
Russian national cuisine is simply overflowing with a wide variety of cooking recipes. The Slavs themselves, and all guests of post-Soviet states, like them.

One of the most favorite dishes of Russian cuisine is pancakes, for which there are a huge number of recipes. You can make a good business out of this stable income, so many novice businessmen are interested in the question: how to open a pancake shop from scratch?

Pancakes are considered a universal dish, served for both breakfast and dinner. Here everything depends on the imagination of the housewife.

Often, for a number of reasons, people do not have the opportunity to eat at home, so they use the services of restaurants, cafeterias, and various eateries. Pancake establishments are also always filled with visitors who want to try a unique dish with a wide variety of with different fillings.

Entrepreneurs who once dared to invest their own money in a pancake shop have long been satisfied with this choice. Opening this establishment is a pretty good option for people who have little capital to start their own business.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a pancake cafe

How to open a pancake shop?

Collection of documents

Every business starts with registration necessary documents, its registration, drawing up a business plan. To register a pancake shop, you can take the legal form of either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC.

If the issue with the cafe premises has already been resolved, then you can collect documents to obtain permission to carry out trading activities for the SES and fire inspection.

If you have money, but don’t have the desire or time to deal with paperwork, you can turn to a specialized agency for help, whose employees will collect the necessary package of documents in the shortest possible time.

Selecting a room

Where to begin?

  • Selecting premises for a pancake cafe is a fairly serious undertaking that needs to be taken with the utmost responsibility. The profitability of the business will depend on its location.
  • The most favorable places for organizing pancake establishments are city parks, railways, bus stations, streets with high traffic volumes, etc.
  • You can open a mobile pancake shop. To do this, you will need a car with a trailer equipped with all the required equipment.
  • Businessmen with a fairly large investment fund may well consider creating their own stationary cafe, which will have a room with tables for eating and a fairly wide range of dishes on offer.
  • The area of ​​a pancake house with the ability to simultaneously serve 15 clients must be at least 40 square meters.
  • If the opportunity arises, it would be very original to build a small gazebo near a pond.


To operate the kitchen you will need to purchase special equipment. Depending on the range of dishes that will subsequently be sold in the pancake establishment, you may need the following equipment:

  • Pancake makers are the main element of equipment for a cafe of this type, on which it is not recommended to save. The quality of the equipment will determine the product itself, respectively, sales volumes, and the profitability of the cafeteria. It is best to buy equipment from foreign manufacturers.
  • To prepare pancake batter, you will need a professional mixer. In this case, quality is also important! Preference to foreign manufacturers!
  • Coffee machines.
  • Blender.
  • Refrigerators.
  • To store prepared dishes you need to purchase a special counter.
  • Kitchen furniture: tables, sinks, shelves should be made of stainless steel.
  • Kitchen utensils – boards for cutting ingredients, knives, etc.
  • Furniture for the client room.

Most pancake cafes with a large flow of people automate the production of pancakes. For this purpose, special machines are used, with the help of which about 350 pancakes can be produced in one hour.

Many people today are interested in the question: How to open a pancake shop from scratch and how much will it cost? If you do not take into account the costs of renting and purchasing premises, the cost of which differs significantly in different regions, cities, preparation of the necessary documentation, then to organize this type of business you need to have about 1.5 million rubles. This amount will be enough to purchase all the necessary equipment and furniture for the pancake cafeteria. If you initially purchase used equipment, costs will be significantly reduced.

Pancake assortment

Of course, at first, due to the lack of sufficient funds, you can use various free advertising platforms, which sometimes also work very effectively!

If the location of the establishment is chosen well, then the matter will depend on the quality of the prepared pancakes, as well as the dishes offered by the owner of the cafe. In this case, much attention should be paid to preparing the pancake dough and filling.

A wide variety of fillings can be added to traditional pancakes, of which today there are more than thirty types. Therefore, in your own cafeteria it is necessary to use them as much as possible, since each person has his own tastes and food preferences. If the pancake shop has sufficient space, then it is worth offering customers additional cold snacks, etc.


