Car wash on this moment profitable business For large city with a short payback period and high income relative to the investment.

So let's look at how to open a car wash, what it takes and how much it costs.

Opening a car wash is a highly profitable and profitable business that is in great demand in any city, because the pace of car sales is constantly growing. Accordingly, the demand for car wash services will only grow. To open a car wash, an entrepreneur does not need any special knowledge. Another plus is that car wash services are not subject to certification.

Among the types of car washes there are manual, portal, and Lately mobile or mobile car washes appeared.

HAND CAR WASHES. In them, washing is carried out by workers using systems that supply water under pressure. Hand washes are relatively cheap, and, oddly enough, the population has more confidence in this type of wash. About 70% of all Moscow washing services are manual car washes with 2-3 stations.

Due to the fact that the work is manual, the throughput at such car washes is low. However, high quality service and a wider range of services provided can make a manual car wash a fairly profitable enterprise.

List of car wash services:

Engine washing,
interior dry cleaning,
body polishing,
rubbing and polishing the interior,
blackening of tires (in particular, as pre-sale preparation), etc.

Such car washes can be located away from busy highways. They are designed for customers who specifically plan to spend a certain amount of time in exchange for quality, comfort and prestige. These washes use manual equipment: first, the abrasive is washed off the surface with a hand-held device, then it is wiped with a soft sponge, then wiped dry, and the master controls the quality of the work. Accordingly, at car washes for this purpose there should be separate premises for customers to relax: cafes, slot machines etc.

At car washes with low throughput, it is quite logical to provide drivers with Additional services, which sometimes bring in no less income than the car wash itself. A car service center, an auto parts store or a tire shop can operate here in parallel.

PORTAL CAR WASHES They are a box in which a washing machine is installed - brushes, cleaning agent supply systems, etc. Portal washes are much more expensive, but they allow you to service many more cars in the same period of time. Accordingly, in order to provide yourself with customers, you need to locate such a car wash in the appropriate place: on highways connecting residential areas of the city with industrial ones, and at the entrances to the city. Or you need to look for a “wholesale” customer among large motor transport enterprises and enter into a washing agreement with him.

Practice also shows that car washes do well at service stations, gas stations and car parks. Another option is the construction of car washes near hypermarkets, where many cars gather on weekends.

High-performance washers are designed for customers who value their time and benefit from high throughput. The list of services at such a car wash will be minimal. The average service time for one car should not exceed 10-15 minutes. The only equipment needed here is automatic - portal or tunnel washing - with a capacity of 12-100 cars per hour. And the use of manual labor is reduced to a minimum. Of course, wage costs are also reduced.

How much does it cost to open a car wash?

Calculate rental costs (here you need to find out the data for a specific location) and add the cost of equipment:

Apparatus high pressure to supply water to one post – $500-1300,
high-pressure apparatus with heated water – $1800-3000,
used water purification system – $4800-6600,
washing vacuum cleaner or vacuum cleaner – $400-550,
compressor – $200-250.

Owners of Moscow car washes prefer to work with imported equipment. Up to 80% of the equipment in use is from the German company Karcher. Italian and Danish equipment is also quoted. And among domestic equipment, only units for technical purification of used water are usually actively used.

To equip a post with an automatic portal car wash from Karcher, you will have to spend at least 100 thousand dollars.

The main consumables are shampoo, dry cleaning, polishing, engine cleaning, wheel rims and bumpers. You have to spend about $300 a month on them if the car wash services 30-40 cars a day.

Car wash room

In this type of business the best option there will be a rental of ready-made premises, since the construction of this kind of premises requires complex approvals and permits from various authorities (approximately 160 approvals with signatures from officials alone must be obtained). And the cost of building a car wash, including design work and connection to utility networks is unlikely to be less than 3 million rubles, and this will significantly increase the payback period.

When choosing a location, you must also take into account the requirements of the authorities and the SES. Since a car wash works with large volumes of water and can affect the environment, there are increased requirements to such enterprises. For example, sinks cannot be located closer than 70 m to residential buildings. In addition, direct discharge of used water into sewers is generally prohibited. There is, of course, equipment with a closed water cycle, but it is much more expensive, so it’s up to you to decide whether to use it or not.

How to select staff for a car wash

Not the least factor influencing the profitability of a car wash is the strict selection of personnel. Experienced entrepreneurs prefer employees who understand cars.

