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Business plan

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The website presents a business plan for a children's entertainment center, an excellent enterprise that children and their parents will love in the future. Despite the rapidly developing infrastructure, our country lacks entertainment venues, especially in small cities and towns. On the other hand, open information flows allow all children in our country to see how they can have quality fun and actively spend free time. And it is in your power to help children feel the taste of real childhood.

Study the finished document, in it you will find descriptions of various nuances that sometimes elude entrepreneurs: from purchasing equipment, improving the landscape, opening attractions, to creating catering outlets, kiosks selling ice cream, sweets, and fast food. An entertainment complex requires quite significant investments, but the profit promises not a one-time, but a permanent one. On the territory of such a center it will be possible to organize various holidays for children of all age groups, attract animators who will amuse and entertain the kids. There may be a children's dance floor, or there may also be rooms for games.

A high-quality document on organizing a shopping and entertainment center will tell you how to correctly calculate the forces; a separate chapter will be devoted to risks. Like the famous amusement park in the USA Disneyland, your establishment may be very popular locally, with people from neighboring cities even coming here for quality, modern entertainment. Children's slot machines, the presence of several stores, an area for outdoor games, children's bowling and a roller coaster - all this can be implemented when implementing a business idea.

In a highly competitive environment, owners retail outlets They come up with more and more new methods of fighting for their client. Various techniques are used that can encourage the buyer to spend as much money as possible. And the buyer is ready to take this bait, especially if in return he is offered not only bread, but also circuses. Entertainment has become an integral element of trade, forcing entrepreneurs to open not just trade, but trade- entertainment centers. In such complexes, visitors are offered not only a variety of goods, but also entertainment for every taste.

Amusement parks are becoming increasingly popular in Russia, and most of them are located in shopping centers, where people sometimes come with whole families, trying to combine business with pleasure. As a result, shopping becomes another way to organize your leisure time. And rest assured: the decision to open your own business - an amusement park in mall– will definitely bring you success and very tangible profits.

An analysis of the income and expenses of a shopping and entertainment complex convincingly proves that if there is an entertainment component, the profit from trade increases by about a third. Not a bad argument for entertainment, right? Strictly speaking, the direct benefit from placing such facilities on the territory of the center is not so great, but due to this, the attendance of the complexes significantly increases, which entails an increase in revenue.

There are thousands of amusement parks in Russia, but this is clearly not enough to fully satisfy the need for such services. It is not for nothing that most of the shopping centers already under construction are invariably laid out as shopping and entertainment projects. Analyzing the competitors of an entertainment center is a mandatory procedure for a businessman planning to build such a complex. It is necessary to find out what types of entertainment and forms of leisure are offered in other shopping and entertainment centers. Based on this information, it will be possible to draw the necessary conclusions in your favor.

If you are already the owner of a shopping center that has not had time to adapt to modern realities, and belatedly wondered why the construction of an entertainment center is relevant, it is still not too late to retake the game. In this case, it would be a good idea to seek the help of organizations offering services for developing a concept for the development of amusement parks. And if you have a professional business plan for a shopping and entertainment center at hand, your business will develop even more actively. Reading this document will help you determine which organizational and legal structure for managing a sports and entertainment center will suit you best.

People come to the mall not only to make purchases, but also to have a good time along the way. Businessmen who have managed to understand the effectiveness of combining retail and entertainment space under one roof are thinking through options for amusement park concepts. There is a standard range of entertainment activities that is used in most centers: bowling, cinema, restaurant or bar, children's playground, and billiards.

At the request of the owner of the shopping and entertainment complex, this set can change, giving preference, for example, to rarer entertainment formats. The choice of forms of leisure may vary depending on the characteristics of the business project of entertainment complexes, financial capabilities, as well as market conditions. For example, an entertainment business in small town It’s very difficult to build, exotic formats are unlikely to be acceptable here, but entertainment that everyone is familiar with, such as a cinema and a children’s playground, will most likely come in handy.

A food area is a mandatory element of any shopping and entertainment center, regardless of whether you are planning to open a complex with an amusement park from scratch or are going to expand and complement an existing shopping center. All other forms of leisure can be chosen arbitrarily. It is important to be sure that these entertainment will be in demand among visitors. Moreover, in each specific region this issue must be resolved individually.

