
1 Identifying your vision and life mission Excerpt from Jack Makani’s new book “Self-coaching: 7 steps to a happy and conscious life"What's next? I thought. What can a person do if his biggest dream comes true? I was 39 years old and had reached my limit. What's next? What should I do with the rest of my life?” From Buzz Aldrin's autobiography: "The Magnificent Desolation" (Buzz Aldrin was the second man to walk on the moon with Neil Armstrong in 1969) What is a vision? If we only had goals, then life would become incredibly empty the moment they were realized. If we have a vision, a dream to do something big, something that will improve this world, then we have a lifelong motivation to get up early in the morning! A vision is an internal image that is so attractive that it inspires us and others to action and achievement. A vision is a big goal, movement towards which fills our life with meaning. A goal to which you can devote your entire life. The vision can be great or small, but most importantly it must be inspiring first of all to you, and also to others if you lead them. Vision is the direction, the beacon to which we strive; it is located on the horizon, showing us the way. This is something so large-scale that it can only be realized jointly with other people, provided that many people share it, and at the same time everyone makes their own individual contribution to its implementation. Vision is the answer to the big question WHY do we do what we do? Why do we get up early in the morning and go to work? What motivates us? The more attractive the vision, the easier it is to complete even the most difficult tasks.

2 Examples of vision statements: A world in which people live in accordance with their important values ​​A society where there is a place for everyone An organization in which every employee feels valued and realizes his or her creative potential A training center whose training programs enable people to change their lives to the best. Not only people can have a vision. Companies that achieve truly outstanding results tend to have not only a vision for their future, but also a vision for how their activities impact people's lives as a whole. U public organizations there is a vision of what large-scale positive changes in the life of society they want to achieve. What is a mission? A vision is a large-scale goal, the implementation of which is possible only as a result of joint efforts large quantity of people. The mission is your individual contribution to the realization of this ambitious vision. A mission is the answer to the question: What am I personally (or our organization) doing to make the vision a reality? Example Mission Statement: Joan's vision is to create a world where people live in peace with each other. Joan works as a family therapist. Her mission is to help couples build harmonious, sincere relationships based on the ability to see and respect each other's differences. She feels that she is using her strengths and professional skills of the best possible ways, making their individual contribution to the realization of the larger vision.

3 What all people who achieve something truly meaningful in life have in common is that they have a strong sense of vision that gives them strength and direction in life. An important part of self-coaching is working to identify your own mission in order to even more consciously build your life and lead other people. The most important aspect mission is its consistency with your values ​​and your identity, the mission should be perceived as something very desirable and natural to you. That is, you must be completely integrated with it. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to possible internal resistance. If, at the logical level, the mission seems correct and desirable to you, but at the same time you experience emotional resistance, this is a very important signal. It means that: 1) either your mission needs to be adjusted so that it fully corresponds to your values ​​(for example, your values ​​have changed, and you, by inertia, are still striving for what is no longer important to you) 2) or you have internal parts/limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your mission and need to be identified and transformed. In the course on Self-coaching and training “7 steps to the life of your dreams” we devote Special attention identifying your vision, mission and values ​​and aligning your life goals with them. To identify your mission and vision yourself, you can use the following practical exercise.

4 Practice Exercise: Identifying Vision and Mission Spend 30 minutes doing this exercise and make sure you are undisturbed during this time. Answer the questions below by thinking about them and writing down your answers. Step 1: Exploring Your Most Important Values ​​/ Identifying Your “Passion” What in life truly excites you? What are you interesting in? What do you love so much that you are willing to pay to do it yourself? Why do you like it so much? What does this give you? Think about situations and places that you really like, about people you like to be around, and try to determine which of your values ​​are realized in these situations? What important needs of yours are they satisfying? What is so important about this that makes you want to devote time and energy to it? When you think about your hobbies now, notice how your inner state has changed. How would you describe this condition? What feelings make it valuable and important? When answering these questions, analyze all important areas of your life, including your personal life. Finally, make a list of all your most important and deepest passions/values. Step 2: Create Your Big Vision Your answers at this stage do not need to be realistic. Just 40 years ago, the vision of a world in which people communicate freely and instantly with each other from different parts of the world seemed fantastic. And yet this is now a familiar reality! So, allow your answers to be metaphorical, but most importantly, they should be attractive and desirable to you, filling you with a sense of value and meaning. Think about your most important values ​​that you identified in the previous step. Be associated with a state associated with these values. From this state, answer the following questions. What should a world be like in which these values ​​are realized? What idea, image, metaphor comes to mind? How would you like your organization/country, the whole world to develop? What would be your ideal country/organization/world?

