We present to your attention an interesting selection of photographs of the largest animals in the world in various categories. Some of the presented individuals are truly giants!

1. The largest animal that has ever existed on the planet is the blue (or blue) whale. It can reach 30 meters in length and 180 metric tons or more in weight. A blue whale's tongue can weigh about 2.7 tons, which is about the same weight as an average Asian elephant. Its heart is the size of a small car, and it weighs about the same - 600 kg. And the lung capacity of this marine mammal exceeds 3 thousand liters.

2. The largest land animal in the world is considered African elephant. Male African elephants reach 6 to 7.5 meters in length, 3.3 meters in height, while female African elephants are much smaller, measuring on average 5.4 to 6.9 meters in length, 2.7 meters in height . The weight of this animal can reach 6 tons.

3. Tallest land animal in the world: giraffe. The height of this animal is on average 5-6 meters, of which approximately 2 meters are allocated to the neck. Average weight a male giraffe weighs 1600 kg, and a female giraffe weighs 830 kg.

4. The largest predator in the world: Southern elephant seal. Females of this species can on average weigh between 400 and 900 kilograms and be between 2.6 and 3 meters in length; male southern elephant seals are typically five to six times heavier than females. On average, they weigh approximately 2,200 to 4,000 kg and can reach 4.5 to 5.8 meters in length.

5. Largest land predator in the world: Polar bear and Kodiak bear. We are probably all familiar with the white polar bear, but the Kodiak bear is less known. He is a subspecies brown bears and is found on Kodiak Island and other islands of the Kodiak archipelago off the southern coast of Alaska. The Kodiak bear and the polar bear have approximately the same body parameters, so it is not clear which of them is the leader in size. Both species reach a height of more than 1.6 m, and the total body length can reach 3.05 m. Weight Limit these animals can be 1135 kg.

6. The largest reptile in the world: Saltwater (combed or spongy) crocodile. The weight of an adult male saltwater crocodile can vary from 409 to 1000 kg, and its length usually reaches 5.5 m.

7. Largest amphibian in the world: Chinese giant salamander. The length of some Chinese individuals giant salamander can reach 180 cm, but this is extremely rare. The main condition necessary for the survival of the Chinese giant salamander is a clean and very cold water. On this moment this species is endangered.

8. Largest rabbit/hare in the world: "Belgian Flanders". They were first bred in the 16th century in the vicinity of Ghent, Belgium. The Belgian Flanders can weigh up to 12.7 kg.

9. The largest bat in the world: the giant golden flying fox. The length of this gigantic bat can reach 55 cm, and their maximum weight is 1.5 kg. The wingspan of the golden flying fox can be almost 1.8 meters.

10. The largest rodent in the world: the capybara. The most major representatives Capybaras can reach 1.5 meters in length and 0.9 meters in height. The weight of these animals can be up to 105.4 kg. These are social animals that live in groups of an average of 10-20 individuals.

11. Largest bone fish in the world: common moon fish (sun fish, head fish). Adult representatives of this fish have an average length of 1.8 meters, a width from fin to fin reaches 2.5 meters, and an average weight of 1000 kg.

12. Largest lizard/snake in the world: giant green anaconda. The maximum recorded body length of the green anaconda is 7.5 meters, and the maximum recorded weight is 250 kg. However, there are rumors about green anacondas of much larger dimensions.

13. The world's largest bird: ostrich. A large male ostrich can reach 2.8 m in height and weigh more than 156 kg. The eggs of these birds can weigh up to 1.4 kg. Maximum speed developed by these birds is 97.5 km/h. This makes ostriches the fastest birds in the world, as well as the fastest bipeds on Earth.

14. The heaviest flying bird in the world: Dalmatian pelican. The average length of these birds varies from 160 to 180 cm, and they weigh 11-15 kg. The Dalmatian Pelican has a wingspan of more than 3 meters.

15. Largest arthropod in the world: Japanese spider crab. The span of the first pair of legs can reach 3.8 m, and this spider crab can weigh up to 19 kg.

Animals in the world can be measured by several criteria, such as weight, height, length. The list includes only animals living on land. This list takes into account the maximum weight that animals can reach...

