Without rivers, it is impossible to imagine the existence of life on earth, which are the largest sources of fresh water for territories covering tens of thousands of square kilometers. It was the large rivers that became the cradles of the greatest civilizations of mankind, and now hundreds of millions of people live along them, a typical example being the Nile and the Yangtze. As always, there is an ongoing debate between individual groups of scientists and entire countries about which is the longest river on earth. Why do they send out entire expeditions to search for new sources in order to add several tens of kilometers to the length of the river? Meet the ten most long rivers on a land where out of ten rivers, four flow through Russian territory.

10. Lena

Lena is 4,400 kilometers long, the basin of which is entirely located on Russian territory. The source of the river begins from a small lake a few kilometers from Lake Baikal at an altitude of 2,020 meters above sea level and flows into the Laptev Sea. Local peoples called the river Elyu-Ene, which translated into Russian meant translated as “ big river”, over time transformed into the more memorable “Lena”. The height of the river varies greatly depending on the time of year, reaching a peak in the summer-autumn period during the melting of snow and ice, and the rainy season.

9. Amur - Argun

The length of the Amur and Argun river system is 4,444 kilometers, most of which runs along the border of China and Russia. The source of the river is in the mountains of the Greater Khingan and flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The depth of the Amur has very large seasonal fluctuations, because 75% of the river's flow is rainwater, most of which falls in the autumn-summer period.

8. Congo - Chambeshi

The Congo and Chambeshi river system has a total length of 4,700 kilometers and its sources are located near Lake Tanganyika at an altitude of 1,760 meters. The banks of the river are very swampy, and the mouth has a large number of expansions in the form of lakes. By the way, this is the only large river in the world that crosses the equator twice, plus it has the largest area of ​​land in the world that is flooded during a flood.

7. Ob - Irtysh

The Ob and Irtysh river system, which flows through China, Kazakhstan and Russia, has a length of 5,410 kilometers. The source of the river is in the Mongolian Altai mountain system on the border of Mongolia with China and flows into the Kara Sea. By the way, the length of the Irtysh exceeds the length of the Ob several times and is 4.248 kilometers.

6. Yellow River

The Yellow River, whose name is translated into Russian as “Yellow River,” has a length of 5,464 kilometers. The river got its name from the yellow water and light brown sediment on the banks. The source of the river is in the Tibetan Plateau at an altitude of 4,000 meters. The Yellow River flows into the Yellow Sea, which actually has yellow because of river water. The river is one of the two arteries of life in China, however, due to devil-may-care attitude environmentally, one third of the river’s waters are unsuitable for use.

5. Yenisei – Angara – Selenga

The largest river in Russia, or rather the system of three rivers Yenisei, Angara and Selenga, has a length of 5.539 kilometers. The source of the river is located on the territory of Mongolia in the Khangai Mountains, turning into the full-flowing Selenga River which flows into Lake Baikal. The Angara flows out of the lake (by the way, this is the only river flowing from Baikal) and flows into the Yenisei, which in turn, having covered 3,500 kilometers, flows into the Kara Sea. After the construction of several hydroelectric power stations, 500 kilometers of the river below Krasnoyarsk does not freeze all year round what became real environmental disaster for the region.

4. Mississippi - Missouri

The Mississippi and Missouri river system, with a length of 6,275 kilometers, is the largest in North America, which flows only through the United States, although it should be noted that a small part of the river basin is located in Canada. The river originates in the rocky mountains and flows into Atlantic Ocean. Separately, Mississippi and Missouri are just over 3,000 kilometers long. Recent decades The waters of the Mississippi are heavily polluted due to the extensive use of chemicals in agriculture, which has become a real environmental disaster for the Gulf of Mexico, where the river flows.