If a car wash services a lot of foreign cars, an irresponsible or careless employee can easily bring losses to the company: even at a manual car wash, you can accidentally damage the car body, and if it is a car worth over $100 thousand, such a scratch can be costly for your company.

Car wash operation

As a rule, car washes operate around the clock or in one or two day shifts. In a manual two- or three-post wash, two washers usually work in one bay, plus a senior person working over all posts in a shift. Washers are paid piecework. Usually this is 20-40% of daily revenue, which is distributed to the entire shift team. Mostly men are hired as washers, because this work in itself is physically quite difficult. At car washes with high-quality service, managers also work on a permanent basis, who monitor the quality of the car wash and hand over the finished car to the client.

The most popular service is body washing. To this you can add washing the underbody, wheels, engine, carpets, interior cleaning, dry cleaning, etc. The final price depends on what services the car owner who comes to the car wash wants to receive.

One manual washing station can service 4-5 cars per hour.

Cost of services for the city:

car body wash – 100-300 rubles,
vacuum the interior - 50-150 rubles,
dry cleaning of the interior - 3000-6000 rubles.

Moreover, the price level does not depend on the location of the sink, but on its prestige, which includes modern design, advanced washing technologies and quality of service.

How much can you earn at a car wash?

A manual car wash can earn at least $8,000 a month.

Let's calculate your monthly expenses:
Revenue $8000
Expenses $5385
– for renting a land plot (300 sq. m) $150
– for staff salaries (10 people) $4000
– for technical needs (purchase of chemicals, cosmetics and other Supplies, diesel fuel for heating water, spare parts) $550
- on public utilities(water, sewerage, electricity) 435
– for disposal of dirty water $250
Profit (without taxes) $2615
A two-station manual car wash can achieve approximately this result, subject to daily maintenance of 35-40 passenger cars. It is assumed that the premises and equipment are the property of the owner.

If you are planning to rent premises for a car wash, then instead of renting a plot of land, consider renting premises. According to various sources, the rent for a two-post car wash near a gas station can be up to 150 thousand rubles. per month, but, according to experts, the revenue of such a car wash reaches 400 thousand rubles. monthly, fully covering costs and also providing 100 thousand rubles. arrived.

The profitability of a washing business is usually not lower than 30%, and can reach 100% or more. The level of profitability is influenced by the location of the car wash, personnel, the vagaries of equipment, and seasonality.

You can buy equipment on credit; some offers are given, but this requires an additional thorough study of the market and demand in the place of the intended car wash.

When opening a particular business, the main issue becomes the profitability of this event. This criterion is key when choosing your field of activity. Of course, no one can predict future profits with 100% accuracy, but it is quite possible to paint the overall picture.

A person who decides to open a car wash, regardless of the reason that prompted him to do so (dream, desire to organize own business, the intention to invest financial resources wisely or simply a lucky coincidence), acts, at least, far-sightedly. After all, a car wash is not just a stable and sustainable enterprise, but also a very profitable business that anyone can do, regardless of their existing business experience. However, the car wash business, like any other, has not only advantages, but also some, albeit minor, disadvantages.

Is a car wash really a guaranteed demand?

The question posed in the subtitle is absolutely not far-fetched. Anyone who has seen the queues in front of car washes cannot help but respond positively. However, some entrepreneurs, especially beginners, trying to have some illusory right to a monopoly, are trying to invent new idea, which would allow them to avoid competition. However, a monopolist and a successful businessman are not always related concepts. A seller of, for example, square balls is, by definition, a monopolist, but one cannot expect him to have a large clientele.

The most promising strategy for a developing business is to focus sales on products that are in high demand. And this is quite logical, since reinventing the wheel is not only futile, but also expensive.

There is no need to be afraid of competition, because it is a kind of engine of entrepreneurship. Therefore, while the number of vehicles in the Russian Federation is steadily growing, car washes are a business that guarantees profit.

Investment attractiveness and liquidity of the car wash business

These most important qualities of business in general, and the car wash business in particular, are especially evident in the context of an approaching economic crisis. Therefore, at present, finances invested in real production are considered the most reliable investments. This means that the liquidity of this business will remain quite high regardless of further developments. In other words, money invested in your own profitable business will not be lost even in a financial crisis.

