What is speed reading for children? As is known, already in junior school kids read quite a lot and even take tests to check their reading technique. Many children who read slowly very soon begin to lag behind their classmates, not only in language and literature lessons, but also in other subjects that require children to work with a textbook. That is why almost all parents think about how to teach their child to read quickly. To help you in this matter, we have studied the opinions of many experts and collected them for you in the form of useful tips.

Speed ​​reading and memory development are closely related. Children who read well usually remember material easily and retell even quite complex texts. In addition, teachers have long identified a direct relationship between children’s reading speed and their performance in secondary and high school. If a student reads slowly and reluctantly, he simply cannot cope with all the flow of information that is offered to him as part of the general education program. So how fast should a child read? And should he really be in a hurry? Optimal for students high school speed reading is considered colloquial speech. This is approximately 120-150 words per minute. Only in this way will the child fully understand everything he reads about. His articulatory apparatus will work easily and calmly, and, therefore, the information will be fully assimilated. There is no need to push the student, trying to improve his reading technique. Reproaches in this matter are unnecessary. In this case, special exercises that we will talk about will be much more effective.

Speed ​​reading technique

Start fighting for good speed Reading is needed from the first grade. According to most teachers from various schools, it is at the age of 5-7 years that the child’s brain has all the capabilities for maximum knowledge and improvement. Only a few methods of developing children, among which, begin teaching children to read a little later. But all teachers agree that reading should not be done in a violent form. Parents should take into account the child’s temperament and not sit him down with a book if he doesn’t want to. You need to look for an approach using different ones. So, for example, instead of a page from a book, children can be shown pictures with phrases. Let your child focus on one bright card with an interesting inscription rather than read a long text from a book without any interest. The more often you show your child such pictures, and the more words flash before his eyes, the faster he will understand. good technique reading. And there is no need to try to teach your child to automatically put syllables into words. A smooth speed reading technique without any attention to the meaning of what you read will yield nothing. Instead, you need to teach the child to feel every word, its deep root and meaning.

When thinking about how to learn to read quickly, you should also think about whether you can normally perceive what you read? This applies to both children and adults. Many people different ages have serious problems remembering what they read. And no reading speed per minute helps them. Therefore in early age, when parents still have the opportunity to help the child with and, they need to actively do this, using different thinking and. At Bambino Story we pay a lot of attention to the topic of child development younger age. Be sure to read the advice of our experts and start working with your child on speech and language development as early as possible. In this case, your baby will most likely not have problems with reading.

Development of speed reading

When a child goes to school and begins to actively use his reading skills, parents must continue to develop speed reading in order to bring it to perfection. We have prepared several for you effective exercises in order to improve the child's perception of the text.

1. Anagrams

Prepare cards with simple words in which several letters will be mixed. Let the child try to solve them. At first, try to maintain the order of syllables, mixing only consonants among themselves. Next, complicate the task, depending on the baby’s abilities. Ideally, at the end, the child should easily read a short text in which all the words are mixed.

2. Looking for a word

Write a line of block letters on the card containing one a short word. The child’s task: run your eyes through the letters and find the hidden word as quickly as possible. At the same time, you can ask him a topic or even ask him a corresponding riddle.

3. Finding the odd one out

The card should contain 3-5 words with letters mixed inside that belong to the same logical group. One of the words must differ in meaning (LOKAZH, NJO, VAKIL and VLOK) or in structure (SEL, SDA, OCT, OHE - 1 and 2 syllables). This task trains not only reading, but also logic.

It will also be important for parents to know that the method of speed reading in children also depends on how correctly they initially learn to read. So, for example, many parents make the mistake of starting to teach their child not sounds (a, m, b, p), but letters (a, em, be, pe). As a result, kids cannot figure out how to combine all this into syllables. At the syllable stage, also mistakenly, parents ask their children to read everything abruptly, making pauses. In fact, you need to ask the child to draw out each sound until he figures out how to say the next one (kkkooott, lleeevvv). To avoid making these and other mistakes, you need to consult a teacher or find the appropriate ones yourself. guidelines. We hope that our advice will be useful to you, and we wish you good luck in your studies with your child!

– a person’s ability to read the required amount of information several times faster and at the same time assimilate it one hundred percent. When speed reading, attention does not wander. For this, there are special courses, trainings, and exercises that help people activate the cerebral cortex. world-class mastered speed reading techniques in order to be able to read in a short period of time a large number of literature. presents to your attention effective exercises for speed reading.

