Technology makes life easier and more convenient. Many things have even become very simple. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, it has become much easier for us to do stupid things. To whom did not happen to send email to the wrong recipient or make a private message on a social network public? Small mistakes like these can have catastrophic consequences, but if you take care of your security system, you won't have to worry about finding a way to delete a text message or cancel an email.

Let's be honest, most of these mistakes could have been avoided without distractions. But each of us has times of heavy workload or depression when it becomes difficult to control our actions. We do not always carefully monitor what we do ourselves; no person is able to maintain a high degree of vigilance throughout the entire day, seven days a week. In this article, I'll talk about how to delete an accidental text message or cancel an email.

Short text messages

Smartphone users can install a special program that delays sending SMS for a certain time, giving us the opportunity to come to our senses and cancel. For Android, you can use Undo SMS, making it the default program for working with short text messages. An app with a similar name, SMS Undo, would be suitable for the iPhone, but it no longer exists. If you don't mind jailbreaking, then look for SMS Delay or confirmSMS in Cydia. Both programs create a pause between clicking the "Send" button and actually sending the text message. There are other programs with similar functionality, but they do not replace the standard tool, so users tend to forget that they should only send messages through them.

This decision cannot be considered as absolute, since we are only given a delay to come to our senses. But often it is in the first seconds and minutes after sending a text message that we realize that we have made a mistake.

There is another “hot” method of cancellation. If you've just sent a message and realize there's something wrong with it, quickly switch your handset to airplane mode. It is possible that the connection will be disconnected before the message is sent to the recipient. Before you connect your phone to the network again, be sure to delete the error message.


Once you receive a message that the email has been sent, it is almost impossible to cancel. In the web interface, the disappearance of a message from the screen after clicking on the “Send” button means that it is already on its way to its recipient. Deleting a letter from the outbox folder does not solve the problem. The recipient will have his own copy, which he can dispose of independently. There's practically nothing you can do with it.

Gmail users can set a delay before sending to correct the situation. To activate it, go to your Gmail account settings, go to the Laboratory section and enable “Cancel sending email”. After that, in the General section, set the delay time in the “Enable undo send function” field. Now, you have some time to click on the “Cancel” button after sending the letter. Again, this will not solve all problems, but it can help out in many situations.

Microsoft Outlook offers a different feature that it calls Recall. This does not delay the sending of the message, but does send a request to the recipient's server to delete the email. It is even possible to replace a deleted letter with a new version. This method Doesn't work on all servers, but you can click on the little flag to see if it works in this case. If you need to delete an email sent through Outlook, find it in the Sent Items folder and in the Other Actions toolbar, click Cancel this message.

Canceling social media posts

IN in social networks people make mistakes no less often than in the case of SMS or email. They send messages to the wrong people, annoying errors are found in the text, etc. All this can lead to unpleasant consequences, which are better to prevent than to deal with the problems that have arisen. One of the most notable oversights of this kind cost political career Anthony Weiner. Probably,
your losses will not be so huge, but why do you need them?


Setting privacy allows you to prevent most private messages sent through Facebook from appearing publicly. Do the following:

  1. Click on the gear in the upper right corner, which appears on almost all pages of the social network;
  2. Select Privacy;
  3. In the "Who can see my content" section, look at what it says in the "Who can see your posts in the future?" You can choose from the following options: “Available to everyone”, “Friends”, “Only me”, etc. To do this, click on the edit button. Selecting "Only Me" will make your messages invisible to others by default.
  4. After this, you will be forced to specifically indicate in each message whether it will be available publicly (or to a limited number of people). Not very comfortable? But it is very safe!

Special confirmation of publication in the public domain forces once again think about whether we want anyone other than us to see this. The best way to learn how to manage your privacy on Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and other social networks is to read the official guides. Changes may be made over time and some information may become outdated.

