St. Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk. Photo from the Internet, may its author forgive me!

I stood with a group of tourists on a green hill and looked at the tall snow-white Cathedral, it seems, St. Sophia. It was in Polotsk, I was 13-14 years old and this was my first independent travel without parents. I remember that I was holding a small notebook in my hands, where I tried to write down the names of attractions. I didn’t have any other gadgets then, in the late 80s. And the desire to at least somehow document the trip has already arisen.

It was later, years later, that I learned that there is a genre of travel writing in travel journalism, when a traveler writes down his observations, the most exciting moments of the trip and his impressions of it. Especially impressions that fade over time, like old printed photographs. Of course, in our digital age it is easier to photograph than . But it is still important to note some details in the notebook.

These are the names of settlements, cities, names of people with whom we met and talked. By the way, it is important to record as accurately as possible. Take the time to write down what the weather was like and what nuances it brought to the trip. The names of streets, cathedrals and monuments, and most importantly - the state of mind that they evoked, because even cities have history, not just history.

I admit, I have never been to the sea, in foreign countries and in the mountains (except that I saw the Ural Mountains from the window of a train and car). For now I travel most often around Russia. It's a pity that I didn't always take notes. But even now I can remember some details. In the village of Mikhailovskoye I was surprised by the tall, powerful pines (or spruces?) and shady alleys with bridges, and in the Svyatogorsk Monastery, where Pushkin was brought to be buried, by narrow dark corridors and the poet’s death mask, similar to a theatrical one.

Minsk is remembered for its neat station square and bright, uncrowded metro. In the mysterious town of Nesvizh I saw for the first time medieval castle with guardhouses, courtyards, parks, earthen ramparts and deep ditches. In Yekaterinburg, I visited the scene of death royal family at a time when, instead of the Church on the Blood, there was a cross with a photograph of the royal family. And nearby you could see the hills from the blown up Ipatiev House...

Now I live in Kazan, but once I lived in Zelenodolsk and. I visited Bolgar, Urzhum, Malmyzh, Nolinsk... Even in the smallest provincial towns there are so many interesting and unique things that you won’t see anywhere else. In Nolinsk, for example, the ensemble of St. Nicholas Cathedral amazes with its grandeur and... abandonment. The tall white walls of the cathedral are being destroyed by time, and perhaps by people, although it is an architectural monument. I saw it and remembered it...

And one day we went to the Urals, to the city of Serov by car. My grandparents and my mother’s parents lived there. It’s a long way from the Kirov region, it took us a day to travel. But it was an unforgettable road trip! Through the sea-like Votkinsk reservoir, the cozy city of Tchaikovsky, in flower beds, the foggy bridge near Kachkanar... But a lot was forgotten, because I didn’t write it down interesting names and the impressions they made.

Here we stand in Europe. And Asia is already around the corner!

I had a camera with me (a point-and-shoot camera with film), so they photographed some things, for example, the border sign between Europe and Asia, which is marked in this place by a white elegant pillar. On it you can see completely inelegant, but eternal inscriptions: Vasya was here... We were there too! Here we are showing off in a photo, an old one, still in print, and slightly blurry.

By the way, there are a great many such pillars throughout the entire Ural Mountains (which is more than 3000 kilometers) and all of them different types. Everyone has their own story. Unfortunately, I forgot (because I didn’t write it down!) in which place in the Ural Mountains the pillar near which we were photographed is located. But maybe some of the readers will recognize this place?

And from the notes you can create a travelogue that will please the author and benefit other people. They may never visit there, but thanks to the author's travel notes they will learn a lot of interesting things.

You will need

  • camera or video camera;
  • notepad and pencil;
  • laptop or tablet;
  • Dictaphone.


When planning your next trip, try to prepare in advance for the fact that you will keep a travel diary. To get started, seek professional help. Surely, you have at least once watched the programs “Around the World”, “Bad Notes” or turned on the “Travel-TV” channel. Find any of the stories from these cycles in the program guide or on the Internet. See them from the point of view of a traveler and journalist. Pay attention to the emphasis of the plot. Sketch it in a notepad or any digital device convenient for you. rough plan conducting travel notes.