3. Yangtze

The Yangtze River, whose name is translated from Chinese as “long river,” is, in full accordance with its name, one of the three longest rivers in the world, with a length of 6,300 kilometers. It takes its origins in the Tibetan Plateau at an altitude of 5,000 meters. About a third of China's population lives in the Yangtze basin, which itself occupies one-fifth of the country's territory. Endangered species of fish and mammals live here, so certain sections of the river have been turned into nature reserves.

2. Nile

The Nile has a length of 6,852 kilometers, the sources of which are located on the East African Plateau at an altitude of 2000 meters, where water flows almost all year round. heavy rains and flows into the Mediterranean Sea. In the upper reaches, the tributaries Bahr el-Ghazal and Achwa, Sobat, Blue Nile and Atbara flow into the river, and for the last 3,000 kilometers the Nile flows through the desert and has no tributaries. By the way, the Nile is a real source of life for Egypt, along which 97% of the country’s population lives.

1. Amazon

For a long time, the Amazon was considered the second largest river in the world, however, it was recently recognized as the longest river in the world. The beginning of the Ucayali River was taken as the starting point; as a result, the river now officially has a length of more than 7,000 kilometers. The river also has the largest delta in the world with an area of ​​about 100 thousand square kilometers, in the center of which is the largest river island in the world, Marajo, with an area of ​​40 thousand square kilometers (this is no less than the area of ​​Switzerland). The Amazon originates in the Peruvian Andes highlands, crosses South America and flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

The history of mankind has always been directly connected with bodies of water - it’s not only about the origin, but also about the development of civilizations in river basins and off the coasts of the seas. In the Middle Ages, powers with navies ruled the planet. To this day, the influence of water on human life is enormous. Therefore, studying rivers can be not just an interesting activity, but also a way to better understand the history of mankind and the interrelationship of different processes. First of all, you should pay attention to the largest, most famous and significant water flows on Earth.


Although it is not the deepest river in the world, it is the longest, and therefore the most important. It is located on the African continent. The Nile is the longest - its length, together with the Kagera tributary, is 6671 kilometers. The river crosses the territory of Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan and Egypt, on the lands of the latter flowing into the Mediterranean Sea. The basin consists of two streams - the White and Blue Nile, and occupies almost three thousand square kilometers. The main tributaries are the Sobat, Atbara and Bahr el Ghazal. One of the first civilizations known to mankind was born on the banks of the Nile, and at the same time, this river for a long time remained unexplored. Until the nineteenth century, travelers wandered across the continent trying to find the source, despite the fact that Europeans made the first attempt back in 1613. The basin also contains Lake Victoria, which replenishes the river with water thanks to frequent rains in this area. Distinctive feature The Nile is home to a large number of crocodiles - swimming in the reservoir is highly undesirable.


When listing the great rivers of the world, it is impossible to forget about this one. The Amazon River is the largest in South America, flowing through the territories of Peru and Brazil, emptying into the Atlantic Ocean. Its name is associated with the legend of a warlike tribe of women who once lived on these shores. The traveler Carvajal described their life so vividly that there was no doubt about the authenticity of the stories. Europeans began to study the largest rivers of the world during the era of the Great geographical discoveries. In 1539, Pissarro arrived on the shores of the Amazon, trying to find gold. Their hopes were not justified, but the Spaniards managed to study the basin of an unfamiliar river with a strong current. The Amazon is the deepest river in the world. Its basin is almost seven thousand square kilometers. The river has about five hundred tributaries, forming a dense network, the most important being Purus, Jurua, Madeira. The banks of the river are covered with impenetrable forests, and in the waters live world-famous


For North Americans, it is the greatest river in the world. The Mississippi has many large tributaries - the Missouri, Illinois, Red River, Arkansas, Ohio. Many water arteries flow into the river. In Indian, the name of this hydronym means “father of waters.” The source is in Lake Itasca, located in Like many other major rivers of the world, the Mississippi flows into the ocean - through the banks along almost the entire length they are protected by ramparts, in some places they are strengthened by dams. The mouth looks like a huge delta with six branches. The length of the river is almost four thousand kilometers. The Mississippi is fed by spring floods and floods caused by heavy rain. Previously, dense forest grew along the coast, but now there are many coastal cities there.


