The following is an attempt to describe as simply as possible what poetic meter is and what the main meters are. I wrote a lot of this earlier in the comments, but then (for some reason) I thought that it might be interesting to someone else.

Most likely, those who were interested in this already know everything perfectly well. However, as Enrico Fermi and Steven Weinberg said, we should never underestimate the pleasure we get from hearing something we already know.

Disclaimer: I am not a philologist or even a poet, so this post is from an amateur for amateurs. If one of the professionals or more advanced amateurs corrects or adds, I will be grateful.

First, a few basic things, I mention them just for further context.

Each word has a certain number of syllables equal to the number of vowel sounds. Each word has an accent. Eat simple words with one stress (oborON), and there are complex words with several stresses (oboronosposobnost). There are few complex words with multiple stresses, and they are rare in poetry.

What do writers do with all this?

Nothing. They form words into sentences, rarely worrying about how many syllables there will be in each word or where the stress will be in the words. Therefore, prose has no pronounced rhythm. Just the monotonous rolling of waves onto the shore, musical noise. The value of prose is not in rhythm, but in content. There are exceptions, but they are not important in our consideration now.

What do poets do about it?

1) For them, in addition to meaning, the so-called “rhythm” or “meter” is also important. These words can be considered synonyms. Rhythm/meter is simply the frequency of stress in a text. Namely, the number of syllables between stresses. (Strictly speaking, there are different systems of versification. Here we're talking about only about the most popular syllabic-tonic system in Russian and many other languages, from the Greek words “syllable” and “stress”, which is based on such periodicity.)

You can imagine that a period is an oscillation of a pendulum or metronome in one direction (in physics this is called a half-period, but it doesn’t matter, we will call it a period). Each vibration is one stress or one knock. A period is the time between stresses, or a “unit of verse,” i.e. stressed syllable + unstressed syllables following it until the next stressed syllable.

When poets assemble words into lines, they keep track of how many syllables the words have and which syllables are stressed. They collect words in chains, like in children's construction sets, so that with such joining, the stresses in the words have a periodicity, like the oscillations of a pendulum. In other words, so that there is a fixed number of unstressed syllables between stresses in a line.

Why this is being done is quite clear. Like periods/rhythms in music, the rhythm in a poem affects a person on an emotional level (in fact, versification was born from songs). Adds another dimension to the idea and content of the poem, additional colors and feelings. Unfortunately, many aspiring poets believe that rhythm and rhyme are the only requirements for poetry, but that’s another story.

2) Periods in poetry, as a rule, are of two, three and four syllables. A period of two syllables means there is a stressed syllable, then an unstressed one, then again a stressed one, etc. Those. we repeat two syllables, in which one syllable will be stressed. A period of three syllables means there is a stressed syllable, then two unstressed ones, then again a stressed one, etc. Those. We have three syllables repeated, in which one syllable will be stressed. The same will happen with a period of four syllables. Periods of five or more syllables are rarely used.

There is only one stress in one period. It may fall on different syllables in a period, but within one poem the stress will always be on a certain syllable in a period: only on the first syllable, or only on the second, etc. This is done so that there is an equal distance between the accents. Below in paragraph 4 these periods are described in more detail.

In versification, instead of the “physical” word period, the word “foot” is used. This is simply a synonym for the word period, nothing more. Below I will use “period” and “stop” as synonyms. It is curious that one of the creators of the theory of feet, as well as syllabic-tonic versification in general in the Russian language, is Lomonosov, who was a physicist, a philologist, and much more.

3) Now it’s worth paying attention to one difference between stress in poetry and stress in prose. Although each word has its own stress, we sometimes skip these stresses in poetry. For example,
ShaganE you are mine, ShaganE...
My uncle has the most honest rules...

The words “you” and “my”, if we pronounced them in prose, would have their own accents. But in the lines above we skip these accents. So to speak, we close our eyes (or ears) to them and ignore them. Why are we doing this? So that the stresses in these lines maintain a period. In the first line the period consists of three syllables, in the second - of two.

That's all the main ideas. The rest is easy different types such periodicity, i.e. different quantities syllables in a foot and different stresses within the feet.

4) What types of periodicity can you think of? It's very simple. We will denote a stressed syllable as “1”, and an unstressed one as “0” (usually they are denoted as sticks and dashes, such as “_, or / -, etc., but such designations are IMHO less convenient and clear):

10 10 10 10 ...
01 01 01 01 ...

100 100 100 ...
010 010 010 ...
001 001 001 ...

1000 1000 1000 ...

and so on. You can tap these motifs on the table, highlighting the stressed syllable with a stronger tap. All names like “iamb”, “trochee”, etc. invented simply so as not to draw rhythms every time, as they are drawn above, but to call them by standard names.

1 1 1 1 1 1 ... this Brachycolon(this and other names of sizes come from the corresponding Greek words). This is a rare meter in which the poem contains only words of one syllable. Each word will have its own emphasis, i.e. all syllables in the poem will be stressed. For example, DAY - NIGHT, A YEAR Away. A moment - a century, was - no. It’s difficult to write poetry in this size, and it looks too monotonous; I want more variety.