First, mark the date, time and place from which you begin your travel notes. By the way, you can start keeping your travel notes immediately after you leave home and go to the airport or train station. Secondly, start the morning of each next day with new photographs and notes on them, making sure to record their date. Accompany your comments with photographs. There can be quite a lot of them; later you will have to carefully select the most interesting ones for your travel notes.

Be sure to take pictures of every interesting object. This could be a local market with an abundance of seafood or tropical fruits, festive processions or simply scenes from life, imbued with the flavor inherent in a given place. If you do not have the opportunity to immediately write down comments on the footage in a notebook, use the voice recorder that you probably have in your mobile phone. This will help you later recreate your impressions of what you saw and describe them in travel notes.

Don't forget very much important point: each vivid impression Record what you see not only in a photo or video, but also in your comments to it. The sooner you describe your feelings, the more interesting and vivid your travel notes will be. Don't overload your notes with expanded ones historical information, received from a guide or on the Internet, those who want to find out the details will do it themselves. Also, you shouldn’t put mean and impersonal captions like “local market”, “view of the mountain”, etc. under the photos. Try to make the description interesting for the readers of your notes.

Your journey is over. It's time to organize all the material for notes in chronological order. Collect all sources for notes together: record texts from a voice recorder, add notes from other sources, download photos. In any program convenient for you that works with texts and images, write your notes by inserting photographs and captions to them. You can also give each photo an original name, use your imagination and sense of humor. Be sure to re-read the notes and give them to your loved ones to read. Liked? Feel free to post your travel notes on your page, blog or any website where tourists share their travel impressions.

Travel notes are one of the varieties of travel essays - a genre of artistic journalism. This

sketches made during a trip or immediately upon returning home based on fresh impressions. In them, the author talks about everything that attracted his attention during the trip, what struck his imagination, everything new, unusual, interesting, everything that was remembered and broadened his horizons, enriched him with knowledge and ideas about the world around him. Descriptions of nature, terrain, attractions of cities and villages; stories about the people he met along the way, about local customs - everything that seemed worthy of attention makes up the content of travel notes.

Travel notes are always subjective: they reveal the author himself and contain his assessment of what he saw - positive or negative. They are always emotionally charged.

The leading type of speech in travel writing is usually narration, which reflects the change

the author’s relationship in time and space; the text is dominated by various descriptive fragments that “photograph” the area, natural objects, people, animals; reasoning with justification for the assessment or reasoning-explanation is also possible.

©> 187. Read the text.


Autumn is the time to sum up the results of hikes and expeditions. We also had an expedition in August: we crossed the Voronezh River in boats.

“It’s still good...” Savely Vasilyevich, a resident of the village of Kuzminki, said about the river while talking with us.

Our first camp is near Dalniy. We woke up to a milky fog over the water. Two shepherds, one from a boat, the other from the shore, are catching a roach; A heron stands a little to the side in the water, watching over the frogs. Roosters are crowing in the village. An old woman leads a calf to the shore. And above the tents there is an air battle: a falcon waylaid a swallow, but did not shoot it down the first time, repeats the attacks - soars up and falls down...

Up from Dalny, the river seemed to us like a heavenly place, untouched, untouched by man. Dragonflies hung above the water, above the water lilies. Kingfisher fishermen swept over the smooth surface of the reaches like emerald shuttles. The oak forest surrounded the river like a dense and scary wall.

The right high bank is almost everywhere covered with oak trees. This is the same expensive ship timber that Tsar Peter looked at when choosing a place for the first Russian shipyard.

Coming out of the forest, the river becomes thin everywhere. Vast, deep and bottomless reaches, it seems, suddenly turn into a narrow and shallow stream winding through the meadows. The river is good here too. Reeds, sedges, cattails frame the whimsical ribbon of water with their eyelashes. Here you see: the river is inhabited. Heaps of hay on the shore. Broad crossing. Cows. Geese. Boys with fishing rods. On the hillocks there are chains of squat huts.