For example, in major cities, where the market for amusement parks is quite high, sophisticated visitors have to be attracted by some kind of exotic - a roller rink or an ice skating rink. In small towns, such entertainment may not be in demand. The choice of more common entertainment formats depends on the level of competition, in particular important has similar establishments nearby. If there are already a couple of cinemas operating near your shopping center, there is no point in opening another one. It is also necessary to take into account the area in which the shopping and entertainment center will be located.

Considering that many shoppers come shopping with their children, it is advisable to provide a playground in the shopping center for the children of the preschool center. At this time, parents can calmly go shopping, and when tired of shopping, drink a cup of tea in a cozy cafe. Thus, it is necessary to attract operators of entertainment zones by wisely thinking through all the options and realizing what audience all entertainment will be designed for.

When developing the concept of a shopping and entertainment complex, take advantage of the advice of professionals contained in a competent business plan for a shopping and entertainment center. It provides a clear sequence of actions when developing a project, and also contains a description of all entertainment services. Using this document, you will be able to figure out how profitable an event will be, for example, organizing a top-class bar at an entertainment complex. You will learn how to avoid most troubles at the initial stage.

By opening large shopping centers for family shopping, businessmen risk significant investments. Their main task is to attract as many buyers as possible, and to do this in the least expensive way. Considering that many parents come to such a center with their children, the presence of such an additional type of business as an entertainment complex for children can be significant in the fight for a client.

Of course, the easiest way is to open a children's entertainment room in the center. But, as a rule, it is designed for a small number of children, and in this case you can make a mistake if suddenly the actual number of visitors turns out to be much more than expected. For this reason, large entertainment formats are more relevant.

Organizing a children's entertainment center in a family shopping center is a unique opportunity to attract customers, while investing in it will pay off quite a bit. short term. You must understand that risks also exist and only competent actions will reduce them to a minimum.

Large children's entertainment complexes also mean significant investment. This whole process is also accompanied by high risks. A business in amusement parks can bring good profits, but it is important to calculate everything correctly, analyze both your own potential and the capabilities of competitors. Occupying huge areas, offering visitors a full range of entertainment is, of course, a tempting option, but the likelihood is too high that half of the attractions will never be in demand by anyone. And this, in turn, is fraught with significant losses.

Before opening a children's entertainment center at a shopping center, analyze all the factors that may affect the outcome of the event. For example, the idea of ​​opening a children's entertainment center in a small shopping complex can hardly be called successful. In addition, the types of entertainment will also vary greatly depending on the location of the center and how wealthy your potential clients are. In a big city, you can rely on expensive entertainment, but in a modest-sized town it is better to limit yourself to a standard range of entertainment.

When planning to open a business such as a children's entertainment complex, you can buy the necessary attractions yourself and make a profit from it, or rent out space to operators who specialize in the children's entertainment industry. How much will it cost to open a children's entertainment center? From 150 thousand rubles. to create a small play area up to several million rubles, with which you can build a full-fledged entertainment complex. Implement it yourself necessary calculations A professional business plan for a shopping and entertainment center will help you. It describes in detail the intricacies of organizing work in children's entertainment complexes, having studied which, you can easily take the reins into your own hands.

As you know, shopping is an addictive activity, but it depends on who it is for. Children are extremely uninterested in doing this kind of thing, and, therefore, if you have no one to leave your child with, then exciting shopping will not work out. The child is incapable long time do monotonous things. He needs to move and discover the boundaries of the unknown. Today, as a rule, this does not cause much of a problem due to existing game rooms.

Game room

Children's entertainment centers appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation not so long ago. About ten years ago, when large shopping centers were founded in the country, there was an acute shortage of preschool institutions. Parents had no choice but to take their children with them everywhere. The creators took into account the needs of visitors, finding a lifeline to solve the problem in opening game rooms. The establishments quickly gained popularity and became widespread. The idea of ​​leaving children in playrooms and freely enjoying shopping appealed to many parents. In turn, seeing the rapid popularity of this type of activity, Russian entrepreneurs hastened to fill the entire Russian market with a profitable niche.

What types of game rooms are there?