Speed ​​reading techniques of famous people

Suffice it to recall the leader of the proletariat, Lenin, who read at a speed of up to 2500 words per minute! Thanks to these abilities, he could read books very quickly. Sometimes he was asked whether he read or just skimmed the pages. To which the leader replied that, of course, he reads, otherwise he would not be able to obtain all the knowledge that he now has.

Theodore Roosevelt read two sentences at a time, and then could easily retell the text, sometimes even word for word. Maxim Gorky had even more unique abilities. He perfectly mastered the technique of speed reading and when he took latest number magazine, cut out the pages and read the text, as if “drawing” a zigzag. After reading one magazine, I took up new literature. This technique is called diagonal speed reading.

In the Middle Ages there lived a monk named Raymond Lullia. He was one of the first to propose some speed reading techniques. They were mastered by Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and John Kennedy.

The famous Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin read five hundred pages at once every day. He had a very a big library, which contained a large amount of literature. Starting from dictionaries to collected works. He loved the works of Pushkin and his biography. In his office, sitting reading another book, he emphasized in it important points, thereby throwing away unnecessary ones. I used several colored pencils for such purposes.

Karl Marx also loved to fold the pages of books and make notes in their margins. President Roosevelt was simply in love with speed reading. He could read the entire book in one sitting. Honore de Balzac told his contemporaries about the ease with which he was able to read eight sentences at once, and at the same time identify one key one from them.

Adolf Hitler had his own speed reading technique. He picked up a book, a magazine, a scientific article and opened it to the last page. If I saw something worthwhile, I read it. From the memoirs of Adolf Hitler's secretary, we know that the leader very much regretted that he could not read a single fiction book, since his duties only included reading scientific literature.

Effective exercises for speed reading

There are several exercises that allow you to develop reading speed up to more high level skill. But before you start, there are a few things to consider: important facts. Sit straight and without bending left hand put it on what you will read: a book, magazine, newspaper. It is very important that a person has at least minimal reading skills, reading comprehension, and information processing. Otherwise, all these exercises will not provide any benefit, and may even cause harm.

1. Take any book you like and read it. Then do it in reverse order. Practice until your reading speed becomes fast.

2. Second exercise. Ask a friend to choose any word from the text. Then try to find it very quickly. It's worth remembering school. After all, we were taught to find the answer to a question by finding one keyword and without re-reading the entire text.

3. Many people read books from beginning to end, without missing a single sentence, without jumping from page to page. But they are not needed in order to proofread them perfectly. It is enough to glance at only those facts that are important, and thereby not lose the essence. This applies to anyone fiction. But some legislative acts, charters, documents need to be read very carefully, because every word hides a deeper meaning.

4. Page view is another one exercise to improve your reading speed. You should spend at least twenty seconds on each page. Then select individual words in the text, build sentences from them, but most importantly, try not to lose the essence of the text.

6. Most people have developed the habit of reading one text several times. To avoid this, take a small piece of paper and place it on the sentences that have already been read. It is important to be quick here, to read the sentences before the sheet covers them. It will be a little difficult at first, but then it will become a habit.

7. To help the eyes, use another exercise for speed reading. With your left hand, move your finger along the page at a distance of two to three centimeters from each sentence.

8. The role of the hand in another exercise is to move in a zigzag manner, subsequently returning to the beginning of the line. This technique is not suitable for those materials or literature that should be read, thinking about every word. It allows you to “scan” some moments and fragments of the text and understand its essence at a glance. a short time.

9. One of the unique speed reading exercises is "appropriation". Often you have to read articles, texts with new and not in famous words, terms or foreign articles written in a non-native language. You can read very little per minute, but the main thing is to comprehend and understand what you read. Reading - “filtering”, as this exercise can also be called, consists in the fact that the text is read by a person who knows all the terms and facts. He does this quickly, omitting everything he knew previously, in search of something new and bright.

10. When reading fiction, a person is in a relaxed state, he clearly imagines the images of the characters, sometimes even gets used to the role. This type of reading is called “empathy.” If the reader wants to increase his reading speed, then this effect disappears, only technology appears.

11. During wartime, they used intelligence officers, people who in a short time had to read an important document and understand its essence. This exercise is called the “assault method.” This method involves presenting the person being trained with small chunks of articles that are rotated at a rapid pace. Each time the texts change faster and faster, and a person must remember their essence almost word for word.

One of serious problems A problem that parents of schoolchildren often encounter is poor reading technique. Slow and uncertain reading of text information leads to more time being spent on completing tasks, and this, in turn, leads to an overall decrease in academic performance.