When listing the largest rivers in the world, it is worth mentioning the one that flows through Asia. The Yangtze is the longest on the continent and the fourth on the planet. The length of the river is 5800 kilometers. The Yangtze flows through China and empties into the South China Sea, which belongs to the basin Pacific Ocean. The first Europeans who found themselves on the banks called the river Blue, but in fact the water in it is yellowish, with a lot of sand. The source is located in Tibet. Almost half of its length the river is navigable. During floods, the water level rises by tens of meters, at which time the opportunities for sailing along the Yangtze increase. In winter it becomes shallow and shipping stops. To prevent flooding, several reservoirs and dams were built along the riverbed. The Yangtze basin is extremely favorable for Agriculture. The banks have fertile soil, so the locals grow rice here. Like other great rivers of the world, when flowing into the sea, the Yangtze forms a vast delta of several tens of thousands of kilometers.


When listing the greatest rivers in the world, it is necessary to mention the Russian one. The Ob flows through western Siberia and flows into the Gulf of Ob, which belongs to the Arctic Ocean. The source is located at the place, and the mouth creates a delta measuring several thousand square kilometers. Like other great rivers of the world, the Ob is very long - its length is almost four thousand kilometers. Tributaries include the Vasyugan, Irtysh, Bolshoi Yugan and Northern Sosva, as well as the Chumysh, Chulym, Ket, Tom and Vakh. The largest city in this region, Novosibirsk, is located on the banks. In addition, the basin is known for several oil fields. The waters of the Irtysh are used to generate electricity; in addition, several large reservoirs have been created near it.

Yellow River

The great rivers of the world that flow through China are not limited to the Yangtze. There is also the Yellow River, which flows into and is part of the Pacific Ocean basin. The river waters have a yellowish tint caused by a large amount of silt. The length is almost five thousand kilometers, making the river the sixth largest in the world. However, the Yellow River basin is relatively small. The river originates and then flows along the Hetao Plain, along the Loess Plateau and the Great Chinese Plain, and then flows into Bohai Bay, where it forms a delta. There are several large cities along the banks. However, life here is not very peaceful - the Yellow River regularly erodes the dams, which leads to serious floods.


It just so happens that the most famous rivers in the world are most often located in Eurasia. The Mekong, the most important waterway of Indochina, flows there. This is the fourth longest river in Asia and the eighth longest on the planet. The basin passes through the lands of China, Laos, Burma, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. The length is about four and a half thousand kilometers. The Mekong begins on the Tibetan Plateau, from where it goes to the Sichuan Alps, then to the east of the peninsula, ends up on the Kampuchean Plain and splits into several branches in the delta. The tributaries are the Tonle Sap, Mun, Bassac and Bang Hiang. Up to Phnom Penh, the water area is called the Upper Mekong, and further - the Lower Mekong. The pool is ideal for navigation throughout the year. Uninterrupted traffic is possible for seven hundred kilometers. The river is fed by monsoon rains that fall from June to October.


This list is worth completing the list, which includes the most famous rivers in the world. The Amur serves as the border between China and Russia. From its source its length is almost four and a half thousand kilometers. It flows into the Tatar Strait, located between the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The river area covers 1856 square kilometers. The most large tributaries are Tunguska, Zeya, Bureya, Amgun and Goryun, as well as Ussuri and Sungari. The Amur is used as a transport route and also for fishing. In the waters you can catch twenty-five valuable species of fish: pink salmon, carp, chum salmon, sturgeon and others. The name of the river means "black water" in Mongolian. On Far East The Amur is considered the main water artery. Half of its basin falls on the territory of the People's Republic of China. From July to September the river is replenished with floods, sometimes they can become catastrophic. Some areas freeze in winter from the beginning of November and are covered with ice until the very beginning of May.