(Total 10 photos)

Average animal weight: 8500 kg
Maximum animal weight: 13000 kg
Average animal body length: 6.66 meters

2. Asian elephant

Average animal weight: 4200 kg
Maximum animal weight: 5200 kg
Average animal body length: 5.94 meters

3. White rhinoceros

Average animal weight: 2350 kg
Maximum animal weight: 3850 kg
Average animal body length: 3.81 meters

4. Hippopotamus

Average animal weight: 2500 kg
Maximum animal weight: 3400 kg

Average animal weight: 1600 kg
Maximum animal weight: more than 1800 kg
Average animal body length: 2.99 meters

Average animal weight: 1400 kg
Average height: 4.69 meters

Average animal weight: 1200 kg
Maximum animal weight: 2150 kg
Average animal body length: 3.35 meters

8. Black Rhino

Average animal weight: 1150 kg
Maximum animal weight: 1900 kg
Average animal body length: 3.43 meters

Average animal weight: 785 kg
Maximum animal weight: 1600 kg
Average animal body length: 6.10 meters

10. Wild Asian water buffalo

Average animal weight: 770 kg
Maximum animal weight: 1250 kg
Average animal body length: 3.48 meters

We all know that dinosaurs appeared on our planet 235 million years ago. For tens of millions of years, these giants were the real masters of the world. At that time, the flora and fauna were incredibly large, so archaeological finds never cease to amaze our imagination. Here are the most amazing giant animals that ever inhabited the Earth.

15. Titanoboa

A species of extinct snakes that lived in the territory of modern Colombia 61.7-58.7 million years ago.
A close relative of the boa constrictor reached 13 meters in length and weighed more than a ton. The predator had no poison, so she simply strangled and swallowed her prey.

14. Syrian camel

The height at the withers of this animal reached 4 meters. A giant "ship of the desert" lived in Syria approximately 100,000 years ago. The animal's remains were first discovered in 2005. According to scientists, ancient man actively hunted camels, which could lead to the extinction of the species.

13. Mosasaurus

These marine reptiles reached a length of more than 17 meters and were distinguished by massive teeth adapted to crushing bones and tearing the flesh of large prey. They fed on other mosasaurs and plesiosaurs.

12. Liopleurodon

Another type of marine reptile of the middle Jurassic period. The monster reached 25 m in length and weighed about 100 tons. The dominant predator was feeding big fish, shellfish and occasionally attacked other marine reptiles.

11. Sarcosuchus

A genus of giant crocodylomorphs that lived in the territory of modern Africa at the beginning of the Cretaceous period. Sarcosuchus reached 12 m in length, and its weight reached 8 tons. It is one of the largest giant crocodile-like reptiles that have ever lived on our planet.

10. Indricotherium

The tallest (up to 5 meters tall) and heaviest (up to 20 tons) land mammals that have ever existed. These animals from the hyracodont family lived 30-20 million years ago in the Middle Oligocene - Lower Miocene. They ate leaves and shrubs and inhabited Asia.

9. Whale shark

The largest species of shark currently extant, as well as the largest living fish. It reaches 11 m in length and weighs approximately 18 tons, but this is not the limit. Feeds on plankton.

8. Leedsichthys

A giant extinct bony fish from the Jurassic period. Leedsichthys was up to 30 meters long and weighed 19 tons. Like the whale shark, it fed on plankton.

7. Kronosaurus

One of the largest pliosaurs of the Early Cretaceous era. Reached at least 10 m in length and weighed 18 tons. The name was given in honor of the titan Cronus from ancient Greek mythology.

6. Asian straight-tusked elephant

The largest representative of proboscideans, which lived in the Pleistocene in the territory from India to Japan. His height at the shoulders is estimated at 5 m, weight -22 tons.

5. Shastasaurus

A genus of ichthyosaurs from the Middle and Late Triassic. Largest marine reptile ever discovered. The length was 20 m, weight - 35 tons. According to some assumptions, Shastasaurs ate mollusks.

4. Megalodon

One of the largest predatory fish of all time, existed in the Miocene and Pliocene. The superpredator on average reached a length of about 15 m and weighed up to 47 tons. Fortunately, this species became extinct 1.6 million years ago...

