Sometimes you just wake up and realize that you are “on the wrong foot.” And there seem to be no objective reasons, but the mood has been ruined since the morning. And sometimes it happens that the reasons are beyond the roof. And you don’t really want to spend the day in a bad mood! Especially if your job requires you to smile or be welcoming. What a job! It will also not be very pleasant for your loved ones to contemplate your sad face all day. What to do? How can you cheer up quickly and for a long time?

8 effective ways to cheer up

Usually in the morning we don’t have much time, so we will try to resolve the issue quickly.

1. Get rid of the cause bad mood. If you know exactly what it is and the cause can be eliminated, get rid of it now. Raise your mood and solve the problem.

2. If the problem is unsolvable, or it takes time, take a philosophical approach to the situation. It still can't be solved now. Give yourself the word to “think about it tomorrow.” Scarlett O'Hara is a wise woman;) Ideally, try to see the benefit for yourself in the current situation. As they say, “no matter what is done...” Thinking and making decisions will not take much time.

3. If “auto-training” doesn’t help, let’s move on to more “material” ways to lift your mood. Eat a banana or chocolate. It has already been proven that the substances contained in these delicacies contribute to the production of happiness hormones - serotonin and endorphin. In general, in a situation with a bad mood, sweets play an important role. The most effective and quick way improve moral well-being.

4. Watch your figure and don’t like to “seize” problems? Then movement is your choice! As with eating sweets, playing sports (or dancing, walking, and brisk walking) increases the level of “happy hormones” in the blood. If you have time to exercise, do it. Or replace it with a walk - go to work earlier and walk a couple of stops through the park.

5. Shopping. Oh yes! =) But what kind of shopping is it like in the morning? Especially before work. But no one bothers you to go out early and make a long-planned purchase that you have been putting off. You will please yourself and get the job done.

6. The stupidest, it seems to me, but, nevertheless, effective way(especially within a limited time) improve your mood a little - smile at yourself in the mirror. Somewhere in the subconscious, the brain will decide that we are having fun (let’s smile!), and “turn on” the good mood mode =)

7. If you have a pet- spend 5-10 minutes playing with him. Usually, in the morning bustle, everyone forgets about the fluffy ball, but cats and dogs are the cutest creatures in the world, just a glance at which can lift your spirits. And if you squeeze...... ;)

8. While finishing your cup of morning drink, try to remember all the best events and moments that happened to you in Lately. You will smile - I guarantee! ;)

These are the simple ways that help me cheer up. If you have your own little secrets on how to cheer up and how to fight the blues - share! Let's together make our lives brighter, more positive and more interesting!

Take care of yourself and your nerves! ;) Many kisses to you, my dears! Mur-mur!=*

There are a number of psychological techniques for independently combating blues, despondency, and loss of strength. Simple and effective techniques will give you the opportunity to quickly turn your mood towards optimism, joy and cheerfulness.

Bad mood is a mental reaction to deviation from usual state. Blues happen to everyone, some people may feel sad more often than others - this is normal. However, do not miss the moment when a temporary loss of strength begins to develop into a chronic condition.

The first and most important advice is not to give in to a bad mood and try to lift it faster.

Don't get discouraged and continue to go with the flow of negative thoughts: such behavior can lead to depression.

If you feel that your mood is beginning to deteriorate, direct your energy to improve it. Depending on your temperament, interests, and lifestyle, choose the appropriate method for improving your psychological state.

Active methods to improve mood

Active ways to combat the blues are suitable for extroverts - sociable, proactive and energetic people. These methods involve the expenditure of energy, which will allow you to throw out accumulated negativity and clear your thoughts.

Get out of the house

Do not give in to despondency while sitting in a chair and wrapped in a blanket. Shake yourself up, go outside: take a walk in the park, play sports or do exercises in the fresh air. Effective remedies for the blues - cycling or rollerblading, jogging, swimming pool, skating rink.

In winter, you can play snowballs - this game charges adults with positivity even more than children. Go for a walk in favorite place: fresh air, invigorating surroundings and exercise stress Walking will lift your spirits.

The main thing is to get out of the house and take action. When you are determined to say goodbye to a bad mood, be honest with yourself and don't come up with excuses to abandon your plans. Take an active life position, and the blues will recede so quickly that you won’t notice.

Do the cleaning

On a subconscious level, people are pressured by the chaos in their apartment. Is it visible to everyone or is it just chaos in the closet that only you know about - it doesn’t matter. By putting things in their places, you will put things in order in your head.

At first, the process may cause an internal protest: it will seem that the cleaning will never end. But when the house becomes clean and cozy, your mood will improve.

The benefits of this method of dealing with blues are twofold: you get rid of a pessimistic attitude and get clean apartment, in which it is pleasant and comfortable to be.

Play with your pet

With their devoted and selfless love, pets evoke positive emotions. A cheerful romp with a dog or cat will distract you from sad thoughts. The word "play" means actively participating in the fun.