These findings are confirmed by statistical data on the popularity of sales of a particular business. Car washes confidently occupy third place in the sales ranking after beauty salons and the Internet. Summarizing the above, it can be stated that the newly built own car wash is exclusively liquid business, and, well, it, built on its own land plot, is doubly liquid.

Transparency and ease of management

The simplicity of managing a washing business is due to several basic provisions, which are expressed in the absence of not only complex technical processes and acute dependence on suppliers, but also a shortage of suitable personnel. Opening your own car wash does not require the entrepreneur to have special technical knowledge or skills, which makes it accessible to the vast majority of our compatriots.

High level of profitability

Monitoring the profitability of car washes, carried out by specialists, shows that the minimum profitability of this business rarely falls below the 30% level.

As a rule, an entrepreneur who opens his own car wash, based on a well-written business plan, including not only a development strategy and analysis of the existing market, but also marketing, can expect a profitability of about 50%.

The main financial costs of a car wash owner are in most cases small and consist of the following items:

    wage staff;

    communal payments;

  • rent (in some cases).

    So, undoubtedly, the profitability of a car wash promises to be high, but subject to certain rules of this business. It's out seasonal business, in demand every day and even around the clock. In this regard, to the question of whether it is profitable to open a car wash, all car enthusiasts will answer in the affirmative. The owner of a car wash is not threatened with downtime and lack of customers if the work is properly organized.

    A well-chosen placement is 50% of success. Knowledgeable people looking for a place closer to a gas station or service station, near busy highways or shopping centers. And this is the right move - after refueling the car, it’s convenient to immediately send it to the wash without traveling tens of kilometers. Or leave the car for half an hour and go shopping yourself.

    The equipment and type of car wash are important. After all, it is known that the more you invest, the more chances you have to get a return. Car washes range from simple ones, using self made, to fully automated, so-called contactless. According to surveys conducted by the editors of the site, a modern car owner, especially the owner of a good and expensive car, does not want to save on car care and is willing to pay, but pay for quality services that guarantee an impeccable appearance and no scratches on the expensive surface.

    This rule applies to the choice of detergents and other car care products. Car cosmetics is a whole science. Again, any car owner wants his car to be treated with proven and certified products, and not with washing powder.

    Having received one satisfied customer, the owner of a car wash can be sure that he will receive a dozen more people into the ranks of his regular customers. A good reputation is earned by working conscientiously, and not by advertising and low prices. This seemingly simple business requires serious organization and responsible work.

The car has long become the main means of transport around the world, including in Russia and the CIS countries. Every year the number of car owners is growing, and along with this, the demand for thematic services is growing: gas stations, car services and car washes. In this article we will talk about how to open a car wash from scratch minimal investment Money.

Choosing the type of car wash

Before opening a car wash, first of all, you must decide how much money you are willing to invest in your business. The type of car wash you can open will depend on the amount of investment. Let's look at the main types that are currently on the market.

  • Manual contact washing- involves manual application of detergents and cleaning with sponges. This type of car wash is the most common, since the entrepreneur does not have to spend money on expensive equipment. The downside in this case is that physical contact with the vehicle can lead to scratches and damage to the body. Another minus is for a long time car maintenance. You won't be able to serve in an hour a large number of customers, as is the case with other types of car washes.
  • Manual touchless washing— the procedure is carried out in several steps. First, most of the car is cleaned under the pressure of water. Then active foam is applied, which removes remaining dirt. Next, the foam is washed off under high pressure of water. The final step is to apply polish. The initial costs for this type of car wash will be higher than in the previous case, since special equipment will be needed for the work.
  • Self-service car wash— if you want to open a self-service car wash, then this is a very right decision. This type of sink is gaining more and more popularity every year. In this case, customers do not pay for washing their car, but for the time they spend in your car wash. Thanks to the fact that your customers do everything themselves, you can save on car wash employees, since a large number of personnel will not be needed for this.
  • Automatic car washes- It’s immediately worth noting that choosing this type will lead to a large initial monetary investment. You can save on the number of employees, but the minimum cost of equipment for such a car wash starts from 3 million rubles. In turn, automatic car washes are divided into two types: portal - when the car enters a box and is cleaned due to the fact that special equipment is installed around it; tunnel car washes - imply that the vehicle is installed on a moving belt and, while moving, cleaning occurs in several stages .

The most the best option in this case, it is the opening of a contactless car wash with employees, or on the principle of self-service.

