moving and changing schools, he did poorly at school. Didn't receive a high school diploma. But he enjoyed playing hockey and showed excellent results. He was a goalkeeper. He received the nickname “the wall” - he hit pucks masterfully! I really wanted to take part in the Olympics, but due to an injury I had to give up the sport.

His first serious film role was related to hockey: Keanu played a goalie in the film “Young Blood” (1986).

The beginning of a creative career

Keanu had been interested in the acting profession since childhood, but he had no intention of becoming an actor. At the age of 15 he began acting in amateur performances. At the same age he starred in television commercials. I got involved. He appeared on Canadian screens in television series and played small roles.

After Young Blood, Keanu Reeves moved to Los Angeles to develop his acting career. But in the USA he plays small roles at first. The genres are very different: thrillers, action, and arthouse - he tries himself everywhere. Critics note that the game is one-dimensional, flat, the roles are all similar.

The 1987 film "River's Edge" can be called a breakthrough. The actor became recognizable, and critics liked his performance.

Keanu Reeves' filmography includes more than 70 films. He appears in films that interest him. This could be an episode or a role in a low-budget auteur film. Is in it track record and world famous blockbusters.

"Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure"

One of Keanu Reeves' early films. Released in 1989, although filmed two years earlier. Fantastic comedy. Some critics thought it was a one-day film, a “stupid comedy,” but the audience liked it and it paid off at the box office.

2 years later, a sequel was released, which was also appreciated by the audience.

Reeves rarely appears in films of this genre, which makes it all the more interesting to watch him.

"On the crest of a wave"

After this film, Reeves began to be considered a “sex symbol.” His hero is a positive FBI agent who melted the hearts of many ladies. The tandem of the actor and his partner, Patrick Swayze, was especially noted. The latter was a star after Dirty Dancing, but Keanu was not lost in his background. It was a beautiful confrontation between two opposing but strong personalities.

Surfing plays a big role in the film. The principled Keanu learned to ride the waves and did a lot of things in the film himself. Reliability was needed. He enjoyed immersing himself in this sport so much that it became a hobby. He often spent and spends free time with a board by the ocean.


Another action movie in my career. This film made Keanu a star. He is again an intelligence officer. And again the film was a stunning commercial success. Critics also liked Keanu's performance. It was noted that he plays clearly, with a variety of acting techniques, and is versatile as an actor. The Baldwin brothers, Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis, Johnny Depp, and others all turned down the leading role.

On the set of the film, Reeves met. They struck up a friendship that continues to this day. Sandra later admitted that she was in love with Keanu, but without reciprocity.

For the sake of playing Hamlet in a small theater in Canada, he refused to star in the blockbuster “Speed ​​2.” It was the right decision: the film failed.

"Johnny the Mnemonic"

A film of an ambiguous genre: cyberpunk. His script was difficult to come up with, there was a long preparation for production of the script, and post-production lasted a long time. Almost everything was ready, but “Speed” was released. Success!

The movie bosses decided to add action scenes, shootouts and fights, believing that with Keanu in the lead role it would be justified. The original idea has changed completely. Perhaps that’s why the film failed at the box office; the budget didn’t even break even.

The Matrix series

Reeves was not the only contender for the role of the Chosen One. Tom Cruise, Nicolas Cage and Leo DiCaprio received a script and an offer to audition, but refused. Now it’s hard to imagine anyone else in the role of Neo: Keanu looked very authentic in it.

The actor took this role seriously. In order for the fight scenes (and there are many of them in the film) to look natural, I spent four months training and doing martial arts together with “Morpheus” and “Agent Smith.” For the sake of a spectacular scene with “rebirth” in a capsule, he lost 15 kilograms and removed all the hair on his body, shaved his eyebrows.

After the release of the Matrix trilogy, he became the highest paid actor at that time. But he refused most of the fee in favor of the special effects specialists, because he believed that they did more for the film than anyone else.

Keanu bought each stuntman a Harley-Davidson motorcycle as a gift. Of the 114 million dollars (received for three films), he kept 34 million for himself.

"Constantine: Lord of Darkness"

A mystical thriller that finally cemented Reeves’ position on Hollywood Olympus. He was very convincing in the role of a stern exorcist. Despite the fact that the cast was very strong, Keanu definitely stood out and was the “star” of the film.

His hero is a gloomy and controversial person. All the experiences, tossing and fears were shown so well that there is immediately a desire to get to know the hero better, to find out his story and motives for his actions, and to empathize. Critics and viewers praised Keanu's performance. Definitely, “Constantine” can be added to the list of Reeves’ successful roles.

"John Wick"

An action film in which Reeves was not only the leading actor, but also a producer. The film received positive reviews from critics. It was a commercial success. Not only the actor’s performance was noted, but his independent performance of almost all the stunts. For this, he again trained for the film for several months. The shootout scenes were so well choreographed and executed so clearly and effectively that they deserve special mention.

