A tumor or lump under the armpit is quite common. Most often it forms when the sweat glands become inflamed. The disease is popularly called “bitch udder.”

Hidradenitis very often develops in the axillary region, since it has the most favorable conditions.

There are many sweat glands under the armpit; they are quite large in size and have a tortuous course convenient for the development of the disease. It is important to be able to distinguish between hidradenitis and a regular boil. The first is characterized by the absence of a rod that is present in the boil. Treatment of hidradenitis is a relatively complex procedure, since the abscess in this case has a different structure and is not so easy to eliminate. The process takes a long time.

Why do swollen bumps form? The main factors provoking the disease

The most common causes of hidradenitis in men are insufficient hygiene of the axillary area; a lump also forms if a person is predisposed to this type of disease, if there is excessive sweating. Men and women who have previously had diabetes mellitus are predisposed to this type of disease. Problems with the adrenal glands and skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, diaper rash) also contribute to the occurrence of hidradenitis. To avoid the occurrence of this disease, you should lead a healthy and, most importantly, clean lifestyle. It is important to avoid exposure to dirty conditions.

It is important to be careful when shaving your armpits, try to avoid cuts, scratches, and especially abrasions. Tools must also be in good condition. Unclean shaving equipment can create favorable conditions for infection. Quite often, staphylococci leak into the armpit area.

Characteristic signs of hidradenitis and possible negative consequences

A man may develop a rather large lump in the axillary area, and there may be several similar ulcers. As a rule, they have a spherical shape. After several days, the formations increase in size and rise above the skin, the pain intensifies, and the skin acquires a purplish-red hue. A person may feel unwell, but there is no increase in body temperature. As the inflammatory process progresses, one hole may form in the center of the cones. Through them purulent swelling is abundantly released. It becomes difficult for a man to move his arm, lift it up, or move it to the side. Often inflammation occurs with the participation of several sweat glands. Quite a few lesions form in the axillary region, which merge with each other and form one infiltrate.

As a result of such processes, the muscular cavity acquires the corresponding appearance, which is popularly called the “bitch udder.” If subcutaneous fatty tissue is involved in this inflammatory process, phlegmon develops in the body; if lymph nodes are involved, lymphadenitis develops. The process in which a certain amount of pus is released may be accompanied by severe pain, general weakness combined with headache. It is important to contact a specialist in time. If not treated in a timely manner, the disease can become chronic. In this case, the formation of a huge number of malignant inflammatory nodes is possible. Immediate treatment is necessary as serious consequences may occur. Chronic hidradenitis can be fatal.

How is hidradenitis diagnosed? Treatment of the disease

As a rule, it is not difficult for a doctor to determine the diagnosis. The clinical picture is obvious. Among necessary tests- tank sowing of discharge for flora and sensitivity. At the first signs of the disease, you need to contact a specialist; at this stage, treatment is possible, but in more advanced stages it is much more difficult to treat hidradenitis. If the treatment was carried out incorrectly, you should be aware that the disease may occur in the future. Standard treatment involves staying in a hospital for a week, maximum two. In some cases, the deadlines are extended.

If a man develops an abscess under his arm, in this case it is necessary to resort to only one method - immediate surgical intervention. In this case, opening the abscess, draining the pus, and antibiotic therapy are used, which takes into account the sensitivity of the microflora. Daily dressings of the affected area are used, antiseptic ointments are used, and physiotherapy is performed. If the infection spreads to adjacent tissues, surgery is necessary. It is performed under anesthesia. Treatment procedure implies complete excision of the source of infection with subsequent limitation of the mobility of a particular limb. If a man has an increased tendency to diseases of this nature, he needs appropriate therapy, during which he is prescribed vitamins.

During the treatment of hidradenitis, it is prohibited to use warm compresses, since these procedures contribute to the spread of infection. Self-medication should not be done under any circumstances; the procedure should only be performed by a qualified doctor. It is strictly forbidden to open the affected area yourself; this can lead to tragic consequences: the infection can spread throughout the blood. Ulcers may appear during internal organs: in the liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys, brain. In order to prevent the manifestation of the disease from overtaking in the future, it is important to avoid drafts, which can become provocateurs of both an ordinary boil and a “bitch’s udder”.

A lump under the armpit indicates damage to the sweat or sebaceous glands, damage to the lymph nodes. It is important to identify the nature of the neoplasms, the cause of their appearance, and correctly select methods to eliminate the root cause.

A lump under the arm is a signal of problems with the lymph nodes

Why did a lump appear under my armpit?

Neoplasms in armpit cause pyogenic inflammation of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Infections affecting the lymph nodes lead to the appearance of cones:

  • hidradenitis;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • lymphangitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • lipoma.


The disease is called bovine (cow, bitch) udder in the armpits due to its external resemblance to an animal organ. With hidradenitis, the sweat glands located in the armpit become inflamed. Pathogenic microorganisms and secretions accumulated in the ducts cause blockage, which leads to the development of inflammation.

A growth forms at the lesion site, rising above the epithelium. As the inflammatory process intensifies, the tumor grows. The swelling swells, the skin turns red. The gland affected by a bacterial infection suppurates.

Hidradenitis causes quite painful lumps. The inflammatory process is accompanied by intoxication, high fever, headache, and fatigue.

Cones appear with the development of axillary lymphadenitis. The pathology is accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes. The nodule hurts when you press it with your finger.

