How to design a personal diary inside for girls

About twenty years ago, Personal diary kept in a common notebook. And for decoration we used multi-colored pens, cut out colorful illustrations from magazines, as well as candy wrappers from chewing gum and glued them into the diary. And of course they drew by hand. Thus they gave their true friend beauty. Now everything is of course different. And so, I suggest you consider the following options for decorating a personal diary inside with your own hands.

It also looks quite nice to design your events in the form of small images. This way you make notes for yourself that you want to remember. The same small illustrations in a personal diary can be used for a specific topic.

The design of a personal diary in the form looks very nice different forms cards made from colored paper or cardboard. Write your thoughts, quotes, events, etc. on the cards.

You can glue two leaflets together and decorate the leaflet watercolor paints. Smear, blur, splash, draw! In general, use your imagination and create!

Give beauty to your faithful friend using simple and colored pencils, gel colored pens and, in addition to all this, also clippings from magazines, newspapers, books, etc.

For recording small events, notes, etc. in a diary. You can write with multi-colored pastes in capital letters in different inclinations and directions.

Use your imagination and come up with beautiful pockets. Glue or pin them. They are very convenient for storing small items. For example: small photos.

Well, we’ve sorted out the design of a personal diary inside! These were just some examples; in fact, how to decorate a personal diary is, of course, a purely personal matter for each girl. Imagine and you will succeed. Now let’s look at the design of the personal diary from the outside, that is, its cover.

How to design the cover of a personal diary

If you have not yet kept a personal diary, but are just planning to, then you can choose either a notebook with a beautiful illustration to suit your taste. But, if you are already keeping a diary in full swing and you have a desire to change or color its cover, then I hope a couple of simple tips will help you.

A personal diary is a great thing to write down your thoughts and experiences. In stores you can buy ready-made decorated notebooks, but they are less valuable compared to diaries that are decorated with your own hands. If you are interested in how to decorate a personal diary, you need to know that there are many design options.

DIY decor: how to decorate a personal diary

It is important to design pages beautiful handwriting. Individual fragments can be printed and pasted. Colored pens, glitter, pencils, paints and markers will help make your notes bright and interesting. If the owner of the diary has artistic talent, you can draw pictures and illustrations.

How to decorate the pages of a personal diary: photos and pictures

How to decorate a personal diary with your own hands: important little things

A personal diary gives you the opportunity to fully express your imagination and creativity. Needlewomen also offer the following design options:

  • If you want to protect your diary from curious people, you can purchase a small lock with a key and secure it on the cover.
  • The diary can be beautifully decorated with ribbons, making a tie out of them.
  • The cover and pages are decorated with various felt figures.

It is advisable to make a special pocket in the middle or at the end of the notebook for storing little things dear to your heart. You don't need any special skills for this craft. Everyone knows how to cut, glue and use multi-colored pens, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties.

How to decorate the cover of a personal diary: fabric and leather

Stylish covers are made from beautiful thick fabric in your favorite shade. You can also take multi-colored scraps. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Measure the sides of the notepad.
  2. Transfer them to a piece of fabric, adding another 2 cm.
  3. Cut and finish edges. It is better to overcast the edges, but if this is not possible, you can grease them with PVA glue.
  4. Fold the cover over to create pockets and sew.

The cover is made from leather or leatherette using the same principle. It’s very easy to decorate a ready-made fabric cover. You can embroider your initials with beads and ribbons, threads, make appliques or embroidery. Ribbons, rhinestones and lace – a win-win for decoration, especially since in stores all this decor is presented in a wide variety.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

Whether to keep a personal diary (in youth slang “ld”) is truly a personal matter for everyone, but teenage girls, girls and women for the most part prefer to reveal their treasured things to a silent piece of paper rather than to close friends. At the same time, creative and romantically inclined people have no questions about how to keep a diary correctly: they write what they want, draw according to their mood, write in and paste in quotes, clippings from fashion magazines, pie recipes and other interesting things.

But if it’s not enough own vision your own diary, and don’t even know where to start - this article is for you: ideas, recommendations, highlights, creative solutions will lead to individual style and creation. So, how to create and beautifully design the flyleaf and pages, and what can you write in your personal diary?

Where to start keeping a personal diary?

