Many people buy medications in the form of ordinary rectal suppositories. Such a purchase forces one to face one big difficulty: how to place suppositories correctly and painlessly rectally?

Such information has not been widely disclosed in more early years, so now we have to turn to the Internet, which is familiar to everyone. However, finding a complete answer to such a question is quite difficult. So, how to act so as not to suddenly harm yourself and the body as a whole?

Detailed instructions for using candles

How to insert a suppository rectally correctly?

Wash your hands as thoroughly as possible warm water with soap.

In close contact with your hands, purchased rectal suppositories melt very quickly and subtly, so before removing the wrapper, hold it for just a few minutes under cold water or in the refrigerator. This action will certainly make the rectal suppository denser, stronger and prevent it from melting very quickly in your hands.

Carefully remove the wrapper from the candle.

If you were prescribed half a suppository, cut the rectal preparation into two lengthwise using a disposable razor blade for this process.

Lubricate the tip of the rectal suppository with a special water-soluble lubricant that does not contain petroleum jelly. If you do not have such a product, moisten the rectal area with fairly cool water.

Lie on your side, while straightening your lower leg completely and to the maximum, and pulling your upper leg towards your stomach.

Open the rectal area slightly, lifting the upper buttock slightly.

Gently insert the suppository into the rectum. A couple of questions immediately arise - which end should I introduce it to? I’ll say right away – narrow. The second question is how exactly and how deep to insert suppositories rectally? Using your fingertips, push the drug slightly past the muscle sphincter, which is approximately 2.5 cm.

Bring your buttocks together and hold them in this position for literally a few seconds.

Try to remain lying on your side for about 5 minutes - this will prevent the candle from coming out.

Throw away any materials used in the process and wash your hands thoroughly.

How to properly insert candles into a child?

First things first, wash and warm your hands hot water.
Remove the candles from the refrigerator.
Place the baby on his back, remove the candle from the packaging, cut off the tip of the plastic with scissors, and pull the edge of the plastic.
With one hand, lift your knees bent.
Carefully insert the narrow end of the candle into the butt, insert it behind the muscle sphincter.
Lower your legs and hold your buttocks with your hands for 10 seconds to prevent the candle from coming out.

How to insert a suppository vaginally correctly?

Visiting a gynecologist is not a very pleasant procedure. So, many women, if possible, try to avoid such visits, postponing them until better times. Girls at an appointment with their gynecologist are embarrassed to ask the doctor about some exciting questions. For example, about how to correctly insert vaginal suppositories that were prescribed for treatment. Women who first encountered this form of the drug are puzzled by the question of how to insert them carefully and correctly. It's not difficult at all:

2. Before such a procedure, the girl should wash herself thoroughly with warm water.

3. Vaginal suppositories, as a rule, should be stored in your refrigerator. Take the drug out of it before directly introducing the suppository, otherwise when warm room temperature The vaginal medicine may melt slightly.

4. A woman should insert candles while lying on her back. The principle of this process - inserting medication into the vagina - is similar to inserting a tampon. The only difference is that you must try to push the vaginal suppository as deeply as possible.

5. Inside the female body, the candle completely dissolves, so there is no need to take out the remains. Any excess of this drug, if it suddenly appears, will flow out on its own.

6. After the insertion of the suppository, the girl needs to lie down and not move for 10-15 minutes, so that the drug prescribed by the doctor does not immediately flow back out without having time to show its therapeutic effects.

7. During such treatment with vaginal suppositories, a woman is strongly advised to protect her attractive underwear from unsightly traces of leaked medicine. This is best done with a regular panty liner.

8. You should never forget about proper morning washing with warm water. This is done throughout the entire course of treatment.

Vaginal suppositories are often used for effective treatment inflammatory diseases that were caused by infectious agents. The suppository is inserted into the vagina only in the evening, just before bedtime. They are recommended for the prevention of any infections before gynecological operations and other manipulations.

How to insert candles for virgins?

To treat vulvovaginitis in girls, a suppository must be inserted into the vagina to remove the causative agents of the disease. I will say right away that it is unlikely that they will cause defloration by damaging the integrity of the hymen. But you need to use medications recommended by a pediatric gynecologist.

For example, a small children's vaginal suppository, Hexicon D, was designed taking into account the anatomy of girls. It is thinner and shorter than an adult Hexicon suppository and can easily be inserted into a girl’s vagina through an opening in the hymen, keeping the latter intact.

If your gynecologist has prescribed you such a medicine, mandatory Consult with him in detail about the correct use of the drug. This way, your treatment will be as correct and effective as possible, and will also bring the good results you and your doctor expect.

Rectal suppositories (suppositories) allow the drug to be delivered to the body much faster than tablets, while the drug enters the circulatory system practically unchanged and in the highest concentration. However, for all its advantages, this form of medication also has some drawbacks: some people simply do not understand how to correctly insert suppositories rectally so that the drug brings the greatest health benefits.

Let's consider this issue in more detail.

First of all, let’s figure it out: rectally – where does this go? Rectal suppositories are inserted into the rectum or, more simply, into the butt.