In these places you especially feel the life-giving need of water on earth. You see how all living things strengthen near the water. The river, winding, gave its grace to houses scattered across the plain, groves, watering holes, goose ponds, wet meadows, and cabbage turning blue in the floodplain. Rejoicing at these twists and turns of the water, we remembered the zealous lovers of “straightening rivers.” Almost always, straightening a river means robbing the land... The left bank, as a rule, is low. Black alder, aspen, willows, bird cherry trees grow here, and pine trees grow on the sandy, dry hills.

Somewhere after Ramoni you feel the swelling of the river. The flow becomes barely noticeable and then disappears completely. The water is covered with duckweed, like in an old lake. Near the village of Chertovitskoye the river leaves its usual banks, the river no longer exists - a flood of water similar to a flood. Seagulls are flying. Tufts of grass indicate shallow waters. The fairway is marked for boats. This place is no longer called a river. This is the “sea” formed by the dam. Whether these “seas” are considered a blessing is a controversial matter. One thing is certain: it was inevitable. The emaciated river could no longer provide water to the huge industrial Voronezh.

Villages on the river... Almost all of them are located on the hillocks of the right bank. The villages here began as guard posts. The border of the Russian state with the “wild steppe” passed along the river. From the spring, “as soon as the young grass could feed the Tatar horses,” raids were expected. Watchmen were on duty on the towers day and night. The neighing of horses, the clatter of hooves, the lights of fires - and the alarm was raised. There was always a saddled horse next to the tower. And if the danger was especially great, the entire “guard line” was quickly notified - the observer fired an arrow with burning tow into a barrel of resin, which also stood on the tower. Now the neighboring post was setting fire to its barrel, followed by another... This is how the fire “telegraph” worked. Bells rang and guns fired. People from the fields and forests hurried to take refuge in the towns -

fortresses, and the army came out in time to meet the raiders.

The tower in Vertyachiye surprisingly resembled an ancient guard post. Built from oak trunks, squat, strong, it stood on the very high point mound. We went up to the tower and asked the man sitting on it if we could climb on.

The land from this tower opened up for many kilometers. The river below, and then the forest, sparkles of lakes, clearings, plain meadows, again a blurry blue forest. And again the river...

(V. Peskov, V. Dezhkin)

Prepare an analysis of the text in the form of a coherent, reasoned statement such as a reasoning. Answer the following questions in it.

Plan for analyzing text of a specific genre

1. What style and genre does the text belong to?

2. Name the topic, the task facing journalists and, in connection with this, the main idea of ​​the statement.

3. Indicate how many microtopics are in the text. Which?

4. Make a plan for the text.

5. What typical fragments are used in the text?

6. What is the textual function of each fragment?

7. What type of speech, perhaps not clearly expressed, unites all the fragments into a single text?

8. Consider how paragraphs are built (using 1-2 examples). Find in them the beginning (thematic phrase), the middle part (development of the micro-theme), and the ending.

9. Find out how paragraphs are connected to each other: using words indicating time (the question when?), or using words indicating space (where? where?). In other words, find out how the text unfolds: in time or in space.

©>188. 1. Copy part of the text in ex. 187 (from the words Up from the Far... to the words...surrounded the river).

2. Determine the type of speech.

3. Find “given” and “new” in the sentences, underline them with a straight and wavy line, and say how they are expressed.

4. What syntactic means create figurative speech? Indicate comparisons, words with figurative meaning; Tell us about the peculiarities of word order in this fragment.

5. Indicate what part of speech the highlighted words are and explain their spelling.

©> 189. Read the text carefully; draw up its plan and typological diagram.

Prepare a condensed oral history, including only narrative information (where the travelers went and what they did there).

Compare the resulting shortened version of the travel notes with full text and talk about the function of reasoning, descriptive and evaluative passages in this genre. Does an utterance achieve its purpose if it is accomplished only through storytelling?

It all started again in early spring, in April, and maybe even in March. From the Izvestia newspaper we learned that the tourist ship route to the Northern Islands has resumed operation. We really wanted to visit Solovki and Kizhi. We bought tickets and began to wait for August to come.