Every woman can learn how to make pancakes; you just need to learn how to use a pancake maker.

A couple of workers will be enough to make pancakes and coffee in a small stall. If you plan to offer additional dishes in parallel with pancakes, then it is recommended to hire a cook with vocational education. For the efficient operation of a pancake cafe, 3–4 employees will be enough.


Staff of an average cafe, staff salaries:

  • Cook - 22 thousand rubles.
  • Assistant cook - 17 thousand rubles.
  • Waiter - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Dishwasher – 10 thousand rubles.
  • Cleaning lady - 10 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses for paying staff - 72 thousand rubles.


  • Capital investments - about 3.5 million rubles.
  • Monthly revenue is about 1.5 million rubles.
  • Net profit - about 175 thousand rubles.
  • Payback period is about 2 years.

The high pace of life has made snacking on the run with foreign semi-chemical sandwiches and hamburgers common. Stomachs cannot stand this attitude for long, and now the already hungry client turns his head around in search of not only satisfying, but also healthy food. Come to his aid - offer piping hot, piping hot, our original Russian pancakes.

The dish, which has become a real symbol of national cuisine, needs no introduction even to foreigners, and our compatriots, whose childhood mornings began with a cup of milk and a ruddy pile of lace suns, will even more so appreciate this option. By the way, one pancake without filling and sauces, but made from natural high-quality ingredients, will not cost more than 1–2 rubles. And it sells for no less than 10–12 rubles. Have you calculated your income? Added the added bonus of selling toppings, gravies and drinks? Impressive? Then let's figure out how to open a pancake shop yourself.

According to experts, two formats of pancake shops work equally successfully - stationary and mobile. The requirements for choosing a location will be approximately the same - streets with an intense flow of people and places with the largest concentration of people:

  • exits of metro stations and busy underground passages in areas of transport stops;
  • large educational establishments- universities, institutes;
  • railway stations and bus stations;
  • large office centers;
  • shopping centers, markets and roads leading to them;
  • tourist attractions, parks and recreation areas.

A mobile pancake house has an undeniable advantage - mobility. It is possible to settle in summer closer to recreation centers or a park, and in winter - on a busy square or avenue. Another advantage will be the relatively small initial investment. Minus - limited area kiosk, which seriously narrows the range and makes it impossible to equip full-fledged places for food, only a tent with plastic furniture.

Stationary pancake shop - more high level, which, on the one hand, will require more serious preparation and financial costs, and on the other, will provide an opportunity to expand and supplement the menu with a variety of Russian cuisine - hot soups, cabbage soup, salads and desserts.

In such a pancake house you can create an attractive interior in the national style and a cozy atmosphere, and this will definitely attract additional visitors. In terms of area, calculate approximately 2 m² per seat, about 10–15 m² for the kitchen and 10 m² for utility and sanitary rooms. In total, it makes sense to select options from 60 m². This type of cafe also works well in large residential areas. By the way, a business plan for a pancake shop should include detailed description format of the institution, required premises and equipment.

Business registration and equipment selection

The first thing you need to do is register with local authorities and the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For a small business, an individual entrepreneur (individual) is more convenient with lower registration costs - about 800 rubles, simplified reporting, fixed monthly insurance premiums of 1727.30 rubles. and contributions to Pension Fund RUB 1,444.04

Next, the administration will obtain permission to install or open a retail outlet, having previously agreed with the sanitary and epidemiological supervision and the fire service. Exist law firms who professionally collect all permitting documents and will help solve all the problems at the initial stage. And the entrepreneur will be able to focus on purchasing equipment and recruiting personnel.

For a small mobile point, two employees in shifts will be enough. A stationary pancake house will require 1-2 cooks depending on the work schedule, 3-4 kitchen workers, the same number of waiters and 2 administrators.