From desire. If a girl or girl wants to keep her own diary just because all the girls in a class or university group have one, then this will immediately become a failed idea: the process of communicating with a paper friend will end exactly on the second page, when a suddenly flared passion for a fashion trend will subside. In the world modern technologies, gadgets and social networks, it would not be out of place to ask the question - what is it for, What does a personal diary look like and what should be in it?: If the answers to these seemingly simple questions have not been found, the idea of ​​a diary should be put aside for a while.

When deciding to keep a personal diary, think about the purpose - what will it become for you and what is its meaning?

The most obvious purpose of introducing a diary into personal life is communication: a thin or thick notebook or notebook will become the most understanding and trusting interlocutor, which is lacking in social life. Another group of the female population will define journaling as an opportunity to capture the emotions of a visit interesting places, memories of significant events and impressions of meetings with interesting people. And still others will even keep a diary for self-analysis of their own actions, reviewing actions taken, re-evaluating themselves and their mistakes, and reflecting on their successes. Everyone has their own goal- it is important to realize it, and then your personal diary will become a true masterpiece, and not routine writing.

What will become a diary?

We will not consider in detail the option of an electronic diary: these are also a statement of one’s own thoughts and a description of events, but not intended for internal use, and for worldwide public readings. But just as with all modern gadgets, a significant number of reading enthusiasts prefer books in the classic version rather than in audio or electronic ones, the same is true with personal diaries.

A diary is a mirror of a person’s soul

A teenager’s electronic personal diary on a computer or website can begin with some interesting or, conversely, dramatic incident, a meeting with old friends or a trip. Electronic diary on a personal computer has its advantages (a strong password, beautiful graphics for design, the ability to make an unlimited number of copies), but diaries in paper form give a special atmosphere, romance to the process of communicating with oneself and something nostalgically vintage, but that’s what they should be, what kind of notebook for diary entries about life? And this is also a personal matter for everyone:

it will be convenient for one to write on separate sheets of paper, which are always at hand, combining them as you write into a ring binder or paper materials organizers of other options;
others will find ordinary ones comfortable school notebooks 18 sheets or notepads that can be put in your purse - they do not take up much space and weigh practically nothing;
still others will approach the matter monumentally, starting a thick barn book or diary under voluminous texts: descendants will undoubtedly appreciate the painstaking work of my great-grandmother, which tells about the super-duper Seventh iPhone and the release of the next episode of Star Wars.

Keeping, notes and pictures for a personal diary - style, design, size of inscriptions and drawings also play a role. When deciding what a personal diary will be like, you should not be guided solely by the externally attractive cover: first of all, its owner should think about about the comfort of entering your notes into it. As for what is needed to design the first page of an LD, this will already be decided in the process of working with it.

How long does it take to keep a diary?

How to start keeping and organizing a beautiful personal diary - rules, as such, do not exist. As well as some kind of official or generally accepted timekeeping to fill it out. If you don’t turn a pleasant activity into writing down every step for many hours every day, then It doesn’t take much time to keep a diary. You should not treat the diary as work: entries in it can be made hastily or in detail, but in any case, if there is desire and inspiration.

It is no coincidence that a diary can be used as a planner for future affairs: it will show how much time does a housewife waste?. Don't have anything to write about for the last day, couple of days, week? – it makes sense to think: maybe time was just wasted? Such information will give impetus to general mobilization and decisive action within one person.

Each girl or woman determines the mode of working with the diary that suits her: daily, weekly or situational

“When I want, then I write”- the correct answer to the question of how often to write in a diary. Being obligated will destroy a trusting relationship with such a friend, and harping on every line will not give either positive emotions or a pleasant result.

Another point that diary owners don’t think about: re-reading notes from time to time is both desirable and necessary– this will refresh your memory of events and allow you to track how your thinking and assessment of situations and people’s actions changes. Over time, not only we ourselves change, but also our perception of the same dynamic, not worth a second world around us: such an analysis is useful and determines the degree of maturation of the individual.

How to properly keep a personal diary

Correct in this case is a synonym for “how convenient.” You need to relax, be alone with yourself, your thoughts, a pen or pencil (according to your preference) and a diary. You don’t have to comb your hair and don’t, now you are nature itself. Those who have problems with the Russian language should not think about the rules of spelling and punctuation - write freely, even with mistakes.

