A dream about a shovel means that you will have no choice and will have to complete the undertaking, otherwise you will simply be in danger of ruin. Seeing a broken shovel portends mourning and sadness. Buying a shovel in a dream means you will lose something very dear to you, although in essence not very valuable.

Hitting someone with a shovel is a sign adultery. Carrying soil with a shovel from one hole to another - such a dream says that you will have to be patient in order to teach the trainee assigned to you during the internship.

Digging a trench with a shovel to lay cables or pipes means profit. Sticking a shovel into viscous clay soil means your enemies will try to use every chance to annoy you as much as possible.

Working with a shovel in a garden or vegetable garden, digging up beds, portends prosperity and well-being for you. Hilling potatoes with a shovel means the beginning of a fragile and too risky enterprise; planting potatoes using a shovel as the main agricultural tool - such a dream promises you quick success; digging up the same potatoes with a shovel - in reality you will receive the desired news from a friend who is far away.

If you are digging a grave with a shovel, this portends the loss of friends and the cooling of your lover towards you. If your shovel stumbles upon something in the ground and it turns out to be a treasure, in reality such a dream can result in favorable changes in fate.

Digging a trench with a sapper shovel in a dream foretells that in reality you will feel unsure of your abilities. Getting a shovel out of the trunk of a car means perseverance in achieving your goal.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Shovel

If you dreamed of a shovel, the dream warns that your assertiveness, lack of restraint and unbridled passion frighten your partner and can cause disagreements, which will ultimately lead to a breakup.

Working with a shovel in a dream means an unusual and unexpected sexual contact that will be remembered for a long time by both you and your casual partner.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

covered with greenery or moss - a rich marriage; digging - for a quick funeral; lying on the ground - minor troubles; digging (if the ground is soft) means a quick completion of work; given land - wealth, prosperity depending on the size and type; beautiful, picturesque and very well-groomed land - a beautiful wife and happy marriage; underground passages (long walk) - difficult achievements of honor and wealth, despair and criticism are harmful in business; getting lost in underground passages is a quick profitable road; the earth is moving - happy changes.

I dreamed about the earth

according to Miller's dream book

To see fertile land in a dream - good sign; but if the land is barren and rocky, then failures and failures await you. If you dream that during a sea voyage you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream, foreshadowing sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you. Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden promises you prosperity and well-being. If your clothes are stained with earth, then you will have to leave the house, fleeing illness and persecution of the law.

Seeing the earth in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The image of the earth has a variety of interpretative meanings. Mother earth and mother nature are two idiomatic expressions used to describe the earth as the source of life. In a dream, the earth represents the source of our existence. In some cases, the earth conveys our feelings about shelter, home comfort or rejection, or it may be a dream from the category of so-called “chaos” dreams - about the end of the world. Dreams in which you are overcome by fear of nature may be the result of exposure to newspaper headlines.

Why do you have a dream about the earth?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life. If you dreamed of a desert land, then in the future humanity will face a terrible famine as a result of a long drought. Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. People will anger God and he will shake the Earth. Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and interesting things. If you dreamed of an ice-covered Earth, then in the not too distant future our planet will face icing. A long winter will come, and the earth will be covered with an ice crust for several years. To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you is a harbinger of a demographic crisis. Open in a dream new land- a sign of good luck in all matters.

I dreamed of digging

according to Miller's dream book

See in a dream excavation- means that a difficult, but by no means poor life awaits you. If, while digging a hole, you find some sparkling valuable things, then this promises a favorable turn of fate. But finding vast voids in the pit means that true misfortunes will haunt you. Water filling the hole you dug means that, despite your best efforts, the state of things is not subject to your will.

I dreamed about the planet

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream about a planet, in reality you will have a grueling trip and joyless work.