As for private messages on social networks, although they can be deleted after they are sent, a copy will still remain with the friend. Why? Because the delete function is absolutely useless in this case. Therefore, be careful when preparing and before sending messages to your friends. I don't know of any way that would help in that situation if you want to delete a message that has already been sent. Unless you can log into another person’s account and delete your message on his behalf. Each of us has a brain, so we turn it on and predict the consequences of our actions, so as not to regret what we did later.


Twitter has a few more features compared to Facebook. Here you can always delete your messages, so you can write whatever you want with a pure soul, and then take the words back (in most cases). This also applies to addressed messages. Of course, if people read something in their feed, then even after deleting the message, it will remain in their memory. Remember this!

Delay of publications to any networks

If you are used to thinking about a written and sent message for a long time, no matter what service you use, you can use a scheduled publishing service, for example, Buffer. It allows you to set a schedule for each day, so you'll know exactly when your tweets or status updates will be published. Publications will be sent to the address automatically, and until this moment you will have time to re-read and think about everything a hundred times. Depending on your character traits, you can give yourself a delay of several minutes, hours or days.

If none of this worked

If, even despite implementing all these recommendations, you notice that you quite often send letters and messages that you later regret, then you need to take care to develop some good habits. Each time before clicking the “Submit” button, pause for a few minutes. Take a break, then re-read your message, check the recipient's address. It cannot be guaranteed that by doing this you will be 100% insured against mistakes, but consciously performing the “ritual” described above greatly reduces the risks.

But what if you sent something really terrible, and nothing can be deleted or undone? There are two options: pretend that it was a joke (maybe not a very successful one, but a joke), or admit everything and ask for forgiveness for the mistake. No one is immune from mistakes. We must be able to recognize them and correct the situation.

How do you get out of a situation when you realize that you sent the wrong message or to the wrong person?

Recall an email in Outlook necessary if the information is no longer relevant, errors were made when composing the letter, or new data appeared that affected the text of the message. Obviously, an email can only be recalled if it has not been read by the end user. Canceling sending or replacing information can be done in each version of the system; it is only important to know how to perform the procedure.

How to recall an email in Outlook 2003

There are ways to recall a sent letter in the 2003 program, but this procedure is somewhat more complicated than in newer versions. The reason for the complexity is that there are various restrictions that can prevent cancellation.

Important! If the recipient sets up an instant notification system for all letters arriving in the mail, it is impossible to cancel the sending.

It will be impossible to cancel a message if the letter contains attachments or if forwarding is used through external mail services or other resources, for example, Hotmail.

So initially you need to determine that the letter is sent directly to the mailbox through the exchange function. To do this, you need to open the shipping information and pay attention to the addressee field, this should contain the email address.

To cancel, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the section containing the sent letter and click on it;
  2. At the top of the application window there is the “Actions” tab; you need to expand it and select “Recall message”. If everything went well, the letter will be deleted and a sending error will appear in the status;

  1. To edit the text, you need to click on “Send again”, so the editor will start before sending.

You can find out that the letter was not sent in the dialogue. If everything went well, the dialog will be updated with an error message.

How to recall an email in Outlook 2007

The 2007 version of the program contains almost all modern functions that are still built into the application. Canceling a message in this version is as simple as possible.

  1. Initially, you need to go to the folder where the message you want to cancel is located;
  2. At the top of the program there is a tab “Other actions”, you need to click on the element;
  3. Then select “Recall message”;

  1. You will be prompted to completely delete the letter from the recipient's mailbox or replace it with another one.

To determine the status of a message, you need to click on the “Tracking” menu item. If the message is recalled, a notification will appear that the message was not received by the user.

To find letters that have been forwarded to the recipient, you need to go to the “Sent” section. To revoke a message, you need to go to the specified category, the navigation is located to the left of the work area. After the letter has been found, you need to do:

  1. Click on the “File” tab;
  2. Select the “Information” option;
  3. A list of action options will appear on the right; to perform the manipulation, you need to select the item that offers re-sending or recall;
  4. After a short time, a window will open to select the type of manipulation (recall or replace).