The longest river in the world is the Nile

Nile- the longest river in the world, its length is 6,690 km from the source of the Luvironza River in Burundi, in Central Africa, to its mouth at the confluence with the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile flows from south to north and its basin is about 2,850,000 square meters. km, which is approximately equal to one tenth of the area of ​​Africa, including the territories of Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, and Congo (Kinshasa). Its waters support virtually all agriculture in the most densely populated parts of Egypt, are the source of irrigation for almost all of Sudan's food crops, and are widely used throughout the basin for navigation and hydropower.

The deepest river in the world is the Amazon

River Amazon the second longest river in the world by extent. Its length is about 6,296 km, it is formed by the junction in the northern Peruvian Andes of two main sources - the Ucayali and the shorter Maranon. The Amazon River flows through northern Brazil and empties into the Atlantic Ocean near the city of Belem. The Amazon is the deepest river in the world (carries more water than any other river in the world). The basin with tributaries is huge and amounts to 6,475,000 square meters. km, which is approximately 35% of the territory of South America. The Amazon draws water from both hemispheres and flows not only through Brazil, but also through parts of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. The average depth of the river over its greater length is 50 m. The slope of the river is very small: Manaus, 1,610 km upstream, is only 30 m higher than Belem near the river delta. Sea vessels with a landing of 4 m can reach Iquitos in Peru, which is 3,700 km from the Atlantic Ocean. Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia have international ports on the Amazon.

The following table shows the largest rivers in the world, including their name, source, where they flow and their length:




flows into


Tributaries of Lake Victoria

Mediterranean Sea


Glacial lake, Peru

South America

Atlantic Ocean


Red Rock River, Montana, USA

North America

Gulf of Mexico


Tibetan plateau, China

China Sea

Altai, Russia

Ob Bay, Kara Sea Bay

Yellow River

Eastern Kunlun Mountains, China

Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea


Tannu-Ola mountains, south of Tuva, Russia

Arctic Ocean


confluence of the Paranaiba and Rio Grande rivers, Brazil

South America

La Plata Bay of the Atlantic Ocean


Altai, Russia

Zaire (Congo)

confluence of the Lualaba and Luapula rivers

Atlantic Ocean


confluence of the Shilka and Argun rivers

Tatar Strait of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk


Lake Baikal, Russia

Arctic Ocean


Head of the Finlay River, British Columbia, Canada

North America

Beaufort Sea
(Arctic Ocean)


Fouta Djallon, Guinea

Gulf of Guinea Atlantic Ocean


Tibetan plateau

South China Sea


Lake Itasca, Minnesota, USA

North America

Gulf of Mexico


Confluence of the Jefferson, Gallatin and Madison Rivers, Montana, USA

North America

mississippi river


Valdai Hills, Russia

Caspian Sea


Confluence of the Beni and Mamore rivers, border of Bolivia and Brazil

South America

Amazon river


Peruvian Andes

South America

Amazon river

Thus, the Nile is the longest river in the world, with a length of approximately 6,690 kilometers, and is also the largest river in Africa. The second largest river in the world, the Amazon, is also the longest river in South America. The third largest river, the Mississippi River, together with the Missouri River, is the most... big river North America. The fourth largest river, the Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia. And, being only the eighteenth largest in the world, the Volga is the longest river in Europe.

So, we looked at the 20 largest rivers in the world, eight of which flow in Asia, eight in America, three in Africa, and only one of the 20 largest large rivers peace - in Europe.

The longest river in the world is not just a statistical mark. At all times, rivers have been feeding arteries for the inhabitants of the planet. Their shores provided shelter and food for hundreds of generations. And now few branches of industry or agriculture can boast of independence from major waterways.

Livestock farming, development of the earth's interior, electricity production, agriculture and much more directly depend on the full flow, direction and speed of the river. The larger and more deep the feeding vein of the earth, the more successful and rich the region in which it is located.