Run after each other, throw a ball to the dog, or tease the cat with a piece of paper tied to a string. Give your pet a hug or playfully wrestle with the animal. Such physical activity It will give you a boost of energy and you will feel much better.

Women's mood boosting techniques

Common causes of blues and loss of strength are overwork, stress, routine, lack of vivid impressions. There are women's methods to improve your mood that will distract you from a series of everyday worries:

  • therapy with gastronomic delicacies;
  • shopping;
  • meetings with girlfriends;
  • change of image.

Endorphins against bad mood

A common method of dealing with a bad mood is eating sweets. If this method has helped you before, start eating chocolate, sweets and cakes. You can replace sweets with bananas: they relieve depression, are rich in vitamins and amino acids, and do not harm your figure.

If you enjoy other foods, include them in your diet for the next week.

If you are interested in cooking - find interesting dish, which we have been wanting to try for a long time. Cooking is relaxing, and the reward for your hard work will be an original dinner.

Alcohol in the fight against blues will become not a helper, but an enemy: it can lead to worsening emotional state. To perk up and boost your mood, take caffeine. It will give you more energy for walking and improve your mood. You shouldn't overuse coffee, but you can use this method occasionally.

Get-togethers with a friend

To avoid eating cakes alone, invite a friend. Gossip, talk in the kitchen or in a cozy coffee shop.

You may have been meaning to call an old friend for months or even years, but you kept putting it off. Make a call today, the joy of the conversation will benefit both.

Work on appearance

A beautiful reflection in the mirror lifts your spirits. Wear your favorite dress that makes you feel charming. If work and everyday affairs lie ahead, stick to your favorite suit.

Put on luxurious lingerie, do your hair, work on your makeup longer than usual, apply a drop of perfume. The technique has a double effect: your mood will improve from the sight of your reflection and the compliments received during the day.

Favorite activities

If, due to everyday worries, you do not find time to attend your favorite performance, put everything aside and go to the theater. A museum, gallery, cinema, circus or a quiet evening alone with long-postponed needlework - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to enjoy the time spent.

Find your favorite comedy and get ready to enjoy watching it. When you come to an episode that makes you laugh, allow yourself to laugh as much as you can at the characters in the film. Don't hold back, laugh with all your might: laughter has a beneficial effect.

Go to the country and spend time working in the garden. Scientists have discovered that bacteria living in the soil trigger the production of serotonin, which gives an antidepressant effect. Watching birds, beautiful flowers and growing seedlings will enhance your positive emotions.


If you are embarrassed to sing, go to karaoke or take a comb and use it instead of a microphone. If you don't know how to dance, relax to your favorite music at home or go to a club with your friends.

Don't hold back, do whatever you want: jump, fool around, laugh, scream. Pillow fights and empty boxing are good ways to get rid of stress - psychological techniques that charge you with vigor.


Going shopping alone or with a friend, according to psychologists, is an effective way to deal with stress. You can do real shopping or just walk around the departments, getting acquainted with the collections. the main objective campaign - to distract from negative thoughts, “charge” the sphere of emotions and imagination.

Personal care

Take time for yourself: the beneficial psychological effects combined with changes in appearance will have a double effect. Update your haircut, try a bright manicure, go to a cosmetologist. If finances are limited, try a facial massage, wrap or body scrub at home.

In a depressed state, you should refrain from making drastic changes in your image.

If you tend to make impulsive decisions and then regret them, then limit yourself to a slight change in the shape of your hairstyle or refresh your usual shade. Do not prune under the influence of spontaneous emotions long hair, otherwise a new wave of despondency cannot be avoided.

Changing your clothing style

To quickly cheer up, try on a new look. Bright dress and high heels - a good option, because in the event of an unsuccessful experiment, everything can be easily returned to normal. Work with colors, clothing styles.

If you are used to wearing jeans and sneakers, take a feminine dress out of your closet, business suit prefer a casual look. If you only wear makeup on holidays, start wearing makeup even when you're sitting at home. Change your usual image, and your mood will change with it.

Passive methods for improving mood: relaxation

Passive relaxation methods are effective for introverts - calm, balanced, reasonable people. The techniques are effective if a bad mood is a consequence of chronic fatigue, which often occurs in residents of large cities.

Dream on

If you experience the greatest comfort in a calm home environment, arrange an evening alone with yourself. Create a cozy atmosphere: light candles or an aroma lamp with relaxing essential oil, turn on your favorite music quietly, sit back, relax and dream.


A warm bath will relieve stress sea ​​salt, foam, essential oils. Don't forget to light the candles and turn off the electric lights. Lie down with eyes closed, inhale the aroma essential oils. The effect will be stronger if you take a bath at an unusual time: the procedure will seem more magical.

Often the cause of a bad mood is regular lack of sleep. Find time for an afternoon nap or go to bed early in the evening. When you wake up, take a cool shower and you will feel full of energy.