What rooms are there by direction:

  1. Early development. Children from 1 to 2.5 are brought here.
  2. Physical development. Here they practice rhythmoplasty and fitness with children from 2 to 6 years old.
  3. Musical development. Children from 2.5 to 10 years old are taken here.
  4. Development of speech or intelligence. Designed for ages 3 to 6 years.
  5. Creativity. Children from 3 to 10 years old are engaged.
  6. Game room, designed for a long stay if parents need to go away on business.

Types of game rooms

If you are interested in the question of how to open a nursery game room then, first of all, you must know what plans they are. The most common of them:

  1. Soft platform. It looks simple and costs less. This option is suitable for offices, banking institutions, beauty salons, etc.
  2. Jungle, consisting of pipes, ropes, swings, ladders. The complexes are much more expensive, but children are more interested in them and they want to spend more time there.

Products and services for children are always in great demand, as parents want to please their child. They fulfill all requests without sparing any expense. For this reason, any business related to the development and education of the younger generation will be successful. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that working with children requires pedagogical, psychological knowledge and good experience. Therefore, if game rooms become a salvation for parents, then for entrepreneurs they are a great way to start a business. There are two options for using game rooms in business:

  1. Opening a gaming center as an addition to an existing business u. That is, if you already have a good one catering business, where clients with children often come, it makes sense to provide good leisure time for both parents and their children.
  2. Opening a children's room as a separate business, whose services will be in stable demand.

Game room in a shopping center

All you need is to draw up a detailed business plan with accurate calculations, taking into account all the necessary investments, payback time and approximate profit. If you approach creating a plan wisely, this will help you avoid mistakes and financial failures in the future. The following main components need to be taken into account:

  • rent price;
  • room renovation;
  • purchase of the complex;
  • hiring employees.

At first glance, it seems that opening a game room is simple, but do not forget that to do this, you need to collect a full package of documents, permits from authorities and funds for unforeseen expenses. It will take several weeks, and sometimes more, to collect the necessary papers and seals, but this is in case you come across some corrupt official who finds fault with everything for the sake of profit. An entrepreneur should be aware that the inspection authorities have increased requirements for children's playrooms, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with the following documents:

  1. Recommendations for keeping children in children's playrooms, they were developed by the Moscow Department of Consumer Market.
  2. See whether the equipment complies with safety standards and GOST standards.
  3. Study the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

To open a game room in a shopping center you need to take into account a lot of nuances

Moreover, in any business there are pitfalls and an entertaining children's room is no exception. To ensure that your plan does not go under, you need to thoroughly study all the nuances of the matter. If you are planning to create a room as an additional service to some institution, then you should not worry about the flow of clients. Usually people do not sit there for hours, therefore the flow of children will move quickly, but will arrive constantly and throughout the year. But if you want to start a business separately, then you need to take into account the fact that shopping centers in warm time Every year the population visits less often, as it is preferable to spend time in the fresh air. When launching a business in May, there is a high chance of failure. Therefore, it is better to start from the beginning of autumn.

Read also: How to open a recruitment agency: business plan

Business plan for a children's playroom

A well-drafted business plan will help you recoup your investment and make a profit in a short time.
Business plan stages:

  1. Idea selection, competitor analysis, project profitability.
  2. Organizational matters.
  3. Cost report.
  4. Promotion and advertising.
  5. Profit.

You need to open a game room in public places

Profitability and location

Choosing a suitable location is of considerable importance. It's about not only about large cities, but also about small towns. The business is equally suitable for absolutely all territorial points. But of course, if you plan to seriously develop in this area, then it is better to pay attention to the number of city residents when organizing game rooms.

As statistics show from one entertainment room enough for every 100 thousand inhabitants. That is, if the selected locality is home to about 200 thousand citizens and two gaming centers are already thriving, then opening a third point will be pointless. Accordingly, with a population of less than 100 thousand, business will not be in demand and will hardly justify the investment. Thus, the profitability of a game room is closely related to where it is founded and located. In order not to fail, you need to first analyze the market situation. That is, find out:

  • what centers exist in the city;
  • what age group do they serve?;
  • what is the cost of their services;
  • what kind of marketing is used by competitors;
  • How busy is the room?;
  • What are the reception hours?.

In addition, for more accurate analysis You can conduct a social survey via the Internet. Publish the news about the opening of a gaming room in the newspaper and see how many customers respond. A preliminary assessment is required if the market is oversaturated or the city’s population is small.