On this moment there is only sample list long rivers, which is adjusted depending on new facts and additional research. The main rivers of the world are described here without taking into account their additional tributaries, and indicating the average annual length, which may change following changes in the course of the artery.

Table of the longest rivers:

Name Length, km
Amazon 6992
Nile 6852
Yangtze 6300
Yellow River 5464
Mekong 4500
Lena 4400
Parana 4380
Congo 4374
Irtysh 4248
Niger 4180
Mississippi 3770
Missouri 3767
Ob 3650
Volga 3530
Yenisei 3487

Description, length, where the largest rivers in the world flow

It is not surprising that there is a constant debate among hydrologists about in what order to arrange the longest rivers.

The longest river in the world is the Amazon, 6992 km long.

Some consider their length together with large tributaries, others are of the opinion that the tributaries are independent rivers. Some areas of rivers (for example, the Amazon and Ob) have not yet been fully studied, so it is impossible to say exactly their length.


The longest river in the world did not find its recognition for a long time. And only recently, accurate photographs from space have proven that the Amazon has the palm not only in terms of deep water, but also in length. Its exact length ranges from 6992 to 7120 km (including the Ucayali tributary).

The source of the river is the connection of the Ucayali and Marañon streams, which form a basin with a total area of ​​more than 7100 million km 2.

The daily water discharge reaches 20 km 3 , which indicates not only a high volume of water, but also a considerable flow speed. The river flows through almost all of South America, crossing three states, and connects with the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. At the same time, the delta of the river’s confluence is a record 100,000 km 2!


The Nile is the river with the longest water system. Its mouth originates at an altitude of more than 2000 km, and rushes rapidly through Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt. However, the water flow and river area vary significantly throughout the year due to dry summers and a long rainy season.

For the inhabitants of Africa, the Nile is truly a feeding artery. More than 95% of the population is concentrated along its banks. The bulk of the water is spent on generating electricity and irrigating the banks. Therefore, the gradual shallowing of the Nile threatens not only the collapse of the entire economy African countries, but also the death of the population from hunger.


The largest river in Eurasia and the 3rd largest in the world is the Yangtze, translated from Chinese as “long river”. The Yangtze originates high in the Tibetan mountains (approximately 5000 m above sea level), and carries its waters through a cascade of dangerous rapids and waterfalls. The flow speed in the mountainous areas is very high, so along the banks of the river there is a whole network of hydroelectric power stations that supply most of China.

The Yangtze divides the country into two halves - northern and southern. The area of ​​its basin is so large that it occupies 1/5 of the territory of the entire state, and is a vital artery for most cities! Naturally, what about great river There are many legends: the Chinese deify “Mother Changjiang”, love and fear her changeable mood.

Yellow River

The fourth longest river in the world is also located in China, and flows almost parallel to its older sister Yangtze. Its name translates as “Yellow River”, and is due to the fact that the water contains a lot of sand and sedimentary rocks that rise from the bottom powerful current.

It is the Yellow River that is considered the birthplace of great Chinese history. The river is often mentioned in prehistoric epics.

Even then, large cities and strategic fortifications were located on its banks. Since then, little has changed: the most developed cities of Lanzhou, Yinchuan, and Wuhai are located near the Yellow River. Although for residents of megacities this neighborhood is not always safe: the river often changes its course, flooding nearby houses.


Another waterway flowing in the countries of the east coast. The Mekong, more than all other rivers, is shrouded in an aura of mythical glory. It’s not for nothing that in Laos it is called “Mother Von Ganges”, and in Vietnam “River of Nine Dragons”.

Beginning in China, the river passes through the rice fields of Vietnam, demarcates Myanmar, Laos and Thailand, crosses Cambodia, and flows into the South China Sea. Despite the favorable position of the river, its resources are used mainly only for agricultural needs: growing rice crops and feeding animals.


