It is impossible to imagine an outdoor holiday without aromatic and hot barbecue. What should you cook it from? That's right, pork! She's fatter beef tenderloin and turkeys. What can you use to make a marinade to make the meat piquant and tender? You can use wine and vinegar, cream and natural yogurt. Experiment with herbs and herbs, fruit juices and sparkling water.

Preparatory stage

Only beginners make shish kebab from frozen stock. Professionals who have donated more than one kilogram of meat use fresh tenderloin. They choose the most tender and soft pieces. Pork neck is ideal, but breast or lumbar will also work. Frozen meat is useful for making cutlets, goulash or dumplings. But the kebab from such a preparation turns out to be too tough, similar to fried pieces of rubber. The pleasant taste disappears.

Don't grab the first piece of meat you come across. No, the preparation for the perfect kebab needs to be carefully inspected. Smell, touch. Make sure it hasn't been sitting under the counter for a month. Specimens with a lot of lard are not suitable. The fat layer should be thin, white or cream in color. Yellow indicates old and stale meat, which cannot be eaten without prolonged heat treatment.

They buy pink pork with a pleasant smell. If the workpiece has a deep red color or a specific aroma, it is better to leave it on the counter. You need to ask the seller to press on the piece you like. If the hole quickly levels out, it means that the pig really was running around the pen just yesterday. But the workpiece should not contain dried blood or mucus.

Professionals know that choosing the perfect meat is only the first step. The future kebab needs to be properly cleaned. Rinse under running water, remove the translucent film and excess fat hanging from the workpiece. Divide the fillet into square or round pieces the size of a three-year-old's fist. If the pieces are too small, they will turn into hard coals that are easier to hammer into nails than to chew. Large kebab is not cooked well and remains raw inside.

To prevent the taste of the dish from spoiling during marinating, you need to choose the right dishes. Plastic and aluminum containers emit toxic substances, due to which the dish acquires an unpleasant bitter taste. Wooden bowls release tanning components. They make the pork tough. Glass or ceramic containers are suitable. Enameled options can be used.

The meat, cut into portions, is kneaded by hand. Thanks to the massage, it becomes more tender and absorbs spices well. It is not recommended to add vegetable oils to marinades. Pork is quite fatty. If you mix it with similar components, a film will form on the surface of the fillet, which will trap the melted lard in the fibers. The kebab will turn out to be too high in calories and harmful, with a high content of bad cholesterol.

Fermented milk options

Kefir softens tough fibers and adds a subtle sour taste to the dish. The fat content of the marinade base should be at least 3%. Dietary options unsuitable. Add 20–30 g of white sugar to 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink and stir thoroughly.

In a ceramic or glass container, mix pork with grated onion and season with kefir sauce. Stir and knead with your hands for 5-10 minutes so that the meat is well saturated with the marinade. Sprinkle with black pepper, you can add aromatic herbs, coriander or turmeric. Place onion, cut into large rings, on top of the fillet.

The second version of kefir marinade is prepared from fermented milk drink and whey. The products are taken in equal proportions and mixed until smooth. Season with 2–3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and the same amount of hot mustard. French won't work, it's too delicate. Mix marinated kebab with onion rings. The more spicy vegetables, the tastier the dish will be. Place the bowl in the refrigerator or basement, cover with a lid, and place a weight on top. After 40–50 minutes, the meat can be skewered and fried.

The meat remains juicy and becomes tender thanks to natural yogurt. The drink should not contain sugar, dyes or other additives. The product is whipped in equal proportions with carbonated mineral water. For 1 kg of pork fillet, take 500 ml of each component. Add a pinch of black pepper, Italian herbs or coriander to the marinade. The meat is poured with yogurt sauce, topped with thick onion rings and salted. Pork can be fried on the grill or in a frying pan. Regardless of the cooking method, it turns out juicy and aromatic.

Soak the fillet in whole milk. Pour 500 ml of the drink into a thick-bottomed pan, add 2 tbsp. l sugar and 30 g black pepper. The workpiece is brought to a boil and removed from the stove. While the milk is cooling, the meat, cut into portions, is rubbed with a paste of garlic and salt. The fillet is immersed in a warm marinade and left for 9 hours. Shish kebab soaked in boiled milk should be fried with slices of sweet pepper, slices of carrots and tomatoes. Vegetables are strung on a skewer along with pork. They give the dish a rich aroma and a spicy touch.

Alcohol marinades

If there is little time left, literally 1–2 hours, beer will save the situation. You will need 1.5 liters of dark or light and 3-4 large onions. Divide the meat into large pieces, rub each with a mixture of black or allspice and salt. Place in a saucepan and add grated onion paste. Mash the fillet with the spicy vegetable with your hands, and then pour in cold beer in a thin stream. Stir with a spoon, cover the container and wrap it with a towel. The kebab will be ready for frying in 50–60 minutes. Spicy lovers are recommended to mix beer with mustard powder. For a bottle of alcohol from 30 to 50 g of spice. While frying, constantly spray the meat with salted water.

Do you want something spicy and unusual? We recommend trying wine marinades. Alcohol will save you if, instead of a young and tender pig, the seller slips in a tough and old boar. A sauce made from white and red wine dissolves and softens muscle fibers, giving the dish a sweetish-sour taste.

You can't do without spices and herbs. Barberry is usually used Bay leaf, a pinch of cloves, and spicy lovers add a mixture of red and allspice. The fillet is salted at the very end, before they begin to thread the delicious pieces onto skewers. The combination of seasoning and alcohol can make the pork a little tough.

The white wine marinade contains:

  1. ground barberry – 10–15 g;
  2. white wine vinegar – 120 ml;
  3. allspice – 1 tsp;
  4. white wine – 100 ml.

Mix the products, season with bay leaf and pour the mixture over the prepared meat. Pork is kept in this marinade for 12 to 24 hours.

You can make a sauce from dry red wine. Put a pinch of rosemary and a paste of 2-3 cloves of garlic into a glass of alcohol. To marinate the meat better, spiced wine is injected into the fillet with a syringe. The pork is rubbed with a paste of crushed garlic, salt and allspice. Soak in the remaining alcohol for a day. The kebab will be tough, but spicy and aromatic.

Excess fat is trimmed from the meat, but not thrown away. Divide the fillet into portions and mix with 2 lemons. Citrus fruits are cut into thin circles or slices. Lard is added to the pork, seasoned with onion rings and wine marinade. Place a weight on the lid and leave for 7 hours. The fillet and marinated fat are threaded onto a skewer to make the kebab more tender and juicy.

In Greece, they also like to relax in nature and treat themselves to delicious meat cooked over a fire. Residents of the sunny country marinate pork in a spicy sauce made from tart red wine. For 250 ml alcoholic drink you will need:

  • French mustard, grains – 60 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • tomato sauce – 70 ml;
  • rosemary – 30 g.