How to teach a child to read quickly, while absorbing the necessary amount of information? How can we ensure that a child’s ability to read quickly does not turn into a mechanical, mindless repetition of words? After all, a text, especially works of fiction, must not only be read, but also experienced; only in this case can we talk about a full-fledged reading process.

One of the most popular ways to solve this problem today is to teach schoolchildren speed reading - a special technique that allows you to assimilate text information as efficiently as possible, spending a little time on it.

Speed ​​reading training, when and how?

Learning classic speed reading techniques, based on the principle of complete suppression of internal pronunciation, should not begin before the age of 10-12 years. This is due to the fact that elementary school students better remember information whose transmission speed is identical average speed ordinary human speech.

However, even in the first grade, in the process of teaching a child to read, you can use some of the techniques offered by the speed reading method. These exercises will be extremely useful for developing speed reading skills in children.

Typical learning errors that lead to decreased reading speed

It should be noted that typical mistakes, from which reading technique significantly suffers, are often caused by the unprofessional actions of parents who independently teach their children to read.

Here are the most common points:

  • The child remembers the name, not the pronunciation of the letter: “ME”, “BE”, “SHA”, etc. Therefore, instead of “MOM”, he will read “MEAAAMMEEA”, and this will significantly increase the time it takes to read the words. Teach children to pronounce the sounds “M”, “B”, “P”, and not the names of letters; this is a necessary condition for the child to learn to read fluently and without errors.
  • , let's combine them correctly! We connect not the names of the letters “ME” and “A”, but the sounds - MMMaaaa, we learn to stretch them out smoothly. We make sure that children do not try to read by simply listing the letters: B, A, B, A, or P, A, P, A.
  • Parents should not train speed reading skills in the following way: “you must read such and such a text (a task is given), and after that you will be free. It is better to conduct short reading lessons, but with greater frequency. In other words, read less, but read more often.

This is connected with the structure of visual memory: what flashes before the eyes is better remembered, and not what the child sees over a long period of time. Three small sessions during the day for 5-7 minutes will be much more effective than one session lasting 15-20 minutes. The interval between classes should be at least one to two hours.

Exercises to develop speed reading skills in first graders

Half words. The task that is set for the student is to separate fragment words to guess what the rest of it will be.

Write a few words (5-10) in large letters on paper sheets or cards. Cut the word cards in random order into halves. Shuffle the cards. Invite your child to correctly put words together from these elements.

In tow. This exercise involves reading together between an adult and a child. Select a page from the book with text. Mark the beginning of the text. Start reading to yourself, while using your finger to mark the lines you read. The child should read aloud in parallel, following your finger. Thus, willy-nilly, the young reader will be forced to adapt to the speed of the “tug,” that is, the reading adult.

This technique motivates the child well to read, because in the process of completing the task, the positive result becomes obvious.

Repeat reading the previous passage using the same time interval - one minute. Surely the second time the passage read will be a little larger than the one that was read initially. Repeat, emphasizing in every possible way the success achieved by the child after each advancement beyond the boundaries. readable text. This task can be repeated no more than three times in a row.

Jump-stop. The point of this exercise is to consolidate the skills of orienting in the text, making maximum use of visual memory. It is performed as follows.

The child puts his hands on his knees, and in front of him lies an open book with text. At the command of an adult: “Jump!” he begins to read the text. When the command “Stop, stop” is given, the reader should raise his head from the book, close his eyes, and rest for a few seconds. When the command “Jump!” is heard again, the child lowers his eyes and looks in the book for the place where he stopped. After the place is found, reading must be continued until the next command from the adult.

Would you like to learn more about speed reading techniques for children and have them at hand? Toolkit for activities with a child? — Pay attention to some of the popular books on speed reading. They are designed for teaching a child at home. They include effective proprietary techniques, exercises, instructions and training.

  1. Speed ​​reading for children. How to read faster, remember and understand more. G. Abdulova
  2. Speed ​​reading for children. Full version. A training book for parents of children 6-8, 9-12 and 13-17 years old. Sh Akhmadulin
  3. Teaching children speed reading. Complete learning system at home. Complex of educational programs. Sh. Akhmadulin

We fight unconscious pronunciation

The speed reading technique assumes the absence of conscious or uncontrolled articulation while reading, while most children, when reading, strive to sound out the text by pronouncing the words.

There is a fairly effective way to overcome this problem.

