
Suggest to myself self-confidence and back it up with real achievements. Set specific goals for yourself and go towards them, overcoming obstacles and enjoying them as a way to express yourself, your willpower and desire to win.

The most useless activity is fruitless. There is no need to waste time on them. If you are not happy with something in your life or in your environment, correct the situation. Find to myself friends who support your views and share your beliefs. Their friendly participation will help you and give you strength.

Let me to myself and do what you like. Even if your main occupation does not require you to show your strengths, find to myself a hobby in which they will blossom. It often happens that we have to do something that we don’t really like, so be sure to find a way to self-realize - draw, do crafts, take up dancing, study foreign language, jump with a parachute.

Fulfill your cherished childhood dream - realized, it can also raise your self-esteem and stimulate desire and your dreams. Moving forward, constant development, the desire to live and - these are the external manifestations of the spirit that has found harmony with myself, who has found herself.

Video on the topic


  • how to find yourself in life in a relationship

In order to live happily, a person needs to be in harmony with himself. Violation of this harmony can lead to dysfunction and health disorders, neuroses and depression. Find harmony with yourself, this is to balance the external and internal manifestations of your personality, to adjust your worldview. This work will require effort on yourself, but it will be worth it.


Determine your life priorities and values. Analyze and choose what is really dear to you and what you will never give up. Decide for yourself once and for all that you will never violate some principles and carry out this decision. For example, if you are disgusted by lying and dodging, do not commit such actions after which you will have to do so.

Accept yourself for who you are, with all your shortcomings and mistakes. If you become aware of them, start working on eliminating them. Encourage and praise yourself more often, even if your victory over yourself was insignificant - it is still a step in the right direction. Don’t beat yourself up if you make a mistake—correct it and move on.

Give yourself gifts periodically, allow yourself to spend money on yourself and your weaknesses. If you have a dream, then come up with a plan and start fulfilling it. It’s stupid to dream about something all your life, instead of making an effort, acting and achieving it. Don’t waste your soul on trifles, you can do without many things, but life won’t be happy without it. Choose true values ​​for yourself; money cannot buy them.


  • how to find yourself

Harmony is a word of Greek origin that simultaneously denotes both the harmony of sounds in a musical and theatrical action, and the harmonious interaction of members of society, nature and the entire universe, the cosmos. Today, this concept has expanded to the meaning of coherence in any type of activity, including as a definition of a balanced state of mind.


Achieving harmony is what every religious and philosophical doctrine. Start studying the basics of worldviews and religions and choose the system that seems optimal to you. Most Russians settle on Orthodox as the country's most widespread religion, but you don't have to limit your search. Decide your own.

The principles of any religion are based on values ​​and restrictions common to all humanity: the safety and inviolability of others, fulfillment of promises and loyalty to family and friends, respect for other people’s property and opinions, preventing negative thoughts from entering your mind. The last point is especially important for you. Such thoughts include any idea of ​​a destructive nature: a negative impression from one or more in your environment, including unspoken ones; envy of someone's property; condemnation of actions and much more. Refuse such ideas immediately. If necessary, express them to the person with whom they are connected, but leave them immediately after the end of the conversation.

Be moderate in everything you do: don't talk too much, but don't hold back important details; do not overeat, but do not starve yourself; Don't try to cover all areas of knowledge, but don't limit yourself to just a professional area. Over time, you will learn to find the “golden mean”, avoiding extremes.

Under any circumstances, maintain a calm or slightly upbeat mood. Don't give in to emotions and weaknesses. Convince yourself that you can get out of even the most difficult situations without loss. Don't focus on negative events in your life, see them as painful but necessary lessons. Take as much advantage as possible from failures so as not to repeat mistakes in the future.

Internally harmonious individuals are more likely to make a favorable impression. This is due to the fact that they are pleasant to be around. They create an atmosphere of comfort in communication, and their interlocutors always feel at ease. How to achieve inner harmony?


Start by searching for sources harmony in life. This could be a job you don't like, dissatisfaction with relationships and uncertainty about the future. If you don't like your job, look for ways to change the situation. Of course, you can’t give up everything suddenly - in most cases it’s better to look for an opportunity to work in a related field. For example, a programmer who prefers human communication to working with a computer can go to work in the support service. There you can meet a good person and look very authoritative in her eyes - why not the beginning of a beautiful romance?