Wine mixed with tomato paste or juice. Ketchup will not work; it contains a lot of preservatives and flavor enhancers. Garlic is crushed in a mortar and poured into alcohol. The amount of rosemary can be reduced, because the spice has a rather strong and specific aroma. The pork is marinated in red wine and tomato sauce for a maximum of 60 minutes. Tomatoes or pieces of sweet pepper are strung onto skewers along with the meat.

In the Armenian version of the marinade, wine is replaced with vintage cognac. For 100 ml of alcohol you will need 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar, a pinch of ground cloves, coriander seeds, allspice and red pepper. The preparation is diluted with juice from 1 lemon and seasoned with 1 tsp. salt. Spices give shish kebab a subtle aroma, and cognac gives it a piquant and unusual taste.

Dietary recipes

Pork is quite heavy and fatty, so they try to soak it in light sauces. For example, in a marinade made from mineral water. This option will be useful for vacationers who bought meat just before their trip to nature. The carbonated drink quickly softens and breaks down muscle fibers, preparing the fillet for frying in 1-2 hours.

The pork, cleaned and chopped, is mixed with onion rings and Mediterranean herbs seasoning, as well as cilantro, dried tomatoes and paprika. Season the workpiece with freshly squeezed juice from 1 lemon, knead the fillet with your hands and knead it like dough. All that remains is to pour sparkling mineral water over the pork and cover with a lid.

If you want to cook kebab with a vegetable side dish, you need to peel and fry 3 onions with 1 large carrot in sunflower or olive oil. The products are grated or cut into thick slices. Pour 15 g of sugar, 1.5 tbsp into a frying pan with softened vegetables. l. French mustard, a pinch of ground black pepper and the same amount of salt. Add 150 ml of sour cream and sauté for 5 minutes. Pour 20 g of table vinegar into the warm marinade. The cooled sauce is mixed with peeled and chopped meat, and the future kebab is left to steep for 3–5 hours.

Regular table vinegar will save tough meat. The product is combined with distilled water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Seasoned with sugar and black pepper. The meat is first mixed with onion rings and salt, and then poured with marinade. Infuse the fillet under pressure. While frying, pour the remaining sauce or beer over the pork to make it soft and tender.

The vinegar marinade is replaced with pomegranate juice. Fruit acids break down muscle fibers, softening tough meat. And the red fruits give the kebab a subtle and piquant aroma. In addition to freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, you will need a bunch of basil and parsley. Powder from 4-5 clove stars is poured into a fruit drink. Pork being sliced in large pieces and divided into several parts. Place the first portion of meat at the bottom of the bowl, sprinkle onion rings and salt on top. The second layer of pork is seasoned with herbs. Parsley is alternated with onions. When the fillet is finished, add pomegranate juice. Insist the future kebab in the cold under pressure so that it is well saturated with the marinade.

Dietary marinade is prepared from tomato paste with spices. You will need:

  • coriander;
  • paprika;
  • red pepper;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • dill;
  • black pepper.

Mix the meat, divided into pieces, in a glass bowl with herbs and spices. Dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. tomato paste with distilled or mineral water. Pour the tomato sauce into the fillet and let it sit for 7 hours.

You can quickly soften tough meat using kiwi. Green fruits are crushed with a blender. Pieces of pork are mixed with onions, cut into rings, paprika and dried tomatoes. Pour the kiwi paste into a bowl and knead the fillet with your hands. The meat is infused for 20 to 30 minutes; it cannot be longer, otherwise the pork will become too soft, like porridge.

Lemons are used instead of kiwi. For 2 kg of fillet, take 3 citruses and the same amount of onions. Fruits and spicy vegetables are cut into rings and mixed with pulp. You can add a little crushed garlic, finely chopped basil or parsley. The pork is pressed down and left for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally. Before marinating, the meat is lightly beaten with a hammer or fists to soften it.

Tomatoes give a sour taste. Take 4 parts pork and 1 part ripe tomatoes. The pulp is cut into cubes, and the vegetables into circles. Mash the tomatoes with your hands so that they release the juice, then mix with the second component and lightly add salt. If you want the kebab to be spicy, add black, red and allspice, a little paprika and ground ginger root.

Tasty and inexpensive

Marinades with kiwi, pomegranates and red wine will not be cheap. If you need a budget-friendly and piquant sauce, we recommend trying the option with cream. Homemade and store-bought are suitable, any fat content. First, the pork is rubbed with a mixture of ground onion and garlic. Pour into a deep bowl, season with the remaining spicy vegetables and cream. The kebab is placed in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

Fans of Chinese cuisine will love the Asian version of the marinade. You will need:

  • a bunch of fresh cilantro;
  • soy sauce;
  • garlic;
  • rice vinegar;
  • cilantro seeds;
  • a little vegetable oil.

Grind the greens in a blender until smooth. Add a clove of garlic and 60 ml of honey. Season with 2 tbsp. l. rice vinegar, 4 pinches of cilantro seeds and 10 ml of vegetable oil. Beat the mass and divide into two parts. The first portion of the sauce is rubbed onto the cleaned and chopped pieces of pork. The second one is poured over the shish kebab. Overnight the meat will infuse and acquire a piquant sweet and sour taste.

  • fresh ginger – 50 g;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • red onion;
  • chili pepper – 1 pod;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • soy sauce – 50 ml.

Cut the ginger root into thin slices and mix with lime wedges. Season the food with crushed garlic cloves, finely chopped red onion and hot pepper rings. Pour soy sauce into the container with the ingredients, you can add a pinch of sugar or a little honey for a more piquant taste. Stir the mixture, season the meat with marinade and leave for 2 hours.

Pork will acquire a golden hue if kefir and pomegranate juice are replaced with regular tea. The bagged version will not work, only sheet tea leaves. Prepare a strong drink without sugar. The infused dark brown liquid is poured over the meat for 3–4 hours. After tea, you can use a vegetable or yogurt marinade to soften the fillet.

To prepare a delicious kebab from old and tough meat, you need to take 0.5 liters of grapefruit juice and mix the liquid with 50 g of cilantro gruel. The drink is peppered and salted to taste, and the pork is soaked in the preparation for 4–6 hours. The pulp becomes tender, acquires a light citrus aroma and a sour taste.

Pork, like lamb, seems to be created for making barbecue. Fat layers make the meat soft and juicy without marinade. And special sauces add piquancy and flavor.

Video: recipe for marinating pork shish kebab

To make it work tasty dish on coals or in the oven, it’s worth choosing the right marinade for pork kebab. There are a huge number of marinating options: armenian recipe, Georgian, Abkhazian, classical and many others. All of them involve the use of various spices, vegetables, aromatic herbs and seasonings.

How to marinate pork kebab

To make a charcoal dish more flavorful and soft, you need to properly marinate the pork for barbecue. By itself, this meat is considered soft, but the marinade enhances this property, making the pork fibers even more tender. In addition, the marinating process assumes that the meat will acquire new tastes, herbs and spices will enhance its aroma and make it appetizing.