10 10 10 10 .... this Trochee. The stress fell on the first syllable in the line, then on the third, on the fifth... i.e. for all odd syllables. For example, “The STORM covers the sky with darkness.”
01 01 01 01 .... this Iambic. The stress fell on the second syllable, then on the fourth, on the sixth... i.e. for all even syllables. For example, “My uncle has the most honest rules.” All of Eugene Onegin is written in iambic (more precisely, iambic tetrameter; what “tetrameter” is, see below in paragraph 5).
Trochee and iambic have the same period - two syllables (that's why these meters are called bisyllabic or bipartite), just the stress falls on different syllables in this period. Iambic is the simplest and most popular meter in Russian versification.

The period is only important within a single line. We do not pay attention to the periodicity when moving from one line to another. What has grown has grown. For example, in “My uncle has the most honest rules,” the line ends with an unstressed syllable, and the next line also begins with an unstressed syllable, although in one line the iambic syllable must be stressed after the unstressed syllable. It's not a problem.

100 100 100 .... this Dactyl. For example, “The blue ball is spinning and spinning.”
010 010 010 ... this Amphibrachium. For example, “I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.”
001 001 001 ... this Anapaest. For example, “ShaganE, you are my ShaganE.”
Dactyl, amphibrachy and anapest also have the same periods - three syllables (therefore these sizes are called trisyllabic or trilobed).

1000 1000 1000....
0100 0100 0100....
0010 0010 0010....
0001 0001 0001....
There are four different cases here, but they are all called by the same word Peon and differ in names: “peon with stress on the first syllable” (or “first peon”), “peon with stress on the second syllable” (or “second peon”), etc. For example, “Don’t think down on the seconds. The time will come, you yourself will understand, probably.” This is the second peon.

It is not necessary to remember all these names, although it is simple, there are very few of them. But in any case, the main thing is to understand this general principle, but it is very simple.

Poets choose size for a reason. A certain meter is not just a given rhythm, but also a given mood, which must be combined with the idea and content of the poem. Iambic is a strong and energetic sound. Trochee is softer and smoother. Three-syllable sizes (dactyl, amphibrachium, anapest) - flexible, close to colloquial speech. Peon is often philosophical and thoughtful. Of course, there are exceptions.

All this, by the way, has nothing to do with rhyme. Poems should have a meter regardless of whether they are white or rhymed. The latter will have the only peculiarity that the stressed syllables must rhyme.

5) Now all that remains is to add that poems are also distinguished by the number of periods (stops) in a line. Two-foot means two feet in a line. Trimeter - three lines. Quadruple - four, etc. The number of feet is a specification of the size in addition to the usual name of the size, such as iambic or trochee. About specific poems they say not just “written in iambic,” but, for example, “written in iambic tetrameter.”

Here are some examples kindly provided by our regular sponsor:

The priest had a dog.
Both died of cancer.
- Two syllables in the foot and stress on the first syllable. So it's a trochee.
- Four stresses per line, i.e. four feet per line. So this is a tetrameter trochee.

A cold evening floats in my eyes,
snowflakes tremble on the carriage,
frosty wind, pale wind
will cover red palms,
- Two syllables in the foot and stress on the second syllable. So it's iambic.
- Four stresses in a line, which means it is iambic tetrameter.

No country, no graveyard
I don't want to choose.
To Vasilyevsky Island
I'm coming to die
- Three syllables in the foot and stress on the third syllable. So this is an anapest.
- Two stresses in a line, which means it is a two-foot anapest.

The number of feet in a line, like the length of the feet, also affects the style of the poem. Tetrameters (especially iambic tetrameter) are the most popular and richest in terms of possibilities and can be used in almost all cases. Pentameter and hexameter are a little solemn and epic, characteristic of poems, dramas and sonnets. At the same time, for long lines - pentameter and hexameter - there is often a short pause in the middle, the so-called “caesura”. It is usually appropriate both in meaning and rhythm - it is difficult to read a long line without pauses. As a result, a long line is divided into two half-lines, and, for example, iambic hexameter will sound like trimeter.

Summarizing, we can come to the following hierarchy of “structural units” in a poem: syllable - foot - line - stanza. From the point of view of rhythm and semantic content, the most important structural unit is the line. A stanza usually has 4 lines, but may have fewer or more. For example, a sonnet stanza consists of 14 lines, like the famous “Onegin stanza” (sometimes they say that a sonnet stanza consists of several “ordinary” stanzas). In songs, stanzas are called couplets.

6) As with all rules, there are special cases when determining size. For example, what is the meter of the following poem?
The golden cloud spent the night
On the chest of a giant rock

If you put accents the way they are pronounced in life, you will get
A golden cloud spent the night
On the chest of a giant cliff

What size is it? Something incomprehensible... In such cases, philologists add “imaginary” accents as follows:

and, accordingly, they call it “a trochee with missing accents.” And they even came up with a special word for this Pyrrhic. This occurs all the time, especially in two-syllable feet, i.e. iambic and trochea. And it’s clear why: few words have only one or two syllables, which means that in most words it will not be possible to maintain the two-syllable rhythm “stress every other.” And sometimes the opposite situation happens: accents are not skipped, but additional ones are added. It is called Spondee.