3. Spinosaurus

The largest carnivorous dinosaur of all time, which lived in the territory of modern North Africa in Cretaceous period. The Spinosaurus was enormous in size: about 18 m in length and weighing up to 20 tons. The dinosaur could swim, and its main food was fish.

2. Argentinosaurus

One of the largest animals in the history of the world. So far, only fragments of its skeleton have been found, so estimates of length range from 22 to 35 m, and weight - from 60 to 108. The growth process took 40 years, the Argentinosaurus consumed 100,000 calories daily.

1. Blue whale

The largest living animal, probably the largest of all animals that have ever lived on Earth. Its length reaches 33 m, and its weight can exceed 150 tons. The length of a newborn calf is 6-8 meters, and it receives up to 90 liters of milk daily. Intensive fishing has led to a significant reduction in the number of blue whales.

People at the peak of their opportunity are trying to learn more information about their home planet. At the moment, humanity knows no more than 5–7% of everything that the earth hides. Underwater depths, high mountains and abandoned places become a new environment for the emergence of new species of living organisms. The world is still a big and difficult mystery, which the best scientists and researchers are trying to solve.

Regardless of the unknown amount of information about the world, it is now possible to identify the largest animals on earth. Thanks to miscalculations modern technologies and other methods can easily find out about those species of animals that are known to mankind, including weight and ways of life.

The largest animal on earth

Most people who haven't spent too much time reading books can say with confidence that the largest animal in the world is the elephant. Large animal feeding grass and leaves, capable of trampling any predator. The history of elephants, as the largest animals in the world, originated in the distant depths of history, when it was not yet possible to create ships capable of sailing thousands of miles.

Around the time before Columbus discovered the New World, the elephant was the largest animal on the planet. This was considered a reliable fact. But after a significant leap in the development of the science of shipbuilding, it began massive ocean exploration, including the Pacific, where most marine animals live. During this period, people were faced with the unimaginable power of a sea animal that could compare with the largest ships in the world. Humanity became acquainted with the blue whale, the heaviest animal in the world.

The title of the heaviest animal in the world passed to the big “fish”, while the elephant was now called largest mammal on the ground. Over time, the study of the animal world led to an unexpected fact: the blue whale, like the elephant, is also a mammal. Moms feed their cubs milk. Due to its high fat content, it does not dissolve in water. At this time, the elephant was again “moved” a little. To this day, the elephant is called the largest land animal on Earth. Among the different species, the African elephant stands out. This huge creature, up to 7 and a half meters high, can weigh up to 7–8 tons. It is considered the leader among all elephants in terms of mass and size.

Due to its own weight and body dimensions, it is clear that on land the elephant has no equal in weight and size. Most other animals are several times lighter than this giant. However, it cannot be called the largest animal in the world, taking into account the expanses of water, because such a statement is a lie.

An elephant compared to a blue whale is comparable to a hare against the backdrop of a huge lion. In fact, the most big creature The blue whale is recognized in the world. His heart alone will weigh more than 750 kilograms. All research detailed analysis fossils and historical finds have repeatedly proven that the blue whale is the largest animal on earth that has ever existed in history. Body length blue whale is more than 30 meters, the distance of half a football field.

One should not discount other animals that can compete for the title of largest among their species. There are a lot of creatures on the planet that can be more interesting than an elephant.

Largest arthropod in the world

Among arthropods there are also incredible record holders that can capture the human imagination. Japanese spider crab is still considered the largest creature of the arthropod species. Total weight sometimes reaches 20 kilograms, and the body length, including claws, is up to 4 meters. Yes, not as impressive in size as an elephant. Arthropods are not famous for their large sizes; most subspecies of animals reach sizes of up to 30–40 centimeters, no more.

The biggest bird

Bird paradise also has incredible individuals that can grow to incredible sizes. As many have guessed, the largest representative of birds in the world is the ostrich. An incredible mass, sometimes reaching an impressive figure of 170 kilograms, with a height of almost 3 meters, allows the ostrich to be the largest bird. Because of their weight, ostriches cannot fly. This is compensated by an incredible speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Thanks to their strong and powerful legs, ostriches are capable of killing a person in one sitting. There were cases when more than 80 bones were broken from one blow from an ostrich to a person. The ostrich also holds the title of the fastest two-legged creature on the entire planet.