There are a lot of options for how to marinate meat for pork kebab. You can start with the simplest and fastest thing - sprinkle the meat pieces with salt and ground black pepper, try adding other spices if desired. A common and classic option is the onion-vinegar marinade, based on tomato juice. Today, fillings with fruit juices - pomegranate, apple, kiwi - are becoming popular.

The simplest option is to use lemon juice with onions and peppers. This sour marinade gives the meat a slight bitterness, but its saltiness is increased by pouring garlic and soy sauce. Sweet marinades are also popular - tomato juice is used for this. Kefir and mineral water make meat more juicy due to carbon dioxide bubbles. The tomato marinade makes the pork slightly sweet, and the red wine makes it tart.

The correct marinating procedure is as follows: cut the chilled meat into portions, mix all the spices, juices and seasonings, immerse the meat in this mixture or rub it on all sides, topping it with onions and vegetables. It is worth immersing the pork completely in the marinade so that it covers it evenly. After a certain time of infusion, the pieces are removed, strung on skewers and fried over coals. To maintain the juiciness of the pork, you should periodically baste the surface with the remaining sauce while frying.

How long to marinate

After selecting the products for pouring, the natural question will be how long to marinate the pork kebab? The duration of infusion depends on the decision of the cooks. The fastest processes last up to 3 hours, on average the pieces last 3-5 hours, and ideally – 1-2 days. The longer you keep the meat in the marinating mixture, the richer the flavor will be and the softer the consistency will become.

Pork skewers marinade recipe

Find suitable recipes Marinating pork shish kebab is easy, because there are so many of them that any cook can cope with this process. You can choose a cooking recipe based on the use of herbs, adjika, wine or even onions with beer. Some options offer a step-by-step recipe or a recipe with photos to clearly show cooks how to marinate meat preparations to get the most delicious dish.

With onion

  • Number of servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 20 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.

The simplest option for preparing baked meat is pork kebab in onion marinade, which does not require much time. Due to the release of onion juice, the meat is not tanned, but is destroyed between the fibers, which makes it tender and soft. For 1 kg of meat you should take 1 kg of onion to get the rich taste of the final snack. To make this you will need a blender or food processor.


  • onions – 1 kg;
  • ground black pepper – 20 g;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • lemon juice – 40 ml;
  • coriander - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes, grind the bay leaf or crumble it with your hands.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth, marinate the meat overnight, and leave in the refrigerator.
  3. Instead of lemon juice, it is permissible to take table vinegar 6 or 9%.

With vinegar

  • Number of servings: 12 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 306 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The following recipe will help you learn how to prepare a marinade from vinegar. It differs from the usual options in that it involves the use of white wine vinegar rather than table essence. The combination of such a soft component with spices and spicy vegetables makes the filling aromatic and spicy, which gives the necessary taste to the pork. Guests and friends will like this original version more than the classic one.


  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • white wine vinegar – 40 ml;
  • sesame oil – 60 ml;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • hot pepper – 3 pods;
  • cloves – 2 g;
  • rosemary - a pinch;
  • cinnamon – 10 g;
  • thyme - a pinch;
  • thyme - a pinch;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Press the garlic through a press, finely chop the onion, cut the hot pepper in half.
  2. Mix all ingredients, pour over meat overnight, and refrigerate.
  3. In the morning, drain in a colander, drain, and season with fresh chopped dill if desired.

With mayonnaise

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The instructions below will teach you how to prepare marinade for pork shish kebab with mayonnaise. This is one of the simplest and most common recipes, for which it is better to take full-fat Provencal mayonnaise sauce without additives, mix with tomato ketchup. It would be good to choose the latter marked for barbecue, since it contains the necessary spices, but the classic one is also suitable.


  • onions – 4 pcs.;
  • grill seasoning - packet;
  • liquid smoke – 10 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 40 ml;
  • ketchup – 40 ml;
  • table mustard – 10 ml;
  • garlic – 3 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion into rings and add the pieces of meat along with the seasoning.
  2. Lubricate them with a mixture of mayonnaise, ketchup with mustard, and crushed garlic.
  3. Leave for 2 hours in a cool place.

Quick marinade

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 31 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Step by step recipe quick marinade is simple even for novice cooks, because it involves using chopped ingredients and pouring them over prepared meat pieces. This base, as the Armenian recipe suggests, is onion, supplemented with chopped cilantro, lemon juice and aromatic seasonings. Unlike other marinades, this one turns out liquid, and how to make it correctly, you will learn further.


  • onions – 5 pcs.;
  • water – half a glass;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • cilantro - a bunch;
  • lemon – ½ piece;
  • coarse salt – 10 g;
  • ground coriander – 10 g;
  • nutmeg – 10 g;
  • red pepper – 10 g;
  • black pepper – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onions, chop into cubes, chop the greens, squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  2. Mix all the ingredients and marinate the pork for 3 hours.

With lemon

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 23 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

How to prepare a marinade for pork with lemon and onion will be indicated below. The original combination of lemon juice with onion rings will make the meat juicy and aromatic, and when you bite you will feel the delicate fibers. Fresh mint adds a piquancy to the filling, which feels like a slight refreshing chill and emphasizes the appetizing taste of fried meat.


  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • fresh mint - 2 stalks.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onions into rings, press the garlic through a press.
  2. Scald the lemon with boiling water and cut in half. Leave one part for decoration, squeeze the juice out of the second. Tear the mint with your hands.
  3. Rub the meat slices with juice, garlic, sprinkle with onion rings and mint leaves. Leave under the film and press for 4 hours, skewer the kebab mixed with onion rings, fry until done.
  4. When serving, garnish with lemon slices.


  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 18 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A classic pork marinade is easy to make because it uses a minimum of ingredients that every self-respecting housewife can find. A simple barbecue sauce will preserve the natural taste of the meat, giving it a new, subtle note of exquisite taste and highlighting the natural aroma. This option will appeal to everyone who tries it, because it only enhances the natural taste of pork.


  • vinegar 9% – 100 ml;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • onions - half a kilo;
  • water - glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onions, chop finely, add water.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Pour over the pork pieces for 3 hours, fry until done.


  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Georgian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The traditional Georgian recipe suggests making a marinade for shish kebab with pomegranate juice, which will give the meat a new, unique taste. A combination of sour and astringent tart juice from healthy fruit with a mixture of classic spices makes the kebab piquant, spicy and very aromatic. Similarly, you can prepare a marinade with lingonberry juice or any other sour berry.


  • onions – 4 pcs.;
  • pomegranate juice – 650 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • hops-suneli – 20 g;
  • coriander seeds – 5 g;
  • black pepper – 5 g;
  • salt – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onions into rings and mix with the pork.
  2. Sprinkle with spices and crushed coriander. After mixing, pour in the juice from vegetable oil, knead again.
  3. Cover with a plate, put under pressure, keep for 2 days, stirring occasionally.

From mineral water

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 181 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Mineral water pork marinade, which according to the recipe is mixed with full-fat Provencal mayonnaise, has a pleasant sour-spicy taste. You can diversify it by including tomato slices and red slices bell pepper, which will highlight the taste of pork kebab and make it more appetizing. All guests will appreciate the nutritious dish.