While reading, let the command “Lips!” the little reader will put the index finger of his left hand to his lips. After the command is completed, the child must go into “silent reading” mode. Then the adult gives the command “Aloud!”, following which the child must remove his finger from his lips and begin reading aloud. This technique will do an excellent job of teaching a student to read without pronunciation.

Enchanted sentences

You can make up a few sentences yourself, or you can use lines of poems or riddles already known to the child. The point is that the order of words in sentences changes and the student must “unenchant” the sentences by arranging the words in the correct order. This exercise is excellent for visual memory.

For example:

  1. Only cross the road in the right direction
  2. Carnation two rings in the middle two ends
  3. Gave Katya porridge with our semolina
  4. In the garden, cherry blossoms bloomed in our spring
  5. Friends came to Olya's birthday party
  6. The slippery dangerous and long path was

Restoring letters

This task develops visual memory, teaches you to analyze the composition of a word, teaches you to correlate the first and last letters words in its overall visual image.

Type a short passage of text, omitting the vowels in the words first. Invite the student to fill in the blanks, allotting a certain period of time for this (no more than 3-5 minutes for a text 2-3 sentences long). In the future, the task can be complicated: skip consonants, letter combinations, syllables.

Child - teacher

Very good exercise, the implementation of which children are usually very enthusiastic about. After all, they are given a unique opportunity to correct an adult!

An adult, reading a passage of text, makes a deliberate mistake in the pronunciation of one or more words. The child’s task is to interrupt reading and correct the adult’s mistakes.

Exercises for training visual and general memory

Reading technique suffers significantly when the child’s visual angle is insufficient to cover several words in a row. A technique using Schulte digital tables will help solve this problem.

10 4 28 19 14
20 24 18 1 5
13 8 30 25 11
2 22 15 27 17
26 6 12 3 21
16 23 9 29 7

The student must quickly find the numbers from 1 to 30 in the table, observing their order in the number series, showing and naming the number. This must be done within a certain period of time, the duration of which depends on the individual preparation of the child. In the future, the time during which the student finds the numbers should be reduced.

Training your memory

Another serious point that affects reading technique is that the student is not enough.

Surely many parents are faced with a situation where, having started to read a sentence of 6-8 words, the child stops at the third or fourth word, and further reading causes him difficulty. This is due to the fact that the child simply forgot what word the text began with, which means it is difficult for him to connect the words he has already read into a sentence. There is a pause that slows down the process.

In this case, special exercises will help - visual dictations, the writing of which stimulates the development of visual memory and has a direct impact on children’s ability to read fluently and without errors.

Conducting visual dictation

Type a short text - no more than six sentences. First, cover the text with a sheet of thick paper, then open the first sentence and give the child 8 seconds to read it and remember it. Cover the text and ask the student to write the sentence from memory. Do the same with the remaining sentences.

Do not confuse this task with writing expositions, which you are already familiar with from school! Here you need to accurately repeat the text that the student saw and remembered.

Celebrating the results!

Be sure to note positive results in your child’s mastery of reading techniques. You can create and hang above his desk a special sign demonstrating progress, this will motivate the child to further studies.

By the end of third grade, certain results must be achieved. The required level of reading technique at this age is at least 120 words per minute. Speed ​​reading for children is one of the most effective ways learn to read quickly and consciously, without speaking out loud or articulating.

Webinar on the development of speed reading in children:

Wanting to prepare their child for adult life, parents early years trying to teach him everything he needs. And many people are concerned about the question: are speed reading exercises useful for children, and at what age should such classes begin? There are several positions that responsible parents should familiarize themselves with.

What is speed reading?

Speed ​​reading is a selection of specialized technologies whose goal is to increase reading speed. The most impressive result is 10,000 words per minute (about 6 pages of printed text). This skill will be useful for students who have to study huge volumes in search of an answer to a seminar question, but younger students do not yet need to break speed records and “swallow” books one by one. It is much more important for them to enjoy the printed word and thoughtfully read the texts offered to them classical works. But teachers note that the ability to read quickly is also useful in grades 1-5.

It is very important that before starting classes, the child has a number of necessary skills - first of all, he can read meaningfully, thoughtfully, and understand what was discussed in the text. Without this, classes will lose meaning. In addition, the student must have sufficient vocabulary, the ability to concentrate, and focus on the text and its content. It is advisable that he does not move his lips while reading, pronouncing what he read - this significantly slows down the reading speed. If the child is now doing exactly this, he should avoid reciting through regular training.