If a businessman doesn't buy ready business, and is thinking about how to open a pancake shop from scratch, then you need to consider all offers of suitable equipment in the region. There are often profitable sales of used devices, but in excellent condition.

Note: You can download a ready-made business plan for a pancake shop from our partners with a quality guarantee!

Scroll necessary equipment small, and the quantity and overall dimensions must be selected in accordance with the area of ​​the room:

  • pancake makers. 10,000–12,000 rub. There is no need to save money on them; take professional, reliable devices. There are one- and two-post models on the market with the ability to bake up to 40 pancakes per hour, made in Italy, China, Taiwan and Ukraine. They operate from the mains, differ in coating - Teflon or cast iron, body material and the possibility or lack of heating of the finished product;
  • professional dough mixer. 3,000–4,200 rub. Reliable - made in Germany with mode switching and power from 3.5 kW;
  • refrigerated counter or refrigerator. Raw foods and prepared dishes must be stored strictly separately;
  • counter for storing prepared dishes;
  • coffee machine. Drinks are an additional significant income, so the device must be productive;
  • blender, vegetable cutter, cutting boards, knives, spatulas.

In a stationary pancake house, the list of equipment will expand to include a stove, an electric meat grinder and other devices for preparing fillings.

Operating expenses, profit and menu formation

On average, a pancake shop as a business will require costs from $10,000 to $25,000, excluding rental or purchase of premises. According to successful owners, the project pays for itself in 1–1.5 years, provided it has a good location and competent management.

It will cost $3,500–$4,300 monthly to maintain operations. These are approximately the following costs:

  • products -$3000;
  • plastic dishes, napkins, packaging - $300;
  • employee salary - $600;
  • utility bills (electricity, garbage removal, water) - $200;
  • taxes and deductions - $200.

Approximately, the gross income of such a small point will be $5000–6000. Therefore, you can expect $1000–2000 in profit per month. And this is very good for such a small investment in business.

Just when planning how to open a pancake shop, where to start, look through cookbooks, ask professional chefs and friends who simply love to cook. Collect a collection of the most best recipes pancakes and fillings. After all, in classical Russian cuisine alone there are more than 150 variants of this wonderful dish.

In addition to the popular varieties with chicken, cheese and mushrooms, people willingly buy sweet fillings - apples with cinnamon, cottage cheese, condensed milk, honey and chocolate. Experiment, constantly add something of your own. Surprise and deliciously feed a hungry client - and he will become your regular loyal customer. Successful business on pancakes!

It so happened that pancakes have always been a popular product in Russia, which is prepared both for dessert and as a main course. The demand for pancakes is due to their satiety, easy recipe and inexpensive ingredients. This dish has become a symbol of Maslenitsa, it is associated with many Russian traditions, so the opening of a pancake house in which they cook delicious pancakes in assortment, can become very profitable investment funds, because there will always be interest in the dish.

At first glance, business is subject to economic influence, because in a crisis, for example, people will not spend money on going to establishments. At the same time, if you set reasonable prices for pancakes, customers will not be able to deny themselves the pleasure of going to your cafe. Such formats, as a rule, only benefit during a crisis. In addition, there are a small number of players in the market, which means that you can always stand out and be the first in your region.

People will be attracted by a wide range of their favorite dishes, fast cooking speed, and affordable prices for the product.

In cities with a population of up to 4 million people, up to 30 such pancake shops can be opened.

The initial investment amount is 954 800 rubles

Break-even point is reached on the third month of work.

Payback period 10 months.

Average net profit: 158 870 rubles

2. Description of the business, product or service

Possible options for opening a pancake shop:

A separate establishment with its own production, which offers visitors a wide range of products to take away;

A separate establishment, which includes the sale of products + a mini-cafe where visitors can taste the products at tables;

Pancake shop in mall, where all visitors can have a snack and stock up on products for drinking tea at home.

This business plan will consider the option of opening a pancake shop with its own production in a separate building in a cafe format. Dishes are ordered at the checkout, the client can pick them up when they are ready, so there is no need for waiters in this format of the establishment.