Body techniques

The psychological and physiological states of a person are closely interrelated. Simple examples: sleep based on biorhythms gives you a good mood, and sweets calm your nerves.

Techniques for influencing the body relieve stress, improve general condition, and energize.

Keep your posture and laugh

Use a simple technique that will quickly improve your psychological state. Stand up straight, straighten your back, as if you were wearing a corset. Then lift your head high and smile widely, and you will immediately feel a surge of energy and a better mood.

An alternative option is to smile at your reflection in the mirror. This simple but unusual action evokes a lot of emotions: someone feels like a complete fool, someone begins to cry from the surging emotions.

At first the smile will be strained, and your task is to make it wider and wider, and then laugh. The main thing is not to stop, but to laugh from the heart. No reason. Just. This is a strong emotional release.

Breathe deeply

If a bad mood appears unexpectedly, the relaxation technique of deep breathing will quickly have a relaxing effect. It will relieve body tension and clear the mind of worries. Many people unknowingly use this method, without even realizing its benefits.

Shallow breathing limits oxygen supply and places additional stress on the body. Straining due to lack of air, a person plunges even more into anxiety and despondency. Breathing exercises can help you with this:

  1. Sit up straight.
  2. Take a full deep breath.
  3. Place your hands on your stomach, just above your waistline.
  4. Inhale slowly, gradually pushing your hand up. Imagine that you are filling your body with air from bottom to top.
  5. After inhaling, hold your breath for a count of two to five. You can increase the time if you feel comfortable. It is easier to hold your breath if you continue to press your hand on your stomach.
  6. Slowly and gradually release the air through your mouth. Feel how your stomach contracts and your hand returns to its original place. Exhale slightly longer than inhale.

This simple technique will quickly calm you down in any situation: at home, at work or on a walk.

Drink some water

Even slight dehydration can cause a range of problems. Among them is an imbalance of substances responsible for mood. To quickly calm down, drink a glass of water. Replace sweet drinks, tea and coffee with it, this will have a beneficial effect on your general condition, mood, and figure.


Research conducted by scientists from different countries shows that the emotions of hugs help to increase the production of the “happiness hormone” oxytocin and reduce the risk of heart disease. Sensory sensations are aimed at producing chemical substances, responsible for a good mood - serotonin, dopamine.

In many cultures around the world, people who have just met open their arms to each other. If there is a loved one nearby, hug him. Share your energy and receive it in return. Often this is enough to quickly improve your mood.

Psychological techniques for emergency self-help

There are techniques that help everyone, regardless of psychological and personal characteristics. Some of these methods are difficult to implement, but all of them can improve your emotional state.

Think positively

Psychologists and physiologists have proven the connection positive thinking with the level of happiness and body condition. The perception of the surrounding reality depends on the emotional mood. Every day should start with positive thoughts: “What a sunny morning!”, “Thank you to the Universe for this day!”, “I will succeed!” If you go to work, thinking: “I have to go to this terrible office again” or “I’m so tired of this rain,” then the mood scale will go into the negative.

Complete unfinished business

The cause of anxiety, irritation, and bad mood are unfinished tasks. They put pressure on the subconscious and become a psychological burden. Any attempt to improve the condition will be of little effect until the unfinished business is dealt with. Bring what you started to its logical conclusion, even if it causes unpleasant emotions.

Promise yourself a reward for completing a task: a trip to the cinema, a new dress or your favorite cake. This will make it easier for you to complete the task at hand.

Get rid of guilt. Apologize to those you offended or correct the mistakes you made. If this is not possible, forgive yourself and move on with your life. Feelings of guilt will not undo past actions, but they can lead to severe depression in the present.

Use your right to solitude

Tired of the incessant flow of information, noise, conversations, questions, take advantage of the right to solitude. Turn off your phone, be in silence: you are in a bad mood, and you should not explain the reasons for its appearance to your loved ones if you don’t want to. Tell them that now it would be better for you to be in silence, alone with yourself.

Take vitamins for seasonal depression

The decline in mood that occurs in autumn and winter is often associated with a lack of vitamins. Your diet should include as many fruits, vegetables, healthy citrus fruits and sauerkraut. Take a complex of vitamins, drink fruit drinks and teas made from fresh berries, such as cranberries, daily. Compensate for the lack of solar energy with plenty of light indoors, spend more time in the fresh air during the day.

In the pre-New Year period, create a feeling of holiday around you: decorate your apartment with rain, put up a Christmas tree, stick snowflakes on the windows, fill the house with twinkling garland lights. The fabulous atmosphere will give you comfort and set your thoughts in a positive mood. Bring it into the interior bright colors: orange, yellow, light green, blue. Global renovation can be replaced by introducing details into the interior such as pillows, lamps, candles in the desired shades.