About the seasonality of business

Car washes are a seasonal business. In summer and winter time Demand in this niche drops sharply, but in the fall and spring, on the contrary, it increases. This must be taken into account when starting a business.

If you are planning to open an automatic car wash, the best time to do so is right before the start of the season.

If you plan to open a standard car wash, then it is better to do this during the off-season for the following reasons:

  • Staff needs to be trained
  • The customer service strategy is not well established
  • The supply of consumables is not adjusted

If you open at the beginning of the season and are immediately faced with a large influx of customers, you simply may not be able to cope, either you or your employees.

What services can car washes provide?

In addition to regular body washing, this company can provide a large list of other services, which will bring great profits. Many car washes take advantage of this and can offer their customers a wide range of services. For example, interior cleaning, as a rule, is one of the most expensive services, and one such clean is equal in profitability to several standard car washes.

Examples of services provided:

  • Standard body wash, the main specialty of this business
  • Interior cleaning
  • Bumper and wheel drawing
  • Engine cleaning
  • Body polishing
  • Dry cleaning
  • Cleaning the trunk
  • Treatment with “Anti-rain” or “Anti-fog” agents
  • Washing wheels from dirt with drying
  • Removing difficult stains
  • etc.

Please note that the more services you want to provide, the more variety of equipment you will need. Employee salaries will also increase, as they will be engaged in providing not the most simple services.


IN in this example For a car wash business plan, after you have chosen its type, the second step is to select a location. We need to decide on the place where to build our enterprise as early as possible, since obtaining permission to create a car wash will take a lot of time. You will learn about this a little later.

Mobile car wash

When choosing a location, you should immediately note that instead of building a new building or converting some garages, you can choose a mobile car wash for your business. It involves a moisture-resistant box that can accommodate one or two cars. The cost of such boxes starts from 700 thousand rubles and a huge advantage is that if you are located in some unfavorable place, you can move with all your equipment to another at any time. This is especially beneficial if you want to open a self-service car wash from scratch with minimal investment.

In garages

An excellent option would be if you can rent several garages for a car wash. In order to have a good flow of customers, they must be located near some kind of highway, or next to a large area of ​​​​residential buildings.

The main challenge here is that you will have to invest in making garages suitable for your business. You will have to asphalt the road and connect various communications.

Also, ordinary garages cannot boast of high resistance to dampness and over time they will begin to deteriorate, and this will lead to additional costs for major repairs.

On the outskirts of the city

The next option is to locate on the outskirts of the city next to some busy highway. The advantage in this case is that most likely you will not have to argue long and hard with the city administration to obtain a permit, since there will be no residential areas nearby in which there will be people unhappy with the placement of a car wash next to their home.

In the city

It is very difficult to obtain permission to operate a business in the center of a residential area. But if you can do this, then most likely you will create a business that will never need to find clients.

In some cities, industrial buildings, such as factories or warehouses, are sometimes located right in the city center. You can try to get permission to open a car wash in such places. Of course, the flow of customers will not be as large as if you locate your business in the main square of the city, but in any case, this is better than locating in small microdistricts.

In the parking lot

In many large cities, car washes in parking lots are a success. They can be placed in street parking lots of shopping centers or underground ones. The profitability of such car washes directly depends on the number of parking spaces and their load.

Also, such car washes are placed in underground parking lots in luxury buildings, where people drive expensive cars and washing the car every day won't hurt their wallet.

In the village

If you want to open a car wash in a village, then you must evaluate the potential demand. As a rule, village residents do not often travel by car. expensive cars and prefer to wash them themselves. Considering also that the population of villages is usually small, if you open a business in such a place, you may never see a profit.

The situation changes dramatically if the village is located on a busy highway. In this case, the idea has the right to life.

On your own plot in a private house

Many people wonder whether it is possible to open a car wash on your own site to save on renting premises? This is a great idea, but it should be borne in mind that according to the law, each piece of land must be used strictly for its intended purpose. Therefore, if you open a car wash at your dacha, you will not be able to use it to grow vegetables, fruits, etc.

What do you need to get permission to open a car wash?

A car wash is a rather complex business, the opening of which involves collecting many different documents and permits. So, what does it take to open a car wash?

First we need to register entity, namely individual entrepreneur or LLC. If this is your first business and you have neither one nor the other, then we recommend choosing the option of registering an individual entrepreneur. This way you will save yourself a lot of effort and time.