  • mayonnaise – 250 ml;
  • sour cream – 20 ml;
  • sparkling mineral water – 20 ml;
  • black pepper – 20 g;
  • salt – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, add spices and mineral water.
  2. Place pieces of meat and hold while the coals cook. If desired, add onion rings, tomato slices and bell peppers when frying.

With kefir

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 105 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Another simple recipe for marinade for kebab with kefir will help you make a delicious, appetizing dish, preserving the juiciness and softness of the meat. This option will work for most types of meat, not just pork. You can diversify it by adding dark beer to give it a light malty hue and a caramel color to the crust. Without it, you will get a light golden surface.


  • kefir - half a liter;
  • garlic – 20 g;
  • salt – 25 g;
  • liquid honey – 15 ml;
  • lemon – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the peeled garlic in a blender, add salt, add lemon juice and honey.
  2. Pour in kefir, stir, marinate the meat for 3-4 hours, fry until cooked.

From kiwi

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 228 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The Armenian filling recipe has another variation - kiwi marinade for shish kebab, which gives the meat an exquisite sweet and sour taste. Due to the acid content in the fruit, the pork loosens, which makes its fibers softer and more tender. To ensure that the meat still retains its spicy spiciness, traditional ground black pepper is used, diluting it with allspice or white pepper if desired.


  • kiwi – 1 kg;
  • onions – 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • black pepper – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the kiwi, chop with a blender, fork or grate.
  2. Peel the onions, cut into rings, add salt.
  3. Mix all ingredients and marinate meat for half an hour.

To ensure that the prepared marinade for pork kebab does not disappoint the cook, you should listen to the advice of professionals:

  • For juicy kebab there is no need to cut the meat too finely so that during marinating it does not turn into puree;
  • When frying over coals, you need to make sure that the kebab does not dry out and sprinkle with the remaining sauce;
  • classic onion marinade can be easily varied by adding cilantro, marjoram, basil and sage;
  • delicious sauce considered a mixture of butter, red onion, basil, sage, white wine, olive oil and sugar;
  • pleasant spicy pouring can be prepared from onions, garlic, natural yogurt, ground ginger, coriander, cumin, cilantro and cardamom;
  • It is better to serve shish kebab with fresh tomatoes, Caucasian lavash and herbs;
  • wine marinade can be made based on white wine, champagne or plum;
  • in addition to the kefir base, you can make a filling from tan, mayonnaise, fermented baked milk;
  • Mayonnaise with onions is considered a universal sauce for any meat kebab.


Tender and appetizing kebab is an indispensable attribute of most outdoor trips. Good company, pleasant atmosphere, interesting stories and delicious food - a recipe for a great holiday! But the pork kebab, the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft and juicy - this is the best attribute of relaxation.

Pork meat is quite tender, so kebab from it turns out to be especially tasty, however, for this the meat must be properly marinated - then the kebab will reveal all its rich taste and flavor.

The juiciness of this dish depends on the type of marinade and the skill of the one who undertakes the marinating procedure. Marinades will turn out delicious if you adopt a few tricks on how to competently approach the choice of meat and its cutting, as well as the preparation of the key component - the marinade.

Vinegar is widely used in preparing marinades, but there is no great need to soften pork meat with it.

Provided that it good quality, the meat will already have a natural softness, which can be emphasized in other ways.

The arsenal here is large - traditional tomato marinades and lemon juice, easily accessible and simple mayonnaise, as well as kefir, fruit marinades with kiwi and even mineral water are in use.

Eaters' preferences are given to the type of marinade that suits their taste best, and for this you need to experiment - cook and try different kebab.

It is important to know how to properly cut meat for shish kebab, what is the best way to fry it, and also what ingredients will make the taste of the dish even richer.

So, the action plan is outlined and you can begin:

The first rule is that frozen meat, especially defrosted in the microwave, is not suitable for real barbecue. By acting in this way, it is unlikely that you will be able to get juicy pieces of meat that melts in your mouth.

Professionals advise purchasing meat chilled, and if, out of ignorance, you have already purchased frozen meat, let it thaw naturally, simply taking it out of the refrigerator and placing it on the window for several hours (just not in direct sunlight).

The second rule is that it is important to choose the softest part of the carcass. Contrary to popular belief, this is far from a ham and certainly not a shoulder part (here the meat is tough and the kebab from it may turn out to be dry and bland).

It is best to focus on fatty pieces of the neck or at least the chest, while a large number of fat will benefit the kebab.

Prepare the pieces. What pieces of meat should there be so that the kebab does not turn out dry?

The success of cooking depends on correct cutting of meat - after all, it guarantees uniform frying of the piece on all sides and inside. It is best to cut meat in the direction of its fibrous structure.

The ideal shape of the pieces is medium cubes of such a size that you can take 2 to 3 bites from each.

You should not cut pieces that are too large - this will make the kebab look like regular fried meat, or too small (by one clove) - this will reduce the duration of the meal, the kebab will be eaten too quickly, and the eaters will not even have time to feel anything and get enough of it.

The stomach will be full, but the satisfaction from the meal will not be the highest.

Prepare the necessary ingredients

The list of ingredients is determined by the selected marinade. For tomato you need tomatoes and the juice or paste of the same name, for kefir - respectively, kefir, etc.

Those who like to use vinegar will need this component, and those who prefer fruit or wine (as well as beer) marinades will take what they want.

We will look at the most common and time-tested marinades in more detail so that it becomes clear how to make them and what taste they have.

The most delicious marinades to keep the meat soft and juicy

Shish kebab with vinegar. Advantages and disadvantages of vinegar marinade

The preparation is extremely simple: you take meat, vinegar (at the rate of 100 ml per 1 kg of pork), water, salt and spices, you can also add a couple of onions.

Let's look at how to cook shish kebab with vinegar marinade:

  1. The chopped meat is placed in a deep enamel basin;
  2. The onions are coarsely chopped and sent to the meat along with the spices;
  3. Vinegar and water are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1.5 and poured into a basin. It is important that the meat is completely submerged in vinegar water;
  4. Marinating ends after about 5 hours, but can be kept longer.

The advantages of using vinegar: the meat softens and becomes more pliable, and the frying process is shortened. Also, many people like the specific taste of this ingredient.

The disadvantages include the relative poor taste of kebab, since vinegar sometimes tends to “take away” part of the meat taste;

Whether or not to marinate kebabs with vinegar is a matter of individual taste. Many people find this method of cooking the most convenient and familiar, because Soviet time vinegar marinade was the undisputed leader in this matter.

Another popular marinating product is mayonnaise. This is a classic barbecue recipe, so the taste of this kebab is familiar to many.