If the user has chosen to replace the message, the program will prompt him to change the text and attachments in the same way as the letter is sent for the first time.

To make sure that the action was completed successfully, you need to go to the “Report” section. The status of the message is reported here when you click on “Tracking”. If it is indicated that the letter was sent successfully, then the action failed. If it says that a failure occurred, the procedure was completed successfully.

The principle of performing manipulation in latest version has not changed, the procedure is almost the same. To recall a notification through Outlook 2017 you need to do:

  1. Find the message in the “Sent” category;
  2. Click on the “File” menu;
  3. Select “Information” from the menu;
  4. In the “Redevelopment” column at the bottom there is the “Re-send” item, you need to click on it;
  5. In the drop-down list below, click on “Recall letter”.

If the message simply needs to be corrected, then in the last step you need to click on “Resend”. In this case, a separate page will load with the ability to edit the content.

Important! To find out whether the user received a message or whether it was possible to recall it, you can open the “Tracking” item in the “Options” section, where you can set a highlight next to the options for receiving notifications about the delivery and reading of letters.

How to cancel an email through a browser?

Outlook mail can be used not only through the application client, but also through the resource’s web interface. You can access it just by logging into Microsoft system via the website:

  1. Launch desktop browser;
  2. Go to;
  3. Enter your email account address and go to the next window;

  1. Enter your account password.
  1. After loading the page, you need to select the appropriate letter;
  2. An active “Cancel” button will appear at the top;
  3. Select the cancellation type: complete deletion or replacement.

Important! The modern version of the Outlook website has expanded its capabilities and allows you to recall messages even from the Gmail service. The function only works if the message was originally sent via a browser.

Why can't the letter be recalled?

It is not always possible to cancel sending a message. There are certain situations that prevent the ability to perform an action and these include:

  • The message recipient is using an alternative email service. That is, you can recall a letter only within the domain;
  • Offline operation is configured. The system automatically processes messages, so reading occurs almost instantly;
  • The recipient has caching installed, which ensures that all incoming data is stored. In this case, the recipient will be able to read even the recalled letter;
  • The letter was read before the sender started responding.

In addition to the listed cases, it is possible to recall a message without much difficulty.

Before sending a message, you should check the relevance of the information and weigh the correctness of the letter; this will help you change the content before sending. If a misfire does occur, you need to recall the message as soon as possible.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to recall an email in Outlook: detailed instructions", then you can ask them in the comments

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When you revoke a message, the sent message is deleted from mailboxes recipients who have not yet opened it. For example, if you forgot to attach an attachment, you can try to recall the message and send a new message with the correct attachment.

Recall message is available after pressing the button Send and will only be available if you and the recipient have an account Email Office 365 or Microsoft Exchange in the same organization.

Recall and replacement of a message

Review review

The outcome of recalling a message depends on the Outlook settings on the recipients' computers. The table below presents five scenarios:



Tracking checkbox is checked.

Note: File > Options > Mail. Go to section Tracking.


An email is sent. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer in the section Tracking unchecked Automatically process requests and responses to meeting invitations and surveys.

Note: To view this option, select File > Options > Mail. Go to section Tracking.

The original message and the revocation message end up in the Inbox on the recipient's computer.

Note: When processing a revocation message, if the original message is marked as read (a message viewed in the reading pane is not considered read in this scenario), the recipient is notified that the sender wants to delete the message. However, the message remains in the recipient's Outlook folder.

An email is sent. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, the original message is moved from the Inbox to another folder manually or by using a rule, and the revocation message remains in the Inbox (or is also moved to another folder).

If the original message and the revocation message are in different folders, the recipient is notified that the revocation attempt failed. This occurs regardless of Outlook settings and the read status of the message.

An email is sent. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, both messages are moved to the same folder either manually or using a rule. As a result, Outlook behaves in the same way as if it had not been configured to process messages automatically.

The following happens on the recipient's computer.

An email message is sent to a public folder. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

The following happens.