Modern teachers have developed several methods to help teach a thoughtful child to read quickly, without losing the meaning of what he read.

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Researchers note that early speed reading lessons are more harmful than beneficial, because a child who is just getting acquainted with the printed word should try to read thoughtfully, consciously, and understand what is being said, and not strive to do it as quickly as possible. After all, due to the fact that the baby read everything quickly, but did not understand practically anything, the very meaning of reading is lost. Therefore, experts believe that it is not worth working on speed reading with children 7 years old, whose brains are already ready to perceive tasks - it is better to postpone training.

At the same time, certain exercises aimed at developing attentiveness and the ability to concentrate will be useful at this age.

Comprehensive training to increase reading speed is best carried out at the age of 10-12 - this is exactly what many teachers believe.

There is no clear answer to the question at what age to start classes. If parents see that their child at 7-8 years old reads well, understands the meaning, and can answer questions about its content, then they can begin to engage in separate speed reading exercises with him in a playful way. But if a student does not understand what is required of him, classes can be postponed for a year. Most experts categorically do not recommend conducting such training with preschoolers, even if they can read, since they often do not understand the differences between letters and sounds.


The advantages of the speed reading technique include the following:

  • with regular classes, it is possible to get rid of most of the mistakes typical of elementary school students (rearranging syllables in words, replacing letters, hesitations);
  • high reading speed is directly related to high academic performance.
  • Exercises help improve memory and promote the development of thinking.

This is why training should be done on a regular basis. However, you should not force your child to study or scold him if something doesn’t work out, otherwise there is a high risk that he will perceive the book in a negative light. For younger children school age should be actively used gaming technology, visualize what you read. To do this, parents can select illustrations for the text and show them to their child. This will help him understand the meaning.

Rules for organizing classes

When working on speed reading techniques, it is important to adhere to several rules that will make each lesson as productive as possible.

  • You should strive to ensure that your child reads and does exercises regularly, preferably every day, and not to ensure that he reads a lot at one time.
  • Don’t underestimate the importance of rest, so you should take short breaks during training so that your baby can rest and gain strength.
  • It is imperative to praise the child for efforts, and especially for success, but reprimands must be avoided, since parental dissatisfaction will reduce both motivation and interest.

In the learning process, it is good to use an element of healthy competition, so you can sometimes give the child the opportunity to “beat” the parent and read faster than dad or mom. This will give him faith in his own strength and the desire to make further progress.

Exercises for primary school age

So, we found out that speed reading classes can be included in a child’s daily routine as early as 7-8 years old, but only if he has the skill of meaningful reading. Some exercises aimed not only at increasing reading speed, but also at developing attentiveness and ingenuity will be useful.

  • Reading together (“tugboat”). Very useful exercise to increase reading speed. A certain fragment of text is selected, the child reads it out loud, and the parent runs his finger along the lines. Gradually, the adult begins to move faster, forcing the baby to also increase speed, without even noticing it. When performed regularly it helps to achieve good results.
  • Half words. Parents prepare didactic material in advance - make cards with words, then cut them into 2 parts (for example, bus - auto and bus). For a primary school student there should be 7-10 such words. The child’s task is to figure out which halves of which words are in front of him and put them together.
  • For the development of visual memory. This task will not only help increase the speed of meaningful reading, but will also be an excellent training for the visual memory of a primary school student. A text is selected, which the child reads until he hears “Stop” from the adult, then he closes his eyes for 5 seconds, then opens them and tries to find the line he stopped on as quickly as possible. It will take some time at first, but it will get better each time.
  • Break your own record. For work, a fairly long text is selected, which the child reads for two minutes. As soon as the time is up, he stops reading, and the adult puts an end to the book, after which the child is given time to rest. The next step is to read the same fragment again from the beginning, but the task is to break your own record, read beyond the point. Thus, the text is read three times per lesson. If the record is “broken,” the parent’s task is to praise the child for the will to win.

You should not force your child to do everything at once; 2-3 exercises at first will be quite enough. The main thing is that he does not lose interest in learning and makes every effort.

Training at 8-9 years old

The development of speed reading should be continued in the second and third grades, inviting the child to perform various exercises. Even those experts who are against early classes speed reading, note that individual elements will be useful at 8-9 years old.

Schulte tables are a very good simulator not only for reading speed, but also for attentiveness; regular exercises on them help to expand the angle of vision (improve peripheral vision). You can study with them at the age of 8-9 years. This simulator is a table with a large number of cells, in each of which data is entered in random order - these can be numbers, letters. The student’s task is to find them in order (for example, letters from A to Z) within a certain period of time, using peripheral vision. You cannot pronounce the found numbers or letters out loud; only your gaze works.