Lymphangitis appears as a small pea under the arm due to the flu

When lymphangitis is observed heat, symptoms of intoxication: fatigue, headache, weakness.

A tubercle appears under the skin when the sebaceous glands are damaged.

Blockage of the ducts occurs:

  • if a person does not pay enough attention to personal hygiene;
  • when hormonal levels change (after childbirth, during puberty, during breastfeeding, on the background diabetes mellitus, during pregnancy).

Boils appear due to insufficient hygiene

With furunculosis, small painful lumps appear, like pimples. The bumps are red, swollen, purulent, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Lipoma (wen)

The lipoma can be easily felt when washed. A benign tumor is mobile and does not cause pain when pressed or at rest. A lump is formed when adipose tissue grows excessively. The fatty tissues slowly increase in size. The disease is asymptomatic.

If tumors appear under the armpit, consult a physician

Treatment of neoplasms is carried out:

  • hematologist;
  • phthisiatrician;
  • infectious disease specialist;


Diagnosis of the disease is performed using the following methods:

  • patient interview(find out: the bloating interferes, hurts, grows, moves, twitches or not, whether tingling occurs in the affected area);
  • visual inspection of swelling and palpation(determine localization: closer to the mammary gland, on the right or left, between the armpit and chest, on one side or on both; painful or not, soft or hard, without redness, with or without swelling, abscess);
  • Ultrasound(the method will allow you to determine how deep inside the lump lies, how it affects nearby tissues, the degree and stage of development of the growth);
  • tissue biopsy(establish the nature of the neoplasm - cancerous or benign);
  • take blood for analysis.

How to treat lumps in the armpit

It is strictly forbidden to treat neoplasms under the armpits yourself at home. Conservative and radical methods of eliminating swelling are used.

Vishnevsky ointment is prescribed for various types of tumors

If the disease cannot be controlled with drugs, surgical intervention is resorted to.

Treatment with drugs

Axillary tumors are treated using:

  1. Antibiotics. They are taking Clindamycin, Zerkalin, Ceftriaxone. The drugs are prescribed for hidradenitis, lymphangitis, and atheroma. Medicines kill different types bacteria.
  2. Antiseptics . Agents with a bactericidal effect are used to treat hidradenitis, furunculosis, and after operations. Use Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. Solutions disinfect wounds and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Ointments with antibacterial and antiseptic effects. To eliminate boils, applications are made with Vishnevsky's liniment, Ichthyol or Salicylic ointment. Local remedies suppress the development of inflammation, relieve pain, swelling, hyperemia, and accelerate the healing of the skin.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines relieve pain, swelling, hyperemia. They take Nise, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.
  5. Immunomodulators. Prescribe Immunal, Immunorm, tincture of Eleutherococcus, Chinese Schisandra. The drugs strengthen the body’s defense mechanisms, activate the work immune system.
  6. Vitamins. Ascorbic acid strengthens vascular walls, strengthens the immune system, accelerates the healing of wound surfaces. Vitamin A restores damaged tissues.
  7. Antitumor drugs. Chemotherapy drugs are prescribed only by an oncologist.

Ascorbic acid is used to strengthen the immune system

How to get rid of education using folk remedies

Traditional medicine presents the following recipes:

  1. Walnut lotions for the treatment of lymphadenitis. Add 4 tbsp to 200 ml of vodka. l. pulp of leaves. The product is allowed to brew for 3 days. Before going to bed, a napkin soaked in tincture is applied to the swelling and insulated with a bandage. Therapeutic course – 14 days.
  2. Onion compress. The onion is baked, mashed, mixed with 15 ml of tar. The mixture is spread on the bump and secured with a bandage. Keep the application for 7-8 hours. Treatment course – 10 procedures.
  3. Beetroot and carrot juice. The juice is squeezed out of the beets and the liquid is allowed to settle for 6 hours. Mix the drink with carrot juice. The ingredients are taken in a 2:1 ratio. Drink 100 ml of the product on an empty stomach. The medicine is used to treat inflamed lymph nodes and improve blood composition. Duration of therapy – 7 days.
  4. Chinese lemongrass. Take 5 g of berries per 100 ml of boiling water. Before use, the product is infused for 6 hours. Drink 10 ml 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The extract strengthens the immune system and activates the functioning of organs.
  5. Calendula infusion. Pour 1 tsp into 250 ml of boiling water. inflorescences, leave for 1 hour. The medicine is filtered, taken on an empty stomach, ¼ cup 3-5 times a day. The extract cleanses the lymph and relieves inflammation. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Surgical intervention

In case of advanced purulent-inflammatory processes, surgical operations are performed. Infiltrates are drained. To establish the outflow of pathogenic exudate, a rubber turunda is introduced into the incision. Pus gradually flows out from the lump. After resection, the neoplasm is treated with antiseptics and antibiotics are prescribed.

Surgical drainage is performed for advanced furunculosis, hidradenitis, and atheroma.

It is forbidden to open bulging abscesses on your own. Such wounds are easy to become infected.

Surgery is performed in case of development of cancerous tumors in the armpits. All groups of neoplasms or affected lymph nodes are excised. Before surgery, radiation therapy is given. The procedure helps to remove metastases and stabilize the course of the oncological process.

Tumors are eliminated using laser, radio wave destruction, and classical surgical operations.

Other treatments

To eliminate formations with pyogenic contents, use:

  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • ultrasonic waves;
  • electrophoresis.

The procedures accelerate the resorption of ulcers.

Why is a lump in the armpit dangerous?