As we expected, the trip turned out to be very interesting. Only 16 days, but the impressions are as if you’ve been traveling for a year!

Kem... The northernmost point of our route. The polar day was already at its breaking point. The sun set at 10, and in July, they say, even at one in the morning it is as bright as day. It was dry, hot, just like in Crimea. We swam in the White Sea, just like in the Black Sea.

From Kem we went to Belomorsk to see petroglyphs, “demonic footprints” - rock paintings of prehistoric man. We went on foot to the Okhta River, famous for its rapids - more than 100 rapids over 70 kilometers. Spent the night in the forest -

in tents, by the fire. Then we returned to the camp site. We walked along the Kemi River using booms (as they say here). Bona is a road-bridge made of downed rafts across the entire river, the width of which in this place (near the city of Kem) is at least two kilometers. A very strong impression, to the point of dizziness: you walk on rafts, they, of course, have no railings, they are not wide, the logs are wet, slippery, they move under your feet, “breathe,” and under them the water rushes with terrible force.

On the fifth day we went to the Solovetsky Islands. They are associated with the most intense sensations, very different in nature.

Already on the way we were caught by a force six storm. But the river motor ship "Lermontov" - the only connection with the islands - is not suitable for it. We were shaking, swaying, and flooded with water. It was bad...

Then we were treated to casemate service at the Solovetsky camp site - it is located in a former monastery, where in recent years there was a prison. To withstand the dank damp and cold of room 59, I had to pull all my woolen cash on myself at night.

The rest was wonderful: the monastery fortress, the power of its walls and towers, made of large boulders; the austere architecture of cathedrals and services (the refectory alone is worth it!); a two-kilometer dam made of the same boulders, leading directly across the sea to the neighboring island of Bolshaya Muksalma; a system of canals connecting a chain of lakes, and all around there are forests, forests, forests...

Then there was Petrozavodsk and a trip to Kizhi. It’s almost impossible to talk about Kizhi; you have to see them, and not in photographs, but in person, because strongly impressed, which they produce on the spot, is difficult to understand, it is difficult to understand who is “to blame” for it more - either the ancient Russian architects, or the achingly modest nature of the island.

1. Consider how the paragraphs in the main part of the travel notes are connected to each other; in what perspective the text unfolds - spatial, temporal or spatiotemporal.

2. Find in the text constructions that reveal the meaning of the names of individual local attractions. How is other explanatory information entered?

3. What figurative and expressive means of language are used in the text? Name them.

4. Write out the penultimate paragraph. Give a syntactic description of the sentence. Explain punctuation marks.

190. Continue the text of ex. 189. Try to do what the author of travel notes considers almost impossible - tell about Kizhi from photographs.

Look at the colored inserts in the textbook and tell us about the wooden architecture of Russia: describe the cathedrals, a residential building, a mill, and the unpretentious nature of our reserved North.

191. Maybe you also went somewhere this summer or during the holidays? If you still have photographs, look at them; remember what particularly struck or interested you during the trip, what new things you learned, what you may have seen for the first time.

Write an essay in the genre of travel writing. Think about the perspective in which you will unfold the text; what syntactic structures, words and expressions will help you connect paragraphs; what typical fragments will you include in the narrative framework of the text; what figurative and emotional-evaluative means of language do you use in your essay.

This summer we went to visit our grandparents, who live very far from us. Mom and Dad prepared for this day in advance, bought tickets and gifts for relatives, and I packed my things. Since our journey would be long, my mother and I prepared food to take with us on the train. And now this day has come. Early in the morning, my mother woke us all up, and we went to have breakfast, hastily collected the last of our things, and checked our documents. Grandma Valya came to see us off, this is Dad’s mother. We took the bus and went to another city. Our journey lasted about two hours, we drove through a huge Belovezhskaya Pushcha. On the way I managed to see a large number of trees and flowers. We passed small villages and big cities. The road was not long.