For each entry, enter the day, month, year - everything is forgotten over time, but the chronology will return you to the exact moment of the event

When expressing, caution will not hurt: on the one hand, why then is a diary needed, if not to pour out everything that is sore on its pages?; on the other hand, the possibility of it being read by another person should not be excluded. And in most cases, it will be a bomb. Atomic.

How to sign and properly format a personal diary: tips and ideas

For adults, busy and working people, perhaps the design of the diary is not so important - most likely, they would settle on an expensive diary with a thick, stylish cover and elegant pages. But how can a girl or teenager create and fill out pages inside the wish list? Surely young ladies want something enchanting, sparkling and joyful- styles, ideas and photos of filling out a personal diary or diary can be viewed on online blogs, the social picture network Pinterest and similar resources. Or just come up with something of your own.

IN general case diary design depends on:

own desires and ideological vision of the new “friend”;
creative skills (calligraphy, drawing skills);
available free time, which, without prejudice to study, work or family, can be spent on making notes.

Thematic pages and stories- a super idea, everything will be used here: from scrapbooking to stickers and Chinese calligraphy. For a trip to the sea, the page can be painted with soft blue watercolors, pearl beads and decorative colored sand can be added, the “forest page” can be perfumed eau de toilette with a woody aroma and decorate with pine or spruce needles - there is room for imagination.

Many people already think at the beginning of their journey, how to design the last page creative diary: perhaps someone will like the idea of ​​a stylized door to the future, their own poem, or simply a beautifully executed inscription “To be continued...”

There are no special rules in design either - it is only important that its owner liked the diary. For those who have free time young girls will need magazine clippings and scrapbooking elements, materials for appliques, a set of colored gel pens and felt-tip pens, text highlighters, glue sticks, self-adhesive rhinestones, decorative tapes and paper, etc. Girls' favorite pictures are cute cats, cute bears, butterflies, flowers and angels.

How to make it interesting and what to write about in a personal diary for a girl, girl or woman

describe emotions and attitude to what is happening– it’s not the bare and boring facts that are important, it’s the feelings evoked by the situation that are important;
you can throw out what has accumulated verbally or graphically– as you like;
they will remind you of memorable exhibitions, visits to cinemas and theater productions, interesting trips, romantic dates tickets and booklets, letters and notes from loved ones– if you want to store them at the end of the diary, it is recommended to glue an envelope to the cover and put them there or paste them directly onto the current page;
write down and sketch gift ideas for relatives and friends;
do sketches of favorite models in boutique windows with the expectation of sewing the same ones in the near future, but with mother-of-pearl buttons;
To increase self-esteem, it is recommended to paste it into a diary your own successful photos, celebrate achievements and do not hesitate to praise yourself for success;
People rich in dreams are advised to write them down before they are forgotten - dreams open the curtain of a person’s inner consciousness and experiences;
women's diaries become a treasure trove quotes, aphorisms and funny jokes: for the owner of the diary who does not rely on her own girlish memory, periodically reading them is useful and brings pleasure;
useful phrases in English;
spending money, planning expenses for purchases;
admired for its simplicity or sophistication culinary recipes;
words of favorite songs, poems, poems.

With desire and knowledge foreign languages you can keep a diary on one of them: agree, personal diary in English is not only intellectual and stylish, but also excellent practice for expressing your own thoughts and expanding vocabulary.

The diary of married ladies most often presents an ascetic version: short, to-the-point entries without additional embellishments

Thick cardboard cover will make the diary safer, and the creativity of the owner of the diary will highlight an ordinary notebook or notebook from a bunch of similar ones, creating a small personal corner of mood. With the help of master classes from the online community of needlewomen and available materials, it’s easy to create own textile cover with elegant trim with lace and sewing and/or rhinestones and buttons (felt ones look original and cozy, but are not so practical to use - they get dirty and wear out). Depending on the mood or time of year, the covers can be easily changed.

To maintain complete secrecy, you can buy notebook or notepad with a lock or find a secluded place in the room for handwritten treasures away from prying eyes and hands. How much does your own diary cost? Truly, it is priceless, but not at all because of the beautiful expensive cover - the time and heart invested in its pages will eventually make this small notebook or book a family heirloom, which subsequent generations will cherish with tenderness.