River with gentle female name No wonder it is considered the pearl of Siberia. After all, this is not only the longest waterway in Russia, but also one of the most beautiful rivers. Her entire pool is in the area permafrost, due to which both banks are mostly covered coniferous trees and moss.

Starting in a small swamp on the territory of the Baikal ridge, the Lena flows through the entire Baikal region, representing a narrow and shallow river. But crossing the borders of Yakutia, the Lena turns into a very large and high-water river thanks to the two tributaries Vitim and Aldan flowing into it. In the middle of the river, its width can reach a record 30 km, and its depth - 10-12 m.

Closer to the confluence, the river divides into several hundred branches, which makes it look like the crown of a huge tree. Due to this effect, the total area of ​​the river delta exceeds 45,000 km2.


The longest river in the world, like the Paraná, is located in South America. Only the Amazon flows from west to east, and the Paraná divides the continent from north to south. The river partially creates the border between Argentina and Paraguay.

The upper course is of lava origin, and therefore has a large number of rapids.

This makes Paraná an attractive destination for extreme rafting enthusiasts. Also, the river has several waterfalls, and the height of the largest of them reaches 72 m.

The nature of the river is very diverse: in addition to rapids, the Paraná also crosses vast swampy areas. Here its flow slows down, and the banks, not compressed by rocky rock, expand up to 5 km. Like the Lena, this unpredictable river has a long delta, stretching almost 130 km in length to the Atlantic Ocean.


The name of the river and the state where this deep artery partially flows comes from the people who lived on its banks. In some regions of the mainland it is called Zaire or Lualaba. Several “most” titles are attached to the Congo River. This is the swampiest of the large rivers. There are few places where you can get to its shore without using a special reed boat.

Also, the Congo is the largest river in terms of flooded area. During the rainy season, the river basin can slightly more than double in size! And despite the abundance of large rivers, the Congo remains the only one that crosses the equator twice.

The life-giving waters of the African river flow through several countries, and for all of them it has economic and political significance comparable in importance to a large federal highway.


This unusual river originates in one of the autonomous regions of China and intersects with the Ob River, which already flows in Russia. Being a tributary of another river, the Irtysh exceeds its length by 600 km. This is the longest tributary in the world.

Coming together, the Irtysh-Ob water system becomes the longest river in Russia and the sixth in the whole world.

The waters of the Irtysh are actively used for economic purposes in all three countries. In China, these are mainly the needs of the oil and gas industry. In Kazakhstan - servicing numerous hydroelectric power stations located in mountainous areas.

In Russia, the overwhelming flow of water from the Irtysh falls on an artificial canal to Karaganda, created to replenish water in hard-to-reach regions. From the last station of the hydroelectric power station and the point to the connection with the Ob (approximately 3,700 km), commercial shipping operates on the river.


This famous river is the third longest in Africa, but is not inferior to its older brothers in fullness and depth. Home distinctive feature Niger became his original boomerang shape.

Initially, scientists believed that there were two different rivers that flow parallel to each other. But the peculiarity is that in the middle the river turns sharply to the south and returns to the Atlantic Ocean, near which it originates.

Another feature of Niger is the large oil deposits in the delta, which annually bring billions in revenue to the country. But despite this, the residents of the surrounding area live very poorly, and the territory is well guarded by the military.


Mississippi is usually ranked third after the Nile. But this is if we consider its distance along with the main tributary of the Missouri and the upper reaches of the Jefferson. The entire basin of the Mississippi, rich in tributaries, covers 31 states and is 2,981 million km 2.

Measuring the exact length of a river is not an easy task. During a flood, it changes it depending on changes in the riverbed. Because of this, residents of surrounding settlements often have to escape floods by moving to more remote areas.

By the way, the river became especially famous at the moment when Mark Twain mentioned it in his famous book about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. The author called the river the biggest liar in the world.


This long river carries its waters across almost the entire North America, and crosses several American states and Canada. For a long time, tribes of indigenous people, Indians, lived on its banks. And it is to this river that the first settlers are obliged, moving along its banks to new territories.