The rooms should be spacious

Game room space

It is necessary to take care in advance of finding a suitable premises. You should look either in a residential area with good traffic, where there are no competitors nearby, or in some large shopping center, supermarket, shopping mall, since such places are always full of people. If the choice falls on a crowded, but at the same time sleeping area, you will need good publicity establishments and premises on the ground floor. It must have a bathroom, sink, individual heating, good ventilation and lighting. Business in such a place will only work if the main part of the passing audience is: parents with children aged from two to six years. Complexes with all necessary communications are in particular demand, as they can be a separate building or site closed type with different entertainment areas. They have: all kinds of slides, swimming pools, musical instruments, everything for drawing and much more.

Speaking of shopping centers, your optimal neighborhood would be with children's departments or a cafeteria. With a good organizational process, opening a leisure room in such a location will be beneficial to both the tenant and the tenant. Here, the funds invested in the business will quickly pay off, because children are the initiators of visiting shopping centers. And parents are always interested in proper organization leisure for your child. In addition, not only clients of the shopping center, but also those who live nearby can leave their children in the playrooms. The only catch is that it’s not easy to get space in a shopping center; advantageous places are always occupied or prohibitively expensive.

Don't forget about the interesting design of the game room

What should be the rented area of ​​the premises?

The area of ​​the rented premises per child must be at least two square meters. meters. That is, for 15 kids you need to rent a site of 30 square meters. meters. This is the minimum room size. Renting less will simply not be profitable. Such a room will cost approximately 50,000 rubles, despite the fact that the child will be charged about 150 rubles per hour. The cost of such premises will pay off in approximately six months.

If you plan to combine a game room with your main business, for example, create a game area in a beauty salon, an area of ​​12 square meters will be enough for you. meters. The average playroom is one whose area is at least 75 square meters. m. Such a room can accommodate up to 70 children at once. To rent a room with such an area, you need about 1 million rubles. If 50 children are accepted daily, then the profit per month will be up to 80,000 rubles. The business pays for itself in a year, taking into account a well-chosen location.

So, to open a standard center you will need a room of six rooms with a bathroom. Each should be from 15 to 20 square meters. m. This means that the entire room should be 150–180 sq. m. m. Look for premises specifically for rent for a period of at least three years. It is not advisable to buy a site. Although it is better to immediately look for a place with the right to buy. If you find a room, but it is continuous, you can simply delimit it with plasterboard partitions. It is not possible to indicate the exact rental price, since different regions it is different. Let's just say that the average rental price with renovation ranges from 150,000 rubles per month.

Divide the room into zones

In principle, there are no serious requirements for the premises, the only thing is that it should be spacious and have enough space for toys and all sorts of complexes. The complex needs to be equipped not only with toys for children, but also with everything necessary for the staff. The space itself will be correctly divided into zones:

  • reception for parents;
  • hallway;
  • bathroom section.

Nowadays, in many cities, entertainment centers are very popular. Children's play complexes are no exception. The age of children does not mean that prices for their entertainment will be lower than for adults. Many parents spare no expense for the happiness and smile of their heirs, so this business is very promising. This article is intended to tell you how to open a children's entertainment center.

Competition in the field of children's entertainment is growing every year, but it is noted that the service market is still not oversaturated, and there is an abundance of clients. However, there are two serious points to keep in mind. The first is starting capital. To organize a medium-sized entertainment complex will require considerable investment. The second is the organization of order control.

In a business that is in any way connected with children, all safety rules must be observed. If something happens to a child on the territory of the entertainment complex, the consequences are expected to be extremely unpleasant: the owner will have to pay for the treatment of the victim and pay moral compensation for the harm caused.

Analyzing the market

First, to start a business, it is worth analyzing the area where the complex is planned to open. As mentioned above, such an institution is expensive, so it will not be possible to make it accessible to everyone. Otherwise, the children's play complex will not pay off.

Based on this, it is necessary to determine whether the residents of this locality will be able to afford this kind of vacation for their children. Statistics show that if the average salary in a city is below 12-15 thousand rubles, such a project in this place is not worth starting. Otherwise, the entertainment complex for children will be unclaimed.

However, the salary of residents is not the main criterion for making a decision. More important point– this is the presence of competition. Based on the general information, a final decision can be made.