And why is all this needed? This question returns to the first point of the article - goals. The set goal of keeping a diary will become the motivation for filling it out: feelings and thoughts, perception of people and events, analysis of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, fears, achievements and actions.

A personal diary is a letter to yourself in the future and news for yourself from the past

The diary will become not only a way of self-expression: it will help distracted and fussy people to organize both thoughts and actions, teach planning, consistency and structuring in the presentation of their judgments. Some people need to make notes for the development of detailed memory and insurance against senile sclerosis.

A personal diary is not just a biography and a psychotherapeutic attempt to understand oneself, find harmony and: in some cases it is necessary for a detailed assessment of your life. Keeping a diary involves a person's attempt to become better, wiser and make fewer mistakes in the future.

February 2, 2014

Which personal diary to choose

Before you start keeping a personal diary, you need to decide on its option. There are 2 types of diaries:

  1. Handwritten version.

  2. Blog on the Internet.

The handwritten version of a personal diary has been known since ancient times. Women for many centuries recorded their personal experiences in notebooks that were hidden from prying eyes.

The 21st century gives people the opportunity to go beyond the limits of classic diary keeping and offers to create it on the Internet. If necessary, you can hide your diary on the Internet from strangers. As a last resort, you can create a diary under some pseudonym. The advantage of an online blog is the ability to post your favorite pictures, music, etc. If there are deep feelings or problems, the author can ask advice from other blog creators.

Another advantage of a handwritten diary is the ability to design it to suit every taste. You can make entries in it with colored pens or felt-tip pens. Mark interesting thoughts with a highlighter or frame them. Any fantasy of the author will come true. If necessary, you can paste interesting newspaper clippings, photographs or pictures into your personal diary.

It is worth purchasing for yourself some kind of notebook with a lock or a button. It may be more expensive than ordinary notebooks, but it will remain with the owner for many years.

After purchasing a notebook, it is worth purchasing material for the cover. For example, felt. You can buy it in many stores, and a huge selection of shades will allow you to choose the perfect one for yourself. Cut out the cover from felt and sew pockets to hold the notebook in place. You can glue flowers, angels or rhinestones to the cover. You can create a whole masterpiece.

It is advisable to make a special pocket on the cover or on the first page. It will contain memorable photographs or notes that will someday end up in the hands of the owner.

You can make absolutely any entries in your personal diary. Don't be afraid that someone will read it. After all, it will be stored in a place inaccessible to others.

You need to keep a diary constantly. Even if nothing happened during the day, it’s worth doing at least a couple of lines. If you have no idea what to write in it, then refer to the following tips:

  1. Don't be afraid to write down all your thoughts. Let them seem strange and incomprehensible from the outside. But then these notes will help you analyze yourself.

  2. Write down all your feelings, emotions and experiences. This is especially true for feelings of love for a man. Maybe he will become your husband and in some conflict situation these notes will help you remember all the feelings that you experienced for this man at the very beginning of the relationship.

  3. If you remember at night, then write down your dream and your state after waking up. These entries in your personal diary will help you understand your internal problems. Determine why you had a particular dream.

  4. Try to write down as much as possible positive thoughts. After all, after rereading them, my soul feels good again. But don’t be afraid to express your sadness. After all, a personal diary is your friend to whom you can tell absolutely everything. Such records will allow you not to hold sadness, anger and melancholy within yourself and not to get hung up on any problems.

  5. But you shouldn’t turn your personal diary into a list of enemies, their actions and problems with them. By constantly making such notes and re-reading them, you will simply become angry with the person again. And enemies must be forgiven.

Since ancient times, observant people have tried to record own experience on paper. A personal archive of observations, events, memories and experiences has long received two names, French and Russian - a magazine, otherwise . Since the information contained in it is of interest only to its owner, there are no special requirements for the form of the record.


The most common form of recording is . Write the current date in the margin or on the line to determine the time of the event. For convenience, you can add the location where you are. This is especially true for travelers describing the impression of a particular architectural or natural landscape. If you are at home for a long time, such a mark is unlikely to affect the information content of the message.