Bloating indicates the development of severe infectious and inflammatory diseases: tuberculosis, AIDS, HIV infection.

Tumors indicate the development of serious diseases

Swelling in the armpits can cause complications:

  • the person experiences discomfort and irritation from the friction of the bulge;
  • patients suffer from persistent pain and burning;
  • swellings break out and open;
  • cones put pressure on surrounding tissues;
  • neoplasms degenerate into cancerous tumors.

Axillary bumps is a good reason to visit a doctor. The growths not only cause psychological discomfort, but also threaten health and life, being a source of dangerous infections or a serious sign of cancer. A timely visit to a specialist will help you avoid surgery, with the help of treatment with medications: antibiotics, antiseptics, NSAIDs, immunomodulators and vitamins.

If lumps or lumps appear in the armpit area, you should immediately visit a specialist.

If a lump under your arm hurts, this is an alarming sign. This phenomenon is typical for all ages and genders. This is of greatest concern to women and children.

Such formations bring discomfort. Often accompanied by symptoms of inflammation. Let's look at the main reasons for the appearance of bumps, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.


All lumps in the axillary area are either round or irregular. Their color depends on what caused them. The cones also differ in size: from small to large. Let's consider the reasons for the occurrence:

  1. The most common cause is poor personal hygiene or overuse of antiperspirants. There is a blockage of the sebaceous glands. In this case, two scenarios are possible: the addition of a secondary infection or the occurrence without inflammation.
  2. Inflammation of the sweat glands (hidradenitis). People suffering from hyperhidrosis are almost 90% more likely to develop this disease.
  3. Infectious diseases of various etiologies. Inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs. It is observed during the period of illness with influenza, sore throat, ARVI, and tuberculosis.
  4. Atheroma is a formation of a non-infectious nature, a sebaceous gland cyst. When resolved, remnants of hair, sebum, and skin scales may be released.
  5. Furuncle - inflammation of the hair follicle.
  6. Oncological diseases.

The main peak of occurrence of lumps in the armpit occurs at the age of 20–30 years. It is less common in children and the elderly, since the sweat and sebaceous glands do not work at full capacity.


Symptoms depend on the cause of the lump. With a simple blockage of the sebaceous glands, a formation appears without redness of the skin. As a rule, such lumps in the armpit do not hurt. They have a dense structure. Without proper attention, they can become inflamed, causing lymphadenitis.

With hidradenitis, the clinical picture will be different. The lump may be small. Soreness in the area of ​​inflammation does not appear immediately, but after a couple of days. Body temperature rises. The lump turns red. After 2 days from the appearance of the compaction, a purulent head, either white or yellowish, is noted. After spontaneous or medical opening, relief comes. The symptoms go away.

The most intense pain occurs with a boil. First, a person notices swelling and redness of the skin area. Further development of the inflammatory process leads to the formation of a lump, which hurts even at rest. The skin color becomes bright red, even bluish. In this case, you cannot do without medical help.

Lymphadenitis is accompanied by nagging pain in the armpits. The patient is forced to give a certain position to his hand. It has two forms: purulent and non-purulent. In the second type, a dense lump is determined, it is mobile, and hurts when pressed. In the purulent form, the lymph nodes are immobile and there is constant throbbing pain. Body temperature also rises and skin redness appears.

Atheroma is painless to the touch and mobile. It is initially small in size, grows very slowly, and does not cause inconvenience to humans.

Any formation in the armpit should not be ignored. Enlarged lymph nodes may be a sign of cancer or HIV infection, without having any special clinical manifestations. Lumps left untreated can lead to a number of complications.


A slight blockage of the sebaceous glands can lead to the development of atheroma, which in turn can become complicated:

  • abscess, that is, suppuration develops;
  • spontaneous opening leads to the formation of ulcers;
  • very rarely (less than 0.1%) degenerates into a malignant formation.

A boil without timely treatment can cause sepsis. The infection spreads not only to the skin. But also on internal organs.

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Complications of lymphadenitis can be:

  • subcutaneous abscess;
  • septic arthritis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • sepsis, the consequence of which is the death of the patient.


The doctor makes a diagnosis based on a visual examination and a number of laboratory and instrumental methods. Be sure to carefully examine the skin of the patient’s armpits for any lumps.

The diagnosis can be made based on the clinical picture. After a visual examination and a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor decides on other methods.

For lymphadenitis, the following options exist:

  • general blood test - allows you to establish the qualitative and quantitative composition;
  • if oncology is suspected, a biopsy is performed - the lymph node tissue is sent for histological examination;
  • performing a skin allergy test and bacteriological examination of sputum, if the presence of tuberculosis is possible;
  • testing for HIV infection.

To make a diagnosis of atheroma, histological examination of tissue is necessary. This is used for differential diagnosis with hygroma, fibroma, lipoma.

All other cases do not cause difficulties in diagnosis. The diagnosis is established on the basis of external manifestations and the general clinical picture.


The choice of treatment tactics depends on the established diagnosis. A simple blockage of the sebaceous gland does not require special therapy and can be treated at home.

Atheromas are treated surgically. The cyst is removed under local anesthesia. Currently, laser techniques are used in three ways:

  • laser photocoagulation - based on the evaporation of the pathological focus, used if the diameter of the atheroma is no more than 0.5 cm;
  • excision of atheroma with membrane - used for sizes up to 2 cm;
  • laser evaporation of the shell from the inside, if the lump is more than two cm.