Next, you need to choose which tax system you will work with. We recommend a simplified taxation system (STS). It offers two options for paying taxes: 6% of income, or 15% of profit. In the case of this business, we recommend choosing to pay taxes at 15% of the organization’s net profit.

Accounting under the simplified tax system does not pose any great difficulties, so you can do it yourself or by hiring a freelance accountant.

The next step in our car wash business plan, which must be completed, is submitting a letter of petition and receiving a resolution from the city administration. You must obtain permission from the city administration to create your own enterprise. At the same time, you must already choose and decide where you want to locate your business.

After submitting your documents, you will have several weeks until you receive feedback. During this time, you must prepare a sketch of your car wash and coordinate it with:

  • City administration
  • Municipal architect
  • Fire service

After you receive a response from the city administration and coordinate your sketch with the services described above, all received documents must be sent again to the city administration. Then you can begin to develop a full-fledged project for the premises or construction of a building.

What documents are needed to open a car wash:

  • Individual entrepreneur agreement on tax registration
  • Agreement on the ownership of premises or its lease
  • Agreement on ownership or lease of land plot under the premises
  • Agreement on the connection of electrical networks
  • Agreement on connection to water networks
  • Contract for removal of solid waste and waste water

The finished project is sent for examination to the same organizations and in case of positive feedback you reach the final stage - state examination.

The procedure for obtaining permission to open a car wash is not so simple and you may need the help of professional lawyers. The cost of services will be approximately 10-20 thousand rubles.

Important Requirements

A very important requirement of this business is compliance with environmental standards. Every day, car washes discharge wastewater into the sewer system, so it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the water supply and sewerage system (municipal water supply and sewerage enterprise), which will indicate maximum amount of water you can discard and its composition.

Installing a water purification system is a must. How more water you will spend, the more powerful the system you need. For example, on the outskirts of the city, heavily polluted jeeps will come to you from the forests and steppes. To clean them you will need 160 liters of water; to clean an ordinary passenger car driving only in the city center, 60 liters will be enough. This means that outside the city, water purification systems must be more powerful and therefore more expensive.

Such cleaning systems reduce the volume of waste thrown into the sewer and operate only at temperatures from +5 degrees.


After you choose a premises and obtain all the necessary permits to operate a car wash, you need to buy equipment for the wash itself. Equipment may vary depending on the services provided. As new services are added, you will purchase the necessary equipment. Below is a list of equipment for a self-service car wash business plan with employees.

The most popular suppliers of car wash equipment in Russia are the following companies:

  • Karcher
  • Carebridge
  • California Kleindiest
  • Weidner

Of course, this is not the entire list. There are other less popular manufacturers from Europe.

In addition to specialized equipment, it is also necessary to equip a break room for employees and a waiting room for clients. If you can save money on the premises for employees and put only sofas, tables and chairs, then the waiting area for clients needs to be thought through.

It's no secret that, given the same cost of service, clients will go where they feel more comfortable. Therefore, you should try to arrange the customer waiting area well. You can install high-quality armchairs, a TV that will show car shows and a machine for dispensing hot drinks.

How much it will cost to equip a relaxation and waiting area depends only on you and your budget. This amount can be 100,000 rubles or 1 million.


After purchasing and installing everything necessary equipment You can proceed to searching for employees. Candidates for this job do not need to have any education. It is enough that they are in good physical fitness, knew a little about cars and were friendly with customers.

For a small enterprise, 2-4 employees will be enough. wages 20,000 rub. Of course, if you are going to open a car wash in Moscow, then the wages should be higher.

Attracting clients

The final stage in this business plan is to attract customers. Most effective way time-tested method of attracting customers is promotions.

After opening your business, you can make the following promotions:

  • “Free car wash from September 14 to 20!”
  • “50% discount for all clients”

These promotions are the most profitable. You will attract public attention. Yes, you will have to work at a loss for some time, but a large number of people will know about your business and if they are satisfied with your service, they will come to you again and again.

You can inform people that you are open and have a super cool promotion in the following ways:

An example of unusual public involvement can be seen in the community “Car Wash St. Herzen, 94 Tyumen Behind the Voyage shopping center. This is the VKontakte community of a non-existent car wash in nature, which was created by two schoolchildren. They attracted the attention of the public through hard marketing, which was subsequently written about by major online publications. They instantly gathered 10,000 people in their community, who at first had no idea that the car wash did not exist.