Register with the Federal Tax Service

First you will need to register as legal entity. Registration of a legal entity takes place at the Federal Tax Service, where you will need to select organizational form doing business and the form of taxation.

The recommended form for running this business is individual entrepreneur. Next, you will need to decide on OKVED codes (92.7 - other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment), register with the Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary funds. To work you need to purchase cash machine or strict reporting forms that are subject to registration with the tax service.

To register this business, no special permits or licenses are required, but it is still worth studying the regulations related to the organization. You can, of course, use the Internet and study the regulatory framework, but it will be easier to contact the Rospotrebnadzor authorities and state fire supervision authorities.

Employees of these organizations will talk in full about the requirements of sanitation and fire safety, about the current regulatory framework. Cases involving children attract particularly close attention from regulatory authorities. If you fail to comply with all requirements, you will face a large fine.

Business plan is your assistant

In order to avoid making mistakes (mainly financial), you will need to develop a business plan for a children's play center. It will help you see the positive and negative sides proposed project, what will need to be invested in first and material resources, which will need to be decided later. A business plan will answer basic questions. You will understand how to open a children's play center, where to start, and what this opening should ultimately lead to.

Selecting a room

In order for a children's play complex to bring joy to children and parents, as well as profit to the owner, you must first choose the right premises. This is one of the most important parts of the project. For such an establishment, both a separate room and a site in a shopping center are perfect.

The optimal size of the complex to accommodate all equipment should be at least 130 square meters. In large cities, the complex can be located in a residential area, while in small towns a more suitable option would be to place it in the center. Of course, high traffic will be a big plus for the establishment. If next door is kindergarten or school, it can also have a positive impact on business.

What is better: a shopping center or a separate premises?

How can you decide whether to open an entertainment complex in a shopping center or in a separate room? Many people think that children's play complexes for shopping centers have greater traffic, and rent there is several times cheaper - this is a misconception.

It is assumed that children disturb parents while shopping, and they leave them in such complexes. The owners of shopping centers are happy about such business and offer low rents. Yet this is not so.

The average cost of children's holidays in the entertainment complex is about 500 rubles. Typically, trips there are planned and done for the children's enjoyment, so being located in a shopping center is not a particular advantage. In addition, large shopping centers have specially created children's rooms. Parents can leave their child there completely free of charge.

From the above we can conclude that a successful children's play complex can be located both in a shopping center and in a separate room.

We select equipment

The next step is to select equipment for the project. At the same time, the main task is to cover the age group as widely as possible. What will be interesting to children aged 5-7 years old will not appeal to 10-12 year olds at all. Therefore, when choosing equipment, you need to take into account the needs of different age groups - this will help increase the number of visitors to the establishment.

The set of equipment for a children's entertainment center usually includes: soft trampolines, multi-level game labyrinths, various game simulators, small rubber slides; sports equipment - balls, educational games and other things.

Some complexes have plasma TVs on which children can watch cartoons. The set can be supplemented with something new over time. The cost of equipment varies depending on the quality and manufacturer of the product.

A game labyrinth can cost approximately 400,000 rubles, and an inflatable trampoline can cost 100,000 or more. To begin with, it is recommended to purchase a minimum set, which will include one children's labyrinth (20 m2, about 200,000 rubles), a chair and table for an employee (about 10,000 rubles), lockers for clothes (about 800 rubles for 1 section). With further development of the business, equipment can be purchased.

When purchasing equipment, the main condition is the availability of documents confirming that the product is not dangerous for children and is made in accordance with all standards. The manufacturer is also obliged to organize assistance with installation, since the installation of the kit must be carried out in accordance with safety regulations. Please review the requirements carefully before installation.

We select personnel

One of the most important steps in organizing a business is recruiting personnel. There is a misconception that young girls are suitable for the position of teacher of such a complex. Only people with pedagogical education can cope with such responsibilities, since children can be very capricious.

The staff is responsible for the children and teenagers who are in the playroom, as well as for the equipment, ensuring compliance with the rules, order and cleanliness. The ideal option is people with pedagogical and medical education who are retired.

Payment for gaming complex services

There are various forms of payment for the services of the complex: hourly payment, one-time payment for entrance, subscriptions for a certain number of visits.