How to treat a lymph node under the arm? In the initial stage of lymphadenitis, it is possible to manage with physiotherapy methods (electrophoresis, galvanization, ultrasound), and anti-inflammatory ointments. If the infectious nature (bacterial) of the disease is established, in 100% of cases an appropriate antibiotic is prescribed. If tuberculosis is confirmed, therapy continues in the anti-tuberculosis dispensary with appropriate drugs.

In case of a purulent process in the lymph nodes, the cavity is drained with further dressings.

If oncology is diagnosed, a comprehensive approach is required: radiation and chemotherapy, surgical intervention.

For hidradenitis, local antiseptics, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. The festering lump is opened.


The formation of lumps in the armpit area can be partially prevented. If the question arises about cancer, then lumps in the armpits can occur at any time.

Try to observe the rules of personal hygiene: use personal shaving equipment, take a daily shower, and do not overuse antiperspirants. Wear loose clothing made from quality materials.

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Lymph nodes are important organs of the human immune system. This is a kind of filter, a barrier to harmful viruses and bacteria; they do not participate in the formation of cells. In normal conditions, the location of such nodes is barely noticeable. A person may not even know that they exist. But if the lymph node under the armpit suddenly becomes inflamed, this may indicate the presence of a disease in nearby organs. With sudden movements and pressure, a person will experience acute pain. This means it's time to see a doctor.

What does a lump under the arm mean?

A lump or ball under the armpit is a hard lump that, as a rule, always brings an unpleasant painful sensation. Enlarged lymph nodes under the arms are caused by wearing tight, uncomfortable underwear, non-compliance with hygiene rules, and razor cuts. In addition, the lump under the arm hurts as a result of weakened immunity after a severe infectious disease. The axillary lymph nodes may also become enlarged due to inflammation of the mammary glands or due to excessive sweating.

Symptoms in women and men

The pain under the armpit can be sharp. In this case, inflammation of the lymph nodes often develops slowly. First, a person develops a small lump the size of a pea, and pain appears on palpation. The skin becomes red and hot. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the patient’s lymph nodes may become very swollen and the temperature will rise sharply. As a rule, women and men have the same symptoms if the inflammation is caused by lymphadenitis:

  • weight loss;
  • skin redness;
  • an abscess may pop out;
  • armpit hurts when pressed;
  • may shoot in the swollen area on the left or right.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit is not always accompanied by pain. The appearance of this symptom depends on the internal cause that provoked the compaction: if the lymph nodes under the armpit are inflamed in a patient with tuberculosis or syphilis, then there will be no strong burning sensation. A person whose lymph nodes have enlarged as a result of cancer (cancer, sarcoma) will not feel discomfort.

Enlarged lymph nodes

In a healthy state, the lymph nodes under the armpit do not bother you. If they begin to inflame, become large, pain is felt, and there is swelling, this means that the process of infection has begun in the body. You cannot ignore these signs and self-medicate. You need to see a doctor and get advice. Lumps under the armpit in women often occur as a result of certain diseases, such as:

  • rubella;
  • flu;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • mononucleosis;
  • adenoviral infections.

Lymph node pain and armpit pain

A common cause of armpit pain is a sprained ligament. Discomfort can also arise as a result of problems with the mammary glands or previous breast surgery. The cyclical nature of the pain occurs due to mastalgia, which appears before menstruation. An allergy to deodorant, as well as the appearance of a pimple or boil, contribute to the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the armpits. Such an abscess can burst at any moment. It may leave an ugly scar.

red spot

A red spot under the armpit appears in the form of a round shape, and not immediately a bright shade; at first a brick color is observed. For comparison, you can look at photos of such spots. They are not always smooth to the touch - sometimes you can notice small scales. As a rule, red spots disappear after a person begins to perform a set of hygiene procedures. The reasons for this appearance of spots under the arms:

  • irritation after shaving;
  • skin reaction to Sun rays;
  • wearing uncomfortable clothes;
  • change individual funds hygiene (shampoo, soap, razor);
  • heavy sweating.

Causes of compaction

Common causes of lumps in the armpit:

  • abuse of deodorants that are designed to get rid of sweat;
  • rough shaving;
  • in a child - due to wearing uncomfortable, tight clothes;
  • skin damage;
  • physical activity, increased sweating, inaccessibility to taking a bath leads to the growth of microorganisms that cause inflammation;
  • inflammation of the sweat glands and inflammation of the follicles appear acute pain: complications may occur in the form of elevated temperature and the formation of an abscess;
  • allergic reaction for certain medications.

What to do if there is a tumor under the armpit

To get rid of a swollen lump under the arm, you need to understand the root cause of its appearance. If it occurs as a result of unsuccessful hair removal, you just need to apply treatment with antiseptics. You can use the old one folk method– make a mesh of iodine on the armpit area. If a lump appears after using an antiperspirant, you need to discard it and treat the skin with alcohol. You can also use special ointments with antibiotics. Echinacea tincture with alcohol is effective in the fight against such neoplasms.

The fact is that the skin in the armpit is in constant motion, it is this activity of the hands that causes friction, and since the lump under the armpit is inside, the whole process is accompanied by discomfort.

Experts divide the causes of the appearance into three categories, all of them are differentiated according to numerous criteria. In general, the factors may be as follows:

  • blockage of the sebaceous glands;
  • inflammation of the lymph node (lymphadenitis);
  • inflammation of the sweat ducts (hidradenitis).