    If the recipient reading the revocation message has read access to all items in the public folder but has not read the original message, the revocation succeeds and only the new message remains. The sender is notified that the revocation was successful.

If a user with any other permissions to the public folder opens a revocation message, the revocation is not performed and the user is notified about it. Both messages remain in the public folder.

Recall and replacement of a message

If you don't see the commands, you probably don't have an Exchange Server account or aren't using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. They are required to recall messages.

This can be found in the dialog box Account Settings in Outlook.

Review review

The outcome of recalling a message depends on the recipient's settings in Microsoft Outlook. Below are described various situations, including recalling a message sent to a Microsoft Exchange public folder.



On the recipient's computer in the section Tracking Options checkbox is checked.

Service click Options And Email Options and then select Tracking Options.)

The original message and the revocation message end up in the Inbox on the recipient's computer.

If the original message is not read, it is deleted and the recipient is notified that the sender has deleted the message from their mailbox.

Note: When processing a revocation message, if the original message is marked as read (a message viewed in the reading pane is not considered read in this scenario), the recipient is notified that the sender wants to delete the message. However, the message remains in the recipient's Outlook folder.

You send someone an email, revoke it, and replace it with a new one.

On the recipient's computer in the section Tracking Options checkbox not checked Process inquiries and responses upon arrival.

(To view this option, in the menu Service click Options And Email Options and then select Tracking Options.)

The original message and the revocation message end up in the Inbox on the recipient's computer.

    If the recipient opens the feedback message first, the original message is deleted and the recipient is notified that the sender has deleted the message from their mailbox.

    If the recipient opens the original message first, no revocation occurs, resulting in both messages being available.

Note: When processing a revocation message, if the original message is marked as read (a message viewed in the reading pane is not considered read in this scenario), the recipient is notified that the sender wants to delete the message. However, the message remains in the recipient's Outlook folder.

You send someone an email, revoke it, and replace it with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, the original message is moved to another folder manually or using a rule, and the revocation message remains in the Inbox (or is also moved to another folder).

If the original message and the new message are in different folders, the recipient is notified that the recall attempt failed. This occurs regardless of Outlook settings and the read status of the message.

Both the original message and the new message are available to the recipient.

Note: If the recipient reads the original message and marks it as unread, the message is considered unread and the recall is successful.

You send someone an email, revoke it, and replace it with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, both messages are moved to the same folder either manually or using a rule. As a result, the same actions occur as if automatic message processing had not been configured.

In this case, the following happens on the recipient’s computer:

    If the recipient opens the feedback message first, the original message is deleted and the recipient is notified that the sender has deleted the message from their mailbox.

    If the recipient opens the original message first, the revocation is not performed and both messages are available as a result.

Note: If the recipient reads the original message and marks it as unread, the message is considered unread and the recall is successful.

You send an email to a public folder. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

One of the following will be done next steps:

    If the recipient reading the new message has read access to all items in the public folder but has not read the original message, the recall succeeds (only the new message remains). The sender is notified that the revocation was successful.

    If the recipient has already marked the original message as read, they are notified that the revocation has failed, resulting in only the revocation message being deleted.

If a user with any other permissions to the public folder opens a new message, the revocation is not performed and the user is notified about it. Both messages remain in the public folder.

    If the recipient reads the original message and marks it as unread, the message is considered unread and the recall is successful.

    For public folders, the success of revocation depends on the permissions of the recipient, not the sender.

IN modern world More and more people are using email. It is very convenient to exchange letters using Internet resources.

Electronic messages are often composed using special program. It's called outlook. The free email client is very easy to use. allows in short time compose a message to another user.

But what if the message was sent by mistake or you remembered that you accidentally made grammatical errors in it? Is it possible to play the situation back and return your message?

Actually recall sent email is possible. The main thing is not to waste time. To better understand this issue, let's look at situations when it is impossible to revoke a letter and when there are still chances.

Why is it impossible to return an email?