Preparing for the insertion of a rectal suppository

Before insertion into the rectum, the rectal suppository must be cooled: without removing it from the package, keep it for some time in the refrigerator or under running cold water. If this is not done, the suppository will melt and break right in your hands, and inserting the suppository will be much more difficult.

You need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap, preferably cool water, so that the suppository does not melt in your hands, and dry them with a towel. If this is not done, then various pathogenic microorganisms can enter the rectum along with the suppository. It is better to cut long nails so as not to injure yourself or the person to whom you will administer the suppository.

Wearing gloves or finger guards is optional, but recommended.

How to insert suppositories rectally?

The easiest way to administer the suppository is to lie on your left side, with your right leg pulled up to your chest. However, it will be more convenient for someone to insert a rectal suppository while lying on their back, raising their legs up or placing a cushion under the sacrum, or even standing, slightly leaning forward.

In any case, the anal muscles must be relaxed, otherwise insertion of the suppository will be painful. Also, do not insert the suppository by force, otherwise you will cause harm to the mucous membrane of the anus.

The suppository should be inserted rectally with a sharp end with a minimum insertion depth - no less than the index finger. It is necessary to push the suppository past the muscle sphincter, after which the suppository will not cause discomfort or fall out. After this, you should lie down for 20 minutes, squeezing your buttocks with your hand.

After inserting the suppository, you may have a desire to go to the toilet “in a big way”, but you should refrain from defecation so that the active substance has time to be absorbed.

Very often, rectal suppositories leak, leaving marks on the underwear. This is due to the composition of the suppositories: under the influence of heat, paraffin, petroleum jelly, and fat soften and flow out. You can prevent discomfort by using panty liners.

How to insert suppositories rectally for infants

Rectal suppositories are one of the most effective ways reducing fever or for treating constipation in infants and newborns, so although this procedure may be unpleasant for babies and their parents, it is not always possible to avoid it.

Place your baby on his back and elevate his legs. It is better to do this when the child is in a calm, relaxed state. Insert the suppository rectally to a distance of 1.5 centimeters, pushing it through the sphincter with your little finger. If you insert the candle not deep enough, it may “pop out” and you will have to start all over again.

A rectal suppository should be administered after the baby poops. The fact is that the suppository irritates the rectum, and it may happen that the baby poops and the suppository comes out of the anus along with the feces. Just in case, place a waterproof diaper under your baby’s bottom in advance.

Hold the baby's buttocks with your hand and hold it there for several minutes so that the candle does not come out of the butt. It is advisable that the child be in a horizontal position for the next half hour. To distract your baby from unpleasant sensations, you can give him a toy or turn on some cartoon.

Can rectal suppositories be inserted into the vagina?

This question arises due to the fact that some suppositories, for example, sea buckthorn, have only one form of release - rectal. However, the gynecologist can prescribe them vaginally. Of course, it is not recommended to insert either vaginal or rectal suppositories into the vagina without consulting a doctor.

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A person who has once been baptized is always interested in various rules in the church, for example, how to properly light a candle for the repose? The first thing you need to know is that in any church there is an eve or eve table for this. This place is not so difficult to find, because above it or it has an icon of the crucified Christ. Most often the location is left-hand side right at the entrance. But there are also churches in which there is no special place for commemorating the dead; you can go up and do everything at any icon. But the main thing is to think about this person and don’t come with your head full of problems, leave everything at the door.

Competent ordering of a candle for the repose of the dead?

So, your goal is to come to church and remember the dead with the help of a candle:

  • You need to go up to the icon of the Crucifixion of the Lord and cross yourself twice correctly.
  • You need to light the candle correctly, you cannot use a lighter for this, there is always a special fire in such a place or an already burning candle, take advantage of this.
  • Next, you need to install the lit candle in the existing free place, but so that it does not come into contact with others.
  • But you will need to know a little prayer, they are often available near this place, but if not, then prepare a small one and remember the deceased for whom you came.
  • After this procedure, cross yourself calmly and slowly, repeat everything if necessary. Once you've done everything, you can leave.

This procedure is simple, so there is no need to fuss, remember about the deceased person and then it will be easy for him. After the death of a person, you can begin to light such candles. But do everything correctly, if you don’t know something, just go to the grandmothers in the temple, they will always explain everything and give advice, and then you can do everything correctly yourself.

There are some more customs and subtleties that everyone should adhere to when visiting a temple and lighting candles:

  • All people should have knowledge of where to light candles for different people.
  • You can also place a memorial at any icon.
  • If there is a Crucifixion of the Lord, then this is definitely the eve of repose, but it is not always there, for this reason it can be placed on any existing icon.
  • How many candles can you put? There is no counting in this, you can do it every day and in the amount you think is needed. They are placed differently, one for all the deceased, but their names must be mentioned in prayer, or one for each, also with prayer.
  • You can approach the icon from any side and place a candle.

When visiting a temple, dress appropriately, do not make noise or use foul language within the walls. Behave with dignity, as this is the holiest of holies and everyone should remember and honor it!