How to determine the size in such cases? Add imaginary accents or remove extra ones to create a constant period in each line, like above with the golden cloud. And calculate what happens after that.

7) Finally, sometimes the meter in a poem can change, i.e. it may be different in different lines. Usually, the “type” of the size is preserved, i.e. the length of a foot (such as iambic or trochee), but different lines will have a different number of feet. It's normal, it's just a way of doing things. It appears, for example, in fables:
A thief climbed up the spruce tree,
I'm just ready to have breakfast
- The first line has iambic tetrameter, the second line has iambic pentameter.

and also from our regular sponsor (who has everything you can think of):
I entered instead wild beast in a cage,
I burned out my sentence and nickname with a nail in the barracks,
- The first line has a tetrameter anapest, the second line has a pentameter.

At the same time, the last two lines illustrate another a special case: a slightly “dirty” time signature, when the rhythm/period is not strictly maintained. Not just missing or extra stress (as in pyrrhic and spondee), but a different number of syllables in the feet. But our sponsor is allowed to do this. Alternation and mixing of sizes occur frequently in his work, but very harmoniously; he experimented a lot and successfully. You have to be able to break the rules.

8) And, very briefly, about poetic meters (also syllabic-tonic) in English:
- “Size” is meter (or meter in American English), and foot is metric foot, which is logical.
- The names of the sizes sound similar: iambus, trochee, etc. They are formed from the same Greek words as in Russian, but in English they are pronounced in accordance with the peculiarities of the English language.
- The names for “two-foot”, “three-foot”, etc., in contrast to the principle of these names in Russian, are also used in Greek, i.e. not twofeet or threefeet, but dimeter, trimeter, etc. Moreover, “hexameter” in English is hexameter. You probably remember that ancient poems are hexameters. And it’s clear why: in antiquity, poetry was mostly written in hexameter.
- Less strictness in keeping the rhythm, i.e. Much more often than in the Russian language, “dirty” meter occurs, when the number of syllables in a foot is not constant. Often, but not always, such places are smoothed out when reading aloud by changing the pronunciation of some words, namely, swallowing or stretching some syllables. It may seem a little strange at first, but it takes some getting used to. This is not the result of the negligence of poets, just such features of the language and its perception and pronunciation.
- Blank verse is much more common than in Russian versification. For example, most of Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies are written in unrhymed iambic pentameter (he wrote sonnets in rhyme).

That's all, actually. Now you can handle any poetry. Profit!

Even high:

P.S. Drawings provided by another of our sponsors, a great Danish cartoonist

Lesson objectives:

  • formation of knowledge of poetic meters, about the role of two- and three-syllable meters in a poetic text;
  • developing the ability to hear rhythm and imagine poetic images;
  • nurturing love for native language, feelings of pride in its richness and diversity.




1. The teacher's word.

Meters help the poet create a rhythmic poetic work.

Russian poetry, as a rule (but not exclusively!) appears to us in the form of syllabic-tonic versification, based on the ordered arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in a verse: strong places are (exclusively or predominantly) stressed, and weak ones are unstressed syllables.

The minimal structural unit of a verse is the foot. A foot is a sequence of one or more unstressed (weak) and one stressed (strong) syllables, alternating in a certain order.

A foot can be disyllabic, when two syllables are constantly repeated - stressed and unstressed, or vice versa; and three-syllable, when one stressed and two unstressed syllables are repeated.

(We will denote a stressed syllable like this: _/, and an unstressed syllable like this: _, then two-syllable feet can be depicted as follows: trochee _/ _, iambic _ _/; and three-syllable feet like this:

dactyl _/ _ _, amphibrachium _ _/ _, anapest _ _ _/)

He could not iambic from trochee,
No matter how hard we tried to distinguish: -

Is it really that difficult to distinguish iambic from trochee?

Of course not. Simply, neither Evgeniy nor his teachers knew one small formula-scheme, just one simple word. You will easily remember it and will be able not only to distinguish iambic from trochee, but even amphibrach from dactyl or anapest.

That's it! So, remember one word HYADAMAN

Yes, it’s a difficult word!

“And what to do with this word?” - you ask.

Let's build a pyramid from this word, guys.

We’ll just start building it somewhat unusually, not from the foundation, but from the roof.


2. Determination of poetic meters


Let's remember

Wind, wind, you can
YOU ARE chasing flocks of clouds

Oh oh oh! It looks like it's going to rain now. We need to build a roof soon ( X - HOREAUS)

HOREUS- (Greek choreios, lit. dancing), trochei (Greek trochaios, lit. running), poetic meter with strong (stressed) places on odd syllables of the verse.

To make it easier to remember the rhythm of the trochee, we suggest substituting any two-syllable word with stress on the first syllable into the rhythmic line, for example, water(After all, the clouds carry rain and water). The guys from the school poetry club "Green Lamp" and I came up with short poems that help restore and remember the rhythms of poetic meters. Here's what we got about chorea:

Trochee _/_ (water)

The trochaic choir sings:
One - strike, two - misses, -
The third, fifth syllable is stressed,
Every double is unimpacted.
To hear the rhythm of the trochee,
Repeat quickly in your mind:
"Water - water - pour water" -
It turns out to be a trochee.