State events in chronological order. Use understandable ones that you can after a long period of time. If you have to use special terms, leave yourself hints and so that the information can be retrieved later.

Illustrations are not prohibited. You can sketch what you see yourself, or paste in photographs. If the frame is not immediately possible, leave a little space on the page to paste the frame later. In the empty space, write the name of the frame, date and location. In this case, you won’t have to take a long time to paste the photo you planned to paste.

The volume of paragraphs and the entire text is not strictly regulated. Write as many lines as necessary to fully express an event, opinion, impression or idea. Conform only to your own common sense and features of perception. But, as a rule, paragraphs of 3-5 sentences are easy to read.

Video on the topic

Internet blogging has become a popular pastime in last years. Thanks to their online presence, people find jobs, make new friends, and fall in love. However, it can be difficult for a new blog owner to figure out where to start.



Sometimes people have strange dreams that leave behind a bunch of unanswered questions... What did you dream about? Will the dream affect your future life? How to get rid of unpleasant dreams?

What is sleep and what affects it?

The human brain is a very strange and practically unexplored matter. A lot of mental actions take place in the head, control of the entire body and many incomprehensible things and processes: the “de jà vu” effect, subconscious actions, intuition, and, finally, dreams. all these colored or black and white pictures and numerous images? How to correctly interpret your dream and what changes to expect? What to do if you have nightmares? Why are dreams most often not remembered? Almost every day people search for answers not only to these, but also to many other questions related to dreams.

So what is sleep and where does it come from? Dreaming is brain activity while the rest of the body is resting. Over the course of a whole day, a person gains impressions and emotions, which make themselves felt during sleep. Many factors influence the dream: mood, general fatigue, sexual satisfaction and even satiety. And if you want to drink or eat before going to bed, then your dreams will contain pictures about food or water. For example, if you are thirsty, you drink and cannot get enough to drink, or you wander through the desert in search of water...

Should you trust your dreams?

Sometimes very strange and incomprehensible dreams begin, devoid of any meaning. Someone is trying to interpret their dream and find some sign or warning in it. These people study numerous dream books and ask friends about the meaning of their dreams. And then they wait for the changes and events promised by their dreams. Others simply try to forget about their strange dream. To believe or not in the meaning of dreams is a matter for each person.

In conversations about dreams, such a concept as a “prophetic dream” often slips through. There are people with a heightened sense of intuition. This is exactly what prophetic dreams are most often like, which soon begin to partially or completely come true. Absolutely anyone can have such a dream. Prophetic dreams are necessarily remembered and emerge in memory, both consciously and unconsciously. But you don’t need to think about every dream you have that it is prophetic and wait for it to come true.

In general, the nature of dreams has practically not been studied, and you should not blindly trust all the dreams you have and look for them in them. Of course, in some situations it happens that a dream gives some hint for further action, but it is still better to trust your mind not during rest.

You always want to make your personal diary beautiful, colorful and inspiring. In order for it to become like this, there are different ways of designing it, they are very simple, but very interesting. The diary becomes individual and memorable.

You will need

  • - scissors
  • - glue
  • - magazines and newspapers
  • - Printer
  • - stickers
  • - textile
  • - designer paper
  • - pencils, pens and markers
  • - everything bright that comes to hand


The beginning of the design lies in the title. To give the page personality, you need to come up with an interesting title that will fit the theme of the page. Now write this title in a beautiful handwriting that will look unusual and stand out among other things. The headline can also be cut from a magazine or newspaper.

Now you need to fill out the page. It can be done different ways. The first way is to use stickers. This is the simplest option. Buy different beautiful stickers, choose the best ones, stick them on the page in in different order and position. These stickers can be traced with markers or pens.

The second way is to use printouts. Find various inspiring pictures on the Internet, print them out and paste them into your diary. These can be inscriptions, pictures, headings, sketches, or anything.

The third way is to use pictures from magazines. You probably have a bunch of old glossy magazines lying around at home; they can be used perfectly. There are just a lot of interesting and beautiful pictures, tips, and ideas. Cut out everything that seems interesting to you, paste it into your diary and create thematic spreads. The clippings are perfect for themes: style, fashion, hairstyles, girlish secrets, etc.