The range includes: different kinds filled pancakes, sweet types of pancakes, drinks.

Thus, the pancake shop offers a wide range of products that you can have for breakfast, eat instead of lunch, or buy home after work. The business is not subject to pronounced seasonality, but in the winter and autumn months people go to pancake shops more often.

Pancake house opening hours: 10:00-20:00 daily for the sales area and 9:00 to 19:00 for the kitchen.

3. Description of the sales market

Since the products of pancake shops are not essential goods, the buyers are people with average and above average incomes. They can afford to have lunch in a cafe, take pancakes as a treat on the table, such people value speed of work, individual packaging, healthy ingredients, unique taste and are willing to pay for it.

The target audience can be divided into two geographical segments: 70% of clients are residents of nearby houses, and 30% are random passers-by and regular clients.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance contributions, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

According to calculations, the average monthly profit is 158,870 rubles, provided that the pancake shop is located in a passable and lively place. The project will pay for itself within 10 months after opening, which is quite fast for the catering industry. The sales calculation takes into account sales of products in three areas: filled pancakes, sweet pancakes, drinks; revenue is calculated based on average prices on the market. The profitability of business sales is 32%. In addition, after the successful launch of this project, you can expand the network of pancake houses in your city, so the potential profit can be much higher.

8. Risk factors

As with any other type of business, opening a pancake shop is associated with certain risks, such as:

  • Damage to products due to low sales. You can organize promotions and sell products at a discount (for example, in evening time). It is also recommended to analyze current sales to be able to forecast demand;
  • Risk of damage to the pancake maker and other equipment. You need to buy equipment from trusted suppliers, and also monitor its proper operation;
  • A large number of players in the market. To reduce this risk, designate your competitive advantages, follow the offers of other pancake shops, introduce new promotions;
  • Decreased demand. It is necessary to analyze the reason for the decline in sales, add additional products to the assortment, collect customer feedback, and adjust the price level.

The accelerating pace of our lives dictates not only changes in lifestyle, but also changes in nutrition. Thus, snacking on the run, so-called hamburgers and sandwiches, consisting almost half of chemical additives, has long become part of our Everyday life. But every year the number of people who care about their health and are increasingly thinking about what they eat is growing. And the popularity of familiar and natural food is growing. Pancakes with various fillings can easily become such a natural and familiar snack. They are quite convenient to eat both on the run, neatly packaged, and sitting in a cozy restaurant. Many who want to open their own small business, often wonder how to open a pancake shop from scratch.

Business plan

To draw up a business plan for a pancake shop, you need to decide what kind of pancake shop you will have - stationary or mobile. We will look at a business plan for a small stationary pancake house.

To understand how profitable opening a pancake shop can be, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the size of the upcoming expenses. So, the upcoming expenses:

  • furniture and equipment from 260 thousand rubles;
  • products for cooking from 40 thousand rubles per month;
  • rent from 80 thousand rubles per month;
  • staff salaries from 120 thousand rubles per month;
  • utilities from 25 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising from 15 thousand rubles per month;
  • registration of documents from 20 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses from 15 thousand rubles per month.

Total expenses in the first six months will amount to 1,990 thousand rubles, plus taxes must be paid depending on the form of taxation.

According to experts and owners of such businesses, the payback for such projects occurs in about a year to a year and a half, but this condition is met with the right choice of location and a successful business strategy.

Selecting a room

What's good pancake business, because you can open both a small stationary cafe and a mobile outlet. The requirements for the premises, both stationary and mobile, are almost the same: the point must be located in areas with good human traffic and comply with fire and sanitary safety standards.

A good place could be:

  • bus and train stations;
  • university district;
  • office and shopping centers;
  • parks;
  • markets.

A huge advantage over stationary point has a mobile pancake house - it can be moved to the area of ​​folk festivals dedicated to some holiday or, depending on the season and day of the week, moved to places with largest cluster of people.