All lullabies were written by trochee and, by the way, following Lermontov - all poems in which there is a night landscape .

Here we have the first letter (X, which means trochee) - the first brick.

Let's remember "Eugene Onegin" again.

You're still dozing, lovely friend:
(A.S. Pushkin)

_ _/_ _/_ _/ _ _/ _

_ _/_ _/_ _/ _ _/ _

IAMB - (Greek iambos), poetic meter with strong places on the even syllables of the verse (“My uncle has the most honest rules...”. The most common of the meters of Russian syllabic-tonic verse; the main dimensions are 4-foot (lyrics, epic), 6-foot (poems and dramas of the 18th century), 5-foot (lyrics and dramas of the 19-20th centuries), free multi-foot (fable of the 18th-19th centuries, comedy of the 19th century).

To make it easier to remember the rhythm of the trochee, we suggest substituting any two-syllable word with stress on the second syllable into the rhythmic line, for example, water.

Poetry lovers from the Green Lamp school club came up with this prompt poem to help you better remember the features of iambic.

Iambic _ _/ (water)

In Russia, poets use iambics
They prefer to compose.
There is one sign in the foot:
Where there is an even syllable, “strike” there.
Will help us identify iambic
Repeat: "Water - water- water,
Water - water - water - water ", -
The iambic rhythm always sounds like this.

Iambic is an energetic, often solemn sound of verse .

Here we have the second letter (I, what does it mean iambic)- second brick.


So, there is a roof, now it’s time to build walls from the cold. We will build the walls in our pyramid house from larger, three-syllable feet.

Three-syllable meters are more flexible intonation, close to colloquial speech (this is probably why Lermontov loved them and preferred Nekrasov).


Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!
By the azure steppe, by the pearl chain
You rush, as if you were exiles like me:
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

_/_ _ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/_ _

_/_ _ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/_ _

_/_ _ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/_ _

The first brick at the base of our pyramid ( D - dactyl)

DACTYL - (Greek daktylos, lit. finger), poetic meter formed by 3-syllable feet with a strong place on the 1st syllable of the foot (“A deep hole is dug with a spade,” I.S. Nikitin). The most common sizes of the Russian syllabic-tonic dactyl. Dactyl 2-foot (in the 18th century), 4- and 3-foot (in the 19th-20th centuries).

To make it easier to remember the rhythm of the dactyl, we suggest substituting any three-syllable word with stress on the second syllable into the rhythmic line, for example, gold.
But here is the poetic definition of dactyl that our poetry lovers came up with and wrote it in dactyl:

Dactyl _/ _ _ (gold)

Dactyl is the first size of the three-syllables,
You can count the accents with your finger.
First, fourth, seventh and tenth
The syllables are stressed in the winged line.

Key for dactyl word cast
Like a key, Tartila it is golden.
“Gold is gold,” you repeat
And among the poems you will always recognize the dactyl.


The next brick in our pyramid is amphibrachium (Am):

In the North, Oko Stands Wild
And he dozes, rocking, and sprinkles with snow
She is dressed like a riza.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

_ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/_

_ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/

_ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/_

_ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/_ _ _/

AMPHIBRACHY - (Greek amphibrachys, lit. short on both sides), poetic meter formed by 3-syllable feet with a strong place on the 2nd syllable (“It is not the wind that rages over the forest”). The most common sizes of the Russian syllabic-tonic amphibrachium are 4-foot (from the beginning of the 19th century) and 3-foot (from the mid-19th century).

To find out this size, we make up the rhythm of a poetic line from a three-syllable word with stress on the middle syllable. Let it also be metal, but no longer precious - iron. Members of our poetry club described the amphibrachs as follows:

Amphibrachium _ _/ _ (iron)

The second of the three-syllable meters is amphibrach.
Here in each foot the emphasis is in the center.
Stressed syllables in a ring of unstressed syllables
Sheltered from heat, rain and wind.
The secret of amphibrachium is in the word "iron",
It is no less useful to us than gold.
“Iron is iron,” repeat in a row,
And you can easily recognize amphibrachs.


And finally, the last wall, the last brick. This Anapest (An).

There are in your secret tunes
There is fatal news about death.
There is a curse of sacred covenants,
There is a desecration of happiness.
(A. Blok)

_ _ _/ _ _ _/ _ _ _/ _

_ _ _/ _ _ _/ _ _ _/

_ _ _/ _ _ _/ _ _ _/ _

_ _ _/ _ _ _/ _ _ _/

ANAPEST - (from the Greek anapaistos, reverse dactyl, lit. reflected back), poetic meter formed by 3-syllable feet (see foot), with a strong place on the 3rd syllable; on the initial syllable of the line there is often a super-schema stress (“There, in the howling cold of the night,” A.A. Blok). The most commonly used sizes of the Russian syllabic-tonic anapest are 4- and 3-foot (since the mid-19th century).

This size will help us remember the word silver.

Anapest _ _ _/ (silver)

And anapest is the last three-syllable meter,
And here every third syllable is stressed in the foot,
He is like a mirror, he is a dactyl on the contrary,
He usually sings long songs.
The rhythm of anapest helps us to recognize
A gentle silver ringing of a bell.
“Silver is silver,” we must repeat to you,
To hear the anapest behind that silver.