Also, in some cases, compaction in the armpit area may be the result of a complication after an injury. infectious disease. In some cases, it can be confused with the initial stage of the formation of a boil under the arm, which is characterized by compaction, and then maturation and a purulent-inflammatory process.

Blockage of the sebaceous glands

In this case, there is a disruption in the production of a special secretion - fat-like lipids. These cells begin to die, turning into sebum. Together with the narrowing of the sebaceous ducts, this contributes to the formation of a dense lump, which has a rounded shape and is usually painless.

Most often, such a lump under the arm does not hurt and does not cause any discomfort. However, it must be removed, as it can provoke an inflammatory process that can lead to infection entering the lymph node.

Inflammation of the lymph node

Lymphadenitis may appear as a result of the following factors:

  1. infectious disease (whooping cough, tonsillitis, measles, influenza, etc.);
  2. diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  3. cancers with metastases;
  4. the constant presence in the body of microorganisms that cause diseases such as syphilis or tuberculosis.

Depending on the cause, the inflammation process can be either painful or painless. The lump under the arm is easily palpable and is mobile. It is dangerous because it can change its size uncontrollably as a result of exposure to various factors.

Photo of a lump in the armpit

Inflammation of the sweat ducts

Hidradenitis is the most common reason the formation of a lump under the armpit occurs in representatives of both sexes. It occurs due to the entry of pathogenic microbes and bacilli - streptococci and staphylococci - into the sweat ducts, and develops in combination with the following conditions:

  • lack of personal hygiene and body contamination. This is especially true in the warm season, when the temperature creates favorable conditions for the rapid proliferation of microbes;
  • excessive sweating, as a result of which the sweat ducts expand and create favorable conditions for the penetration of bacteria;
  • improper use of various hygiene products. For example, using deodorants immediately before sports. This does not help reduce sweat production, but only creates an obstacle to its removal from the body. As a result, a large amount of sweat is forced to make the ducts wider and form stagnation, allowing various microorganisms to accumulate.
  • various kinds of cuts, scratches and abrasions with damage to the integrity of the skin create favorable conditions for the penetration of microbes, which actively begin to develop after entering the body.

With hidradenitis, the lump under the arm hurts when pressed and has little mobility. At the same time, the person feels itching and scratching, which only intensifies over time.


If a specialist has diagnosed a blockage of the sebaceous glands, he may prescribe a surgical operation to cut out the formation and remove the gland itself. As support measures, a course of antibacterial therapy is determined that increases the level of the body's defenses and helps improve the functioning of the immune system.

Treatment for inflammation of the lymph node is chosen depending on what disease caused it. The lump under the arm can be simply excised during surgery, or it can be treated comprehensively, using anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antitumor and antibacterial drugs.

The method of getting rid of hidradenitis is chosen by the doctor based on the results of the examination, which determines whether one sweat gland was affected or several. The general condition of the patient and the presence (or absence) of other diseases are also taken into account. In most cases, the abscess is simply removed during surgical operation, after which the patient is prescribed a course of treatment with anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs, antibiotics and local antiseptics.

In the summer, small bumps often pop up under the arms. Most likely these are large pimples that appear due to excessive sweating due to the heat. I don’t think I need to cut anything out, they go away on their own...

Once upon a time, a small lump popped up under my armpit, it didn’t hurt or itch, it was the size of a pea. It went away on its own in about 1-2 weeks, nothing was left at the site of its appearance.

I have a lump under my arm like a lump - it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t itch. What could this be and is it worth going to the doctor? There is no severe sweating, it seems like I haven’t caught a cold anywhere. It feels like a small pebble under the skin.

It could be a regular subcutaneous pimple. I've had these jump up under my arms many times. I didn’t do anything, they went away on their own in 5-8 days. If there is pain or purulent discharge, then of course see a doctor. At home, you can treat it with peroxide and make compresses with levomekol at night.

3 tsp. filtered water

I drank the antibiotic Flemoclav 625 mg for 4 days (morning and evening) (I drank kefir as a probiotic)

I drank Serrata (6 days, 1 tablet in the morning and evening, and the next 6 days, 2 tablets in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening, 30 minutes before meals)

The doctor prescribed bandages for me. Clean the area of ​​the “bump” with alcohol (vodka) and on the same cotton pad, it is better to smear Levomekol on a cotton pad and apply it to the area that is bothering it and secure it with a band-aid. So, walking as often as possible (all night or during the day, as is convenient for you) goes away in a week, and the pain subsides after 2 days, but only if the “bump” is in the initial stage, just appeared (no more than 2-3 days)

Lump in the armpit as a sign of cancer

The appearance of lumps in the armpit is not uncommon. They come in various shapes and bring a lot of discomfort and pain to their owner.

A lump in the armpit is a serious reason to see a doctor. In addition to unpleasant sensations, such formation can be life-threatening and even be a sign of the early stages of cancer.

Why might a lump appear in the armpit?

There are three reasons why a lump forms in the armpit area:

  1. Clogging of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Hidradenitis.
  3. Inflammation or cancer of the lymph nodes.

Let's look at each factor in more detail.

Blockage of the sebaceous glands

Such a round-shaped lump tends to move, but does not cause pain. Without signs of inflammation, it does not pose a threat. It is enough to improve personal hygiene and not overuse cosmetics of dubious quality. If the lump begins to grow or turns red, seek professional help.