You will need the following products:

  • Pork meat;
  • Mayonnaise – 200 ml per 1 kg of meat;
  • Salt, mustard (75 ml) and spices;
  • Onion – 2 pcs. per kg of pork;

The process itself is as follows:

  1. First, the meat is cut and placed in a basin or deep pan;
  2. Next, the meat is framed with onion cut into rings;
  3. Spices are poured over the entire area of ​​the contents of the basin;
  4. The meat pieces are evenly poured with mayonnaise and everything is carefully mixed;
  5. The entire dish is left to marinate in the refrigerator. The process lasts several hours, and the basin can be covered with a board.

The advantages of this marinade are obvious primarily for mayonnaise lovers - kebabs with it are really very tasty and nutritious.

On the other hand, mayonnaise is a high-calorie product, so this marinade is not suitable for everyone.

If you don’t have more extravagant marinade ingredients on hand (for example, kiwi, etc.), then mayonnaise can come in very handy.

It is a frequent product in the refrigerators of our citizens and has well-deserved popular love.

Recipe for shish kebab in its own juice. Required proportions of lemon, onion and ingredients

With this method of marinating, the taste of the meat is not masked by anything and is fully revealed. Spices here only complement and decorate it.

This is the most easy way make barbecue, this skill is especially useful when there are no sauces or additives nearby (this sometimes happens in the country).

  1. Washing the meat and drying it. The meat should remain slightly moist to ensure even distribution of the spices;
  2. Cutting into pieces and rubbing meat with spices in a deep enamel bowl;
  3. The bulbs are cut into rings. For every kg of pork there are 2 large onions;
  4. Lemon is taken at the rate of half a fruit per 2 kg of meat. It is chopped into thin slices, the juice from which is squeezed into the meat preparation, and the rest is laid out in a layer on top of the meat;
  5. The dish with meat is closed and put in the refrigerator for half a day. It is important not to add salt ahead of time - it comes into play only before grilling over charcoal.

This recipe is delicious and nutritious, and also the most healthy. Opponents of such kebab reproach it for its simplicity and harshness, but this is how kebab has been prepared for many generations.

An interesting kebab is obtained by adding soy sauce. The taste gains additional piquancy and aftertaste.

You will need 100 ml of sauce per kilogram of meat, as well as lemon juice, garlic and mustard.

Cooking is possible with minimal cooking skills; the main thing is to first wash the meat thoroughly and then cut it along its fibrous base.

Next, the pork is poured with sauce with chopped garlic and salt, and finally a little lemon juice is squeezed out. The dish sits in a cool place for 3 to 5 hours, as a result of which the meat softens and is well soaked.

There are justifiable legends about the benefits of mineral water. In the marinade beneficial features it gives to pork meat, increasing the usefulness of eating this kebab.

In addition to mineral water, the set of ingredients is classic: pork and special barbecue spices, onions (the ratio of onions to meat is approximately 1 to 3), salt.

The only non-standard ingredient is vegetable oil, which is needed in the final stages.

Prepare shish kebab with mineral water in this way:

  1. Well washed and wiped meat is divided into equal shares of medium size;
  2. The onion is cut into large rings, which need to be crushed over a container with meat before putting them in it;
  3. The container is filled with mineral water in which spices are mixed;
  4. The marinating takes place all day (or night) in the refrigerator (if it’s winter outside, you can use a Khrushchev-era refrigerator if you have one);
  5. After removing the container to light, the water is drained, and the meat is supplied with vegetable oil in the amount of 50 ml. Everything is mixed and now the pork is finally ready for baking.

The weaknesses of such a kebab can be identified only if you are very picky - its taste is well developed, the meat is easy to fry and has a soft texture.

Enjoy your time around the fire in good company!

Shish kebab in a jar tastes better than on the grill

It should be established - is this a myth or a fact? Preconceived opinion or objective reality. Now we will look at the features of preparing this method and figure out what’s what.

The dish is prepared in the oven, so you can make it when it’s cold outside or you’re just too lazy to go outside.

The grocery list is minimal - it includes meat (2 kg), mayonnaise (300 ml), spices and 2 onions and garlic. (parsley and pepper optional).

  1. The secret of successful cooking lies in finely cutting the meat - this is exactly the case when a piece of meat should be one clove long!;
  2. Onion rings and chopped garlic are poured with mayonnaise and sprinkled with spices. The set of components turns into a uniform mixture;
  3. The meat is rolled in this mixture and covered with cellophane film for half a day;
  4. Next, you will need special wooden skewers on which the pork pieces are strung tightly;
  5. Now the main thing is to take an ordinary glass jar, 3 liters in volume;
  6. From the container where the meat was marinated, take out onion rings that line the bottom of the jar. The remains of the marinade are dumped there;
  7. Skewers with meat are inserted into the neck of the jar - they are pressed tightly against each other, but it is advisable to leave a minimum gap;
  8. The jar is sealed with food foil, and holes are made in it to release steam;
  9. There is no need to preheat the oven - the jar is placed in its bosom, and then the temperature increases for an hour (in some ovens a little less);
  10. On last minutes The jar is opened and the meat is cooked with the oven already turned off.

The taste of the dish is truly amazing! You can only compare it with the taste of barbecue on the grill relatively, because... the dish is completely different. There is no smoke impregnation, but the meat is more tender.

Thus, kebab cooked in a jar is a compromise option that allows you to pamper yourself with real kebab at any time of the year!

The key point in this matter is to not let the kebab burn. To do this, it is better to rake the coals into one half of the grill and fan them well, then place skewers over them.

It's okay if some of the sauce drips down, as long as the coals don't go out. It’s good to arm yourself with a special spatula, which you can use to simultaneously stir up the coals and make swings, feeding them with oxygen.

You need to rotate the skewers evenly so that the meat is cooked on each side. It’s a bad idea to put a person who has little knowledge of this matter at the grill - he will most likely allow it to burn.

It is better for a knowledgeable person to prepare the barbecue - this will be correct.

This is true. This kebab will be tasty and well baked. For cooking, you can take ready-made marinade.

The composition is like this
  • Pork – 1.5 kg;
  • Marinade;
  • Onion – 3 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml.
How to cook shish kebab in a frying pan
  1. The meat, cut into equal pieces, is soaked in the marinade with onions and kept in the refrigerator for 4 to 8 hours;
  2. Then it is placed on the stove in a frying pan and, with medium heat intensity, turned over after 5 minutes - this way both sides will be covered with a light crust;
  3. The fire is reduced, and the meat is stewed under the lid for another half hour.

Everything is incredibly simple, and meat soaked in marinade has a richer taste than fried in the usual way!

When the household has such a device, it greatly stimulates the preparation of barbecue, so you can please yourself and your household with barbecue more often.

You just need to take a couple of kg of meat, a couple of onions, as well as mayonnaise - 100 ml, vinegar - 50 ml, and salt and pepper.


  1. Pieces of washed meat are placed in an enamel container;
  2. The bulbs are chopped and placed there;
  3. The remaining ingredients alternately complement the meat in the container;
  4. After 6 hours of marinating in the refrigerator, the meat is removed and put on skewers;
  5. The electric kebab maker is activated and works for about 50 minutes; the pieces of meat should not touch the heating elements of the apparatus.