Now let's see why we built this whole pyramid.

We have "two floors". The upper one is two syllables, one of which is stressed. The lower one is three syllables, where the stress also falls on one. In literary studies, these “floors” are called feet.

X comes first in a two-syllable foot. This means that if out of two syllables the stress falls on the first, then it is a trochee:

A cloud covers the sky with darkness...

I'm standing second. The stress falls on the second syllable, therefore it is iambic:

Frost and sun, wonderful day!

D means that in a foot of three syllables, the stress falls on the first syllable and this meter is called dactyl:

Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers...

Am comes second, therefore a foot with stress on the second syllable is called an amphibrach:

In the North, Oko Stands Wild

An is the last in this series. This means that if the emphasis falls on it, it is an anapest.

There are in your secret tunes...

So, guys, now you know what poetic meter is and how to determine it. You have seen how important the meter of a poem is in creating its mood. Now you can feel like real poets! Now you can compete with Evgeny Onegin, who, as you remember, tried to write poetry, but soon gave up this activity. Maybe he couldn’t do it precisely because “he couldn’t distinguish iambic from trochee, no matter how hard we tried”?


TEST using punched cards. Punch cards for 8 questions with 4 answer options.

Assignment: put a cross in the box corresponding to the answer option:

a - trochee; b - iambic; c - dactyl; d - amphibrachium; if the answer is “anapaest”, all the boxes in the line remain empty.

The clouds are rushing, the clouds are swirling;
Invisible moon
The flying snow illuminates;
The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy. (Horea)

The last cloud of the scattered storm!
Alone you rush across the clear azure,
You alone cast a dull shadow,
You alone sadden the jubilant day. (Amphibrahy)

There's already a golden leaf covering
Wet ground In the woods...
I boldly trample my foot
The beauty of the spring forest...
From the cold cheeks are burning,
I like to run in the forest,
Hear the branches crack,
Rake the leaves with your feet! (Dactyl)

Friend of my harsh days,
My decrepit dove
Alone in the wilderness of pine forests
You've been waiting for me for a long, long time. (Iambic)

It's lonely in the wild north
There's a pine tree on the bare top,
And dozes, swaying, and snow falls
She is dressed like a robe. (Amphibrahy)

You, holy sun, burn!
How this lamp fades
Before the clear sunrise of dawn,
So false wisdom flickers and smolders
Before the sun of the immortal mind.
Long live the sun, may the darkness disappear! (Amphibrahy)

The lonely sail is white
In the blue sea fog!
What is he looking for in a distant country?
What did he throw in his native land? (Iambic)

On the blue waves of the ocean,
Only the stars will shine in the sky,
The lonely ship is rushing
Rushing with full sails. (Amphibrahy)

(Commenting on answers.)


  1. Turyanskaya B.I., Kholodkova L.A., Vinogradova E.A., Komissarova E.V. Literature in 6th grade. Lesson after lesson. - M.: " Russian word", 2002, p. 81.

Writing poetry requires not only talent, but also thorough theoretical preparation. Even in ancient times, when, it would seem, the attitude towards creativity was simpler, and rhymed works were created according to inspiration and/or the whim of the Muse, poets paid equal attention to the content and form of the work. And writers with a classical education were able to accurately determine the poetic meter of a passage heard or read in passing. The poetic meter determines the tempo and emotional spirit of the work, so its importance cannot be doubted.

It would be nice if professional poets made their lives more difficult by determining the size of poems; after all, this is their duty, calling and work. But the task of determining the size of a poem becomes even before schoolchildren, because understanding poetic meter is important for every educated person. Moreover, learning to determine the poetic meter of a text is not so difficult, especially if you choose your favorite poem, beautiful and close in mood. However, it is possible to determine the poetic meter of any poetic text, and we are ready to explain exactly how to do this.

What is poetic meter? Meters, sizes, feet
Poetic meter is, in fact, the rhythmic form of a poem, that is, the structure of each specific rhymed text. Meter, or rhythm, is how poetry differs from prose. Therefore, it is not surprising that determining the size of a poem is important primarily for its analysis, classification, and even just understanding. But first you have to understand, or rather, find out what the poetic meter consists of and how it is determined:

  • Number of syllables– usually equal in each line. A syllable with stress is called strong, and an unstressed syllable is called weak. When the size of a poem is determined only by the number of syllables, without taking into account stress, then poetic form called syllabic. It often underlies classical Italian, Ukrainian, and Russian poetry.
  • Number of accents, the same in each line of the poem, and it is the stressed syllables that are taken into account, while the unstressed ones are not of fundamental importance for determining the size of the verse. This poetic form is called tonic, or accented, and its typical example is the works of Vladimir Mayakovsky.
  • Foot- a combination of several syllables, one of which is stressed, the rest are unstressed. One foot is a unit of measurement for poetic meter. To determine the size of a verse, count the number of feet in each line, and thus call the poem five-, six-, eight-foot, etc.
  • Syllabo-metric- counting and recording both syllables and stresses, but not only and not so much of them total number, how many combinations of long and short, stressed and unstressed syllables, their combination with each other. Accordingly, this system of versification is called syllabometric.
  • Caesura- this is a pause, which in a poem can only be located in a place of a certain size, but at the same time it separates not only the rhythmic, but also the semantic parts. Caesura is necessary for the perception of a rhymed text, otherwise there will be neither enough breath for reading, nor enough hearing for a long, monotonous, continuous line.
If we take into account all these aspects, it is easy to conclude that poetic meter is a pattern in which stressed and unstressed syllables alternate with each other. The order of their alternation determines the poetic form and allows you to find out the size of the verse, the composition of which is built according to one of the classical poetic metric schemes. Moreover, even blank verse, which does not have a rhyme, is subject to metrics, that is, it has one size or another.