30 minutes of visiting such a room on weekdays will cost about 90 rubles, on weekends and holidays the price can be increased. Typically, in playrooms parents are allowed to accompany a child under 3 years of age free of charge; for accompanying older children a separate fee is charged (from 30 rubles). It will be necessary to set the maximum time the child can spend in the playroom.

An entertainment complex for children will make a profit depending on the season: when it gets colder outside, kids are often sent to such rooms; in the summer, on the contrary, they try to take them out of town, into fresh air, so you shouldn’t count on big profits in the summer months. Also on weekdays, visits will be larger after 6 o'clock, when parents pick up their children from kindergartens and go shopping, leaving their children in the playrooms. It would be more convenient to schedule the work from 9:00 to 21:00.

Main conclusions

To open a children's entertainment complex, about 1,500 million rubles will be required, and most of it will be spent on the purchase and installation of equipment. Such an establishment will be able to pay for itself within a year.

So, this article should help in resolving the issue of how to open a children's entertainment complex. A business plan will also help you with this.

Children, as you know, are the flowers of life. They can make it richer, more interesting, but at the same time they undoubtedly force us to be more responsible and serious. Therefore, on our part, we must also take certain measures that will allow children to diversify and improve their lives. For many of them, studying is very difficult; some love one subject, others love a completely different one. But in most cases, children like those activities that involve movement and physical labor. All this leads to the fact that children incorrectly prioritize in life from the very beginning. That is why you should combine mental and physical activity child. But not all teachers manage to conduct a physical education lesson during the lesson, although the educational standard requires it.

For those adults who think not only about the present, but also about the future of their children, sooner or later the time comes to think about what to do with their child. A children's entertainment center can help parents with this. Most often, such a center is aimed at the youngest children who are just beginning to explore the world. It is here, under the supervision of experienced teachers and educators, that the child will be able to reveal his inclinations, which in the future will need to be developed by parents and teachers. And since it is difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to save on children, opening an entertainment center for children will be a very profitable project.

What does it take to open a children's entertainment center?

So, the entertainment center can be opened anywhere. The main thing is that there are a sufficient number of children in this locality or area. The rest will be done for you by advertising, through which residents can learn about the opening of the center, and admiring reviews from children and their parents. You can start with a small complex, and only then, according to your desires and financial capabilities, you can resort to expansion.

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Children's entertainment center and its features

In order to decide what exactly you are going to open, you need to think carefully about everything. positive sides and possible difficulties you will have to face. If you intend to organize a development center, then you will have to spend much more time and money on this. This is primarily due to the need to obtain a license to carry out educational activities. In the future, you will have to resort to finding competent personnel. With an entertainment center the situation is much simpler. You can start with it, since at first you will need a small staff, and you can perform some functions yourself. Secondly, no special knowledge is required and there will be no need to obtain additional specialization. Thus, if you decide to open an entertainment center, then you will save on registration of entrepreneurship and on wages large quantity workers. Some time later, if desired, it will be possible to obtain a license and recruit the necessary employees. But all this comes later.

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Choosing a location for an entertainment center

In order to open a particular establishment, you should evaluate the level of its profitability not only in a specific locality, but also in the place where you plan to open it. It is quite natural that this center should be in the place large cluster people, and the more children, the better. Experts advise opening such centers near kindergartens, especially if there are few of them in the city. On the way to and from kindergarten, the child will definitely want to go to one or another playroom. In addition, educators will be able to organize group visits to the center. For those settlements where the number of children's institutions is catastrophically small, the entertainment center will be a salvation. The next option for locating a center for children is rented space in large shopping and entertainment centers. Here, while parents are shopping or doing some procedures, the child will be able to jump around, play enough and just have a good time in the company of his peers.

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Documents required to open a children's center

The first step is to contact Gospozhnadzor or Rospotrebnadzor in your locality. Here you will be clearly explained all the necessary nuances and advised on local legislation applicable to organizations for children.

To do this, you will need to familiarize yourself with international safety standards, regulations regarding children's equipment, and the rules for children in such institutions.

After this, you go to the tax office to register as individual entrepreneur. This is not too expensive and allows you to benefit from preferential tax rates in the future. Code in classification economic activity select “other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment.” After this, all that remains is to register with Pension Fund and open the center itself.