Expert answers


In a dream I see the earth rising outside the window (brown color) and after a while it squeezes out the window, and I see people who seem to be digging out, but for some reason I am afraid of them, and with my granddaughter and son I manage to get out through the door, we leave them . What does this dream mean? (NINA)

The earth in a dream symbolizes real life, habits, family traditions. Judging by the description of the dream, something happened in reality that you regarded as gross interference in your family life or a threat to tradition. Looks like you're not standing up for your rights, you're running away.

The dream about you digging the ground has a very a large number of values. Many dream interpreters say that this represents the source of life or is a harbinger of various kinds of disasters.

Why do you dream about digging the ground?

Everything connected with the earth has sacred meaning. What you dream of digging the earth in a dream foretells favorable things or, conversely, alarming forecasts. In order not to be mistaken in your premonitions, you need to remember all the details of your dream and what the plot was.

A dream in which you saw yourself digging the ground with a shovel suggests that you are actually overworked. But if, upon waking up, you are not left with an unpleasant feeling and emotions from what is happening in your night dreams, then this dream is not related to your emotional state, it can be considered prophetic. And what this prediction is for depends on the details of the dream.

Why do you dream of digging a hole?

Digging a hole in a dream means that you are looking for solutions to some problems or the implementation of your plans. Big hole - sign right decisions, which allow you to raise your standard of living, or develop spirituality. If you dreamed that you were forcing someone to work with a shovel, then this foreshadows disappointment in the relationship, a desire to blame your former partners for all the problems.

Digging the ground with your hands

Digging the ground with your hands indicates the solution to many problematic situations, worries, healing of diseases and the cessation of negative emotions. Forcibly digging a ditch in a dream means that in your relationship you are satisfied with passive obedience.

It’s a very bad dream if in the dream you just watch someone else digging the ground, and it doesn’t even matter what he does. This indicates disappointment in relationships and sex. You need to be more confident and take the initiative into your own hands.

Preparing soil for plants in a dream speaks of some kind of accomplishment, for example, actions such as planting flowers - you will meet selfless love, but if you dig the soil in the garden to plant potatoes, this means that your wishes will soon come true.

Why do you dream that a dead man is digging the ground?

If a deceased person is digging the ground in a dream, such a dream will not only leave a heavy aftertaste in the soul, but also predicts loss. If your relative was in this dream, then you will say goodbye to someone close to you; a stranger means a colleague or, perhaps, a neighbor.

If in a dream you see good fertile land, then be prepared that soon the success that you achieved on your own will come to you. For example, improvement in material terms or a rich wedding.

Firm but level ground under your feet means you're on the right track. life path. Seeing shaky, crumbling soil under your feet indicates different problems in your life and obstacles. The interpretation of such a dream may also indicate that you have doubts about your choice, a desire to deviate from the planned path.

A dream in which you are lying on the ground is a warning that a lot of small problems await you, which you can cope with without any difficulty.

Getting dirty in the ground in a dream

Getting dirty with earth in a dream means that you spend little time communicating with people close to you. If you sold land, then a change of residence awaits you. If you dreamed that you were eating earth in a dream, this is a very unkind sign; it foretells that a dark streak, depression and complete apathy will come in your life.

All these dreams indicate changes in life that should happen soon. And some dreams are like a beacon that will not allow you to disappear in difficult situations. life situations, will not allow you to make a mistake.

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The earth is not a simple, but rather a mysterious, multi-valued symbol. Dream books interpret it differently, depending on the smallest details seen by the sleeper, and even his well-being, mood, and actions he performs. Why then dream of digging the ground?


In Miller's dream book, almost all work related to soil is interpreted very favorably. In his opinion, such dreams promise a comfortable existence. But the sorceress Medea believes that by dripping earth in a dream, a person, even resting at night, cannot completely disconnect from all daytime worries. His brain continues to go through options for a possible solution to some significant problem.

Freud, as always, has an erotic explanation for why he dreamed of digging the ground. If the process was long and made you tense, then in reality you should have a very stormy experience. True, if you raked up clods of soil with your hands, then, alas, relationships with representatives of the opposite sex do not work out. You are unlucky and suffer from complexes.