And the initial capital requirements for a mobile outlet are more flexible. The only drawback will be the inability to present a wide range of ready-made dishes.

Read also: How to open your own bar from scratch: business plan

At the same time, a stationary pancake shop can provide a wide range of not only pancakes with fillings, but also various dishes of national cuisine. Of course, such a cafe will require large investments, but one decorated, for example, in the style of a village hut, will attract more visitors and the average bill will be higher.

If you prefer a stationary format, then the area of ​​the room should correspond to the number of seats for visitors. Each visitor should have about 2 square meters. Additionally you need about 15 square meters for the kitchen area and at least 8-10 square meters for the utility room. Accordingly, the room for a stationary pancake house will be from 70 square meters.

Naturally, the pancake house must have all the necessary communications - water, sewerage and electricity.


Where to start opening a pancake shop? Of course, with all the necessary documents completed!

First you need to draw up title documents. To do this, you can register a limited liability company (LLC) or an individual enterprise (IP). If you are planning to make a small cafe or mobile outlet, it will be easier to register as an individual entrepreneur. When registering, you must select and indicate the code of the all-Russian species classification economic activity(OKVED). For a pancake shop, OKVED code 56 is the activity of providing food and drinks.

Then you need to decide on the taxation system and obtain permits from local authorities. After this, having brought the rented premises into compliance with the requirements of sanitary, epidemiological and fire supervision, obtain permission to open from these organizations.

Pancake shop equipment

Of course, both stationary and mobile pancake shops require equipment for preparing pancakes and other dishes. Here sample list required equipment:

  • pancake makers;
  • mixer for preparing dough;
  • fridge;
  • counter for storing and selling finished products;
  • kitchen utensils (bowls, spatulas, etc.);
  • furniture;
  • dishes.

Let's take a closer look at each type of equipment. There are professional and household pancake makers, single and double station, cast iron and aluminum, with or without Teflon coating. Mixers for kneading dough may differ in the presence of attachments and power. A refrigerator and a refrigerated counter are necessary in order to comply with the requirement for separate storage of different types of raw materials, as well as to separate finished products from raw materials for cooking.

It is highly undesirable to skimp on the quality of equipment, since low-quality equipment will constantly break down and interfere with the good functioning of the cafe.

If you are very strapped for money and you cannot afford new high-quality equipment, then you can buy used equipment from good condition. Often such equipment is sold by large chains of restaurants and cafes in connection with equipment upgrades. Furniture for a pancake house should match the style of the establishment, if it is a stylized stationary cafe or be high-quality plastic furniture for a mobile outlet. The dishes are disposable in the case of a mobile outlet and reusable if the cafe is stationary.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

500,000 ₽

Starting investments

225,000 - 450,000 ₽

60,000 - 120,000 ₽

Net profit

7-10 months

Payback period

A pancake kiosk is a catering format that is accessible even to novice entrepreneurs. The technology is simple, the investment is about 500 thousand rubles, and the net profit can be 120 thousand rubles.

For many entrepreneurs, the catering industry is a “tidbit”, since it is very profitable business. To open your own establishment, you don’t have to invest millions. You can choose a budget fast food format and stay within the budget of 500 thousand rubles.

Establishments fast food can be divided into two groups. The first is represented by small kiosks or pavilions that sell hot dogs, shawarma, pies, etc. The second group is fast food restaurants that offer hamburgers, pizza, etc. But pancakes, despite the fact that they are a traditional product, are underestimated by many. Usually pancakes appear on the menu as one of the additional dishes, although they can be an excellent fast food option.

IN last years There is an increase in the popularity of pancake kiosks and cafes. At the same time, the niche is quite free. If you wish, you can open your own pancake kiosk and develop your business into a whole network. Let's figure out how to open a pancake kiosk from scratch.