A chic dish that has come down to us from wild antiquity and is prepared in modern conditions- kebab is in no way inferior to barbecue, except it doesn’t smell like smoke (although for many this is important).

In general, the dish turns out to be less fatty, so it is especially healthy.

Shish kebab in the oven on skewers or a baking sheet. Step-by-step recipe with photos

The skewers resemble skewers, and the baking sheet brings the cooking process closer to regular cooking. The kebab bakes well in the oven and looks very tempting.

Its taste can please any lover of barbecue cooked on the grill.

  • Pork – 2.5 kg;
  • Lemon - half;
  • Garlic – 2 heads;
  • Barbecue seasoning;
  • Vegetable oil – 150 ml;
  • Sugar – 25g.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven on skewers or a baking sheet
  1. Pork is chopped into pieces;
  2. All ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl. Lemon is needed here as a juice donor - pulp is not needed;
  3. The future shashlik stands for 2 – 3 hours in a cold place;
  4. Skewers are passed through the pieces or the meat is laid out on a baking sheet;
  5. The oven takes the meat and closes for 40 minutes. At the same time, you can open it several times and supply the meat with the remaining marinade.

After baking, the kebab should be eaten while it is hot. The meat melts on your teeth, as it should turn out delicate and tender.

Which marinating method do you choose to make the meat soft and juicy?

There are many ways, and it’s worth adding them to your culinary repertoire, but only one dish from those listed will become your favorite.

Be that as it may, any kebab will be delicious if it was prepared from the right meat, not overcooked and, most importantly, made from the heart!

Meat cooked over smoldering coals is a self-sufficient dish. But I know how to make it better! I offer you five almost ideal solutions for how to marinate pork kebab so that the meat is juicy, soft and flavorful. Why "almost"? Because usually the cook rarely manages to “snatch” a piece from the meat masterpiece he has created with a subtle smoky aroma. While he is putting out the grill, the splendor of the kebab has long been laid out on plates or is even actively participating in the digestion process. But there is a wonderful way out here too - entrust the preparation of juicy kebab to someone else. But be sure to write down the recipes for pork marinades, they will come in handy many times.

Method for marinating pork shish kebab with onions and spices

The more onions, the juicier and tastier the pork kebab will be. I will tell you how to marinate meat in two ways - regular and quick. Both options are simple and win-win.


How to deliciously marinate shish kebab in onions:

You probably already know how to choose meat for barbecue, but let me remind you again. To make the dish juicy and tender, it is better to choose moderately fatty pork - neck, shoulder or ham. The tenderloin may turn out a little dry. But if you are going to grill it over coals, just thread a small slice of lard onto the skewers between the pieces of meat. Before marinating pork, wash it thoroughly and dry it from moisture using paper towels, For example. Cut into small pieces so that they are convenient to string on skewers and then eat. Go for double the size of a matchbox, but I usually cut it a little smaller.

Prepare the marinade. The secret of this recipe is in large quantities onion Don't be afraid to go overboard with this ingredient. If you plan to prepare the dish in a day and a half, cut the onion into medium-thick rings. Or in half rings when the bulbs are large. But if you are going on a picnic in a few hours, it is better to grate the onion. The procedure, of course, is “tearful,” but your sacrifices will not be in vain. One of my friends puts on a diving mask while grating onions so as not to cry. It's funny to watch such eccentricity. But, according to her, this is a 100 percent way to protect against wasted female tears. I suggest you just be patient. Or use a blender to chop the onion. Transfer the onion rings or puree to a bowl.

Prepare the second part of the aromatic marinade. I had a ready-made mixture of spices for barbecue. It contains black pepper, coriander, basil, thyme, sweet paprika, cumin. Don't have a ready-made bouquet of spices? Take about half a teaspoon of each of the listed aromatic herbs. Or you can use another seasoning to taste. Add spices to vegetable oil. I used olive oil, but sunflower oil would also work. Do not add salt yet, it can make the dish tough.

Mix thoroughly.

Pour the aromatic oil into a bowl. Distribute it among the ingredients with your hands. Cover with a lid or tighten with food grade polyethylene. And put it in a cool place. The marinating time for the express method is 2-3 hours. If you cut the onion into rings, keep the meat in the refrigerator for about a day. Or at least 10-12 hours.

Thread the pork onto skewers, alternating it with onion rings. If you prepared according to an express recipe, simply brush the top of the kebab with the remaining marinade.

Cook over coals. Turn over from time to time. It is better to salt already prepared kebab. Or you can sprinkle salt during cooking (already fried side). To prevent the dish from burning, periodically sprinkle the pork pieces with the liquid remaining after marinating. clean water or beer. Check for doneness with a knife. If completely clear juice comes out of the cut, without any blood, the dish is ready.

Kiwi for delicious tough meat kebabs

This “magic” marinade makes even the toughest meat soft and juicy. It can be used to barbecue or roast pork, beef or lamb.

What products will be needed:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • kiwi ( small size) - 1 PC.;
  • onions - 2-3 medium bulbs;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt - 1-1.5 tsp. (taste);
  • pepper mixture (ground) - 1-2 tsp.

Detailed marinade recipe:

  1. Peel several small onions. Wash thoroughly. And then cut into rings or half rings about 1-1.5 cm thick.
  2. Chop the peeled garlic into thin slices. If you don't have fresh, replace it with dry seasoning. You will need about 1 tsp.
  3. Remove the skin from the kiwi with a knife. Wash it. Grind into a paste using a blender. Or just grate finely.
  4. Prepare the main ingredient. Wash it thoroughly. Remove veins and films (if any). Dry with paper towels. Cut into portions for grilling or skewers. Then place in a suitable glass or enamel deep container.
  5. Add chopped onion, garlic, and kiwi puree to the pork. Also add some ground pepper or other spices to taste. Stir. Cover the bowl. Marinate the meat in a cold place for 30-40 minutes (pork neck, tenderloin) to 2 hours (ham, shoulder) depending on its toughness. This is an express marinating method. Pork should not be left in a mixture of kiwi and spices overnight or for a day. This is a case where the best is the enemy of the good. Overcooked pieces of meat will turn into mush.
  6. Add salt before cooking. Thread the meat slices onto skewers or grill as you normally would. I barbecued like this last weekend. The meat was juicy and appetizing. And even my husband ate this pork with pleasure, even though he prefers lamb.

Beer-based marinade

Just don’t tell men what you’ll marinate your kebab in. In 99 cases out of 100, the reaction of “beer club members” is easy to predict. They will never allow such a “barbaric” way to deal with their favorite drink. But most of them will easily accept the fact that their beer limit has decreased by exactly 1 liter when they try the juicy and aromatic kebab prepared according to this recipe. The pork will be soft, melt in your mouth, and have a pleasant flavor.

What we will cook from:

  • boneless pork - 2 kg;
  • beer (light) - 1 l;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • barbecue seasonings - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tsp. (taste).