If the relationship is not satisfactory, determine in principle what is wrong and whether it can be changed. However, you won’t be able to endure it all your life - perhaps it’s better to change your partner. An absent-minded scientist is unlikely to become an oligarch in the future. And if this is a fundamental issue for you, think about whether the person is next to you.

Look for sources harmony In my life. For many people, for internal balance, it is necessary to be surrounded by external comfort and interesting environment. And vice versa, a person who does not feel the inner harmony, often appearance, life and interesting leisure activities leave much to be desired. This is not a vicious circle: if you make efforts to maintain the external harmony, then soon you will feel comfort internally. Experiment and find out what invigorates you, makes you happy and makes you dream. Some people need to read psychological magazines, others need to go to fashion shows. Or maybe just a bath with colorful foam will make you enjoy life like a child. Maybe it's time to replace your old wallpaper with designer wallpaper. Search and you will find your own individual ways to feel good. Become an explorer of your reactions.

Get clear on your values ​​and priorities. Maybe what is important to you is not stability, but also bright moments in life. And you force yourself to lead a boring existence because they tried to instill other people’s values ​​in you since childhood. There is no point in blaming others. Just find your priority scale and make a plan to bring them to life. This will help you restore order in your soul, without which there is no harmony.

Video on the topic

Life is full of surprises, and you have to learn to respond to them on the fly. Coping with stressful situations, not to lose heart and to firmly believe in your own strength will help you achieve harmony with yourself.

What influences harmony and tranquility in the home

There are two main factors influencing people's lives. The first is their thinking and actions. If a person has negative thinking, then no amount of work with earthly energies will help bring harmony to the house. Therefore, first of all, you need to start with yourself. Watch your thoughts, don’t let them negative emotions. Concentrate on love, peace, harmony, and respectful attitude towards people.

Correct thinking in itself creates amazing things. It is enough to stop fighting with yourself, find harmony in your soul, and the reality around you begins to change, as if by magic. The world turns to face you - you become luckier, events naturally move towards you. And all because you are in a state of harmony.

Harmony in the soul also depends on the place in which a person lives. If his house is beautiful, well-kept and some rules are observed in it important rules Feng Shui, harmony and tranquility will always reign in it.

Correct location of the house

According to Feng Shui, each direction carries its own energy. In order for a house to live well, it must be oriented in a certain way to the area. In this case, not only the 8 cardinal directions are taken into account, but also the nature of the terrain - the presence of hills, lowlands, mountains, reservoirs, etc.

It is usually recommended to install the front door on the south side of the house. It is very good if there is a plain to the south, and a hill to the north, behind the house, providing protection and support. The northern location of the door is also possible. But in Feng Shui, orienting the house with its façade to the southwest is considered incorrect, this direction carries negative energy and is considered the entrance to the underworld.

What to do if the house still faces the door in this direction? Use protective elements. For example, you can hang it over front door, outside and inside, crystal lamps. They neutralize Negative influence southwest.

In contrast to the southwest, the northwest is considered a positive direction. It is useful to open the door of a house facing north-west, at least for a few hours a day, to let the beneficial energy of this direction into the house.

It should be borne in mind that Feng Shui is very complex system, and recommendations that are suitable for some people may not be suitable for others. Feng Shui takes into account the personal qualities of a person - in particular, belonging to the so-called Western and Eastern groups. What is good for the people of the East is bad for the people of the West, and vice versa. To understand which group you belong to, you need to calculate your Gua number. The method for such calculation can be found on the Internet, it is quite simple.

It is also necessary to remember that the rules of Feng Shui help to achieve harmony and tranquility in the home, but still are not decisive. In the first place is the person himself; the well-being in the home depends on the harmony of his soul.

Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Don’t get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations... Then your heart will come to life. Osho

Today there are many blogs on different topics. But the topics of the blog “Live!” became the closest to me. This is due to the nature of my profession. Often people who come to me for coaching are quite successful, literate, earn good money, and are constantly developing. And usually coaching begins with requests: to increase profits, develop new business skills, prescribe a development plan, time management, and so on. That is current topics for today for all successful and business people. But often such coaching smoothly transitions to working on personal issues: improving relationships with loved ones, employees, children, spouses; find free time for your personal needs and requirements; make life more interesting, brighter, more harmonious.

And I made certain conclusions: people have forgotten how to LIVE! They are constantly running somewhere headlong, earning money, rushing to meetings, developing daily in many directions, becoming better, smarter, stronger, more enterprising... And then I ask them the question: “Why do you need all this?” And I see emptiness in my eyes. And I hear in response the memorized, well-known phrases: “To be happy.” “And when you are happy, what are you like? What are you doing? Who surrounds you and what is happening to you? And the person describes a situation completely opposite to today’s way of life.

Many people have a stereotype: in order to get something, you must first invest a lot of effort, emotions, money, time, all of yourself, and generally forget about normal existence for a certain period of time. And only then will success await you! Only through numerous attempts and excessive efforts can you achieve happiness, success and harmony. But this is absolutely not true!

The main idea of ​​​​every person's life is to enjoy every day we live: to enjoy the food we eat; in obtaining benefit from the people with whom we communicate; in enjoying the work we do, etc. After all, we only live once! And we live TODAY!

To attract harmony into your life, I recommend introducing a couple of simple habits into your daily actions: Play sports. Sport is the time when you are yourself. I would even recommend doing yoga or dancing. It always gives strength, energy, improves mood and health! Meditations. During meditation, a person can very effectively turn to his essence, truly understand what he needs, relax and gain positive energy. internal energy! In 10 minutes of meditation you can relax nicely and gain strength for the whole day! Nutrition. In addition to the fact that you need to eat properly and exclusively healthy food, I would also recommend making some kind of ritual out of food intake. Don’t sin by snacking on the road... Set the table, decorate the dishes, eat slowly, feel and appreciate the taste of food, like gourmets do. Find a hobby for yourself, or a pleasant activity that engages you and distracts you from all worldly matters. And, preferably, do it yourself! It is very important to sometimes spend time alone with yourself. By the way, this is how you can develop your creative potential. Surround yourself only with people you enjoy talking to, and from whom you have something to learn. Much has already been said about the influence of the environment on us and our successes. I won't repeat myself. I can only say one thing: experiencing pleasure from communicating with people is important aspect in achieving life harmony. Love yourself! Love life!

Have you ever met people who radiate joy and love, and next to them you feel cozy and comfortable? These people are respected and listened to, you want to communicate with them and be around them, you feel positive energy, calmness and tranquility from them. And why all? Because these people live in harmony with themselves, with their inner world. Would you like to know how to find inner harmony and not dream of happiness, but be a happy person?

First you need to understand yourself, try to understand yourself, what you want, and not the society around you. In other words, you must understand and get to know yourself, figure out what exactly makes you happy and joyful, and what, on the contrary, makes you feel insecure, depresses and irritates you. There is no need to be afraid to be alone with yourself and face your thoughts. At this stage, analyze your life, what you would like to change and how to do it, make plans for the future and think about ways to implement them.

Prepare yourself for persistent and labor-intensive work on yourself, on your inner world. You don't need to change yourself, you need to understand who you are and what you want, find your purpose. Engage in self-development, read books, gain new knowledge, keep learning, improve yourself, develop new skills.

Never go against yourself and do something that does not bring you any pleasure, do not violate your principles, unless it is to the detriment of other people. In order to find peace, learn to love yourself and do not betray yourself, do everything you promised to yourself.

The important qualities of a person who is in harmony with his thoughts and inner world are balance, calmness, and self-confidence. Learn to control your emotions and thoughts, think carefully before you say anything. Do not react too violently to situations, even if something does not go as you planned or as you expected. Thoughts and words also have great power. To understand how to find harmony with yourself, get rid of negative thoughts, learn positive thinking.