Thanks to this success, it was decided to film the second part - John Wick 2. And again success! It overtook the first part in box office receipts, paying off much faster. Critics' ratings were even higher.

John Wick 3 is currently being filmed.

Keanu's musical activities

A little-known fact, Reeves was seriously involved in music: he was in two bands, where he played bass guitar. In 1991 he created the group Dogstar, with which he released 2 albums. The musicians played in the folk-punk style. Keanu wrote the music for several songs.

The group is almost unknown in Russia, but in 1995 they were the opening act for the legendary Bon Jovi when they were on tour in Australia and New Zealand. I had the experience of performing with David Bowie. On stage, the actor did not try to lead: he did not talk to the audience and tried not to sing, he simply nodded in a friendly manner to the audience.

After Dogstar split up, he became the bassist for the band Becky at the invitation of friend Rob Mailhouse in 2002.

In 2005, he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (star number 2277).

He was nominated several times for the Golden Raspberry anti-award (category “worst actor”), which is awarded for the worst cinematic achievements. In 2015, he was nominated again, but in the “Prize for Restoring Reputation” category.

Won the MTV channel awards in different years for the films “The Matrix”, “A Walk in the Clouds”, “Speed”.

Unfortunately, Reeves has no more serious awards.

Personal life

In Keanu's biography there were 2 tragedies, from which he never recovered. At the end of 1999, a week before the predicted birth, he and his beloved (assistant director Jennifer Syme) had a stillborn daughter - a blood clot in the umbilical cord came off. The couple barely survived this. They could not be together, they broke up, but continued to love each other.

A little more than a year later, Jennifer died: while under the influence of drugs, while driving her car, she had an accident. Reeves buried her next to their daughter.

These blows knocked the actor down. He closed himself off even more and didn’t go out anywhere. All he had left was work. Keanu is still lonely. On the Internet you can find photos from dates with different women, some rumors arise, but there is no official confirmation of a serious relationship.

Everyone with whom the actor has worked notes that on and off the set, Reeves is polite, easy to communicate and friendly. Always ready to help. You can't find anything negative about him.

Despite his fame and “star” status, Keanu lives modestly. He bought the house (rather modest) only in 2003, when he was already world famous and rich. Before that, I lived in hotels or rented apartments. He often travels on the subway.

Paparazzi often photograph sad Reeves sitting on benches. This has become an Internet meme that has not lost its relevance for 8 years.

It's true: the actor often spends time alone with his thoughts. He knows about the photo meme and treats it with humor, claiming that he is not sad, but simply thoughtful and loves solitude. Even celebrates one's birthday.

  1. Lefty. But he plays the bass guitar with his right hand.
  2. Considered an atheist. Reeves himself says that the issue of faith is very personal and should not be discussed.
  3. He published a book of his own poems, “Ode to Happiness,” in 2011.
  4. That same year, he and a friend started a motorcycle manufacturing company. He is a big fan of this type of transport: he has several “iron horses” on which he travels.
  5. The actor's manager Erwin Stoff has been working with him for more than 30 years. It was he who, at the beginning of his career, suggested that Keanu’s real name should not be included in the credits because of his exoticism. Norman Reeves, Chuck Speeden - they didn't seem so strange.
  6. Loves ballroom dancing. At the beginning of my career I took lessons on them.
  7. Several times he offered to reduce his fee in order to have the opportunity to invite actors with whom he wanted to play. Al Pacino in The Devil's Advocate and Gene Hackman in The Understudies
  8. Has American and Canadian citizenship.
  9. Loves to read, despite dyslexia. Favorite author: Proust.
  10. For the sake of filming the film “Siberia” (“Professional” in the Russian version), he visited St. Petersburg.
  11. He founded a foundation to fight cancer and donates large sums to charity.
  12. Despite large donations, Keanu's financial net worth is around a third of a billion dollars.
  13. He did not and does not have a computer, does not like social networks and does not read fan letters. Prefers to spend free time with family and friends. However, he never refuses fans to take photos together during a chance personal meeting.

Keanu Reeves now - latest news

Now the actor is filming the third part of the action movie John Wick, where he again performs most of the stunts himself. The romantic comedy “Destination: Wedding” (originally Wedding Destination) is being prepared for release, where Reeves is starring. This is an unusual genre for Keanu, which makes it all the more interesting to see what happens in the end.

Occasionally appears at film festivals and charity events.


Keanu Reeves is unique! He is a good actor, loved by audiences and critics. Work is his life. He's rich and famous, but he doesn't seem to need it. He is a great person: kind, generous, helpful and caring. He is a mysterious person. Thoughtful and attractive – “Cool wind over the mountains.” Reeves Keanu.