Then at 13.00 we had a train. My parents and I went into our carriage, laid out our things, and prepared our documents, since it was an expensive trip across the border. And so we hit the road. What beautiful cities and villages we drove through, I admired the amazing nature. 12 hours later we arrived at our destination. There we were met by our aunt, my mother’s sister. She made a small tour of the city for me personally. Last time I was still very young here and I don’t remember anything. I saw huge monuments, theaters and parks.

After walking around the city a little and seeing all its sights, we had a bus to visit grandma at the appointed time. Another 2 hours and we are there. I've been waiting for this for so long. Expensive showed me very quickly. And now, finally, we are visiting.

Option 2

My father is a big fan of hiking. Not infrequently, waking up early in the morning, while everyone was still sleeping, I watched as dad, armed with a large backpack, a fishing rod and a happy smile, left the house, quietly closing the door behind him. And then one day, from a conversation between my father and mother, I realized that the next morning he was also going to go on a mushroom hike for several days.

It was autumn holidays and I begged my dad to take me with him, I even said that I didn’t need a gift for New Year, so much I wanted to understand what attracted my father, that he left with such a happy face native home and hurries to leave. The next morning I woke up before even my father, packed my small backpack, got dressed and waited in the hallway. Half an hour later, the father full readiness headed towards the exit, but then I blocked his path. I wanted to start begging him to take me with him, but he put his finger to his mouth and said “shhh”, took my hand and we left the house together.

It was quiet and foggy outside. We silently walked to the train station, boarded the train and I immediately fell asleep. When the train stopped, I opened my eyes and saw that dad was already taking our backpacks off the top shelves, I jumped up and began to help him. We got off the train and immediately headed into the dense forest. I felt a little scared, the forest was so huge, something was rustling, falling and screaming everywhere, but when I saw my father’s calm face, I calmed down a little, and after he looked at me and cheerfully said: “Breathe deeply!” It became completely calm and joyful. A little later, we came to the camp, which my father’s friends had already set up. There was a large fire burning there, tents stood around it, and between them, various mushrooms were dried on stretched ropes.

We drank tea and it was the most delicious tea I had ever tasted, it was made from various herbs and completely without sugar, and after that, father and his friends took bags and guns and moved somewhere. I also got up, but my father said that I couldn’t go with them, asked me to stay in the camp and help Aunt Lena prepare dinner, so I did. I had a great time there, but without waiting for dad and his friends, I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up to my father screaming and shaking me, I didn’t understand anything! Having woken up a little, I began to understand what he was saying and I was also seized with horror. Dad remembered that when we left home, we didn’t warn Mom that I also went with Dad. At that very moment I got dressed and completely forgot to say goodbye to everyone, I even forgot my backpack, and ran with my dad back to the train. At home, my mother, of course, began to scold us for not warning her, but she wasn’t worried about me at all, she said that from the fact that I tried so hard to persuade my dad to take me with him the day before yesterday, she guessed that I went with him. Dad and I laughed for a long time.

That's how I went on the road for the first time with my father.

Essay in the genre of travel notes, grade 9

5:00 Monday

We're leaving. Hooray! I can’t even believe that I’m able to wake up at half past five. But for the sake of a pleasant trip - with pleasure. Yesterday I still didn’t manage to go to bed early, although my mother advised me, but I needed to finish some things and pack my suitcase. I'll sleep in the car anyway!

Monday evening

We've arrived! Cheers cheers! The journey went well. I slept almost all the time. We stopped at gas stations a couple of times. They all look alike. The coffee is not tasty... I looked out the window from the car (a couple of times my mother allowed me to ride in the “navigator”), a sad landscape, but so Russian. Our sad autumn nature. Bare branches, gray sky, drizzle. But the further we drove south, the more colorful leaves there were on the branches - here they had not yet flown around. And the grass is green, and the sun is peeking through... We stood in traffic jams for a while, while bridges were being repaired, and got lost a little. But we arrived, phew.

It was a day to rest. The city where grandma lives is a town, rather. It comes from a factory, and the factory is no longer working well. Almost all of them are old people... All the young people have left for the “capital” of the region. Downtown - one fast food restaurant, church and store - just big, not shopping mall even. We communicate with relatives and visit guests.