To prevent the child from getting used to a certain sequence, the tables should be changed regularly.

The gaze should not run across the cells of the table, but should be concentrated in its central part, only in this case the task is considered completed correctly. At first it will be difficult, but after regular training the results will be noticeable.

You should study according to Schulte tables at least 2-3 times a week (but preferably every day), the duration of the lesson is 20-30 minutes.

When working on increasing the speed of meaningful reading, the following exercises will be useful:

  • expressive reading of a familiar text with a gradual transition to an unknown fragment;
  • an attempt to read at the pace of tongue twisters.

At this age, in order to develop memory, attentiveness, and the ability to think, exercises for children aimed at correcting mistakes should be actively included in classes. Let's give a few examples.

  • An adult reads the text aloud, deliberately making a mistake in any word. The child’s task is to listen carefully, detect an error and report it after listening to the fragment. Gradually, the task can be complicated by increasing the number of errors.
  • The parent makes up several sentences, and deliberately makes a mistake in them. For example, he makes cards with the words “Cat” “window” “on” “lies” and lays them out in the same order. The child’s task is to arrange them correctly to form the sentence “The cat is lying on the window.”
  • Mom or dad composes and designs a short text in which vowels are missing. At first there may be few of them, but over time the number of omissions increases. The child’s task is to understand which vowels are missing and insert them. This exercise can be gradually modified by omitting whole syllables in words, then words and phrases; it helps to develop thinking and ingenuity.

Attention exercises

When studying with a junior schoolchild at home, you can ask him to complete several complicated tasks that will help not only increase the speed of meaningful reading, but also develop memory and thinking.

  • Decoding anagrams. The parent makes anagrams by swapping letters in words; the child’s task is to figure out which word is encrypted and name it correctly. At the first stages, the words should be the simplest, familiar to the student. For example, you can choose the thematic group “Vegetables”: oretsgu, toamt, karshtok, lku.
  • Reading a text that contains permutations of letters (for example, not mathematics, but mathemakita). The child’s task is not to correct the mistake, but to understand the general meaning of what was read, to read the fragment as quickly as possible, without paying attention to the rearrangements. This will help the student see that reading by syllables is ineffective, so it must be gradually abandoned.
  • Reading upside down text. This is quite a difficult task even for adults. Therefore, you need to carefully select a fragment; it should be understandable to a younger student. The essence of the exercise is to read words and then sentences “back to front.”
  • Word search. The parent selects the text, finds words in it that the child will look for, then asks the child to complete the task for a while. The student’s task is not just to read the text, but also to find these words in it as quickly as possible.
  • "Bumblebee". It is considered one of the most effective exercises for developing speed reading. The child is asked to read a fragment of text to himself, while buzzing like an insect. Constant implementation will allow the child to quickly get rid of articulation - he will learn not to pronounce out loud the text read to himself.

With regular training, your reading speed will gradually increase.

To expand the field of vision and memory

Exercises for children to develop reading speed also involve working on peripheral vision, since if the radius of peripheral vision is very small, then this becomes a serious obstacle to fast reading. Therefore, every day you need to perform special exercises that will help solve the problem. A similar exercise has already been described earlier - Schulte tables. But there are other options.

  • Working with shapes. You should draw a sun with several rays on a piece of paper. At the end of each ray place geometric figure familiar to the child. The student’s task is to look at the sun and name the figures in order.
  • Improving photo memory. The exercise is performed on a computer or using pre-prepared cards. The parent prints a few words (or lays out cards on the table where they are written down). The child’s task is to read them and remember them; he looks at the words for 10-15 seconds. Next, the adult asks a question: was there a certain word in this row? The child must remember and give the correct answer.

Reading speed has a direct connection with memory, so it is very important to include various exercises in your training aimed at improving visual memory.

Building a lesson

You can use rough plan lesson.

  1. Warm-up part. The child reads aloud a short fragment of text (the optimal length is about one hundred words), then answers the parent’s questions about its content. Also, as a warm-up, you can pronounce tongue twisters and tongue twisters; it is recommended to do this in two ways: in a whisper and loudly.
  2. Working with the Schulte table or performing any other exercise from the block to develop lateral vision.
  3. Working with anagrams or distorted text to improve memory and develop attentiveness.
  4. Reading upside down text.