It is worth mentioning several other species of birds capable of flight, which can also amaze with their size:

Record holder among reptiles

Reptiles are the most “unloved” creatures for humans. Because of their skin structure and behavior, people try to avoid close contact with them. The largest reptile in the world is the saltwater crocodile. This six-meter carcass weighing up to 1 ton, capable of delivering fatal blows with its jaws in an instant. They can rightly be called the most dangerous predators on the ground. They are not afraid of people and boldly attack large animals. There were cases when one similar crocodile was able to kill a large hippopotamus.

The most dangerous and deadly reptiles are:

  • Alligator.
  • Leatherback turtle.
  • Komodo dragon.
  • Venomtooth.
  • Anaconda, or python.

Predators and their achievements

The largest predator on the planet is represented by the Southern Elephant Seal. It’s easy to guess now that the blue whale and elephants are herbivores. The southern elephant seal allows itself to attack big fish, including on worldwide famous sharks , squid. The weight of males of these animals sometimes reaches 4 tons. Despite their comparative worthlessness on land, although this is a myth, elephant seals are experienced and dangerous opponents. Apart from a pair of sharp fangs that can instantly tear apart any flesh, you should also beware of fins, the impact force of which is comparable to a car collision. The elephant seal spends most of its hunting in the water.

The terrestrial leaders in the list of largest predators are divided into two species - Polar bear and Kodiak. Did anyone think Grizzly? They are no match for these monsters predatory world. The largest and most ferocious kings of the terrestrial predatory world are capable of attacking not only herbivores and fish, as is often shown on television channels. These are excellent killing machines, capable of destroying anyone who dares to enter their territory.

Giants among cute hares

To add a little cuteness to the article, you can remember the hares. Yes, and among them there are large and heavy representatives. This is not the ordinary hare that is sometimes found in the forests of Europe. A real giant can be considered a Belgian Flemish. An ancient species of hares, which with modern care can reach a weight of 12–13 kilograms. An adult specimen of one such representative of this species is larger in size than most hunting dogs. Their strong hind legs are capable of breaking large wooden beams with a diameter of up to 8 centimeters. They are successfully bred in many countries.

These are not all the records of the animal world that can amaze the human mind. It is worth understanding that more than 90% of living peace of the planet is still hidden from human eyes. It is possible that at a depth of more than 2 kilometers somewhere in Pacific Ocean There live creatures that are many times larger in size and mass than even the blue whale and elephants.

Earth - amazing planet, striking not only with picturesque landscapes, unique locations, plants, but also with an amazing diversity of living creatures. Among the inhabitants of our celestial body there are many small but deadly poisonous insects, as well as dangerous-looking but harmless giants. Actually, it is the large representatives of the fauna that we will talk about. In this article we will look at animals whose size causes amazement. And so, we bring to your attention a rating that describes the largest animals in the world. Let us immediately note that we will talk about different types. Top's goal is size! And if you want to know more, then we suggest you read the article about the most dangerous animals, then you will definitely learn a lot of new things!

14 largest animals in the world

African elephant

Among land dwellers, the heaviest animal in the world is the African elephant, whose length reaches 7.5 meters. Height varies from 3 to 3.5 meters. It is worth noting that males weigh up to 6 tons. Females are somewhat smaller: length – 7 meters, height 2.7 meters, weight 5.5 tons. Due to their enormous size, adult African elephants have no enemies. Not at all, the cubs of these animals are vulnerable to hyenas and lions. For this reason, female elephants nurse their babies until they reach 1.5 meters in height. Then even crocodiles are not a threat to elephants!

The top giants of our world continue, but this time in height, the representative of the “friends of man” is the Giraffe. African artiodactyls are capable of growing up to 6 meters in height. Moreover, the weight of an adult male can reach 1600 kilograms. Females usually do not exceed 800 kilograms. Almost half of giraffes have a neck length of 2 meters. The uniqueness of the animal lies in the presence cervical spine. It is worth adding that these unique animals, precisely because of their species, live in many zoos around the world.