Local market analysis

Today, pancake chains, including stationary kiosks, occupy a large share of the domestic market. It is with them that the newcomer will have to compete. To prepare to fight for your client, you will have to collect as much information as possible about the market situation.

    study the competitive environment of your city: how many pancake shops operate in the local market, where they are located. To do this, use services such as 2GIS, Google Maps, etc.;

    select suitable locations for placing a kiosk and evaluate each option according to the following criteria: pedestrian traffic, presence of target audience, distance to competitors;

    familiarize yourself with competitors’ offers, menus, prices, business features;

Opening a pancake kiosk is a rather complicated business, like any catering establishment. To succeed in the market, you need to carefully plan all stages. Therefore, it is recommended to draw up a business plan based on the information collected. He must answer the following questions:

    How much money does it take to open a pancake kiosk?

    What documents will be required?

    What equipment do you need to purchase?

    How many employees will need to be hired?

    What items will be on the menu?

    How long will it take to open a business?

    How much can you earn?

The business plan must contain a calculation of initial investments, income and expenses, payback period, as well as time frames preparatory stage, rough plan sales



    relatively small investment, if we compare the catering industry;

    high demand for fast food;

    simple technological process;

    no professional chefs required. It’s easy to master the cooking technology, which minimizes problems with staff;

    low level of competition in this segment;

    fast food with a national flavor that inspires confidence;

    at the kiosk, food is prepared in front of the consumer, which also inspires trust;

    hearty pancakes will become a healthier alternative to the usual fast food;

    hot pancakes are in demand in any season;

    quickly served to the client;

    cheap in cost and profitable to sell (margin up to 300%);

    pancake kiosk can be opened as in big city, and in a small

    the need to obtain permits and strict requirements for catering establishments;

    regular inspections by regulatory authorities;

    competition in the public catering market;

    The space for preparing food is limited, which means it is impossible to offer a very wide menu

We counted more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, we can move from theory to practice. Opening a business should begin with its registration.

Business registration

Catering is one of the most difficult types of business in terms of collecting permits. Therefore, you should stock up on patience, strength and money. Even for such a small establishment as a pancake kiosk, you will have to fill out a full package of documents. This will cost about 15 thousand rubles.

First you need to register your business. You can choose individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is more profitable to form an individual entrepreneur if you plan to open only one kiosk, and it is more rational to use an LLC for a chain of pancake shops. The following can be specified as a type of activity according to the OKVED-2 classification:

    10.56.24 - Activities of market kiosks and food preparation stalls (if you are planning a stationary kiosk).

    56.10.22 - Activities of mobile food stalls for the preparation and/or sale of ready-to-eat food (if you are planning a mobile kiosk)

You should also choose a taxation system. The simplified tax system at a rate of 6% (of income) is suitable. If you have employees working for you, then you need to register with the extra-budgetary funds of the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund as an employer. You will also have to issue work books for your employees.

The most important and difficult stage is obtaining all permits. To open a pancake kiosk, approvals from the SES, fire inspectorate, and city administration are required. The issue of permitting documentation is covered in more detail.

Pancake kiosk location

In parallel with registering a business, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the location of the kiosk. The key to success is a favorable location for a retail outlet. In the catering industry, this ensures 50% success.

When choosing a location, you should understand who your target audience is. It is not enough to open a kiosk in a crowded place; you need to have many of your potential consumers among pedestrians. Who will it be? Street food in demand among people who are in a hurry and looking for a quick, inexpensive snack. The main clients of the street pancake shop will be office workers, students, and visitors.

Ready ideas for your business

Please note that you will most likely have to conclude a lease agreement with the city administration. Since in this case you will not be renting premises, but land plot, where the kiosk will be located. The rental cost may vary - it all depends on the city and the specific area where the kiosk will be installed. The estimated rental cost is 15 thousand rubles.

For a small pancake kiosk, 8-10 square meters will be enough. m. average cost such a kiosk costs 160 thousand rubles. There are many offers on the market with different configurations and prices. You can even find a “turnkey pancake kiosk” service - this will be more expensive, but easier from an organizational point of view. Ready-made options are usually equipped with the basic equipment necessary to run a business. Quality equipment is one of the factors delicious product, so it is necessary to consider this issue in more detail.