You can come up with your own methods of dealing with a bad mood. To keep the techniques at hand, create a “Good Mood Book” and write down the methods that effectively help you. Print it, sew it, add photos and drawings. Whenever you feel low in mood and strength, pick up your book and find the technique that seems most interesting.

Discussion 21

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Perhaps you had a quarrel with your best friend or something went wrong at school or at work, or maybe the weather is just affecting your mood. We all go through times when what's going on in our lives doesn't make us feel happy, so the first thing you need to remember is that you're not alone. Regardless of the situation, you can find both short-term and long-term solutions to help you get out of this state and move on.


Coping with bad conditions in the moment

    Have a cry. Tears caused by strong emotions give the body a signal to produce endorphins, or “happiness hormones,” which return peace of mind and a feeling of well-being. Tears not only help the body rid itself of stress hormones, but also ultimately bring peace of mind, since after a good cry the level of heartbeat and breathing is restored. Healthy crying is crying that allows you to release stress and accumulated negative emotions and does not negatively affect your life.

    • If you feel like you can't control when or how often you cry, or if your tears keep you from doing your job or doing household chores, this is an indicator of a more serious problem: depression or an anxiety disorder. Schedule an appointment with a mental health counselor or psychotherapist who can teach you ways to control tears that are interfering with your daily functioning.
  1. Stop for a few minutes and take a series of deep breaths. Something as simple as taking a deep breath can help you feel better. Deep breathing saturates the entire body with oxygen, allowing muscles to relax during periods of stress and helping to reduce blood pressure. Deep breathing also allows you to engage your parasympathetic system. nervous system which leads to a state of rest. Even the very fact of concentrating on breathing and distracting from stressful situation may help you feel better.

    Start keeping a journal. Describing emotional experiences provides a kind of outlet for these emotions, as well as an opportunity to work through the circumstances that caused them on a rational level. Clarifying the situation is one of the additional components of reducing the level of emotional pain. In fact, research has shown that journaling restores a sense of well-being and brings comfort during emotional stress. In addition, journaling is believed to have a positive effect on the immune system.

    Take up a creative hobby. Creative expression It has long story and the close relationship with emotions in many cultures where music, dance and stories were used to promote healing expression of emotions. Whether you're a creator or a connoisseur, try to use your hobby as a channel for transforming negative and painful emotions into something creative.

    Develop your personal support system. Numerous studies show the benefits of a support system from loved ones: family and friends - who you can turn to when dealing with difficult problems. life period. Social support provides a sense of belonging and security without leaving a person alone with their emotional pain, and this also leads to increased self-esteem. Try to call a friend you trust or visit a family member with whom you can confide your painful and desperate emotions.

    Reward yourself. During times of emotional chaos, it can be helpful to treat yourself to something special. It can be anything that makes you happy. Get a massage, visit an amusement park, buy a new pair of shoes, cook your favorite dessert, go to the movies, or any other of your favorite activities. Take some time for yourself and treat yourself.

    • Do not forget to treat this point with full responsibility. You should not spend too much time on entertainment or wait until negative emotions are added to worries about the spent budget.
  2. Take a break and laugh. Laughter is the best medicine, as it does everything at once: it helps relax muscles, reduces stress levels throughout the body, and lifts your mood. It is believed that laughter can lift the mood during periods of depression and anxiety. Let yourself laugh by remembering a funny situation, calling your funniest friend, or simply watching a funny video online. Use whatever you can get your hands on to distract yourself and laugh.

    Give yourself a break. Five-minute walk or light morning work-out can help you reduce painful levels of emotional energy. You may not be a yoga master or even a fan, but basic stretching exercises contribute to the emergence of positive emotions. Stretching exercises are believed to help release negative energy associated with stress, anxiety, depression and so on.

    Avoid alcohol and drugs. While alcohol and drugs can provide an immediate calming effect during times of stress, experts agree that the short-term relief is not worth the long-term risks of using these substances. Constant stress and other traumatic emotions are one of the leading risk factors in the development of substance abuse problems. While all the other recommendations in this article are, at their core, tools for overcoming negative feelings, drugs and alcohol create a vicious cycle of dependence on a substance that allows you to feel better in the moment.

    • If you find yourself continually turning to drugs and/or alcohol to cope with emotional pain, seek professional advice.
  3. Donate your time to something you are passionate about and believe in. The feeling of satisfaction from your contribution can significantly improve your self-esteem. Try becoming a volunteer at charitable organization, helping people who find themselves in difficult situation, help feed the homeless, or find another topic that piques your interest and desire to participate.

    Don't forget the broader perspective. One of the most difficult aspects of maintaining a healthy emotional state is to constantly remember that difficult situations creating emotional chaos is a natural part of life, that we grow and develop through similar situations, and also that overcoming such problems is a reason to be proud of yourself. Remember that you have the ability to address the source of your burnout, and what is most important is how you deal with your emotions and how quickly you learn to control them so you can continue to function in your daily life.