Saltwater crocodile

There is no doubt that the largest reptile on Earth is the saltwater crocodile. You can see this unique animal on the east coast of India, Northern Australia and the Southeast. Weight adult The saltwater crocodile reaches 1000 kilograms. Moreover, the length of the reptile can vary from 4 to 6 meters. Mature individuals often reach and large sizes. It is worth noting that the predator attacks literally any animal in its area. He is not afraid of enemies, not on land or in water. After a collision with a saltwater crocodile, only a few out of thousands manage to escape.

Among carnivores, the largest animal is the elephant seal, or simply the seal. It must immediately be said that males are 5-7 times larger and heavier than females. The average weight of male seals reaches 4 tons. While the weight of females rarely exceeds 900 kilograms. The length can reach 3 meters. In females it usually varies in the range of 1 meter. Seals rarely act as a threat to humans. Provocations can by no means lead to death. If you encounter a seal, you should not attract attention. This will be enough for the meeting to end without incident!

polar bear and Kodiak

Among the largest carnivores that live on land are the white polar bear and the Kodiak bear. It was not for nothing that two bearish representatives found themselves in the ranking. The fact is that they are almost the same in size. However, the Kodiak bear and the polar explorer are different types. The height of both reaches 1.6 meters. Bears grow no more than 3 meters in length. The largest members of the family weigh close to tons. Despite such dimensions, it is impossible to escape from a bear. When faced with a predator without a large-caliber weapon, you can only rely on prayer.

Chinese giant salamander

The largest animal among amphibians is the Chinese salamander, whose length reaches 1.8 meters. A unique creature is located in mountain lakes and rocky areas of China. It is worth noting that due to rapid environmental pollution, the number of salamanders is rapidly decreasing. Interestingly, the Chinese didn’t care much about the salamander anyway. Amphibian meat is used in traditional Chinese medicine. According to oriental medicine, salamander products effectively treat even cancer.

Flemish Giant

In the ranking among hares or rabbits, the Flemish giant takes pride of place as the leader. Based on the name, you can already guess where the rabbits were bred. The breeding of domesticated hares began in the sixteenth century in the city of Ghent (Belgium). It is worth adding that the weight of the largest of the rabbits is up to 14 kilograms. In size it can be as big as a dog. Adults reach a length of 90 centimeters. The flagships are currently experimenting with breeding even larger individuals.

Golden-crowned fox

Among flying mice, the bright leader in size is the golden-crowned fox. Surely, this unique beast is a real horror for people who are afraid of flying bloodsuckers. The wingspan of the predator is 1.8 meters. The length of an adult reaches 55 centimeters. The weight of such representatives of “winged vampires” is 1.5 kilograms. Although common flying foxes are not inferior in mass to golden-crowned flying foxes, their wingspan is much smaller. Actually, our individual instills horror in the hearts of people much more effectively. The spectacular flight of a harmless creature is proof of this.

Japanese spider crab

The Japanese spider crab is one of the largest animals due to the fact that it is the largest in the class of arthropods. Adult representatives of this class reach a length of 45 centimeters. The leg span varies from 2 to 3 meters. Maximum length while it is about 5 meters. It is worth noting that this crab is extremely dangerous. It has at its disposal a 40-centimeter claw, which is extremely sharp. This creature is capable of tearing not only small, but also larger prey into pieces.


Guinea pig

There is no larger rodent in the world than the guinea pig (Capybara). This is not the only reason why the animal is considered unique. The fact is that the rodent living in South America and the tropics of the Andes, also has unique behavior. Although the pig weighs 105 kilograms and reaches one and a half meters in length, the animal is generally harmless, herbivorous and timid. Even an insect can frighten him. Adult capybaras live very easily with people without causing problems. Not only small, but also large guinea pigs get along well.


Ocean sunfish

Among the representatives sea ​​world, namely fish, the largest animal is considered to be the ocean sunfish, which in its appearance resembles a ridge and head. The main part of the body is flattened. It reaches a length of about 2 meters. It is worth noting that from the fin on one side to the fin on the other, the dimensions of the fish are 2.5 meters. In this case, the length can reach 3.5 meters. Most great view, recorded in the depths of the ocean, weighed 2300 kilograms. A fisherman's dream, isn't it? On average, the fish weighs about a ton.