Pancake kiosk equipment

To prepare pancakes at the kiosk you will need the following equipment:

    Pancake maker for two working surfaces. This is a professional pancake maker that allows you to cook two pancakes at the same time. One pancake is fried for 2 minutes. Those. Using this pancake maker you can cook 2 pancakes in 2 minutes. This is a fairly quick order fulfillment.

    Mixer for kneading liquid dough. To make pancakes you need batter. It can be made in a dough mixer or using a regular mixer.

    Tabletop refrigerated display case. Used to store ingredients while preparing pancakes.

    Fridge. All ingredients for pancakes are stored here: containers with batter, plastic containers with fillings.

    Coffee machine. Coffee or tea is often ordered with pancakes, so it makes sense to install a coffee machine.

    Water dispenser. It is necessary to install a compact sink so that the seller can wash his hands and equipment. This is a mandatory requirement of the SES.

In total, you will have to spend about 120 thousand rubles on equipment.

Assortment of pancake stalls

There is no point in selling regular pancakes without filling. The buyer loves when there is a choice. In addition, pancakes with hearty fillings can replace a full snack. Therefore, when planning a menu, it is worth including pancakes with different fillings, including pancakes with meat, poultry, mushrooms, vegetables, etc., as well as sweet options. Offer a few familiar flavors as well as some creative offerings to diversify the menu and create a unique product. The final list of toppings will be formed later, when you identify the most popular and unpopular items based on sales. Also, do not forget that from time to time the menu needs to be supplemented with new items so that the dishes do not become boring to regular customers.

For drinks, include coffee, tea, hot chocolate, juices and a variety of sodas. When you decide on the menu, you will have to solve the problem with suppliers.

Product suppliers

Before opening a pancake kiosk, it is necessary to establish a supply. The main requirement for food and beverage suppliers is timely delivery of high-quality and fresh products. All products must have quality certificates and comply with GOST requirements.

To calculate the required quantity of products, you should compile technological maps for each dish and sales forecast. You will not receive exact calculations, but the optimal purchase volume can only be determined during the work process.

To begin with, carefully study the offers of different suppliers, check the availability of quality certificates, discuss all the terms of cooperation, and only then enter into an agreement and arrange the supply of products. A monthly supply of products will cost approximately 80 thousand rubles.

You can find one-stop suppliers who will supply all the products you need. Such suppliers guarantee fast deliveries and provide discounts. But the downside is that a complex supplier usually works with large customers and is less loyal to its customers. But small suppliers are ready to take into account the needs of each client and monitor the quality of the goods more seriously.

Ready ideas for your business

Which supplier to choose is up to you. But before you make a decision, analyze the proposals. Make your first purchase of products minimal; order small quantities from different suppliers to compare quality and choose the appropriate option. In the future, make frequent purchases in small quantities. This will maintain the freshness of food and simplify food storage, which is especially important for a small kiosk.

Pancake kiosk staff

At the start, one employee is enough for a pancake kiosk. It is better that the entrepreneur himself becomes this employee. First, you'll save on wages until profits stabilize. Secondly, you will be able to study your business from the inside in more detail. Thirdly, you will be able to control the entire technological process and will be responsible for quality.

At the initial stage, one worker will be enough, but if there are a lot of visitors, then you will need an assistant. Then there will be two people working in the pancake shop: one takes orders, the other prepares pancakes.

So don't rush to hire employees. Cooking pancakes is not a difficult process, almost anyone can handle it. A little on-the-job training and instruction is enough. So finding an assistant will not be difficult. The assistant's salary will be 20-25 thousand rubles. We remind you that each employee must have a health certificate.

Pancake kiosk advertising

To let everyone know about the new pancake shop as soon as possible more people, you need to use advertising. If a novice entrepreneur does not notify potential customers about a new outlet, then this business will be exposed to risks and losses.