Step-by-step instructions for cooking shish kebab in beer:

  1. The neck part, loin or ham will feel best in “company” with this marinade. Wash the meat. Blot away excess moisture. Remove all films and hanging fat. Cut the pork flesh into slices suitable for the chosen cooking method. We will marinate in a deep container. It is better to put plastic (even food grade) aside. Because it will be difficult to wash it later. I advise you to choose glass, ceramics or metal (necessarily with enamel). Place the pork pieces in a bowl.
  2. Pour beer on top.
  3. There, in a bowl, put a few bay leaves and a couple of teaspoons of spices. You can use ready-made seasoning. They usually include a ground mixture of peppers, coriander, basil, thyme, cumin, and paprika. You can also add a little garlic.
  4. Mix with your hands. Place a flat plate on top of the future kebab. And put pressure on it. For example, three liter jar with water. Send the pork to marinate in a cold place for 4-5 hours. And then start frying juicy and tasty meat. And don’t forget to add salt, as no salt was added to the marinade. By the way, you can cook kebab marinated in this way both in a frying pan and in the oven. It turns out great!

How to marinate shish kebab in mineral water

It is not clear whether it is the bubbles contained in the mineral water, or the very presence of water in the marinade that makes the meat so soft and juicy. But the fact remains - pork kebab marinated in this way will always be incomparable and softest. It is better to marinate it in the evening, so that the meat has time to brew well overnight and absorb the water mixed with spices.

List of required products:

  • meat (pork) - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • coriander seeds (cilantro) - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp. (you can do more, to taste);
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground paprika - 1 tsp;
  • mineral water (highly carbonated) - 0.5 l.

How to cook pork shish kebab using mineral water:

  1. Cut the well-washed meat into fairly large pieces. But keep in mind that the larger the cut, the longer the kebab will fry. Place it in a spacious, deep vessel or bucket.
  2. Peel the onion. And chop into medium-thick rings, half rings or quarter rings.
  3. Transfer to meat. Add all the dry spices there - coriander grains, paprika, ground black pepper. You can adjust their quantity to your liking. Also add salt immediately. Mineral water will prevent the meat from becoming tough, even if you salt it right away. Mix with your hands. I even advise you to mash the ingredients a little so that the juice comes out of the onion.
  4. Pour in mineral water. It should completely cover the meat. Do you have some mineral water left? Save it for basting the pork while grilling. Well, for emergency extinguishing of coals if they suddenly ignite. Cover the container hermetically. And put it in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.
  5. Cook the shish kebab in the traditional way, pouring the remaining marinade and mineral water in the process.

Marinate pork for barbecue in wine

Wine gives the meat juiciness, softness, an appetizing intense color, a unique aroma and a subtle tart taste. This kebab is a temptation even for an avid vegetarian. It is better to marinate the neck part of the carcass or ribs in wine.

List of what is needed:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • red wine (dry) - 250-300 ml;
  • onions - 4-6 pcs.;
  • ground pepper mixture - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp. (taste).


  1. Rinse the piece of meat under running water. Try to wash away all bone fragments and small debris. Remove films and veins. First cut the pork into strips 5-6 cm wide. And then divide into rectangles. Place in a deep bowl.
  2. Peel and rinse the onions. Divide in half. Grate one half. Or grind it into a paste using a blender. And cut the rest into thick rings.
  3. Add chopped onion to the meat. Add salt and ground black pepper there. Stir to distribute the spices evenly throughout the pork pieces.
  4. Slowly pour in dry red wine. At the same time, massage the meat so that the marinade is better absorbed into the fibers.
  5. After pouring in all the liquid, place the onion rings on top. This onion will be needed for frying shish kebab. Therefore, it is important that it is not completely immersed in the marinade. Otherwise it will soften.
  6. Marinate at room temperature within 3-4 hours. Or keep the bowl in the kitchen for 60 minutes, and then refrigerate for another 6-12 hours.
  7. Thread onto skewers, alternating meat with onions. Cook over coals. The dish turns out extremely juicy!

Happy smoky barbecue season!

For a good barbecue you need to take only the highest quality, proven fish. A slight presence of fat is quite welcome.

The pulp should be cut into pieces weighing about 50 g. A good marinade for shish kebab, among other things, often contains onions. It adds piquancy to the marinade, and the dish with it will turn out more juicy. Onion rings, after the main ingredient has been marinated, are sometimes strung on skewers, alternating with pieces of meat or fish. For 2 kg of pulp, 700 g of onions are required. The ratio is approximate. It is believed that you can’t spoil shish kebab with onions. It is advisable that the onion heads be small - their diameter should not exceed the thickness of the chopped pieces. Otherwise, the onions will go beyond their limits and burn, and this is not very tasty.

Place the pieces of meat or fish in a large bowl, pour in the marinade and stir. After this, place the onion between the pieces. It must also be marinated and it is advisable to maintain the integrity of the rings, otherwise it will be impossible to put it on skewers. Cover the bowl with a circle or plate, press down with pressure and place in a cool place. After a few hours, depending on the marinade you prefer, as well as on the raw materials that are being marinated, you can begin stringing and frying.

Traditional vinegar marinade

The vinegar marinade includes table vinegar - approximately 70-90 g, salt and ground pepper. There is no need to add water, since during the marinating process the meat will release juice, mix with vinegar and saturate all the meat. You should be careful with salt, as during frying the meat loses some moisture, as a result of which the salt concentration increases. Some lack of salting can subsequently be compensated for by the sauce that is served with the kebab. His recipe is at the end of the article.

A good marinade for shish kebab, prepared using table vinegar, is suitable for all types of meat and fish.

Fruit vinegar marinade

Natural fruit vinegar for barbecue is even better than regular table vinegar, however, due to the weak concentration, which does not exceed 4%, a longer soak time is required. Its quantity is also taken 2-3 times more, that is, half a glass. If ordinary table vinegar softens and soaks meat in a couple of hours, then fruit and berry vinegar will require about 8 hours.

The best vinegar marinade recipe for barbecue usually involves using natural grape or apple cider vinegar infused with rosemary, tarragon or basil. This marinade is used to prepare shish kebab from pork, beef, lamb, chicken, rabbit and fish such as salmon or sturgeon.

In addition to vinegar, the marinade includes salt and pepper. With onions, proceed in the same way as in the case of a traditional marinade using table vinegar.

Marinade using red or white wine

The acids contained in table wines are excellent for pickling. The best marinade for barbecue is always made taking into account the color of the meat. For dark meat, use red wine, and marinate chicken and fish in white. Semi-sweet wine is ideal for marinating. White wine will give the kebab a slightly sour taste, which is beneficial for both chicken and fish. Of all the varieties of red wine, you can safely give preference to cabernet. Its astringency goes well with the meat of large animals, as well as rabbit. The best marinade for pork kebab is made with cognac. It is usually diluted halfway with water or citrus juice.