What are the poetic meters? Iambic, trochee, dactyl, anapest
Before we determine the poetic size, we need to figure out exactly what sizes of poems exist - otherwise, what will we determine? Since the role of the foot in poetic meter is now clear, it remains to determine how the number and variety of feet affects the poetic meter, and what each of them is called:

  1. Iambic- one of the main poetic meters. An iambic foot consists of two syllables: unstressed and stressed (in other words: weak and strong, short and long). The most common is iambic tetrameter, in which the stress falls on every second, fourth, sixth and eighth syllable of each line. A typical example of iambic tetrameter: “My da da sa we are X what tedious great pitchfork.”
  2. Trochee– another common size. Also two-syllable, only with tope trochee the stressed (strong, long) syllable comes first, followed by the unstressed (weak, short) syllable. Tetra- and six-foot trochees are more common than pentameters. A typical example of a trochee: " Boo rya haze Yu Not bo kro no."
  3. Dactyl- three-syllable size of the verse, that is, its foot consists of three syllables: the first stressed and two subsequent unstressed ones. Dactyl is more difficult to use than disyllabic meters, so dactyl lines rarely exceed three or four feet in length. A typical example of a dactyl tetrameter: “ That glasses are not be sleepy, ve personal with tra nicknames."
  4. Anapaest- poetic meter, as if mirroring the dactyl, that is, of the three syllables of its foot, the first two are not stressed, and the stress falls on the last syllable. Poets of the Silver Age often used anapest, so a typical example of it can easily be found in the poem by Alexander Blok: “Recognized Yu you, live know! Priny ma Yu! At vet I live vo nom cabbage soup that!».
  5. Amphibrachium- a three-syllable poetic meter, in the foot of which a strong (stressed) syllable is surrounded on both sides by weak (unstressed) syllables. Quite a complex and therefore rarely encountered size. A typical example of amphibrachium: “There is or women in RU sskikh se le nyah."
Of course, there are more complex feet and poetic meters consisting of four or more syllables. They are characteristic of outdated speech and are almost never used in modern literature. For example, ancient poetry is inextricably linked with hexameter, that is, six-syllable verse in which dactyls and trochees and/or other poetic feet can coexist in one line. But today, when it becomes necessary to determine the poetic size of a text, the likelihood of encountering a hexameter is very small.

How exactly to determine the poetic size of a passage?
Analysis of a poem implies a complete, comprehensive examination of the text, necessarily including the determination of poetic size and meter. You can learn to determine the meter of a verse yourself if you take the information presented above as a basis and use the metric analysis scheme for a poem:

  1. Read aloud a poem that requires analysis. Do not pay attention to the meaning of the words, but try to clearly and distinctly emphasize the stresses and pauses. Listen to the rhythm of the voice. As an example, let’s take Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem “To Grandmother.”
  2. Write down the poem or its fragment for analysis line by line, starting on a new line. Leave enough space between lines on the page to allow room for notes.
  3. Highlight (underline or mark) all stressed syllables in the text. This will be easy since you have already heard them while reading aloud. In our version it turns out like this:

    About for a long time va ty and you excited about shaft,

    Cher nogo pla tya grow RU would…
    YU Naya ba Bushka! Who whole shaft

    Va shi over men new gu would?

  4. Count the number of unstressed syllables placed between stressed syllables. As you remember, iambic and trochee are two-syllable poetic meters, and dactyl, amphibrachium and anapest are three-syllable.
  5. In our case, the line and foot begin with a stressed syllable, followed by two unstressed ones. From this we conclude that Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem “To Grandmother” was written in dactyl, which is not surprising, given the sympathy of the poets Silver Age to three-syllable meters.
  6. The number of feet is determined by the number of stressed syllables in the line. In most poems it is the same in every line, but in our case the poetic form turned out to be more complex. We can say that every odd line is written in dactyl tetrameter, and every even line is written in trimeter.
Just a few of these exercises - and you will remember all five common poetic meters, and over time you will learn to determine the size of a poetic passage by ear, without even writing it down or making notes on paper. This will save time, but will create certain difficulties in perceiving the text, because the sound of some vowels differs from their spelling. Literacy, experience and knowledge of the text will come to your aid in these difficult situations and will help you determine the size of the poem without error.

The orderliness of poetic speech, the logic of its sound rhythm is the key to determining the size of a verse. Of course, there are exceptions in poetic texts, but they only confirm the rules and should not confuse you. If in doubt, take the time to write down the poem and number all its syllables. Simply put the numbers in order, without skipping a single vowel. Then mark the numbers that fall on the stressed vowels. If they are all even, that is, 2/4/6/8, then we have, without a doubt, an iambic. If all strong syllables are under odd numbers - 1/3/5/7 - then the poem is trochaic. Trisyllabic feet are determined according to the same principle: 1/4/7/10 in dactyl, 3/6/9/12 in anapest and 2/5/8/11 in amphibrach.