5 Create a large-scale, meaningful image of what you would like to devote your life to. Imagine that there is something much bigger and more important than anything you could ever create on your own, but something that your individual goals and efforts can be a part of. When you have an image, describe it, or draw it, and remember the internal sensations associated with this image. Step 3: Create Your Mission When you see that big picture, what is your role in it? How can you contribute to your organization/community/country/world to move towards this big vision? How can you make the most effective use of your special abilities? skills and talents to realize this big vision? Do you have goals that seem very important to you, but you put them off until later, waiting for a more opportune moment? What are these goals? What would you like to accomplish before you retire? Imagine yourself in old age, looking back on your life and looking at what you have done. How does this make you feel?

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One of the traits of all successful people is to have their own idea of ​​how the future should turn out. An idea about their career or family, company or product, vacation or wedding. This is called vision. It doesn't matter how big the goal you set for yourself. What matters is how detailed you are about the result and the path to achieve it. Of course, on the way to your goal, your vision may change, but you should take the first steps when you know where you are going. Select spheres. It's good to have an idea about your life as a whole. But on the way from the general to the specific it is very difficult to achieve complete detail. Therefore, it is worth dividing the overall picture of the vision into blocks, and these, in turn, into bricks of desires and hopes. For example, first imagine your ideal job, then what your home and life in it looks like, what your family is like, and finish with your achievements. The order does not matter, it is important to highlight the components of your vision and detail it. Coordinate. Your idea of ​​the future may conflict with the ideas of the people around you. To prevent this from happening, companies create a corporate vision and write down a mission. It's important to different people were united by one idea of ​​the goal and the way to achieve it. But it is even more important that your vision is not internally contradictory. Therefore, regularly carry out both “synchronization” of ideas with other people and a revision of your vision, coordinate its parts with each other. Be aware of your fears and desires. Driving force creativity are our desires. When they are conscious, simple and understandable, then we do not need external stimulation. To make it easier to create a list of actions to realize your vision, it is worth understanding what this fragment is: your desire (micro goal, this is the most the best option), a necessity to bring a vision to life, or a defense against your fear of failure. Create a vision systematically. In any business you need regularity. Of course, vision has more to do with creativity than logic. But one or another method can be used to form a picture of the future. Here are the methods I use: Talking about the future as if it were the past. For example, if we're talking about about the vision of the product, you can tell on behalf of the consumer how he uses it, how he bought it and what he likes about the product. A checklist of questions whose positive answers will show that the vision has become a reality. For example, when buying an apartment, this could be the keys, documents in your hands, or the first general cleaning. Collage of photographs of wishes. This kind of wish-list helps both to group your desires into areas and to develop a sequence for their implementation. Chronology of your future achievements. A simple list with approximate dates won't be as colorful as a collage or story, but the framework it provides can help you do more than dream. A list of mistakes you don't want to make. No matter how much psychologists glorify optimizationism, we are all pessimists to one degree or another. Instead of trying to change this in yourself, you should make a list of “places where you don’t want to end up.” These are some kind of anti-beacons. Learn to give up vision. The main reason for lack of vision is the fear of disappointment. Where is it coming from? From our past. It is very painful to admit that our vision will never become reality. But you must be able to erase dreams from the slate, pick up fresh paints and paint your future anew. Do not redraw, do not erase individual strokes, but rather erase everything and paint again. May God grant that you don't have to do this. Good luck and let the vision be your beacon. Perhaps this motivational video will help some of you find “Your Vision” and purpose in this world. Subscribe to the channel, add a video for yourself. Likes, shares and comments are welcome. WITH best wishes- Team Invicta.

Your vision and mission, along with a short presentation (“elevator speech”), form the heart of your business plan. Anyone who reads your vision and mission statements will understand what your business is about, how you help people, what direction you're going in, and how you're going to get there.

In this lesson I will give you step by step guide in order for you to formulate your vision and mission. If you've been following our series on strategic business planning, you'll find that most of the work has already been done.

Unlike the "elevator speech" which I think is better written before Before you begin working on your strategic plan, I recommend formulating your vision and mission last. They are the essence of your strategic plan. To write them, you need to know your strategic plan. Look at your vision and mission statements like this:

  • Vision means “to look, to see,” so the vision statement is to look ahead. It describes the goals of your business and the direction where you are heading.
  • Mission means “to do,” so a mission statement is based on what do you do day after day. It outlines what you do in practice to bring your vision to life.