Since the path to inner harmony lies not only through self-knowledge, although this is a large part, but also through communication with other people, society plays an important role. Think about whether you are satisfied with everything about the people you communicate with; perhaps you need to change your attitude towards them and see them positive traits, then communication will not depress you, but will become pleasant. Think about how you relate to the people around you, whether this communication comes down only to receiving benefits from them. If so, then learn to give people joy and warmth.

How to achieve harmony within yourself?

Make sure that after meeting you people feel only joy and pleasant satisfaction and look forward to meeting you again. Help people, give them your support when they need it, then people will be grateful to you and will definitely come to your aid when you need it.

Don't forget about your family and friends, especially your parents and children, give them your warmth and love and always remind them of how much you love them. Be kind and treat people with respect, do not allow yourself to judge them and insult them.

Separately, I would like to say about material values. Many people mistakenly believe that the more material wealth they achieve, the more harmonious life will be. But only by understanding how to achieve harmony in your soul can you truly enjoy material values, and they can bring you joy.

Learn to hear yourself and listen to your inner voice, look for your path, your path, which will definitely lead you to happiness. This is a rather thorny road that every person should go through, but having withstood all the tests and done work on yourself, you will find not only harmony with yourself, but also with outside world, with the people around you.

That's all for today!

WITHwas youInna Izvekova.

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The world is the nature that surrounds us, filled with various elements... But the world is also our I, We. We shape this World and influence it. The world is our soul, our being. To fully understand his wisdom and become truly happy, we must take time for ourselves and our own subconscious. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to find harmony within yourself.

How to find harmony?

Let’s make a reservation right away that these methods may not be suitable for everyone. There are many different nuances. The effectiveness of such methods may depend on the following factors:

    From your inner world;

    from experience, that is, whether you took care of your balance and harmony before, or are just starting to do it now;

    whether you are in a compulsive situation in which you need to do something to restore harmony in your soul, for example, between work and health;

    on what kind of balance was lost, that is, on how deep the “deviation” you want to restore, what the situation looks like, and what exactly you would like to change;

    and, of course, motivation is an important factor.

And it is also important to remember that in such a matter there are no immediate results, you will need to be patient, and this is often the most difficult thing. Many are looking for some " magic wand” to change the situation with lightning speed, but it doesn’t happen that way. A person is a complex organism; it is body, soul, mind and heart. And all these parts are closely interconnected. If something happens to one part, it starts a chain reaction that affects all the others.

7 steps to finding harmony in the soul

The very first step that you will need to take to find harmony within yourself, and without which you cannot move on, is calmness.

"IN muddy water you won't see any stones at the bottom"

Another important element The thing to consider is integrity. Sometimes, when we lose our balance on a physical level (we fall into apathy, don’t want to move on, lose the desire to do anything at all), this affects all our components: our emotions and soul.

There are four components that make a person human:

    The physical component, our body;

    Mental component, mind;

  • Spirituality.

Only when all these elements function well does a person achieve harmony and balance within himself. To achieve the lost balance, we must act on all levels at the same time.

No. 1: physical

Take care of your body, do something good for yourself. Good fit:

    walk in the sun

    any movement (jogging, swimming),

    and other options.

Sometimes a simple walk will give good results. Some people began to feel better after taking walks and observing nature. But this is not suitable for everyone; some need something more energetic: intense running or martial arts.

By the way, when meditating, you can use: incense sticks. They will create the right atmosphere.

Restoring balance on a physical level can also involve changing your clothing. For example, if you change your wardrobe to clothes made of high-quality material, pleasant to the touch and pleasing to the eye, then this will have a positive effect on our physical component.

In a word, you need to start treating yourself as small child, whom you want to take care of and whom you want to pamper.

No. 2: mind

The best way to take care of your mind is meditation (we have tips for beginners). This is a complex topic that you will have to delve into. It is important to understand how our mind functions, what laws it obeys, and how we can work with it.

It happens that people completely surrender to meditation. They do this from 4 am to 9 pm, in complete silence, without the opportunity to read books, without the opportunity to write, watch films or listen to music. And they achieve zero results.

You need to listen to yourself, conduct some dialogue with your mind. Thanks to such an experience, you can get to know your mind and “tame” it. Because if you don't, he begins to completely control you and makes your ego grow. In such a state it is very difficult to hear intuition and inner voice.