Today we went to the museum. It was interesting! It's all a bit mixed up, really. The museum was open until six, but at half past five all its workers were already standing in their jackets and looking at us disapprovingly.

Now we have reached the main city of the region. There's scope here! And sushi bars and discos. Lush buildings, lots of cars, lots of people. We walked along the streets, along the embankment. Except it’s already autumn, there’s no one in particular there, the cafes are closed. But this also has a special atmosphere.

Today, on the contrary, we spent the day in the village. We went to the river! Watching, of course, not swimming. We walked in the forest - we even picked mushrooms, and my father fished. There are so many more chrysanthemums here.

The village is large and prosperous. Many brick houses, vineyards, vegetable gardens. The people are cheerful.

On the road again. The holidays are ending soon... It's a pity, I could have walked here for another week.

We deliberately drove past cities - all around the district, but, of course, we drove through many villages. Wooden houses, not very bright, like nature.


Here we are at home! They brought so many impressions and gifts. It’s good that we did everything at home that weekend, now we don’t even need to get ready for school tomorrow. And there we will probably write an essay on how I spent my holidays. Fine!

Several interesting essays

  • Composition Peter Verkhovensky image and characterization in the novel Demons by Dostoevsky

    One of the most unpleasant figures in Dostoevsky’s novel “Demons” is Pyotr Stepanovich Verkhovensky. This is the son of Stepan Trofimovich, who lived with Varvara Petrovna, the mother of the main character, Nikolai Stavrogin.

  • Description of Ochumelov from the story Chekhov's Chameleon essay

    In the story “Chameleon” Anton Chekhov described many positive and negative characters. The main character of the work is Ochumelov. Ochumelov plays a key role in the story

  • My name is Marat, and I am in 5th grade. If I were a school director, I would try to improve a lot.

  • Essay on the story White Nights by Dostoevsky, grade 9

    The main character of this work is a Dreamer, and as they would say now, an introvert. He doesn't even have a name here. He doesn’t need anyone, he already feels great. He can walk around the city

  • Analysis of the ballad Zhukovsky Cup 5th grade

    The genre orientation of the work is a free translation of Schiller’s creation with the poet’s emphasis on a specific object in the form of a cup, which is depicted in the ballad as the desired reward

The purpose of the publication is to replenish the site’s collection with reviews and articles about travel, attractions and related topics. And to our authors whose materials meet the conditions of publication, we will happily and gratefully issue an electronic certificate of publication on our educational media website.

Examples of travel notes

The presentation is in the first person (I went, we saw), high emotionality of presentation is allowed, etc. - simply a public diary entry about your travels. The form of presentation and volume of publication are free.

  • Traveling around Karelia:
  • Traveling around Bashkiria:
  • Trip to the village Varnavino:

Examples of descriptions of attractions

  • Krasnoyarsk pillars:
  • Sights of Kaliningrad:
  • Sights of Nuremberg:

Examples of reference information

  • Water parks of Anapa:
  • How to get to Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau castles from Munich:
  • How to get from Cologne to Brussels:

Requirements for tourism materials

  • Text volume - from 1500 characters without spaces.
  • The uniqueness of the text is from 70% according to or ETXT anti-plagiarism. You can check the uniqueness of the text online by inserting the text on the website You can increase uniqueness by deleting fragments of previously published text; rewriting them “in your own words”, adding the author’s text.
  • Number of photos: no less than 1, no more than 30. Photos can only be sent by you personally; do not send photos from the Internet or taken by other people without their explicit instructions.
  • Photos can (and preferably) not be compressed, but sent directly from the camera, as is. You can add your own watermark to the photo.

In the article, indicate the name of the photo in the right place:

Number the photos and attach them as separate files. It is advisable not to insert photographs into the text of the article. However, if you find it difficult to attach photos, insert them into the text of the article in the right places.

Article outline

  • Material name
  • Announcement - brief information, which will be discussed next. Approximately 4-7 lines.
  • The material itself. When describing attractions the following is welcome:
    • indication of the name;
    • Short story what is the landmark or place you are describing famous for?
    • address, phone number, work schedule, cost of visiting, link to the official website;
    • photos.