Hidradenitis of the armpits

The lump is caused by staphylococci or streptococci entering the sweat gland. The problem is aggravated by a lack of personal hygiene, increased sweating, injuries, and inappropriate use of various cosmetic and hygiene products. Hidradenitis is easily recognized by the following signs:

  • body temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • a small formation appears, hardening and turning blue after a few days;
  • after 2 days there is a purulent discharge of yellow or white on the surface of the cone.

Under no circumstances should you remove a purulent lesion yourself. With this course of events, there will be a high probability of infection entering the body.

Treatment of the disease depends on the stage of progression and extent. Doctors generally prescribe an antibiotic, a local antiseptic, as well as immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Lymph node enlargement

Such inflammation can be provoked by various infections occurring in the body, chronic diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis and others), cancer tumors, and diseases of the circulatory system.

Depending on the factor of formation, the lump may or may not hurt, but it can always be easily felt. Treatment is carried out taking into account the cause of inflammation. Surgical intervention or conservative therapy is possible.

In what cases can a lump in the armpit be a sign of cancer?

A formation in the armpit can signal metastases in the mammary gland in women. Representatives of the fairer sex after 40 years should be especially careful. This age is at risk for developing malignant tumor in the chest. The lump formed due to a cancer tumor is often painless.

What do you need to pay attention to to understand that a lump in the armpit is cancer?

A tumor in the armpits is a malignant tumor if a number of the following symptoms appear:

  • the lymph node of the axillary tissue has sharply increased in size, takes the form of a protrusion under the skin, it is painless and not connected with neighboring tissues;
  • the site of formation is very itchy before its appearance;
  • body temperature rises to 37 degrees for no reason and does not subside;
  • At night, body sweating increases.

As the tumor progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced:

  • breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears;
  • diarrhea begins or vice versa - constipation;
  • headaches, fatigue appear, general condition worsens, a person can suddenly lose weight for no reason;
  • anemia often develops;
  • The body is affected by fungal, viral and bacterial infections with periodic frequency.

If at least one of the above signs appears, a person should immediately visit the clinic!

What examinations need to be completed?

The oncologist first interviews the patient and listens to complaints. For every doctor great importance have symptoms, their severity, information about other chronic diseases. Next, he feels the affected area. In this way, the specialist determines the diameter of the formation and its consistency. Next you need to carry out several examinations:

  1. Ultrasound - allows you to examine damage to the tissue of the lymph nodes and identify their mutation.
  2. CT and MRI - these methods determine the exact location of the tumor and the growth of cancer cells into neighboring tissues.

What tests need to be taken?

Often, specialists refer the patient for a biopsy to accurately confirm the diagnosis. To finalize the picture, histological and cytological examination is carried out.

What consequences can happen if you don’t see a doctor in time?

If a person ignores the signs of cancer and does not seek help from specialists, the cancer will progress, gradually killing human body. The result of such events, of course, will be death. Therefore, it is very important to go to the clinic at the slightest suspicion of a malignant tumor. It’s better to play it safe a couple of times than to suffer for the rest of your life.

Axillary lymph node cancer

Treatment depending on the situation

Treatment for a cancerous tumor under the arm depends on the type of cancer and the nature of its spread. The main ways to get rid of cancer of the axillary lymph nodes include:

  1. Chemotherapy. The dosage and duration are selected individually for each patient by his attending physician.
  2. Radiation therapy. Kills all malignant cells under the influence of highly active radioactive rays.
  3. Surgical treatment. All affected lymph nodes in the armpit are removed.

Not so long ago, new methods of combating cancer tumors began to be used, which consist of transplanting part of the bone marrow.

All treatment methods are aimed at reducing the size of the affected lymph node. It is also necessary to achieve stable remission. Often, to get rid of armpit cancer, doctors use complex therapy, including several of the most effective methods in an individual case.

Forecast and what to expect?

In general, the prognosis is quite favorable. But it all depends on the type and prevalence of oncology. With a slowly growing tumor, patients can live 7-10 years. With a rapidly progressing disease, the likelihood of cure is also high, but high-dose chemotherapy is required. In the case of secondary pathology, when metastases have spread from the mammary gland, the prognosis is much worse. No more than 50% of patients live here for 5 years. If armpit cancer develops as a result of lung carcinoma, therapy is practically powerless. Approximately only 16% of patients manage to live at least another 5 years.

A lump in the armpit occurs for various reasons and also has different symptoms. With inflammation of the lymph nodes, which is one of the factors in the appearance of dense formations in the armpit, the development of oncology is quite possible. This often leads to a sad outcome. In case of timely diagnosis and treatment, positive dynamics are possible. Selecting a good clinic with experienced oncologists increases the patient’s chances of recovery. This issue should also be approached responsibly.

It is important to know:


The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only! Apply the described treatment methods and recipes cancer diseases It is not recommended to do it on your own and without consulting a doctor!

Lump under the armpit - causes and treatment

An armpit lump is a lump, usually painful, in the armpit. Such a bump, as a rule, always brings pain inside and causes discomfort. Most likely this happens due to poor personal hygiene, uncomfortable tight underwear, or a razor cut.

This seal has a round or irregular shape. Depending on the reason for the appearance of the lump, the color is different - white, greenish (which indicates the purulent environment of the lump), red. Its sizes also vary, but most often the lump is clearly visible; it stands out significantly above the surface of the armpit.

If you have a lump under your armpit, this indicates the presence of inflammation in this area. In this regard, it looks inflamed, as evidenced by the reddish color of the skin and elevated temperature in the area of ​​the lump, the general condition worsens. There may be one lump, or several lumps may form. A lump is a knot, abscess or tumor.