Multi-colored ribbons and tapes can serve as excellent decorations. It is best to glue them along the edges of the sheets; this makes the page stand out and make it brighter and more saturated. They are usually sold in handicraft stores and are quite inexpensive.

And, of course, don’t forget about scrapbooking paper. There are a huge variety of types of such paper on a variety of topics. In addition, such paper can be made even at home from ordinary paper, napkins and cling film.

To somehow diversify the techniques in which the diary can be decorated, you can use different pieces of fabric. They immediately catch your eye and look very unusual, and also create some kind of coziness. You can cut patterns, shapes out of fabric, you can write and even draw on it.

Well, in order to fill the diary with content and meaning, you can paste various photographs, cinema tickets, theater tickets, receipts, and other memorabilia inside. Looking at them, you will undoubtedly pleasantly remember those joyful days. Or you can create separate spreads from them. By gluing them in strict order, you can even create unusual calendar.

The next method is to use candy wrappers for sweets. This option is good because we like to wrap sweets in bright, colorful, shiny packaging. She can just add a lot of color and sparkle to your diary. By the way, many candy wrappers have a beautiful design, this is even better.

Applique is good, but a diary cannot do without your drawings, so draw, paint, because this is a piece of your soul that you put into the design. Yes, and you can draw any picture, whereas it is not always possible to find the corresponding picture.

And lastly, use rhinestones, sparkles, and nail polishes. They can fill in empty spaces that often spoil the entire page.


It is best to make pages in one color scheme, so they will look more harmonious.

Helpful advice

Use different arrows, emoticons, seals, they make the diary more positive and fun.

Keeping a personal diary is great way reflect on important life events and form your own opinions about them. In addition, a personal diary helps you track the stages of your physical and moral maturation. With it, you can track a graph of your progress, as well as the achievement of goals.

Write in your diary important events day.

Write down in the form that is more convenient for your perception. Leave drawings and funny collages. Do not forget that everything you write is necessary only for you. You should never work hard on a diary in order to show it to another person after some time. A personal diary is called personal because it belongs to you. You are its true creator and sole owner.

Write facts about yourself and your friends in your diary.

This will help you create a holistic image of others and yourself. Understand what motivates people when performing various tasks. Tell your paper friend about your favorite colors, words, seasons, your friends, describe their character and abilities. Thanks to this simple procedure, you will learn to understand people more thoroughly in the future.

Write down your dreams and goals in a journal.

These shouldn't just be lists of your life goals. Create emotionally charged sketches that will motivate you to achieve success. Constantly re-read the notes you took to inspire yourself to complete certain tasks.

Video on the topic

Previously, personal diaries were associated only with girls in adolescence, the first youthful experiences and romantic moments. But with the development of the Internet, everyone has the opportunity to maintain their own personal blog, including in the form of a diary.

A virtual diary is a special service on a website where each registered user is given their own space, which can be filled with thoughts, statements, reflections, drawings, or. The functions of such diaries combine the ability to make entries with the ability for other users to comment on these entries. In such a service, you can change settings to decide which users will have access to your statements.

Talk about a painful issue

The desire to lead is connected, first of all, with the need to be heard. And interest in diaries on the Internet arises because of their broad entertainment functions - the opportunity to discuss in a narrow circle of friends or among numerous readers the problem that interests you. For many people, the desire to be heard is overpowered by fear, the fear of seeming funny, and self-doubt, so they transfer the status, which, in fact, no one should read or see, into a section of public access for many strangers. But there is still some hope for anonymity on the Internet, so it allows people to open up their thoughts more boldly.

Many people really need this. Off the Internet a common person can discuss a problem or some issue with 2-3 friends and a slightly larger circle of acquaintances. Whereas a virtual diary can be read by a huge number of people. And if the statements and notes of the diary author seem interesting, entertaining and useful to them, readers increasingly turn to the diary author for help or in the hope of receiving another post from him about their life. For the author himself, such attention is very flattering; he feels the need of other people to communicate with him, and their comments and likes make him understand that he is doing a truly important thing.

And even though this is mostly just an illusion, and the diary itself is just an attempt to speak out and get approval from others or confirmation that a person is not alone, such a service is still a great help in communicating and finding a new circle of acquaintances.