Some business leaders use these terms differently, preferring to call them something else. But keep in mind that it is important to take the necessary steps. Write down your vision and your mission. This will set your business on the path to success.

1. How to articulate your vision

As I explained, your vision outlines general outline your direction. It's future-oriented because it's based on where you're going. At the same time, it shows what needs to be done in terms of business every day.

Step 1: What is “Setting Your Vision”?

Before you start writing down your vision, it's a good idea to understand what exactly you're working on.

You can formulate your vision in one line or make it several paragraphs long. It gives your company direction and inspiration. It sets out the main goals, but does not include a plan for practically achieving them.

It describes how you help people, what value you provide to the world, and what you plan to achieve in business.

Ideally, it is better to express your vision in ordinary, everyday language, meaningful to you, your customers and employees. Avoid business jargon whenever possible.

The vision needs to be formulated so that it:

  • Encouraged to strive achieve your goals. Once you achieve them, you will need a new vision statement.
  • Inspiring in everyday work and revived it, breathed life into it.
  • Motivated, showing why you are doing it.

Your strategic plan has everything you need to articulate and write down your vision. If you've already started working on your strategic plan, you might want to review what you've already written. If not, you need to work on the following things:

  • Yours. It describes what you do and how you help people. For this exercise, you may need to expand and deepen your brief presentation.
  • . These can be based in part on your own values, especially if you want your business to reflect your personal values. Even if you can't express them explicitly in your vision, they should be felt in everything you write.
  • . This is a key part to articulating your vision. Include only those goals that reflect the essence of your business. To formulate your vision, look for patterns in your goals and combine them into a common goal. The more down-to-earth part, how you will achieve that big goal, will come later when you define your mission.
  • for your business. When expressing your vision, you can highlight your strengths or how you take advantage of new opportunities.
  • History of your business. It gives your business personality. As with values, your story may not be as obvious in your vision statement, but it should come through in support of your vision.

Step 3: Create a Vision Board

Vision board consists of everything you have collected in your strategic plan. This is the mixture from which your vision will be created.

You can expand your vision board by answering the following questions in detail:

  • Who does your business help?
  • What is the purpose of your business?
  • What do you want to improve in the world through your business?
  • What problems does your business solve?
  • What is the ultimate goal of your business?

In addition, if you are a visual person, the pictures that show successful business, that you admire and that serves the world in the same way that your business does. The images will help you find moods, energy, and words that may not have occurred to you.

Step 4: Get to the bottom of it

You've collated tons of information on your vision board. Review everything you have collected and discard what does not fully correspond to the essence of your business. Be ruthless. Remember that whatever you give up can become part of your business plan.

Once you're done, you'll have a skeleton to formulate your vision.

Step 5: Write it down

Take this skeleton and make something special out of it.

  • Use short words and suggestions for wording to attract attention. In general, when it comes to articulating your vision, the shorter the better.
  • Limit yourself to specific language. Remember the lesson on writing an elevator speech? If it can't be put in the cart, it's not something specific.
  • Focus on how your business benefits others, how you help your customers, and how you inspire your employees.

It's okay if you end up with a mess! If you have 10 different ideas regarding your vision, save them. You'll have to choose one of them, but you don't have to do it yourself.

Step 6: Ask for feedback

Ask everyone to be honest, but keep in mind that they may respond positively out of kindness. Look for genuine enthusiasm and beware of ready praise.

Once you've collected feedback, choose the best wording for your vision. Don't worry if it's not perfect! You don't have to leave it forever; you can always improve it in the future.

Step 7: Constantly Review

Constantly review your vision statement. This does not mean that every day you need to think about how to change it. But this means that if you want to improve it, you can do it at any time.

Your vision grows with your business. If your business has outgrown your vision, then it's time to redefine your vision.

2. How to formulate your mission

Your mission statement explains the steps your business needs to take every day to bring your vision to life. It is practical and rooted in the present. Every time you ask yourself: “What do I need to do today?” or “What should I do today?”, you can look to your mission statement for guidance.

She's focused on practical actions, so a mission is easier to formulate than a vision.

Here's how to formulate a mission for your business:

Step 1: What is a “mission statement”?

The word “mission” can be defined differently depending on who you ask. In our lesson, the mission statement is several short sentences or paragraphs that describe what your business does to bring your vision to life.

Step 2: Remember your vision statement

To formulate your mission, you first need to formulate your vision. If you haven't already, write it down.

Step 3: Write down your mission

With your vision statement at hand, ask yourself, “What must I do to make this happen?” Often mission statements are customer-centric, so another way to ask this question is, “What must I do for my customers to bring my vision to life?”