    Seek advice from a psychologist or psychiatrist. If, despite your best efforts to cope, you are still overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, despair or depression, make an appointment with a psychologist or therapist. A professional can help you find the right tools to cope with the situation affecting you. A professional can also prescribe appropriate medications, provide you with contacts for support groups, or recommend other resources that you may not be able to find out on your own.


  • If you are having thoughts of harming yourself, seek medical attention immediately.
  • If you find yourself increasingly turning to alcohol or drugs for comfort, seek professional help before the habit becomes a serious problem.

Sources and resources

4 033 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about how to cheer up yourself and those around you. How to do this by correspondence or how to quickly cheer up. We will talk about all this and much more in this article.

We are all inspired by positive people who know how to stay positive even when things get tough. Or, let's say, not as good as we would like. How do they do this? Moreover aerobatics– know how to cheer up not only yourself, but also those around you, be able to bring inspiration into the lives of other people. Coping with stress, apathy, depression, staying on a positive wave, energizing yourself and others are invaluable skills that are becoming more and more necessary in our time.

First of all, you need to understand the reasons for your bad mood. What don't you like? What doesn't work? Why am I not happy with what I have now? It is important to ask yourself these and other questions when understanding what caused your sadness or apathy.

Possible reasons for low mood

  • When, due to various circumstances, we cannot currently get what we want, especially if we put effort into it. This happens in situations when our desires and capabilities do not coincide. Then we feel disappointed.
  • Poor health, various diseases. Physical illnesses also lead to mental disorders.
  • Lack of sleep and rest significantly increases the tendency to depression. This is our natural need, which cannot be neglected.
  • Hormonal disorders that can occur during certain periods of life (pregnancy, menopause) or, for example, as a result of treatment.
  • Constantly worrying about someone or something.
  • Influence of others. We may experience negative emotions because we are not paid attention to, criticized, do not reciprocate love and care, do not recognize achievements, do not provide support, etc.
  • Experiencing stress.
  • Conflicts and quarrels quite often devastate us emotionally.
  • Expectation of some unpleasant event.
  • Doing something you don't like. This usually takes a lot of strength, but moral satisfaction does not come.
  • Financial difficulties.
  • When we experience any negative feelings(envy, jealousy, hatred, fear), then the mood decreases.
  • Personality traits that predispose to the experience of negative emotions (melancholic type of temperament, anxiety, suspiciousness, self-doubt, and others). In this case, it is not so easy to cheer yourself up, since serious internal work is required to overcome complexes. But with a strong desire, this is very possible.

How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad

Make space for positivity

  • Do the cleaning. It has long been noted that order in things leads to order in the head and soul. By putting things in their places, we achieve emotional stability.

, we seem to cleanse ourselves of negative thoughts and feelings, freeing up space for positive energy and fresh ideas.

  • Free yourself from negative emotions. You can do this by throwing them out in a constructive way. Write on paper, draw, crumple and throw away or burn. You can shout “at nothing” a little (without scaring anyone) or beat soft inanimate objects.
  • Sleep is one of the best medicines. If you don't get enough sleep, your brain activity drops, and so does your mood. Get some sleep and you will feel a surge of vigor and a desire to act. By neglecting rest and sleep and thereby wanting to have time to do more, we engage in self-deception. After all, the body wears out, and we begin to work “half-heartedly”, without enthusiasm. As soon as you allow yourself to get a full night's sleep, you will immediately feel a surge of energy and be able to act faster and more efficiently.

Act, strive, change!

  1. Do what you like. Every person has a favorite activity that charges them with positive energy and helps them cope with a bad mood.
  2. Take a walk. Visit the park, walk from work to home, go to the countryside. The main thing is to find yourself in the fresh air. Saturating the brain with oxygen helps improve your condition and mood, the emergence of new ideas and bright thoughts.
  3. Get creative. Many famous works of art were born by famous figures at such moments.
  4. Sports and occupational therapy are also effective ways to combat blues.
  5. Smile! In the mirror, in your loved ones, in passers-by on the street. This is exactly the case when, giving positive emotions others, you will feel their double portion in return. Just like in the children's song “Smile”.
  6. Treat yourself to a new purchase or just go shopping.
  7. Finish what you started: what you have been constantly putting off or were afraid to take on.
  8. Maybe try to change something in your life? There is a wide choice here: from appearance(hairstyle, clothing style, etc.) before mastering a new activity.

Express ways to lift your mood

Your main assistant is you!

To quickly cheer yourself up, you can use the following methods.