Let this poem analysis scheme and little cheat sheet always help you determine the poetic size of the text. And if one or more syllables at the end of a line stand out from the overall picture, then this nuance should not confuse you. Moreover, this phenomenon, called pyrrhic, or missing stress, does not violate the composition of the verse and is simply not taken into account when determining the poetic meter. Practice on familiar and new, classic and modern, simple and complex poems, and soon you will learn to quickly identify any poetic meter.

Poetic meter is the most important part of the literary analysis of a poem, no less important than rhyme. The ability to analyze poetry will be useful not only for schoolchildren in literature classes and philologists, but also for everyone who wants to better understand art, and perhaps even take part in its creation themselves.

What is poetic meter?

In order to move on to the concept of poetic meter, you first need to understand what “verse” is. Many people get confused about this, but a verse is not yet a poem or a poem, a verse is only one line of the work, which, in turn, can be divided into feet. A foot is an alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables; this concept is key in determining poetic meter. It may consist of two or three syllables for its different types.

Accordingly, the poetic size is this is alternating feet. Different authors prefer different types of it; there are, among other things, poems that do not fit into any of them. The size of a poem is, among other things, a special means of expressiveness that makes the work lyrical and melodious, or, on the contrary, sharp and hysterical. There are five main poetic meters in Russian versification, two of them consist of two feet - they are called disyllabic:

  • Trochee.

These are types that are distinguished by their lyricism and melodiousness; they are the most popular in literature, especially of past centuries. Problems rarely arise with the definition of iambic and trochee, since they are the easiest to understand; even children's poems are most often written with their help.

Three more types- three-syllable sizes, respectively, they have three feet. These include:

  • Dactyl.
  • Anapaest.
  • Amphibrachium.

These types are somewhat more complex, but they are also noted for their greater expressiveness and the richness of shades that they can convey. The poets who used them noted that they saw in these meters a liveliness similar to the sound of human speech.


Anyone who has ever heard the poetic works of the “sun of Russian poetry” is familiar with iambic, because iambic is Pushkin’s favorite poetic meter. Most of his fairy tales were written by him, he uses it in lyrical poems, such as the well-known “Winter Morning”. Let's look at the lines from this work.

“Frost and sun; wonderful day!

You are still dozing, dear friend..."

It is enough to place accents to make sure that they fall on every second syllable. It is in the case when the stress falls on even syllables that the text in front of the reader is written in iambic.

However, there is one more characteristic that you should pay attention to. The unstressed and stressed syllables form one foot in this case. Therefore, this poem has four feet - it is written in iambic tetrameter. The rhyme here is feminine - that is, after a stressed syllable there is another unstressed one.


Trochee - another two-syllable meter. Translated from Greek, its name means “dancing”. Unlike the melodious iambic, which is most often associated with tenderness and lyricism, trochee is a less calm meter. The stress in it falls on odd syllables, for example:

“The clouds are rushing, the clouds are swirling

Invisible moon

The flying snow illuminates..."

These are lines from A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Demons”. It is typical for the poet’s work to describe storms use trochee. It’s not hard to guess why he was chosen - the trochee conveys the feeling of anxiety inspired by winter night when it seems that something hostile and alien is hiding in the darkness. This mood is especially clearly expressed in the poem, the lines of which are presented above.


Translated from Greek, the name of this species is translated as “finger”. It can be assumed that this is due to the fact that dactyl seems to indicate something important, puts emphasis on the first syllable of three, because it is in this measure that it is stressed.

"Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers..."

M. Lermontov, unlike A. Pushkin, preferred three-syllable meters, including dactyl. This size was widely used both in the eighteenth century and in the twentieth, and still does not lose its position, as it has great expressiveness. In the above lines there is also a so-called dactylic rhyme, when two syllables follow a stressed vowel.


Anapest means “reflected back.” It got its name since it is the reverse of dactyl. Since this is a three-syllable meter, the foot includes three syllables, of which the last one will be stressed. This type is quite rare; an example is the following lines:

“Oh, spring, without end and without edge -

An endless and endless dream!”

Their author is A. Blok. You can notice that the anapest is really more like human speech than disyllabic meters. The three-foot and four-foot anapest are most often used, in this case the author chose the trimeter.


Amphibrachium is translated from Greek as "short on both sides". This name is due to the fact that of the three syllables, the second one, surrounded by two unstressed ones, will be stressed here.

“It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains,

Moroz the voivode with patrol

He goes around his possessions..."

Lines from the famous poem “Frost the Voevoda” by N. Nekrasov serve as a good illustration uses of amphibrachium. N. Nekrasov was very fond of three-syllable meters, explaining his love by the fact that they are very expressive and close to speech. In this poem you can observe a masculine rhyme - this is the name of a rhyme in which the last syllable is stressed.


Determining the size of a verse in a work is not difficult, the main thing is not to get confused in the names. It is also necessary to remember that there are five main types of it, but literature is very diverse, and sometimes it is impossible to classify a work as a “pure” type. Knowledge about poetic meters will help you perceive more fully literary works and, perhaps, personally participate in their creation.