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Entertainment center equipment

First of all, you will need a room. Most often, at the initial stages it is rented. This allows you to save on the purchase of an entire building. The first entertainment center can have dimensions within 70 square meters. m. In such a room there can be no more than 15 children at the same time, whose age ranges from 3 to 12 years. Each group of 5 children must be assigned a worker. This is all about the game room. For it you will need 3 thematic zones. The first one is adapted for active rest: sports, dancing, outdoor games. It usually contains swings, wall bars, slides, balls, hoops, and jump ropes. The second zone is reserved for themed games. It contains toys: dolls, construction sets, cars, soft toys. And the third zone is the zone didactic games. It is characterized by the presence of furniture: tables and chairs, materials that make it possible to familiarize children with this or that information. They can be traditional: maps, books, visual aids, or innovative: projector, computer, etc.

Sometimes special game labyrinths are purchased for the first zone. They immediately contain everything you need for physical development children. It can be purchased ready-made or ordered in specific sizes. Labyrinth with an area of ​​20 square meters. meters costs about 200,000 rubles. Another element of the active recreation area is the trampoline. It does not take up much space, but it can only be installed in a room with high ceilings. The cost of a trampoline varies between 60-100 thousand rubles. So, opening a small entertainment center will cost approximately 1,000,000 rubles. Of this, approximately 10% will be spent on arranging the rented area, 10% - on paying rent, 60% - on purchasing equipment, 10% - on wages employees and another 10% for registration of the organization.

Don’t forget that the equipment must include furniture for the establishment’s employees: a table in the reception area, a chair, a computer. A cooler with warm and cold water. In addition, a toilet should be located next to the playrooms. And if children under 7 years old study at the center, then an employee of the center must accompany them to the toilet.

“All the best for children!” - a thesis that has long been catchphrase, when the conversation turns to the younger generation. Of course, it probably doesn't work as well as it sounds. But this does not prevent scientists from coming up with new concepts of education, and other, no less talented people, coming up with new games, entertainment, services and products for children that make life easier for parents. Fundamentally new kindergartens, children's clubs, development and entertainment centers are also being built. You can purchase from well-established companies even in a large metropolis and not worry about attracting clients.

Opening a children's development center - where to start?

Of course, you need to start opening a children's entertainment center by drawing up a business plan and calculating expected expenses. You also need to think about advertising, qualified personnel, suitable correct premises and much more. Unfortunately, this type of activity is unlikely to be suitable for ordinary entrepreneurs and ordinary people. After all, this is not just a business, it is a type of activity that requires certain pedagogical knowledge and love for children, just as discovery requires knowledge and love for sports.

What is needed to open a children's development center?

It is not difficult to guess that the basis of the foundations is in the discovery children's center This:

  • Official registration of the company's activities;
  • Recruitment;
  • Finding the right premises;
  • Purchase of equipment and acquisition of methods.

Registration of activities

First of all, your development must comply with both certain standards in the availability and execution of documentation, and safety standards. Next, you need to decide what form your organization will take: individual entrepreneurship or limited liability company. In addition, do not forget about sanitary standards and fire safety requirements.

Advice: At first, it is advisable to entrust your documentation to experienced lawyers, especially if you are new to business. You will have to spend some money, but it will still be cheaper than redoing and fixing mistakes over and over again.

Selecting a room

The premises, first of all, must be comfortable and spacious and must certainly comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards. You should also think about ensuring that the building is in a convenient location, and that the interior creates positive mood. Still, the building should please the eyes of children, which is very important, especially in childhood.


Staff should be selected from the “standard set” of any children's center or kindergarten and supplemented by a group of preferred teachers. To decide on the composition of such a group, you first need to decide on the specifics of your center’s work. Teachers, if any, should be chosen from people who have Teacher Education and loving children. At first, it is better to deal with experienced educators, who will help the center earn a good reputation.

Of course, the larger your center, the more staff you will have to hire. But the minimum wage costs will be approximately 100 thousand rubles per month, taking into account the rate of a teacher or educator of 200 rubles. Although, on the other hand, piecework and mixed payment options are possible.


Despite the fact that opening a children's development center does not involve production, you will still have to purchase some equipment. Namely:

  • Methodological equipment and materials - about 100 thousand rubles
  • Educational and office furniture for employees - about 100-150 thousand rubles
  • Household appliances – plus another 150 thousand rubles.