This structure is approximate and can be modified by the parent depending on which tasks the child copes with worse.

Speed ​​reading classes will help your child gain skills useful for his future life. Parents have to complete difficult tasks: to understand when the student is ready to start regular training, that is, to read meaningfully, and also to help him gradually increase his reading speed, develop memory and thinking with the help of special exercises.

As you know, “first there was the word,” and then they began to depict it, write it, print it, and humanity already has one more problem. How to teach a child to read with less expenditure of not only physical, but also mental strength? How to turn reading into an accessible and necessary assistant?

IN school years A lot is built on the student’s ability to work independently with a book. Provided that the student completes all homework and class assignments, the volume of reading increases with each period of school. So, when moving to the 5th grade it doubles, and by the eighth grade it triples. Wherein reading skills students remain at the same level primary classes. Then the child develops according to one of the following schemes: or spends time doing homework for five hours, acquiring various health complications; or does not prepare lessons properly, neglects reading and goes with the flow.

Various reading problems later in life are explained by the fact that throughout our lives we read the way we were taught in first grade. At the same time, we do not know how, we do not have the opportunity, desire or concept to use faster reading techniques.

When reading, children experience a number of problems, among which:

  1. When reading the text “to themselves,” they articulate. Movement of the lips and tongue occurs in approximately 80% of adults; most pronounce the text to themselves. In this case, the eyes stay in one place for too long, and they are able to scan the complexes.
  2. Most people rely more on hearing when reading, although vision, i.e. eyes perceive and transmit information several tens of times faster.
  3. Most children have a small field of vision. The human eye perceives information only during the stop period. How much he sees indicates the size of his field of vision. Unfortunately, most techniques do not include exercises designed to expand the field of vision.
  4. When a reader reads aloud or accompanies reading with articulation, the path of information processing becomes longer: to the hearing/speech center, speech center, and only then analysis of the information received. When using the speed reading technique, information travels a shorter path: the eyes, the speech center.
  5. During traditional reading, a large number of unnecessary mechanical repetitions occur, which results in unnecessary loss of time. While with speed reading, the reading speed increases significantly.

What is speed reading for a child?

Because the Primary School This is the only place where attention is still paid to reading technique, and its speed is measured and controlled, then it is at this stage that you need to learn how to read effectively and eliminate errors so as not to carry them with you adult life. It is precisely because of the numerous errors in reading technique among students junior classes and speed reading for children arose (previously it was aimed only at adults). Most popular mistakes are: stuttering, involuntary change of letters, rearrangement of letters and syllables, underreading of endings. Such errors, together with the above-mentioned reading problems, sharply reduce reading speed and turn this process into a rather complex one. And passing reading standards often frustrates children who cannot read easily and fluently.

Speed ​​reading helps not only to eliminate these errors, but also to automatically increase the speed of reading, not due to the fact that the child is rushed, but by eliminating the “braking” moments. When nothing interferes with a child’s reading, the speed increases accordingly. Speed ​​reading provides tools that allow children to work through and correct emerging difficulties in reading, and when reading does not cause difficulties, the child takes up the book himself.

When speed reading, attention is paid to the quality of understanding and memorizing the texts read. Often children are practically incapable retell what you read, do not grasp its meaning well, paying attention only to minor details. When retelling, the child uses only words from the text, does not tell in his own words, because he is afraid that he misunderstood the meaning, and it would be much safer to use the words read in the text. Speed ​​reading approaches the solution of the problem of qualitative understanding, as well as memorizing texts, from the position of organizing such thought processes such as attention, imagination, memory, thinking. Children are provided with an algorithm for working with text, allowing them to see what is important and correctly understand what they are reading. Then the child knows what to pay attention to, what is essential. This approach makes children's reading structured, conscious, with a focus on extracting information. It is important to activate the child’s memory so that it is easy to answer in class, retell texts after a while, and study new subjects.

Figurative memory is considered the strongest in children. In order for a child to imagine colorful, vibrant and memorable images, it is necessary to develop his imagination, which is the main process cognitive activity at junior schoolchildren. When a child can imagine images, he remembers material more successfully and learns new subjects. In addition, many parents say that their children are distracted when reading, distracted by any stimulus, and when they stop reading, they do not remember where they stopped. Sometimes it happens that the eyes are still moving through the text, but the thoughts in the head are already somewhere far away. Speed ​​reading develops attention, composure and concentration, and this improves the perception of material and its long-term memorization.