Experienced marketers advise starting advertising before the start. Then, by the time you open, you will already have interested consumers. Before planning a marketing strategy, it is recommended to develop a menu. Based on this proposal, advertising will take place.

Various types of advertising can be used for promotion. Outdoor advertising in the form of a bright sign, outdoor pillar, banners, etc. Advertising on social networks, which consists of creating accounts, holding promotions, sweepstakes, etc. On this moment social media are considered the most effective type of advertising. With their help, you can inform your customers about your location, prices, promotions, menus, new products in the range, etc.

For the opening day, you can make a promotion and offer customers a free tasting of the products. Total advertising costs will be about 20 thousand rubles.

Profitability of pancake trade

Before calculating profitability, you need to determine the expenditure and revenue parts of the project. Expenses are the initial investment and monthly costs of running the business. The initial investment will be about 420 thousand rubles. Also take into account an additional 15-20% for risks and include the costs of maintaining the business. Thus, it is rational to open a pancake kiosk, having about 500 thousand rubles on hand.

Monthly expenses average 164 thousand rubles and consist of the following items:

    Costs for ingredients – 80 thousand rubles

    Rent – ​​15 thousand rubles

    Public utilities(garbage removal) – 10 thousand rubles

    Wage staff – 25 thousand rubles

    Other expenses – 10 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the income part. To do this, we will determine the cost and markup. The cost of ingredients for one pancake averages 30-40 rubles, and the cost of preparing it does not exceed 10 rubles. Total - 50 rubles.

    the cost of the pancake is 50 rubles

    The markup on products is 100-400%.

    The average bill is 150 rubles.

Let's move on to the main question: how much can you earn at a pancake kiosk? In a crowded area, a kiosk can serve 50-100 people per day. At daily work It will be possible to complete 1,500 orders in a month. Then the revenue will be 225-450 thousand rubles. This is an optimistic forecast, which is unlikely to be achieved in the first months of work. It is possible to reach such a sales volume in about the 3rd month of work.

If you subtract all the expenses that arise in the process of activity, you will be left with a net profit of 60-120 thousand rubles. With these indicators, the payback period will be: 420,000 / 60,000 = 7. It will take 7-10 months to recoup the initial investment. This is a normal indicator for catering establishments.

The success factors for this business will be:

    favorable location;

    quality equipment;

    thoughtful recipe and menu;

    reliable product suppliers;

    bona fide sellers;

    competent marketing designed for the average consumer.

If these factors combine in your business, then success will definitely come.

Risks of a pancake kiosk

Catering as a business contains many risks that greatly affect the activities of the establishment. But if you predict them in advance and take preventive measures, you can avoid adverse consequences.

Risks specific to a pancake kiosk:

    Competition. There are a huge number of offers on the catering market. Build your competitive advantages, follow updates from other pancake shops;

    Unscrupulous staff. This risk is associated with poor service, theft of products, etc. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully select employees and, if possible, personally supervise the production process. No one is more interested in growing your business than you.

    Errors when choosing a location. For a pancake kiosk, a continuous flow of sales is the key to success. Therefore, before deciding on point of sale, analyze pedestrian traffic, check the presence of the target audience and competitors nearby;

    Errors in planning purchase volumes, which can lead to product damage. To avoid this, you can organize promotions and sell products at a discount. But it is better to plan the volume of purchases in advance, focusing on sales of previous months;

    Risk of damage to the pancake maker and other equipment. To avoid such a problem, you need to buy equipment from trusted suppliers and monitor its serviceability.

In custody

A pancake kiosk is a great idea for a budding entrepreneur who wants to work in the catering industry. By market standards, opening costs are small - 500 thousand rubles will be enough. It is possible to recoup the initial investment in 7-10 months, receiving 60-120 thousand rubles of net profit per month.

Any catering establishment, even a small kiosk, requires a lot of time, attention and money. To succeed, you need to understand the specifics of the business and follow the basic rules of good catering. With proper distribution of all resources, you can open a profitable business.

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