It’s worse if in a dream you handed it to someone and ordered them to dig the ground. The dream book suggests that in fact you have put an end to your personal life, being confident that your former sexual partners are to blame for almost all the misfortunes and troubles that have happened to you.

To dream that you were given a tool and forced to dig a ditch is a sign that you do not seek to dominate your relationship with your partner, giving him all the initiative. Sigmund Freud also mentions that the sleeper is simply watching someone digging the ground. Regardless of the instrument of labor, such a dream is interpreted by a psychoanalyst as the absence of carnal desires and sexual fantasies. In other words, the dreamer does not strive for sensual pleasures.

Do you see in a dream that someone is digging the earth and even eating it? If you recognize the person who dreamed in this vision, then, according to the Muslim dream book, you will be able to predict his selfish intentions in real life. Perhaps he wanted to appropriate some of your things or ideas. To see something you dug up in your night dreams means that you are earning money through righteous labor.

Dream Interpretation Earth - ???? The image of the earth evoked by your subconscious in a dream is probably a consequence of your meeting in real life with a person who “stands firmly on his own two feet” (such an inhabitant of our planet is popularly called a “man of the earth”) It is quite likely that the image of the earth arose in your dream and since in reality you have in one way or another encountered the following popular expressions: “Heaven is the throne of God, earth is ???? foot", "The earth stands on 3 pillars", "Mother earth - gives treasure", "Earth, water - will remain, but we will not be", "Jerasulim is the navel of the earth." Sitting on the ground in a dream is a sign that something unexpected and at the same time terrible will happen to you. You turn to God for help. If you dreamed that you were lying on the ground, then such a dream is not a very good harbinger and it turns out that soon you will face a powerful blow that will forever knock you out of the normal rhythm of life. Digging the ground in a dream is a symbol that in real life you are a completely economical and economical person who can handle all sorts of things. If in a dream you are planting something in the ground, then this dream tells you that in real life you need to do agriculture, it is quite possible that you will even organize your own company. This business will bring you untold income and improve your financial situation. Making a land rampart in a dream is a prediction of your imminent meeting with a noble, courageous, independent person who will help significant influence for your life. Holding a handful of earth in your hand in a dream means a certificate that last years you often think about death. Try not to talk about it, such thoughts will lead to nothing good. It is quite likely that such a dream means that you will be a participant in the funeral of an inhabitant of our planet close to you. Throwing yourself on the ground in a dream means that you are thinking badly about a person close to you to no avail. You blame him for what he does. Getting smeared with earth in a dream is a symbol that you will soon...

Dream Interpretation Earth - on shoes - fortune in business. Digging the ground means completing current affairs to your benefit. Plowing the land means starting a new exciting business that will bring you triumph and recognition in the future. To stain your clothes with earth - business will make you forget about your loved ones.

Why do you dream about the Earth? Creating the earth means wealth and power. In the event that someone sees in a dream that he is drawing a plan of some building on the ground, then he will receive from God the ability to organize his own worldly affairs, or will master any science that will help organize his affairs in relation to religion. In the event that someone sees in a dream that he is digging the earth and eating the dug earth, then he will acquire property through cunning and falsification. In the event that someone sees that he is trampling the ground, it means that his death is approaching. In the event that someone sees that he is digging the ground and drawing water from a hole, he will obtain the means of subsistence using the permitted method.

Interpretations of dreams Earth - seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prediction of a good harvest and a comfortable life. In the event that you dreamed of a desert land, then in the future humanity will face a terrible appetite as a result of a long drought. Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will cause hundreds of deaths. The inhabitants of Our Planet are angry with God - and he will agitate the Earth. To create in a dream a ball soars towards the Earth - a certificate such that an impressive secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and attractive things. In the event that you dreamed about the Earth being covered with ice, then in the not so distant future our planet will face icing. An endless winter will come, and the earth will be covered with a cold crust for a couple of years. To be in a dream on a small peninsula, on which many of the inhabitants of our planet are located along with you, is a harbinger of a demographic crisis. Opening a brand new land in a dream is a symbol of good luck for vodela.