At the very beginning, working with the mind takes a lot of time and requires regularity and persistence, but it shows brilliant results. Very often, there is no harmony in the soul precisely because of problems at this level of a person, so it is important to be able to control and regulate it. This, one might say, is the central control unit of a person. And you need to learn to work with it. The game is definitely worth the candle.

After all, it is the mind that takes us to a past that cannot be changed, or a future that does not yet exist, and thus prevents us from being in the present.


In the morning: Listen to your own breathing for 5 - 15 minutes. Think only about him. Focus carefully on just one part of your body—your nose—and feel the air moving in and out. Your attention should be focused only on this.

Important: Don’t get upset if you get lost, return to observing your breathing again and again.

In the evening: When you are in bed, before you fall asleep, replay the entire day in your head like a movie until the moment you wake up again in the morning.

This exercise will help you learn to control your mind.

Don’t try to do a lot and everything at once; in order to find harmony and balance within yourself, you need to act gradually. Our subconscious must get used to the changes and must not get tired, otherwise we will return to where we started, to old habits.

And yet, it is very important not to force yourself, not to break, not to change your favorite habits. Nothing will come of it, you’ll just ruin your mood, then you’ll have to get up and waste your energy. Habits must be loved. This is akin to how children were previously retrained in schools, forcing left-handers to write right hand. What comes naturally to you should stay with you.

No. 3: emotions

Emotions are an important guide; they let us know what we should pay attention to first. Take a closer look at them. Here, too, there are many methods on how to manage them.

An article almost on the topic: What are mantras? What they are, why they are needed and how they affect a person.

There are positive and negative emotions, but both are important. For example, there is a good old method, it is complex, but very effective. You can call it “only for the brave.”

It's about experiencing negative emotions. Overcome them without any “anesthesia” Do not run away from them. At first it will hurt, a lot. Then this feeling will decrease, and then finally disappear altogether.

Accepting how you feel gives you a sense of inner consistency. For example, if you feel sad, you really feel it, don’t pretend that everything is fine, don’t cover it up with an artificial smile, but don’t push this feeling deep into your soul.

Just accept these emotions without fear that they will cause harm. Pain and sadness are as natural as laughter. You shouldn't run away from them. And this is difficult, because modern world we do everything to avoid feeling negative emotions. But don’t tell anyone that finding harmony in the soul is easy.

Sometimes it is worth consciously allowing yourself to experience pain, because it is natural and everything happens for a reason.

Often people pretend that nothing is happening, but deep down they are suffering. They smile and at the same time tremble with fear. This behavior destroys internal balance and harmony, because we lose energy to maintain the external and illusory, we spend it on creating and wearing masks.

It would be much better if you didn't pretend. Being yourself is the easiest way to maintain balance in life. On the other hand, loss of balance is a situation in which it is easiest to recognize yourself and your needs.

No. 4: soul

Perhaps you should start looking for your mission, your passion, your soul's calling. And perhaps it is worth following this inner desire, despite the logical assessment of the mind.

The simple words, “I feel like I’m in heaven,” may well be true. We create both heaven and hell for ourselves. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your own paradise on earth, simply creating it in your life. It is very difficult to do, it takes a long time, but it is definitely possible.

Many people think that this is a luxury, that only very rich people can live like this. But this is far from true. Some of them also put a lot of knowledge, work, perseverance and, of course, passion into building their own paradise. After all, not everything can be measured in monetary terms.

Finding your own calling is a lifelong task. The task is incredibly difficult. But there are some exercises that can help. First you need to ask yourself questions:

  1. Why do I do what I do?
  2. Why should I do this?
  3. What meaning does this make to me?
  4. What is most important to me?
  5. What should I focus on in my life?

Write down your answers and set them aside. But keep collecting answers further, again and again. Over time, the truth will begin to emerge.

Sometimes it happens that when we ask ourselves such questions for the first time, we think about the answers for a long time. We thoroughly analyze everything in our heads and only then write it down. With each subsequent time, it takes less and less time to answer, but in the end it turns out that the most important thing was written much later.