In writing lessons in high school poetic meters are required. We will find out further how to define them and what they generally mean.


How to determine the meter of a poem? First you need to understand the concept of these words. Poetic meter refers to the particular presentation of a poem, its individual rhythm and variation. Poetic dimensions- an obligatory component of the analysis of any verse.

Poetic dimensions: how to determine

To learn how to understand the sizes of poems, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its types and main particles. An important element in determining the size is the foot.

It means a group of syllables that are connected by one stress. The syllable itself plays a secondary role. The brightness and emotionality of the verse depends on the stressed word.


In Russian, line length is more relevant in a poem. A striking example of this is iambic meter. He can be:

  • monofoot;
  • two-footed;
  • trimeter;
  • tetrameter and so on.

Characteristics of the size of a verse can result in caesuras (the need for a pause in the rhythm of the verse) or catalectics (ending a line with an incomplete foot).

Types of poetic meters

The metrical composition and rhythm of any verse establishes the poetic meters. How to identify them? To do this, you need to remember the following explanations:

1. Monosyllabic meter, also known as brachycolon, is a monocotyledon meter, each foot of which contains a small word consisting of one syllable. In this case, there can be several stops in a line.

Example: Night Day. Light, shadow. Suddenly a sound. That's a knock.

2. Two-syllable sizes. These include trochee - the size is bipartite, in the foot the stress is placed on the first syllable.

Example: The cloud is dark, the night is huge.

Iambic also refers to a bipartite meter. It differs from trochee in the placement of stress on the last syllable of the foot. Paired syllables are stressed in a line.

Example: We are dressed up to lead the city together. But it seems we have no one to watch.

3. Trisyllabic: dactyl, amphibrachium, anapest.

Dactyl is a three-syllable meter in which the stress is placed on the first syllable. This means that the initial first syllable of the dactyl is stressed, and the next two are unstressed. Then comes the second line, in which the syllables are stressed: the fourth, fifth and sixth.

Anapest is a trisyllabic meter with a second stressed syllable. The first and third syllables do not have an expressive connotation; they are unstressed. The second foot of the poem is as follows: the fifth is stressed, the fourth and sixth are unstressed.

Amphibrach is a three-syllable meter, where the stress is on the last syllable and the first two are unstressed.


The above poetic meters are based on the sequential order of several similar feet. This is the main difference between them and logaed. The latter means a line meter in which several different stops alternate.

For example: Today is a gloomy day. The grasshopper choir is sleeping. And the gloomy rocks are darker than the gravestones.

How to determine poetic meter

If you are working on an essay, what does it mean? full analysis poem, it will certainly not hurt you to analyze its poetic dimensions. How to determine them and why? Because a poetic work requires evaluation precisely by its rhythm and its sound. This melody of the verse forms the poem itself. Therefore, every philologist knows that a verse cannot be understood without determining the poetic meter in it.

The second important task in determining

One more no less important task in analyzing a poetic work is to determine and name the purpose of the poetic meter.

For example, iambic reflects an energetic narrative, while trochee is more gentle and calm.

Night landscapes and quiet water surfaces have always been described by trochee. All lullaby poems are also included in its dimensions.

Colloquial speech in poetry is typical for three-syllable meters. Nekrasov loved to compose such works.

The poetic meters in the table using two-syllable meters as an example are presented below.

Let's look at the work "Winter Morning" by A. S. Pushkin.

Determine the poetic meter:

Frost and sun; wonderful day!

Are you still dozing, dear friend?

It's time, beauty, wake up.

Open your closed eyes.

Towards the northern Aurora, appear as the star of the north!

The poetic work "Winter Morning" itself consists of 30 lines. This is iambic tetrameter, which gives the verse major and expressiveness. The lines of the poem rhyme in this way: 1-2, 3-6, 4-5.

How to learn to write poetry

Expressing your thoughts and feelings is not always possible with spoken words. Sometimes it’s easier to write poetry for a special episode. But is it that simple? So, if you want to try this craft, then start with the simplest rules:

1. Whether you are talented or not, you must remember that no matter what kind of poetry you are going to write (one-, two-, three-syllable), you need to start with a simple one.

2. The rhyme to the word should go in the next line or across the line.

3. Avoid difficult words and phrases, as well as banal rhymes like “love-carrots”.

4. Start your creativity with the usual congratulations to your loved one. A greeting in a postcard, written in your own words, is a rare and original gift.

5. Before you start writing a poem, prepare. For example, write down on a piece of paper the words that will definitely be present in your poetic work. Then choose a few rhymes for them.

6. Write a sample text of what you want to say in prose.

7. After you write your poem, read it carefully several times. If you feel an inconsistency in sound or meaning, try changing the sentence or replacing a word.

If you follow these simple rules, you should end up with a simple iambic - a congratulation written on a major note!


Now we have learned what poetic meters are. We also figured out how to determine on what note a verse is written and its rhythm. If in the future you need to analyze a poem written by the author, you will do it with ease. And if you want to create poetry yourself, then you already have the prerequisites for where to start and with what rhythm to write.