Causes of a lump under the armpit

Hidradenitis is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, usually purulent. Most antiperspirants clog the ducts of the sweat glands, thereby keeping the armpits dry. There are always various types of infections under the armpits, and when the sebaceous glands are blocked, they are activated, which is very dangerous. Enlargement and suppuration of the sebaceous glands under the armpit occurs as a result of the activity of staphylococcus bacteria. Through the flow channels of the sebaceous glands, bacteria enter the glands and begin to grow.

This occurs due to insufficient hygiene of the armpit areas - particles of sweat and deodorant accumulate as a result of irregular washing. The result is a lump under the armpit, which hurts and causes a lot of inconvenience. This disease may be accompanied by fever, chills, trembling and even loss of consciousness. Hidradenitis often appears in children.

Furuncle (boil) - inflammation of the sebaceous gland, bacteria accumulate inside the gland and suppuration appears, quite dangerous disease. First aid when a boil appears: you need to lubricate the inflamed area with an antiseptic and apply a bandage with levomekol ointment (it contains an antibiotic that will have a strong effect on microorganisms - in other words, this ointment kills microbes and helps draw pus from the sebaceous gland), secure it. But if after 2-3 days it does not get better, the temperature rises, you should consult a doctor.

Wen (lipoma) is a benign neoplasm, formed due to the accumulation of fatty tissue in the sebaceous glands. The cause may also be a hereditary predisposition, diseases of the pancreas, thyroid glands, or liver. Lipoma formation occurs without painful sensations, has a soft consistency to the touch, grows in size from a few mm to fifty centimeters. It is not recommended to carry out all kinds of procedures yourself; the best option would be to consult a doctor.

The lymph node under the arm was inflamed. In a normal person, the axillary lymph nodes do not become inflamed. They increase as a result of a sharp weakening of the immune system after suffering a severe infectious disease - influenza, infectious diseases of the throat or ear. Also, the axillary lymph nodes may become enlarged as a result of inflammation of the mammary glands. Excessive sweating and poor armpit hygiene can also cause inflammation of the lymph nodes. The latter most often concerns overweight, obese people, often with diabetes.

Some blood diseases - leukemia, cervical lymphadenitis, etc. - can also lead to the appearance of a lump under the armpit;

Some forms of cancer are accompanied by the formation of lumps in the armpits;

The reason for the appearance of a lump under the armpit may be the presence in the body serious illnesses such as mumps, AIDS and measles (see "Measles in children - symptoms and treatment"). The appearance of a lump under the armpit during any illness is caused by enlargement of the lymph nodes due to negative influence viruses and infections.

Ways to treat a lump under the armpit

The appearance of a lump in the armpit area is always noticeable and unpleasant. Before an abscess forms, the skin in the armpit first itches and a burning sensation is felt. Touching the troubled area is always painful, which indicates the presence of inflammation under the skin. The abscess does not always open.

For several weeks, the lump may fester, enlarge, but never open - this is its difference from a boil (see “Furunculosis - causes and treatment.” In no case should you treat a lump under the armpit yourself! Pus or bacteria getting into the blood can cause blood poisoning.

If you notice the first signs of compaction under the arms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only after a thorough examination will the doctor be able to determine the exact cause of the lump and prescribe the correct treatment. If the formation is infectious and purulent, antibiotics and immunostimulating drugs are prescribed.

Under no circumstances should the lump be squeezed out! When treating a lump under the arm, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy, dry heat, and UHF. All treatment methods are prescribed by a doctor individually, depending on the reasons for the appearance of lumps. In case of urgent need to open the abscess, the doctor will do it himself.

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Lump under the armpit (hidradenitis): causes and treatment

A lump under the armpit is a condition for which people often consult a doctor. A kind of “stimulus” for a visit to the doctor is the sensitivity of the armpit and the motor activity of the hands - a combination that does not allow you to endure the discomfort or pain that a lump or abscess causes for a long time. This is a significant plus, which does not allow the patient to wait for this condition to “go away on its own.”

But there is also a minus - there are many reasons why a lump in the armpit can develop.

Reasons for the formation of a lump under the armpit

All cases of lumps in the armpit can be divided into three categories, depending on the causes: blockage of the sebaceous gland, inflammation of the sweat ducts (hidradenitis) and inflammation of the lymph node.

Hidradenitis under the armpit

Hidradenitis occurs equally in both men and women and is caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (most often staphylococci and streptococci) into the sweat gland.

But even the presence of pathogens is not enough for the development of a disease such as hidradenitis under the arm, which requires additional conditions:

  • Failure to observe basic personal hygiene. Neglecting a shower or bath, especially in the warm season, leads to the formation of favorable conditions on the skin of the armpit for the growth and reproduction of microbes. Heat, moisture, microscopic particles of dead skin and sweat components create an ideal nutrient and climatic environment for bacteria or fungi and subsequent inflammation.
  • Increased sweating. When excessive sweat is produced, the sweat ducts become dilated, allowing pathogens to easily enter the sweat gland.
  • Incorrect or inappropriate use of cosmetics and hygiene products. The most obvious example of this is the use of antiperspirants before exercise. These products do not reduce the production of sweat, but only prevent its elimination, so the accumulation of sweat expands the ducts and leads to the development of stagnation in them, which makes the path easier for infections. Another “cosmetic” reason is the excessive use of deodorants, talcs and similar products, which provokes a decrease in local immunity and resistance to pathogens.
  • Injuries. Abrasions, scratches, and skin cuts in the armpit become entry points for microbes that surround a person.