There are a number of good reasons why your message cannot be recalled. These reasons are:

  • The message has already been read by the recipient.
  • The recipient of the sent message does not use mail with the Outlook domain.
  • Autonomous work. This is one of the modes available in account each outlook user. If you have this mode configured, you will not be able to recall sent messages.
  • Caching. If the recipient uses caching, it is also impossible to return the message. Caching has the property of saving all incoming files. Therefore, even if you withdraw your message, the recipient will be able to read it.

When can you recall an email?

But here is a list of conditions under which the sender has a chance to return the letter and, if necessary, to correct errors:

  • The message was not read by the addressee.
  • The composed email was not moved to any other folder. All letters are usually located in the “Inbox” folder.
  • The recipient you choose also uses Outlook. This is a very important condition, because when using another program, the letter cannot be recalled.
  • The recipient, like you, was previously logged in to the server.
  • The message was sent to a special box or address of a specific company. Emails sent to a regular web address cannot be returned.

If your sent message fully complies with all the conditions presented, you can safely try to return it back. How to do it? This will be discussed further.

How to return a message in earlier versions of outlook

Before considering the process of returning a sent message in the program modern version, let's see how you can recall a sent message in previous versions.

The return method in one of the earliest versions of the program looks somewhat archaic. Moreover, the necessary tools to perform such an operation are publicly available. To revoke yourself email message, perform a number of the following manipulations:

  • First, open the folder called Sent Messages.
  • In the open folder you should find the “Actions” section.
  • In this section, we go down to the “Recall message” item. When you open this item, a small window should appear in front of you. It contains additional settings for recalling the letter. Using additional settings, you can recall a sent message by completely deleting it from the recipient’s computer (to perform such deletion, select “Delete unread copies”) or erase the sent message and replace it with a new message. You can do this by selecting the second item in the advanced settings, called “Delete unread copies and replace with a new message.” In this case, the letter is not completely deleted. The unread copy is replaced with other text. The system will inform you about the successful deletion of the previous version of the letter using a text notification.

With these simple steps, sent emails can be recalled.

How to recall a message in outlook 2007

Now let's talk about a later version of this program. In outlook 2007, the revocation process has been greatly improved and improved. The creators of the program removed all unnecessary and inconvenient elements. In outlook 2007, feedback includes the following sequence of actions:

  • Open your Sent Messages folder.
  • In this folder you need to find a previously sent message and then open it.
  • When it is found and open, go to the top panel and try to find the “Other actions” button.
  • From the list that appears, select the “Recall message” function.
  • Next, you will again see a window with two review options. As in the previous case, you can completely delete your message or replace it with a new message.

How to recall a sent email in Outlook 2010 version

In the 2010 version, the recall process was further improved. In the newly updated version of the program, the return of the sent message looked like this:

  1. The first step remains unchanged. First, the user also needs to find a special outgoing folder in outlook. Then find and open the message needed for correction in the folder.
  2. After opening it, you should go to the top menu of the program. The user should be interested in the "File" tab.
  3. In this tab you will select the “Information” subcategory. It requires you to go to the “Resend and recall” item, and then to the “Message recall” item.
  4. After a moment, a small dialog box will open in front of the user. This dialog box replaces the "Advanced Settings" box found in previous versions of Outlook. As before, the user has the right to completely delete the sent letter or write a new one instead.

In outlook 2010, as in previous versions of the program, there is an option that helps you find out the final result return letter in each individual case. To use this option, check the box next to “Report feedback result for each recipient.” It is recommended to use this option both when corresponding with one recipient and when communicating with several.

Recalling messages in new versions

In the 2013 version of outlook, the deletion and return steps are identical to the previous ones. Therefore, lovers of email messages will easily figure out how to cancel a letter in Outlook 2013.

Recalling an email in outlook 2016.