  • Give yourself a compliment. Praise yourself for any achievements, even the most minimal ones.
  • Within 30 seconds, remember 3 of your strengths. They will be your inner resource in overcoming a bad mood. Recognize these traits in yourself, and they themselves will help you cope with negativity.
  • Chat with a loved one or a friend. It is important that it is someone you trust. Moreover, communication and exchange itself can have an effect on improving mood. interesting information, as well as the opportunity to receive outside support.
  • Watch your favorite movie. It's doubly effective if it's a comedy. Good opportunity recharge yourself with positive emotions.
  • Listen to music or dance(you can combine everything). If you sing along with it, even better! The more emotions you express different ways, the faster you free yourself from negativity. So turn up the music and have a blast!
  • Look through the photo album. Pleasant memories and the opportunity to once again plunge into the positive emotions that are captured in the photo will make you take your mind off gloomy thoughts and add a touch of positivity to your mood.
  • Do something good. This could be a small gift to your loved ones (colleagues, friends), a phone call or an SMS message with warm words. Show care and attention. Prepare an especially delicious dinner for your husband or take your child to an amusement park. Provide help to someone who needs it. Nowadays it is very easy to take part in various charity events. Even a small contribution can help improve and save someone's life. Help others - and your soul will feel better!

Let the delicious be positive!

  • Eat something tasty, something that you like now. It has been proven that some products contain substances that help elevate mood (serotonin, tryptophan, endorphin and others). These include: fatty fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, chocolate, bananas, citrus fruits, avocados, whole grains.
  • If you get up in the morning in a depressed mood, then the cause may be a lack of glucose in the blood. Sweet drink(coffee or fruit juice) will give you energy and help you feel better. And be sure to have a good breakfast. Cereals, eggs, and fruits are perfect.

For soul and body

Stress and apathy always take over both the body and our emotions at the same time. Therefore, both physical exercises and psychological methods will be effective in combating them.

  1. Take a shower . The feeling of freshness lifts your mood. You can get a massage effect from jets of falling water. The most suitable in this case would be a contrast shower.
  2. Use breathing techniques . We don’t notice how, under stress, we literally lose our breath, which leads to a lack of oxygen. Or, on the contrary, it may become more frequent, which also disrupts its rhythm. The most basic action is to take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Over time, you can master longer breathing techniques that will help improve your physical condition and free yourself from negative experiences.
  3. Relaxation (relaxation) . This method is based on the use of special exercises, when you take a comfortable position, focus on sensations in different parts of the body and imagine pleasant images. For example, you can imagine how you are swaying on the waves or lying on the beach, and a pleasant warm breeze blows across your body.

Positivity “in your pocket”: pleasant little things for every day

You can come up with and make symbols that will always help lift your spirits.

  • "Positive figure". Make one of your existing souvenirs (or buy a new one) a talisman of positive emotions. You can carry it with you, you can simply keep it on your desktop or shelf on your home rack. Look at the figure more often and recharge yourself with positive energy.
  • "Notebook of good mood." Print a notebook with an uplifting phrase on each page, such as “I can handle any challenge” or “Today is my day!” You can use statements famous people, but it’s best to come up with a list of phrases that are meaningful to you.
  • "Calendar of solar emotions". Make to order or print yourself a wall desk calendar with your photos on each page (corresponding to each month). Important Terms– so that they reflect any positive moments in your life or so that you smile and look happy in them.
  • "Envelope of Good Luck". Make a beautiful small envelope (in hand-made style), put in it “prediction” cards or motivator cards in the style: “Your salvation is in creativity”, “Color the lives of others, and yours will also become brighter”, etc.

How to cheer up other people

If we find ourselves in situations where our loved ones or friends are experiencing certain difficulties and are not in the best mood, then we are faced with the task of supporting them and charging them with positivity. How to cheer up a friend or girlfriend? The following methods will help you do this.

How to cheer up a guy

  1. If your loved one doesn’t make appointments, doesn’t invite you to his place, or tries to “close himself off for a while” from everyone, still find an opportunity to visit him. You will be together - and this is the main thing! We can watch a movie, listen to music, dance with him. If he stubbornly refuses, then start dancing energetically yourself and tell him that you want to teach him new movements. Bring some ingredients with you to prepare something delicious dish. Most likely, your friend will be involved in this process with you.
  2. Show concern and look after the guy. Let him relax and take his mind off the role of conqueror for a while. Buy your friend something, tidy up his things, etc.
  3. Talk to him openly and support him. Sometimes it’s enough just to listen to a friend, to be there. Try to get him to share the feelings he is experiencing. Try to reflect your vision of the current situation, recommend something to him, because men always strive to find a solution to the problem.
  4. Give your friend a massage, help his muscles relax. Rarely does anyone refuse this, and such actions bring people closer together.
  5. Invite him to a cafe, cinema, club, bowling alley, etc. Pleasant leisure time will always help take your mind off negative thoughts.
  6. Get out into nature together or just take a walk down the street or in the park. Fresh air and the opportunity to socialize will help cope with stress.
  7. Involve the guy in some business by saying that you need his male help. For example, fix something or figure out a new gadget that you recently purchased.
  8. Invite him to do something that he has not done yet, but would really like to do. For example, skydiving, flying in a wind tunnel or snowboarding. All men are attracted to extreme sports to one degree or another. At the same time, a powerful release of adrenaline occurs, which is useful in the fight against bad mood.
  9. Dream together or plan for the future. Dreams will help you experience pleasant emotions, and plans will bring constructiveness and specificity, which men love so much.
  10. Look at photos of you together that are filled with positive impressions. Ask a friend to show you a children's album and comment on their photos.
  11. Conduct a session of relaxation exercises with your guy (of course, subject to his consent). When he takes a comfortable position, invite him to completely relax and voice the pleasant images that need to be imagined.