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After purchasing, rectal suppositories must be placed in the refrigerator so that they do not melt at room temperature, and their main component retains its medicinal properties. In addition, it is much more convenient to insert a frozen, cool candle into the anus - in addition, this way it will melt somewhat more slowly. Before using a rectal suppository, it is advisable to hold something cold in your fingers so that it does not spread in your hands.

To make the rectal suppository slip into the anus as easily as possible, it is advisable to lubricate its end with Vaseline, baby cream or vegetable oil, trying to hold it by the clean part, otherwise it will slip out of your hands when inserted. It is best to put a rectal suppository before going to bed, after emptying the intestines and carrying out all the traditional hygienic measures. In this case, you should put a panty liner or a piece of fabric folded several times into your underwear - some candles tend to dissolve and leak, leaving stains on the underwear and bed.

Before using a rectal suppository, you must wash your hands thoroughly and remove the suppository from the refrigerator. Carefully cut the wrapper with scissors and remove its contents, being careful not to crumble it. Then you need to take the candle with your fingers (you can use medical gloves), moisten it or the anus with Vaseline and take the correct position - namely, lie on any side convenient for the procedure, completely straightening your lower leg and bending your upper leg towards your stomach.

After taking the desired position, you should slightly open the rectal area with one hand, pulling the upper buttock to the side. Then you need to slowly insert the suppository into the anus, pushing it with the tip of your finger behind the muscular sphincter by 2.5-5 centimeters (in newborns, respectively). After inserting the suppository, the buttocks should be brought together and held in this position for several seconds. You need to lie on your side for another 5 minutes after the procedure so that the candle does not come out. After the specified time, you can get up, wash your hands with soap and put on underwear with a disposable lining.


When inserting a suppository into the anus, you need to relax as much as possible so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the anus.

Helpful advice

If you only need half a candle, cut it lengthwise (not crosswise!) into two pieces using a clean disposable razor blade.

Many medications for reducing fever, increasing immunity, and treating hemorrhoids are available in the form of rectal suppositories. They are easy to use and can be used in different age groups. To achieve the effect, you must use it correctly.


When using rectal suppositories, a spasm and urge to defecate often occur, so before the procedure, perform a cleansing enema or empty it naturally. Otherwise, the candle may not have time to dissolve, as a result of which the effect of the medicine will be zero. The exception is laxatives. No additional manipulations are required before using them.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. The procedure must be carried out in complete cleanliness. Prepare wet wipes or a handkerchief soaked in water in advance.

Lie on your side with your knees close to your stomach. This position is the most comfortable for the procedure, as it allows you to minimize discomfort.

Remove the suppository and push it with your finger into the anus to a depth of 2-3 cm. Carry out the procedure carefully, without applying unnecessary pressure. Despite the fact that the suppository has a streamlined shape, careless use can injure the mucous membrane.

Do not get out of bed for about 20 minutes, this is how long it takes for the suppository to be exposed to heat.

To correctly light a candle for the repose, you must remember the following.

There are a number of rules for lighting candles for the repose.

  • 1. Even though you cannot pray out loud for an unbaptized person, you are allowed to light a candle for his soul.
  • 2. They don’t pray for suicides, they don’t have funeral services. Sometimes they receive a special blessing and light candles for the repose of the soul at home. This is what they do with mentally ill people.
  • 3. Pregnant women can light a candle for the deceased, but it is better for them not to cross the threshold of the church for 40 days after childbirth or miscarriage.
  • 4. You cannot light a candle for the repose of a living person. They usually do this with malicious intent.
  • 5. A candle is lit for a person who has recently passed away after 40 days.
  • 6. At home, a candle or lamp is lit in front of the icon for the dead. A prayer for their souls must be said.
  • 7. Any day and any time of day is suitable for this ritual. The exception is the days between Easter and Trinity.
  • 8. You can light several candles for the repose of one soul. One candle can be lit for several dead.
  • 9. If you are late for a service, the procedure is carried out after the end of the service.

The Church does not condemn those who, out of ignorance, make mistakes in performing the ritual. God will hear everyone who prays to him.

Where do they light candles for the repose?

There is a special place in the church for this ritual. It is to the left of the entrance, on a small metal or marble square table - the eve. A rectangular candlestick with the crucifixion of Christ is placed on it. If there is no eve, a candle is lit at any icon.

How to perform the ritual

The sequence of actions at the eve table is as follows:

  • when approaching the crucifix, they cross themselves 2 times;
  • light a candle only from a lamp or burning candles;
  • a lit candle is placed in a free place. It is important that it is held firmly and does not touch other candles;
  • the prayer at the moment of the ritual sounds like: “Rest, O Lord, the soul of your departed servant...” The name of the deceased must be present in it;
  • Having calmly crossed yourself and bowed, you can light another candle. If the matter is completed, they step aside.

At these moments they think about the image of the departed, turning their hearts to God. Sincere desire, not obligation, guides the person praying. As a symbol of love and faith, a candle is a voluntary offering, a way to remember kindly those who will never return.