For 2 kg of pulp, one glass of wine mixed with salt and ground pepper is enough. The taste of the marinade depends on the type of wine. Onions will come in handy in this case too. It is recommended to grind it in a blender to a smooth puree and add it to the marinade. Send whole sprigs of fresh parsley there.

Marinade with mayonnaise

Modern gourmets advise marinating shish kebab in mayonnaise. This method is most suitable for cases where the meat has no fat at all and may be a bit tough, but the most knowledgeable people in the kebab business claim that mayonnaise, as well as fermented milk products, are the best marinade for pork kebab.

Mayonnaise contains all the ingredients necessary for pickling - vinegar, salt, pepper and even mustard. It is this that gives dry and tough meat unparalleled juiciness and softness. The marinating time is quite long. It is better to leave the meat with mayonnaise in a cold place overnight. Since mayonnaise contains vegetable oil, the kebab will fry quite quickly. To get a tender and flavorful dish, it is important not to overheat the skewers. You will need to watch very carefully here. When a piece of clear liquid appears on the cut, the kebab is considered ready.

Marinade with sparkling water

For the marinade, use sparkling mineral water. It is desirable that this water have a pronounced taste and a high level of salinity. Carbon dioxide passes through the fibers of the meat and creates conditions for deeper penetration of the aromatic components of the marinade into it. These are fresh herbs - parsley, celery, basil, tarragon, oregano and mint. The amount of salt and pepper is determined individually based on taste qualities mineral water.

Sweet carbonated drinks also work great for marinating. Despite their apparent incompatibility with salt, pepper, onion and green herbs, meat marinates in them very quickly. It turns out very good marinade for barbecue from a wide variety of meats. It undergoes the necessary hygienic processing and acquires a wonderful taste.

Korean marinade

Kebab lovers who know a lot about marinating meat recommend marinating it in liquid from Korean vegetables, which are sold in markets by weight. The strong taste of a very spicy solution perfectly marinates any meat. This is the best marinade for dark meat kebab. Koreans keep the composition of their brines a secret, but it is not necessary to know them. For 12 skewers, half a glass of Korean marinade from any vegetables is enough.

Marinade with tomatoes

Another option for a quick marinade is canned tomatoes. It has all the necessary components. Tomatoes are also used for marinating meat. Several pieces need to be mashed and combined with brine. Keep the meat in this composition for one night. The next day you can grill the kebab.

As for fish, this is perhaps the best marinade for shish kebab. In this case, marinating should not be too long - 15-20 minutes will be enough.

Marinade with pomegranate juice

IN southern regions It is believed that the best marinade for lamb kebab is made from pomegranate juice. Packaged canned juice is not suitable for this purpose. It is better to buy fresh at the market or squeeze it out of pomegranates yourself. To marinate 2 kg of meat, one glass of juice is enough.

In addition to juice, the marinade includes salt and pepper and fresh herbs. They need to be placed in whole branches. They should not get on the skewers. Since the pickling process lasts about a day, during this time the plants have time to give all their aromas to the marinade.

The same marinade is suitable for beef.

It makes the color of the meat more rich and beautiful, and in some cases this can be very significant.

Beer marinade

This marinade can be prepared on beer alone with the usual seasonings, such as salt and pepper, without adding anything else, in the hope that the hops and malt that give the drink flavor will also do a good job for the meat. According to experts, it is beer that produces the best marinade for pork kebab. Only high-quality live beer is suitable for it without the inclusion of preservatives and other artificial ingredients.

Beer marinade can transform ordinary pieces of cold cuts into an amazingly tasty dish.

Beer and pomegranate juice should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Place cilantro, basil, parsley and celery in the marinade and use a blender to chop into porridge. Salt and pepper. Dip the meat into the marinade and keep it in it for 6 hours. If the kebab is planned for the second part of the day, then it is convenient to do it in the morning. To ensure that the meat retains all its flavors and does not lose its juiciness, before placing it on skewers, it should be removed from the marinade and poured with vegetable oil. This kebab cooks faster than without oil. Its readiness is checked by cutting a piece of meat. As soon as the juice turns from red to clear, the kebab is ready. It is recommended to remove it slightly undercooked. The best marinade for pork kebab, and beer marinade is just that, has unique property preservation, in which even raw meat will not cause harm to health.

Lemon juice marinade

This marinade is most suitable for fish, but it may also be suitable for meat. You need to squeeze 150 grams of juice from several lemons, add salt, pepper, onions and green culinary herbs, crushed into porridge. Do not marinate for too long - no more than half an hour. Remove the marinated pieces from the sauce and pour over vegetable oil. After this, immediately thread it onto skewers and send it to the grill.

Kefir marinade

Fermented milk products are considered an excellent basis for marinade. In order to marinate 2 kg of meat, you need to prepare the following composition. Spicy herbs - cilantro, basil, dill, mint, celery and parsley - put in a blender. Send a few cloves of garlic and a couple of onions there. Season with salt, add ground pepper and pour in half a liter of kefir. Grind all the ingredients thoroughly and pour the thick and aromatic mixture over the pieces of meat. The best marinade for shish kebab made from chicken, pork, lamb or beef is made using old kefir. The more sour it is, the better. The duration of marinating depends on the type of meat. For chicken, 30-40 minutes is enough, and pork can be kept for a day.

Chicken marinade

Chicken breast fillet can be marinated using any of the methods suggested above, but we offer you the best marinade for chicken kebab, tested and liked by many gourmets. In order for the marinade to be enough for one and a half kilograms of meat, you need to mix two tablespoons of ready-made mustard with the same amount of mayonnaise and soy sauce. Add a handful of suneli hops and a teaspoon of powdered sugar. Crush two large cloves of garlic and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Marinate in this mixture for 40 minutes.

Barbecue sauce

The main task of the marinade is to process raw meat products in such a way that they become absolutely safe for consumption. After aging the meat in one of the marinades we offer, you can eat it raw, but it will be much tastier if you scorch it with the heat of the grill coals and pour over the appropriate sauce.

We offer you a universal sauce that will suit any barbecue. If your kebab turns out to be a little bland due to an incorrect calculation of the amount of salt and hot pepper, then homemade tomato sauce will successfully compensate for all the mistakes.

Three kilograms of tomatoes need to be scalded with boiling water and peeled. Strain through a sieve and pour into a large cast iron skillet or saucepan. Put on fire. Place 3 bay leaves, one small piece of ginger root and a straw of cinnamon in a saucepan. When it evaporates excess water, and the volume of tomato puree will be reduced by 2 times, you can begin to enrich its taste. To do this, you need to grind fresh dill, basil, tarragon, oregano, mint and 100 g of garlic in a blender. Grind into powder 1 clove, 1 large peppercorn and 20 small peppercorns, a small pinch of cumin and black cumin. Send all this to the tomatoes, after first removing the cinnamon, bay leaf, ginger from the pan and adding salt and a coffee spoon of sugar to taste. Wait until it boils and turn it off.

If there is more sauce than you need, you can put it in a glass jar, pour a little oil on top, cover with a lid and put it in the refrigerator until the next barbecue.