The principle of recalling an electronic message in new version programs similar to the method of returning messages in the 2013 version. You can return an email to Outlook 2016 as follows:

  • Open your sent emails folder.
  • In this folder you need to find the message that you plan to recall. When it is found, double click on it. After opening a message, it is very important to set and select the correct viewing form. If the email is open in Reading View, change it to Page Layout. Only in this case will the delete function become available.
  • After setting the viewing mode, go to the “Messages” tab. In the “Actions” menu that appears, click on the message recall option.
  • After calling this function, you will again be presented with a small dialog box with two options for returning the letter. And again, the choice is yours. You have the power to delete completely unread copies or replace the selected letter with a new one.

In outlook 2016, you can also enable an additional feature that will always notify you of the results of an email revocation on a case-by-case basis.

How to recall an email in outlook 2017? The letter recall scheme is the same subsequence. All sent messages can be recalled completely or their content can be edited. Whatever method and version of Outlook the message is recalled, remember that this procedure will be successful only if certain requirements and conditions are met. They were mentioned at the beginning of this article. One of the main requirements is that the recipient of the email must be registered in the system, and must also use the Outlook program.

Returning an email using a browser

You can work with Outlook mail not only in the program itself, but also using the web interface. This method of using outlook mail is today available to every user who has previously logged into the Microsoft system. Returning emails in the web interface consists of several important steps:

Step 1. First, you should open the browser itself.

  • Open the Sent Messages tab.
  • Select the desired letter from the existing list.
  • Then go to top part window. Find the "Cancel" option.
  • In this section, you must select one of two available options. The user can permanently delete the email message or choose to edit, that is, replace the old message with a new one.

Here are some reviews about the outlook program itself:

Acceptable price. Very user-friendly interface. Among the advantages we can highlight good speed program operation, as well as the ability to recall sent messages.


The system has a simple interface. The overly tough fight against spam is upsetting. Among the advantages, I will highlight the possibility of cooperation with different email clients.

Sometimes some letters in the mail client are sent by mistake. The recipient may be incorrect, you may have forgotten to attach an attachment, or there may be a grammatical inaccuracy. If you realize it in time, you can try to urgently recall the email message. Below I will talk about how to do this in the Outlook email client.

There are a number of restrictions on recalling an email in Outlook. The mail message will be recalled if:

  • the recipient of the letter also uses the Outlook email client, but not any other (Thunderbird, the Bat, Mailbird);
  • the letter has not yet been read by the recipient (even in the Preview panel);
  • the message was sent to a mailbox that uses an exchange server (or company address), and not to a regular web address similar to Outlook or Gmail;
  • the message has not been moved from the Inbox to any other directory;
  • the recipient is logged in to the server.

If all these conditions are met, you can safely proceed to the instructions for returning the letter.

How to recall an email in Outlook 2003?

In Outlook 2003, the method for recalling a letter looks somewhat pretentious and archaic, although all the tools for this are present in the application and are more than accessible.

Recalling an email in Outlook 2007

In the 2007 version of the email client, the message recall mechanism acquired more modern features and got rid of many inconvenient and unnecessary elements. First of all, the basic principle has not changed much, but has only become more intuitive and understandable. Secondly, the graphical design of the email client itself was changed, as a result of which the visual interface became more pleasant and transparent.

The instructions themselves look like this:

The principle of recalling a letter in Outlook 2010, 2013

In the 2010 release of the email client, the mechanics of recalling a letter were slightly redesigned. Perhaps, one can even say that Microsoft managed to complicate this procedure even a little: I don’t know what they were guided by.

An additional option is to report the result of the revocation for each recipient. If there are a lot of email recipients, you should not check this box. Use it only when the message has been received by one or two people.

In Outlook 2013, the method for recalling erroneously sent emails was transferred with absolute precision from the previous build of the product, so I will not dwell on this in detail.

Mechanics of recalling an email message in Outlook 2016

As you can see, the principle of recalling a letter is quite similar and understandable, in different versions Outlook presents only different menu items and section categories. You will probably figure out everything else quite quickly and smoothly.