The easiest way to see this is with an example.

Let's take my vision:

I write awesome articles for business blogs to make their readers go "Aha!" and make sure they come back again.

And look how to formulate a mission from this:

I collaborate with bloggers and business owners. I strive to brighten the day of everyone who contacts me by being a pleasure to do business with. I write great articles that make me go “Aha!” I read a lot online and offline to refresh my blogging ideas.

As you can see, my mission does not indicate All what my business does. There's a lot more underneath the surface: accounting and administrative work. But it covers most of what I do, from marketing (networking and making a good impression) to the core of my work (writing), and also gives a hint about what goes on behind the scenes (I read a lot). If I ever feel stuck, I can refer back to my mission statement and it will remind me exactly what to do.

Step 4: Constantly Review

Just like with a vision statement, you must continually re-evaluate your mission. Once your vision changes, you will need to change your mission.

“Thoughts determine what you want... Actions determine what you get.”

IN Lately When people ask me how a person who has achieved success differs from a loser, I always answer the same thing: “A successful person has a Vision for his life, but a loser does not have a Vision for his life.” Of course, this short formulation does not reflect all the facets that distinguish successful people from “ordinary” ones. But, nevertheless, I am deeply convinced that a real winner is a person who has a Vision of life.

What is this Vision of Life? I came to this definition of the Vision of Life. It is a mental image, a picture that is created by the power of your imagination and which reflects your inner desire to achieve something. The vision is the product creative imagination and dreams. Vision is guiding star, which shows us the direction of travel and does not allow us to go astray. Successful man able to see the future brightly, in colors, in the smallest details. It’s as if the future has already become a reality. By creating a Life Vision, you choose new line your Destiny. Something like that.

There are colossal powers hidden in every person. Recent studies have shown that a person has such a reserve of energy that would be enough to illuminate the entire North America within a month. Now figure out how much of your resource you are using. Your Vision for Life is access to the limitless inner powers hidden deep within you.

But creating a beautiful, alluring, life-filled Vision of Life is not enough. It needs constant feeding. Like untrained muscles, it can become flaccid and weak. This is why your Vision of life needs to be trained. It must be created, or to be more precise, manifested from the inside out. Every day, every free minute you need to immerse yourself in your Vision. Carefully examine the smallest details of your figurative picture. Draw your Vision of life on paper. Tell your loved ones and people around you about your Vision... Start naturally with those who support your aspirations. And only in this case will your Vision become stronger every day. Your dream will begin to turn into reality!

And now the most important thing, what we have already talked about hundreds of times. Knowledge is just a potential power; in order for it to start working for you, you need to give it life. Start creating your Vision now! Your Vision of life is not something static and frozen. This is a constantly changing and dynamically developing picture. Your Vision for Life grows with you. And it makes no sense to put off creating your Vision “for later.” Get started now. How it turns out, as you know how. Take the first step towards your dream. And you will be surprised to discover, as soon as you determine the direction of movement, life will gladly give you such an opportunity, the opportunity for change.

The easiest way to start is to imagine a fragment from one day of your “ideal” life in the future. Close your eyes and ask yourself three questions:

-What do I want to be?

- What do I want to do?

- What do I want to have?

Allow yourself to be captured by the sights, sounds and sensations that begin to surround you. Let the picture begin to emerge in your mind. This will happen differently for each of you. Someone will see the picture immediately, brightly and completely. For some, the picture will be hazy and unclear. Start adding sounds to your picture: people around you, the rustling of leaves, birdsong, the sounds of music... And how do you feel? Right now, when you have already achieved what you have been striving for for so long? Carefully examine every detail of your Vision. Be filled with sights, sounds and sensations!

Now take a pen and BE SURE to write down your Vision of life on paper. Don't worry about the correctness of your text. You write this for yourself. You are taking the first step towards creating your Vision for life. Be sure to write down your Vision of life in the present tense as if it were happening to you now!

And don't stop there. Keep searching for your Vision for life. If the desire arises, then add poetry, verses, photographs to your text... If you work in this way every day for 10-15 minutes to create your Vision of life, then in less than a month, I assure you, you will be incredibly surprised by the changes that will begin happen in your life. This means that your Vision of life begins to attract your Reality. And this means that your Journey has begun!

Now there is only one thing left. Move from words to deeds. Do it for yourself. And of course I’m waiting for your most incredible stories transformation, victories, achievements. Believe in your dream. Create a bright, alluring Vision for your life.