Keep up to date

In addition, a personal diary can be a means of replacing social networks. Some users do not write burning topics in it and do not consider problematic issues, but do short notes for their friends about what happened in their lives. Such entries are especially interesting to read when you have to live at a great distance from each other or for some other reason, without being able to communicate with each other often enough.

When the desire to keep a personal diary comes, along with it comes the need to make it different from everyone else. Still, this is something very personal, internal, often hidden, so you really want the diary to bear your imprint. You still hope that some time will pass, you will take it out, leaf through it; You will read some entries carefully, smiling at how you once were, and you will think seriously about others. In general, no matter how you twist it, a personal diary is a serious thing. And since you only need to write in it what excites you, it means that you should approach the decoration with all responsibility.

You will need

  • - Notebook or notepad;
  • - felt-tip pens;
  • - pens;
  • - pencils;
  • - glue;
  • - scissors;
  • - pictures from magazines;
  • - photos.


First of all, think about the cover decoration. Of course, the essence of what you will write is also very important, but this is by default. The cover will help you choose the mood or, if you prefer, . Again, skeptics and moralists will say that everything is wrong, and first you need to decide on the style, then, dancing around it, design the cover. It’s easy for them to say, they may have written a lot of diaries in their time, but we will go our own way. So, to paraphrase the well-known saying, “they meet you by their cover,” arm yourself with a fairly thick notebook or notepad. The easiest option is to simply sign the diary. You can do this in the “as is” format by beautifully writing the word “Diary” and putting your first and last name in the genitive case. Or you can start decorating your personal diary with some tricky title that can fully reflect your essence. If you are secretive and do not strive to keep your life “in plain sight” - let the name be “Secret Hole”. If, on the contrary, you consider yourself an open person, that is, an extrovert, - the diary can be called “Living Room”. For those who boldly admit that they are original and a little out of this world, the names “Cell No. 6”, “Combat Leaflet”, “Narrows of the Soul”, “Nest”, “Den”, etc. are suitable. That’s why it’s better to first decide on the name of your personal diary, and then start decorating. “The Living Room” and “The Secret Hole” cannot be designed in the same key - this would smack of inconsistency.

If you love other cute fluffies, stick at least one or a dozen on the cover. If your essence requires some kind of beautiful “chic” - let it be photographs of Paris, Milan, and other cities strongly associated with fashionable things and fashionable life. It is appropriate to cut out photographs of your favorite actors or singers, singers and groups, maybe political figures from a magazine - what if someone likes them too?! If you think this approach is formulaic, great, draw a caricature of a person you think about a lot (after all, he will probably appear in yours quite often). The main thing is that the notebook or notebook should not somehow turn up when the person is in a bad mood. If there is such a possibility, it is better not to risk it and place this cartoon at least on the second page. Draw a doorway on the cover, cut out the door from cardboard, coat the vertical stripe on the left with glue and carefully glue it to the opening. The laconic inscription “Door to the future” written on the cover speaks very eloquently of what you have in your hands. But what color you paint the space behind the doorway is purely a matter of character. If you are an optimist, then you will probably choose bright and life-affirming colors. Otherwise, think a hundred times - after all, remember Vrungel’s song: “Whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” Embroider – decorate the diary cover with embroidery. If you are interested in decoupage – even more original! You can completely design it by turning its main page into a 3-D arena: the heroes of the “Game”, cool foreign cars or trucks, straight from the battlefield - show your imagination and easily achieve originality.

If you don’t rely on memory, write down your “call signs” on the first page. in social networks. Just don’t write passwords here, because if you don’t belong to others, the diary is not protected from unauthorized entry. By the way, you can also write down the names and addresses of your friends’ pages in a paper diary. If suddenly your page is hacked, you will not lose those with whom you pleasantly communicate on the Internet from time to time. Next, it is appropriate to write something that is most important to you, as if revealing your main character traits. This should be done not for others, we should always hope that strangers will never read our personal diary, but for ourselves, but only a little matured. In a year or two you will be very interested in reading such a post.