How to open a children's development center - business plan

So, before you start opening a children's development center, you must first draw up a business plan. When compiling it, one should take into account the concentration of similar centers in the area chosen for work. In addition, you should prepare for the fact that at first you will only have to deal with expenses, and income may be minimal. But you will need to be patient. However, if you want to start or prepare for, yours won’t be much simpler than this.

Main and additional activities

Children's centers are often used by parents instead of kindergartens, which are often overcrowded. Children spend almost the whole day there, and in addition to meals, walks and games, they participate in developmental and educational activities. However, with proper preparation of the work, it is possible to include in the activities of the center the holding of holidays and events for children for an additional fee. For example, these could be concerts and performances, the cost of which will be about 1-4 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity and duration, birthday parties, the cost of which can be stated at about 10 thousand rubles, as well as individual holidays, fully organized and occupied by paraphernalia and gifts.


The additional profit from holding events and holidays is already quite a decent amount. But income from primary and main activities can be easily calculated. It will consist of how much subscriptions for children to visit your center will cost and their number. In addition, the entire center can be divided into groups different ages, varying degrees of development and different purposes. Accordingly, the prices for subscriptions for all these groups will be different:

  • Group full day– about 10-20 thousand rubles per month, which is approximately 500-700 rubles for a one-time visit. In some cases, prices can be raised if parents are offered unique and expensive methods and products for child development.
  • Groups early development will not amount to much income. As a rule, kids don’t come for the whole day, which means parents don’t have to pay much for them. Approximately 200-300 rubles per day (2-3 hours) for a one-time visit and 4-6 thousand rubles per month.
  • Groups half day very popular now. They were invented so that parents could calmly go about their business, leaving the baby in the care of caregivers and teachers not for the whole day, but for several hours. For this pleasure, they usually have to pay 300-500 rubles at a time or 10-15 thousand per month.
  • Special groups according to profiles are created with the aim of identifying and developing children’s abilities in science, creativity, languages, etc. This is useful because children can already decide on their interests and future activities at an early stage of development. Depending on whether such groups will be created only for classes or whether the kids will fully spend the whole day in the center, payment can vary from 300 to 1000 rubles for a one-time visit and from 10 to 30 thousand rubles per month.
  • Some classes according to profiles will require payment of 200-300 rubles per hour; parents will have to pay 4-10 thousand rubles per month.

Advertising for a child development center

A child in a children's center should receive not only development, but also different types entertainment, otherwise it will simply not be interesting to him. This is also worth mentioning in advertising in order to arouse the child’s interest before he even meets him at the doors of your children’s center. However, it will be much more difficult to promote a business than a similar one.

It is worth noting that today it is very popular due to the economic and financial situation. But in Russia it will also be profitable to use a franchise when opening a children’s center - this way you won’t have to spend a lot on advertising and spend a lot of time on promotion. But if you decide to run a business on your own, you should think about:

  • Advertising on billboards. Placing such advertising in a city format will cost the customer approximately 10 thousand rubles. Advertising on a standard billboard can be somewhat more expensive - 20-40 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising in the metro (accordingly, suitable only for those cities that have a metro). This place is very profitable and convenient for advertising, which means it would be a sin not to use it. The cost of such a service will cost approximately 20 thousand rubles. In addition, you can place it in cars for 2-4 thousand rubles.
  • Internet. Perhaps the most cost-effective advertising will be on your global network. Moreover, these can be either their own sites, or advertising banners on other people’s sites, or elementary advertisements on free virtual bulletin boards.
  • Auto advertising. Advertising on vehicles is charged according to the banner area. Its cost will be approximately 1-2 thousand rubles per square meter. In minibuses and buses, the service will cost 10-20 thousand per month.
  • “Word of mouth” has not been canceled. Make more contacts. In addition, you can do days open doors and provide free trial classes to potential clients.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

What is the opening of a children's development center today? First of all, this is not only a business, but also a hobby for its creator. Children learn and have fun, parents do not worry about where to place their child, do not think about time, and the entrepreneur does what he loves and useful thing. In addition, given the great demand for child care facilities, this type of activity will be very profitable for its owner.

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