And we begin to notice that there is no balance between thoughts and actions. We want one thing, but we do something completely different. And awareness of this is the first step towards harmony within yourself.

Life is a bit like spring cleaning. It lasts much longer than usual putting things in order and requires more effort. However, during it some decisions are made:

    what you need to get rid of

    what should be removed out of sight so as not to interfere,

All this leads to certain actions, but then everything around becomes cleaner, more comfortable, and it’s easier to breathe.

No. 5: space around

Take care of the space around you.

“what is outside is also inside”

Look at what surrounds you, what things, what decorations and trinkets. Look at them in the context of what events in your life they are associated with, how you feel when you look at these things, what memories come back and what these things bring to your life.

It's time to let go of everything that causes emotions you don't want to feel.

Sometimes some items stop making us happy over time, but we keep them out of habit. It is worthwhile from time to time to carefully analyze what surrounds us, and regularly get rid of what is no longer needed to make room for something new.

No. 6: nature

Connect with nature, look at the sun, feel the wind on your body. Enjoy beautiful plants, flowers, watch the sky.

Time after time you will see more and more beauty around you. And you yourself will be surprised that you didn’t notice all this before.

Communication with nature is an important stage on the path to finding harmony in the soul.

No. 7: Find something you're passionate about.

Look for hobbies, topics that absorb you completely. These are the things that make you incredibly happy, and time flies with them. It could be anything. And it’s especially good if you do this often.

Some people like to cook, some like to read, but there are a lot of options. But sometimes people feel like it's a waste of time. However, this is not true; if we like to do something, we must do it. This is the path to satisfaction and happiness, and therefore to harmony in the soul.

If you don't know what makes you happy, write yourself a list of things you love to do and don't worry about your mind making fun of your ideas. Then spend time on each item on the list. All this has several advantages:

  1. firstly, this way you will understand which activity is truly your true passion;
  2. and secondly, it is a way to learn something new about yourself.

Finding harmony within yourself is difficult. You have to try really hard and go for it. But once the balance is restored, you will feel real joy and satisfaction. Go for it!

Our life consists of constantly overcoming various difficulties. Entering and graduating from university, starting a family, finding a job. All these actions require step-by-step and labor-intensive work on yourself. Do not forget and discount complex interpersonal relationships with friends, family members, colleagues, they are the ones who sometimes take a lot of our effort. But it really can’t be any other way, since man is a social animal whose connection with the people around him in most cases comes first. How can you combine friendliness, openness and honesty with directness and a desire for privacy?

From all sides we are given daily advice and recommendations, we are taught by older and more experienced people. Each printed publication considers it its duty to give us a couple of guidelines and rules. If you analyze all the teachings and moralizing on this matter, you can come to the conclusion that they are useless and, to some extent, harmful. The main thing that each of us needs to understand is that our main task in life is the search for inner harmony, the ability to live in harmony with our desires. Only by understanding ourselves and our thoughts can we become happy.

But in order to find harmony with yourself, you must follow the basic rules.

  1. Keep your thoughts and space clean. Don’t let rubbish accumulate in your home or resentment in your soul; regularly cleanse your world and soul.
  2. Take care of your body. Jogging, gymnastics, swimming in the pool or yoga will make your body healthy, strong and increase your longevity. Healthy eating and lifestyle - will save you from sad thoughts about doctors and clinics, thereby allowing you to enjoy life more and better.
  3. Drink as much water as possible, water cleanses our body from the inside, which immediately becomes noticeable from the outside and, as you know, health is our main treasure and wealth.
  4. Read and analyze as much as possible, This great way to be alone with your thoughts and a great opportunity to learn to think. By learning to contemplate, you can understand the hidden motives of others and learn to understand them.
  5. Farewell. Don't waste your life on revenge. If you do not understand the value of this statement, re-read rules 1 and 4 again.
  6. Be grateful. To the sun for shining, to the morning for what has come. Thank those around you for the lessons you have learned, and your loved ones for the opportunity to feel mutual love. Find events in your life for which you really deserve to be grateful.

Of course, all these rules are a starting point for your new life. Over time, you will develop your own personal conditions and guidelines for life, the main thing is to find your path and walk it with a light heart and a happy gait.