The climate of the river changes dramatically in accordance with the changing of the year. In winter, in some areas, temperatures can drop to -50℃, and in summer they can rise to +45℃. This, and the long rainy season, change the appearance and coastline of Missouri almost beyond recognition.


The most beautiful river in Russia, which, moreover, is the most important navigation artery of several regions. Its main tributary, the Irtysh, is among the top 15 longest rivers in the world. For China and Kazakhstan, through which this same unique river, its water is one of the important sources of nutrition.

It is impossible to judge definitely the extent of the Ob because of its numerous tributaries and little knowledge. Until now, some areas of Siberia remain unexplored or difficult to access. Many riverside settlements can only be reached by water.


The longest river in the world is the Amazon, but the most beautiful is undoubtedly the Volga. The source of this picturesque river is located in the Valdai upper reaches, and gradually descends to the Caspian Sea. The name comes from the ancient Mari word “light”. Indeed, throughout the entire length of the river, the waters of the river remain clean due to the absence of light bottom sediments and rapid flow.

For Russia, this river is of the utmost strategic and economic importance. Half of the industry is located either on its shores or directly depends on its waters. Great amount commercial fish provides food not only to local residents, but also ensures domestic fish production. And the numerous beaches and forests surrounding the banks of the Volga are attracting more and more tourists.


Yenisei is rightfully considered the most full-flowing river Russia. It originates at the connection of two small rivers, and if we count the total length of the water artery along with them, then the Yenisei rises to 6th place in the ranking of the longest.

It is noteworthy that the longest river still runs along this river. sea ​​route– more than 5000 km.

It starts from the Selenga River, which later flows into the Yenisei, and reaches the Kara Sea. It is this river that supplies the largest hydroelectric power stations in Russia and throughout Eurasia, including Sayano-Shushenskaya and Krasnoyarsk. Largest cities on the banks of the Yenisei: Abakan, Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk and Sayanogorsk.

The longest rivers in Eurasia

The Eurasian continent boasts that 8 of the 15 longest rivers in the world are located on its territory. The rivers are different complex system and flow into all 4 oceans washing the continent.

The European part, however, is much inferior in the number of rivers. The largest of them - the Yangtze, Yellow River, Mekong, Lena, Ob, Irtysh and Yenisei - flow on the Asian side. On the European side, only the Volga remains, and some large rivers that are not included in the list of the longest. Such as the Danube, Dnieper and Don.

Longest Rivers in North America

There are a huge number of rivers of various origins in North America. They are famous for their deep water, which during the rainy season causes serious concern among local residents due to the risk of flooding.

The longest river in America is the Mississippi. Despite its impressive length, it is entirely located in the United States with two long tributaries, the Missouri and Ohio.

Rivers flowing in the northern part and flowing into the Arctic Ocean remain covered with ice almost the entire year, unlike the southern ones, whose temperature does not drop below +10 degrees even in winter.

The longest rivers in South America

The longest river in the world is located on this continent. And not only this: the lack of seas on the mainland is fully compensated by a truly huge river basin. The Amazon alone, taking into account all its tributaries, has a combined basin that accounts for a quarter of all river water on the planet. In some places its width reaches 50 km!

The water structures of South America attract not only tourists, but also ichthyologists. Some fish species live only in these rivers and cannot be transferred to other conditions. In general, the flora and fauna of the mainland are so interesting that they can rightfully be called the most interesting and unusual in the world.

The longest rivers in Africa

African rivers are known mainly for their numerous rapids and riffles, which form an original flow pattern. Also, it is on this continent that there are so many large waterfalls. They greatly complicate navigation, but attract millions of tourists.

Appearance Africa's largest rivers can change beyond recognition due to uneven precipitation throughout the year. What seemed like a small stream in winter can turn out to be a seething torrent in summer, spreading 20 km wide. This also applies to the three largest rivers: the Nile, Congo and Niger.