When preparing an article, please note that the main part of the material is text and information about the attractions and your trip, and not photographs (although they are also important). The text should be written in such a way that it is useful to those travelers who plan to go to the same place: tell your impressions, tell us how to get to the place, what to look for and other subtleties.

How to submit an article for publication?

All works are sent email The letter is formatted strictly according to the following template:

  • The subject of the email is "PUBLISH A NOTE"
  • The body of the letter contains information about the author:
    • Last name, first name, patronymic of the author without abbreviations in the nominative and dative cases (issued to whom...) or pseudonym.
  • The following are attached to the letter:
    • text file in Word format with the text of the travel note;
    • photographs in JPG format, the names of which have been changed to: Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3, etc. Please, if you have a lot of photos, do not upload them to file storages like Yandex.Disk or Mail.Cloud - just send all the photos in parts: for example, 5-10 photos in one letter. This is due to the fact that over time, files are deleted from file storage.
  • Author's position or class, the name of the institution where the author works - in order to prepare the most informative document for the participant, as well as a list of competition participants.
  • Phone number- for communication with the User on issues of payment, participation in a competition/promotion, as well as for the purpose of informing about other similar events.
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Rules for publishing materials

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  • The author provides his own, author's, independently developed material for publication or sends material on behalf of a third party. It is permissible to generalize the work of other people who have published their work on the Internet or in print.
  • It is forbidden to insert photographs of people other than your own, real names of other people (can be replaced with: “Student 1”, “Student 2”, etc.).
  • Each author subscribes to our website's newsletter. At any time, the author can click the "Unsubscribe" button in any letter from our site.
  • Age of authors: adults, teenagers. Language of publication: Russian. Authors' place of residence: no restrictions.
  • Travel notes have been accepted since March 2015. For each published material, an electronic certificate of publication on the pages of educational media Vektor-uspeha.rf is issued free of charge.
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  • The publication rules set out on this page can be changed unilaterally by the site editors, however, all new rules are published here, in the public domain for everyone.
  • We respect the rights of authors and will make every effort to create a positive image of the author, maximize the dissemination of his work, and provide assistance and assistance in publishing the material.
  • The user allows the editors to use their author’s product (lesson notes, presentation, etc.) partially or completely free of charge: publish it on the site’s pages in the public domain or, conversely, allow access to the material only after registration on the site. At the same time, the site will never introduce a fee for viewing and downloading copyrighted material (an exception may be specially created materials, as well as materials published after the introduction of the corresponding Publication Rules).
  • The user allows the site editors to make proofreading and editorial changes to the material that do not lead to a change in the essence of the material or its content. In particular, in the Development (load) section, the site’s editors, as a rule, are limited to changes to the title of the material, its brief and full description, and only in exceptional cases edits files published by the author.
  • The user allows the site editors to indicate on the material page on the site the author’s full name, position, place of work and other data provided by the author himself at the time of filling out the material submission form or by email.
  • The user, by sending the work to the editor, thereby declares that the author of the material is himself, all borrowed fragments are taken with citation rights, and sources of information are indicated. The user who submitted the work to the site is personally responsible for any questions from third parties about the authorship of the materials and other issues related to the material. At the same time, the site editors provide assistance to both parties to resolve any controversial situations. The site's editors consider it their duty to counter the spread of plagiarism and illegal materials, but do not have the opportunity to thoroughly study each material before publication on the site's pages.
  • The author of the material expresses his consent to receive emails from the editors of the site, in particular, about the results of consideration of the material, with additional questions to the author, as well as newsletters to the authors of the site. At any moment at any time mass letter The author of the material can unsubscribe from receiving such emails by clicking the "Unsubscribe" button. We are strictly against spam, but we must obtain your consent to inform the author about the fate of his material.

Deadlines for reviewing publications

Travel notes are quite difficult to publish on the website: at least minimal photo processing, text editing and layout of the article on the website are required, so we publish travel notes within about a month. Sometimes faster, sometimes longer, but we publish materials in order, regularly.