You can teach your child the basics of speed reading at home. To do this, you need to do some exercises with it regularly. It should be taken into account that the system of teaching reading developed in educational institutions and tested over the years by practice is a solid foundation for competent writing and studying science in the future, but at the same time this system does not contribute to expanding the possibilities of independent perception of the material. When teaching your child the basics of speed reading, you should not abandon the methods that have been proven over the years. You just have the opportunity to see what more is capable of quick method reading, which can be used from primary school.

Class structure

You should work with your child for 15-20 minutes three times a week. The lesson has the following structure:

  • Warm up. Reading a short text (up to 100 words) followed by questions to test your reading comprehension.
  • Schulte tables. Such tables are a square on which objects are arranged in random order (usually numbers or letters). They help develop the speed of finding objects in a set order, for example, numbers from 1 to 9. For elementary school students, it is worth using tables in which the field is simply divided into equal rectangles, while the number of numbers in the table is 25 and 36, and the number of letters is 20.
  • Damaged text. First, the text needs to be cut into two parts, glued to the card, shifted by 1-2 lines. Then the tasks become more complicated: parts are cut out in the middle of the text, letters are missing at the beginning or end of the line. After reading, you need to have a conversation about the text.
  • Vocabulary work, in which exercises are performed to quickly perceive groups of words.
  • Exercises that develop logical thinking. To avoid overwork, such exercises are often based on mathematical material. You can periodically replace them with drawings on the topic of the text you read.

The first stage of classes assumes that the focus will be on eliminating such reasons slow reading like acticulation and small field of view. Reading is performed under the condition of mechanical restraint of the articulatory apparatus, with the creation of noise and interference. Already starting from the first grade, you should work with Schulte tables; it will expand the field of vision and serve to develop attention.

The next stage involves focusing on improving the quality of reading comprehension. The damaged text is read, which is divided into 2-3 stripes, separated by 1 centimeter. They read two texts of different structures at the same time, for example, a fairy tale about animals and a story about nature. Then the child is asked to draw and remember something similar. Children in primary school often cannot see the meaning in each individual line and independently choose the pace of reading for different reading purposes. Such activities significantly improve children's ability to retell texts.


It is important to perform exercises aimed at developing and activating vocabulary, transforming words, composing sentences or a story based on given words that are not related to each other.

Don't forget about the basics of learning to read. So, at the initial stage, conduct general exercises with your child that increase reading speed. Start with the simplest ones, developing clarity of pronunciation (“cars go zh-zh-zh”, “creeps” snake shhh" etc.). Read tongue twisters and sayings with him. Read several consonants in a row in one breath, then add a vowel to them. Add words from halves using about 3-10 words and asking your child to quickly put together meaningful words from the two halves.

There are also several exercises aimed at the ability to determine the desired reading speed and change it where necessary. For example, you read “to yourself”, accompanying the reading by moving your finger along the text, the child reads aloud using your finger, i.e. keeping up with you. Naturally, you should not set the speed too high.

Repeated reading exercises can arouse positive emotions towards reading. For a minute, invite your child to read the text and mark where he left off. Then he should read this passage again, naturally, as a result, a few more words will be read, which will arouse positive emotions and faith in his abilities in the child. This exercise should not be repeated more than three times.

Development of skills and qualities

To develop a skill navigate the text, use the “throw-notch” exercise. The child places his hands on his lap and begins reading the text at the command “throw”. As soon as the command “notch” is heard from the adult, the baby takes his eyes off the book, while continuing to keep his hands on his knees, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds. The adult again says the command “throw”, after which the child must use his eyes to find in the text the place where he completed reading, and continue from that moment to read the text out loud. The duration of the exercise is up to five minutes.

An interesting exercise aimed at understanding texts and developing reading skills. The text is read with a cover top part lines. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the child’s intelligence will allow him to notice a certain feature - when reading the top line in half letters, the bottom line remains completely open, so it is “advantageous” to quickly read the bottom line while it is open, and then quickly produce the finished result when it will be closed. This exercise contributes to the formation of several important educational qualities:

  • Since the reading of the bottom line needs to be hidden, silent reading develops;
  • Since several words need to be retained and stored in memory for some time, verbal-logical memory develops;
  • As the child reads a given line aloud and silently the underlying line, the ability to distribute attention and simultaneously perform at least two tasks develops.

By instilling in a child a love of reading, which is only possible with effective and high-quality implementation Through this process, you will help him in the future make it easier for him to complete many tasks, succeed in his studies and not experience a number of learning difficulties.

If you have any difficulties or problems, you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!