Contrary to popular belief, rivers exist even in the arid regions of the Sahara Desert. They appear sporadically during the rainy season and last no more than a couple of months.

Longest rivers in Australia

This continent can only boast of a critical shortage of water. On the entire continent, you can count no more than 80 rivers and rivulets, the longest of which, the Murray, stretches for 2375 km and flows into Lake Alexandrina.

Most rivers and reservoirs of the continent are seasonal. From early spring to mid-summer they feed on precipitation, and then partially or completely dry out until next year. Only rivers flowing in the southeast constantly exist: they are fed from the Snowy Mountains, and do not dry up thanks to the Great Dividing Range.

The world's longest rivers are visible even from space. They cover the planet like veins and feed almost all regions of the earth. Human existence without rivers would be impossible, although their flows are often unpredictable or even destructive. But this only reminds humanity that we need to treat nature with care and diligence.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the longest river in the world

The longest river in the world is the Amazon:

Water flows are extremely variable quantities. IN different years, and even seasons, their length and volume of water changes. The debate about which river is the longest in the world continues to this day. However, the TOP 10 remains unchanged, only the places change.

South America- an amazing continent where the longest river in the world, the Amazon, is located. It flows through several countries - Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. The area of ​​its basin is approximately 7.05 million km², almost the territory of Australia.

The name of the longest river in the world comes from the legendary tribes of Amazons who inhabited its banks, with whom the discoverers of the mainland, the conquistadors, had to fight. Another curious fact: in the past, the Amazon repeatedly changed the direction of its flow until it “settled” on the final version - from west to east, crossing the entire continent.

Nile (6,700 km)

Long time It was believed that the Nile was the longest river in the world until a new tributary of the Amazon was discovered. The sources of the Nile are in Rwanda; in total, it passes through 10 African countries. For Egypt, whose territory accounts for a significant part of the river, it is of invaluable importance. It is along its banks that more than 95% of the state’s population lives.

Missouri-Mississippi (6,275 km)

Many Americans still believe that the Mississippi is the longest river in the world. Of course, because it is almost entirely located in the United States. In fact, its length is “only” 3,734 km. And if the Missouri had not turned from a full-fledged river into a tributary of the Mississippi, it would not have seen the top 10, like its ears.

Yangtze (5,800 km)

Translated from Chinese, the name means “long river”. It is the longest in Eurasia and is located in China. The waters of the Yangtze are home to many rare and endangered species, including alligators, sturgeon and river dolphins.

Yellow River (5,464 km)

The name of this river, also located in China, translates as “yellow”. It owes this to clay sediments that wash out from its banks and give the water a yellowish-turbid tint. Moreover, the sea into which the Yellow River flows was also named.

Ob (5,410 km)

The longest river in Russia, located in Western Siberia. It does not have many tributaries and is filled mainly by melting snow. The name most likely came from the translation of the word “snow” in the language of the Komi people.

Lena (5,100 km)

The largest of the rivers located entirely on the territory of the Russian Federation, in Eastern Siberia. For most of the year, the Lena is under a thick layer of ice, so shipping is rather poorly developed, and the banks are practically uninhabited.

Amur (5,052 km)

The next one of the top 10 longest rivers in the world is also located, for the most part, in Russia. It also flows through the territory of China and Mongolia. Interestingly, the unofficial name in Chinese sounds like “Heilongjiang” - black dragon river.

Congo (4,700 km)

In terms of flow, this river is second only to the Amazon. In some places its depth exceeds 250 meters. Most of the reservoir is located on the territory of the Republic of Congo. The river crosses the equator twice and flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Mackenzie (4,240 km)

Canada, it turns out, is not only a country of lakes. The last of the 10 longest rivers in the world is located on its territory. Interestingly, it was originally called “ Disappointment" - a disappointment, but it was later renamed in honor of the discoverer, Alexander Mackenzie.