Many methods are similar to the previous ones, but they also have their own characteristics.

  1. Give a sincere compliment. Notice something that she hasn’t been told about before (in beauty, in clothes, in skills, in internal qualities). The main thing is not to flatter, but to highlight what you really like.
  2. Invite them to a cafe, a movie, a park or an exhibition. Ask her about her impressions, share your emotions, try to communicate more.
  3. Be sure to listen to the girl. Let her be emotional, cry into your vest, express her feelings.
  4. Give her a surprise. This could be some small gift or an invitation to spend time in an original way.
  5. Make a joke, tell a funny story. Women love male humor very much and return their laughter in gratitude.
  6. Prepare something for the girl. Representatives of the fair sex appreciate men's culinary fantasies and abilities. As a last resort, you can simply pamper the girl with some purchased goodies.
  7. Give flowers. They rarely leave women indifferent.
  8. Warm with the warmth of your hugs and kisses. It always gives strength and helps to cope with negativity.

How to cheer up by correspondence

This is true when you exchange messages by phone, e-mail or on social networks.

  • As in a normal conversation, ask what happened, what is the reason for the bad mood and anxiety. Connect emotionally with your friend with sincere comments: “I’m so sorry,” “Yes, this must be hard,” “I understand your concern,” etc.
  • Just write warm words of support and recognition (depending on who your interlocutor is: just a friend or a loved one). Send an inspiring poem, if possible your own.
  • Try to distract from negative thoughts by setting some topic for conversation. Share your impressions and ask the guy (girl) for his opinion on this issue.
  • Send a positive picture or video that will make you smile. You can choose them depending on the problem that worries a person. For example, using this to give a friend (girlfriend) self-confidence, push him to make some important decision, stop worrying, etc.
  • Vary your messages with emoticons and different symbols. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Take a photo of yourself holding a sign with some inspirational phrase on it, and send it to a loved one.
  • You can take advantage of offers social networks and send some kind of virtual gift, which will also help lift your spirits.

Attract positive energy into your life in every way. Start smiling and over time it will become a habit. Laugh and thereby improve your health. Commit good deeds, and you will feel like you can change the world. Agree, this is a powerful argument for raising your spirits.

If you are in a bad mood and nothing makes you happy, cheer yourself up using one of 20 proven ways.

How to cheer yourself up?

The first way to cheer yourself up is your hobby.

Make time for yourself and do what you love. Nothing makes you happier than doing what you love. After some time, you will 100% cheer yourself up and feel a taste for life. This method is very powerful and always works!

The second way to cheer yourself up is to treat yourself to shopping.

Surely you have things that you love very much, but do not often allow yourself for some reason. A bad mood is a case when pampering yourself is not only possible, but simply necessary.

Buy yourself a luxurious bouquet of flowers, visit a cafe and drink a cup of coffee, the price of which was previously unthinkable for you, or in case of fire, buy yourself high-quality chocolate or a delicious cake. Sweets always lift your mood, as they produce endorphins in the brain, and endorphins are considered hormones of happiness. Therefore, this method also always works. So eat for your health.

The third way to cheer yourself up is a funny song

Turn on your favorite song and sing along out loud! Just be sure to choose a joyful composition. Sad melodies will make you even more sad. As a rule, a cheerful tune makes you want to move. So get moving - dance, clean, study physical exercise, do minor repairs.

The fourth way to cheer yourself up is to walk

Answer me this question: how long have you been in the park? And when is the countryside last time did you go out? Or at least just walk around the modest corners of your city? It doesn't matter what time of year it is. Try to get off the Internet, drop everything and allow yourself at least an hour of silence, in which you will certainly hear yourself. Get away from the bustle and noise of the city, give yourself a little peace, silence and unity with Mother Nature, and you will feel with your entire skin how vital energy returns to you again.

The fifth way to cheer yourself up is with jokes

There are a lot of funny stories on the Internet. Just surf the internet and start reading funny jokes! Usually, after five funny jokes, the mood lifts and a smile begins to appear on the face.

The sixth way to cheer yourself up is dancing

Dancing is my favorite way to cheer myself up. Anyway, in kindergarten you danced the “Dance of the Little Ducklings” together as a group. So why don't you remember? And if you start to “quack” where you need to, that’s absolutely wonderful! You will not only lift your spirits, but also recharge your batteries for many days to come. Tested - it works!