Symptoms of hidradenitis

  • A soft, elastic lump under the armpit, which a few days after its appearance becomes hard and acquires a bluish tint.
  • Body temperature may increase locally (at the site of swelling) or there may be a general increase in temperature to 37.8-38.6o C.
  • 1-2 days after the onset of the disease, a visually detectable purulent focus appears in the lump under the arm (a whitened or yellowed area at the top of the swelling). The release of purulent contents can occur on its own, after which relief of symptoms occurs.

Important: do not under any circumstances speed up the process of removing pus. Hot compresses, squeezing out purulent contents and similar actions will not eliminate hidradenitis under the armpit, but, on the contrary, can lead to the infection penetrating into neighboring tissues and even spreading throughout the body through the bloodstream.

Treatment of hidradenitis

The treatment regimen for hidradenitis depends on the stage of development of the disease, its prevalence (damage to one sweat gland or several), the general condition of the patient and the presence/absence of concomitant diseases (systemic inflammatory process, pathologies of the immune system, etc.).

Prescriptions for hidradenitis may include local antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, iodine solution, etc.), antibiotics (Clindamycin, Erythromycin, etc.), immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as surgical treatment - opening the abscess and draining it.

Sebaceous gland blockage

Blockage of the sebaceous gland is usually associated with disturbances in the formation and separation of sebum (its excessive production and narrowed sebaceous ducts) in combination with non-compliance with basic hygiene.

This “omentum” is a dense lump under the armpit - mobile and painless, with a regular round shape.

Blockage of the sebaceous gland does not pose a problem if it does not worsen the patient’s quality of life (as the size increases, the lump can cause significant discomfort) or is not complicated by an inflammatory process. Therefore, it is necessary to be responsible about observing the rules of personal hygiene, not to overuse cosmetics, and if there are any signs of omental growth or inflammation of the gland, consult a doctor.

Treatment for blockage of the sebaceous gland is carried out primarily surgically, with removal of the sebaceous gland and the subsequent administration of a course of antibacterial therapy.

Lymph node enlargement

The cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes and their enlargement can be due to many circumstances:

Depending on the reasons for the enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arms, they can be painful or painless, but they are always clearly visible to the touch (dense round formations directly under the skin, more or less mobile).

Treatment of a lump formed under the armpit, associated with enlarged lymph nodes, is carried out taking into account the disease that caused this condition. Treatment can be either conservative, using anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, immunostimulating, antitumor drugs, or surgical - with removal of the lymph node.

In each individual case, the decision is made by the attending physician, assessing the situation individually.

Most frequently asked questions

When faced with the appearance of a lump under the muscle cavity, it is natural to become worried and begin to look for methods to solve this problem. To avoid making the situation worse by doing the wrong thing, follow the following recommendations.

A lump has appeared under the muscle cavity and it hurts: what to do?

The only thing you can do at home is to treat the skin of your armpits with an antiseptic that is in your medicine cabinet: hydrogen peroxide, a solution of boric or salicylic acid, brilliant green. At severe pain and the inability to see a doctor, you can take a tablet of analgin, baralgin, aspirin.

Important: carefully read the instructions for the drug you are going to take. If you suffer from any disease listed in the list of contraindications, this remedy is strictly prohibited for you. Also, you should not give any painkillers to children without first consulting a doctor: if your child complains of pain from a lump under the arm, go to the emergency department.

Applying warm, cold or alcohol compresses is unacceptable, as they can cause deterioration in health and complicate the course of the disease.

The “insidiousness” of compresses lies in their ability to quickly and effectively relieve pain, but this subjective sensation does not last long: heat and irritating action (as in the case of alcohol compresses) can cause the spread of purulent inflammation to nearby tissues, and cold can narrow the lumen of sweat or sebaceous tissue. duct, preventing the contents of the gland from being discharged out.

Lump under the arm: which doctor should I see?

If you have not previously encountered such a phenomenon as a lump under the armpit, contact a therapist who, after studying your medical history and listening to your complaints, will decide on further diagnostic procedures or consultation with a specialist.

If the lump under the muscle cavity is a chronic condition, and you know the reason for this (clogging of the sebaceous or sweat gland), if it recurs, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

In some cases, examination by an immunologist, hematologist, infectious disease specialist or oncologist may also be required if the attending physician sees the need for this.

1). The first week I made a miracle compress that heals any abscesses and inflammation (I kept it on almost all day):

3 tsp. filtered water

1 ampoule of gentamicin sulfate solution

1 ampoule of hydrocortisone acetate solution 2.5%

I drank the antibiotic Flemoklav for 4 days (morning and evening) (I drank kefir as a probiotic)

I drank Nimesil for 4 days (morning and evening after meals)

2). The second week I used a compress with iodicerine (I kept it only during the day, it was not convenient at night). How did you do it? I folded the bandage several times, glued it to the bump and generously applied iodicerin on top of it. After half an hour or an hour I checked, when it had dried, I applied it on top again.

There was severe irritation from ioddicerin, I applied Pantestin to restore the skin faster.

3). Now I am treating this small lump with Trimistin ointment.

I hope my review will be useful to someone.

Be sure to consult your doctor first.

Get well soon everyone!

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The materials on the site do not constitute medical advice and are presented for informational purposes only. To receive qualified treatment, you must consult a doctor in person!