Why dream of digging earth with a shovel? Physical work seen during a night's rest is a sign of overwork. However, if the dream is remembered and the emotions have not changed after waking up, then it can be a prediction. But what he predicts depends on his details.

Sitting on the ground in a dream is evidence that something unexpected and at the same time scary will happen to you. You turn to God for help. If you dreamed that you were lying on the ground, then such a dream is not a very good sign and means that soon you will have to swipe, which will knock you out of the normal rhythm of life for a long time. Digging the ground in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very economical and thrifty person who can handle any task. If in a dream you plant something in the ground, then this dream tells you that in real life you should start farming, perhaps even organize your own company. This business will bring you incredible income and improve your financial situation. Making an earthen rampart in a dream is a prophecy of your imminent meeting with a noble, courageous, independent person who will have a significant impact on your life. Holding a handful of earth in your hand in a dream is evidence that in Lately you think about death very often. Try not to think about it, such thoughts will not lead to anything good. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be a participant in the funeral of someone close to you. Throwing yourself on the ground in a dream means that you are in vain thinking badly about a person close to you. You blame him for what he is doing. Getting smeared with earth in a dream is a sign that you will soon acquire something very valuable. Perhaps such a dream means that you will win a large sum of money in the lottery. Eating land in a dream means a successful operation or receiving a large inheritance, as the dream book says about this dream.

Solid confirmation of the correct move. Loose, unstable to vibrations, which interferes with the path. Falls underfoot into problems with official organizations (for example Pension Fund, tax office, passport office, housing office). Go underground and check your health: allergies, asthma, diathesis. Digging the ground is a waste of time. Collect in time for the fierce winter. If you pick it up and sprinkle the ground, your close friend or family member will turn out to be a petty person, take a closer look. You are covered with earth; you are petty and picky, not to the point.

The image of the earth evoked by your subconscious in a dream is most likely a consequence of your meeting in real life with a person who “stands firmly on his own two feet” (such a person is popularly called a “man of the earth”) Perhaps the image of the earth appeared in your dream and that’s why that in reality you have in one way or another encountered the following popular expressions: “The sky is the throne of God, the earth is the footstool”, “the earth stands on three pillars”, “the mother earth gives treasure”, “the earth and water will remain, but us there will be no”, “Jerasulim is the navel of the earth.”

Seeing fertile land in a dream is a good sign; but if the land is barren and rocky, then failures and failures await you. If you dream that during a sea voyage you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream, foreshadowing sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you. Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden promises you prosperity and prosperity. If your clothes are contaminated with earth, then you will have to leave the house, fleeing illness and persecution of the law.

Solid - confirmation of the correct move. Loose, unstable - vibrations that interfere with the path. If it falls under your feet, it means problems with official organizations (for example, a pension fund, tax office, passport office, housing office). Fall underground - check your health: allergies, asthma, diathesis. Digging the ground is a waste of time. Collecting this means for a fierce winter. Pick it up, sprinkle it on the ground - your close friend or family member will turn out to be a petty person, take a closer look. They sprinkle earth on you - you are petty and picky beyond the point.

Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life. If you dreamed of a desert land, then in the future humanity will face a terrible famine as a result of a long drought. Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. People are angry with God - and he will stir up the Earth. Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and interesting things. If you dreamed of the Earth being covered with ice, then in the not too distant future our planet will experience icing. A long winter will come, and the earth will be covered with an ice crust for several years. To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you is a harbinger of a demographic crisis. Discovering a new land in a dream is a sign of good luck in all matters.

Seeing fertile land in a dream is a good sign; but if the land is barren and rocky, then failures and failures await you. If you dream that during a sea voyage you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream, foreshadowing sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you. Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden promises you prosperity and well-being. If your clothes are contaminated with earth, then you will have to leave the house, fleeing illness and persecution of the law.

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