An example of provocative publications from this community

How much money does it take to open a car wash?

It is very difficult to predict what costs will be when creating a car wash, since it depends on many different factors:

  • Will it be a self-service car wash or not?
  • Automatic or manual
  • The premises are rented or owned

So, let’s demonstrate a car wash business plan with calculations, an example will be as follows:

  • We have 8 employees, with a 2/2 schedule
  • We are renting a room
  • The car wash will provide various services described earlier in the article.
  • We need to buy equipment for contactless washing
  • Working hours from 12 noon to 12 midnight

Based on this, we obtain a table of expenses.

Name Price
Initial costs
Equipment and furniture 850.000rub
Paperwork 15.000rub
Advertising RUB 30,000
Construction of washing boxes 1,000,000rub
Total: RUR 1,895,000
Monthly expenses
Rent and utilities 60.000rub
Consumables 15.000rub
Salary 8 employees 160.000rub
Advertising 15.000rub
Total: RUR 250,000

As a result, the initial costs of opening a car wash are 1,895,000 rubles, and monthly costs are 250,000 rubles.


Our company can serve approximately 50 clients per day. Depending on seasonality, the workload may vary; let’s assume that the workload will be 76%, then we will serve 38 clients per day. The average check will be approximately 350 rubles.

Income per day— 13.300 rub.
Income per month— RUR 399,000
Net profit for the month— 149.000rub
Payback— 13 months

Car wash franchises

There is an easier option for opening a car wash - buying a franchise. Then you won’t have to figure out what equipment to buy on your own; they will help you choose a profitable location and help you decide legal issues. In general, life will become easier with the purchase of a franchise.

Obtaining permits for a car wash

Getting the site at your disposal and all the approvals and permits for construction cost a total of 350 thousand dollars. And it is considered even cheap.

And then you just get a building spot for a specific purpose. And no one in the authorities cares how you will establish communications for it: electricity, water, sewerage. Here again a whole pack of “runners” is needed to break through all this. And then the money begins to be buried in the ground: laying pipes, cables, construction treatment facilities. So everything that is built on top takes up less than 15% of the cost of the entire project - everything else is in communications and in permitting papers.

With approvals, we had to invest a total of about 850 thousand dollars and spend a year on it, although it can be built in a month and a half maximum. This is also considered cheap - for some, such complexes cost several million.

Well, you can start with your own garage car wash. The income ceiling is five thousand dollars a month.

Car wash employees

During the day, two washers work at each post. They receive 20% of the proceeds. At night - when there is little work - they work one at a time, so they receive 40% of what they earn. It turns out 27–28 thousand per person per month.

Shift managers also earn a percentage - 8% of total revenue. Each of them has 4 people subordinate to them - a total of 60 thousand.

Car wash revenue

The average bill at a car wash is approximately 310 rubles. 300 cars pass per day. The rest of the income comes from the tire shop and cafe. Monthly turnover - 3.135 million rubles.

Car wash costs

Business is such that the main expenses are salaries and taxes. “Simplified” with such a phrase, unfortunately, does not fit. So we are using the normal taxation system. Taxes, salaries, etc. - this is about 2.3 million rubles per month.

Payback of a car wash

The net income per month is $34,500! The project will pay for itself in two years!

But this is pure mathematics - in fact, if you finish in two and a half to three years, it will be good. Much depends on the season.

24-hour non-garage car wash in numbers:

Duration of existence on the market: 8 months.
Earning units and their monthly revenue:
4 car wash stations, 2.79 million rubles
tire service box, 120 thousand rubles
cafe, 225 thousand rubles.
Total area of ​​the complex: 300 sq. m.
Initial investment: $850 thousand (including unofficial expenses in the process of obtaining approvals and permits).
Average bill for a car wash: 310 rubles.
Number of cars serviced (wash): 290–310 per day.
Number of personnel in all shifts: 30 people.
Monthly turnover: 3.135 million rubles.
Annual turnover: 37.6–40 million rubles (extrapolation).
Owner's net income: $34.5 thousand per month.
Projected payback of the project: 24–36 months.

Based on materials from an article by Dmitry Denisov, published in the magazine "Business Magazine" No. 5 dated March 11, 2008