The seventh way to cheer yourself up is action

If your bad mood has a specific reason, try to eliminate it as quickly as possible. There is no need to wait for the problem to solve itself. Pull yourself together and solve it. You yourself know very well that there is a way out of any situation. Tell your loved ones about your problems, ask your friends to help you, think about what you can do yourself to solve this problem. Action will restore your self-confidence, and this will lift your spirits.

The eighth way to cheer yourself up is to go to the cinema or watch your favorite movie at home

Of course, you only need comedy. Watching melodramas while in a bad mood is highly discouraged. But comedy is just what will definitely lift your spirits. You can also find funny videos on the Internet featuring animals and children. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with our video section. There you will find a lot of interesting things.

The ninth way to cheer yourself up is to treat yourself to SPA treatments

You will please not only your darling, but also your body by visiting a beauty salon and ordering your favorite SPA procedure, especially if you previously regretted money on it. A full body spa massage, spa manicure, spa pedicure, as well as body wraps and various facial spa programs will help you to lift your spirits. Believe that by allowing yourself this luxury, you will feel like a new person.

The tenth way to cheer yourself up is meditation

You can read what meditation is, and what are the benefits of meditation. In short, during meditation you will quickly restore your strength and be filled with vital energy, and not a trace will remain of your bad mood. This is a great way to lift your spirits.

The eleventh way to cheer yourself up is creativity

Each of us has our own Creative skills. Try to find your talents! Try to draw a picture or write a poem, prepare a culinary exclusive - in other words, do something that will bring you pleasure, and you will certainly feel much better. Spontaneous drawing helps me a lot.

The twelfth way to cheer yourself up is to switch your attention

Think about something or someone pleasant. It could be a book, a place, a person - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you turn your attention to memories or want to re-read a good book, meet with a good man in a pleasant place for you. This way you will not leave a bad mood any chance.

The thirteenth way to cheer yourself up is to do something useful

I don't mean a hobby. You can eliminate a bad mood if you sign up for Gym, foreign language courses or any other business that will provide you with new knowledge or skills. Why am I confident in this method? Firstly, time to negative thoughts You simply won’t have any left, and secondly, in this way you will increase your self-esteem, which also effectively and quickly drives away a sad mood.

The fourteenth way to cheer yourself up is to change your image

Sometimes, in order to cope with depression, you just need to refresh your image. For example, try changing your hairstyle to a more fashionable one. But this should be done with a trusted master, and this is very important. Otherwise, it may turn out that the new image will not please you, but will aggravate your bad mood. But high-quality work done by a hairdresser can for a long time provide you with a joyful mood and significantly increase your self-esteem.

The fifteenth way to cheer yourself up is by playing with your pets

It is well known that our pets are the best at lifting our spirits. To do this, it will be enough to pet your cat or play with your dog - and you will be in good mood! If you don’t have a pet, then go to a zoo or dolphinarium, or just go outside and feed a stray animal. Communicating with animals will definitely improve your mood.

The sixteenth way to cheer yourself up is sleep

Yes, that's not a typo. The cause of a bad mood is often tiredness and exhaustion. The dream is the best way recover. So allow yourself this luxury and go to bed. One hour of sleep per daytime day replaces four hours evening sleep. After you wake up, you will feel different - renewed. But do not overuse sleep during the day, otherwise, instead of being invigorated, you will feel completely overwhelmed. 40-60 minutes is enough for a daytime nap.

The seventeenth way to cheer yourself up is by doing good deeds

People who give to charity are much more satisfied with their lives. And it doesn’t matter how much you sacrifice for the sake of others. Scientists have found that such people are much more likely to notice and appreciate all the good things in their lives. So join us charitable foundations and organizations.

The eighteenth way to cheer yourself up is a cold shower

Yes, it works flawlessly. The fact is that a cold shower is stressful for the body. But this is useful stress. You will instantly feel cheerful after taking a cold shower, and your mood will increase many times over. So go ahead and sing... to the bathroom.

The nineteenth way to cheer yourself up is to play sports

Doing any kind of sport lifts your mood. This is a proven method. If you don't believe me, take it and check it out. And you don’t have to go to the gym, you can do a light jog around the area or do a few exercises in several sets at home. You are guaranteed satisfaction from the fact that you have done something useful for yourself, and with it your mood will begin to improve.

The twentieth way to cheer yourself up is to allow yourself to fool around

Stand in front of the mirror and start making faces at yourself, making stupid sounds, running around the entire apartment like a three-year-old child. And don't care what others think. Just start fooling around. THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL WAY TO LIFT YOUR MOOD. And if you still find yourself a partner who will make faces with you, then... I won’t even talk about it.

In fact, there are many more ways to improve your mood than are given to you in this article. Try to find your own ways and share them with others, and you will notice that the world it will become happier and brighter.