Of course, they greet you based on their clothes, but they send you off based on your mind. Therefore, take seriously both the notes and the decoration inside the diary. Write what you are really interested in or what excites you. Please format accordingly. Entries like “today is an ordinary day, nothing happened” are empty, they do not make any sense, because in a week you will have to strain your memory to extract at least some associations with “April 17” or “September 30”. And to decorate such records is sheer absurdity. Well, once or twice you can draw something like an infinity sign, symbolizing boredom, or glue a cut-out picture of a donut, circling its hole, but what’s the point? You won’t do this again and again every time the day seems gray and dull. It is probably better in such cases not to write anything at all. Although in fact we ourselves are to blame for the “wasted” time. The person is generally very strange creature. At first he rushes the hand on the clock, then he regrets that everything has passed so quickly. All that was needed was to fill the empty days with something interesting, exciting, new. And then it would be interesting to write about this in, decorating the entry accordingly, and leave pleasant moments among other carefully stored diary-memories for many, many years.


Protect your diary from prying eyes. Unfortunately, there are people who won't mind looking through it.

Helpful advice

When decorating your personal diary, do not forget about the essence of what you write in it.

All! It's decided! Today I start keeping a diary! And not just any diary, but the most beautiful, most unusual one. So that it wouldn’t be boring to read, and you’d want to flip through it again and again! But how? How to do all this? It looks like I can’t handle it... Such doubts are often encountered by those who are just about to start keeping a personal diary.

It would seem, what can we cope with here? It's so simple! Write down your thoughts, feelings and events, color with colored markers or pencils, and paste in beautiful stickers. But for some reason, not everyone manages to make their personal diary truly interesting. In this article we have collected for you the most cool ideas for ld, who will help you design it exactly the way you want!

Cool ideas for ld: diaries meet by clothes

People are greeted by their clothes - this rule also applies to personal diaries. The first impression, how pleasant it will be to hold your diary in your hands, depends on what your “clothes” will be. Have you guessed it yet? Of course we're talking about its cover! The life of the diary always begins with her, and it is she who needs to pay the greatest attention!

The simplest and at the same time creative way to decorate the cover of an ld- this is to wrap it in beautiful paper for gifts, securing it with inside decorative adhesive tape. You can spend a little more time and cover the entire cover with the same decorative tape different colors. And also - you can sew a beautiful cover from fabric! And then - decorate it with satin ribbons, decorative flowers, beads or beads. True, this will require a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it! A diary cover, carefully sewn and decorated with your own hands, looks very impressive!

Creative page design ideas

The inside pages of the diary can also be designed in a special way. After all, in it you can not only record the events of the past day, but also talk about yourself, your hobbies, friends, desires, plans and goals.

Here are just some ld ideas you can use in your journal:
A page dedicated to your favorite book. Even if you don’t really like to read, you probably have a couple of favorite books. Color the page with drawings and illustrations for the book, write down quotes from the characters, come up with a continuation of your favorite story!

Tea or coffee drinking page. Tell us on the pages of your diary why you like tea more than coffee, and vice versa. Decorate it with coffee beans or a tea bag! Write it down different recipes preparing your favorite drink!

Secret page. Write down your most important cherished desires, biggest secret, dream or goal! Decorate your entry with beautiful stickers, drawings or printable pictures!

A page dedicated to your favorite pet. Do you have a cat or dog? Or maybe a small but nimble hamster? Take a photo or draw your pet, tell us about its habits, what it loves most. And why you love him so much!

The most terrible page. Well, of course, this page is dedicated to your fears! Are you afraid of snakes? On your scary page, draw a cute and cute snake that winks at you cheerfully. Or maybe you are afraid of mice or spiders? Then decorate the page with a funny white mouse or a big-eyed cartoon spider! Over time, this will help you be a lot less afraid!

Friendship page. To make it beautiful, you will need the help of your best friends! Ask them to write something to remember you, or draw it. In addition to inscriptions and drawings, you can decorate this page with postcards from friends or their photographs.

Hobby page. Probably not a single personal diary can do without this page! That’s right - what kind of diary is it if there’s not a word in it about your favorite hobbies? Be sure to write in your journal about all the things you love to do! And you can decorate your hobby pages with anything! Decorative tape, beautiful printouts, your own drawings, paper flowers, glitter, beautiful buttons... Whatever you want!

Of course, these ideas for ice are far from the only ones. In fact, there are many of them! New and new ideas are coming up almost every day! Perhaps you can also come up with something of your own, using our “pages” as a basis?